public ActionResult _SignUp(FormCollection f) { var context = new IPTV2Entities(); Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(f["email"])) { collection.Add("errorCode", -1); collection.Add("errorMessage", "Please fill up your email address."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); // Do something } string email = f["email"]; RegexUtilities util = new RegexUtilities(); //if (!MyUtility.isEmail(email)) if (!util.IsValidEmail(email)) { collection.Add("errorCode", (int)ErrorCodes.IsNotValidEmail); collection.Add("errorMessage", "Invalid email format."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } var tester = context.BetaTesters.FirstOrDefault(b => b.EMailAddress == email); if (tester == null) // New sign up { context.BetaTesters.Add(new BetaTester() { EMailAddress = email, DateSent = DateTime.Now, InvitationKey = System.Guid.NewGuid(), InvitedBy = System.Guid.Parse("9B4216E8-69BA-4548-9552-4CD065E58D3E") }); int result = context.SaveChanges(); if (result > 0) { //Success collection.Add("errorCode", 0); collection.Add("errorMessage", "Thank you for signing up!"); } else { //Fail collection.Add("errorCode", -2); collection.Add("errorMessage", "The system encountered an unidentified error. Please try again."); } } else { // USer has signed up collection.Add("errorCode", -3); collection.Add("errorMessage", "You have already signed up."); } return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); }
public JsonResult _RegisterAndSubscribe(FormCollection fc) { var ReturnCode = new TransactionReturnType() { StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError, StatusMessage = String.Empty, info = "Registration", TransactionType = "Registration" }; if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Invalid request"; return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } bool isSourceAir = false; string url = Url.Action("Register", "User").ToString(); var field_names = new string[] { "uid", "provider", "full_name", "pid", "cmd", "a1", "p1", "t1", "a3", "t3", "p3", "src", "item_name", "amount", "currency", "custom", "ip" }; try { if (TempData["qs"] != null) { var qs = (NameValueCollection)TempData["qs"]; ViewBag.qs = qs; TempData["qs"] = qs; } DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now; Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]); bool isMissingRequiredFields = false; foreach (var x in tmpCollection) { if (!field_names.Contains(x.Key)) if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)) { isMissingRequiredFields = true; break; } } if (!isMissingRequiredFields) // process form { var ip = Request.GetUserHostAddressFromCloudflare(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCollection["ip"])) ip = tmpCollection["ip"]; var location = MyUtility.GetLocationBasedOnIpAddress(ip); string FirstName = tmpCollection["first_name"]; string LastName = tmpCollection["last_name"]; string EMail = tmpCollection["p_login_email"]; string ConfirmEmail = tmpCollection["p_login_email_c"]; string Password = tmpCollection["login_pass"]; //autodetect country, city, state string CountryCode = location.countryCode; string City =; string State = location.region; string provider = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCollection["provider"]) ? String.Empty : tmpCollection["provider"]; string uid = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCollection["uid"]) ? String.Empty : tmpCollection["uid"]; System.Guid userId = System.Guid.NewGuid(); string browser = Request.UserAgent; if (FirstName.Length > 32) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "First Name cannot exceed 32 characters."; if (LastName.Length > 32) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Last Name cannot exceed 32 characters."; if (EMail.Length > 64) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address cannot exceed 64 characters."; if (State.Length > 30) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "State cannot exceed 30 characters."; if (City.Length > 50) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "City cannot exceed 50 characters."; if (String.Compare(EMail, ConfirmEmail, true) != 0) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email addresses do not match"; RegexUtilities util = new RegexUtilities(); //if (!MyUtility.isEmail(EMail)) if (!util.IsValidEmail(EMail)) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is invalid."; var context = new IPTV2Entities(); User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, EMail, true) == 0); if (user != null) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is already taken."; if (GlobalConfig.ExcludedCountriesFromRegistrationDropDown.Split(',').Contains(CountryCode)) // check if country is part of the exclusion list first ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Country does not exist."; else if (context.Countries.Count(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0) <= 0) // then check if country is part of the list ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Country does not exist."; if (context.States.Count(s => String.Compare(s.CountryCode, CountryCode, true) == 0) > 0) if (context.States.Count(s => String.Compare(s.CountryCode, CountryCode, true) == 0 && (String.Compare(s.StateCode, State, true) == 0 || String.Compare(s.Name, State, true) == 0)) <= 0) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "State is invalid for this country."; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnCode.StatusMessage)) return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); user = new User() { UserId = userId, FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, City = City, State = State, CountryCode = CountryCode, EMail = EMail, Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password), GigyaUID = userId.ToString(), RegistrationDate = registDt, LastUpdated = registDt, RegistrationIp = ip, StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible, ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid(), DateVerified = registDt }; try { if (Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("tuid")) user.RegistrationCookie = Request.Cookies["tuid"].Value; else if (Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("regcook")) user.RegistrationCookie = Request.Cookies["regcook"].Value; } catch (Exception) { } ////check for cookie try { var dt = DateTime.Parse(Request.Cookies["rcDate"].Value); if (registDt.Subtract(dt).Days < 45) { ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "We have detected that you have already registered using this machine."; return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } catch (Exception) { } string CurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency; var country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0); if (country != null) CurrencyCode = country.CurrencyCode; var wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, CurrencyCode, true) == 0); if (wallet == null) // Wallet does not exist. Create new wallet for User. { wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(0, CurrencyCode, registDt); user.UserWallets.Add(wallet); } var transaction = new RegistrationTransaction() { RegisteredState = user.State, RegisteredCity = user.City, RegisteredCountryCode = user.CountryCode, Amount = 0, Currency = CurrencyCode, Reference = isSourceAir ? "New Registration (air)" : "New Registration", Date = registDt, OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId, UserId = user.UserId, StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible }; user.Transactions.Add(transaction); context.Users.Add(user); if (context.SaveChanges() > 0) { string verification_email = String.Format("{0}/User/Verify?key={1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, user.ActivationKey.ToString()); if (isSourceAir) { try { verification_email = String.Format("{0}&source=air", verification_email); var template = MyUtility.GetUrlContent(GlobalConfig.ProjectAirEmailVerificationBodyTemplateUrl); var htmlBody = String.Format(template, FirstName, EMail, verification_email); if (!Request.IsLocal) try { MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your account", htmlBody, MailType.HtmlOnly, String.Empty); } catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e, "Unable to send email via SendGrid"); } } catch (Exception) { string emailBody = String.Format(GlobalConfig.EmailVerificationBodyTextOnly, FirstName, EMail, verification_email); if (!Request.IsLocal) try { MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your account", emailBody, MailType.TextOnly, emailBody); } catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e, "Unable to send email via SendGrid"); } } } else { string emailBody = String.Format(GlobalConfig.EmailVerificationBodyTextOnly, FirstName, EMail, verification_email); if (!Request.IsLocal) try { MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your account", emailBody, MailType.TextOnly, emailBody); } catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e, "Unable to send email via SendGrid"); } } GSResponse res = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(provider)) { Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>(); collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId); collection.Add("uid", Uri.UnescapeDataString(uid)); collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", provider)); res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", GigyaHelpers.buildParameter(collection)); if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) //Successful link { if (user != null) { var UserId = user.UserId.ToString(); user.StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible; //activate account user.DateVerified = DateTime.Now; SetAutheticationCookie(UserId); SetSession(UserId); if (!ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user)) context.SaveChanges(); } } } else { var info = new GigyaUserInfo() { firstName = FirstName, lastName = LastName, email = EMail }; var registrationInfo = new GigyaNotifyLoginInfo() { siteUID = user.UserId.ToString(), cid = "TFCTV - Registration", sessionExpiration = 0, newUser = true, userInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info) }; GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(registrationInfo)); res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyLogin", obj); } if (user != null) { if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible) { int freeTrialProductId = 0; if (GlobalConfig.IsFreeTrialEnabled) { freeTrialProductId = MyUtility.GetCorrespondingFreeTrialProductId(); if (GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2StartDate < registDt && GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2EndDate > registDt) { string UserCountryCode = user.CountryCode; if (!GlobalConfig.isUAT) try { UserCountryCode = MyUtility.GetCountryCodeViaIpAddressWithoutProxy(); } catch (Exception) { } var countryList = GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2CountryWhiteList.Split(','); if (countryList.Contains(UserCountryCode) && String.Compare(user.CountryCode, UserCountryCode, true) == 0) freeTrialProductId = GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2ProductId; } PaymentHelper.PayViaWallet(context, userId, freeTrialProductId, SubscriptionProductType.Package, userId, null); } //authenticate user SetAutheticationCookie(user.UserId.ToString()); SendToGigya(user); SetSession(user.UserId.ToString()); ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user); //add uid cookie HttpCookie uidCookie = new HttpCookie("uid"); uidCookie.Value = user.UserId.ToString(); uidCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); Response.Cookies.Add(uidCookie); } } GigyaHelpers.setCookie(res, this.ControllerContext); GigyaUserData2 userData = new GigyaUserData2() { city = user.City, country = user.CountryCode, email = user.EMail, firstName = user.FirstName, lastName = user.LastName, state = user.State }; //GigyaUserDataInfo userDataInfo = new GigyaUserDataInfo() //{ // UID = user.UserId.ToString(), // data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Formatting.None) //}; TFCTV.Helpers.UserData privacyData = new UserData() { IsExternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsInternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsProfilePrivate = "false" }; GigyaUserDataInfo2 userDataInfo = new GigyaUserDataInfo2() { UID = user.UserId.ToString(), profile = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Formatting.None), data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(privacyData, Formatting.None) }; GSObject userDataInfoObj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userDataInfo)); //res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("gcs.setUserData", userDataInfoObj); res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("ids.setAccountInfo", userDataInfoObj); var returnCode = res.GetErrorCode(); //Publish to Activity Feed List<ActionLink> actionlinks = new List<ActionLink>(); actionlinks.Add(new ActionLink() { text = SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_text, href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_href) }); //mediaItem List<MediaItem> mediaItems = new List<MediaItem>(); mediaItems.Add(new MediaItem() { type = SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_type, src = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.AssetsBaseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_src), href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_href) }); UserAction action = new UserAction() { actorUID = userId.ToString(), userMessage = SNSTemplates.register_usermessage, title = SNSTemplates.register_title, subtitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_subtitle), linkBack = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_linkback), description = String.Format(SNSTemplates.register_description, FirstName), actionLinks = actionlinks, mediaItems = mediaItems }; GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, userId, "external"); action.userMessage = String.Empty; action.title = String.Empty; action.mediaItems = null; GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, userId, "internal"); TempData["qs"] = null; // empty the TempData upon successful registration ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success; ReturnCode.info7 = user.EMail; if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible) { ReturnCode.StatusHeader = "Your 7-Day Free Trial Starts Now!"; ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Congratulations! You are now registered to"; ReturnCode.StatusMessage2 = "Pwede ka nang manood ng mga piling Kapamilya shows at movies!"; ReturnCode.info3 = user.UserId.ToString(); //Change to social registration = "SocialRegistration"; ReturnCode.TransactionType = "SocialRegistration"; } else { ReturnCode.StatusHeader = "Email verification sent!"; ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Congratulations! You are one step away from completing your registration."; ReturnCode.StatusMessage2 = "An email has been sent to you.<br> Verify your email address to complete your registration."; } TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode; //if(xoom) if (Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("xoom")) { var userPromo = new UserPromo(); userPromo.UserId = user.UserId; userPromo.PromoId = GlobalConfig.Xoom2PromoId; userPromo.AuditTrail.CreatedOn = registDt; context.UserPromos.Add(userPromo); context.SaveChanges(); } return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); // successful registration } } else ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields."; url = String.Format("{0}?{1}", Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath, MyUtility.DictionaryToQueryString(tmpCollection)); } catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); } return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
//[RequireHttps] public ActionResult MobileLogin(FormCollection fc) { var ReturnCode = new TransactionReturnType() { StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError, StatusMessage = String.Empty }; string url = Url.Action("Index", "Home").ToString(); try { DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now; Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]); bool isMissingRequiredFields = false; foreach (var x in tmpCollection) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)) { isMissingRequiredFields = true; break; } } if (!isMissingRequiredFields) { string EmailAddress = fc["login_email"]; string Password = fc["login_pass"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath)) url = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath; RegexUtilities util = new RegexUtilities(); //if (!MyUtility.isEmail(EmailAddress)) if (!util.IsValidEmail(EmailAddress)) { ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is invalid."; TempData["LoginErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode.StatusMessage; return Redirect(url); } using (var context = new IPTV2Entities()) { User user = null; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var UserId = new Guid(User.Identity.Name); user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == UserId); } else { user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, EmailAddress, true) == 0); if (user == null) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address does not exist."; else { if (user.StatusId != GlobalConfig.Visible) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is not verified."; else { Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password); if (String.Compare(user.EMail, EmailAddress, true) == 0 && String.Compare(user.Password, Password, false) == 0) { SendToGigya(user); SetAutheticationCookie(user.UserId.ToString()); SetSession(user.UserId.ToString()); ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user); //add uid cookie HttpCookie uidCookie = new HttpCookie("uid"); uidCookie.Value = user.UserId.ToString(); uidCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); Response.Cookies.Add(uidCookie); if (user.IsTVEverywhere == true) return Redirect("/TFCChannel"); else if (MyUtility.isTVECookieValid()) { MyUtility.RemoveTVECookie(); return RedirectToAction("RegisterToTFCEverywhere", "User"); } if (this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("redirect3178")) { HttpCookie pacMayCookie = new HttpCookie("redirect3178"); pacMayCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); Response.Cookies.Add(pacMayCookie); return RedirectToAction("Details", "Subscribe", new { id = "mayweather-vs-pacquiao-may-3" }); } else if (this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("promo2014cok")) { HttpCookie tempCookie = new HttpCookie("promo2014cok"); tempCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); Response.Cookies.Add(tempCookie); return RedirectToAction("Details", "Subscribe", new { id = "Promo201410" }); } else if (this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("redirectaintone")) { HttpCookie tempCookie = new HttpCookie("redirectaintone"); tempCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); Response.Cookies.Add(tempCookie); return RedirectToAction("Details", "Subscribe", new { id = "aintone" }); } else if (this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("vntysicook")) { HttpCookie tempCookie = new HttpCookie("vntysicook"); tempCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); Response.Cookies.Add(tempCookie); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Events", new { id = tempCookie.Value }); } return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } else ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email/Password do not match."; } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnCode.StatusMessage)) TempData["LoginErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode.StatusMessage; if (user != null) { if (user.IsTVEverywhere == true) return Redirect("/TFCChannel"); else return Redirect(url); } } } else ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields."; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnCode.StatusMessage)) TempData["LoginErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode.StatusMessage; url = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri; } catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); } return Redirect(url); }
public ActionResult _Registration(FormCollection fc) { //fc["Email"] = "*****@*****.**"; //fc["Password"] = "******"; //fc["ConfirmPassword"] = "******"; //fc["FirstName"] = "Albin"; //fc["LastName"] = "Lim"; //fc["CountryCode"] = "US"; //fc["City"] = "CA"; //fc["State"] = "CA"; Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>(); ErrorCodes errorCode = ErrorCodes.UnknownError; string errorMessage = MyUtility.getErrorMessage(ErrorCodes.UnknownError); collection = MyUtility.setError(errorCode, errorMessage); if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.UnknownError, "Your request is invalid."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } bool isConnectedToSocialNetworks = false; string href = "/User/RegisterVerify"; if (MyUtility.isUserLoggedIn()) //User is logged in. return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["Email"])) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsEmailEmpty); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } if (String.Compare(fc["Password"], fc["ConfirmPassword"], false) != 0) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMismatchPassword); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["FirstName"]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["LastName"]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["CountryCode"])) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } RegexUtilities util = new RegexUtilities(); //if (!MyUtility.isEmail(fc["Email"])) if (!util.IsValidEmail(fc["Email"])) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsNotValidEmail); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } try { string FirstName = fc["FirstName"]; string LastName = fc["LastName"]; string CountryCode = fc["CountryCode"]; string EMail = fc["Email"]; string Password = fc["Password"]; string City = fc["City"]; string State = String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["State"]) ? fc["StateDD"] : fc["State"]; System.Guid userId = System.Guid.NewGuid(); string provider = "tfctv"; if (FirstName.Length > 32) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "First Name cannot exceed 32 characters."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } if (LastName.Length > 32) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "Last Name cannot exceed 32 characters."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } if (EMail.Length > 64) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "Email cannot exceed 64 characters."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(State)) if (State.Length > 30) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "State cannot exceed 30 characters."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(City)) if (City.Length > 50) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.LimitReached, "City cannot exceed 50 characters."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } var context = new IPTV2Entities(); User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, EMail, true) == 0); if (user != null) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsExistingEmail); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } /***** CHECK FOR COUNTRY CODE ****/ if (context.Countries.Count(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0) <= 0) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "Country Code is invalid."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } else if (GlobalConfig.ExcludedCountriesFromRegistrationDropDown.Split(',').Contains(CountryCode)) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "Country Code is invalid."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(State)) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "State is required."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } else { if (context.States.Count(c => c.CountryCode == CountryCode.ToUpper()) > 0) { if (context.States.Count(s => s.CountryCode == CountryCode.ToUpper() && (s.StateCode == State || s.Name == State)) == 0) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.IsMissingRequiredFields, "State is invalid."); return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); } } } DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now; user = new User() { UserId = userId, FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, City = City, State = State, CountryCode = CountryCode, EMail = EMail, Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password), GigyaUID = userId.ToString(), RegistrationDate = registDt, LastUpdated = registDt, RegistrationIp = Request.GetUserHostAddressFromCloudflare(), StatusId = 0, ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid() }; //UPDATE: FEB 18, 2013 if (MyUtility.isTVECookieValid()) user.IsTVERegistrant = true; string CurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency; Country country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Code == CountryCode); if (country != null) { Currency currency = context.Currencies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Code == country.CurrencyCode); if (currency != null) CurrencyCode = currency.Code; } UserWallet wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Currency == CurrencyCode); if (wallet == null) // Wallet does not exist. Create new wallet for User. { wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(0, CurrencyCode, registDt); user.UserWallets.Add(wallet); } var transaction = new RegistrationTransaction() { RegisteredState = user.State, RegisteredCity = user.City, RegisteredCountryCode = user.CountryCode, Amount = 0, Currency = CurrencyCode, Reference = "New Registration", Date = registDt, OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId, UserId = user.UserId, StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible }; user.Transactions.Add(transaction); context.Users.Add(user); if (context.SaveChanges() > 0) { if (TempData["qs"] != null) { NameValueCollection qs = (NameValueCollection)TempData["qs"]; Dictionary<string, object> GigyaCollection = new Dictionary<string, object>(); collection.Add("uid", qs["UID"]); collection.Add("siteUID", userId); collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", qs["provider"])); GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", GigyaHelpers.buildParameter(collection)); provider = qs["provider"]; isConnectedToSocialNetworks = true; } else { Dictionary<string, object> userInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>(); userInfo.Add("firstName", user.FirstName); userInfo.Add("lastName", user.LastName); userInfo.Add("email", user.EMail); Dictionary<string, object> gigyaCollection = new Dictionary<string, object>(); gigyaCollection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId); gigyaCollection.Add("cid", "TFCTV - Registration"); gigyaCollection.Add("sessionExpiration", "0"); gigyaCollection.Add("newUser", true); gigyaCollection.Add("userInfo", MyUtility.buildJson(userInfo)); GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyLogin", GigyaHelpers.buildParameter(gigyaCollection)); GigyaHelpers.setCookie(res, this.ControllerContext); } //setUserData User usr = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.EMail == EMail); setUserData(usr.UserId.ToString(), usr); var ActivationKey = usr.ActivationKey; bool isTFCnowCustomer = false; if (TempData["TFCnowCustomer"] != null) { Customer customer = (Customer)TempData["TFCnowCustomer"]; usr.StatusId = 1; usr.DateVerified = registDt; TempData["TFCnowCustomer"] = customer; href = "/Migration/Migrate"; if (context.SaveChanges() > 0) { //SetAutheticationCookie(userId.ToString()); isTFCnowCustomer = true; } } if (isConnectedToSocialNetworks) { usr.StatusId = 1; usr.DateVerified = registDt; context.SaveChanges(); } //If FreeTrial is enabled, insert free trial. //if (GlobalConfig.IsFreeTrialEnabled) //{ // context = new IPTV2Entities(); // if (isConnectedToSocialNetworks) // PaymentHelper.PayViaWallet(context, userId, GlobalConfig.FreeTrial14ProductId, SubscriptionProductType.Package, userId, null); // else // PaymentHelper.PayViaWallet(context, userId, GlobalConfig.FreeTrial7ProductId, SubscriptionProductType.Package, userId, null); // context.SaveChanges(); //} /***** DEC 31 2012 ****/ //UPDATED: FEB 18, 2013 - To include checking for TVE if (usr.IsTVERegistrant == null || usr.IsTVERegistrant == false) { int freeTrialProductId = 0; if (GlobalConfig.IsFreeTrialEnabled) { freeTrialProductId = MyUtility.GetCorrespondingFreeTrialProductId(); context = new IPTV2Entities(); if (GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2StartDate < registDt && GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2EndDate > registDt) { string UserCountryCode = user.CountryCode; if (!GlobalConfig.isUAT) try { UserCountryCode = MyUtility.GetCountryCodeViaIpAddressWithoutProxy(); } catch (Exception) { } var countryList = GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2CountryWhiteList.Split(','); if (countryList.Contains(UserCountryCode) && String.Compare(user.CountryCode, UserCountryCode, true) == 0) freeTrialProductId = GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2ProductId; } if (Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("vntycok")) { freeTrialProductId = GlobalConfig.FreeTrial14ProductId; } if (isConnectedToSocialNetworks) PaymentHelper.PayViaWallet(context, userId, freeTrialProductId, SubscriptionProductType.Package, userId, null); } } //Publish to Activity Feed List<ActionLink> actionlinks = new List<ActionLink>(); actionlinks.Add(new ActionLink() { text = SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_text, href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_href) }); //mediaItem List<MediaItem> mediaItems = new List<MediaItem>(); mediaItems.Add(new MediaItem() { type = SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_type, src = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.AssetsBaseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_src), href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_href) }); UserAction action = new UserAction() { actorUID = userId.ToString(), userMessage = SNSTemplates.register_usermessage, title = SNSTemplates.register_title, subtitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_subtitle), linkBack = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_linkback), description = String.Format(SNSTemplates.register_description, FirstName), actionLinks = actionlinks, mediaItems = mediaItems }; GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, userId, "external"); action.userMessage = String.Empty; action.title = String.Empty; action.mediaItems = null; GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, userId, "internal"); var email_err = String.Empty; //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userId.ToString(), true); if (isConnectedToSocialNetworks) { //SetAutheticationCookie(userId.ToString()); if (!Request.IsLocal) { try { MyUtility.SendConfirmationEmail(context, usr); } catch (Exception) { } } href = GlobalConfig.RegistrationConfirmPage; //UPDATED: FEB 18, 2013 if (usr.IsTVERegistrant != null) if ((bool)usr.IsTVERegistrant) { href = GlobalConfig.TVERegistrationPage; MyUtility.RemoveTVECookie(); } } else { if (!isTFCnowCustomer) { //string emailBody = String.Format("Copy and paste this url to activate your Account {0}/User/Verify?email={1}&key={2}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, usr.EMail, ActivationKey.ToString()); string verification_email = String.Format("{0}/User/Verify?key={1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, usr.ActivationKey.ToString()); string emailBody = String.Format(GlobalConfig.EmailVerificationBodyTextOnly, usr.FirstName, usr.EMail, verification_email); //MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(usr.EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your account", emailBody); if (!Request.IsLocal) try { //MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(usr.EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your account", emailBody); MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(usr.EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your account", emailBody, MailType.TextOnly, emailBody); } catch (Exception) { email_err = " But we are not able to send the verification email."; } } } ////UPDATED: FEB 12, 2012 //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["TVEverywhere"])) //{ // if (String.Compare(fc["TVEverywhere"], "0", true) == 0) // { // TempData["tempUserId"] = userId; // href = GlobalConfig.TVERegistrationPage; // TempData["isConnectedToSocialNetworks"] = isConnectedToSocialNetworks; // } //} if (usr.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible) //UPDATED: MARCH 1, 2013. Only set Authentication Cookie when user is verified. SetAutheticationCookie(userId.ToString()); errorMessage = "Thank you! You are now registered to!" + email_err; collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.Success, errorMessage); collection.Add("info", String.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}", user.EMail, Request.GetUserHostAddressFromCloudflare(), provider)); collection.Add("href", href); FlagBetaKey(fc["iid"]); } else { errorMessage = "The system encountered an unidentified error. Please try again."; collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.EntityUpdateError, errorMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { collection = MyUtility.setError(ErrorCodes.EntityUpdateError, e.InnerException.InnerException.Message + "<br/>" + e.InnerException.InnerException.StackTrace); } return Content(MyUtility.buildJson(collection), "application/json"); }
//[RequireHttps] public JsonResult _MobileForgotPassword(FormCollection fc) { var ReturnCode = new ServiceReturnType() { StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError, StatusMessage = String.Empty }; try { DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now; Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]); bool isMissingRequiredFields = false; foreach (var x in tmpCollection) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)) { isMissingRequiredFields = true; break; } } if (!isMissingRequiredFields) { string EmailAddress = fc["login_email"]; RegexUtilities util = new RegexUtilities(); //if (!MyUtility.isEmail(EmailAddress)) if (!util.IsValidEmail(EmailAddress)) { ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is invalid."; } else { var context = new IPTV2Entities(); User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, EmailAddress, true) == 0); if (user != null) { if (user.StatusId != GlobalConfig.Visible) { ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is not verified."; return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } user.LastUpdated = registDt; if (context.SaveChanges() > 0) { string oid = MyUtility.GetSHA1(String.Format("{0}{1}", user.UserId, user.LastUpdated)); string reset_pwd_email = String.Format("{0}/User/ResetPassword?key={1}&oid={2}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, user.ActivationKey, oid.ToLower()); string emailBody = String.Format(GlobalConfig.ResetPasswordBodyTextOnly, user.FirstName, registDt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"), reset_pwd_email); try { if (!Request.IsLocal) MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(user.EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Reset your Password", emailBody, MailType.TextOnly, emailBody); ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success; ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Instructions on how to reset your password have been sent to your email address."; } catch (Exception) { ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError; ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "The system encountered an unspecified error. Please contact Customer Support."; } } else ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "The system encountered an unidentified error. Please try again."; } else { ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UserDoesNotExist; ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email does not exist."; } } } else ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields."; } catch (Exception e) { ReturnCode.StatusMessage = e.Message; } return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
//[RequireHttps] public ActionResult _MobileLogin(FormCollection fc) { var ReturnCode = new AirLoginReturnObj() { StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError, StatusMessage = String.Empty, IsSuccess = false, sessionSecret = String.Empty, sessionToken = String.Empty, firstName = String.Empty, lastName = String.Empty }; try { DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now; Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]); bool isMissingRequiredFields = false; foreach (var x in tmpCollection) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value)) { isMissingRequiredFields = true; break; } } if (!isMissingRequiredFields) { string EmailAddress = fc["login_email"]; string Password = fc["login_pass"]; RegexUtilities util = new RegexUtilities(); //if (!MyUtility.isEmail(EmailAddress)) if (!util.IsValidEmail(EmailAddress)) { ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is invalid."; } else { using (var context = new IPTV2Entities()) { var user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, EmailAddress, true) == 0); if (user == null) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address does not exist."; else { if (user.StatusId != GlobalConfig.Visible) ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is not verified."; else { Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password); if (String.Compare(user.EMail, EmailAddress, true) == 0 && String.Compare(user.Password, Password, false) == 0) { try { Dictionary<string, object> userInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>(); userInfo.Add("firstName", user.FirstName); userInfo.Add("lastName", user.LastName); userInfo.Add("email", user.EMail); Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>(); collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId); collection.Add("cid", "TFCTV - Login (Mobile)"); //collection.Add("sessionExpiration", 2592000); collection.Add("sessionExpiration", 432000); collection.Add("targetEnv", "mobile"); collection.Add("userInfo", MyUtility.buildJson(userInfo)); GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyLogin", GigyaHelpers.buildParameter(collection)); if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) { ReturnCode.sessionToken = res.GetString("sessionToken", String.Empty); ReturnCode.sessionSecret = res.GetString("sessionSecret", String.Empty); ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "OK"; ReturnCode.IsSuccess = true; ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success; ReturnCode.firstName = user.FirstName; ReturnCode.lastName = user.LastName; } } catch (Exception) { } ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user); } else ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email/Password do not match."; } } } } } else ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields."; } catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); } return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }