コード例 #1
        internal void CopyTaskDescriptionToClipboard(CompetitionTaskModel currentTask)
            var taskName        = currentTask.TaskName;
            var description     = currentTask.Metadata.TaskDescription;
            var timeDescription = currentTask.Metadata.TaskTimingDescription;
            var rules           = currentTask.Metadata.Rules;
            var mandatorySt     = currentTask.Metadata.MandatorySaveState;
            var coop            = currentTask.Metadata.CooperativeTask;

            var end  = currentTask.DueDates.EndDate;
            var time = currentTask.DueDates.DueTime;

            var endDateTime = new DateTime(end.Value.Year, end.Value.Month, end.Value.Day, time.Value.Hour,
                                           time.Value.Minute, 0);

            var deadline = $"{endDateTime.ToLongDateString()} {endDateTime.ToLongTimeString()}";

            // Format output

            var output = $"**{taskName}:**";

            output += Environment.NewLine + description + Environment.NewLine;

            foreach (var rule in rules)
                output += Environment.NewLine + $"- {rule}";

            output += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + timeDescription;

            if (coop)
                output += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                          "This is an optional co-op task. You may co-operate with just one other person. Both teammates must DM who your co-author is to **@{AdminAccount}**";
                output += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                          "This is a solo task and you may not co-operate with anyone else.";

            if (mandatorySt)
                output += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                          "The provided savestate(s) are **mandatory** for this task.";
                output += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                          "The provided savestate(s) are **not** mandatory for this task.";

            output += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                      $"Submission Deadline: {deadline} **{{TIMEZONE}}**";


            MessageBox.Show($"The task description for {currentTask.TaskName} has be copied to the clipboard",
                            "Copy complete!");
コード例 #2
        internal void CopyTaskLeaderboardToClipboard(CompetitionTaskModel currentTask)
            if (currentTask.CompetitorData.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show($"The leaderboard for {currentTask.TaskName} is empty...", "There was nothing to copy");
                var output = string.Empty;

                // Title
                output += $"__**{currentTask.TaskName}**__" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                // As this output is designed for discord, it uses **bold** formatting for the top most rankings, with at most, the top 5 places being bolded.
                // For smaller competitions, this can look strange with too many bold names, so there is logic to determine how many names to bold.
                // The bold limit is, by my arbitrary definition, equal to the floor of half the number of non-DQ runs (so long as the answer is less than or equal to 5)

                // Number of qualified runs:
                var qRuns = 0d;
                foreach (var competitor in currentTask.CompetitorData)
                    qRuns += competitor.DQ ? 0 : 1;

                var boldLimit = 5;
                if (qRuns <= boldLimit)
                    boldLimit = (int)Math.Ceiling(qRuns / 2);

                var dqNewLine = true; // Indicates this is the beginning of the DQ section
                foreach (var competitor in currentTask.CompetitorData)
                    if (!competitor.DQ)
                        var line =
                            $"{competitor.Place.FormatOrdinal()}. {competitor.Username} {competitor.TimeFormatted}";

                        if (competitor.Place <= boldLimit)
                            output +=
                                $"**{line}**" + Environment.NewLine;
                            output +=
                                $"{line}" + Environment.NewLine;
                    else if (competitor.DQ)
                        if (dqNewLine)
                            output += Environment.NewLine;

                        var dqReason = string.Empty;
                        if (competitor.DqReasons.Count > 0)
                            dqReason = $"({competitor.DqReasonsAsString})";

                        output += $"DQ. {competitor.Username} {dqReason}" + Environment.NewLine;

                        dqNewLine = false;


                MessageBox.Show($"The leaderboard for {currentTask.TaskName} has be copied to the clipboard",
                                "Copy complete!");