public UserProfileArgs(Status _status) { statuslist = _status; }
private void detach_Status(Status entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Account = null; }
void UpdateIsMarkAsRead(Status status) { if (status != null) { tbtweetsText.FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal; _isRead = true; status.IsRead = true; LocalStatusBO.SaveChanges(); status.OnUnReadPropertyChanged(status); borderBg.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); } }
private void detach_Status(Status entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.UserProfile = null; }
private void attach_Status(Status entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Account = this; }
public void TweetActions(object entitybase, TOBEntityEnum tweetEnum) { _currentMode = tweetEnum; btnTweet.IsChecked = true; string screenname = null; string text = null; if (entitybase is Status) { this.status = entitybase as Status; screenname = status.UserProfile.ScreenName; text = status.Text; } else if (entitybase is TweetSharp.TwitterStatus) { TweetSharp.TwitterStatus ts = (entitybase as TweetSharp.TwitterStatus); screenname = ts.User.ScreenName; text = ts.Text; } else if (entitybase is TweetSharp.TwitterSearchStatus) { TweetSharp.TwitterSearchStatus ts = (entitybase as TweetSharp.TwitterSearchStatus); screenname = ts.FromUserScreenName; text = ts.Text; } else if (entitybase is DirectMessage) { this._directMessage = entitybase as DirectMessage; screenname = _directMessage.UserProfile.ScreenName; } else if (entitybase is string) { txtTweets.Text = "d " + entitybase + " "; } switch (tweetEnum) { case TOBEntityEnum.ReTweet: { txtTweets.Text = "RT " + "@" + screenname + ": " + text; break; } case TOBEntityEnum.DirectMessages: { txtTweets.Text = "d " + screenname + " "; break; } case TOBEntityEnum.Replies: { txtTweets.Text = "@" + screenname + " "; break; } } ExpandTweetBox(); }
private void attach_Status(Status entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.UserProfile = this; }
public void GroupsPopUpDisplay(Status status) { _accountInfo.GroupsPopup(status); }
public void RemoveUserFromList(Status status) { _accountInfo.ListUserRemovePopUp(status); }
partial void UpdateStatus(Status instance);
public void DeleteTweets(Status status) { if (status != null) { MessageBoxResult messageResult; messageResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete?", "Delete Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (messageResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { TOBTwitterO Twitter = new TOBTwitterO(status.Account); Twitter.DeleteStatus(status.TwitterStatusId.Value); _statusCollection.Remove(status as TOBEntityBase); _currentTweetsView.Collection = _statusCollection; } } }
partial void InsertStatus(Status instance);
partial void DeleteStatus(Status instance);
private Status GetTOBStatusFromTSStatus(TwitterStatus ts) { //Return back null if Status is already part of the stream. //if (LocalStatusBO.Get(s => s.TwitterStatusId == ts.Id) != null) // return null; Status retObj = new Status(); retObj.AccountId = Acc.Id; retObj.AccountsId = Acc.Id; // Why do we have creationdate? Is this the local time/date? retObj.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; retObj.InReplyToUserId = ts.InReplyToUserId; retObj.InReplyToStatusId = ts.InReplyToStatusId; retObj.IsFavorited = ts.IsFavorited; retObj.IsTruncated = ts.IsTruncated; retObj.Source = ts.Source; retObj.Text = ts.Text; retObj.TwitterCreatedDate = ts.CreatedDate; retObj.SortableColumn = ts.CreatedDate; retObj.TwitterStatusId = ts.Id; retObj.TwitterUserId = ts.User.Id; if (ts.Location != null && ts.Location.Coordinates != null) { retObj.Latitude = ts.Location.Coordinates.Latitude; retObj.Longitude = ts.Location.Coordinates.Longitude; } //else //{ // retObj.Latitude = 0; // retObj.Longitude = 0; //} UserProfile tup = GetUserProfile(ts.User); if(tup != null) { retObj.UserProfileId = tup.Id; retObj.SearchableString = (retObj.Text + " " + ts.User.ScreenName + " " + ts.User.Name).ToLower(); } if (MarkAsRead.Instance.IsMinimized == true || MarkAsRead.Instance.IsNotActive == true) { retObj.IsRead = false; retObj.IsMarkAsRead = false; } else { retObj.IsRead = true; retObj.IsMarkAsRead = true; } return retObj; }
public void ListUserRemovePopUp(Status status) { PopupRemoveUserfromList.IsOpen = true; listBoxRemoveUserList.ItemsSource = _twitterListExt; _status = status; }
public void GroupsPopup(Status status) { PopupGroups.IsOpen = true; listboxGroupsPopup.ItemsSource = _twitterListExt; if (_twitterListExt.Count < 1) { tbGroupsError.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { tbGroupsError.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } _status = status; }