private void OnEnable() { #if !UNITY_EDITOR Destroy(gameObject); #endif instance = this; _camera = GetComponent <Camera>(); _toggleObjects = FindObjectsOfType <TBScreenshotToggle>(); }
void Awake() { instance = this; transform = GetComponent <Transform> (); TBHMDSettings.InitializeHMDSettings(); // Choose which camera we should be using based on what platform we're on. ChooseCamera(); if (cameraObject != gameObject) { cameraObject.transform.parent = transform; cameraObject.transform.localPosition =; cameraObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } switch (cameraMode) { case TBCameraMode.Single: // For fancy systems that only show one camera in Unity, like the native integrations. centerCamera = centerEye.GetComponent <Camera> (); SyncCameraSettings(centerCamera); break; case TBCameraMode.Dual: // For legacy systems that use two cameras in the editor. leftCamera = leftEye.GetComponent <Camera> (); rightCamera = rightEye.GetComponent <Camera> (); SyncCameraSettings(leftCamera); SyncCameraSettings(rightCamera); break; } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Setup the screenshot camera. If no screenshot camera already exists, try to create one. if (FindObjectOfType <TBScreenshotCamera>() != null) { TBScreenshotCamera = FindObjectOfType <TBScreenshotCamera>(); } else if (TBScreenshotCamera != null) { TBScreenshotCamera = Instantiate(TBScreenshotCamera).gameObject.GetComponent <TBScreenshotCamera>(); } // Apply settings to the screenshot camera if it was created. if (TBScreenshotCamera != null) { _screenshotCamera = TBScreenshotCamera.gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>(); SyncCameraSettings(_screenshotCamera); TBScreenshotCamera.transform.position = transform.position; TBScreenshotCamera.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; TBScreenshotCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); } #endif // Create TBCenter, the anchor transfom to use if you need to get the camera's position. TBCenter = new GameObject().transform; = "TBCenter"; TBCenter.MakeZeroedChildOf(centerEye.transform); // If there is no audio listener on the instantiated camera, add one to TBCenter. if (GetComponentInChildren <AudioListener>() == null) { TBCenter.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioListener>(); } if (recenterOnLoad) { CalibrateCameraPosition(); } }