protected override void OnWrite(VoidPtr address) { _rebuildAddr = address; *(buint*)address = v1._data; *(buint*)(address + 4) = v2._data; }
public override void OnRebuild(VoidPtr address, int length, bool force) { RWAR* header = (RWAR*)address; header->_header._version = 0x100; header->_header._tag = RWAR.Tag; header->_header.Endian = Endian.Big; header->_header._length = length; header->_header._firstOffset = 0x20; header->_header._numEntries = 2; header->_tableOffset = 0x20; RWARTableBlock* tabl = (RWARTableBlock*)(address + 0x20); tabl->_header._tag = RWARTableBlock.Tag; tabl->_header._length = (12 + Children.Count * 12).Align(0x20); tabl->_entryCount = (uint)Children.Count; header->_tableLength = tabl->_header._length; header->_dataOffset = 0x20 + header->_tableLength; RWARDataBlock* data = (RWARDataBlock*)(address + 0x20 + tabl->_header._length); data->_header._tag = RWARDataBlock.Tag; VoidPtr addr = (VoidPtr)data + 0x20; foreach (RWAVNode n in Children) { tabl->Entries[n.Index].waveFileRef = (uint)(addr - (VoidPtr)data); //Memory.Move(addr, n.WorkingSource.Address, (uint)n.WorkingSource.Length); n.MoveRaw(addr, n.WorkingUncompressed.Length); addr += (tabl->Entries[n.Index].waveFileSize = (uint)n.WorkingUncompressed.Length); } data->_header._length = (int)(addr - (VoidPtr)data); header->_dataLength = data->_header._length; }
public DataSource(VoidPtr addr, int len, CompressionType compression) { Address = addr; Length = len; Map = null; Compression = compression; }
public static void Expand(CompressionHeader* header, VoidPtr dstAddress, int dstLen) { uint total = 0; VoidPtr ceil = dstAddress + dstLen; if (header->Parameter != 1) { byte* pSrc = (byte*)header->Data; byte* pDst = (byte*)dstAddress; do { total += *pSrc++; *pDst++ = (byte)total; } while (pSrc < ceil); } else { bushort* pSrc = (bushort*)header->Data; bushort* pDst = (bushort*)dstAddress; do { total += *pSrc++; *pDst++ = (ushort)total; } while (pSrc < ceil); } }
public static bool IsDataCompressed(VoidPtr addr, int length) { if (*(uint*)addr == YAZ0.Tag) return true; else { CompressionHeader* cmpr = (CompressionHeader*)addr; if (cmpr->ExpandedSize < length) return false; if (!cmpr->HasLegitCompression()) return false; char[] chars = characters.ToCharArray(); //Check to make sure we're not reading a tag byte* c = (byte*)addr; byte[] tag = { c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3] }; if ((Array.IndexOf(chars, (char)tag[0]) >= 0) && (Array.IndexOf(chars, (char)tag[1]) >= 0) && (Array.IndexOf(chars, (char)tag[2]) >= 0) && (Array.IndexOf(chars, (char)tag[3]) >= 0)) return false; return true; } }
protected override void DecodeBlock(VoidPtr blockAddr, ARGBPixel* dPtr, int width) { byte* sPtr = (byte*)blockAddr; byte b; if (_workingPalette != null) { for (int y = 0; y < BlockHeight; y++, dPtr += width) for (int x = 0; x < BlockWidth; ) { b = *sPtr++; dPtr[x++] = (ARGBPixel)_workingPalette.Entries[b >> 4]; dPtr[x++] = (ARGBPixel)_workingPalette.Entries[b & 0xF]; } } else { for (int y = 0; y < BlockHeight; y++, dPtr += width) for (int x = 0; x < BlockWidth; ) { b = *sPtr++; dPtr[x++] = new ARGBPixel((byte)(b & 0xF0)); dPtr[x++] = new ARGBPixel((byte)(b << 4)); } } }
public static void DecodeFrames(KeyframeArray kf, VoidPtr offset, int flags, int fixedBit) { if ((flags & fixedBit) != 0) kf[0] = *(bfloat*)offset; else DecodeFrames(kf, offset + *(bint*)offset); }
public void Close() { if (Map != null) { Map.Dispose(); Map = null; } Address = null; Length = 0; Compression = CompressionType.None; }
/// <summary> /// Copies data from memory at a specific address into an array /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="sourceOffset"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="targetOffset"></param> /// <param name="Length"></param> public static byte[] GetArrayFromAddress(VoidPtr Address, int length) { byte[] arr = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) arr[i] = *(byte*)(Address + i); return arr; }
public static void DecodeFrames(KeyframeArray kf, VoidPtr dataAddr) { SCN0KeyframesHeader* header = (SCN0KeyframesHeader*)dataAddr; SCN0KeyframeStruct* entry = header->Data; for (int i = 0; i < header->_numFrames; i++, entry++) kf.SetFrameValue((int)entry->_index, entry->_value)._tangent = entry->_tangent; }
internal static unsafe SafeHandle Duplicate(VoidPtr hFile) { VoidPtr hProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle; if (!DuplicateHandle(hProc, hFile, hProc, out hFile, 0, false, 2)) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error()); return new SafeHandle(hFile); }
public override void Parse(VoidPtr address) { MoveDefLookupOffsetNode o; bint* addr = First; VoidPtr current = BaseAddress + *addr++; VoidPtr next = BaseAddress + *addr++; int size = 0; for (int i = 1; i < Count; i++) { size = (int)next - (int)current; (o = new MoveDefLookupOffsetNode()).Initialize(this, current, size); if (_root._lookupSizes.ContainsKey(o.DataOffset)) if (_root._lookupSizes[o.DataOffset].DataSize < o.DataSize) _root._lookupSizes[o.DataOffset] = o; else { } else _root._lookupSizes.Add(o.DataOffset, o); current = next; next = BaseAddress + *addr++; } size = ((int)_offset - (int)(current - BaseAddress)); (o = new MoveDefLookupOffsetNode()).Initialize(this, current, size); if (!_root._lookupSizes.ContainsKey(o.DataOffset)) _root._lookupSizes.Add(o.DataOffset, o); //Sorting by data offset will allow us to get the exact size of every entry! Children.Sort(MoveDefLookupOffsetNode.LookupCompare); }
protected override void EncodeBlock(ARGBPixel* sPtr, VoidPtr blockAddr, int width) { wRGB5A3Pixel* dPtr = (wRGB5A3Pixel*)blockAddr; for (int y = 0; y < BlockHeight; y++, sPtr += width) for (int x = 0; x < BlockWidth; ) *dPtr++ = (wRGB5A3Pixel)sPtr[x++]; }
public DataSource(FileMap map, CompressionType compression) { Address = map.Address; Length = map.Length; Map = map; Compression = compression; }
internal static unsafe void Fill(VoidPtr dest, uint length, byte value) { switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform) { case PlatformID.Win32NT: { Win32.FillMemory(dest, length, value); break; } case PlatformID.Unix: { Linux.memset(dest, value, length); break; } } }
private LZ77() { _dataAddr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((0x1000 + 0x10000 + 0x10000) * 2); _Next = (ushort*)_dataAddr; _First = _Next + WindowLength; _Last = _First + 0x10000; }
protected override void EncodeBlock(ARGBPixel* sPtr, VoidPtr blockAddr, int width) { byte* stPtr = (byte*)sPtr; byte* dPtr = (byte*)blockAddr; for (int y = 0; y < BlockHeight; y++, stPtr += width) for (int x = 0; x < BlockWidth; ) *dPtr++ = stPtr[x++]; }
protected override void DecodeBlock(VoidPtr blockAddr, ARGBPixel* dPtr, int width) { wRGB5A3Pixel* sPtr = (wRGB5A3Pixel*)blockAddr; //ARGBPixel* dPtr = (ARGBPixel*)destAddr; for (int y = 0; y < BlockHeight; y++, dPtr += width) for (int x = 0; x < BlockWidth; ) dPtr[x++] = (ARGBPixel)(*sPtr++); }
protected override void OnWrite(VoidPtr address) { VoidPtr addr = address; foreach (ArticleEntry b in Children) { b._buildHeader = false; b.Rebuild(addr, b._childLength, true); addr += b._childLength; } VoidPtr start = addr; foreach (ArticleEntry b in Children) { b._rebuildAddr = addr; Article* article = (Article*)addr; article->_id =; article->_boneID = b.charBone; article->_arcGroup = b.articleBone; article->_actionsStart = b.aStart; article->_actionFlagsStart = b.aFlags; article->_subactionFlagsStart = b.sFlags; article->_subactionMainStart = b.sMStart; article->_subactionGFXStart = b.sGStart; article->_subactionSFXStart = b.sSStart; article->_modelVisibility = b.visStart; article->_collisionData = b.off1; article->_unknownD2 = b.off2; article->_unknownD3 = b.off3; bint* ext = (bint*)((VoidPtr)article + 52); ext[0] = (b._subActions == null ? 0 : b._subActions.Children.Count); //Add all header offsets bint* off = (bint*)(addr + 12); for (int i = 0; i < 10 + b._extraOffsets.Count; i++) if (off[i] > 1480 && off[i] < _root.dataSize) b._lookupOffsets.Add(&off[i]); _lookupOffsets.AddRange(b._lookupOffsets); addr += b._entryLength; } FDefListOffset* header = (FDefListOffset*)addr; _rebuildAddr = header; if (Children.Count > 0) { header->_startOffset = (int)start - (int)RebuildBase; _lookupOffsets.Add(header->_startOffset.Address); } header->_listCount = Children.Count; }
public static unsafe void Compact(CompressionType type, VoidPtr srcAddr, int srcLen, Stream outStream, ResourceNode r) { switch (type) { case CompressionType.LZ77: { LZ77.Compact(srcAddr, srcLen, outStream, r, false); break; } case CompressionType.ExtendedLZ77: { LZ77.Compact(srcAddr, srcLen, outStream, r, true); break; } case CompressionType.RunLength: { RunLength.Compact(srcAddr, srcLen, outStream, r); break; } } }
public override void Parse(VoidPtr address) { VoidPtr addr = BaseAddress + DataOffset; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { ArticleEntry d = new ArticleEntry() { Static = true }; d.Initialize(this, addr + i * 56, 56); } }
public static void Expand(VoidPtr srcAddress, VoidPtr dstAddress, int dstLen) { for (byte* srcPtr = (byte*)srcAddress, dstPtr = (byte*)dstAddress, ceiling = dstPtr + dstLen; dstPtr < ceiling; ) for (byte control = *srcPtr++, bit = 8; (bit-- != 0) && (dstPtr != ceiling); ) if ((control & (1 << bit)) != 0) *dstPtr++ = *srcPtr++; else for (int b1 = *srcPtr++, b2 = *srcPtr++, offset = ((b1 & 0xF) << 8 | b2) + 2, temp = (b1 >> 4) & 0xF, num = temp == 0 ? *srcPtr++ + 0x12 : temp + 2; num-- > 0 && dstPtr != ceiling; *dstPtr++ = dstPtr[-offset]) ; }
public static void BuildData2(MoveDefDataNode node, MovesetHeader* header, VoidPtr address, int length, bool force) { VoidPtr addr = address; foreach (MoveDefEntryNode e in MoveDefNode.nodeDictionary.Values) { if (e.External && !(e._extNode is MoveDefReferenceEntryNode)) continue; e.Rebuild(addr, e._calcSize, true); } }
public static void Expand(VoidPtr data, VoidPtr dstAddress, int dstLen, bool extFmt) { for (byte* srcPtr = (byte*)data, dstPtr = (byte*)dstAddress, ceiling = dstPtr + dstLen; dstPtr < ceiling; ) for (byte control = *srcPtr++, bit = 8; (bit-- != 0) && (dstPtr != ceiling); ) if ((control & (1 << bit)) == 0) *dstPtr++ = *srcPtr++; else for (int temp = (*srcPtr >> 4), num = !extFmt ? temp + 3 : temp == 1 ? (((*srcPtr++ & 0x0F) << 12) | ((*srcPtr++) << 4) | (*srcPtr >> 4)) + 0xFF + 0xF + 3 : temp == 0 ? (((*srcPtr++ & 0x0F) << 4) | (*srcPtr >> 4)) + 0xF + 2 : temp + 1, offset = (((*srcPtr++ & 0xF) << 8) | *srcPtr++) + 2; dstPtr != ceiling && num-- > 0; *dstPtr++ = dstPtr[-offset]) ; }
public void Dispose() { if (_data) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(_data); _data = null; GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } }
public static void Write(this Stream stream, VoidPtr srcAddr, int length) { byte[] arr = new byte[length]; fixed (byte* ptr = arr) System.Memory.Move(ptr, srcAddr, (uint)length); stream.Write(arr, 0, length); }
public override void Parse(VoidPtr address) { base.Parse(address); _indices = new List<IndexValue>(); bint* entry = (bint*)(BaseAddress + DataOffset); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) _indices.Add(Parse<IndexValue>(entry++)); }
protected override void EncodeBlock(ARGBPixel* sPtr, VoidPtr blockAddr, int width) { byte* stPtr = (byte*)sPtr; byte* dPtr = (byte*)blockAddr; for (int y = 0; y < BlockHeight; y++, stPtr += width / 2) for (int x = 0; x < BlockWidth / 2; ) *dPtr++ = stPtr[x++]; //*dPtr++ = (byte)((_workingPalette.FindMatch(sPtr[x++]) << 4) | (_workingPalette.FindMatch(sPtr[x++]) & 0x0F)); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves an 32 bit integer from the specified address. /// </summary> /// <param name="Address"></param> /// <param name="endian"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int GetWordUnsafe(VoidPtr Address, Endianness endian) { if (Address % 4 != 0) return 0; if (endian == Endianness.Big) return *(bint*)Address; else return *(int*)Address; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a floating point value from a specified adress. /// </summary> /// <param name="Address"></param> /// <param name="endian"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static float GetFloatUnsafe(VoidPtr Address, Endianness endian) { if (Address % 4 != 0) return 0; if (endian == Endianness.Big) return *(bfloat*)Address; else return *(float*)Address; }
public static extern VoidPtr MapViewOfFileEx(VoidPtr hFileMappingObject, _FileMapAccess dwDesiredAccess, uint dwFileOffsetHigh, uint dwFileOffsetLow, uint dwNumberOfBytesToMap, VoidPtr lpBaseAddress);
public static extern bool FlushViewOfFile(VoidPtr lpBaseAddress, uint dwNumberOfBytesToFlush);
public static extern VoidPtr CreateFileMapping(VoidPtr hFile, VoidPtr lpAttributes, _FileMapProtect flProtect, uint dwMaximumSizeHigh, uint dwMaximumSizeLow, string lpName);
public static extern void FillMemory(VoidPtr dest, uint length, byte value);
public SafeHandle(VoidPtr handle) { this._handle = handle; }
public static extern bool DuplicateHandle(VoidPtr hSourceProcessHandle, VoidPtr hSourceHandle, VoidPtr hTargetProcessHandle, out VoidPtr lpTargetHandle, uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, uint dwOptions);
public static extern bool CloseHandle(VoidPtr hObject);
public SafeHandle(VoidPtr handle) { _handle = handle; }
public static extern bool UnmapViewOfFile(VoidPtr lpBaseAddress);
public UnsafeBuffer(int size) { _data = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); _length = size; }
public static extern VoidPtr GetDC(VoidPtr hWnd);
public static extern void MoveMemory(VoidPtr dest, VoidPtr src, uint size);
public static extern int ReleaseDC(VoidPtr hWnd, VoidPtr hDC);