コード例 #1
ファイル: UnitPlayer.cs プロジェクト: shibuzhuan/CovKnight
        //fire main weapon
        public void FireWeapon()
            if (destroyed || IsStunned())
            if (!thisObj.activeInHierarchy)

            int fireState = CanFire();

            if (fireState == 0)
                if (weaponList[weaponID].RequireAiming())
                    Vector2 cursorPos = Input.mousePosition;

                    if (weaponList[weaponID].RandCursorForRecoil())
                        float recoil = GameControl.GetPlayer().GetRecoil() * 4;
                        cursorPos += new Vector2(Random.value - 0.5f, Random.value - 0.5f) * recoil;

                    Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(cursorPos);
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    //LayerMask mask=1<<TDS.GetLayerTerrain();
                    //Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mask);
                    Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity);

                    ShootObject.AimInfo aimInfo = new ShootObject.AimInfo(hit);


                string text = "";
                if (fireState == 1)
                    text = "attack disabled";
                if (fireState == 2)
                    text = "weapon's on cooldown";
                if (fireState == 3)
                    text = "weapon's out of ammo";
                if (fireState == 4)
                    text = "weapon's reloading";

                if (GetCurrentClip() == 0 && GameControl.EnableAutoReload())
コード例 #2
ファイル: UnitPlayer.cs プロジェクト: shibuzhuan/CovKnight
 public bool ContinousFire()
     return(GameControl.EnableContinousFire() & weaponList[weaponID].continousFire);
コード例 #3
        public override void Update()
            if (GameControl.IsGameOver() || destroyed || IsStunned())

            //get player as target
            target = GameControl.GetPlayer();
            if (target != null && !target.thisObj.activeInHierarchy)
                target = null;

            //reduce the attack cooldown
            currentCD        -= Time.deltaTime;
            contactCurrentCD -= Time.deltaTime;


            //if shootPeriodically, then shoot
            if (shootPeriodically)

            //if there's not target, reset the turret to origin
            if (target == null)

            //calculate the target dist, this is for later use
            float targetDist = Vector3.Distance(thisT.position, target.thisT.position);

            //now depend on the unit behaviour, act accordingly
            if (behaviour == _Behaviour.Aggressive)
                EngageHostile(targetDist);                      //engage the target
            else if (behaviour == _Behaviour.Aggressive_Trigger)
                //if target is close enough to trigger a respond, set behaviour to aggressive
                if (Vector3.Distance(thisT.position, target.thisT.position) <= aggroRange)
                    behaviour = _Behaviour.Aggressive;
            else if (behaviour == _Behaviour.StandGuard)
                if (guardTriggered)                     //if the unit is aggro'ed
                    EngageHostile(targetDist);          //engage the target

                    //this line is irrelevant atm since anchor to point is not in used
                    //if(anchorToPoint) dist=Vector3.Distance(anchorPoint, target.thisT.position);

                    //if target is out of range already, set aggro status to false
                    if (targetDist > aggroRange * 2)
                        guardTriggered = false;
                        //if(anchorToPoint) GenerateNewAnchor();
                    //if(anchorToPoint) MoveToPoint(currentAnchor, 0.5f);

                    //if target is close enough to aggor the unit, set guardTriggered to true so the target can be engaged in next frame
                    if (targetDist <= aggroRange)
                        guardTriggered = true;
コード例 #4
        //apply the effect to player
        void ApplyEffectSelf(UnitPlayer player)
            //gain life
            if (life > 0)

            //gain hit-point
            if (hitPoint > 0)
                float hitPointGained = player.GainHitPoint(hitPoint);

                Vector3 offsetPos = new Vector3(0, Random.value + 0.5f, 0);
                new TextOverlay(transform.position + offsetPos, "+" + hitPointGained.ToString("f0"), new Color(0.3f, 1f, 0.3f, 1));

            //gain energy
            if (energy > 0)
                float energyGained = player.GainEnergy(energy);

                Vector3 offsetPos = new Vector3(0, Random.value + 0.5f, 0);
                new TextOverlay(transform.position + offsetPos, "+" + energyGained.ToString("f0"), new Color(.3f, .3f, 1f, 1));

            //not in used
            if (credit > 0)

                Vector3 offsetPos = new Vector3(0, Random.value + 0.5f, 0);
                new TextOverlay(transform.position + offsetPos, "+$" + credit.ToString("f0"), new Color(.5f, .75f, 1, 1));

            //gain score
            if (score > 0)

                Vector3 offsetPos = new Vector3(0, Random.value + 0.5f, 0);
                new TextOverlay(transform.position + offsetPos, "+" + score.ToString("f0"), new Color(.1f, 1f, 1, 1));

            //gain ammo
            if (ammo != 0)
                player.GainAmmo(ammoID, ammo);

                Vector3 offsetPos = new Vector3(0, Random.value + 0.5f, 0);
                new TextOverlay(transform.position + offsetPos, "+ammo");

            //gain exp
            if (exp != 0)

                Vector3 offsetPos = new Vector3(0, Random.value + 0.5f, 0);
                new TextOverlay(transform.position + offsetPos, "+exp", new Color(1f, 1f, 1, 1));

            //gain perk currency
            if (perkCurrency != 0)

                Vector3 offsetPos = new Vector3(0, Random.value + 0.5f, 0);
                new TextOverlay(transform.position + offsetPos, "+perk points", new Color(1f, 1f, 1, 1));

            if (effectIdx >= 0)
            //if(effect!=null && effect.duration>0) player.ApplyEffect(effect);

            //gain weapon
            if (gainWeapon && weaponList.Count > 0)
                int playerWeaponID = player.weaponList[player.weaponID].ID;
                int rand           = randomWeapon ? Random.Range(0, weaponList.Count) : 0;
                if (randomWeapon && weaponList.Count > 1)
                    int count = 0;
                    while (weaponList[rand].ID == playerWeaponID)
                        rand   = Random.Range(0, weaponList.Count);
                        count += 1;
                        if (count > 50)

                bool replaceWeapon   = weaponType == _WeaponType.Replacement;
                bool temporaryWeapon = weaponType == _WeaponType.Temporary;
                player.AddWeapon(weaponList[rand], replaceWeapon, temporaryWeapon, tempWeapDuration);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Ability.cs プロジェクト: crafics/globetrotter2
        //launch the ability, at the position given
        public void Activate(Vector3 pos = default(Vector3), bool useCostNCD = true)
            if (useCostNCD)
                currentCD = GetCooldown();                                      //set the cooldown
                GameControl.GetPlayer().energy -= GetCost();                    //deduct player energy by the ability cost


            //instantiate the launch object, if there's any
            if (launchObj != null)
                GameObject obj = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(launchObj, pos, Quaternion.identity);
                if (autoDestroyLaunchObj)
                    MonoBehaviour.Destroy(obj, launchObjActiveDuration);

            //for aoe ability
            if (type == _AbilityType.AOE || type == _AbilityType.AOESelf)
                //get all the collider in range
                Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(pos, GetAOERadius());
                for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                    Unit unitInstance = cols[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>();

                    //only continue if the collider is a unit and is not player
                    if (unitInstance != null && unitInstance != GameControl.GetPlayer())
                        //create an AttackInstance and mark it as AOE attack
                        AttackInstance aInstance = new AttackInstance(GameControl.GetPlayer(), GetRuntimeAttackStats());
                        aInstance.isAOE       = true;
                        aInstance.aoeDistance = Vector3.Distance(pos, cols[i].transform.position);
                        //apply the AttackInstance

                //apply explosion force
                TDSPhysics.ApplyExplosionForce(pos, aStats);

            //for ability that affects all hostile unit in game
            else if (type == _AbilityType.All)
                //get all hostile unit for unit tracker
                List <Unit> unitList = new List <Unit>(UnitTracker.GetAllUnitList());
                //loop through all unit, create an AttackInstance and apply the attack
                for (int i = 0; i < unitList.Count; i++)
                    AttackInstance aInstance = new AttackInstance(GameControl.GetPlayer(), GetRuntimeAttackStats());

            //for ability that meant to be cast on player unit
            else if (type == _AbilityType.Self)
                //apply the attack on player
                AttackInstance aInstance = new AttackInstance(GameControl.GetPlayer(), GetRuntimeAttackStats());

            //for ability that fires a shoot object
            else if (type == _AbilityType.Shoot)
                //get the position and rotation to fire the shoot object from
                Transform srcT     = GetShootObjectSrcTransform();
                Vector3   shootPos = srcT.TransformPoint(shootPosOffset);
                pos.y = shootPos.y;
                Quaternion shootRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(pos - shootPos);

                //create the AttackInstance
                AttackInstance aInstance = new AttackInstance(GameControl.GetPlayer(), GetRuntimeAttackStats());

                //Instantiate the shoot-object and fires it
                GameObject  soObj      = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(shootObject, shootPos, shootRot);
                ShootObject soInstance = soObj.GetComponent <ShootObject>();
                soInstance.Shoot(GameControl.GetPlayer().thisObj.layer, GetRange(), srcT, aInstance);

            else if (type == _AbilityType.Movement)
                if (moveType == _MoveType.Blink)
                    GameControl.GetPlayer().thisT.position += GameControl.GetPlayer().thisT.TransformVector(Vector3.forward * range);
                else if (moveType == _MoveType.Dash)
                    GameControl.GetPlayer().Dash(range, duration);
                else if (moveType == _MoveType.Teleport)
                    Transform playerT = GameControl.GetPlayer().thisT;
                    Vector3   tgtPos  = new Vector3(pos.x, playerT.position.y, pos.z);

                    if (Vector3.Distance(playerT.position, tgtPos) > range)
                        tgtPos = playerT.position + (tgtPos - playerT.position).normalized * range;

                    playerT.position = tgtPos;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Wave.cs プロジェクト: crafics/globetrotter2
 public void Completed()
     cleared = true;
コード例 #7
        //function call to check all the objective has been completed
        public void CheckObjectiveComplete()
            bool cleared = true;

            //objective status set to true by default, it will be set to false if any of the objective condition is not full-filled
            //cleared flag will then be use when calling GameControl.GameOver, indicate if player win/lose the level

            //if require to wait for timer but time is not up yet, dont proceed
            if (waitForTimer && !GameControl.TimesUp())

            //if scoring criteria not full filled, set cleared to false
            if (enableScoring && !scored)
                cleared = false;

            if (colPrefabList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < colPrefabList.Count; i++)
                    if (colPrefabCountList[i] > colPrefabCollectedCountList[i])
                        cleared = false;

            //if(clearAllCol){	//if clear all collectible is required and not all collectible is collected, set clear to false
            //	if(GetAllCollectibleCount>0) cleared=false;
            if (collectibleList.Count > 0)
                cleared = false;                                                //if not all require collectible required has been collectible
            //if either of the prefab kill count is not adequate, set cleared to false
            if (prefabList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < prefabList.Count; i++)
                    if (prefabCountList[i] > prefabKillCountList[i])
                        cleared = false;

            if (clearAllHostile)                //if clear all hostile is required and not all unit is destroyed, set clear to false
                if (UnitTracker.GetUnitCount() > 0)
                    cleared = false;
            else                //if not all the target unit has been destroyed, set clear to false
                if (unitList.Count > 0)
                    cleared = false;

            if (clearAllSpawner)                //if clear all spawner is required and not all spawner is cleared/destroyed, set clear to false
                if (UnitSpawnerTracker.GetSpawnerCount() > 0)
                    cleared = false;
            else                //if not all the spawner has been cleared/destroyed, set clear to false
                if (spawnerList.Count > 0)
                    cleared = false;

            //if time is up, consider game is complete and call GameOver
            if (GameControl.TimesUp())
                isComplete = true;
            //else if we dont need to wait for timer and the objective is cleared, call GameOver
            else if (!waitForTimer)
                if (cleared)
                    isComplete = true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Ability.cs プロジェクト: crafics/globetrotter2
 //to get the player turret object (for shooting ability)
 public Transform GetShootObjectSrcTransform()
     return(GameControl.GetPlayer().turretObj != null?GameControl.GetPlayer().turretObj : GameControl.GetPlayer().thisT);
コード例 #9
 void Awake()
     instance = (GameControl)target;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: crafics/globetrotter2
        //for when the unit is destroy by game mechanic
        public void Destroyed(UnitPlayer player = null)
            if (destroyed)

            //if(player==null) Debug.LogWarning("unit destroyed by not source player has been detected", null);

            destroyed = true;

            //spawn a unit if spawnUponDestroy is assigned
            if (spawnUponDestroy != null)
                //loop as many as required
                for (int i = 0; i < spawnUponDestroyCount; i++)
                    //instantiate the unit
                    //GameObject unitObj=(GameObject)Instantiate(spawnUponDestroy.gameObject, thisT.position, thisT.rotation);
                    GameObject unitObj = ObjectPoolManager.Spawn(spawnUponDestroy.gameObject, thisT.position, thisT.rotation);
                    unitObj.layer = thisObj.layer;

                    //pass on the wave info
                    Unit unitInstance = unitObj.GetComponent <Unit>();
                    if (waveID >= 0)
                        unitInstance.SetWaveID(spawner, waveID);
                    else if (spawner != null)

            //check if the unit is going to drop any collectible
            if (useDropManager)                 //if useDropManager is enabled, inform CollectibleDropManager
                //check chance and spawn the item
                if (dropObject != null && Random.value < dropChance)
                    ObjectPoolManager.Spawn(dropObject.gameObject, thisT.position, Quaternion.identity);

            if (player != null)
                //applies the bonus value for when the unit is destroyed.
                //if(valueCredits>0) GameControl.GainCredits(valueCredits);
                if (valueScore > 0)

                if (valuePerkC > 0)
                if (valueExp > 0)
                if (valueHitPoint > 0)
                if (valueEnergy > 0)

            //if(isPlayer) GetUnitPlayer().DeleteSave();

            //shake camera

            float delay = uAnimation != null?uAnimation.Destroyed() : 0;

            ClearUnit(true, delay);
コード例 #11
 void Awake()
     instance = (GameControl)target;
コード例 #12
        //called when shootobject hit something
        void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
            if (state == _State.Hit)
                return;                                 //if the shootobject has hit something before this, return
            //if the shootobject hits another shootobject from friendly unit
            if (!GameControl.SOHitFriendly() && col != null)
                if (srcLayer == col.gameObject.layer)

            //register the state of the shootobject as hit
            state = _State.Hit;


            //when hit a shootObject
            if (col != null && col.gameObject.layer == TDS.GetLayerShootObject())
                //if this is a beam shootobject, inform the other shootobject that it has been hit (beam doesnt use a collider)
                if (type == _SOType.Beam)
                    col.gameObject.GetComponent <ShootObject>().Hit();

            //when hit a collectible, destroy the collectible
            if (col != null && col.gameObject.layer == TDS.GetLayerCollectible())

            //if there's a attack instance (means the shootobject has a valid attacking stats and all)
            if (attInstance != null)
                float aoeRadius = attInstance.aStats.aoeRadius;

                //for area of effect hit
                if (aoeRadius > 0)
                    Unit unitInstance = null;

                    //get all the potental target in range
                    Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(thisT.position, aoeRadius);
                    for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                        //if the collider in question is the collider the shootobject hit in the first place, apply the full attack instance
                        if (cols[i] == col)
                            unitInstance = col.gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>();
                            if (unitInstance != null)

                        //no friendly fire, then skip if the target is a friendly unit
                        if (!GameControl.SOHitFriendly())
                            if (cols[i].gameObject.layer == srcLayer)

                        unitInstance = cols[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>();

                        //create a new attack instance and mark it as aoe attack, so diminishing aoe can be applied if enabled
                        AttackInstance aInstance = attInstance.Clone();
                        aInstance.isAOE       = true;
                        aInstance.aoeDistance = Vector3.Distance(thisT.position, cols[i].transform.position);

                        //apply the attack
                        if (unitInstance != null)
                    if (col != null)
                        //get the unit and apply the attack
                        Unit unitInstance = col.gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>();
                        if (unitInstance != null)

                if (col != null)
                    //apply impact force to the hit object
                    Vector3 impactDir = Quaternion.Euler(0, thisT.eulerAngles.y, 0) * Vector3.forward;
                    TDSPhysics.ApplyAttackForce(thisT.position, impactDir, col.gameObject, attInstance.aStats);

            //add collider to the condition so the shootobject wont split if the shootObject didnt hit anything (it could have just reach the range limit)
            if (splitUponHit && col != null)

コード例 #13
        //function call to fire the object
        public void Shoot(int srcL, float srcR, Transform shootPoint, AttackInstance aInstance = null, AimInfo aimInfo = null)


            //cached all the passed information lcoally
            attInstance = aInstance;
            srcLayer    = srcL;         //the layer of the shooting unit (so we know it's from player or AI)
            srcRange    = srcR;         //the range of the shooting unit (so we know when to stop)

            state             = _State.Shot;
            shootTime         = Time.time;      //to track how long the shoot object is has been
            travelledDistance = 0;              //to track how far the shoot object is has been fired

            //if there's any hideObject, set it to true (it's probably set to false when the shoot-object last hit something)
            if (hideObject != null)

            //instantiate the shoot effect
            ShootEffect(thisT.position, thisT.rotation, shootPoint);

            if (type == _SOType.Simple || type == _SOType.Homing)
                //if(aInstance!=null && thisCollider.enabled){
                //~ Physics.IgnoreCollision(aInstance.srcUnit.GetCollider(), thisObj.GetComponent<Collider>(), true);
                //Debug.Log("collision avoidance with shooter unresolved");
                //Physics.IgnoreCollision(srcCollider, thisCollider, true);

                // for homing shootobject, the shootobject needs to be aiming at some position, or a specific unit
                if (type == _SOType.Homing)
                    if (aimInfo.targetT != null)
                        targetUnit = aimInfo.unit;

                    targetPos   = aimInfo.hitPoint + new Vector3(Random.value - 0.5f, 0, Random.value - 0.5f) * 2 * spread;
                    initialPos  = shootPoint.position;
                    initialDist = Vector3.Distance(targetPos, initialPos);

                    curveMod = Random.Range(0, 2f);
                    dummyPos = thisT.TransformPoint(Vector3.forward * speed * 5);
                    dummyPos = (targetPos + dummyPos) / 2;
            else if (type == _SOType.Beam)
                //if(attachedToShootPoint) transform.parent=shootPoint;
                thisT.parent = shootPoint;
                ObjectPoolManager.Unspawn(thisObj, beamDuration - .01f);
            else if (type == _SOType.Point)

            //update the layermask used to do the hit detection in accordance to rules set in GameControl
            UpdateSphereCastMask(!GameControl.SOHitFriendly(), !GameControl.SOHitShootObject(), !GameControl.SOHitCollectible());
コード例 #14
 public static void GainScore(int value)
     instance.score += value;
     //if(instance.objective!=null) instance.objective.GainScore();
コード例 #15
ファイル: GameControl.cs プロジェクト: NDGAME/Git_test
        void Awake()


            //get the unit in game
            player = (UnitPlayer)FindObjectOfType(typeof(UnitPlayer));

            //setup the collision rules
            Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(TDS.GetLayerShootObject(), TDS.GetLayerShootObject(), !shootObject);
            Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(TDS.GetLayerShootObject(), TDS.GetLayerCollectible(), !collectible);

            Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(TDS.GetLayerShootObject(), TDS.GetLayerTerrain(), true);
            Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(TDS.GetLayerShootObject(), TDS.GetLayerTrigger(), true);

            //clear all the spawner and tracker sicne it's a new game

            //this is not required, each individual unit and spawner will register itself to the tracker