コード例 #1
		private void ActualProcess(XmlNode node, bool isRoot, ITemplate template, IRenderFunction currentRenderFunction) {
			foreach (INodeProcessor p in processors) {
				if (p.TryProcess(this, node, isRoot, template, currentRenderFunction))
			throw ParserUtils.TemplateErrorException("The node " + node.ToString() + " could not be handled.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: UserAvatars.cs プロジェクト: jrudolph/synapse
        private void ReceivedAvatarMetadata(JID from, string node, XmlNode items)
            if (items.ChildNodes.Count == 0)

            Console.WriteLine("Received Avatar Data");
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the section parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"></param>
 /// <param name="configContext"></param>
 /// <param name="section"></param>
 /// <returns>section</returns>
 public object Create(object parent,object configContext,XmlNode section)
     if (Log.IsInfoEnabled) Log.Info("CodeColorizer AppSettings:\n" + section.ToString() );
     return section;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Xml.cs プロジェクト: zuifengke/windy-common
 /// <summary>
 /// ɾ��ָ����XML�ڵ�
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clsRootNode">��ɾ���Ľڵ�</param>
 /// <returns>�Ƿ�ɾ���ɹ�</returns>
 public static bool DeleteXmlNode(XmlNode clsDeletedNode)
     if (clsDeletedNode == null)
         return true;
         if (clsDeletedNode.ParentNode != null)
         return true;
     catch (Exception ex)
             , new string[] { "clsDeletedNode" }, new string[] { clsDeletedNode.ToString() }, ex);
         return false;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Función para marcar la cadena de texto
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refPattern">Expresión regular</param>
        /// <param name="refString">Cadena para buscar coincidencias</param>
        /// <param name="refStruct">Instrucciones de marcado</param>
        /// <returns>La cadena marcada</returns>
        private String markupText(String refPattern, String refString, XmlNode refStruct)
            if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Begin");
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug("markupText(refPattern: " + refPattern + ", refString: " + refString + ", refStruct: " + refStruct.ToString() + ")");
            /* Definición de variables */
            bool singleOptionMatch = false;
            int  singleOptionMatched = 0;
            String replaceGeneral = "";
            String patternString = null;
            String subjectString = null;
            String tagStringOpen = null;
            String tagStringClose = null;
            String backreference = null;
            String backreferencePostValue = null;
            String backreferencePreValue = null;
            String replaceString = null;
            String resultString = "";
            String multipleOptionPattern = null;
            String singleOptionPattern = null;
            Regex objRegExp = null;
            Regex multipleOptionRegExp = null;
            String openTag = "<";
            String closeTag = ">";
            RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline;
            Match matchResults = null;
            Match multipleOptionsMarchResults = null;
            XmlNode structNode = null;
            XmlNodeList multipleOptions = null;
            XmlNode singleOptionStruct = null;
            /* Verificamos si la cadena es nula antes de evaluarla */
            if (refString != null)
                /* Iniciando búsqueda del patron en la cadena de texto */
                objRegExp = new Regex(refPattern, options);
                matchResults = objRegExp.Match(refString);
                /* Verificamos si hay alguna coincidencia e iteramos todas las coincidencias encontradas*/
                if (matchResults.Success)
                    while (matchResults.Success)
                        replaceGeneral = "";
                        /* Iteramos los nodos dentro del xml que nos dan el contenido de las citas */
                        foreach (XmlNode itemXML in refStruct.ChildNodes)
                            /* Verificamos que el nodo hijo sea diferente de prevalue, postvalue y attr */
                            if (itemXML.Name != "prevalue" && itemXML.Name != "postvalue" && itemXML.Name != "attributes")
                                /* Verificamos si el nodo es una etiqueta(tag) o no */
                                if (itemXML.Name == "tag")
                                    /*Verificamos y agregamos atributos por omisión  a la etiqueta de apertura*/
                                    if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("attributes") == null)
                                        tagStringOpen = openTag + itemXML.Attributes["name"].Value + closeTag;
                                        tagStringOpen = openTag + itemXML.Attributes["name"].Value;
                                        foreach (XmlNode attrNode in itemXML.SelectSingleNode("attributes"))
                                            if (attrNode.Attributes["name"].Value == "dateiso" && attrNode.InnerText == "")
                                                tagStringOpen += " " + attrNode.Attributes["name"].Value + "=\"" + objRegExp.Replace(refString, itemXML.SelectSingleNode("value").InnerText) + "0000\"";
                                                tagStringOpen += " " + attrNode.Attributes["name"].Value + "=\"" + attrNode.InnerText + "\"";
                                        tagStringOpen += closeTag;
                                    tagStringClose = openTag + "/" + itemXML.Attributes["name"].Value + closeTag;
                                    tagStringOpen = null;
                                    tagStringClose = null;
                                /* Verificamos si el nodo contiene un valor directo para la etiqueta(tag) o si su valor esta compuesto otras etiquetas(tag) */
                                if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("value") == null)
                                    /* Verificamos si hay que poner un valor antes de la etiqueta(tag) */
                                    if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue") != null)
                                        backreferencePreValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue").InnerText;
                                        replaceGeneral += backreferencePreValue;

                                    /* Si esta compuesto de otras etiquetas(tag) volvemos a enviar la cadena y el patron con los nodos hijos de la etiqueta(tag) */
                                    replaceGeneral += tagStringOpen + this.markupText(refPattern, refString, itemXML) + tagStringClose;
                                    /* Verificamos si hay que poner un valor despues de la etiqueta(tag) */
                                    if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue") != null)
                                        backreferencePostValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue").InnerText;
                                        replaceGeneral += backreferencePostValue;
                                    /* Deacuerdo al valor que tenemos indicado en el xml extramos la cadena de texto correspondiente */
                                    backreference = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("value").InnerText;
                                    subjectString = objRegExp.Replace(matchResults.Value, backreference);
                                    /* Verificamos si a la cadena de texto resultante tiene multiples opciones, hay  que aplicarle un patron nuevo ó si agregamos las etiquetas(tag) directamente */
                                    if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("multiple") != null)
                                        /* Inicializamos la variables locales*/
                                        multipleOptions = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("multiple").ChildNodes;
                                        multipleOptionPattern = null;
                                        singleOptionMatch = false;
                                        /* Armamos la expresion regular para todas las opciones y asignamos un namedgroup a cada una */
                                        for (int i = 0; i < multipleOptions.Count; i++)
                                            singleOptionPattern = multipleOptions[i].SelectSingleNode("regex").InnerText;
                                            singleOptionStruct = multipleOptions[i].SelectSingleNode("struct");
                                            if (i == 0)
                                                multipleOptionPattern += "(?<op" + i + ">" + singleOptionPattern + ")";
                                                multipleOptionPattern += "|(?<op" + i + ">" + singleOptionPattern + ")";
                                        /* Inicializamos un nuevo metro para evaluar la expresion regular de todas la opciones */
                                        multipleOptionRegExp = new Regex(multipleOptionPattern, options);
                                        multipleOptionsMarchResults = multipleOptionRegExp.Match(subjectString);

                                        /* Verificamos que opcion es la que coincidio*/
                                        for (int i = 0; i < multipleOptions.Count && !singleOptionMatch; i++)
                                            if (multipleOptionsMarchResults.Groups["op" + i].Success)
                                                singleOptionMatched = i;
                                                singleOptionMatch = true;

                                        singleOptionPattern = multipleOptions[singleOptionMatched].SelectSingleNode("regex").InnerText;
                                        singleOptionStruct = multipleOptions[singleOptionMatched].SelectSingleNode("struct");
                                        /* Verificamos si hay que poner un valor antes de la etiqueta(tag) */
                                        if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue") != null)
                                            backreferencePreValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue").InnerText;
                                            replaceGeneral += backreferencePreValue;
                                        /* Enviamos la expresion regular de la opcion que coincidio junto con el grupo de ordenamiento */
                                        replaceGeneral += tagStringOpen + this.markupText(singleOptionPattern, subjectString, singleOptionStruct) + tagStringClose;

                                        /* Verificamos si hay que poner un valor despues de la etiqueta(tag) */
                                        if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue") != null)
                                            backreferencePostValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue").InnerText;
                                            replaceGeneral += backreferencePostValue;

                                    else if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("regex") != null)
                                        /* Verificamos si hay que poner un valor antes de la etiqueta(tag) */
                                        if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue") != null)
                                            backreferencePreValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue").InnerText;
                                            replaceGeneral += backreferencePreValue;
                                        structNode = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("struct");
                                        patternString = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("regex").InnerText;
                                        /* Enviamos la cadena resultante con el patron nuevo a aplicar y las etiquetas(tag) que debe contener y el resultado lo ponemos dentro de la etiqueta(tag) correspondiente */
                                        replaceGeneral += tagStringOpen + this.markupText(patternString, subjectString, structNode) + tagStringClose;
                                        if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue") != null)
                                            backreferencePostValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue").InnerText;
                                            replaceGeneral += backreferencePostValue;
                                        replaceString = null;
                                        /* Verificamos si hay que poner un valor antes de la etiqueta(tag) */
                                        if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue") != null)
                                            backreferencePreValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("prevalue").InnerText;
                                            replaceString += backreferencePreValue;
                                        /* Armamos la etiqueta(tag) con su valor */
                                        replaceString = replaceString + tagStringOpen + backreference + tagStringClose;
                                        if (itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue") != null)
                                            backreferencePostValue = itemXML.SelectSingleNode("postvalue").InnerText;
                                            replaceString += backreferencePostValue;
                                        replaceGeneral += replaceString;


                        /*Verificamos si la cadena resultString no esta vacia esto ocurre cuando hubo mas de un resultado en la misma cadena como los autores
                         *En este caso tenemos que agregar el resultado previo hasta donde se encuentra el nuevo resultado mas el nuevo resultado desde su comienzo
                        if (matchResults.Index > 0 && resultString != "")
                            String searchStringIndex = refString.Substring(matchResults.Index);
                            resultString = resultString.Substring(0, resultString.LastIndexOf(searchStringIndex)) + objRegExp.Replace(refString, replaceGeneral, 1, matchResults.Index).Substring(matchResults.Index);
                        else {
                            resultString = objRegExp.Replace(refString, replaceGeneral, 1, matchResults.Index);

                        matchResults = matchResults.NextMatch();
                    resultString += refString;
            } else {
                resultString +=  refString;
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug("resultString: " + resultString);
            if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("End");
            return resultString;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ScraperBase.cs プロジェクト: payola/PayolaIS
        /// <summary>
        ///     Parses the XML node and imports it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowNode">The node.</param>
        protected void ProcessRow(XmlNode rowNode)
            XmlNodeList cells = rowNode.ChildNodes;
            if (cells.Count != kNumberOfColumns)
                Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Wrong number of columns in row {0}", rowNode.ToString ());

            //------------ Add to DB
            string lastName = cells[kLastNameColumnIndex].InnerText;
            string firstName = cells[kFirstNameColumnIndex].InnerText;
            if (firstName == null || firstName.Equals (""))
                firstName = "Nezname";

            string birthYear = cells[kBirthYearColumnIndex].InnerText;

            string birthPlace = cells[kBirthPlaceColumnIndex].InnerText;

            string[] countryStrings = new string[2];
            countryStrings[0] = cells[kStateFirstColumnIndex].InnerText;
            countryStrings[1] = cells[kStateSecondColumnIndex].InnerText;
            List<Country> countries = ConvertStringCountriesToCountryArray (countryStrings);

            string dbAdditionYear = cells[kAddedToDatabaseYearColumnIndex].InnerText;

            string sexValue = cells[kSexColumnIndex].InnerText;
            Sex sex = Sex.Male;
            if (sexValue != null)
                sex = sexValue.Equals (kMaleSexIdentifier) ? Sex.Male : Sex.Female;
            string department = cells[kDepartmentColumnIndex].InnerText;
            string departmentComment = cells[kDepartmentCommentColumnIndex].InnerText;
            string administration = cells[kAdministrationColumnIndex].InnerText;
            string administrationComment = cells[kAdministrationCommentColumnIndex].InnerText;
            string pozorka1 = cells[kPozorkaFirstColumnIndex].InnerText;
            string pozorka2 = cells[kPozorkaSecondColumnIndex].InnerText;

            Person p = TryToFindPerson (firstName, lastName, birthYear, sex, birthPlace);
            if (p == null)
                // Need to create a new person
                p = new Person ();
                p.FirstName = firstName;
                p.Surname = lastName;
                if (birthYear != null && !birthYear.Equals (""))
                    p.BirthDate = birthYear;
                p.Sex = sex;
                p.Nationality = Nationality.Unknown;
                p.Note = string.Format ("{0} {1}\n{2} {3}\n{4} {5}\n{6} {7}",
                    kPlaceOfBirthNoteCaption, birthPlace,
                    kPozorka1NoteCaption, pozorka1,
                    kPozorka2NoteCaption, pozorka2,
                    kAddedToStbDatabaseNoteCaption, dbAdditionYear);

                if (countries.Count > 0)
                    p.Citizenships = countries;

                _ctx.Entities.Add (p);

            StbDivision StbDepartment = GetStbDivisionByName (department);
            StbDivision StbAdministration = GetStbDivisionByName (administration);

            Relation departmentRelation = null;
            Relation administrationRelation = null;

            ICollection<Relation> relations = p.ObjectiveRelations;
            if (relations != null)
                foreach (Relation r in relations)
                    if (StbDepartment != null && r.SubjectiveEntityId == StbDepartment.Id)
                        departmentRelation = r;
                    else if (StbAdministration != null && r.SubjectiveEntityId == StbAdministration.Id)
                        administrationRelation = r;

            if (departmentRelation == null && StbDepartment != null)
                // Need to add a relation
                AddStbRelationToPerson (p, StbDepartment, departmentComment, GetRelationType (kRelationDepartmentType));
            if (administrationRelation == null && StbAdministration != null)
                // Need to add a relation
                AddStbRelationToPerson (p, StbAdministration, administrationComment, GetRelationType (kRelationAdministrativeType));

            _ctx.SaveChanges ();
コード例 #7
ファイル: XmlParser.cs プロジェクト: Davincier/openpetra
        /// <summary>
        /// test the given node, if it is a comment or is empty; if it is empty, try the next nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cur2">the current node</param>
        /// <returns>the current or the first next node with actual content
        /// </returns>
        public static XmlNode NextNotBlank(XmlNode cur2)
            XmlNode cur;

            cur = cur2;

            while (true)
                if (cur == null)
                    return cur;

                if ((cur.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Text) && (cur.ToString().Length == 0))
                    cur = cur.NextSibling;

                if (cur.Name == "comment")
                    cur = cur.NextSibling;

                if (cur.Name == "#comment")
                    cur = cur.NextSibling;

                return cur;