public static CatalogFilterDuration BuildFilterDurations(System.Collections.Generic.List <CatalogExcursionMinPrice> catalog) { System.TimeSpan?min = null; System.TimeSpan?max = null; if (catalog != null) { foreach (CatalogExcursionMinPrice item in catalog) { if (item.excursion != null && item.excursion.duration.HasValue) { if (!min.HasValue || item.excursion.duration < min) { min = item.excursion.duration; } if (!max.HasValue || item.excursion.duration > max) { max = item.excursion.duration; } } } } return((min.HasValue && max.HasValue) ? new CatalogFilterDuration { min = min.Value, max = max.Value } : null); }
/// <summary> /// Resets the time after the specified time interval. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTime">The date time to be set.</param> /// <param name="resetTime">The reset time interval.</param> private static void ResetTime(DateTime currentTime, System.TimeSpan?resetTime) { if (null == resetTime) { return; } Thread.Sleep(resetTime.Value); currentTime = currentTime.Add(resetTime.Value); SYSTEMTIME systemTime = new SYSTEMTIME { Year = (short)currentTime.Year, Month = (short)currentTime.Month, DayOfWeek = (short)currentTime.DayOfWeek, Day = (short)currentTime.Day, Hour = (short)currentTime.Hour, Minute = (short)currentTime.Minute, Second = (short)currentTime.Second, Milliseconds = (short)currentTime.Millisecond }; SetSystemTime(ref systemTime); }
public async Task <bool> StringSetAsync(string cacheKey, string cacheValue, System.TimeSpan?expiration) { ArgumentCheck.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(cacheKey, nameof(cacheKey)); bool flag = await _cache.StringSetAsync(cacheKey, cacheValue, expiration); return(flag); }
public bool StringSet(string cacheKey, string cacheValue, System.TimeSpan?expiration) { ArgumentCheck.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(cacheKey, nameof(cacheKey)); bool flag = _cache.StringSet(cacheKey, cacheValue, expiration); return(flag); }
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult LegacyPageRoute(int meetingId, System.TimeSpan?st) { var callInfo = new T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.LegacyPageRoute); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "meetingId", meetingId); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "st", st); LegacyPageRouteOverride(callInfo, meetingId, st); return(callInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Stop the timer. /// </summary> /// <returns>Return the cumulated running time of the timer.</returns> public System.TimeSpan Stop() { stop = DateTime.UtcNow; if (runtime == null) { runtime = stop - start; } else { runtime += stop - start; } return((System.TimeSpan)runtime); }
/// <summary> /// Map from the domain object to the properties of the current DTO instance. /// </summary> public override void MapFrom(Coalesce.Domain.Case obj, IMappingContext context, IncludeTree tree = null) { if (obj == null) { return; } var includes = context.Includes; // Fill the properties of the object. this.CaseKey = obj.CaseKey; this.Title = obj.Title; this.Description = obj.Description; this.OpenedAt = obj.OpenedAt; this.AssignedToId = obj.AssignedToId; this.ReportedById = obj.ReportedById; this.Attachment = obj.Attachment; this.Severity = obj.Severity; this.Status = obj.Status; this.DevTeamAssignedId = obj.DevTeamAssignedId; this.Duration = obj.Duration; var propValCaseProducts = obj.CaseProducts; if (propValCaseProducts != null && (tree == null || tree[nameof(this.CaseProducts)] != null)) { this.CaseProducts = propValCaseProducts .AsQueryable().OrderBy("CaseProductId ASC").AsEnumerable <Coalesce.Domain.CaseProduct>() .Select(f => f.MapToDto <Coalesce.Domain.CaseProduct, CaseProductDtoGen>(context, tree?[nameof(this.CaseProducts)])).ToList(); } else if (propValCaseProducts == null && tree?[nameof(this.CaseProducts)] != null) { this.CaseProducts = new CaseProductDtoGen[0]; } this.DevTeamAssigned = obj.DevTeamAssigned.MapToDto <Coalesce.Domain.External.DevTeam, DevTeamDtoGen>(context, tree?[nameof(this.DevTeamAssigned)]); if (!(includes == "PersonListGen")) { if (tree == null || tree[nameof(this.AssignedTo)] != null) { this.AssignedTo = obj.AssignedTo.MapToDto <Coalesce.Domain.Person, PersonDtoGen>(context, tree?[nameof(this.AssignedTo)]); } if (tree == null || tree[nameof(this.ReportedBy)] != null) { this.ReportedBy = obj.ReportedBy.MapToDto <Coalesce.Domain.Person, PersonDtoGen>(context, tree?[nameof(this.ReportedBy)]); } } }
public override void Set(string key, object value, System.TimeSpan?slidingExpireTime = null) { if (value == null) { throw new BdfException("Can not insert null values to the cache!"); } _memoryCache.Set( key, value, new CacheItemPolicy { SlidingExpiration = slidingExpireTime ?? DefaultSlidingExpireTime }); }
public async Task <MqMessage> GetMessage(System.TimeSpan?nextVisibilityTimeSpan = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Guid id = await this.EndshureQueuId(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); Models.ExchangeModel model = new Models.ExchangeModel() { NextVisibleInMs = nextVisibilityTimeSpan.HasValue ? (int?)(nextVisibilityTimeSpan.Value.TotalMilliseconds) : null }; using (Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationResponse <object> response = await this.passiveMqApi.ExchangeWithHttpMessagesAsync(id, model, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { Models.MessageDto dto = response.AsResult <Models.MessageDto>(); return(MqMessage.FromDto(dto)); } }
public void Play(System.TimeSpan?OffsetStart = null) { if (!(my_uAudioStreamer.PlaybackState == uAudio_backend.PlayBackState.Playing)) { halt = false; loadLinkFile(targetFilePath); my_uAudioStreamer.Play(); if (Buffer != null) { updateBufferLoop = updateBuffer(); } } }
public void PlayAudioStream(string FileNameIN, System.TimeSpan?OffsetStart) { if (!TheAudioStream.IsPlaying) { #if uAudio_debug UnityEngine.Debug.Log("5"); #endif LoadFile(FileNameIN); Play(OffsetStart); theAudioStream_sendStartLoopPump(); #if uAudio_debug UnityEngine.Debug.Log("6"); #endif } }
private void AnnounceTimeBeforeShutdown(System.TimeSpan time, bool automatic) { string str = automatic ? "Automatic reboot in <b>{0:mm\\:ss}</b>" : "Reboot in <b>{0:mm\\:ss}</b>"; if (!automatic && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.ScheduledShutdownReason)) { str = str + " : " + base.ScheduledShutdownReason; } if (WorldServer.SaveMessage) { Singleton <World> .Instance.SendAnnounce(TextInformationTypeEnum.TEXT_INFORMATION_ERROR, 15, new object[] { time }); } this.m_lastAnnouncedTime = new System.TimeSpan?(time); }
public TimeRule( string id, string lotteryId, string weekday, System.TimeSpan?startTime, System.TimeSpan?endTime, System.TimeSpan?tick, string createBy ) : base(id) { LotteryId = lotteryId; Weekday = weekday; StartTime = startTime; EndTime = endTime; Tick = tick; CreateBy = createBy; CreateTime = DateTime.Now; }
public void FillFreightInfo(FreightReservationOrder freight, DataRow row) { if (row != null) { System.TimeSpan?freightDepartureTime = row.ReadNullableUnspecifiedTime("stime"); FreightPoint freightPoint = new FreightPoint(); FreightPoint arg_5C_0 = freightPoint; System.DateTime dateTime = row.ReadUnspecifiedDateTime("sdate"); dateTime = dateTime.Date; = dateTime.Add(freightDepartureTime ?? System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(0L)); freightPoint.port = new Airport { id = row.ReadInt("sport$inc"), alias = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("sport$alias"), name = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("sport$name"), town = new Town { id = row.ReadInt("stown$inc"), name = row.ReadNullableString("stown$name") } }; freight.departure = freightPoint; System.TimeSpan?freightArrivalTime = row.ReadNullableUnspecifiedTime("dtime"); FreightPoint freightPoint2 = new FreightPoint(); FreightPoint arg_147_0 = freightPoint2; dateTime =; dateTime = dateTime.Date; dateTime = dateTime.AddDays((double)row.ReadInt("daysinway")); = dateTime.Add(freightArrivalTime ?? System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(0L)); freightPoint2.port = new Airport { id = row.ReadInt("dport$inc"), alias = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("dport$alias"), name = row.ReadNullableTrimmedString("dport$name"), town = new Town { id = row.ReadInt("dtown$inc"), name = row.ReadNullableString("dtown$name") } }; freight.arrival = freightPoint2; } }
public void Play(System.TimeSpan?OffsetStart = null) { #if !RemoveThread_uAudio if (!betaNativeThreadBuffering) { #endif RunPlay(); //hot = true; callUpdateNeeded = true; #if !RemoveThread_uAudio } else { loadAudio(); } #endif }
public async Task <bool> StringSetAsync(string cacheKey, string cacheValue, System.TimeSpan?expiration, string when) { ArgumentCheck.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(cacheKey, nameof(cacheKey)); When w = When.Always; if (when.Equals("nx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { w = When.NotExists; } else if (when.Equals("xx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { w = When.Exists; } bool flag = await _cache.StringSetAsync(cacheKey, cacheValue, expiration, w); return(flag); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the system time to the specified date time value. /// </summary> /// <param name="dateTime">Time to be set.</param> /// <param name="resetTime">The amount of time to reset the changed time.</param> /// <returns>true if the date time is set, else false.</returns> public static bool SetSystemTime(DateTime dateTime, System.TimeSpan?resetTime = null) { dateTime = dateTime.ToUniversalTime(); DateTime currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow; SYSTEMTIME systemTime = new SYSTEMTIME { Year = (short)dateTime.Year, Month = (short)dateTime.Month, DayOfWeek = (short)dateTime.DayOfWeek, Day = (short)dateTime.Day, Hour = (short)dateTime.Hour, Minute = (short)dateTime.Minute, Second = (short)dateTime.Second, Milliseconds = (short)dateTime.Millisecond }; uint result = SetSystemTime(ref systemTime); int errorNumber = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (result == 0) { Logger.LogInfo("Failed to set system time to {0}".FormatWith(dateTime.ToLocalTime())); return(false); } else { Logger.LogInfo("Successfully set the system time to: {0}".FormatWith(dateTime.ToLocalTime())); } if (null != resetTime) { Thread resetThread = new Thread(() => ResetTime(currentTime, resetTime)); resetThread.Start(); } return(true); }
System.Collections.IEnumerator firePlay(System.TimeSpan?OffsetStart) { #if uAudio_debug UnityEngine.Debug.Log(System.Environment.NewLine + "1"); #endif yield return(new UnityEngine.WaitForSeconds(.1f)); #if uAudio_debug UnityEngine.Debug.Log(System.Environment.NewLine + "build clip"); #endif my_uAudioPlayer.myAudioSource.clip = UnityEngine.AudioClip.Create("uAudio_song", int.MaxValue, TheAudioStream.reader.WaveFormat.Channels, TheAudioStream.reader.WaveFormat.SampleRate, true, new UnityEngine.AudioClip.PCMReaderCallback(TheAudioStream.ReadData)); #if uAudio_debug UnityEngine.Debug.Log(System.Environment.NewLine + "done build clip"); #endif yield return(new UnityEngine.WaitForSeconds(.1f)); TheAudioStream.callPlay(OffsetStart); }
/// <summary> /// 将对象插入到缓存管理器中。 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">缓存对象的类型。</typeparam> /// <param name="cacheKey">用于引用对象的缓存键。</param> /// <param name="value">要插入到缓存的对象。</param> /// <param name="expire">对象存放于缓存中的有效时间,到期后将从缓存中移除。如果此值为 null,则默认有效时间为 30 分钟。</param> /// <param name="removeCallback">当对象从缓存中移除时,使用该回调方法通知应用程序。</param> public T Add <T>(string cacheKey, T value, System.TimeSpan?expire = null, CacheItemRemovedCallback removeCallback = null) { try { using (var client = manager.GetClient()) { if (expire == null) { client.Set <T>(cacheKey, value); } else { client.Set <T>(cacheKey, value, DateTime.Now + (TimeSpan)expire); } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw new InvalidOperationException("无法完成缓存操作。", exp); } return(value); }
protected override void CheckScheduledShutdown() { System.TimeSpan timeSpan = System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes((double)ServerBase.AutomaticShutdownTimer) - base.UpTime; bool automatic = true; if (base.IsShutdownScheduled && timeSpan > base.ScheduledShutdownDate - System.DateTime.Now) { timeSpan = base.ScheduledShutdownDate - System.DateTime.Now; automatic = false; } if (timeSpan < System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30.0)) { System.TimeSpan?timeSpan2 = this.m_lastAnnouncedTime.HasValue ? new System.TimeSpan?(System.TimeSpan.MaxValue) : (this.m_lastAnnouncedTime - timeSpan); if (timeSpan > System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10.0) && timeSpan2 >= System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)) { this.AnnounceTimeBeforeShutdown(System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeSpan.TotalMinutes.RoundToNearest(5.0)), automatic); } if (timeSpan > System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0) && timeSpan <= System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10.0) && timeSpan2 >= System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0)) { this.AnnounceTimeBeforeShutdown(System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeSpan.TotalMinutes), automatic); } if (timeSpan > System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0) && timeSpan <= System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0) && timeSpan2 >= System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0)) { this.AnnounceTimeBeforeShutdown(new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)timeSpan.TotalSeconds.RoundToNearest(30.0)), automatic); } if (timeSpan > System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0) && timeSpan <= System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0) && timeSpan2 >= System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0)) { this.AnnounceTimeBeforeShutdown(new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)timeSpan.TotalSeconds.RoundToNearest(10.0)), automatic); } if (timeSpan <= System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0) && timeSpan > System.TimeSpan.Zero) { this.AnnounceTimeBeforeShutdown(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeSpan.Seconds.RoundToNearest(5)), automatic); } } base.CheckScheduledShutdown(); }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List <CatalogExcursionMinPrice> FindExcursions(string lang, int partner, System.DateTime?startDate, System.DateTime?endDate, int?topLimit, int?startPoint, string searchText, int[] categories, int[] departures, int[] destinations, int[] languages, System.TimeSpan?minDuration, System.TimeSpan?maxDuration, ExcursionProvider.ExcursionSorting?sorting, bool withoutPrice) { try { System.DateTime _startDate = startDate.HasValue ? startDate.Value : System.DateTime.Now.Date; System.DateTime _endDate = endDate.HasValue ? endDate.Value : _startDate.AddMonths(6); XName arg_261_0 = "excursionFilters"; object[] array = new object[8]; array[0] = ((!topLimit.HasValue) ? null : new XAttribute("topLimit", topLimit.Value)); array[1] = ((searchText == null) ? null : new XElement("name", searchText)); XElement categoriesEl; if (categories != null) { categoriesEl = new XElement("categories", from c in categories select new XElement("category", c)); } else { categoriesEl = null; } array[2] = categoriesEl; XElement departuresEl; List <int> allowedIds = new List <int>(); if (departures != null) { //делаем фильтр экскурсий по id региона DataSet set = DatabaseOperationProvider.Query("select inc from excurs where region = " + departures[0], "regions", new { }); foreach (DataRow row in set.Tables["regions"].Rows) { allowedIds.Add(row.ReadInt("inc")); } } departuresEl = null; array[3] = departuresEl; XElement destEl; if (destinations != null) { destEl = new XElement("destinationpoints", from d in destinations select new XElement("destinationpoint", d)); } else { destEl = null; } array[4] = destEl; XElement langEl; if (languages != null) { langEl = new XElement("languages", from l in languages select new XElement("language", l)); } else { langEl = null; } array[5] = langEl; array[6] = new XElement("duration", new object[] { (!minDuration.HasValue) ? null : new XAttribute("minDuration", new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1).Add(minDuration.Value)), (!maxDuration.HasValue) ? null : new XAttribute("maxDuration", new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1).Add(maxDuration.Value)) }); array[7] = ((!sorting.HasValue) ? null : new XElement("sorting", sorting.ToString())); XElement xml = new XElement(arg_261_0, array); DataSet ds = DatabaseOperationProvider.QueryProcedure("up_guest_findExcursions", "excursions", new { language = lang, partner = partner, startpoint = startPoint, startdate = _startDate, enddate = _endDate, filters = xml, withpriceonly = !withoutPrice }); if (allowedIds.Count > 0) { return(( from DataRow row in ds.Tables["excursions"].Rows where allowedIds.Contains(row.ReadInt("excurs$inc")) //> 0 select new CatalogExcursionMinPrice { excursion = ExcursionProvider.factory.CatalogExcursion(row), minPrice = ExcursionProvider.factory.CatalogExcursionMinPrice(row) }).ToList <CatalogExcursionMinPrice>()); } else { return(( from DataRow row in ds.Tables["excursions"].Rows select new CatalogExcursionMinPrice { excursion = ExcursionProvider.factory.CatalogExcursion(row), minPrice = ExcursionProvider.factory.CatalogExcursionMinPrice(row) }).ToList <CatalogExcursionMinPrice>()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Reset the timer. /// </summary> public void Reset() { start = null; stop = null; runtime = null; }
public void PlayAudioFile(UnityEngine.UI.InputField FileNameIN, System.TimeSpan?OffsetStart) { PlayAudioStream(FileNameIN.text, OffsetStart); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor method. /// </summary> public Timer() { start = null; stop = null; runtime = null; }
/// <summary> /// Converts a TimeSpan into a string (format HH:MM) /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Il timespan da convertire.</param> /// <returns>Una stringa nel formato 'HH:MM' se il TimeSpan e not null, empty altrimenti.</returns> public static string ToHHMM(this System.TimeSpan?value) { return(value.HasValue ? ((System.TimeSpan)value).ToHHMM() : ""); }
public static System.Collections.Generic.List <CatalogExcursionMinPrice> FindExcursions(string lang, int partner, System.DateTime?startDate, System.DateTime?endDate, int?topLimit, int?startPoint, string searchText, int[] categories, int[] departures, int[] destinations, int[] languages, System.TimeSpan?minDuration, System.TimeSpan?maxDuration, ExcursionProvider.ExcursionSorting?sorting, bool withoutPrice) { try { System.DateTime _startDate = startDate.HasValue ? startDate.Value : System.DateTime.Now.Date; System.DateTime _endDate = endDate.HasValue ? endDate.Value : _startDate.AddMonths(6); XName arg_261_0 = "excursionFilters"; object[] array = new object[8]; array[0] = ((!topLimit.HasValue) ? null : new XAttribute("topLimit", topLimit.Value)); array[1] = ((searchText == null) ? null : new XElement("name", searchText)); XElement categoriesEl; bool searchInd = false; bool searchGroup = false; var listCatalog = new List <int>(); if (categories != null) { foreach (int category in categories) { if (category == 3) { searchInd = true; } else if (category == 4) { searchGroup = true; } else { listCatalog.Add(category); } } } List <int> allowedByGroup = new List <int>(); if (searchInd != searchGroup) { try { var query = "select excurs from excatlist where excurscategory = " + (searchInd ? 3:4); //делаем фильтр экскурсий по id региона DataSet set = DatabaseOperationProvider.Query(query, "category", new { }); foreach (DataRow row in set.Tables["category"].Rows) { allowedByGroup.Add(row.ReadInt("excurs")); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } categories = listCatalog.ToArray(); if (categories != null) { categoriesEl = new XElement("categories", from c in categories select new XElement("category", c)); } else { categoriesEl = null; } array[2] = categoriesEl; XElement departuresEl; List <int> allowedIds = new List <int>(); //по полученому региону начала экскурсии получаем список айдишников экскурсий if (departures != null) { try { var query = "select inc from excurs where region = " + departures[0] + " union select excurs as inc from exdetplan where region = " + departures[0] + " union select excurs as inc from exprice where region = " + departures[0] + " or region < 0"; //делаем фильтр экскурсий по id региона DataSet set = DatabaseOperationProvider.Query(query, "regions", new { }); foreach (DataRow row in set.Tables["regions"].Rows) { allowedIds.Add(row.ReadInt("inc")); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } departuresEl = null; array[3] = departuresEl; XElement destEl; if (destinations != null) { destEl = new XElement("destinationpoints", from d in destinations select new XElement("destinationpoint", d)); } else { destEl = null; } array[4] = destEl; XElement langEl; if (languages != null) { langEl = new XElement("languages", from l in languages select new XElement("language", l)); } else { langEl = null; } array[5] = langEl; array[6] = new XElement("duration", new object[] { (!minDuration.HasValue) ? null : new XAttribute("minDuration", new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1).Add(minDuration.Value)), (!maxDuration.HasValue) ? null : new XAttribute("maxDuration", new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1).Add(maxDuration.Value)) }); array[7] = ((!sorting.HasValue) ? null : new XElement("sorting", sorting.ToString())); XElement xml = new XElement(arg_261_0, array); DataSet ds = DatabaseOperationProvider.QueryProcedure("up_guest_findExcursions", "excursions", new { language = lang, partner = partner, startpoint = startPoint, startdate = _startDate, enddate = _endDate, filters = xml, withpriceonly = !withoutPrice }); return(( from DataRow row in ds.Tables["excursions"].Rows where ((allowedIds.Contains(row.ReadInt("excurs$inc")) || allowedIds.Count == 0) && (allowedByGroup.Contains(row.ReadInt("excurs$inc")) || allowedByGroup.Count == 0)) select new CatalogExcursionMinPrice { excursion = ExcursionProvider.factory.CatalogExcursion(row), minPrice = ExcursionProvider.factory.CatalogExcursionMinPrice(row) }).ToList <CatalogExcursionMinPrice>()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(null); }
partial void LegacyPageRouteOverride(T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult callInfo, int meetingId, System.TimeSpan?st);
public BeforeGetRequestEventData(string cacheType, string name, string operation, string[] cacheKeys, System.TimeSpan?expiration = null) : base(cacheType, name, operation) { this.CacheKeys = cacheKeys; this.Expiration = expiration; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CTimeCreated"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="last">The last.</param> public CTimeCreated(TimeSpan last) { span = last; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the device status. /// </summary> /// <param name="roomId">The room identifier.</param> /// <param name="selectedDeviceID">The selected device identifier.</param> /// <param name="buttonState">if set to <c>true</c> [button state].</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <Author> Daniel Molina </Author> /// <LastModification> 29/11/2017 - 16:20 </LastModification> /// <LastModificationBy> Daniel Molina </LastModificationBy> public static RoomDeviceResponse UpdateDeviceStatus(int roomId, int selectedDeviceID, bool buttonState) { try { //Validate the Device Status List <GetDeviceByRoomIdAndDeviceID_Result> lstDeviceByRoomIdAndDeviceId = DeviceController.GetDeviceByRoomIdAndDeviceId(roomId, selectedDeviceID); List <DevicesDTOPartial> retVal = new List <DevicesDTOPartial>(); foreach (GetDeviceByRoomIdAndDeviceID_Result reg in lstDeviceByRoomIdAndDeviceId) { retVal.Add(new DevicesDTOPartial(reg)); } //Validate that the device State if (retVal[0].State == buttonState) { Logger.Logger.Info(profileName, "Method Response: The device has the same status. Username:"******"PasswordRetriesListByUtilityID", "Endpoint not found exception", ex); return(new RoomDeviceResponse { Code = (int)ResponseCode.Exception, Message = ResponseCode.Exception.ToString() + ": " + ex.Message }); } }