/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { //service.InitializeComponent(page); Console.WriteLine("Application"); var c = 0; #region notify Action<string, string, Action> notify = (title, message, yield) => { Action<string> callback = notificationId => { Console.WriteLine("create " + new { notificationId }); chrome.notifications.onClosed.addListener( new Action<string, bool>( (__notificationId, __byUser) => { if (__notificationId != notificationId) return; Console.WriteLine("onClosed " + new { __notificationId, __byUser }); } ) ); chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener( new Action<string>( (__notificationId) => { if (__notificationId != notificationId) return; Console.WriteLine("onClicked " + new { __notificationId }); if (yield != null) yield(); //Native.Window.open("http://example.com", "_blank"); } ) ); chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener( new Action<string, int>( (__notificationId, __buttonIndex) => { if (__notificationId != notificationId) return; Console.WriteLine("onButtonClicked " + new { __notificationId }); } ) ); }; // http://developer.chrome.com/extensions/notifications.html#type-NotificationOptions c++; chrome.notifications.create( "foo" + c, new NotificationOptions { type = "basic", title = title, message = message, iconUrl = "assets/ScriptCoreLib/jsc.png" //Invalid value for argument 2. Property 'iconUrl': Property is required. // Unable to download all specified images. }, callback ); }; #endregion // I/Web Console(17596): Application //I/Web Console(17596): at //E/Web Console(17596): Uncaught ReferenceError: chrome is not defined at #region switch to chrome AppWindow if (Expando.InternalIsMember(Native.window, "chrome")) if (chrome.app.runtime != null) { Console.WriteLine("Application switch to chrome AppWindow"); //The JavaScript context calling chrome.app.window.current() has no associated AppWindow. //Console.WriteLine("appwindow loading... " + new { current = chrome.app.window.current() }); // no HTML layout yet if (Native.window.opener == null) if (Native.window.parent == Native.window.self) { chrome.app.runtime.onLaunched.addListener( new Action( delegate { Console.WriteLine("appwindow udp"); #region recvFrom Action<CreateInfo> atcreate = socket => { Console.WriteLine("appwindow udp " + new { socket.socketId }); //var x = Expando.Of(socket); //new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { x.constructor }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); //new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { x.prototype }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); //x.GetMemberNames().WithEach( // member => // { // new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { member }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); // } //); var socketId = socket.socketId; new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { socketId }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); #region send data new IHTMLButton { innerText = "send data" }.AttachToDocument().WhenClicked( delegate { var data = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.WebGL.Uint8Array( 40, 41, 42 ); // Uncaught Error: Invocation of form socket.sendTo(object, string, integer, function) // doesn't match definition socket.sendTo(integer socketId, binary data, string address, integer port, function callback) chrome.socket.sendTo( socketId, data.buffer, "", 40404, callback: new Action<WriteInfo>( result => { new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { result.bytesWritten }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); } ) ); } ); #endregion Action<int> at_setMulticastTimeToLive = value_setMulticastTimeToLive => { new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { value_setMulticastTimeToLive }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); Action<int> at_bind = value_bind => { new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { value_bind }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); chrome.socket.joinGroup(socketId, "", callback: new Action<int>( value_joinGroup => { new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { value_joinGroup }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); Action poll = null; poll = delegate { chrome.socket.recvFrom(socketId, 1048576, callback: new Action<RecvFromInfo>( result => { try { var bytes = new byte[result.data.byteLength]; var source = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.WebGL.Uint8Array( result.data, 0, result.data.byteLength ); for (uint i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { bytes[i] = source[i]; } var text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); notify("recvFrom", new { result.resultCode, result.address, result.port, result.data.byteLength, }.ToString() + "\n" + text, delegate { Console.WriteLine("Click!"); var xml = XElement.Parse(text); if (xml.Value.StartsWith("Visit me at ")) { //StringExtensions //StringExtensions var uri = "http://" + xml.Value.SkipUntilOrEmpty("Visit me at "); Console.WriteLine(new { uri }); #region AppWindow chrome.app.window.create( Native.Document.location.pathname, null, new Action<AppWindow>( appwindow => { // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contentWindow' of undefined Console.WriteLine("appwindow loading... " + new { appwindow }); Console.WriteLine("appwindow loading... " + new { appwindow.contentWindow }); appwindow.contentWindow.onload += delegate { Console.WriteLine("appwindow contentWindow onload"); //new IHTMLButton("dynamic").AttachTo( // appwindow.contentWindow.document.body //); // http://developer.chrome.com/apps/webview_tag.html // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16635739/google-chrome-app-webview-behavior var webview = Native.Document.createElement("webview"); // You do not have permission to use <webview> tag. Be sure to declare 'webview' permission in your manifest. webview.setAttribute("partition", "p1"); webview.setAttribute("src", uri); webview.style.SetLocation(0, 0); webview.style.width = "100%"; webview.style.height = "100%"; webview.AttachTo(appwindow.contentWindow.document.body); // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=248421 // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4MOIw0CN_3RU5Dr9f6DDZUiXye0x0CGxgfYStP2Sms/edit?pli=1 webview.addEventListener( "newwindow", new Action<IEvent>( ee => { // Uncaught Error: <webview>: An action has already been taken for this "newwindow" event. ee.preventDefault(); dynamic e = ee; // https://plus.google.com/100132233764003563318/posts/2dNmkacjiat string targetUrl = e.targetUrl; Console.WriteLine(new { targetUrl }); // attach or discard object newwindow = e.window; Console.WriteLine(new { newwindow }); chrome.app.window.create( Native.Document.location.pathname, null, new Action<AppWindow>( xappwindow => { // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contentWindow' of undefined Console.WriteLine("appwindow loading... " + new { xappwindow }); Console.WriteLine("appwindow loading... " + new { xappwindow.contentWindow }); xappwindow.contentWindow.onload += delegate { var xwebview = xappwindow.contentWindow.document.createElement("webview"); //var xwebview = xappwindow.contentWindow.document.createElement("webview"); // You do not have permission to use <webview> tag. Be sure to declare 'webview' permission in your manifest. //xwebview.setAttribute("partition", "p1"); //xwebview.setAttribute("src", uri); xwebview.style.SetLocation(0, 0); xwebview.style.width = "100%"; xwebview.style.height = "100%"; xwebview.AttachTo(xappwindow.contentWindow.document.body); //https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-apps/zzGLSiyWCnM // <webview>: Unable to attach the new window to the provided webview. new IFunction("w", "v", "w.attach(v);").apply(null, newwindow, xwebview); }; } )); } ), false ); }; //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contentWindow' of undefined } ) ); #endregion // <webview>: A new window was blocked. //Native.Window.open(uri); } } ); } catch { notify("recvFrom", "error", null); } if (result.resultCode < 0) return; //new IHTMLDiv { innerText = new { result.data.byteLength }.ToString() }.AttachToDocument(); poll(); } ) ); }; poll(); } ) ); }; chrome.socket.bind(socketId, "", 40404, at_bind); }; chrome.socket.setMulticastTimeToLive(socket.socketId, 30, at_setMulticastTimeToLive); }; // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=246872 // chrome.socket is not available: 'socket' requires a different Feature that is not present. // chrome.socket is not available: 'socket' is only allowed for packaged apps, and this is a legacy packaged app. chrome.socket.create("udp", new object(), atcreate); #endregion Action spawn = null; spawn = delegate { // runtime will launch only once? // http://developer.chrome.com/apps/app.window.html // do we even need index? // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=148857 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/data_URIs // chrome-extension://mdcjoomcbillipdchndockmfpelpehfc/data:text/html,%3Ch1%3EHello%2C%20World!%3C%2Fh1%3E chrome.app.window.create( Native.Document.location.pathname, null, new Action<AppWindow>( appwindow => { // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contentWindow' of undefined Console.WriteLine("appwindow loading... " + new { appwindow }); Console.WriteLine("appwindow loading... " + new { appwindow.contentWindow }); appwindow.contentWindow.onload += delegate { Console.WriteLine("appwindow contentWindow onload"); //new IHTMLButton("dynamic").AttachTo( // appwindow.contentWindow.document.body //); }; //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contentWindow' of undefined appwindow.onClosed.addListener( new Action( delegate { notify("Ok!", "You can still click on the button on your android. Click here to see diagnostics.", spawn ); } ) ); } ) ); }; notify("Ready!", "You can already click on the button on your android. Click here to see diagnostics.", spawn ); } ) ); return; } Console.WriteLine("Application renew body:"); Console.WriteLine(Native.Document.documentElement.AsXElement()); // if we are in a window lets add layout // Error 6 Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface 'AndroidToChromeNotificationExperiment.HTML.Pages.IApp' X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\android\AndroidToChromeNotificationExperiment\AndroidToChromeNotificationExperiment\Application.cs 514 28 AndroidToChromeNotificationExperiment page = new App(); page.AsNode().With( n => { Console.WriteLine("Application renew body " + new { childNodes = n.childNodes.Length }); Console.WriteLine("Application renew body " + new { childNodes = n.attributes.Length }); n.childNodes.WithEach(k => k.AttachToDocument()); n.attributes.WithEach(k => Native.Document.body.setAttribute(k.name, k.value)); } ); // we are running in chrome! page.NotifyChromeViaLANBroadcast.disabled = true; Console.WriteLine("Application renew body done:"); Console.WriteLine(Native.Document.documentElement.AsXElement()); page.ChromeNotification.disabled = false; page.ChromeNotification.onclick += delegate { notify("Primary Title", "Primary message to display", delegate { Native.window.open("http://example.com", "_blank"); }); }; } #endregion page.NotifyChromeViaLANBroadcast.onclick += delegate { // Send data from JavaScript to the server tier service.NotifyChromeViaLANBroadcast( @"A string from JavaScript.", value => value.ToDocumentTitle() ); }; }