internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (this.type == ConditionType.ConditionIf || this.type == ConditionType.ConditionWhen) { Debug.Assert(this.testKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey); bool value = processor.EvaluateBoolean(frame, this.testKey); if (value == false) { frame.Finished(); break; } } processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run case ProcessingChildren: if (this.type == ConditionType.ConditionWhen ||this.type == ConditionType.ConditionOtherwise) { Debug.Assert(frame.Container != null); frame.Exit(); } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid IfAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); object ParamValue; switch(frame.State) { case Initialized: if (this.selectKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { ParamValue = processor.RunQuery(frame, this.selectKey); processor.SetParameter(, ParamValue); frame.Finished(); } else { if (this.containedActions == null) { processor.SetParameter(, string.Empty); frame.Finished(); break; } NavigatorOutput output = new NavigatorOutput(baseUri); processor.PushOutput(output); processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; } break; case ProcessingChildren: RecordOutput recOutput = processor.PopOutput(); Debug.Assert(recOutput is NavigatorOutput); processor.SetParameter(,((NavigatorOutput)recOutput).Navigator); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid execution state inside VariableAction.Execute"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: Debug.Assert(frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.NodeSet != null); string value = processor.ValueOf(frame, _selectKey); if (processor.TextEvent(value, _disableOutputEscaping)) { frame.Finished(); } else { frame.StoredOutput = value; frame.State = ResultStored; } break; case ResultStored: Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); processor.TextEvent(frame.StoredOutput); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ValueOfAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); while (processor.CanContinue) { switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (frame.Node.MoveToFirstNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml) == false) { frame.Finished(); break; } frame.State = BeginEvent; goto case BeginEvent; case BeginEvent: Debug.Assert(frame.State == BeginEvent); Debug.Assert(frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace); if (processor.BeginEvent(XPathNodeType.Namespace, null, frame.Node.LocalName, frame.Node.Value, false) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = EndEvent; continue; case EndEvent: Debug.Assert(frame.State == EndEvent); Debug.Assert(frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace); if (processor.EndEvent(XPathNodeType.Namespace) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = Advance; continue; case Advance: Debug.Assert(frame.State == Advance); Debug.Assert(frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace); if (frame.Node.MoveToNextNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml)) { frame.State = BeginEvent; continue; } else { frame.Node.MoveToParent(); frame.Finished(); break; } } break; }// while }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: Debug.Assert(frame.NodeSet != null); Query query = processor.GetValueQuery(_selectKey); object result = query.Evaluate(frame.NodeSet); if (result is XPathNodeIterator) { // we cash this query because otherwise current() works incorrectly. Bug#382166. // To be perfect we should use frame.NewNodeSet here processor.PushActionFrame(CopyNodeSetAction.GetAction(), new XPathArrayIterator(query)); frame.State = NodeSetCopied; break; } XPathNavigator nav = result as XPathNavigator; if (nav != null) { processor.PushActionFrame(CopyNodeSetAction.GetAction(), new XPathSingletonIterator(nav)); frame.State = NodeSetCopied; break; } string value = XmlConvert.ToXPathString(result); if (processor.TextEvent(value)) { frame.Finished(); } else { frame.StoredOutput = value; frame.State = ResultStored; } break; case ResultStored: Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); processor.TextEvent(frame.StoredOutput); frame.Finished(); break; case NodeSetCopied: Debug.Assert(frame.State == NodeSetCopied); frame.Finished(); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (!_fallback) { throw XsltException.Create(SR.Xslt_UnknownExtensionElement, _name); } if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; } else goto case ProcessingChildren; case ProcessingChildren: frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid Container action execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.State == Initialized); Action action = null; if (this.mode != null) { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node, this.mode) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node, this.mode); } else { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node); } // Built-int template rules if (action == null) { action = BuiltInTemplate(frame.Node); } // Jump if (action != null) { frame.SetAction(action); } else { frame.Finished(); } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (processor.BeginEvent(XPathNodeType.Comment, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, false) == false) { // Come back later break; } processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run case ProcessingChildren: if (processor.EndEvent(XPathNodeType.Comment) == false) { break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid IfAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(this.copyEvents != null && this.copyEvents.Count > 0); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.Counter = 0; frame.State = Outputting; goto case Outputting; case Outputting: Debug.Assert(frame.State == Outputting); while (processor.CanContinue) { Debug.Assert(frame.Counter < this.copyEvents.Count); Event copyEvent = (Event) this.copyEvents[frame.Counter]; if (copyEvent.Output(processor, frame) == false) { // This event wasn't processed break; } if (frame.IncrementCounter() >= this.copyEvents.Count) { frame.Finished(); break; } } break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid CopyCodeAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.Counter = 0; frame.State = ProcessingSets; goto case ProcessingSets; case ProcessingSets: if (frame.Counter < _useAttributeSets.Length) { AttributeSetAction action = processor.RootAction.GetAttributeSet(_useAttributeSets[frame.Counter]); frame.IncrementCounter(); processor.PushActionFrame(action, frame.NodeSet); } else { frame.Finished(); } break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid Container action execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: TextOnlyOutput output = new TextOnlyOutput(processor, new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); processor.PushOutput(output); processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; case ProcessingChildren: TextOnlyOutput recOutput = processor.PopOutput() as TextOnlyOutput; Debug.Assert(recOutput != null); Console.WriteLine(recOutput.Writer.ToString()); if (_Terminate) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_Terminate, recOutput.Writer.ToString()); } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid MessageAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if(this.nameAvt == null) { frame.StoredOutput =; if( == null) { // name was static but was bad; frame.Finished(); break; } } else { frame.StoredOutput = this.nameAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame); if (! IsProcessingInstructionName(frame.StoredOutput)) { frame.Finished(); break; } } goto case NameReady; case NameReady: Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); if (processor.BeginEvent(XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, string.Empty, frame.StoredOutput, string.Empty, false) == false) { // Come back later frame.State = NameReady; break; } processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run case ProcessingChildren: if (processor.EndEvent(XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction) == false) { frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ElementAction execution state"); frame.Finished(); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NodeSet, this.mode, /*importsOf:*/this.stylesheet); frame.State = TemplateProcessed; break; case TemplateProcessed: frame.Finished(); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (_type == ConditionType.ConditionIf || _type == ConditionType.ConditionWhen) { Debug.Assert(_testKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey); bool value = processor.EvaluateBoolean(frame, _testKey); if (value == false) { frame.Finished(); break; } } processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run case ProcessingChildren: if (_type == ConditionType.ConditionWhen || _type == ConditionType.ConditionOtherwise) { Debug.Assert(frame.Container != null); frame.Exit(); } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid IfAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.State == Initialized); Debug.Assert(processor.Debugger != null); Action?action = null; if (this.mode == Compiler.BuiltInMode) { // mode="*" -- use one from debuggerStack this.mode = processor.GetPreviousMode(); Debug.Assert(this.mode != Compiler.BuiltInMode); } processor.SetCurrentMode(this.mode); if (this.mode != null) { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node !, this.mode) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node !, this.mode); } else { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node !) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node !); } // Built-int template rules if (action == null && processor.RootAction !.builtInSheet != null) { action = processor.RootAction.builtInSheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node !, Compiler.BuiltInMode); } if (action == null) { action = BuiltInTemplate(frame.Node !); } // Jump if (action != null) { frame.SetAction(action); } else { frame.Finished(); } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NodeSet, this.mode, /*importsOf:*/ this.stylesheet); frame.State = TemplateProcessed; break; case TemplateProcessed: frame.Finished(); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (processor.TextEvent(this.text, disableOutputEscaping)) { frame.Finished(); } break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid execution state in TextAction"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.State == Initialized); processor.AddSort(_sort ?? new Sort( _selectKey, _langAvt == null ? _lang : ParseLang(_langAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _dataTypeAvt == null ? _dataType : ParseDataType(_dataTypeAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _manager !), _orderAvt == null ? _order : ParseOrder(_orderAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _caseOrderAvt == null ? _caseOrder : ParseCaseOrder(_caseOrderAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)) ) ); frame.Finished(); }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.State == Initialized); processor.AddSort(this.sort != null ? this.sort : new Sort( this.selectKey, this.langAvt == null ? this.lang : ParseLang(this.langAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), this.dataTypeAvt == null ? this.dataType : ParseDataType(this.dataTypeAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), manager), this.orderAvt == null ? this.order : ParseOrder(this.orderAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), this.caseOrderAvt == null ? this.caseOrder : ParseCaseOrder(this.caseOrderAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)) ) ); frame.Finished(); }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (processor.TextEvent(_text, _disableOutputEscaping)) { frame.Finished(); } break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid execution state in TextAction"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (sortContainer != null) { processor.InitSortArray(); processor.PushActionFrame(sortContainer, frame.NodeSet); frame.State = ProcessedSort; break; } goto case ProcessedSort; case ProcessedSort: frame.InitNewNodeSet(processor.StartQuery(frame.NodeSet, this.selectKey)); if (sortContainer != null) { Debug.Assert(processor.SortArray.Count != 0); frame.SortNewNodeSet(processor, processor.SortArray); } frame.State = ProcessNextNode; goto case ProcessNextNode; case ProcessNextNode: Debug.Assert(frame.State == ProcessNextNode); Debug.Assert(frame.NewNodeSet != null); if (frame.NewNextNode(processor)) { frame.State = PositionAdvanced; goto case PositionAdvanced; } else { frame.Finished(); break; } case PositionAdvanced: processor.PushActionFrame(frame, frame.NewNodeSet); frame.State = ContentsProcessed; break; case ContentsProcessed: frame.State = ProcessNextNode; goto case ProcessNextNode; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.AllocateVariables(variableCount); XPathNavigator root = processor.Document.Clone(); root.MoveToRoot(); frame.InitNodeSet(new XPathSingletonIterator(root)); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); } frame.State = QueryInitialized; break; case QueryInitialized: Debug.Assert(frame.State == QueryInitialized); frame.NextNode(processor); Debug.Assert(Processor.IsRoot(frame.Node)); if (processor.Debugger != null) { // this is like apply-templates, but we don't have it on stack. // Pop the stack, otherwise last instruction will be on it. processor.PopDebuggerStack(); } processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NodeSet, /*mode:*/ null, /*importsOf:*/ null); frame.State = RootProcessed; break; case RootProcessed: Debug.Assert(frame.State == RootProcessed); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid RootAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.Counter = 0; frame.State = ProcessingSets; goto case ProcessingSets; case ProcessingSets: if (frame.Counter < _useAttributeSets !.Length) { AttributeSetAction action = processor.RootAction !.GetAttributeSet(_useAttributeSets[frame.Counter]); frame.IncrementCounter(); processor.PushActionFrame(action, frame.NodeSet); } else { frame.Finished(); } break;
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(_copyEvents != null && _copyEvents.Count > 0); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.Counter = 0; frame.State = Outputting; goto case Outputting; case Outputting: Debug.Assert(frame.State == Outputting); while (processor.CanContinue) { Debug.Assert(frame.Counter < _copyEvents.Count); Event copyEvent = (Event)_copyEvents[frame.Counter]; if (copyEvent.Output(processor, frame) == false) { // This event wasn't processed break; } if (frame.IncrementCounter() >= _copyEvents.Count) { frame.Finished(); break; } } break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid CopyCodeAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: processor.ResetParams(); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessedChildren; break; } goto case ProcessedChildren; case ProcessedChildren: TemplateAction action = processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(; if (action != null) { frame.State = ProcessedTemplate; processor.PushActionFrame(action, frame.NodeSet); break; } else { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_InvalidCallTemplate,; } case ProcessedTemplate: frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid CallTemplateAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.State == Initialized); Action?action = null; if (this.mode != null) { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node !, this.mode) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node !, this.mode); } else { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node !) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node !); } // Built-int template rules if (action == null) { action = BuiltInTemplate(frame.Node !); } // Jump if (action != null) { frame.SetAction(action); } else { frame.Finished(); } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch(frame.State) { case Initialized : processor.ResetParams(); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessedChildren; break; } goto case ProcessedChildren; case ProcessedChildren: TemplateAction action = processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(; if (action != null) { frame.State = ProcessedTemplate; processor.PushActionFrame(action, frame.NodeSet); break; } else { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_InvalidCallTemplate,; } case ProcessedTemplate: frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid CallTemplateAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.State == Initialized); Debug.Assert(processor.Debugger != null); Action action = null; if (this.mode == Compiler.BuiltInMode) { // mode="*" -- use one from debuggerStack this.mode = processor.GetPrevioseMode(); Debug.Assert(this.mode != Compiler.BuiltInMode); } processor.SetCurrentMode(this.mode); if (this.mode != null) { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node, this.mode) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node, this.mode); } else { action = importsOf == null ? processor.Stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node) : importsOf.FindTemplateImports(processor, frame.Node); } // Built-int template rules if (action == null && processor.RootAction.builtInSheet != null) { action = processor.RootAction.builtInSheet.FindTemplate(processor, frame.Node, Compiler.BuiltInMode); } if (action == null) { action = BuiltInTemplate(frame.Node); } // Jump if (action != null) { frame.SetAction(action); } else { frame.Finished(); } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); while (processor.CanContinue) { switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (frame.NextNode(processor)) { frame.State = BeginEvent; goto case BeginEvent; } else { frame.Finished(); break; } case BeginEvent: Debug.Assert(frame.State == BeginEvent); if (SendBeginEvent(processor, frame.Node) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = Contents; continue; case Contents: Debug.Assert(frame.State == Contents); XPathNodeType nodeType = frame.Node.NodeType; if (nodeType == XPathNodeType.Element || nodeType == XPathNodeType.Root) { processor.PushActionFrame(CopyNamespacesAction.GetAction(), frame.NodeSet); frame.State = Namespaces; break; } if (SendTextEvent(processor, frame.Node) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = EndEvent; continue; case Namespaces: processor.PushActionFrame(CopyAttributesAction.GetAction(), frame.NodeSet); frame.State = Attributes; break; case Attributes: if (frame.Node.HasChildren) { processor.PushActionFrame(GetAction(), frame.Node.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.All)); frame.State = Subtree; break; } frame.State = EndEvent; goto case EndEvent; case Subtree: //frame.Node.MoveToParent(); frame.State = EndEvent; continue; case EndEvent: Debug.Assert(frame.State == EndEvent); if (SendEndEvent(processor, frame.Node) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = Initialized; continue; } break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (_qname != null) { frame.CalulatedName = _qname; } else { frame.CalulatedName = CreateElementQName( _nameAvt == null ? _name : _nameAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _nsAvt == null ? _nsUri : _nsAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _manager ); } goto case NameDone; case NameDone: { PrefixQName qname = frame.CalulatedName; if (processor.BeginEvent(XPathNodeType.Element, qname.Prefix, qname.Name, qname.Namespace, _empty) == false) { // Come back later frame.State = NameDone; break; } if (!_empty) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run } else { goto case ProcessingChildren; } } case ProcessingChildren: if (processor.EndEvent(XPathNodeType.Element) == false) { frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ElementAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); ArrayList list = processor.NumberList; switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: Debug.Assert(frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.NodeSet != null); list.Clear(); if (this.valueKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { list.Add(SimplifyValue(processor.Evaluate(frame, this.valueKey))); } else if (this.level == "any") { int number = numberAny(processor, frame); if (number != 0) { list.Add(number); } } else { bool multiple = (this.level == "multiple"); XPathNavigator contextNode = frame.Node; // context of xsl:number element. We using this node in MatchCountKey() XPathNavigator countNode = frame.Node.Clone(); // node we count for if (countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute || countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace) { countNode.MoveToParent(); } while (moveToCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)) { list.Insert(0, numberCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)); if(! multiple || ! countNode.MoveToParent()) { break; } } if(! checkFrom(processor, countNode)) { list.Clear(); } } /*CalculatingFormat:*/ frame.StoredOutput = Format(list, this.formatAvt == null ? this.formatTokens : ParseFormat(this.formatAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), this.langAvt == null ? this.lang : this.langAvt .Evaluate(processor, frame), this.letterAvt == null ? this.letter : ParseLetter(this.letterAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), this.groupingSepAvt == null ? this.groupingSep : this.groupingSepAvt .Evaluate(processor, frame), this.groupingSizeAvt == null ? this.groupingSize : this.groupingSizeAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame) ); goto case OutputNumber; case OutputNumber : Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); if (! processor.TextEvent(frame.StoredOutput)) { frame.State = OutputNumber; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid Number Action execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); while (processor.CanContinue) { switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (Processor.IsRoot(frame.Node)) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ChildrenOnly; break; } if (processor.CopyBeginEvent(frame.Node, this.empty) == false) { // This event wasn't processed break; } frame.State = NamespaceCopy; continue; case NamespaceCopy: frame.State = ContentsCopy; if ( frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element ) { processor.PushActionFrame(CopyNamespacesAction.GetAction(), frame.NodeSet); break; } continue; case ContentsCopy: if (frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element && !this.empty) { //Debug.Assert(frame.Node.HasValue == false); processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessChildren; break; } else { if (processor.CopyTextEvent(frame.Node)) { frame.State = ProcessChildren; continue; } else { // This event wasn't processed break; } } case ProcessChildren: if (processor.CopyEndEvent(frame.Node)) { frame.Finished(); } break; case ChildrenOnly: frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid CopyAction execution state"); break; } break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; } else { frame.Finished(); } break; // Allow children to run case ProcessingChildren: frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid Container action execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: processor.ResetParams(); processor.InitSortArray(); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessedChildren; break; } goto case ProcessedChildren; case ProcessedChildren: if (this.selectKey == Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { if (!frame.Node.HasChildren) { frame.Finished(); break; } frame.InitNewNodeSet(frame.Node.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.All)); } else { frame.InitNewNodeSet(processor.StartQuery(frame.NodeSet, this.selectKey)); } if (processor.SortArray.Count != 0) { frame.SortNewNodeSet(processor, processor.SortArray); } frame.State = ProcessNextNode; goto case ProcessNextNode; case ProcessNextNode: Debug.Assert(frame.State == ProcessNextNode); Debug.Assert(frame.NewNodeSet != null); if (frame.NewNextNode(processor)) { frame.State = PositionAdvanced; goto case PositionAdvanced; } else { frame.Finished(); break; } case PositionAdvanced: Debug.Assert(frame.State == PositionAdvanced); processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NewNodeSet, this.mode, /*importsOf:*/ null); frame.State = TemplateProcessed; break; case TemplateProcessed: frame.State = ProcessNextNode; goto case ProcessNextNode; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ApplyTemplatesAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: processor.ResetParams(); processor.InitSortArray(); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessedChildren; break; } goto case ProcessedChildren; case ProcessedChildren: if (_selectKey == Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { if (!frame.Node.HasChildren) { frame.Finished(); break; } frame.InitNewNodeSet(frame.Node.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.All)); } else { frame.InitNewNodeSet(processor.StartQuery(frame.NodeSet, _selectKey)); } if (processor.SortArray.Count != 0) { frame.SortNewNodeSet(processor, processor.SortArray); } frame.State = ProcessNextNode; goto case ProcessNextNode; case ProcessNextNode: Debug.Assert(frame.State == ProcessNextNode); Debug.Assert(frame.NewNodeSet != null); if (frame.NewNextNode(processor)) { frame.State = PositionAdvanced; goto case PositionAdvanced; } else { frame.Finished(); break; } case PositionAdvanced: Debug.Assert(frame.State == PositionAdvanced); processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NewNodeSet, _mode, /*importsOf:*/null); frame.State = TemplateProcessed; break; case TemplateProcessed: frame.State = ProcessNextNode; goto case ProcessNextNode; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ApplyTemplatesAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null && frame.State != ValueCalculated); object value = null; switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (IsGlobal) { if (frame.GetVariable(_varKey) != null) { // This var was calculated already frame.Finished(); break; } // Mark that the variable is being computed to check for circular references frame.SetVariable(_varKey, BeingComputedMark); } // If this is a parameter, check whether the caller has passed the value if (this.varType == VariableType.GlobalParameter) { value = processor.GetGlobalParameter(; } else if (this.varType == VariableType.LocalParameter) { value = processor.GetParameter(; } if (value != null) { goto case ValueCalculated; } // If value was not passed, check the 'select' attribute if (this.selectKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { value = processor.RunQuery(frame, this.selectKey); goto case ValueCalculated; } // If there is no 'select' attribute and the content is empty, use the empty string if (this.containedActions == null) { value = string.Empty; goto case ValueCalculated; } // RTF case NavigatorOutput output = new NavigatorOutput(this.baseUri); processor.PushOutput(output); processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; case ProcessingChildren: IRecordOutput recOutput = processor.PopOutput(); Debug.Assert(recOutput is NavigatorOutput); value = ((NavigatorOutput)recOutput).Navigator; goto case ValueCalculated; case ValueCalculated: Debug.Assert(value != null); frame.SetVariable(_varKey, value); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid execution state inside VariableAction.Execute"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.State == Initialized); processor.AddSort(_sort != null ? _sort : new Sort( _selectKey, _langAvt == null ? _lang : ParseLang(_langAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _dataTypeAvt == null ? _dataType : ParseDataType(_dataTypeAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _manager), _orderAvt == null ? _order : ParseOrder(_orderAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _caseOrderAvt == null ? _caseOrder : ParseCaseOrder(_caseOrderAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)) ) ); frame.Finished(); }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: frame.AllocateVariables(variableCount); XPathNavigator root = processor.Document.Clone(); root.MoveToRoot(); frame.InitNodeSet(new XPathSingletonIterator(root)); if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); } frame.State = QueryInitialized; break; case QueryInitialized: Debug.Assert(frame.State == QueryInitialized); frame.NextNode(processor); Debug.Assert(Processor.IsRoot(frame.Node)); if (processor.Debugger != null) { // this is like apply-templates, but we don't have it on stack. // Pop the stack, otherwise last instruction will be on it. processor.PopDebuggerStack(); } processor.PushTemplateLookup(frame.NodeSet, /*mode:*/null, /*importsOf:*/null); frame.State = RootProcessed; break; case RootProcessed: Debug.Assert(frame.State == RootProcessed); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid RootAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); ArrayList list = processor.NumberList; switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: Debug.Assert(frame != null); Debug.Assert(frame.NodeSet != null); list.Clear(); if (_valueKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { list.Add(SimplifyValue(processor.Evaluate(frame, _valueKey))); } else if (_level == "any") { int number = numberAny(processor, frame); if (number != 0) { list.Add(number); } } else { bool multiple = (_level == "multiple"); XPathNavigator contextNode = frame.Node; // context of xsl:number element. We using this node in MatchCountKey() XPathNavigator countNode = frame.Node.Clone(); // node we count for if (countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute || countNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace) { countNode.MoveToParent(); } while (moveToCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)) { list.Insert(0, numberCount(countNode, processor, contextNode)); if (!multiple || !countNode.MoveToParent()) { break; } } if (!checkFrom(processor, countNode)) { list.Clear(); } } /*CalculatingFormat:*/ frame.StoredOutput = Format(list, _formatAvt == null ? _formatTokens : ParseFormat(_formatAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _langAvt == null ? _lang : _langAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _letterAvt == null ? _letter : ParseLetter(_letterAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame)), _groupingSepAvt == null ? _groupingSep : _groupingSepAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), _groupingSizeAvt == null ? _groupingSize : _groupingSizeAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame) ); goto case OutputNumber; case OutputNumber: Debug.Assert(frame.StoredOutput != null); if (!processor.TextEvent(frame.StoredOutput)) { frame.State = OutputNumber; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid Number Action execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); while (processor.CanContinue) { switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (!frame.Node.HasAttributes || frame.Node.MoveToFirstAttribute() == false) { frame.Finished(); break; } frame.State = BeginEvent; goto case BeginEvent; case BeginEvent: Debug.Assert(frame.State == BeginEvent); Debug.Assert(frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute); if (SendBeginEvent(processor, frame.Node) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = TextEvent; continue; case TextEvent: Debug.Assert(frame.State == TextEvent); Debug.Assert(frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute); if (SendTextEvent(processor, frame.Node) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = EndEvent; continue; case EndEvent: Debug.Assert(frame.State == EndEvent); Debug.Assert(frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute); if (SendEndEvent(processor, frame.Node) == false) { // This one wasn't output break; } frame.State = Advance; continue; case Advance: Debug.Assert(frame.State == Advance); Debug.Assert(frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute); if (frame.Node.MoveToNextAttribute()) { frame.State = BeginEvent; continue; } else { frame.Node.MoveToParent(); frame.Finished(); break; } } break; }// while (processor.CanContinue) }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if(this.qname != null) { frame.CalulatedName = this.qname; } else { frame.CalulatedName = CreateAttributeQName( this.nameAvt == null ? : this.nameAvt.Evaluate(processor, frame), this.nsAvt == null ? this.nsUri : this.nsAvt .Evaluate(processor, frame), this.manager ); if(frame.CalulatedName == null) { // name == "xmlns" case. Ignore xsl:attribute frame.Finished(); break; } } goto case NameDone; case NameDone : { PrefixQName qname = frame.CalulatedName; if (processor.BeginEvent(XPathNodeType.Attribute, qname.Prefix, qname.Name, qname.Namespace, false) == false) { // Come back later frame.State = NameDone; break; } processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; // Allow children to run } case ProcessingChildren: if (processor.EndEvent(XPathNodeType.Attribute) == false) { frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; } frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid ElementAction execution state"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null && frame.State != ValueCalculated); object value = null; switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (IsGlobal) { if (frame.GetVariable(_varKey) != null) { // This var was calculated already frame.Finished(); break; } // Mark that the variable is being computed to check for circular references frame.SetVariable(_varKey, BeingComputedMark); } // If this is a parameter, check whether the caller has passed the value if (this.varType == VariableType.GlobalParameter) { value = processor.GetGlobalParameter(; } else if (this.varType == VariableType.LocalParameter) { value = processor.GetParameter(; } if (value != null) { goto case ValueCalculated; } // If value was not passed, check the 'select' attribute if (this.selectKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { value = processor.RunQuery(frame, this.selectKey); goto case ValueCalculated; } // If there is no 'select' attribute and the content is empty, use the empty string if (this.containedActions == null) { value = string.Empty; goto case ValueCalculated; } // RTF case NavigatorOutput output = new NavigatorOutput(this.baseUri); processor.PushOutput(output); processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessingChildren; break; case ProcessingChildren: RecordOutput recOutput = processor.PopOutput(); Debug.Assert(recOutput is NavigatorOutput); value = ((NavigatorOutput)recOutput).Navigator; goto case ValueCalculated; case ValueCalculated: Debug.Assert(value != null); frame.SetVariable(_varKey, value); frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid execution state inside VariableAction.Execute"); break; } }
internal override void Execute(Processor processor, ActionFrame frame) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && frame != null); while (processor.CanContinue) { switch (frame.State) { case Initialized: if (Processor.IsRoot(frame.Node)) { processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ChildrenOnly; break; } if (processor.CopyBeginEvent(frame.Node, this.empty) == false) { // This event wasn't processed break; } frame.State = NamespaceCopy; continue; case NamespaceCopy: frame.State = ContentsCopy; if (frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element) { processor.PushActionFrame(CopyNamespacesAction.GetAction(), frame.NodeSet); break; } continue; case ContentsCopy: if (frame.Node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element && !this.empty) { //Debug.Assert(frame.Node.HasValue == false); processor.PushActionFrame(frame); frame.State = ProcessChildren; break; } else { if (processor.CopyTextEvent(frame.Node)) { frame.State = ProcessChildren; continue; } else { // This event wasn't processed break; } } case ProcessChildren: if (processor.CopyEndEvent(frame.Node)) { frame.Finished(); } break; case ChildrenOnly: frame.Finished(); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid CopyAction execution state"); break; } break; } }