internal override bool GetIsFirstItemInScope(int index) { var pIsFirstItemInScope = false; if (index == 0) { pIsFirstItemInScope = true; } else { DateTime date = default; int year = 0; date = GetDateAt((uint)index); var pCalendar = GetCalendar(); pCalendar.SetDateTime(date); year = pCalendar.Year; pIsFirstItemInScope = year % s_decade == 0; // "Decade" is a virtual scope which should be less than Era and greater than Year. // So a decade scope should not cross Eras. // When this year is the first year of this Era, we still look it // as the first item in the scope. if (!pIsFirstItemInScope) { int firstYearInThisEra = 0; firstYearInThisEra = pCalendar.FirstYearInThisEra; pIsFirstItemInScope = year == firstYearInThisEra; } } return(pIsFirstItemInScope); }
public async Task <bool> SendForProcessing(string cartId, System.DateTimeOffset PurchasedOn, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { PurchaseItineraryMessage purchaseItineraryMessage = new PurchaseItineraryMessage() { CartId = cartId, PurchasedOn = PurchasedOn }; List <EventGridEvent> events = new List <EventGridEvent>(); events.Add(new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "ContosoTravel.Web.Application.Messages.PurchaseItineraryMessage", Data = new PurchaseItineraryMessage() { CartId = cartId }, EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Subject = "PurchaseItinerary", DataVersion = "1.0" }); var client = await _eventGridClient; await client.PublishEventsAsync(TopicHostName, events, cancellationToken); return(true); }
public static int Compare(System.DateTimeOffset first, System.DateTimeOffset second) { Contract.Ensures(-1 <= Contract.Result <int>()); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <int>() <= 1); return(default(int)); }
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder <ServiceProduct> builder) { builder.Property(m => m.Description) .HasColumnName("Description") .HasMaxLength(2000) .IsRequired(); builder.Property(m => m.LongDescription) .HasMaxLength(2000) .IsRequired(false); builder.Property(m => m.UnitType) .IsRequired() .HasColumnName("UnitType") .HasConversion <byte>(); builder.Property(m => m.CategoryId) .HasColumnName("CategoryId") .IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(m => m.Category) .WithMany(m => m.Products) .HasForeignKey(m => m.CategoryId) .IsRequired(); var datatime = new System.DateTimeOffset(2020, 10, 18, 13, 36, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(3)); builder.HasData( new { ProductType = 2, Id = 5, Name = "Azure E03 Virtual Machine", CategoryId = 9, Description = "4VCPU, 8GB Ram Description", LongDescription = "4VCPU, 8GB Ram Long Description", UnitPrice = 0.90, UnitType = ServiceUnitType.Hour, VendorId = 1, CreatedAt = datatime, CreatedBy = -1, ModifiedAt = datatime, ModifiedBy = -1 }, new { ProductType = 2, Id = 6, Name = "Oracle Cloud V05 Virtual Machine", CategoryId = 9, Description = "4VCPU, 8GB Ram Description", LongDescription = "4VCPU, 8GB Ram Long Description", UnitPrice = 0.85, UnitType = ServiceUnitType.Hour, VendorId = 2, CreatedAt = datatime, CreatedBy = -1, ModifiedAt = datatime, ModifiedBy = -1 }, new { ProductType = 2, Id = 7, Name = "Body Guard Service", CategoryId = 10, Description = "Body Guard Service Description", LongDescription = "Body Guard Service Long Description", UnitPrice = 150.00, UnitType = ServiceUnitType.Hour, VendorId = 8, CreatedAt = datatime, CreatedBy = -1, ModifiedAt = datatime, ModifiedBy = -1 } ); }
private async Task <string> getAccessTokenUsingPasswordGrant() { JObject jResult = null; String urlParameters = String.Format( "grant_type={0}&resource={1}&client_id={2}&username={3}&password={4}", grantType, resourceId, clientId, userName, password ); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var createBody = new StringContent(urlParameters, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, contentType); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(tokenEndpoint, createBody); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Task <string> responseTask = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); responseTask.Wait(); string responseContent = responseTask.Result; jResult = JObject.Parse(responseContent); } accessToken = (string)jResult["access_token"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken)) { //Set AuthenticationHelper values so that the regular MSAL auth flow won't be triggered. tokenForUser = accessToken; expiration = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(5); } return(accessToken); }
public async Task UserInfo([Summary("The (optional) user to get info for")] IUser user = null) { var userInfo = user ?? Context.Client.CurrentUser; System.DateTimeOffset guildCreatedAt = new System.DateTimeOffset(); guildCreatedAt = userInfo.CreatedAt; string guildcreated = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy 'at' h:mm tt}", guildCreatedAt); var userimage = userInfo.GetAvatarUrl(); var game = userInfo.Game; string display; if (game == null) { display = "User isn't playing anything"; } else { display = game.Value.Name; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(color)) .AddInlineField("[Username]", userInfo.Username) .AddInlineField("[Account created]", guildcreated) .AddInlineField("[Currently playing]", display) .AddInlineField("[Status]", userInfo.Status) .WithThumbnailUrl(userimage); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed); }
private static DateTime ClampDate( DateTime date, DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate) { return(date <minDate?minDate : date> maxDate ? maxDate : date); }
public Person( string name, System.DateTimeOffset lastSeen) { Name = name; LastSeen = lastSeen; }
public JsonResult GetProcessingReport(System.DateTimeOffset startOfReporting, System.DateTimeOffset endOfReporting) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { int userId = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>(); if (userId > 0) { try { _logger.Info("{0} {1}\n\tReporting Start: {2}\n\tReporting End: {3}", User.Identity.Name, Request.Url.ToString(), startOfReporting, endOfReporting); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Logging error"); } var processingReport = _processingR.GetProcessingReportData(startOfReporting, endOfReporting, userId); return(Json(processingReport, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json("Unable to find UserId!")); } } else { return(Json("Unauthenticated user!")); } }
/// <summary> /// List the start times of the available aggregated profiles of a profiling group for an aggregation period within the specified time range. /// ListProfileTimes /profilingGroups/{profilingGroupName}/profileTimes#endTime&period&startTime /// </summary> /// <param name="endTime">The end time of the time range from which to list the profiles.</param> /// <param name="maxResults">The maximum number of profile time results returned by <code>ListProfileTimes</code> in paginated output. When this parameter is used, <code>ListProfileTimes</code> only returns <code>maxResults</code> results in a single page with a <code>nextToken</code> response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another <code>ListProfileTimes</code> request with the returned <code>nextToken</code> value. </param> /// <param name="nextToken"><p>The <code>nextToken</code> value returned from a previous paginated <code>ListProfileTimes</code> request where <code>maxResults</code> was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the <code>nextToken</code> value. </p> <note> <p>This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.</p> </note></param> /// <param name="orderBy">The order (ascending or descending by start time of the profile) to use when listing profiles. Defaults to <code>TIMESTAMP_DESCENDING</code>. </param> /// <param name="period">The aggregation period.</param> /// <param name="profilingGroupName">The name of the profiling group.</param> /// <param name="startTime">The start time of the time range from which to list the profiles.</param> /// <returns>Success</returns> public async Task <ListProfileTimesResponse> ListProfileTimesAsync(System.DateTimeOffset endTime, int maxResults, string nextToken, OrderBy orderBy, AggregationPeriod period, string profilingGroupName, System.DateTimeOffset startTime, Action <System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders> handleHeaders = null) { var requestUri = "/profilingGroups/" + (profilingGroupName == null? "" : Uri.EscapeDataString(profilingGroupName)) + "/profileTimes#endTime&period&startTime?endTime=" + endTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ") + "&maxResults=" + maxResults + "&nextToken=" + (nextToken == null? "" : Uri.EscapeDataString(nextToken)) + "&orderBy=" + orderBy + "&period=" + period + "&startTime=" + startTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ"); using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri)) { if (handleHeaders != null) { handleHeaders(request.Headers); } var responseMessage = await client.SendAsync(request); try { responseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCodeEx(); var stream = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); using (JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(new System.IO.StreamReader(stream))) { var serializer = new JsonSerializer(); return(serializer.Deserialize <ListProfileTimesResponse>(jsonReader)); } } finally { responseMessage.Dispose(); } } }
internal News(string topic, date stamp, string sender, string detail) : base(2) { Topic = topic; Stamp = stamp; Sender = sender ?? ""; Detail = detail ?? ""; }
public void Overlaps( [IncludeDataSources(true, TestProvName.AllOracle /* TestProvName.AllPostgreSQL, ProviderName.DB2 */)] string context) { // Postgre and DB2 have support but needs to know the type of parameters explicitely, // so this test wouldn't work without adding casts at every constant. using var db = GetDataContext(context); using var ints = SetupIntsTable(db); // OVERLAPS is neither client-evaluated, nor converted in providers without native support. // So tests are short because we don't want to test all edge cases of provider implementation. // We simply want to check if valid SQL is generated for all basic support types ints.Count(i => Row(DT.Parse("2020-10-01"), DT.Parse("2020-10-05")) .Overlaps(Row(DT.Parse("2020-10-03"), DT.Parse("2020-11-09")))) .Should().Be(1); ints.Count(i => Row(DTO.Parse("2020-10-05"), DTO.Parse("2020-10-01")) .Overlaps(Row(DTO.Parse("2020-10-03"), DTO.Parse("2020-11-09")))) .Should().Be(1); ints.Count(i => Row(DT.Parse("2020-10-03"), TimeSpan.Parse("6")) .Overlaps(Row(DT.Parse("2020-10-05"), TimeSpan.Parse("1")))) .Should().Be(1); ints.Count(i => Row(DT.Parse("2020-10-03"), TimeSpan.Parse("6")) .Overlaps(Row(DT.Parse("2020-10-05"), (TimeSpan?)null))) .Should().Be(1); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the serializable named value into a normal named value /// </summary> /// <param name="serializableNamedValue">The serializable named value</param> /// <returns>The value, but in types common to the rest of Taupo</returns> public NamedValue Convert(SerializableNamedValue serializableNamedValue) { ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(serializableNamedValue, "serializableNamedValue"); var value = serializableNamedValue.Value; #if WIN8 var dateTimeOffsetValue = value as Microsoft.Test.Taupo.Astoria.Contracts.WebServices.DataOracleService.Win8.DateTimeOffset; if (dateTimeOffsetValue != null) { value = new System.DateTimeOffset(dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Year, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Month, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Day, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Hour, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Minute, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Second, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(dateTimeOffsetValue.OffsetMinutes)); } #endif var spatialValue = value as SerializableSpatialData; if (spatialValue != null) { ExceptionUtilities.CheckObjectNotNull(this.SpatialFormatter, "Cannot convert spatial data without SpatialFormatter dependency being set"); var spatialTypeKind = SpatialUtilities.InferSpatialTypeKind(spatialValue.BaseTypeName); value = this.SpatialFormatter.Parse(spatialTypeKind, spatialValue.WellKnownTextRepresentation); } else if (value is SerializableEmptyData) { value = EmptyData.Value; } return(new NamedValue(serializableNamedValue.Name, value)); }
public void Set <T>(string key, T data, System.DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration, params string[] dependentFiles) { if (this.RegisterMoniter(key, dependentFiles)) { this.Set <T>(key, data, absoluteExpiration); } }
protected override void OnConfirmed() { DateTime oldDateTime = default; DateTime newDateTime = default; //DatePickedEventArgs spArgs; //DependencyObject spBoxedDateTime; //DateTime spBoxedDtAsReference; oldDateTime = Date; newDateTime = _tpPresenter.GetDate(); Date = newDateTime; //Private.ValueBoxer.CreateDateTime(newDateTime, &spBoxedDateTime); //spBoxedDateTime.As(spBoxedDtAsReference); _asyncOperationManager.Complete(newDateTime); //wrl.MakeAndInitialize<xaml_controls.DatePickedEventArgs>(spArgs); //spArgs.OldDate = oldDateTime; //spArgs.NewDate = newDateTime; //m_DatePickedEventSource.InvokeAll(this, spArgs); //DatePickerFlyoutGenerated.OnConfirmedImpl(); // Cleanup // return hr; _datePicked?.Invoke(this, new DatePickedEventArgs(newDateTime, oldDateTime)); Close(); }
public void Set <T>(string key, T data, System.DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration, string regionName = null) { CacheItem item = new CacheItem(key, data, regionName); CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy(); policy.AbsoluteExpiration = absoluteExpiration; Set(item, policy); }
public TodoItem(string title, string description, DateTimeOffset datetime) { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.title = title; this.description = description; this.completed = false; this.datetime = datetime; }
public object AddOrGetExisting(string key, object value, System.DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration, string regionName = null) { CacheItem item = new CacheItem(key, value, regionName); CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy(); policy.AbsoluteExpiration = absoluteExpiration; return(AddOrGetExisting(item, policy)); }
public async Task <bool> SendForProcessing(string cartId, System.DateTimeOffset PurchasedOn, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await Task.Delay(_random.Next(0, 30) * 1000); string recordId = await _fulfillmentService.Purchase(cartId, PurchasedOn, cancellationToken); return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recordId)); }
public static RangeDateTime SinceLocalMidnight() { var localnow = System.DateTime.Now; var localmidnight = new System.DateTime(localnow.Year, localnow.Month, localnow.Day); var lower = new System.DateTimeOffset(localmidnight); return(new RangeDateTime(lower, null)); }
public static bool TryParse(string input, out System.DateTimeOffset result) { Contract.Ensures(false); result = default(System.DateTimeOffset); return(default(bool)); }
private CalendarViewDayItem GetContainerByDate( DateTime datetime) { CalendarViewDayItem ppItem = null; var pMonthpanel = m_tpMonthViewItemHost.Panel; if (pMonthpanel is {})
public void GetFromTimeToTime_Test() { var returnList = new List <DotNetMetric>(); mock.Setup(repository => repository.GetFromTimeToTime(It.IsAny <DateTimeOffset>().ToUnixTimeSeconds(), It.IsAny <DateTimeOffset>().ToUnixTimeSeconds())).Returns(returnList); IActionResult result = controller.GetFromTimeToTime(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(10), DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(20)); mock.Verify(repository => repository.GetFromTimeToTime(10, 20), Times.AtLeastOnce()); }
// 添加了形参 System.DateTimeOffset set_day,用来表示用户设置的时间 public TodoItem(string title, string description, System.DateTimeOffset set_day) { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.title = title; this.description = description; this.completed = false; //默认为未完成 = set_day; = set_day.ToString(); }
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult GetAppointmentsForBol(System.DateTimeOffset start, System.DateTimeOffset end) { var callInfo = new T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.GetAppointmentsForBol); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "start", start); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "end", end); GetAppointmentsForBolOverride(callInfo, start, end); return(callInfo); }
public override void Append(DateTime item) { RaiseCollectionChanging(CollectionChanging.ItemInserting, item); m_addedDates.Add(item); base.Append(item); return; }
/// <summary> /// Represents a column in the select statement. /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">Is a value.</param> public Column(System.DateTimeOffset arg) : base(arg) { Build = (buildContext, buildArgs) => { return(BuildClr(arg, buildContext)); }; SetArgType(arg); }
internal ScalarArgument(System.DateTimeOffset arg) : base(arg) { Build = (buildContext, buildArgs) => { return(BuildClr(arg, buildContext)); }; SetArgType(arg); }
public void Set <T>(string key, T data) { System.DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMonths(1); //Set(key, data, absoluteExpiration); //if (data != null) if (!Equals(data, default(T))) { Set <T>(key, data, absoluteExpiration); } }
public override void InsertAt(uint index, DateTime item) { RaiseCollectionChanging(CollectionChanging.ItemInserting, item); m_addedDates.Add(item); base.InsertAt(index, item); return; }
public void ThenTheScheduleShouldBeInvokedOnlyOnAt(string date, string time) { var cronExpression = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<CronExpression>("cronExpression"); var target = System.DateTimeOffset.Parse(time + " " + date); var dt = new System.DateTimeOffset(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, new TimeSpan(0)); var next = cronExpression.GetNextValidTimeAfter(dt); // ReSharper disable PossibleInvalidOperationException Assert.True(next.HasValue); Assert.Equal(target, next); next = cronExpression.GetNextValidTimeAfter(next.Value); // ReSharper restore PossibleInvalidOperationException Assert.Null(next); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the serializable named value into a normal named value /// </summary> /// <param name="serializableNamedValue">The serializable named value</param> /// <returns>The value, but in types common to the rest of Taupo</returns> public NamedValue Convert(SerializableNamedValue serializableNamedValue) { ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(serializableNamedValue, "serializableNamedValue"); var value = serializableNamedValue.Value; #if WIN8 var dateTimeOffsetValue = value as Microsoft.Test.Taupo.Astoria.Contracts.WebServices.DataOracleService.Win8.DateTimeOffset; if (dateTimeOffsetValue != null) { value = new System.DateTimeOffset(dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Year, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Month, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Day, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Hour, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Minute, dateTimeOffsetValue.DateTime.Second, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(dateTimeOffsetValue.OffsetMinutes)); } #endif var spatialValue = value as SerializableSpatialData; if (spatialValue != null) { ExceptionUtilities.CheckObjectNotNull(this.SpatialFormatter, "Cannot convert spatial data without SpatialFormatter dependency being set"); var spatialTypeKind = SpatialUtilities.InferSpatialTypeKind(spatialValue.BaseTypeName); value = this.SpatialFormatter.Parse(spatialTypeKind, spatialValue.WellKnownTextRepresentation); } else if (value is SerializableEmptyData) { value = EmptyData.Value; } return new NamedValue(serializableNamedValue.Name, value); }