//fügt die Parameter hinzu (für Token) public static string buildXMLStringWithPara(Object[] parameters) { var genParams = ""; if (parameters != null && parameters.Count() > 0) { foreach (var param in parameters) { if (param == null) continue; if (param.GetType().Equals(typeof(string))) { genParams += string.Format(@"<param><value><string>{0}</string></value></param>", param); } if (param.GetType().Equals(typeof(bool))) { genParams += string.Format(@"<param><value><boolean>{0}</boolean></value></param>", (bool)param ? 1 : 0); } if (param.GetType().Equals(typeof(double))) { genParams += string.Format(@"<param><value><double>{0}</double></value></param>", param); } if (param.GetType().Equals(typeof(int)) || param.GetType().Equals(typeof(short))) { genParams += string.Format(@"<param><value><int>{0}</int></value></param>", param); } if (param.GetType().Equals(typeof(DateTime))) { genParams += string.Format( @"<param><value><dateTime.iso8601>{0:yyyy}{0:MM}{0:dd}T{0:hh}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}</dateTime.iso8601></value></param>", param); } } } return genParams; }
//private Journal journal; //private Schedules schedules; public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Object[] students = new Object[15]; for (int i = 0; i < students.Count(); i++) students[i] = "Student #" + (i + 1); DrawScene(students, "02/09/2014"); //journal = new Journal(); //schedules = new Schedules(); }
public static Object InvokeMethod(string AssemblyName,string ClassName, string MethodName, Object[] args) { // load the assemly Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(AssemblyName); try { // Walk through each type in the assembly looking for our class foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes()) { if (type.IsClass == true) { if (type.FullName.EndsWith("." + ClassName)) { if (type.IsAbstract) { //Static method. return type.InvokeMember( MethodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, null, args); } else { // create an instance of the object object ClassObj = Activator.CreateInstance(type); // Dynamically Invoke the method object Result = type.InvokeMember(MethodName, BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ClassObj, args); return (Result); } } } } } catch (MissingMethodException ex) { throw (new System.Exception(ex.Message + ", with " + args.Count().ToString() + " parameters, " + ex.InnerException.ToString())); } throw (new System.Exception("unhandled exception")); }
public Object run(Object[] args) { Double res = 0d; double[] x = new double[2]; if (args.Count() == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) x[i] = Convert.ToDouble((args[i].ToString().Trim()).Replace('.', ',')); res = Convert.ToDouble(x[0]) % Convert.ToDouble(x[1]); } else { return "###"; } return res.ToString(); }
public Object run(Object[] args) { Double res = 0d; double x = new double(); if (args.Count() == 1) { x = Convert.ToDouble((args[0].ToString().Trim()).Replace('.', ',')); res = Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(x)); } else { return "###"; } return res.ToString(); }
public override void DoDataChange(Object[] parameter) { if(parameter.Count()<3) { Log.Warning("invalid parameter count for custom ribbon change"); return; } String s0 = parameter[0] as String; String s1 = parameter[1] as String; String s2 = parameter[2] as String; if (s0 == null || s1 == null || s2 == null) { Log.Warning("invalid parameter type for custom ribbon change"); return; } String code = "X" + s0.Substring(2); String name = s1; String text = s2; if (Log.IsLogable(Log.LEVEL.TRACE)) Log.Trace("changing custom ribbon for code " + code); Ribbon ribbon = RibbonPool.Instance().GetRibbonForCode(code); if (ribbon == null) { Log.Error("invalid custom ribbon code: " + code); return; } // CustomAchievement achievement = ribbon.GetAchievement() as CustomAchievement; if (achievement == null) { Log.Error("invalid custom ribbon achievement"); return; } achievement.SetName(name); achievement.SetText(text); if (Log.IsLogable(Log.LEVEL.TRACE)) Log.Trace("custom ribbon changed"); }
public Object run(Object[] args) { Double res = Convert.ToDouble(args[0].ToString().Trim().Replace('.', ',')); for (int i=1;i<args.Count();i++) { if (args[i].ToString().Length > 0) { // foreach (String s in arg.ToString().Split(',')) //res -= Convert.ToDouble(s.Trim().Replace('.', ',')); var akt = Convert.ToDouble(args[i].ToString().Trim().Replace('.', ',')); res -= akt; } else { return "###"; } } return res.ToString(); }
//Возвращает количество студентов public int GetNumberOfStud(Object[] stud) { return stud.Count(); }
private void EmitArgs(Object[] args) { if (args == null) { LogText("No Args?"); } LogText("Args: {0}", args.Count()); int a = 0; foreach (var arg in args) { LogText("Arg #{0}", a++); var type = arg.GetType(); if (type == typeof (JArray)) { EmitJArray(arg as JArray, 0); } else if (type == typeof (JToken)) { EmitJToken(arg as JToken, 0); } else if (type == typeof (JObject)) { EmitJObject(arg as JObject, 0); } else if (type == typeof (string)) { LogText("Value: {0}", (string) arg); } else { LogText("Unknown Arg Type? {0}", arg.GetType().Name); } } }
private textfilecontent54_object CreateTextFileContentObject( EntityObjectStringType filePath, EntityObjectStringType fileName, EntityObjectStringType path, EntityObjectStringType pattern, EntityObjectIntType instance, Object[] behaviors) { var fileContentObject = new textfilecontent54_object(); object[] items; textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices[] itemChoices; var hasBehaviors = (behaviors != null) && (behaviors.Count() > 0); var behaviorCount = behaviors.Count(); if (filePath == null) { if (hasBehaviors) { var entityCount = behaviorCount + 4; items = new object[entityCount]; itemChoices = new textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices[entityCount]; for (int i = 0; i < behaviorCount; i++) { itemChoices[i] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.behaviors; items[i] = behaviors.ElementAt(i); } itemChoices[behaviorCount] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.path; itemChoices[behaviorCount + 1] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.filename; itemChoices[behaviorCount + 2] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.pattern; itemChoices[behaviorCount + 3] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.instance; items[behaviorCount] = path; items[behaviorCount + 1] = fileName; items[behaviorCount + 2] = pattern; items[behaviorCount + 3] = instance; } else { items = new EntitySimpleBaseType[4]; itemChoices = new textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices[4]; itemChoices[0] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.path; itemChoices[1] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.filename; itemChoices[2] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.pattern; itemChoices[3] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.instance; items[0] = path; items[1] = fileName; items[2] = pattern; items[3] = instance; } } else { if (hasBehaviors) { var entityCount = behaviorCount + 3; items = new object[entityCount]; itemChoices = new textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices[entityCount]; for (int i = 0; i < behaviorCount; i++) { itemChoices[i] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.behaviors; items[i] = behaviors.ElementAt(i); } itemChoices[behaviorCount] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.filepath; itemChoices[behaviorCount + 1] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.pattern; itemChoices[behaviorCount + 2] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.instance; items[behaviorCount] = filePath; items[behaviorCount + 1] = pattern; items[behaviorCount + 2] = instance; } else { items = new EntitySimpleBaseType[3]; itemChoices = new textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices[3]; itemChoices[0] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.filepath; itemChoices[1] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.pattern; itemChoices[2] = textfilecontent54_ItemsChoices.instance; items[0] = filePath; items[1] = pattern; items[2] = instance; } } fileContentObject.Items = items; fileContentObject.Textfilecontent54ItemsElementName = itemChoices; return fileContentObject; }