コード例 #1
            /// <summary>Evaluates a terminfo formatting string, using the supplied arguments and processing data structures.</summary>
            /// <param name="format">The format string.</param>
            /// <param name="pos">The position in <paramref name="format"/> to start processing.</param>
            /// <param name="args">The arguments to the format string.</param>
            /// <param name="stack">The stack to use as the format string is evaluated.</param>
            /// <param name="dynamicVars">A lazily-initialized collection of variables.</param>
            /// <param name="staticVars">A lazily-initialized collection of variables.</param>
            /// <returns>
            /// The formatted string; this may be empty if the evaluation didn't yield any output.
            /// The evaluation stack will have a 1 at the top if all processing was completed at invoked level
            /// of recursion, and a 0 at the top if we're still inside of a conditional that requires more processing.
            /// </returns>
            private static string EvaluateInternal(
                string format, ref int pos, FormatParam[] args, LowLevelStack <FormatParam> stack,
                ref FormatParam[] dynamicVars, ref FormatParam[] staticVars)
                // Create a StringBuilder to store the output of this processing.  We use the format's length as an
                // approximation of an upper-bound for how large the output will be, though with parameter processing,
                // this is just an estimate, sometimes way over, sometimes under.
                StringBuilder output = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(format.Length);

                // Format strings support conditionals, including the equivalent of "if ... then ..." and
                // "if ... then ... else ...", as well as "if ... then ... else ... then ..."
                // and so on, where an else clause can not only be evaluated for string output but also
                // as a conditional used to determine whether to evaluate a subsequent then clause.
                // We use recursion to process these subsequent parts, and we track whether we're processing
                // at the same level of the initial if clause (or whether we're nested).
                bool sawIfConditional = false;

                // Process each character in the format string, starting from the position passed in.
                for (; pos < format.Length; pos++)
                    // '%' is the escape character for a special sequence to be evaluated.
                    // Anything else just gets pushed to output.
                    if (format[pos] != '%')

                    // We have a special parameter sequence to process.  Now we need
                    // to look at what comes after the '%'.
                    switch (format[pos])
                    // Output appending operations
                    case '%':     // Output the escaped '%'

                    case 'c':     // Pop the stack and output it as a char

                    case 's':     // Pop the stack and output it as a string

                    case 'd':     // Pop the stack and output it as an integer

                    case 'o':
                    case 'X':
                    case 'x':
                    case ':':
                    case '0':
                    case '1':
                    case '2':
                    case '3':
                    case '4':
                    case '5':
                    case '6':
                    case '7':
                    case '8':
                    case '9':
                        // printf strings of the format "%[[:]flags][width[.precision]][doxXs]" are allowed
                        // (with a ':' used in front of flags to help differentiate from binary operations, as flags can
                        // include '-' and '+').  While above we've special-cased common usage (e.g. %d, %s),
                        // for more complicated expressions we delegate to printf.
                        int printfEnd = pos;
                        for (; printfEnd < format.Length; printfEnd++)     // find the end of the printf format string
                            char ec = format[printfEnd];
                            if (ec == 'd' || ec == 'o' || ec == 'x' || ec == 'X' || ec == 's')
                        if (printfEnd >= format.Length)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.IO_TermInfoInvalid);
                        string printfFormat = format.Substring(pos - 1, printfEnd - pos + 2);     // extract the format string
                        if (printfFormat.Length > 1 && printfFormat[1] == ':')
                            printfFormat = printfFormat.Remove(1, 1);
                        output.Append(FormatPrintF(printfFormat, stack.Pop().Object));     // do the printf formatting and append its output

                    // Stack pushing operations
                    case 'p':     // Push the specified parameter (1-based) onto the stack
                        Debug.Assert(format[pos] >= '0' && format[pos] <= '9');
                        stack.Push(args[format[pos] - '1']);

                    case 'l':     // Pop a string and push its length

                    case '{':     // Push integer literal, enclosed between braces
                        int intLit = 0;
                        while (format[pos] != '}')
                            Debug.Assert(format[pos] >= '0' && format[pos] <= '9');
                            intLit = (intLit * 10) + (format[pos] - '0');

                    case '\'':     // Push literal character, enclosed between single quotes
                        stack.Push((int)format[pos + 1]);
                        Debug.Assert(format[pos + 2] == '\'');
                        pos += 2;

                    // Storing and retrieving "static" and "dynamic" variables
                    case 'P':     // Pop a value and store it into either static or dynamic variables based on whether the a-z variable is capitalized
                        int           setIndex;
                        FormatParam[] targetVars = GetDynamicOrStaticVariables(format[pos], ref dynamicVars, ref staticVars, out setIndex);
                        targetVars[setIndex] = stack.Pop();

                    case 'g':     // Push a static or dynamic variable; which is based on whether the a-z variable is capitalized
                        int           getIndex;
                        FormatParam[] sourceVars = GetDynamicOrStaticVariables(format[pos], ref dynamicVars, ref staticVars, out getIndex);

                    // Binary operations
                    case '+':
                    case '-':
                    case '*':
                    case '/':
                    case 'm':
                    case '^':     // arithmetic
                    case '&':
                    case '|':     // bitwise
                    case '=':
                    case '>':
                    case '<':                               // comparison
                    case 'A':
                    case 'O':                               // logical
                        int  second = stack.Pop().Int32;    // it's a stack... the second value was pushed last
                        int  first  = stack.Pop().Int32;
                        char c      = format[pos];
                            c == '+' ? (first + second) :
                            c == '-' ? (first - second) :
                            c == '*' ? (first * second) :
                            c == '/' ? (first / second) :
                            c == 'm' ? (first % second) :
                            c == '^' ? (first ^ second) :
                            c == '&' ? (first & second) :
                            c == '|' ? (first | second) :
                            c == '=' ? AsInt(first == second) :
                            c == '>' ? AsInt(first > second) :
                            c == '<' ? AsInt(first < second) :
                            c == 'A' ? AsInt(AsBool(first) && AsBool(second)) :
                            c == 'O' ? AsInt(AsBool(first) || AsBool(second)) :
                            0);     // not possible; we just validated above

                    // Unary operations
                    case '!':
                    case '~':
                        int value = stack.Pop().Int32;
                            format[pos] == '!' ? AsInt(!AsBool(value)) :

                    // Some terminfo files appear to have a fairly liberal interpretation of %i. The spec states that %i increments the first two arguments,
                    // but some uses occur when there's only a single argument. To make sure we accomodate these files, we increment the values
                    // of up to (but not requiring) two arguments.
                    case 'i':
                        if (args.Length > 0)
                            args[0] = 1 + args[0].Int32;
                            if (args.Length > 1)
                                args[1] = 1 + args[1].Int32;

                    // Conditional of the form %? if-part %t then-part %e else-part %;
                    // The "%e else-part" is optional.
                    case '?':
                        sawIfConditional = true;

                    case 't':
                        // We hit the end of the if-part and are about to start the then-part.
                        // The if-part left its result on the stack; pop and evaluate.
                        bool conditionalResult = AsBool(stack.Pop().Int32);

                        // Regardless of whether it's true, run the then-part to get past it.
                        // If the conditional was true, output the then results.
                        string thenResult = EvaluateInternal(format, ref pos, args, stack, ref dynamicVars, ref staticVars);
                        if (conditionalResult)
                        Debug.Assert(format[pos] == 'e' || format[pos] == ';');

                        // We're past the then; the top of the stack should now be a Boolean
                        // indicating whether this conditional has more to be processed (an else clause).
                        if (!AsBool(stack.Pop().Int32))
                            // Process the else clause, and if the conditional was false, output the else results.
                            string elseResult = EvaluateInternal(format, ref pos, args, stack, ref dynamicVars, ref staticVars);
                            if (!conditionalResult)

                            // Now we should be done (any subsequent elseif logic will have been handled in the recursive call).
                            if (!AsBool(stack.Pop().Int32))
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.IO_TermInfoInvalid);

                        // If we're in a nested processing, return to our parent.
                        if (!sawIfConditional)

                        // Otherwise, we're done processing the conditional in its entirety.
                        sawIfConditional = false;

                    case 'e':
                    case ';':
                        // Let our caller know why we're exiting, whether due to the end of the conditional or an else branch.
                        stack.Push(AsInt(format[pos] == ';'));

                    // Anything else is an error
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.IO_TermInfoInvalid);

コード例 #2
ファイル: TimeZoneInfo.Win32.cs プロジェクト: tmzaw/coreclr
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function for retrieving a localized string resource via MUI.
        /// The function expects a string in the form: "@resource.dll, -123"
        /// "resource.dll" is a language-neutral portable executable (LNPE) file in
        /// the %windir%\system32 directory.  The OS is queried to find the best-fit
        /// localized resource file for this LNPE (ex: %windir%\system32\en-us\resource.dll.mui).
        /// If a localized resource file exists, we LoadString resource ID "123" and
        /// return it to our caller.
        /// </summary>
        private static string TryGetLocalizedNameByMuiNativeResource(string resource)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource))

            // parse "@tzres.dll, -100"
            // filePath   = "C:\Windows\System32\tzres.dll"
            // resourceId = -100
            string[] resources = resource.Split(',');
            if (resources.Length != 2)

            string filePath;
            int    resourceId;

            // get the path to Windows\System32
            string system32 = Environment.SystemDirectory;

            // trim the string "@tzres.dll" => "tzres.dll"
            string tzresDll = resources[0].TrimStart('@');

                filePath = Path.Combine(system32, tzresDll);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // there were probably illegal characters in the path

            if (!int.TryParse(resources[1], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out resourceId))
            resourceId = -resourceId;

                StringBuilder fileMuiPath = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(Path.MaxPath);
                fileMuiPath.Length = Path.MaxPath;
                int  fileMuiPathLength = Path.MaxPath;
                int  languageLength    = 0;
                long enumerator        = 0;

                bool succeeded = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetFileMUIPath(
                    filePath, null /* language */, ref languageLength,
                    fileMuiPath, ref fileMuiPathLength, ref enumerator);
                if (!succeeded)
                return(TryGetLocalizedNameByNativeResource(StringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(fileMuiPath), resourceId));
            catch (EntryPointNotFoundException)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Enum.cs プロジェクト: zaytsev-victor/coreclr
        private static String InternalFlagsFormat(RuntimeType eT, TypeValuesAndNames entry, ulong result)
            Debug.Assert(eT != null);

            String[] names  = entry.Names;
            ulong[]  values = entry.Values;
            Debug.Assert(names.Length == values.Length);

            int           index      = values.Length - 1;
            StringBuilder sb         = StringBuilderCache.Acquire();
            bool          firstTime  = true;
            ulong         saveResult = result;

            // We will not optimize this code further to keep it maintainable. There are some boundary checks that can be applied
            // to minimize the comparsions required. This code works the same for the best/worst case. In general the number of
            // items in an enum are sufficiently small and not worth the optimization.
            while (index >= 0)
                if ((index == 0) && (values[index] == 0))

                if ((result & values[index]) == values[index])
                    result -= values[index];
                    if (!firstTime)
                        sb.Insert(0, enumSeparatorString);

                    sb.Insert(0, names[index]);
                    firstTime = false;


            string returnString;

            if (result != 0)
                // We were unable to represent this number as a bitwise or of valid flags
                returnString = null; // return null so the caller knows to .ToString() the input
            else if (saveResult == 0)
                // For the cases when we have zero
                if (values.Length > 0 && values[0] == 0)
                    returnString = names[0]; // Zero was one of the enum values.
                    returnString = "0";
                returnString = sb.ToString(); // Return the string representation

コード例 #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Helper function that reads a string token from the serialized text. The function
            /// updates <see cref="_currentTokenStartIndex"/> to point to the next token on exit.
            /// Also <see cref="_state"/> is set to either <see cref="State.StartOfToken"/> or
            /// <see cref="State.EndOfLine"/> on exit.
            /// </summary>
            private string GetNextStringValue()
                // first verify the internal state of the object
                if (_state == State.EndOfLine)
                    throw new SerializationException(SR.Serialization_InvalidData);
                if (_currentTokenStartIndex < 0 || _currentTokenStartIndex >= _serializedText.Length)
                    throw new SerializationException(SR.Serialization_InvalidData);
                State         tokenState = State.NotEscaped;
                StringBuilder token      = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(InitialCapacityForString);

                // walk the serialized text, building up the token as we go...
                for (int i = _currentTokenStartIndex; i < _serializedText.Length; i++)
                    if (tokenState == State.Escaped)
                        tokenState = State.NotEscaped;
                    else if (tokenState == State.NotEscaped)
                        switch (_serializedText[i])
                        case Esc:
                            tokenState = State.Escaped;

                        case Lhs:
                            // '[' is an unexpected character
                            throw new SerializationException(SR.Serialization_InvalidData);

                        case Rhs:
                            // ']' is an unexpected character
                            throw new SerializationException(SR.Serialization_InvalidData);

                        case Sep:
                            _currentTokenStartIndex = i + 1;
                            if (_currentTokenStartIndex >= _serializedText.Length)
                                _state = State.EndOfLine;
                                _state = State.StartOfToken;

                        case '\0':
                            // invalid character
                            throw new SerializationException(SR.Serialization_InvalidData);

                // we are at the end of the line
                if (tokenState == State.Escaped)
                    // we are at the end of the serialized text but we are in an escaped state
                    throw new SerializationException(SR.Format(SR.Serialization_InvalidEscapeSequence, string.Empty));

                throw new SerializationException(SR.Serialization_InvalidData);