internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); ArrayList list = processor.NumberList; switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: Debug.Assert(frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.NodeSet != null); list.Clear(); if (this.valueKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { list.Add(SimplifyValue(processor.Evaluate(frame, this.valueKey))); } else if (this.level == "any") { int number = numberAny(processor, frame); if (number != 0) { list.Add(number); } } else { bool multiple = (this.level == "multiple"); XPathNavigator contextNode = frame.Node; // context of xsl:number element. We using this node in MatchCountKey() XPathNavigator countNode = frame.Node.Clone(); // node we count for if (countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute || countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace) { countNode.MoveToParent(); } while (moveToCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)) { list.Insert(0, numberCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)); if(! multiple || ! countNode.MoveToParent()) { break; } } if(! checkFrom(processor, countNode)) { list.Clear(); } } /*CalculatingFormat:*/ frame.StoredOutput = Format(list, this.formatAvt == null ? this.formatTokens : ParseFormat(this.formatAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), this.langAvt == null ? this.lang : this.langAvt .Evaluate(processor, frame), this.letterAvt == null ? this.letter : ParseLetter(this.letterAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), this.groupingSepAvt == null ? this.groupingSep : this.groupingSepAvt .Evaluate(processor, frame), this.groupingSizeAvt == null ? this.groupingSize : this.groupingSizeAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame) ); goto case OutputNumber; case OutputNumber : Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); if (! processor.TextEvent(frame.StoredOutput)) { frame.State = OutputNumber; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid Number Action execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); ArrayList list = processor.NumberList; switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: Debug.Assert(frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.NodeSet != null); list.Clear(); if (_valueKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { list.Add(SimplifyValue(processor.Evaluate(frame, _valueKey))); } else if (_level == "any") { int number = numberAny(processor, frame); if (number != 0) { list.Add(number); } } else { bool multiple = (_level == "multiple"); XPathNavigator contextNode = frame.Node; // context of xsl:number element. We using this node in MatchCountKey() XPathNavigator countNode = frame.Node.Clone(); // node we count for if (countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute || countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace) { countNode.MoveToParent(); } while (moveToCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)) { list.Insert(0, numberCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)); if (!multiple || !countNode.MoveToParent()) { break; } } if (!checkFrom(processor, countNode)) { list.Clear(); } } /*CalculatingFormat:*/ frame.StoredOutput = Format(list, _formatAvt == null ? _formatTokens : ParseFormat(_formatAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _langAvt == null ? _lang : _langAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _letterAvt == null ? _letter : ParseLetter(_letterAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _groupingSepAvt == null ? _groupingSep : _groupingSepAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _groupingSizeAvt == null ? _groupingSize : _groupingSizeAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame) ); goto case OutputNumber; case OutputNumber: Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); if (!processor.TextEvent(frame.StoredOutput)) { frame.State = OutputNumber; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid Number Action execution state"); break; } }