コード例 #1
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
 /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.MoveToElement"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Moves to the element that contains the current attribute node.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public override bool MoveToElement() {
     if (_CurrentToken.IsAttributeText || this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) {
         if (_RootCount > 0) {
             _CurrentToken = _ElementToken;
         else {
             if (_PIToken != null && _DocTypeToken == null) {
                     _CurrentToken = _PIToken;
             else if(_DocTypeToken != null) {
                 _CurrentToken = _DocTypeToken;
         _ReadCount = -1;
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        // All settings remain the same.
        /// <include file='doc\xmltextreader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.ResetState"]/*' />
        public void ResetState() {
           if (XmlNodeType.None != _PartialContentNodeType) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_InvalidResetStateCall));

            if (ReadState.Initial == ReadState) {
                //noop. we are already at the begining of the document
            _ReadState = ReadState.Initial;
            _RootCount = 0;

            _NextFunction = _ParseRootIndex;
            _DtdParser = null;
            _TmpToken  = new XmlNSElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.None, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, 0,false);
            _CurrentToken = _TmpToken;
            _CantHaveXmlDecl = false;
            _Encoding = _Scanner.Encoding;
            // pop all the pushed elements
            while (Pop() != null)

コード例 #3
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.MoveToFirstAttribute"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Moves to the first attribute.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute() {
            if (GetAttributeCount() < 1)
                return false;

            _ReadCount = 0;
            _CurrentToken = _Fields[_ReadCount];
            return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
 /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.MoveToNextAttribute"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>
 ///       Moves to the next attribute.
 ///    </para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public override bool MoveToNextAttribute() {
     if ((_ReadCount+1) < GetAttributeCount()) {
         _CurrentToken = _Fields[_ReadCount];
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
       // parse from root
        private void ParseRoot() {

            int LineNum = _Scanner.LineNum;
            int LinePos = _Scanner.LinePos;

            _LastToken = _Scanner.ScanContent();

            switch (_LastToken) {
                case XmlToken.EOF:
                    _ScannerEof = true;
                    goto cleanup;
                case XmlToken.WHITESPACE:
                    // no matter what kind of whitespace, don't return any token
                    _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;
                    if (!ReturnWhitespaceToken(_Scanner)) {
                        _ContinueParsing = true;
                        _CurrentToken = _WhitespaceToken;
                        goto cleanup;
                    _WhitespaceToken.Depth = _ElementDepth+1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                    _CurrentToken = _WhitespaceToken;
                    _CurrentToken.LineNum = LineNum;
                    _CurrentToken.LinePos = LinePos;

                case XmlToken.NONE:
                    // ok now we've reached the beginning of a tag
                    int token = ParseTag();
                    switch (token) {
                        case XmlToken.TAG:
                                _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;
                    throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidRootData, LineNum, LinePos);
            if (_RootCount > 1) {
                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_MultipleRoots, LineNum, LinePos + 1);
コード例 #6
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
 /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.MoveToAttribute2"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>Moves to the attribute with the specified index.</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public override void MoveToAttribute(int i) {
     _ReadCount = i;
     _CurrentToken = _Fields[_ReadCount];
コード例 #7
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
       // protected constructor, users should not be using this
        /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.XmlTextReader1"]/*' />
        /// <internalonly/>
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>Initializes a new instance of the XmlTextReader class with the specified XmlNameTable.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        protected XmlTextReader( XmlNameTable nt ) {
            // internal variables
            _ElementDepth = -1;
            _EntityDepthOffset = 0;
            _ReadCount = -1;

            // variables for properties
            _ReadState = ReadState.Initial;
            _NextState = 1;

            // create interal components
            _NameTable = nt;
            _ElementStack = new HWStack(STACK_INCREMENT);
            _ScannerStack = new HWStack(STACK_INCREMENT);

            //create atom
            _StringName                 = _NameTable.Add("String");
            _MicrosoftSystemNamespace   = _NameTable.Add("System");
            _Decimal                    = _NameTable.Add("#decimal");
            _Hex                        = _NameTable.Add("#hexidecimal");
            _Amp                        = _NameTable.Add("amp");
            _Lt                         = _NameTable.Add("lt");
            _Gt                         = _NameTable.Add("gt");
            _Quot                       = _NameTable.Add("quot");
            _Apos                       = _NameTable.Add("apos");
            _XmlNs                      = _NameTable.Add("xmlns");
            _XmlSpaceAtom               = _NameTable.Add("xml:space");
            _XmlLangAtom                = _NameTable.Add("xml:lang");

            //fields collection
            _Used = -1;
            _MarkScannerCount = 10000;

            _XmlSpace = XmlSpace.None;
            _XmlLang = String.Empty;
            _WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All;

            _XmlResolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
            _CheckNamespaces = true;

            _TmpToken  = new XmlNSElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.None, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, 0,false);
            _CurrentToken = _TmpToken;

            // PERF: these node types are not common therefore they
            // will only be constructed when used
            _CommentToken = null;
            _CDATAToken = null;
            _DocTypeToken = null;
            _PIToken = null;
            _EndEntityToken = null;

            _NextFunction = _InitReader;

            _StringBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
コード例 #8
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
       // parse tag
        private int ParseTag() {
            int LineNum = _Scanner.LineNum;
            int LinePos = _Scanner.LinePos;

            int token = _Scanner.ScanMarkup();

            switch (token) {
                case XmlToken.TAG:
                    _NextFunction = _ParseElementIndex;
                    _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;
                    _ContinueParsing = true;
                case XmlToken.EOF:
                    return XmlToken.EOF;
                case XmlToken.PI:
                        LinePos += 2; //To Skip markup <?
                        if (_Scanner.IsToken("xml")) {
                            // if xml is declared, there should not be any token before this
                            // if it is from ResolveEntity(), xml decl is allowed and should
                            // not be returned
                            if (_CantHaveXmlDecl)
                                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_XmlDeclNotFirst, LineNum, LinePos);
                            if (_PIToken == null)
                                _PIToken = new XmlNameValueTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, -1, _Normalization);
                            _PIToken.LineNum = LineNum;
                            _PIToken.LinePos = LinePos;

                            if (_IsExternal) {
                                _ContinueParsing = true;
                            else {
                                _PIToken.Name = _NameTable.Add("xml");
                                _PIToken.Depth = _ElementDepth + 1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                                _CurrentToken = _PIToken;
                        else {
                            bool hasBody = _Scanner.ScanPIName();
                            String name = _Scanner.GetTextAtom();
                            if (String.Compare(name, "xml", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidPIName, name, LineNum, LinePos);
                            if (_CheckNamespaces && _Scanner.Colon() != -1)
                                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidPIName, name, LineNum, LinePos);
                            if (_PIToken == null)
                                _PIToken = new XmlNameValueTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction,
                                                                        -1, _Normalization);
                            _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;
                            _PIToken.Name = name;
                            _PIToken.NodeType = XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction;
                            if (hasBody) {
                                _PIToken.SetValue(_Scanner, null, _Scanner.StartPos, _Scanner.TextLength);
                            else {
                                _PIToken.Value = String.Empty;
                            _PIToken.Depth = _ElementDepth + 1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                            _CurrentToken = _PIToken;

                case XmlToken.COMMENT:
                    LinePos += 4; //To Skip markup <!--
                    if (_CommentToken == null)
                        _CommentToken = new XmlValueTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Comment, -1, _Normalization);
                    _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;
                    _CommentToken.SetValue(_Scanner, null, _Scanner.StartPos, _Scanner.TextLength);
                    _CommentToken.Depth = _ElementDepth + 1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                    _CurrentToken = _CommentToken;

                case XmlToken.CDATA:
                    _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;
                    LinePos += 9; //To skip the Markup <![CDATA[
                    if ((XmlNodeType.Document == _PartialContentNodeType || XmlNodeType.None == _PartialContentNodeType)
                        && (_ElementStack.Length < 1 || _RootCount < 1))
                        throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidRootData, LineNum, LinePos);
                    if (_CDATAToken == null)
                        _CDATAToken = new XmlValueTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.CDATA, -1, _Normalization);
                    _CDATAToken.SetValue(_Scanner, null, _Scanner.StartPos, _Scanner.TextLength);
                    _CDATAToken.Depth = _ElementDepth + 1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                    _CurrentToken = _CDATAToken;

                case XmlToken.DECL:

                        if (_DtdParser != null) {
                            //A document cant have multiple doctyp
                            throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_MultipleDTDsProvided, LineNum, LinePos);

                        if (_RootCount > 0) {
                            throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_BadDTDLocation, LineNum, LinePos);

                        int startPos = _Scanner.CurrentPos-2;
                        _Scanner.ReadBufferConsistency = _Scanner.StartPos;

                        if (_DocTypeToken == null)
                            _DocTypeToken = new XmlDtdTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.DocumentType, -1, _Normalization);
                        _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;
                        _Used = -1;

                        _DocTypeToken.Name = ParseDtd( _Scanner );
                        if (_DtdParser != null) {
                            LinePos = _DtdParser.DTDNameStartPosition;
                            LineNum = _DtdParser.DTDNameStartLine;
                        if (!_BufferConsistency)
                            _Scanner.ReadBufferConsistency = -1;
                        _DocTypeToken._DtdParser = _DtdParser;
                        _DocTypeToken.Depth = _ElementDepth + 1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                        _CurrentToken = _DocTypeToken;

                case XmlToken.ENDTAG:
                        LinePos += 2; //to skip the markup </
                        if (_LastElementInfo == null) {
                            throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_UnexpectedEndTag, LineNum, LinePos);

                        int count = _Scanner.TextLength;
                        char[] scannerbuff = _Scanner.InternalBuffer;

                        if(_LastElementInfo._NameWPrefix.Length != count) {
                                // The length of the start tag and end tag should be the same.
                                // If it is not, no need to check char by char.
                                goto errorCase;
                        int scannerOffset = _Scanner.TextOffset;
                        for (int i = scannerOffset, j = 0; i < (scannerOffset + count)  && j < count; i++, j++) {
                            if (_LastElementInfo._NameWPrefix[j] != scannerbuff[i]) {
                                goto errorCase;


                        // begin and end tag has to come from the same scanner
                        if (_LastElementInfo._Scanner != _Scanner) {
                            throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_TagNotInTheSameEntity, _LastElementInfo._NameWPrefix, LineNum, LinePos);

                        _EndElementToken.SetName(_LastElementInfo._NameWPrefix, _LastElementInfo._LocalName, _LastElementInfo._Prefix, _LastElementInfo._NS,
                                              _ElementDepth + _EntityDepthOffset, _Scanner);
                        _CurrentEndElementStart = _Scanner.StartPos-2;
                        _Scanner.ScanToken(XmlToken.TAGEND); // skip whitespace to the '>'
                        _CurrentEndElementEnd = _Scanner.CurrentPos;



            _CurrentToken.LineNum = LineNum;
            _CurrentToken.LinePos = LinePos;

            return token;

            String[] args;
            string exceptionCode;
            if (String.Empty != _BaseURI) {
                args = new String[4];
                args[3] = _BaseURI;
                exceptionCode = Res.Xml_TagMismatchFileName;
            else {
                args = new String[3];
                exceptionCode = Res.Xml_TagMismatch;
            args[0] = _LastElementInfo._NameWPrefix;
            args[1] = _LastElementInfo._LineNumber.ToString();
            args[2] = _Scanner.GetText();
            throw new XmlException(exceptionCode, args, LineNum, LinePos);
コード例 #9
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
 private void ReadEndElementToken() {
     _EndElementToken.NodeType = XmlNodeType.EndElement;
     _CurrentToken = _EndElementToken;
     _NextFunction = _PopEndElementIndex;
コード例 #10
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
 private void ReadEndEntity() {
     ScannerInfo scanner = (ScannerInfo)_ScannerStack.Peek();
     if (_EndEntityToken == null)
         _EndEntityToken = new XmlNameValueTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.EndEntity, -1, String.Empty, false);
     _CurrentToken = _EndEntityToken;
     _EndEntityToken.Name = scanner._EntityName;
     _EndEntityToken.LineNum = _Scanner.LineNum;
     _EndEntityToken.LinePos = _Scanner.LinePos;
     _EndEntityToken.Depth = scanner._EntityDepth;
コード例 #11
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.ResetToCloseState"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal void ResetToCloseState()
            // reset properties state
            _TmpToken.NameWPrefix = String.Empty;
            _TmpToken.Name = String.Empty;
            _TmpToken.Prefix = String.Empty;
            _TmpToken.Namespaces = String.Empty;
            _TmpToken.LinePos =  (null == _Scanner ? 0 : _Scanner.LinePos); //0;
            _TmpToken.LineNum = (null == _Scanner ? 0 : _Scanner.LineNum); //0;

            _CurrentToken = _TmpToken;

            _XmlSpace = XmlSpace.None;
            _XmlLang = String.Empty;

コード例 #12
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        private void ReadEmptyText() {
            if (_CurrentToken.IsAttributeText) {
                _AttributeTextToken.Depth = _CurrentToken.Depth+1;
                _AttributeTextToken.Value = String.Empty;
                _AttributeTextToken.QuoteChar = _CurrentToken.QuoteChar;
                _CurrentToken = _AttributeTextToken;
            else {
                _TextToken.Depth = _CurrentToken.Depth+1;
                _TextToken.Value = String.Empty;
                _CurrentToken = _TextToken;
                _CurrentToken.LineNum = 1;
                _CurrentToken.LinePos = 1;

            // if we are emitting this token because there is no other token
            // the next token, we need to go is endEntity
            if (this.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference) {
                _NextFunction = _ReadEndEntityIndex;
                _ContinueParsing = true;
            if (_ElementToken.IsEmpty)
                _NextFunction = _PopEndElementIndex;
                _NextFunction = _ParseBeginTagIndex;
コード例 #13
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        // only come here when EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities
        private    void ParseBeginTagExpandCharEntities() {
            XmlNodeType nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
            String name = String.Empty, dataType = String.Empty;
            // 1: text token, 2: whitespace token
            int hasToken = 0;
            int erPos = -1;
            int oldElementDepth = _ElementDepth;
            char ch='\0';
            bool originalCantHaveXmlDecl = _CantHaveXmlDecl;
            _CantHaveXmlDecl = true;

            _StringBuilder.Length = 0;
            int LineNum = _Scanner.LineNum;
            int LinePos = _Scanner.LinePos;
            do {
                switch (_NextState) {
                    case 1:
                        if (_ElementStack.Length < 1
                            && (XmlNodeType.Document == _PartialContentNodeType || XmlNodeType.None == _PartialContentNodeType )) {
                            _NextFunction = _ParseRootIndex;
                            _ContinueParsing = true;
                            _NextState = 1;
                            goto cleanup;
                        _NextState = 2;

                        if (!_BufferConsistency)
                            _Scanner.ReadBufferConsistency = -1;
                        goto case 2;
                    case 2:
                        erPos = _Scanner.CurrentPos;
                        _LastToken = _Scanner.ScanContent();
                        _Scanner.ReadBufferConsistency = _Scanner.StartPos;
                        switch (_LastToken) {
                            case XmlToken.NONE:
                                if (XmlNodeType.Attribute == _PartialContentNodeType) {
                                    //there shouldnt be any '<' char while processing attribute value
                                    throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidCharacter, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionStr('<'), _Scanner.LineNum, _Scanner.LinePos);
                                _NextState = 12;
                                switch (hasToken) {
                                case 1: goto seeToken;
                                case 2:
                                     _NextState =11;
                            case XmlToken.EOF:
                                _NextState = 1;
                                _ScannerEof = true;
                                switch(hasToken) {
                                   case 0 :
                                        _NextState = 1;
                                        goto cleanup;
                                   case 1 :
                                        if (XmlNodeType.Attribute == _PartialContentNodeType
                                            || XmlNodeType.Element == _PartialContentNodeType) {
                                            // The only way we could have gotten to this point is if someone wanted to parse the
                                            // following valid Mixed Element content "<foo>bar</foo>some more text"
                                            // If we don't do this, we will eat up the last token
                                            _ScannerEof = false;
                                            _NextFunction = _FragmentTrailingTextNode;
                                        goto seeToken;
                                   case 2:
                                        if (XmlNodeType.Attribute == _PartialContentNodeType
                                            || XmlNodeType.Element == _PartialContentNodeType) {
                                             // The only way we could have gotten to this point is if someone wanted to parse the
                                            // following valid Mixed Element content "<foo>bar</foo>some more text"
                                            // If we don't do this, we will eat up the last token
                                            _ScannerEof = false;
                                            _NextFunction = _FragmentTrailingTextNode;
                                        _NextState = 11;
                               oldElementDepth = _ElementDepth;
                            case XmlToken.ENDQUOTE:
                                _NextState = 1;
                                goto cleanup;
                            case XmlToken.WHITESPACE:
                                if (hasToken == 0) hasToken = 2;
                                _StringBuilder.Append(_Scanner.InternalBuffer, _Scanner.TextOffset, _Scanner.TextLength);
                            case XmlToken.TEXT:
                                hasToken = 1;
                                _StringBuilder.Append(_Scanner.InternalBuffer, _Scanner.TextOffset, _Scanner.TextLength);
                                nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                                _NextState = 2;

                            case XmlToken.ENTITYREF:
                                ch = _Scanner.ScanNamedEntity();
                                //  ch == 0 if general entity
                                //  ch != 0 if build in entity, for example: &lt
                                if (ch == 0 && _CheckNamespaces && _Scanner.Colon() != -1)
                                    throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_BadNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionStr(':'), _Scanner.LineNum, LinePos + 1);

                                if (ch != 0) {
                                    hasToken = 1;
                                    dataType = "Char";
                                    _NextState = 2;
                                    // only if build in entity needs to be return as its own
                                    nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                                    name = String.Empty;

                                switch (hasToken) {
                                    case 1:
                                        // First return the text we have up to this point.
                                        _Scanner.CurrentPos = erPos;
                                        _NextState = 2;
                                        name = String.Empty;
                                        goto seeToken;
                                    case 2: // already an whitespace token
                                        _Scanner.CurrentPos = erPos;
                                        _NextState = 9;
                                        name = String.Empty;
                                        // Return the entity reference as a node.
                                        name = _Scanner.GetTextAtom();
                                        nodeType = XmlNodeType.EntityReference;
                                        LinePos = _Scanner.LinePos - name.Length;
                                        _NextState = 10;
                            case XmlToken.NUMENTREF:
                                hasToken = 1;
                                nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                                _NextState = 2;
                            case XmlToken.HEXENTREF:
                                char[] chArray = _Scanner.ScanHexEntity();
                                if (1 == chArray.Length && (chArray[0] == 0x0020 || chArray[0] == 0xD || chArray[0] == 0xA || chArray[0] == (char)0x9)) {
                                    // we might have already seen a text node before this and should not chang the node type here if that is true
                                    if (hasToken == 0) {
                                        // We have a whitespace node. This should be reported as such.
                                        nodeType = XmlNodeType.Whitespace;
                                        hasToken = 2;
                                else {
                                    nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                                    hasToken = 1;
                                _NextState = 2;
                                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InternalError);
                    case 9: // whitespace token handling
                        _NextState = 2;
                        hasToken =0;
                        if (!ReturnWhitespaceToken(_StringBuilder)) {
                            _CurrentToken = _WhitespaceToken;
                            _NextState = 2;
                        _WhitespaceToken.Depth = oldElementDepth + 1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                        _CurrentToken = _WhitespaceToken;
                        goto otherToken;
                    case 10:
                        hasToken = 1;
                        _NextState = 2;
                        // general entity special case
                        _ERToken.NodeType = nodeType;
                        _ERToken.Name = name;
                        _ERToken.Depth = oldElementDepth +1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                        _CurrentToken = _ERToken;
                        goto otherToken;
                    case 11: // whitespace token handling, there is no more
                        _NextState = 2;
                        hasToken =0;
                        if (!ReturnWhitespaceToken(_StringBuilder)) {
                            _CurrentToken = _WhitespaceToken;
                            _ContinueParsing = true;
                            goto cleanup;
                        _WhitespaceToken.Depth = oldElementDepth + 1 + _EntityDepthOffset;
                        _CurrentToken = _WhitespaceToken;
                        goto otherToken;
                    case 12:
                        _NextState = 1;
                        _CantHaveXmlDecl = originalCantHaveXmlDecl;
                        goto cleanup;
                        Debug.Assert(false, "unknown state within ParseBeginTag()");
            } while (true);

            _TextToken.SetTokenInfo(nodeType, name, oldElementDepth +1 + _EntityDepthOffset);
            _CurrentToken = _TextToken;
            _CurrentToken.LineNum = LineNum;
            _CurrentToken.LinePos = LinePos;

            if (!_BufferConsistency)
                _Scanner.ReadBufferConsistency = -1;
コード例 #14
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        internal virtual bool ReadAttributeValue(EntityHandling ehMode) {
            if (_PartialContentNodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) {
                return Read();

            if (_ReadState != ReadState.Interactive || GetAttributeCount() < 1 || _ReadCount < 0)
                return false;

            bool ret = true;
            XmlAttributeTokenInfo fld = _Fields[_ReadCount];
            _AttributeTextToken.SchemaType = fld.SchemaType;
            _AttributeTextToken.TypedValue = fld.TypedValue;

            if (_NextFunction != _FinishAttributeIndex) {
                if (ehMode == EntityHandling.ExpandEntities) {
                    ret = true;
                    _CurrentToken = _AttributeTextToken;
                    _CurrentToken.Value = fld.Value;
                    _CurrentToken.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                    _CurrentToken.Name = String.Empty;
                    _CurrentToken.Depth = fld.Depth+1;
                    _CurrentToken.LineNum = fld.ValueLineNum;
                    _CurrentToken.LinePos = fld.ValueLinePos + 1;
                    _NextFunction = _FinishAttributeIndex;
                    _LastToken = XmlToken.EOF;
                    goto cleanup;
                else if (fld.ValueContainEntity == ValueContainEntity.None) {
                    ret = true;
                    _CurrentToken = _AttributeTextToken;
                    _CurrentToken.Value = fld.ExpandValue;
                    _CurrentToken.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                    _CurrentToken.Name = String.Empty;
                    _CurrentToken.Depth = fld.Depth+1;
                    _CurrentToken.LineNum = fld.ValueLineNum;
                    _CurrentToken.LinePos = fld.ValueLinePos + 1;
                    _NextFunction = _FinishAttributeIndex;
                    _LastToken = XmlToken.EOF;
                    goto cleanup;

                _MarkScannerCount = _ScannerStack.Length;
                // push scanner when this function is called the first time
                PushScanner(GetAttribValueScanner() , null, _BaseURI, _Fields, _ReadCount, _Used,
                    _LastToken, _FinishAttributeIndex, false, null, 0, _Encoding, _StandAlone, _IsExternal, _IsExternal);
            else if (_LastToken == XmlToken.EOF) {
                // if there is more than one Scanner being pushed, it could be from ResolveEntity()
                if (_ScannerStack.Length > 0 && (_MarkScannerCount+1) < _ScannerStack.Length) {
                    if (!PopScannerWhenNotResolveEntity(ref _LastToken)) {
                        _LastToken = PopScanner();
                        ret = true;
                        goto cleanup;
                else {
                    ret = false;
                    goto cleanup;

            XmlBasicTokenInfo saveToken = _CurrentToken;
            _CurrentToken = _AttributeTextToken;
            bool noToken = false;

            do {
                noToken = ParseLiteralTokens(_Scanner, _CurrentToken, fld.Depth+1, ehMode,
                                             ref _LastToken);

                if (noToken && _LastToken == XmlToken.EOF) {
                    if (_ScannerStack.Length > 0 && (_MarkScannerCount+1) < _ScannerStack.Length) {
                        if (!PopScannerWhenNotResolveEntity(ref _LastToken)) {
                            // need to emit the EndEntity token
                            _LastToken = PopScanner();
                            noToken = false;
                    else {
                        _CurrentToken = saveToken;
                        ret = false;
                        goto cleanup;
            while (noToken && _LastToken != XmlToken.EOF);

            _NextFunction = _FinishAttributeIndex;
            ret = true;
            return ret;
コード例 #15
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.MoveToAttribute"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>Moves to the attribute with the specified name.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public override bool MoveToAttribute(string name) {
            int ordinal;

            if (GetOrdinal(name, out ordinal)) {
                _ReadCount = ordinal;
                _CurrentToken = _Fields[_ReadCount];
                return true;
            else {
                return false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        private void Init() {
            if (_Scanner == null) {
            _Scanner.Normalization = Normalization;
            _Scanner.NamespaceSupport = _CheckNamespaces;

            if (_Encoding == null) {
                _Encoding = _Scanner.Encoding;

            _TextToken       = new XmlWSTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Text, -1, _Normalization);
            _WhitespaceToken = new XmlWSTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Whitespace, -1, _Normalization);
            _ERToken         = new XmlNameValueTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.EntityReference, -1, String.Empty, false);

            if (_CheckNamespaces) {
                _TmpToken           = new XmlNSElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.None, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, 0,false);
                _ElementToken       = new XmlNSElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Element, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, -1,false);
                _EndElementToken    = new XmlNSElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.EndElement, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, -1,false);
                _AttributeTextToken = new XmlNSAttributeTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Text, _Normalization, _XmlNs);
            else {
                _TmpToken           = new XmlElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.None, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, 0, false);
                _ElementToken       = new XmlElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Element, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, -1, false);
                _EndElementToken    = new XmlElementTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Element, String.Empty,-1, -1, -1, -1, false);
                _AttributeTextToken = new XmlAttributeTokenInfo(_Scanner, _NsMgr, XmlNodeType.Text, _Normalization);
            _CurrentToken = _TmpToken;
コード例 #17
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        /// <include file='doc\XmlTextReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlTextReader.MoveToAttribute1"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>Moves to the attribute with the specified name and namespace.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public override bool MoveToAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI) {
            int ordinal;

            if (namespaceURI == null)
                namespaceURI = String.Empty;
            if (GetOrdinal(localName, namespaceURI, out ordinal)) {
                _ReadCount = ordinal;
                _CurrentToken = _Fields[_ReadCount];
                return true;
            else {
                return false;
コード例 #18
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        // parse element
        private void SetElementValues() {


            int offset = _Scanner.StartPos;
            if (_Scanner.GetChar(offset -1) != '<')
                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_UnexpectedToken, XmlToken.ToString(XmlToken.NAME), _Scanner.LineNum, _Scanner.LinePos - 1);
            // increment the element depth
            // setup Record value
            _ElementToken.SetName(_Scanner, offset, _Scanner.TextLength, _Scanner.Colon(), _ElementDepth + _EntityDepthOffset);
            // the rest of the dynamic values
            _CurrentToken = _ElementToken;
            _CurrentElementStart = _Scanner.StartPos-1;
コード例 #19
ファイル: xmltextreader.cs プロジェクト: ArildF/masters
        // This method is used in token view when ExpandEntities is false and
        // IgnoreEntities is false to return each text and entity reference as an
        // individual record.
        private bool ParseLiteralTokens(XmlScanner scanner, XmlBasicTokenInfo currToken, int newDepth,
                                        EntityHandling ehMode, ref int lastToken) {
            //String rawValue = String.Empty;
            String name = String.Empty, dataType = _StringName;
            XmlNodeType nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
            int startPos = -1, erPos = -1;
            int LineNum = _Scanner.LineNum;
            int LinePos = _Scanner.LinePos;

            bool hasToken = false/*, hasER = false*/, retValue = false;
            char ch='\0';

            int state = 2;
            _StringBuilder.Length = 0;

            do {
                switch (state) {
                    case 2:
                        erPos = scanner.CurrentPos;
                        lastToken = scanner.ScanLiteral(true, false, false, false);
                        switch (lastToken) {
                            case XmlToken.EOF: // reached the end of the literal.
                                state = -1;
                                if (!hasToken) {
                                    retValue = true;
                                    goto cleanup;
                                goto seeToken;
                            case XmlToken.TEXT:
                                startPos = (hasToken == true) ? startPos : scanner.StartPos;
                                _StringBuilder.Append(scanner.InternalBuffer, scanner.TextOffset, scanner.TextLength);
                                hasToken = true;
                                nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                                state = 2;
                            case XmlToken.ENTITYREF:
                                startPos = (hasToken == true) ? startPos : scanner.StartPos - 1;
                                ch = scanner.ScanNamedEntity();
                                name = scanner.GetTextAtom();
                                //  ch == 0 if general entity
                                //  ch != 0 if build in entity, for example: &lt

                                if (ch == 0 && _CheckNamespaces && _Scanner.Colon() != -1)
                                    throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_BadNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionStr(':'), _Scanner.LineNum, _Scanner.LinePos);

                                if (ch != 0) {

                                    dataType = "Char";
                                    hasToken = true;
                                    //hasER = true;
                                    _NextState = 2;
                                    name = String.Empty;
                                    nodeType = XmlNodeType.Text;
                                else if (hasToken) {
                                    // First return the text we have up to this point.
                                    state = 11;
                                else {
                                    // Return the entity reference as a node.
                                    state = 10;
                                    nodeType = XmlNodeType.EntityReference;
                            case XmlToken.NUMENTREF:
                                startPos = (hasToken == true) ? startPos : scanner.StartPos - 1;
                                hasToken = true;
                                //hasER = true;
                                state = 2;
                            case XmlToken.HEXENTREF:
                                startPos = (hasToken == true) ? startPos : scanner.StartPos - 1;
                                hasToken = true;
                                //hasER = true;
                                state = 2;
                                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InternalError);
                    case 9:
                        hasToken = true;
                        //hasER = true;
                        state = 2;
                        goto seeToken;
                    case 10:
                        hasToken = true;
                        //hasER = true;
                        state = 2;
                        // general entity special case
                        currToken.Value = String.Empty;
                        LinePos += 1;
                        goto otherToken;
                    case 11:
                        scanner.CurrentPos = erPos;
                        state = 2;
                        name = String.Empty;
                        goto seeToken;
                    case 12:
                        state = 2;
                        goto cleanup;
                        Debug.Assert(false, "unknown state within ParseBeginTag()");
            } while (true);
            dataType = _StringName;

            // there is no rawValue
            // if (hasER)
            //  rawValue = scanner.GetText(startPos, scanner.CurrentPos - startPos);
            //currToken.RawValue = rawValue;

            currToken.Name = name;
            currToken.LineNum = LineNum;
            currToken.LinePos = LinePos;
            currToken.NodeType = nodeType;
            currToken.Depth = newDepth;
            return retValue;