コード例 #1
        void CalculateBestAgainst_Naive(Player Opponent)
            // First decide strategy for children nodes.

            // For each pocket we might have, calculate what we should do.
            PocketData UpdatedP = new PocketData();
            for (int p1 = 0; p1 < Pocket.N; p1++)
                if (!MyCommunity.AvailablePocket[p1]) continue;

                // Update the opponent's pocket PDF using the new information,
                // (which is that we now know which pocket we have).
                UpdateOnExclusion(PocketP, UpdatedP, p1);

                // Calculate the EV assuming we proceed to a branch.
                // Loop through each possible opponent pocket and then each possible branch,
                // summing up the EV of each branch times the probability of arriving there.
                number TotalWeight = 0, BranchEV = 0;
                number[] BranchPDF = new number[Branches.Count];
                for (int p2 = 0; p2 < Pocket.N; p2++)
                    if (!MyCommunity.AvailablePocket[p2]) continue;

                    // All branches not overlapping our pocket or the opponent's pocket are equally likely.
                    int BranchIndex = 0;
                    foreach (Node Branch in Branches)
                        if (!Branch.MyCommunity.AvailablePocket[p1] || !Branch.MyCommunity.AvailablePocket[p2]) continue;

                        number Weight = Branch.Weight;
                        BranchEV += UpdatedP[p2] * Weight * Branch.EV[p1];
                        TotalWeight += UpdatedP[p2] * Weight;
                        BranchPDF[BranchIndex - 1] += UpdatedP[p2] * Weight;
                Assert.That(BranchEV >= -DerivedSetup.MaxPot - Tools.eps && BranchEV <= DerivedSetup.MaxPot + Tools.eps);

                EV[p1] = BranchEV;
コード例 #2
        void CalculateBestAgainst_FlopSuitReduced(Player Opponent)
            System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(Branches, node => node.CalculateBestAgainst(Opponent));

            //foreach (Node node in Branches)
            //    node.CalculateBestAgainst(Opponent);

            // For each pocket we might have, calculate what we should do.
            PocketData UpdatedP = new PocketData();
            for (int p1 = 0; p1 < Pocket.N; p1++)
                if (!MyCommunity.AvailablePocket[p1]) continue;

                // Update the opponent's pocket PDF using the new information,
                // (which is that we now know which pocket we have).
                UpdateOnExclusion(PocketP, UpdatedP, p1);

                // Calculate the EV assuming we proceed to a branch.
                // Loop through each possible opponent pocket and then each possible branch,
                // summing up the EV of each branch times the probability of arriving there.
                number TotalWeight = 0, BranchEV = 0;
                number[] BranchPDF = new number[Branches.Count];
                for (int p2 = 0; p2 < Pocket.N; p2++)
                    if (!MyCommunity.AvailablePocket[p2]) continue;

                    // All branches not overlapping our pocket or the opponent's pocket are equally likely.
                    // However, because we have grouped some branches together we weight representative branches more heavily.
                    int b = 0;
                    foreach (Node Branch in Branches)
                        if (Branch.MyCommunity.NewCollision(p1) || Branch.MyCommunity.NewCollision(p2)) continue;

                        FlopRoot FlopBranch = (FlopRoot)Branch;
                        FlopRoot _Branch = FlopBranch.Representative;
                        int _p1 = FlopBranch.MyFlop.PocketMap[p1];

                        //Assert.AlmostEqual(Branch.EV[p1], _Branch.EV[_p1], .05);

                        number Weight = _Branch.Weight;
                        BranchEV += UpdatedP[p2] * Weight * _Branch.EV[_p1];
                        TotalWeight += UpdatedP[p2] * Weight;
                        BranchPDF[b - 1] += UpdatedP[p2] * Weight;
                Assert.That(BranchEV >= -DerivedSetup.MaxPot - Tools.eps && BranchEV <= DerivedSetup.MaxPot + Tools.eps);

                EV[p1] = BranchEV;