private static void PostExecutionEvents() { try { if ((ConfigFile.order == 0)) { try { EmailNotification.SendEmail(); } catch (Exception e) { LogMessageToFile("The exception caused at the post execution block while sending email. The exception is : " + e.Message); } } } catch//catch if order is not mentioned { try { EmailNotification.SendEmail(); } catch (Exception e) { LogMessageToFile("The exception caused at the post execution block while sending email. The exception is : " + e.Message); } } if (testExecutionFailureOutcome == true) { LogMessageToFile("Test Failure Outcome was True"); XML.GenerateForFailure(0, sp, "O"); try { //if (ConfigFile.type.ToUpper() == "CONTROLLER") if (ConfigFile.order == 0) { ReportToSplunk(); } } catch { ReportToSplunk(); } ResetSplunkVariables(); int k = 1; while (testExecutionFailureOutcome == true) { ProjectCustomization.ReRunCustomization(); ExecutionBlock(); k++; if (k == ConfigFile.retryAttemptForFailure) { break; } } } else { //if (ConfigFile.type.ToUpper() == "CONTROLLER") if (ConfigFile.order == 0) { ReportToSplunk(); } } LogMessageToFile("Session Ended"); LogMessageToFile("------------------------------------------------------------------"); }
private static void ExecutionValidation() { string type = "CONTROLLER"; try { if (ConfigFile.order != 0) { type = "EXECUTOR"; } } catch (Exception e) { type = "CONTROLLER"; } testExecutionFailureOutcome = XML.ReadGeneratedSplogFileAndAssertOutcome(XML.combinedPath); if (ConfigFile.waitForReRun) { if (ConfigFile.splitRun || ConfigFile.distribute) { switch (type) { case "CONTROLLER": for (int i = 1; i <= - 1; i++) { if (ConfigFile.splitRun != true) { TFSFunctions.WaitForExecutor(i); } else { TFSFunctions.WaitForExecutor(i, true); } } break; case "EXECUTOR": if (ConfigFile.splitRun != true) { TFSFunctions.WaitForController(); } else { TFSFunctions.WaitForController(true); } break; default: break; } } } int runOutcome = TFSFunctions.EvaluateResultFromTFS(sp.curRunId); if (runOutcome == 2 || runOutcome == 3) { ProjectCustomization.ReRunCustomization(); LogMessageToFile("RunOutcome was " + runOutcome.ToString()); } CollectResultsAfterReRun(); }