public static void Postfix(Plant __instance, ThingDef parentDef) { if (__instance.def.HasModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>()) { ThingWeatherReaction mod = __instance.def.GetModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>(); if (!mod.frostGraphicPath.NullOrEmpty()) { string id = __instance.def.defName + "frost"; LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(delegate { __instance.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, mod.frostGraphicPath, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo)); }); } if (!mod.droughtGraphicPath.NullOrEmpty()) { string id = __instance.def.defName + "drought"; LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(delegate { __instance.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, mod.droughtGraphicPath, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo)); }); } if (!mod.floweringGraphicPath.NullOrEmpty()) { string id = __instance.def.defName + "flowering"; LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(delegate { __instance.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, mod.floweringGraphicPath, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo)); }); } } }
public bool canPutOnTerrain(IntVec3 c, ThingDef thingDef, Map map) { TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(map); //make sure plants are spawning on terrain that they're limited to: ThingWeatherReaction weatherReaction = thingDef.GetModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>(); if (weatherReaction != null && terrain != null && weatherReaction.allowedTerrains != null) { //if they're only allowed to spawn in certain terrains, stop it from spawning. if (!weatherReaction.allowedTerrains.Contains(terrain)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private void clearLoot() { if (!location.IsValid) { return; } List <Thing> things = location.GetThingList(; List <string> remove = new List <string>() { "FilthSlime", "TKKN_FilthShells", "TKKN_FilthPuddle", "TKKN_FilthSeaweed", "TKKN_FilthDriftwood", "TKKN_Sculpture_Shell", "Kibble", "Steel", "Cloth", "WoodLog", "Synthread", "Hyperweave", "Kibble", "SimpleProstheticLeg", "MedicineIndustrial", "ComponentIndustrial", "Neutroamine", "Chemfuel", "MealSurvivalPack", "Pemmican", "Silver", "Plasteel", "Gold", "Uranium", "Jade", "Heart", "Lung", "BionicEye", "ScytherBlade", "ElephantTusk", "AIPersonaCore", "MechSerumHealer", "MechSerumNeurotrainer", "ComponentSpacer", "MedicineUltratech", "ThrumboHorn", }; for (int i = things.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (remove.Contains(things[i].def.defName)) { things[i].Destroy(); continue; } //remove any plants that might've grown: Plant plant = things[i] as Plant;; if (plant != null) { if (plant.def.HasModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>()) { TerrainDef terrain = currentTerrain; ThingWeatherReaction thingWeather = plant.def.GetModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>(); List <TerrainDef> okTerrains = thingWeather.allowedTerrains; if (!okTerrains.Contains <TerrainDef>(currentTerrain)) { Log.Warning("Destroying " + plant.def.defName + " at " + location.ToString() + " on " + currentTerrain.defName); plant.Destroy(); } } else { plant.Destroy(); } } } }
private void leaveLoot() { float leaveSomething = Rand.Value; if (leaveSomething < 0.001f) { float leaveWhat = Rand.Value; List <string> allowed = new List <string>(); if (leaveWhat > 0.1f) { //leave trash; allowed = new List <string> { "Filth_Slime", "TKKN_FilthShells", "TKKN_FilthPuddle", "TKKN_FilthSeaweed", "TKKN_FilthDriftwood", "TKKN_Sculpture_Shell", "Kibble", "EggRoeFertilized", "EggRoeUnfertilized", }; } else if (leaveWhat > 0.05f) { //leave resource; allowed = new List <string> { "Steel", "Cloth", "WoodLog", "Synthread", "Hyperweave", "Kibble", "SimpleProstheticLeg", "MedicineIndustrial", "ComponentIndustrial", "Neutroamine", "Chemfuel", "MealSurvivalPack", "Pemmican", }; } else if (leaveWhat > 0.03f) { // leave treasure. allowed = new List <string> { "Silver", "Plasteel", "Gold", "Uranium", "Jade", "Heart", "Lung", "BionicEye", "ScytherBlade", "ElephantTusk", }; string text = "TKKN_NPS_TreasureWashedUpText".Translate(); Messages.Message(text, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } else if (leaveWhat > 0.02f) { //leave ultrarare allowed = new List <string> { "AIPersonaCore", "MechSerumHealer", "MechSerumNeurotrainer", "ComponentSpacer", "MedicineUltratech", "ThrumboHorn", }; string text = "TKKN_NPS_UltraRareWashedUpText".Translate(); Messages.Message(text, MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } if (allowed.Count > 0) { int leaveWhat2 = Rand.Range(1, allowed.Count) - 1; Thing loot = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named(allowed[leaveWhat2]), null); if (loot != null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(loot, location,; } else { // Log.Error(allowed[leaveWhat2]); } } } else //grow water and shore plants: if (leaveSomething < 0.002f && location.GetPlant(map) == null && location.GetCover( == null) { List <ThingDef> plants =; for (int i = plants.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //spawn some water plants: ThingDef plantDef = plants[i]; if (plantDef.HasModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>()) { TerrainDef terrain = currentTerrain; ThingWeatherReaction thingWeather = plantDef.GetModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>(); List <TerrainDef> okTerrains = thingWeather.allowedTerrains; if (okTerrains != null && okTerrains.Contains <TerrainDef>(currentTerrain)) { Plant plant = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(plantDef, null); plant.Growth = Rand.Range(0.07f, 1f); if (plant.def.plant.LimitedLifespan) { plant.Age = Rand.Range(0, Mathf.Max(plant.def.plant.LifespanTicks - 50, 0)); } GenSpawn.Spawn(plant, location, map); break; } } } } }
public static void Postfix(Plant __instance, ref Graphic __result) { string id = __instance.def.defName; if (!__instance.def.HasModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>()) { return; } ThingWeatherReaction mod = __instance.def.GetModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>(); Map map = __instance.Map; string path = ""; //get flowering or drought graphic if it's over 70 if (__instance.AmbientTemperature > 21) { Watcher watcher = map.GetComponent <Watcher>(); cellData cell; if (watcher.cellWeatherAffects[__instance.Position] != null) { cell = watcher.cellWeatherAffects[__instance.Position]; Vector2 location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(__instance.MapHeld.Tile); Season season = GenDate.Season((long)Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.floweringGraphicPath) && ((cell.howWetPlants > 60 && map.weatherManager.RainRate <= .001f) || season == Season.Spring)) { id += "flowering"; path = mod.floweringGraphicPath; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.droughtGraphicPath) && cell.howWetPlants < 20) { id += "drought"; path = mod.droughtGraphicPath; } else if (__instance.def.plant.leaflessGraphic != null && cell.howWetPlants < 20) { id += "drought"; path = __instance.def.plant.leaflessGraphic.path; } } } if (path != "") { if (!map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id)) { //only load the image once. map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, path, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo)); } if (map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id)) { __result = map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder[id]; } return; } if (Settings.showCold) { //get snow graphic if (map.snowGrid.GetDepth(__instance.Position) >= 0.5f) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.snowGraphicPath)) { id += "snow"; path = mod.snowGraphicPath; } } else if (map.GetComponent <FrostGrid>().GetDepth(__instance.Position) >= 0.6f) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.frostGraphicPath)) { id += "frost"; path = mod.frostGraphicPath; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } //if it's leafless if (__instance.def.plant.leaflessGraphic == __result) { id += "leafless"; path = path.Replace("Frosted", "Frosted/Leafless"); path = path.Replace("Snow", "Snow/Leafless"); path += "_Leafless"; } else if (__instance.def.blockWind) { //make it so snow doesn't fall under the tree until it's leafless. // map.snowGrid.AddDepth(__instance.Position, -.05f); } } if (!map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id)) { //only load the image once. map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, path, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo)); } if (map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id)) { __result = map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder[id]; } return; }
public static void Postfix(Plant __instance, ref Graphic __result) { //return; if (!Settings.showCold) { return; } string id = __instance.def.defName; if (!__instance.def.HasModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>()) { return; } ThingWeatherReaction mod = __instance.def.GetModExtension <ThingWeatherReaction>(); string path = ""; //get snow graphic if (__instance.Map.snowGrid.GetDepth(__instance.Position) >= 0.5f) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.snowGraphicPath)) { id += "snow"; path = mod.snowGraphicPath; } } else if (__instance.Map.GetComponent <FrostGrid>().GetDepth(__instance.Position) >= 0.6f) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mod.frostGraphicPath)) { id += "frost"; path = mod.frostGraphicPath; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } //if it's leafless if (__instance.def.plant.leaflessGraphic == __result) { id += "leafless"; path = path.Replace("Frosted", "Frosted/Leafless"); path = path.Replace("Snow", "Snow/Leafless"); path += "_Leafless"; } else if (__instance.def.blockWind) { //make it so snow doesn't fall under the tree until it's leafless. // __instance.Map.snowGrid.AddDepth(__instance.Position, -.05f); } if (!__instance.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id)) { //only load the image once. __instance.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.Add(id, GraphicDatabase.Get(__instance.def.graphicData.graphicClass, path, __instance.def.graphic.Shader, __instance.def.graphicData.drawSize, __instance.def.graphicData.color, __instance.def.graphicData.colorTwo)); } if (__instance.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder.ContainsKey(id)) { //only load the image once. __result = __instance.Map.GetComponent <Watcher>().graphicHolder[id]; } }