コード例 #1
        public JsonResult UpdateMyProfile(FormCollection fc)
            var ReturnCode = new ReturnCodeObj()
                StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError,
                StatusMessage = String.Empty

                DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now;
                Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]);
                var field_names = new string[] { "phone" };
                bool isMissingRequiredFields = false;

                foreach (var x in tmpCollection)
                    if (!field_names.Contains(x.Key))
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value))
                            isMissingRequiredFields = true;

                if (!isMissingRequiredFields) // process form
                    string firstname = tmpCollection["firstname"];
                    string lastname = tmpCollection["lastname"];
                    string phone = string.Empty;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["phone"]))
                        phone = fc["phone"];

                    if (firstname.Length > 32)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "First Name cannot exceed 32 characters.";
                    if (lastname.Length > 32)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Last Name cannot exceed 32 characters.";

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnCode.StatusMessage))
                        return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

                    if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                        var context = new IPTV2Entities();
                        var userId = new System.Guid(User.Identity.Name);
                        var user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId);
                        if (user != null)
                            user.FirstName = firstname;
                            user.LastName = lastname;
                            user.PhoneNumber = phone;

                            if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                //update userinfo in gigya
                                ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "You have successfully updated your profile";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "User does not exist.";
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Your session has already expired. Please login again.";
                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields.";
            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); ReturnCode.StatusMessage = String.Format("Exception: {0} | Inner Exception: {1}", e.Message, e.InnerException.Message); }
            return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
コード例 #2
        public JsonResult VerifyPrepaidCard(FormCollection fc)
            var ReturnCode = new ReturnCodeObj()
                StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError,
                StatusMessage = String.Empty

                DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now;
                Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]);
                bool isMissingRequiredFields = false;

                foreach (var x in tmpCollection)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value))
                        isMissingRequiredFields = true;

                if (!isMissingRequiredFields) // process form
                    string serial = fc["serial"];
                    string pin = fc["pin"];
                    serial = serial.Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                    pin = pin.Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                    if (!Request.IsLocal)
                        pin = MyUtility.GetSHA1(pin); // encrypt

                    if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                        Ppc.ErrorCode code;
                        var context = new IPTV2Entities();
                        System.Guid userId = new System.Guid(User.Identity.Name);
                        User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId);
                        if (user != null)
                            Offering offering = context.Offerings.Find(GlobalConfig.offeringId);
                            if (user.HasPendingGomsChangeCountryTransaction(offering))
                                ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "We are processing your recent change in location. Please try again after a few minutes.";
                                var ppc = context.Ppcs.FirstOrDefault(p => String.Compare(p.SerialNumber, serial, true) == 0);
                                if (ppc != null)
                                    if (!(String.Compare(ppc.SerialNumber, serial, true) == 0 && String.Compare(ppc.Pin, pin, false) == 0))
                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Invalid serial/pin combination.";
                                    else if (ppc.ExpirationDate < registDt)
                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Prepaid Card/ePIN is already expired.";
                                    else if (ppc.UserId != null)
                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Prepaid Card/ePIN is already used.";
                                        if (ppc is ReloadPpc)
                                            if (user.HasExceededMaximumReloadTransactionsForTheDay(GlobalConfig.reloadTransactionMaximumThreshold, registDt))
                                                ReturnCode.StatusMessage = String.Format("You have exceeded the maximum number of transactions ({0}) allowed per day. Please try again later.", GlobalConfig.paymentTransactionMaximumThreshold);
                                            else // process reloadPpc                                            
                                                code = ReloadHelper.ReloadViaPrepaidCard(context, userId, serial, pin);
                                                if (code == Ppc.ErrorCode.Success)
                                                    var wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, user.Country.CurrencyCode, true) == 0);
                                                    ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = String.Format("You have successfully topped up your wallet. Your wallet balance is {0} {1}.", wallet.Currency, wallet.Balance);
                                                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = MyUtility.GetPpcErrorMessages(code);

                                        else if (ppc is SubscriptionPpc)
                                            if (user.HasExceededMaximumPaymentTransactionsForTheDay(GlobalConfig.paymentTransactionMaximumThreshold, registDt))
                                                ReturnCode.StatusMessage = String.Format("You have exceeded the maximum number of transactions ({0}) allowed per day. Please try again later.", GlobalConfig.paymentTransactionMaximumThreshold);
                                                SubscriptionPpc sPpc = (SubscriptionPpc)ppc;
                                                Product product = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == sPpc.ProductId);
                                                if (product == null)
                                                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "This product does not exist.";
                                                    SubscriptionProductType subscriptionType = ContextHelper.GetProductType(product);
                                                    TFCTV.Models.ErrorResponse response = PaymentHelper.PayViaPrepaidCard(context, userId, sPpc.ProductId, subscriptionType, serial, pin, userId, null);
                                                    code = (Ppc.ErrorCode)response.Code;
                                                    if (code == Ppc.ErrorCode.Success)
                                                        ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = String.Format("You have successfully subscribed to {0}.", product.Description);
                                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = MyUtility.GetAirPlusPpcErrorMessages(code);
                                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Unable to retrieve this type of Prepaid Card/ePIN.";
                                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Prepaid Card/ePIN does not exist.";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "User does not exist.";
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Your session has already expired. Please login again.";
                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields.";
            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); ReturnCode.StatusMessage = String.Format("Exception: {0} | Inner Exception: {1}", e.Message, e.InnerException.Message); }
            return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);