コード例 #1
ファイル: UriTemplateTableTest.cs プロジェクト: nickchal/pash
		public void MatchSingle ()
			var t = new UriTemplateTable (new Uri ("http://localhost:37564"));
			t.KeyValuePairs.Add (new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate,object> (new UriTemplate ("/jsdebug"), null));
			Assert.IsNull (t.MatchSingle (new Uri ("http://localhost:37564/js")), "#1");
			Assert.IsNotNull (t.MatchSingle (new Uri ("http://localhost:37564/jsdebug")), "#2");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: spzenk/sfdocsamples
        public static void Main()
            Uri prefix = new Uri("http://localhost/");

            //A UriTemplateTable is an associative set of UriTemplates. It lets you match
            //candidate URI's against the templates in the set, and retrieve the data associated
            //with the matching templates.

            //To start, we need some example templates and a table to put them in:
            UriTemplate weatherByCity = new UriTemplate("weather/{state}/{city}");
            UriTemplate weatherByState = new UriTemplate("weather/{state}");
            UriTemplate traffic = new UriTemplate("traffic/*");
            UriTemplate wildcard = new UriTemplate("*");

            UriTemplateTable table = new UriTemplateTable(prefix);

            //Now we associate each template with some data. Here we're just using strings;
            //you can associate anything you want with the template.
            table.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(weatherByCity, "weatherByCity"));
            table.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(weatherByState, "weatherByState"));
            table.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(traffic, "traffic"));

            //Once the table is populated, we can use the MatchSingle function to
            //retrieve some match results:

            UriTemplateMatch results = null;
            Uri weatherInSeattle = new Uri("http://localhost/weather/Washington/Seattle");

            //The Match function will select the best match for the incoming URI 
            //based on the templates in the table. There are two variants of Match --
            //Match() can potentially return multiple results, which MatchSingle() will
            //either return exactly one result or throw an exception.
            results = table.MatchSingle(weatherInSeattle);

            //We get back the associated data in the Data member of
            //the UriTemplateMatchResults that are returned.
            if (results != null)
                //Output will be "weatherByCity"

                //The UriTemplateMatch contains useful data obtained during the
                //matching process.

                Console.WriteLine("State: {0}", results.BoundVariables["state"]);
                Console.WriteLine("City: {0}", results.BoundVariables["city"]);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to terminate");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes if the current request is processed by ASP.NET on the begin of request.
        /// Rewrites the Url if there IIS is configured for extensionless Urls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The current <see cref="HttpApplication" />.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The EventArgs.</param>
        private void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the current HTTP context.
            var context = ((HttpApplication)sender).Context;

            // Get the navigation service.
            var navigationService =

            // Get the url from the current request.
            var currentPath = context.Request.Url;

            // Set up the table with the URI templates.
            var uriTemplateTable = new UriTemplateTable();

            // Set the table's base address.
            uriTemplateTable.BaseAddress = new Uri(navigationService.GetApplicationPath());

            // Set the rules.
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetDownloadUriTemplate() + "{data}"), HandlerAction.Download));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetRedirectUriTemplate() + "{data}"), HandlerAction.Redirect));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetSecurityTokenServiceUriTemplate()), HandlerAction.SecurityTokenService));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetSecurityTokenServiceUriTemplate().TrimEnd('/')), HandlerAction.SecurityTokenService));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetSecurityTokenServiceUriTemplate() + "{data}"), HandlerAction.SecurityTokenService));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetUIUriTemplate().TrimEnd('/')), HandlerAction.UI));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetUIUriTemplate()), HandlerAction.UI));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetUIUriTemplate() + "{controller}"), HandlerAction.UI));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetUIUriTemplate() + "{controller}/"), HandlerAction.UI));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetUIUriTemplate() + "{controller}/{controllerAction}"), HandlerAction.UI));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetUIUriTemplate() + "{controller}/{controllerAction}/"), HandlerAction.UI));
            uriTemplateTable.KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<UriTemplate, object>(new UriTemplate(navigationService.GetUIUriTemplate() + "{controller}/{controllerAction}/{data}"), HandlerAction.UI));

            // Check whether the current path matches any of these rewrite rules. If not, return.
            UriTemplateMatch uriTemplateMatch = uriTemplateTable.MatchSingle(currentPath);
            if (uriTemplateMatch == null)
                // Before returning, check whether silkveil.net's application handler was called
                // directly. If so, check if SSL is required for silkveil.net, and redirect, if
                // neccessary.
                if (context.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path).TrimEnd('/').ToLowerInvariant() ==

                // Return to the caller.

            // Check if SSL is required for silkveil.net, and redirect, if neccessary.

            // Otherwise, redirect using the URI match.
            var applicationHandlerFactoryVirtualPath = navigationService.GetApplicationHandlerFactoryVirtualPath();
            switch ((HandlerAction)uriTemplateMatch.Data)
                case HandlerAction.Download:
                        applicationHandlerFactoryVirtualPath + "?Action={0}&Data={1}", HandlerAction.Download, uriTemplateMatch.BoundVariables["data"]));
                case HandlerAction.Redirect:
                        applicationHandlerFactoryVirtualPath + "?Action={0}&Data={1}", HandlerAction.Redirect, uriTemplateMatch.BoundVariables["data"]));
                case HandlerAction.SecurityTokenService:
                    string data = uriTemplateMatch.BoundVariables["data"] ?? "Logon";
                    string wa;
                    switch (data)
                        case "Logon":
                            wa = WSFederationConstants.Actions.SignIn;
                        case "Logoff":
                            wa = WSFederationConstants.Actions.SignOut;
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture,
                                "The data '{0}' is not supported.", data));
                    var wtrealm = "http://www.silkveil.net/";
                        applicationHandlerFactoryVirtualPath + "?Action={0}&Data={1}&wa={2}&wtrealm={3}", HandlerAction.SecurityTokenService,
                            data, wa, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(wtrealm)));
                case HandlerAction.UI:
                        applicationHandlerFactoryVirtualPath + "?Action={0}&Controller={1}&ControllerAction={2}&Data={3}", HandlerAction.UI,
                            uriTemplateMatch.BoundVariables["controller"] ?? string.Empty,
                            uriTemplateMatch.BoundVariables["controllerAction"] ?? string.Empty,
                            uriTemplateMatch.BoundVariables["data"] ?? string.Empty));
コード例 #4
        bool ShouldRedirectToUriWithSlashAtTheEnd(UriTemplateTable methodSpecificTable, Message message, Uri to)
            UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(to);
            if (ub.Path.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return false;

            ub.Path = ub.Path + "/";
            Uri originalPlusSlash = ub.Uri;

            bool result = false;
            if (methodSpecificTable != null && methodSpecificTable.MatchSingle(originalPlusSlash) != null)
                // as an optimization, we check the table that matched the request's method
                // first, as it is more probable that a hit happens there
                result = true;
                // back-compat:
                // we will redirect as long as there is any method 
                // - not necessary the one the user is looking for -
                // that matches the uri with a slash at the end

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, UriTemplateTable> pair in methodSpecificTables)
                    UriTemplateTable table = pair.Value;
                    if (table != methodSpecificTable && table.MatchSingle(originalPlusSlash) != null)
                        result = true;

            if (result)
                string hostAndPort = GetAuthority(message);
                originalPlusSlash = UriTemplate.RewriteUri(ub.Uri, hostAndPort);
                message.Properties.Add(RedirectPropertyName, originalPlusSlash);
            return result;
コード例 #5
        bool CanUriMatch(UriTemplateTable methodSpecificTable, Uri to, HttpRequestMessageProperty prop, Message message, out string operationName)
            operationName = null;
            UriTemplateMatch result = methodSpecificTable.MatchSingle(to);

            if (result != null)
                operationName = result.Data as string;
                Fx.Assert(operationName != null, "bad result");
                AddUriTemplateMatch(result, prop, message);
                return true;
            return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: UriTemplateTableTest.cs プロジェクト: nickchal/pash
		public void MatchSingleNoPair ()
			var t = new UriTemplateTable (new Uri ("http://localhost:37564"));
			// at least one UriTemplate must exist in the table.
			t.MatchSingle (new Uri ("http://localhost:37564"));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: spzenk/sfdocsamples
        public static void Main()
            Uri prefix = new Uri("http://localhost/");

            //One interesting use for UriTemplateTable is as a dispatching engine.
            //This is accomplished by using the UriTemplateTable to associate
            //a delegate handler with each UriTemplate.

            //To start, we need a UriTemplateTable.
            UriTemplateTable table = new UriTemplateTable(prefix);

            //Now, we add templates to the table and associate them
            //with handler functions, written as anonymous delegates:

            AddHandler(table, new UriTemplate("weather/{state}/{city}"),
                delegate(UriTemplateMatch r)
                Console.WriteLine("Matched the WeatherByCity template");
                Console.WriteLine("State: {0}", r.BoundVariables["state"]);
                Console.WriteLine("City: {0}", r.BoundVariables["city"]);

            AddHandler(table, new UriTemplate("weather/{state}"),
                delegate(UriTemplateMatch r)
                Console.WriteLine("Matched the WeatherByState template");
                Console.WriteLine("State: {0}", r.BoundVariables["state"]);

            AddHandler(table, new UriTemplate("traffic/*"),
                delegate(UriTemplateMatch r)
                Console.WriteLine("Matched the traffic/* template");
                Console.WriteLine("Wildcard segments:");

                foreach (string s in r.WildcardPathSegments)
                    Console.WriteLine("   " + s);

            //MakeReadOnly() freezes the table and prevents further additions.
            //Passing false to this method will disallow duplicate URI's,
            //guaranteeing that at most a single match will be returned. 
            //Calling this method explictly is optional, as the collection
            //will be made read-only during the first call to Match() or MatchSingle()

            Uri request = null;

            //Match WeatherByCity
            request = new Uri("http://localhost/weather/Washington/Seattle");

            //Match WeatherByState
            request = new Uri("http://localhost/weather/Washington");

            //Wildcard match Traffic
            request = new Uri("http://localhost/Traffic/Washington/Seattle/SR520");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to terminate");