コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: amitprakash07/dx11
        public ShapesDemo(IntPtr hInstance)
            : base(hInstance) {
            _vb = null;
            _ib = null;
            _fx = null;
            _tech = null;
            _fxWVP = null;
            _inputLayout = null;
            _wireframeRS = null;
            _theta = 1.5f * MathF.PI;
            _phi = 0.1f * MathF.PI;
            _radius = 15.0f;

            MainWindowCaption = "Shapes Demo";

            _lastMousePos = new Point(0, 0);

            _gridWorld = Matrix.Identity;
            _view = Matrix.Identity;
            _proj = Matrix.Identity;

            _boxWorld = Matrix.Scaling(2.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f) * Matrix.Translation(0, 0.5f, 0);
            _centerSphere = Matrix.Scaling(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f) * Matrix.Translation(0, 2, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
                _cylWorld[i * 2] = Matrix.Translation(-5.0f, 1.5f, -10.0f + i * 5.0f);
                _cylWorld[i * 2 + 1] = Matrix.Translation(5.0f, 1.5f, -10.0f + i * 5.0f);

                _sphereWorld[i * 2] = Matrix.Translation(-5.0f, 3.5f, -10.0f + i * 5.0f);
                _sphereWorld[i * 2 + 1] = Matrix.Translation(5.0f, 3.5f, -10.0f + i * 5.0f);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream and advances the position
        /// within the stream by the number of bytes read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream and advances the position
        /// within the stream by the number of bytes read.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many
        /// bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.</returns>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The buffer offset.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="buffer"/> is <c>null</c>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        /// <para><paramref name="offset"/> is less than zero or greater than the length of <paramref name="buffer"/>.</para>
        /// <para>-or-</para>
        /// <para>The <paramref name="buffer"/> is not large enough to contain <paramref name="count"/> bytes strting
        /// at the specified <paramref name="offset"/>.</para>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
        /// The stream has been disposed.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
        /// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
        /// An I/O error occurred.
        /// </exception>
        public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
#if false // Note: this code will never get called as we always use ReadResponse() instead.

            ValidateArguments(buffer, offset, count);

            int length = inputEnd - inputIndex;
            int n;

            if (length < count && length <= ReadAheadSize)

            length = inputEnd - inputIndex;
            n      = Math.Min(count, length);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(input, inputIndex, buffer, offset, n);
            inputIndex += n;

            throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #3
ファイル: BufferValueWriter.cs プロジェクト: terite/Tempest
        public void InsertBytes(int offset, byte[] value, int valueOffset, int length)
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
            if (valueOffset < 0 || valueOffset >= value.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", "offset can not negative or >=data.Length");
            if (length < 0 || valueOffset + length > value.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "length can not be negative or combined with offset longer than the array");


            if (offset != this.position)
                Buff.BlockCopy(this.buffer, offset, this.buffer, offset + length, this.position - offset);

            Buff.BlockCopy(value, valueOffset, this.buffer, offset, length);
            this.position += length;
コード例 #4
        protected override void DoInitialize()
                // particleSimulator-fountain.comp is also OK.
                var shaderCode = new ShaderCode(File.ReadAllText(@"shaders\ParticleSimulatorRenderer\particleSimulator.comp"), ShaderType.ComputeShader);
                this.computeProgram = shaderCode.CreateProgram();
                Buffer buffer = this.positionBuffer;
                Texture texture = buffer.DumpBufferTexture(OpenGL.GL_RGBA32F, autoDispose: false);
                this.positionTexture = texture;
                Buffer buffer = this.velocityBuffer;
                Texture texture = buffer.DumpBufferTexture(OpenGL.GL_RGBA32F, autoDispose: false);
                this.velocityTexture = texture;
                const int length = 64;
                UniformBuffer buffer = UniformBuffer.Create(typeof(vec4), length, BufferUsage.DynamicCopy);
                OpenGL.BindBufferBase((BindBufferBaseTarget)BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, 0, buffer.BufferId);
                this.attractorBuffer = buffer;

コード例 #5
ファイル: Minimap.cs プロジェクト: amitprakash07/dx11
        public Minimap(Device device, DeviceContext dc, int minimapWidth, int minimapHeight, Terrain terrain, CameraBase viewCam) {
            _dc = dc;

            _minimapViewport = new Viewport(0, 0, minimapWidth, minimapHeight);

            CreateMinimapTextureViews(device, minimapWidth, minimapHeight);

            _terrain = terrain;

            _viewCam = viewCam;

            // frustum vb will contain four corners of view frustum, with first vertex repeated as the last
            var vbd = new BufferDescription(
                VertexPC.Stride * 5,
            _frustumVB = new Buffer(device, vbd);

            _edgePlanes = new[] {
                new Plane(1, 0, 0, -_terrain.Width / 2),
                new Plane(-1, 0, 0, _terrain.Width / 2),
                new Plane(0, 1, 0, -_terrain.Depth / 2),
                new Plane(0, -1, 0, _terrain.Depth / 2)

            ScreenPosition = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.75f);
            Size = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.25f);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Bitstream.cs プロジェクト: raxptor/putki
		public static bool Insert(Buffer dest, Buffer source)
			if (dest.BitsLeft() < source.BitsLeft())
				return false;

			Bitstream.Buffer tmp = new Bitstream.Buffer();
			Copy(tmp, source);

			while (tmp.BitsLeft() > 0)
				if (tmp.bitpos > 0)
					uint bits = (uint)(8 - tmp.bitpos);
					if (bits > tmp.BitsLeft())
						bits = tmp.BitsLeft();
					Bitstream.PutBits(dest, bits, Bitstream.ReadBits(tmp, bits));
				if (tmp.BitsLeft() > 32)
					Bitstream.PutBits(dest, 32, Bitstream.ReadBits(tmp, 32));

				uint left = tmp.BitsLeft();
				if (left >= 8)
					Bitstream.PutBits(dest, 8, Bitstream.ReadBits(tmp, 8));
				else if (left > 0)
					Bitstream.PutBits(dest, left, Bitstream.ReadBits(tmp, left));
			return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: FileIndex2.cs プロジェクト: slieser/sandbox
 private void Read_file(string filename, Action<Buffer> continueWith) {
     using (var fileStream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
         var buffer = new Buffer();
         buffer.LengthUsed = fileStream.Read(buffer.Content, 0, buffer.Content.Length);
コード例 #8
ファイル: HttpServer.cs プロジェクト: ArturD/Daemons
 private void ReadOne(Buffer buffer, LowLevelTcpConnection connection)
     connection.ReadAsync(buffer.Segment.Array, buffer.Segment.Offset, buffer.Segment.Count,
         readBytes =>
                 var readSegment = new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer.Segment.Array, 0, buffer.Segment.Offset + readBytes);
                 int headersSize;
                 var headers = TryParse(readSegment, out headersSize);
                 if (headers != null)
                     FixBuffer(buffer.Segment.Array, headersSize, buffer.Segment.Offset + readBytes);
                     StartHttp(headers, buffer.Segment.Array, connection);
                     ReadOne(new Buffer()
                                     Segment =
                                         new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer.Segment.Array,
                                                                buffer.Segment.Offset + readBytes,
                                                                buffer.Segment.Count - readBytes),
                                 }, connection);
コード例 #9
        public override void MakeBinary(string path)
            ReadObj(path, out List <Vector3> outPositions, out List <Vector2> outTexCoords, out List <Vector3> outNormals, out List <VertexReference> outVertices);

            int vertexCount = outPositions.Count;

            byte[] closure = _closures[Name];
            Buffer = new byte[10 + vertexCount * Vertex.ByteCount + vertexCount * sizeof(uint) + closure.Length];

            Buf.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)vertexCount), 0, Buffer, 0, sizeof(uint));
            Buf.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)vertexCount), 0, Buffer, 4, sizeof(uint));
            Buf.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)288), 0, Buffer, 8, sizeof(ushort));

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                Vertex vertex      = new(outPositions[(int)outVertices[i].PositionReference - 1], outTexCoords[(int)outVertices[i].TexCoordReference - 1], outNormals[(int)outVertices[i].NormalReference - 1]);
                byte[] vertexBytes = vertex.ToByteArray();
                Buf.BlockCopy(vertexBytes, 0, Buffer, 10 + i * Vertex.ByteCount, Vertex.ByteCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                Buf.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(outVertices[i].PositionReference - 1), 0, Buffer, 10 + vertexCount * Vertex.ByteCount + i * sizeof(uint), sizeof(uint));
            Buf.BlockCopy(closure, 0, Buffer, 10 + vertexCount * (Vertex.ByteCount + sizeof(uint)), closure.Length);

            Size = (uint)Buffer.Length;
コード例 #10
ファイル: MyModel.cs プロジェクト: KaiminHuang/Graphics
 public MyModel(Project1Game game, VertexPositionColor[] shapeArray, String textureName)
     this.vertices = Buffer.Vertex.New(game.GraphicsDevice, shapeArray);
     this.inputLayout = VertexInputLayout.New<VertexPositionColor>(0);
     vertexStride = Utilities.SizeOf<VertexPositionColor>();
     modelType = ModelType.Colored;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ImapStream.cs プロジェクト: zamis/MailKit
        async Task <int> ReadAsync(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, bool doAsync, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            ValidateArguments(buffer, offset, count);

            if (Mode != ImapStreamMode.Literal)

            count = Math.Min(count, literalDataLeft);

            int length = inputEnd - inputIndex;
            int n;

            if (length < count && length <= ReadAheadSize)
                await ReadAheadAsync(BlockSize, doAsync, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            length = inputEnd - inputIndex;
            n      = Math.Min(count, length);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(input, inputIndex, buffer, offset, n);
            literalDataLeft -= n;
            inputIndex      += n;

            if (literalDataLeft == 0)
                Mode = ImapStreamMode.Token;

コード例 #12
ファイル: BufferPool.cs プロジェクト: ronenbarak/Whitelog
 public BufferPool()
     for (int i = 0; i < PoolSize; i++)
         pool[i] = new Buffer(this, BufferLength);
コード例 #13
ファイル: LightObject.cs プロジェクト: Prizrak778/Thesis_3D
        public void UpdateBufferForBlock(int program, string nameBlock)
            int index_SLI = GL.GetUniformBlockIndex(program, nameBlock);

            if (index_SLI != -1)
                GL.GetActiveUniformBlock(program, index_SLI, ActiveUniformBlockParameter.UniformBlockDataSize, out blockSizeLightInfo);
                byte[]   blockBuffer = new byte[blockSizeLightInfo];
                string[] names       = { nameBlock + ".position_lgh", nameBlock + ".intensity_lgh", nameBlock + ".direction_lgh", nameBlock + ".exponent_lgh", nameBlock + ".cutoff_lgh" };
                int[]    indices     = new int[5];
                GL.GetUniformIndices(program, 5, names, indices);
                int[] offset = new int[5];
                GL.GetActiveUniforms(program, 5, indices, ActiveUniformParameter.UniformOffset, offset);

                float[] position_lgh  = { Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z, 0.0f };
                float[] intensity_lgh = { DiffusionIntensity.X, DiffusionIntensity.Y, DiffusionIntensity.Z }; //интенсивность света
                float[] direction_lgh = { LightVecNormalized.X, LightVecNormalized.Y, LightVecNormalized.Z }; //направление света
                float[] exponent      = { 1.0f };                                                             // Экспанента углового ослабления света
                float[] cutoff        = { 30f };                                                              //угол отсечения

                Buffer.BlockCopy(position_lgh, 0, blockBuffer, offset[0], position_lgh.Length * sizeof(float));
                Buffer.BlockCopy(intensity_lgh, 0, blockBuffer, offset[1], intensity_lgh.Length * sizeof(float));
                Buffer.BlockCopy(direction_lgh, 0, blockBuffer, offset[2], direction_lgh.Length * sizeof(float));
                Buffer.BlockCopy(exponent, 0, blockBuffer, offset[3], exponent.Length * sizeof(float));
                Buffer.BlockCopy(cutoff, 0, blockBuffer, offset[4], cutoff.Length * sizeof(float));

                GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, uboLightInfo);
                GL.BufferSubData(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, (IntPtr)0, blockSizeLightInfo, blockBuffer);
コード例 #14
        public byte[] ToArray()
            byte[] value = new byte[Length];
            Buff.BlockCopy(this.buffer, 0, value, 0, Length);

コード例 #15
        public void WriteDouble(double value)
            if (this.position + sizeof(double) >= this.buffer.Length)
                int curLength = this.buffer.Length;
                int newLength = curLength * 2;
                while (newLength <= curLength + sizeof(double))
                    newLength *= 2;

                byte[] newbuffer = new byte[newLength];
                Buff.BlockCopy(this.buffer, 0, newbuffer, 0, this.Length);
                this.buffer = newbuffer;

                        #if SAFE
            Buff.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0, this.buffer, this.position, sizeof(double));
            fixed(byte *ub = this.buffer)
            * ((double *)(ub + this.position)) = value;

            this.position += sizeof(double);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Bitstream.cs プロジェクト: raxptor/putki
			public static Buffer Make(byte[] buffer)
				Buffer b = new Buffer();
				b.buf = buffer;
				b.bytesize = (uint)buffer.Length;
				return b;
コード例 #17
        public SegmentRenderer()
            m_program = TriangleProgram.Instance;
            m_instances = new List<SegmentInstance>();

            m_vao = new VertexArray();


            m_bufferSprite = new Buffer<SegmentData>();
            m_bufferTriangle = new Buffer<Vector3>();


               // m_program.Normal.SetValue(m_bufferSprite.GetView<Vector3>("Normal"));
               //// m_program.Normal.SetDivisor(1);
               // m_program.Transform.SetValue(m_bufferSprite.GetView<Matrix4>("Transform"));
               // //m_program.Transform.SetDivisor(1);
               // m_program.TextureOrigin.SetValue(m_bufferSprite.GetView<Vector2>("TextureOrigin"));
               // //m_program.TextureOrigin.SetDivisor(1);
               // m_program.TextureTarget.SetValue(m_bufferSprite.GetView<Vector2>("TextureTarget"));


            m_isDirty = true;
コード例 #18
        public void WriteBytes(byte[] value)
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

            int additionalCapacity = sizeof(int) + value.Length;

            if (this.position + additionalCapacity >= this.buffer.Length)
                int curLength = this.buffer.Length;
                int newLength = curLength * 2;
                while (newLength <= curLength + additionalCapacity)
                    newLength *= 2;

                byte[] newbuffer = new byte[newLength];
                Buff.BlockCopy(this.buffer, 0, newbuffer, 0, this.Length);
                this.buffer = newbuffer;

            Buff.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Length), 0, this.buffer, this.position, sizeof(int));
            this.position += sizeof(int);
            Buff.BlockCopy(value, 0, this.buffer, this.position, value.Length);
            this.position += value.Length;
コード例 #19
ファイル: MinimalExample.cs プロジェクト: olegbom/ObjectTK
        private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // initialize shader (load sources, create/compile/link shader program, error checking)
            // when using the factory method the shader sources are retrieved from the ShaderSourceAttributes
            _program = ProgramFactory.Create<ExampleProgram>();
            // this program will be used all the time so just activate it once and for all

            // create vertices for a triangle
            var vertices = new[] { new Vector3(-1,-1,0), new Vector3(1,-1,0), new Vector3(0,1,0) };

            // create buffer object and upload vertex data
            _vbo = new Buffer<Vector3>();
            _vbo.Init(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, vertices);

            // create and bind a vertex array
            _vao = new VertexArray();
            // set up binding of the shader variable to the buffer object
            _vao.BindAttribute(_program.InPosition, _vbo);

            // set camera position
            Camera.DefaultState.Position = new Vector3(0,0,3);

            // set a nice clear color
コード例 #20
        public SpriteRenderer(SpriteSheet spriteSheet)
            SpriteSheet = spriteSheet;

            m_program = SpriteProgram.Instance;
            m_instances = new List<SpriteInstance>();
            m_vao = new VertexArray();


            m_bufferSprite = new Buffer<SpriteData>();
            m_bufferQuad = new Buffer<Vector3>();

            m_bufferQuad.SetData(new Vector3[] {
                new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f),
                new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f),
                new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0f),
                new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f)





            m_isDirty = true;
コード例 #21
         * private static NDArray ReadTensorFromImageFile(Bitmap bmp)
         * {
         *  var graph = tf.Graph().as_default();
         *  string file_name = @"E:\Download\faster_rcnn_resnet50_smd_2019_01_29\images\ships1.jpg";
         *  Tensor file_reader = tf.io.read_file(file_name, "file_reader");
         *  Tensor decodeFromFile = tf.image.decode_jpeg(file_reader, channels: 3, name: "DecodeJpeg");
         *  NDArray nd = bmp.ToNDArray(discardAlpha: true);
         *  nd.shape = new int[]{ 1, bmp.Height, bmp.Width, 3 };
         *  Tensor content = new Tensor(nd,TF_DataType.TF_UINT8);
         *  return nd;
         *  var decodeJpeg = tf.image.decode_image(content);
         *  var casted = tf.cast(decodeJpeg, TF_DataType.TF_UINT8);
         *  var dims_expander = tf.expand_dims(casted, 0);
         *  using (var sess = tf.Session(graph))
         *      return sess.run(dims_expander);
         * }

        private static NDArray GetBitmapBytes(Bitmap image, out byte[] RawBytes)
            // En garde!
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image));

            BitmapData bmpData = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, image.PixelFormat);

                    RawBytes = new byte[bmpData.Stride * image.Height];
                    //Create a 1d vector without filling it's values to zero (similar to np.empty)
                    var nd = new NDArray(NPTypeCode.Byte, Shape.Vector(bmpData.Stride * image.Height), fillZeros: false);

                    // Get the respective addresses
                    byte *src = (byte *)bmpData.Scan0;
                    byte *dst = (byte *)nd.Unsafe.Address; //we can use unsafe because we just allocated that array and we know for sure it is contagious.

                    Marshal.Copy(bmpData.Scan0, RawBytes, 0, RawBytes.Length);
                    // Copy the RGB values into the array.
                    Buffer.MemoryCopy(src, dst, nd.size, nd.size); //faster than Marshal.Copy
                    //TODO: replace return with: return nd.reshape(batch_size, height, width, 3);
コード例 #22
        public ParticleSystem(GraphicsDevice device, ContentManager content)
            this.device = device;

            // Create vertex buffer used to spawn new particles
            this.particleStart = Buffer.Vertex.New<ParticleVertex>(device, MAX_NEW);

            // Create vertex buffers to use for updating and drawing the particles alternatively
            var vbFlags = BufferFlags.VertexBuffer | BufferFlags.StreamOutput;
            this.particleDrawFrom = Buffer.New<ParticleVertex>(device, MAX_PARTICLES, vbFlags);
            this.particleStreamTo = Buffer.New<ParticleVertex>(device, MAX_PARTICLES, vbFlags);

            this.layout = VertexInputLayout.FromBuffer(0, this.particleStreamTo);
            this.effect = content.Load<Effect>("ParticleEffect");
            this.texture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Dot");

            this.viewParameter = effect.Parameters["_view"];
            this.projParameter = effect.Parameters["_proj"];
            this.lookAtMatrixParameter = effect.Parameters["_lookAtMatrix"];
            this.elapsedSecondsParameter = effect.Parameters["_elapsedSeconds"];
            this.camDirParameter = effect.Parameters["_camDir"];
            this.gravityParameter = effect.Parameters["_gravity"];
            this.textureParameter = effect.Parameters["_texture"];
            this.samplerParameter = effect.Parameters["_sampler"];
            this.updatePass = effect.Techniques["UpdateTeq"].Passes[0];
            this.renderPass = effect.Techniques["RenderTeq"].Passes[0];
コード例 #23
ファイル: FileIndex2.cs プロジェクト: slieser/sandbox
 public void Process(Buffer buffer) {
     if (first) {
         first = false;
コード例 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace current PacketStream with some bytes from provided byte array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes"></param>
 /// <param name="offset"></param>
 /// <param name="count"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public PacketStream Replace(Byte[] bytes, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
     SBuffer.BlockCopy(bytes, offset, Buffer, 0, count);
     Count = count;
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream and advances the position
        /// within the stream by the number of bytes read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many
        /// bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.</returns>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The buffer offset.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="buffer"/> is <c>null</c>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        /// <para><paramref name="offset"/> is less than zero or greater than the length of <paramref name="buffer"/>.</para>
        /// <para>-or-</para>
        /// <para>The <paramref name="buffer"/> is not large enough to contain <paramref name="count"/> bytes strting
        /// at the specified <paramref name="offset"/>.</para>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
        /// The stream has been disposed.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
        /// The stream is in token mode (see <see cref="ImapStreamMode.Token"/>).
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
        /// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
        /// An I/O error occurred.
        /// </exception>
        public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            ValidateArguments(buffer, offset, count);

            if (Mode != ImapStreamMode.Literal)

            count = Math.Min(count, literalDataLeft);

            int length = inputEnd - inputIndex;
            int n;

            if (length < count && length <= ReadAheadSize)
                ReadAhead(BlockSize, cancellationToken);

            length = inputEnd - inputIndex;
            n      = Math.Min(count, length);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(input, inputIndex, buffer, offset, n);
            literalDataLeft -= n;
            inputIndex      += n;

            if (literalDataLeft == 0)
                Mode = ImapStreamMode.Token;

コード例 #26
ファイル: Skybox.cs プロジェクト: ukitake/Stratum
        public Skybox(GraphicsDevice device)
            float x = 0.525731f;
            float z = 0.850651f;

            var vertices = new SkyboxVertex[12]
                new SkyboxVertex(-x, 0f, z), new SkyboxVertex(x, 0f, z),
                new SkyboxVertex(-x, 0f, -z), new SkyboxVertex(x, 0f, -z),
                new SkyboxVertex(0f, z, x), new SkyboxVertex(0f, z, -x),
                new SkyboxVertex(0f, -z, x), new SkyboxVertex(0f, -z, -x),
                new SkyboxVertex(z, x, 0f), new SkyboxVertex(-z, x, 0f),
                new SkyboxVertex(z, -x, 0f), new SkyboxVertex(-z, -x, 0f),

            var indices = new int[60]
                1,4,0,  4,9,0,  4,5,9,  8,5,4,  1,8,4,
                1,10,8, 10,3,8, 8,3,5,  3,2,5,  3,7,2,
                3,10,7, 10,6,7, 6,11,7, 6,0,11, 6,1,0,
                10,1,6, 11,0,9, 2,11,9, 5,2,9,  11,2,7

            vertexBuffer = Buffer<SkyboxVertex>.New(device, vertices, BufferFlags.VertexBuffer);
            indexBuffer = Buffer<int>.New(device, indices, BufferFlags.IndexBuffer);
            skyboxEffect = EffectLoader.Load(@"Graphics/Shaders/Skybox.fx");
            skyboxTex = Texture2D.Load(device, @"G:\Users\Athrun\Documents\Stratum\trunk\src\Stratum\WorldEngine\Earth\milkyWay.tif");
コード例 #27
        public ConsoleViewModel(
            ISyncThingManager syncThingManager,
            IConfigurationProvider configurationProvider)
            this.syncThingManager = syncThingManager;
            this.LogMessages = new Queue<string>();

            // Display log messages 100ms after the previous message, or every 500ms if they're arriving thick and fast
            this.logMessagesBuffer = new Buffer<string>(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));
            this.logMessagesBuffer.Delivered += (o, e) =>
                foreach (var message in e.Items)
                    if (this.LogMessages.Count > maxLogMessages)

                this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.LogMessages);

            this.syncThingManager.MessageLogged += (o, e) =>
コード例 #28
ファイル: Worker.cs プロジェクト: KorniltsevMikhail/testTask
        public Worker(int threadCount, int blockLength, IHash hasher, FileStream stream)
            mainThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
            this.threadCount = threadCount;
            this.stream = stream;
            this.hasher = hasher;

            this.blockLength = blockLength;
            threads = new List<Thread>(threadCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
                var b = new Buffer();
                b.raw = new byte[blockLength];

            blockCount = stream.Length / blockLength;
            if (stream.Length % blockLength != 0)

            Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(Cancel);
コード例 #29
        public void WriteString(Encoding encoding, string value)
            if (encoding == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("encoding");

            if (value == null)

            byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(value);
            int    additionalCapacity = sizeof(int) + data.Length;

            if (this.position + additionalCapacity >= this.buffer.Length)
                int curLength = this.buffer.Length;
                int newLength = curLength * 2;
                while (newLength <= curLength + additionalCapacity)
                    newLength *= 2;

                byte[] newbuffer = new byte[newLength];
                Buff.BlockCopy(this.buffer, 0, newbuffer, 0, this.Length);
                this.buffer = newbuffer;

            Buff.BlockCopy(data, 0, this.buffer, this.position, data.Length);
            this.position += data.Length;
コード例 #30
        // This validation logic is a manual port of StrongNameIsValidPublicKey() in the desktop CLR (see clr\src\StrongName\api\StrongNameInternal.cpp)
        private static bool IsValidPublicKey(byte[] publicKey)
            uint publicKeyLength = (uint)(publicKey.Length);

            // The buffer must be at least as large as the public key structure (for compat with desktop, we actually compare with the size of the header + 4).
            if (publicKeyLength < SizeOfPublicKeyBlob + 4)

            // Poor man's reinterpret_cast into the PublicKeyBlob structure.
            uint[] publicKeyBlob = new uint[3];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(publicKey, 0, publicKeyBlob, 0, (int)SizeOfPublicKeyBlob);
            uint sigAlgID    = publicKeyBlob[0];
            uint hashAlgID   = publicKeyBlob[1];
            uint cbPublicKey = publicKeyBlob[2];

            // The buffer must be the same size as the structure header plus the trailing key data
            if (cbPublicKey != publicKeyLength - SizeOfPublicKeyBlob)

            // The buffer itself looks reasonable, but the public key structure needs to be validated as well

            // The ECMA key doesn't look like a valid key so it will fail the below checks. If we were passed that
            // key, then we can skip them.
            if (ByteArrayEquals(publicKey, s_ecmaKey))

            // If a hash algorithm is specified, it must be a sensible value
            bool fHashAlgorithmValid = GetAlgClass(hashAlgID) == ALG_CLASS_HASH && GetAlgSid(hashAlgID) == ALG_SID_SHA1;

            if (hashAlgID != 0 && !fHashAlgorithmValid)

            // If a signature algorithm is specified, it must be a sensible value
            bool fSignatureAlgorithmValid = GetAlgClass(sigAlgID) == ALG_CLASS_SIGNATURE;

            if (sigAlgID != 0 && !fSignatureAlgorithmValid)

            // The key blob must indicate that it is a PUBLICKEYBLOB
            if (publicKey[SizeOfPublicKeyBlob] != PUBLICKEYBLOB)

            //@todo: Desktop also tries to import the public key blob using the Crypto api as further validation - not clear if there's any non-banned API to do this.

コード例 #31
ファイル: draw.cs プロジェクト: MSylvia/SharpQuake
        // Draw_CachePic
        public static glpic_t CachePic(string path)
            for (int i = 0; i < _MenuNumCachePics; i++)
                cachepic_t p = _MenuCachePics[i];
                if (p.name == path) // !strcmp(path, pic->name))

            if (_MenuNumCachePics == MAX_CACHED_PICS)
                sys.Error("menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS");

            cachepic_t pic = _MenuCachePics[_MenuNumCachePics];

            pic.name = path;

            // load the pic from disk
            byte[] data = common.LoadFile(path);
            if (data == null)
                sys.Error("Draw_CachePic: failed to load {0}", path);
            dqpicheader_t header = sys.BytesToStructure <dqpicheader_t>(data, 0);


            int headerSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(dqpicheader_t));

            // HACK HACK HACK --- we need to keep the bytes for
            // the translatable player picture just for the menu
            // configuration dialog
            if (path == "gfx/menuplyr.lmp")
                Buffer.BlockCopy(data, headerSize, _MenuPlayerPixels, 0, header.width * header.height);
                //memcpy (menuplyr_pixels, dat->data, dat->width*dat->height);

            glpic_t gl = new glpic_t();

            gl.width  = header.width;
            gl.height = header.height;

            //gl = (glpic_t *)pic->pic.data;
            gl.texnum = LoadTexture(gl, new ByteArraySegment(data, headerSize));
            gl.sl     = 0;
            gl.sh     = 1;
            gl.tl     = 0;
            gl.th     = 1;
            pic.pic   = gl;

  * Factory method to create an unmodifiable buffer.
  * <p>
  * If the buffer passed in is already unmodifiable, it is returned.
  * @param buffer  the buffer to decorate, must not be null
  * @return an unmodifiable Buffer
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if buffer is null
 public static Buffer decorate(Buffer buffer)
     if (buffer is Unmodifiable)
         return buffer;
     return new UnmodifiableBuffer(buffer);
コード例 #33
ファイル: Utility.cs プロジェクト: harshalbhagat/ble-test
        public static byte[] ArrayConcat(byte[] a, byte[] b)
            byte[] c = new byte[a.Length + b.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(a, 0, c, 0, a.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, 0, c, a.Length, b.Length);

コード例 #34
ファイル: PlanetComponent.cs プロジェクト: ukitake/Stratum
        public virtual void Initialize()
            GraphicsDevice device = Engine.GraphicsContext.Device;

            wireFrame = EffectLoader.Load(@"World/Earth/Shaders/DeferredTerrain.fx");

            vertexBuffer = Buffer<TerrainVertex>.New<TerrainVertex>(device, SharpDX.Utilities.SizeOf<TerrainVertex>() * 4 * 1000, BufferFlags.VertexBuffer, SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceUsage.Dynamic);
コード例 #35
        internal override void Read(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf <T>();
            var bytes    = formatter.ReadBytes(itemSize * rows);

            Data = new T[rows];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, Data, 0, itemSize * rows);
コード例 #36
 /// <summary>
 ///   Sets a single constant buffer to be used by the shader stage.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "slot">Index into the device's zero-based array to which to set the constant buffer.</param>
 /// <param name = "constantBuffer">constant buffer to set</param>
 public void SetConstantBuffer(int slot, Buffer constantBuffer)
     var tempPtr = constantBuffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : constantBuffer.NativePointer;
         SetConstantBuffers(slot, 1, new IntPtr(&tempPtr));
コード例 #37
ファイル: Inverse.cs プロジェクト: nice1378/x2clr
 public int InverseTransform(Buffer buffer, int length)
     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
         buffer[i] = (byte)~buffer[i];
     return length;
コード例 #38
ファイル: Inverse.cs プロジェクト: nice1378/x2clr
 public int Transform(Buffer buffer, int length)
     for (int i = buffer.Length - length; i < buffer.Length; ++i)
         buffer[i] = (byte)~buffer[i];
     return length;
コード例 #39
ファイル: MyModel.cs プロジェクト: georgecai904/mazeball
 public MyModel(LabGame game, VertexPositionColor[] shapeArray, String textureName, float collisionRadius)
     this.vertices = Buffer.Vertex.New(game.GraphicsDevice, shapeArray);
     this.inputLayout = VertexInputLayout.New<VertexPositionColor>(0);
     vertexStride = Utilities.SizeOf<VertexPositionColor>();
     modelType = ModelType.Colored;
     this.collisionRadius = collisionRadius;
コード例 #40
ファイル: Bitstream.cs プロジェクト: raxptor/putki-historical
 public static void Copy(Buffer dst, Buffer src)
     dst.buf = src.buf;
     dst.bufsize = src.bufsize;
     dst.bytepos = src.bytepos;
     dst.bitpos = src.bitpos;
     dst.error = src.error;
コード例 #41
ファイル: ParserGen.cs プロジェクト: snowyu/cocoxml
 public ParserGen(Parser parser)
     tab = parser.tab;
     trace = parser.trace;
     buffer = parser.scanner.buffer;
     errorNr = -1;
     usingPos = null;
コード例 #42
ファイル: RadioTower.cs プロジェクト: bschwind/AI-Example
        public RadioTower(Vector3 pos)
            bounds = new Circle(pos, 2);
            commCircle = new Circle(pos, 25);

            inbox = new Buffer<Message>(20);
            outbox = new Buffer<Message>(20);
コード例 #43
ファイル: Frame.cs プロジェクト: projectixxlii/caster
 public void AddBuffer(Buffer buffer)
     buffer.X = this.Left;
     buffer.Y = this.Top;
     buffer.Width = this.Width;
     buffer.Height = this.Height;
     this.CurrentBufferNode = this.Buffers.Last;
コード例 #44
        public override void Write(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            Debug.Assert(Rows == rows, "Row count mismatch!");
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf <T>();
            var bytes    = new byte[itemSize * rows];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 0, bytes, 0, itemSize * rows);
コード例 #45
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: yuukidesu9/telegram-wp
        public static long GetRSAFingerprint(string key)
            using (var text = new StringReader(key))
                var reader    = new PemReader(text);
                var parameter = reader.ReadObject() as RsaKeyParameters;
                if (parameter != null)
                    var modulus  = parameter.Modulus.ToByteArray();
                    var exponent = parameter.Exponent.ToByteArray();

                    if (modulus.Length > 256)
                        var corrected = new byte[256];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(modulus, modulus.Length - 256, corrected, 0, 256);

                        modulus = corrected;
                    else if (modulus.Length < 256)
                        var corrected = new byte[256];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(modulus, 0, corrected, 256 - modulus.Length, modulus.Length);

                        for (int a = 0; a < 256 - modulus.Length; a++)
                            modulus[a] = 0;

                        modulus = corrected;

                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                        var modulusString  = TLString.FromBigEndianData(modulus);
                        var exponentString = TLString.FromBigEndianData(exponent);


                        var hash = ComputeSHA1(stream.ToArray());

                        var fingerprint = (((ulong)hash[19]) << 56) |
                                          (((ulong)hash[18]) << 48) |
                                          (((ulong)hash[17]) << 40) |
                                          (((ulong)hash[16]) << 32) |
                                          (((ulong)hash[15]) << 24) |
                                          (((ulong)hash[14]) << 16) |
                                          (((ulong)hash[13]) << 8) |


コード例 #46
        private static void GetByteVertexAndIndexBuffer(out byte[] byteVertexBuffer, out int[] indexBuffer)
            float[] floatVertexBuffer;
            GetFloatVertexAndIndexBuffer(out floatVertexBuffer, out indexBuffer);

            // Copy float array into byte array
            byteVertexBuffer = new byte[floatVertexBuffer.Length * 4];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(floatVertexBuffer, 0, byteVertexBuffer, 0, byteVertexBuffer.Length);
コード例 #47
 public BitStream()
     m_first = new Buffer();
     m_last = m_first;
     m_blockingRead = false;
     m_streamEnded = false;
     m_lock = new object();
コード例 #48
        internal override void Read(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            var itemSize = sizeof(ushort);
            var bytes    = formatter.ReadBytes(itemSize * rows);
            var xdata    = new ushort[rows];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, xdata, 0, itemSize * rows);
            Data = xdata.Select(x => UnixTimeBase.AddDays(x)).ToArray();
コード例 #49
        internal override void Read(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Guid));
            var bytes    = formatter.ReadBytes(itemSize * rows);
            var xdata    = new Guid[rows];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, xdata, 0, itemSize * rows);
            Data = xdata.ToArray();
コード例 #50
        internal override void Read(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf <uint>();
            var bytes    = formatter.ReadBytes(itemSize * rows);
            var xdata    = new uint[rows];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, xdata, 0, itemSize * rows);
            Data = xdata.Select(x => UnixTimeBase.AddSeconds(x)).ToArray();
コード例 #51
 public PacketStream Insert(Int32 offset, Byte[] copyArray, Int32 copyArrayOffset, Int32 count)
     Reserve(Count + count);
     // передвигаем данные с позиции offset до позиции offset + count
     SBuffer.BlockCopy(Buffer, offset, Buffer, offset + count, Count - offset);
     // копируем новый массив данных в позицию offset
     SBuffer.BlockCopy(copyArray, copyArrayOffset, Buffer, offset, count);
     Count += count;
コード例 #52
        public byte[] ReadBytes()
            int len = ReadInt32();

            byte[] b = new byte[len];
            Buff.BlockCopy(this.buffer, this.Position, b, 0, len);
            this.Position += len;

  * Constructor that wraps (not copies) another buffer, making it bounded
  * waiting only up to a maximum amount of time.
  * @param buffer  the buffer to wrap, must not be null
  * @param maximumSize  the maximum size, must be size one or greater
  * @param timeout  the maximum amount of time to wait
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the buffer is null
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the maximum size is zero or less
 protected BoundedBuffer(Buffer buffer, int maximumSize, long timeout)
     : base(buffer)
     if (maximumSize < 1)
         throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
     this.maximumSize = maximumSize;
     this.timeout = timeout;
コード例 #54
        public void Write(void *data, nuint length)
            if (length > Size)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(data), "Cannot write segment larger than ring buffer segment size.");

            Buffer.MemoryCopy(data, _Pointer + GetCurrentOffset(), Size, length);
コード例 #55
ファイル: Map.cs プロジェクト: bschwind/AI-Example
        public Map(GraphicsDevice device, int width, int height)
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;

            objectMap = new Buffer<GameObject>[width, height];

            neighborList = new Buffer<GameObject>(40);
コード例 #56
        async Task <int> ReadAheadAsync(bool doAsync, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            int left = inputEnd - inputIndex;
            int index, nread;

            if (left > 0)
                if (inputIndex > 0)
                    // move all of the remaining input to the beginning of the buffer
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(input, inputIndex, input, 0, left);
                    inputEnd   = left;
                    inputIndex = 0;
                inputIndex = 0;
                inputEnd   = 0;

            left  = input.Length - inputEnd;
            index = inputEnd;

            try {
                var network = Stream as NetworkStream;


                if (doAsync)
                    nread = await Stream.ReadAsync(input, index, left, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    network?.Poll(SelectMode.SelectRead, cancellationToken);
                    nread = Stream.Read(input, index, left);

                if (nread > 0)
                    logger.LogServer(input, index, nread);
                    inputEnd += nread;
                    throw new SmtpProtocolException("The SMTP server has unexpectedly disconnected.");
            } catch {
                IsConnected = false;

            return(inputEnd - inputIndex);
コード例 #57
        internal override void Read(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf <T>();
            var bytes = formatter.ReadBytes(itemSize * rows);
            Data = new T[rows];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, Data, 0, itemSize * rows);
コード例 #58
        internal override void Read(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            var itemSize = sizeof(ushort);
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf <ushort>();
            var bytes = formatter.ReadBytes(itemSize * rows);
            var xdata = new ushort[rows];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, xdata, 0, itemSize * rows);
            Data = xdata.Select(x => UnixTimeBase.AddDays(x)).ToArray();
コード例 #59
        public Byte[] ReadBytes(Int32 count)
            if (Pos + count > Count)
                throw new MarshalException();

            Byte[] result = new Byte[count];
            SBuffer.BlockCopy(Buffer, Pos, result, 0, count);
            Pos += count;
コード例 #60
        public override void Write(ProtocolFormatter formatter, int rows)
            Debug.Assert(Rows == rows, "Row count mismatch!");
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
            var itemSize = Marshal.SizeOf <T>();
            var bytes = new byte[itemSize * rows];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 0, bytes, 0, itemSize * rows);