コード例 #1
        // Partially taken from https://github.com/kipusoep/UrlTracker/blob/b2bc998adaae2f74779e1119fd7b1e97a3b71ed2/UI/Installer/UrlTrackerInstallerService.asmx.cs

        public static bool InstallDashboard(string section, string caption, string control)
            bool result = false;
                string dashboardConfig;
                string dashboardConfigPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/config/dashboard.config");
                using (StreamReader streamReader = File.OpenText(dashboardConfigPath))
                    dashboardConfig = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dashboardConfig))
                    throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: Couldn't read current ~/config/dashboard.config, permissions issue?");
                XDocument dashboardDoc = XDocument.Parse(dashboardConfig, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
                if (dashboardDoc == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: Unable to parse current ~/config/dashboard.config file, invalid XML?");
                XElement dashBoardElement = dashboardDoc.Element("dashBoard");
                if (dashBoardElement == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: dashBoard element not found in ~/config/dashboard.config file");
                List<XElement> sectionElements = dashBoardElement.Elements("section").ToList();
                if (sectionElements == null || !sectionElements.Any())
                    throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: No section elements found in ~/config/dashboard.config file");
                XElement existingSectionElement = sectionElements.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Attribute("alias") != null && x.Attribute("alias").Value == section);
                if (existingSectionElement == null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to add dashboard: '{0}' section not found in ~/config/dashboard.config", section));

                List<XElement> tabs = existingSectionElement.Elements("tab").ToList();
                if (!tabs.Any())
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to add dashboard: No existing tabs found within the '{0}' section", section));

                List<XElement> existingTabs = tabs.Where(x => x.Attribute("caption").Value == caption).ToList();
                if (existingTabs.Any())
                    foreach (XElement tab in existingTabs)
                        List<XElement> existingTabControls = tab.Elements("control").ToList();
                        if (existingTabControls.Any(x => x.Value == control))
                            return true;

                XElement lastTab = tabs.Last();
                XElement newTab = new XElement("tab");
                newTab.Add(new XAttribute("caption", caption));
                XElement newControl = new XElement("control");
                newControl.Add(new XAttribute("addPanel", true));
                newControl.AddBeforeSelf(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "      "));
                newControl.AddAfterSelf(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "    "));
                lastTab.AddAfterSelf(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "    "));
                dashboardDoc.Save(dashboardConfigPath, SaveOptions.None);
                result = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionHelper.LogExceptionMessage(typeof(DashboardHelper), ex);
            return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Paragraph.cs プロジェクト: ScottSnodgrass/DocX
 private void ReplaceAtBookmark_Add(string toInsert, XElement bookmark)
     var run = HelperFunctions.FormatInput(toInsert, null);
     runs = Xml.Elements(XName.Get("r", DocX.w.NamespaceName)).ToList();
コード例 #3
ファイル: SDMNode.cs プロジェクト: johnhhm/corefx
                /// <summary>
                /// Tests AddAfterSelf on Node.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="context"></param>
                /// <returns></returns>
                //[Variation(Desc = "NodeAddAfterSelf")]
                public void NodeAddAfterSelf()
                    XElement parent = new XElement("parent");
                    XElement child = new XElement("child");

                    XText sibling1 = new XText("sibling1");
                    XElement sibling2 = new XElement("sibling2");
                    XComment sibling3 = new XComment("sibling3");


                    Validate.EnumeratorDeepEquals(parent.Nodes(), new XNode[] { child, sibling1 });

                    child.AddAfterSelf(sibling2, sibling3);

                        new XNode[] { child, sibling2, sibling3, sibling1 });
コード例 #4
ファイル: SDMNode.cs プロジェクト: noahfalk/corefx
        public void NodeAddAfterSelf()
            XElement parent = new XElement("parent");
            XElement child = new XElement("child");

            XText sibling1 = new XText("sibling1");
            XElement sibling2 = new XElement("sibling2");
            XComment sibling3 = new XComment("sibling3");


            Assert.Equal(new XNode[] { child, sibling1 }, parent.Nodes(), XNode.EqualityComparer);

            child.AddAfterSelf(sibling2, sibling3);

            Assert.Equal(new XNode[] { child, sibling2, sibling3, sibling1 }, parent.Nodes(), XNode.EqualityComparer);
コード例 #5
        public void ParseInstrument()
            if (tree.Type != BlaiseParser.DATA_MODEL)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A DATAMODEL was not found in the instrument");

            ITree label = tree.GetChild(0);
            ITree modelSettings = tree.GetChild(1);

            Block outer = WalkSubModel(tree, null);
            if (outer != null)
                string instrumentName = outer.Title;
                string description = outer.Description;

                var nameElement = new XElement(Ddi.InstrumentName,

                var descElement = new XElement(Ddi.Description,

            // Create a QuestionScheme for each BLOCK.
            foreach (var kvpBlock in this.blocks)
                string blockName = kvpBlock.Key;
                Block block = kvpBlock.Value;

                // Create a question scheme that contains all FIELDs.
                if (block.Fields.Count > 0)
                    XElement questionScheme = Ddi.Element(Ddi.QuestionScheme);
                    questionScheme.Add(new XElement(

                    bool hasQuestions = false;
                    foreach (var kvpField in block.Fields)
                        Field field = kvpField.Value;

                        if (field.Question != null && field.Question.Count > 0)
                            XElement question = CreateQuestion(field, block.Title, block);
                            hasQuestions = true;

                    if (hasQuestions)

            // Create the instrument flow.
            XElement outerConstruct = GetBlockControlConstruct(outer, outer.Title);
            Instrument.Add(Ddi.GetReference(Ddi.ControlConstructReference, outerConstruct));

            foreach (var catScheme in categorySchemes)

            foreach (var codeScheme in codeSchemes)
コード例 #6
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: janbrogger/EdmGen06
        void ModelGen(String connectionString, String providerName, String modelName, String targetSchema, Version yver)
            String baseDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            String fpssdl3 = Path.Combine(baseDir, modelName + ".ssdl");
            String fpcsdl3 = Path.Combine(baseDir, modelName + ".csdl");
            String fpmsl3 = Path.Combine(baseDir, modelName + ".msl");
            String fpedmx3 = Path.Combine(baseDir, modelName + ".edmx");
            String fpconfig = Path.Combine(baseDir, modelName + ".App.config");

            if (false) { }
            else if (yver == new Version(1, 0)) { xEDMX = "{" + NS.EDMXv1 + "}"; xSSDL = "{" + NS.SSDLv1 + "}"; xCSDL = "{" + NS.CSDLv1 + "}"; xMSL = "{" + NS.MSLv1 + "}"; trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "ModelGen v1"); }
            else if (yver == new Version(3, 0)) { xEDMX = "{" + NS.EDMXv3 + "}"; xSSDL = "{" + NS.SSDLv3 + "}"; xCSDL = "{" + NS.CSDLv3 + "}"; xMSL = "{" + NS.MSLv3 + "}"; trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "ModelGen v3"); }
            else throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Version '{0}', from 1.0 3.0 ", yver));

            trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Getting System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory from '{0}'", providerName);
            var fac = System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName);
            if (fac == null) throw new ApplicationException();
            trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, fac.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);
            trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Ok");

            using (var db = fac.CreateConnection()) {
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Connecting");
                db.ConnectionString = connectionString;
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Connected");

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Getting System.Data.Entity.Core.Common.DbProviderServices from '{0}'", providerName);
                var providerServices = ((IServiceProvider)fac).GetService(typeof(DbProviderServices)) as DbProviderServices;
                if (providerServices == null) providerServices = DbProviderServices.GetProviderServices(db);
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, providerServices.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Ok");

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Get ProviderManifestToken");
                var providerManifestToken = providerServices.GetProviderManifestToken(db);
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Get ProviderManifest");
                var providerManifest = providerServices.GetProviderManifest(providerManifestToken) as DbProviderManifest;

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Get StoreSchemaDefinition");
                var storeSchemaDefinition = providerManifest.GetInformation("StoreSchemaDefinition") as XmlReader;
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Get StoreSchemaMapping");
                var storeSchemaMapping = providerManifest.GetInformation("StoreSchemaMapping") as XmlReader;

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Write temporary ProviderManifest ssdl");
                XDocument tSsdl;
                String fpssdl = Path.Combine(baseDir, "__" + providerName + ".ssdl");
                String fpssdl2 = Path.Combine(baseDir, "__" + providerName + ".ssdl.xml");
                    tSsdl = XDocument.Load(storeSchemaDefinition);

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Write temporary ProviderManifest msl");
                XDocument tMsl;
                String fpmsl = Path.Combine(baseDir, "__" + providerName + ".msl");
                String fpmsl2 = Path.Combine(baseDir, "__" + providerName + ".msl.xml");
                    tMsl = XDocument.Load(storeSchemaMapping);

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Checking ProviderManifest version.");
                XmlReader xrCsdl = null;
                if (false) { }
                else if (tSsdl.Element("{" + NS.SSDLv1 + "}" + "Schema") != null && tMsl.Element("{" + NS.MSLv1 + "}" + "Mapping") != null) {
                    pCSDL = "{" + NS.CSDLv1 + "}";
                    pMSL = "{" + NS.MSLv1 + "}";
                    pSSDL = "{" + NS.SSDLv1 + "}";
            #if ENTITIES6
                    xrCsdl = DbProviderServices.GetConceptualSchemaDefinition(DbProviderManifest.ConceptualSchemaDefinition);
                    xrCsdl = XmlReader.Create(new MemoryStream(Resources.ConceptualSchemaDefinition));
                    trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "ProviderManifest v1");
                else if (tSsdl.Element("{" + NS.SSDLv3 + "}" + "Schema") != null && tMsl.Element("{" + NS.MSLv3 + "}" + "Mapping") != null) {
                    pCSDL = "{" + NS.CSDLv3 + "}";
                    pMSL = "{" + NS.MSLv3 + "}";
                    pSSDL = "{" + NS.SSDLv3 + "}";
            #if ENTITIES6
                    xrCsdl = DbProviderServices.GetConceptualSchemaDefinition(DbProviderManifest.ConceptualSchemaDefinitionVersion3);
                    xrCsdl = XmlReader.Create(new MemoryStream(Resources.ConceptualSchemaDefinitionVersion3));
                    trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "ProviderManifest v3");
                else {
                    trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 101, "ProviderManifest version unknown");
                    throw new ApplicationException("ProviderManifest version unknown");

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Write temporary ProviderManifest csdl");
                String fpcsdl = Path.Combine(baseDir, "__" + providerName + ".csdl");
                XDocument tCsdl;
                    tCsdl = XDocument.Load(xrCsdl);

                nut.providerManifest = providerManifest;
                nut.modelName = modelName;
                nut.targetSchema = targetSchema;

                var entityConnectionString = ""
                    + "Provider=" + providerName + ";"
                    + "Provider Connection String=\"" + db.ConnectionString + "\";"
                    + "Metadata=" + fpcsdl + "|" + fpssdl + "|" + fpmsl + ";"

                XElement mssdl, mcsdl, mmsl;
                XDocument mEdmx = new XDocument(); // XDocument: ModelGen edmx
                mEdmx.Add(new XElement(xEDMX + "Edmx",
                    new XAttribute("Version", yver.ToString(2)),
                    new XElement(xEDMX + "Runtime",
                        mssdl = new XElement(xEDMX + "StorageModels"),
                        mcsdl = new XElement(xEDMX + "ConceptualModels"),
                        mmsl = new XElement(xEDMX + "Mappings")

                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Getting SchemaInformation");
                using (var Context = new SchemaInformation(entityConnectionString)) {
                    trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Ok");

                    String ssdlNs = nut.SsdlNs();
                    XElement ssdlSchema = new XElement(xSSDL + "Schema"
                        , new XAttribute("Namespace", ssdlNs)
                        , new XAttribute("Alias", "Self")
                        , new XAttribute("Provider", providerName)
                        , new XAttribute("ProviderManifestToken", providerManifestToken)

                    XElement ssdlEntityContainer = new XElement(xSSDL + "EntityContainer"
                        , new XAttribute("Name", nut.SsdlContainer())

                    String csdlNs = nut.CsdlNs();
                    XElement csdlSchema = new XElement(xCSDL + "Schema"
                        , new XAttribute("Namespace", csdlNs)
                        , new XAttribute("Alias", "Self")
                    XElement csdlEntityContainer = new XElement(xCSDL + "EntityContainer"
                        , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlContainer())

                    XElement mslMapping = new XElement(xMSL + "Mapping"
                        , new XAttribute("Space", "C-S")
                    XElement mslEntityContainerMapping = new XElement(xMSL + "EntityContainerMapping"
                        , new XAttribute("StorageEntityContainer", nut.SsdlContainer())
                        , new XAttribute("CdmEntityContainer", nut.CsdlContainer())

                    var vecTableOrView = Context.Tables.Cast<TableOrView>().Union(Context.Views);
                    foreach (var dbt in vecTableOrView) {
                        trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "{2}: {0}.{1}", dbt.SchemaName, dbt.Name, (dbt is Table) ? "Table" : "View");

                        if (dbt.SchemaName != targetSchema) continue;

                        XElement ssdlEntitySet = new XElement(xSSDL + "EntitySet"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.SsdlEntitySet(dbt))
                            , new XAttribute("EntityType", nut.SsdlEntityTypeRef(dbt))
                            , new XAttribute(xSTORE + "Type", "Tables")
                            , new XAttribute("Schema", dbt.SchemaName)

                        XElement ssdlEntityType = new XElement(xSSDL + "EntityType"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.SsdlEntityType(dbt))

                        XElement csdlEntitySet = new XElement(xCSDL + "EntitySet"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlEntitySet(dbt))
                            , new XAttribute("EntityType", nut.CsdlEntityTypeRef(dbt))

                        XElement csdlEntityType = new XElement(xCSDL + "EntityType"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlEntityType(dbt))

                        XElement mslEntitySetMapping = new XElement(xMSL + "EntitySetMapping"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlEntitySet(dbt))

                        XElement mslEntityTypeMapping = new XElement(xMSL + "EntityTypeMapping"
                            , new XAttribute("TypeName", nut.CsdlEntityTypeRef(dbt))

                        XElement mslMappingFragment = new XElement(xMSL + "MappingFragment"
                            , new XAttribute("StoreEntitySet", nut.SsdlEntitySet(dbt))

                        XElement ssdlKey = null;
                        XElement csdlKey = null;
                        bool hasKey = false; // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/94c227d3-3764-45b2-8c6b-e45b6cc8e169/keyless-object-workaround
                        bool hasId = dbt.Columns.Any(p => p.IsIdentity || p.Constraints.OfType<PrimaryKeyConstraint>().Any());
                        foreach (var dbc in dbt.Columns) {
                            trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, " TableColumn: {0}", dbc.Name);

                            bool isIdGen = dbc.IsIdentity;
                            bool isId = isIdGen || dbc.Constraints.OfType<PrimaryKeyConstraint>().Any() || (hasId ? false : !dbc.IsNullable);

                            String ssdlName;
                            XElement ssdlProperty = new XElement(xSSDL + "Property"
                                , new XAttribute("Name", ssdlName = nut.SsdlProp(dbc))
                                , new XAttribute("Type", nut.SsdlPropType(dbc))

                            bool deleteMe = nut.CsdlPropType(dbc) == null;

                            String csdlName;
                            XElement csdlProperty = new XElement(xCSDL + "Property"
                                , new XAttribute("Name", csdlName = nut.CsdlProp(dbc))
                                , new XAttribute("Type", nut.CsdlPropType(dbc) ?? "?")

                            XElement mslScalarProperty = new XElement(xMSL + "ScalarProperty"
                                , new XAttribute("Name", csdlName)
                                , new XAttribute("ColumnName", ssdlName)

                            if (!dbc.IsNullable) {
                                ssdlProperty.SetAttributeValue("Nullable", "false");
                                csdlProperty.SetAttributeValue("Nullable", "false");
                            if (dbc.ColumnType.MaxLength.HasValue) {
                                int maxLen = dbc.ColumnType.MaxLength.Value;
                                if (maxLen != -1 && maxLen != 0x3FFFFFFF && maxLen != 0x7FFFFFFF) {
                                    ssdlProperty.SetAttributeValue("MaxLength", dbc.ColumnType.MaxLength.Value + "");
                                    csdlProperty.SetAttributeValue("MaxLength", dbc.ColumnType.MaxLength.Value + "");
                            if (isId) {
                                hasKey = true;
                                if (ssdlKey == null) {
                                    ssdlKey = new XElement(xSSDL + "Key");
                                ssdlKey.Add(new XElement(xSSDL + "PropertyRef"
                                    , new XAttribute("Name", ssdlName)
                                if (isIdGen) ssdlProperty.SetAttributeValue("StoreGeneratedPattern", "Identity");
                                if (isIdGen) ssdlProperty.SetAttributeValue(xAnno + "StoreGeneratedPattern", "Identity");
                            if (isId) {
                                if (csdlKey == null) {
                                    csdlKey = new XElement(xCSDL + "Key");
                                csdlKey.Add(new XElement(xCSDL + "PropertyRef"
                                    , new XAttribute("Name", csdlName)
                                if (isIdGen) csdlProperty.SetAttributeValue(xAnno + "StoreGeneratedPattern", "Identity");

                            if (deleteMe) {
                                ssdlProperty.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("Property {0} removed. Unknown type.", ssdlProperty.Attribute("Name"))));
                                csdlProperty.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("Property {0} removed. Unknown type.", csdlProperty.Attribute("Name"))));
                                mslScalarProperty.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("ScalarProperty {0} removed. Unknown type.", mslScalarProperty.Attribute("Name"))));

                        if (!hasKey) {
                            ssdlEntitySet.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("EntitySet {0} removed. No identical keys found.", ssdlEntitySet.Attribute("Name"))));
                            csdlEntitySet.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("EntitySet {0} removed. No identical keys found.", csdlEntitySet.Attribute("Name"))));
                            mslEntitySetMapping.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("EntitySetMapping {0} removed. No identical keys found.", mslEntityTypeMapping.Attribute("Name"))));

                            ssdlEntityType.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("EntityType {0} removed. No identical keys found.", ssdlEntityType.Attribute("Name"))));
                            csdlEntityType.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("EntityType {0} removed. No identical keys found.", csdlEntityType.Attribute("Name"))));
                            mslEntityTypeMapping.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("EntityTypeMapping {0} removed. No identical keys found.", mslEntityTypeMapping.Attribute("Name"))));



                    foreach (var dbco in Context.TableConstraints.OfType<ForeignKeyConstraint>()) {
                        trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "Constraint: {0}", dbco.Name);

                        if (dbco.Parent.SchemaName != targetSchema) continue;

                        // ssdl
                        var ssdlAssociationSet = new XElement(xSSDL + "AssociationSet"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.SsdlAssociationSet(dbco))
                            , new XAttribute("Association", nut.SsdlAssociationRef(dbco))

                        var ssdlAssociation = new XElement(xSSDL + "Association"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.SsdlAssociation(dbco))

                        var ssdlReferentialConstraint = new XElement(xSSDL + "ReferentialConstraint"

                        // csdl
                        var csdlAssociationSet = new XElement(xCSDL + "AssociationSet"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlAssociationSet(dbco))
                            , new XAttribute("Association", nut.CsdlAssociationRef(dbco))

                        var csdlAssociation = new XElement(xCSDL + "Association"
                            , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlAssociation(dbco))

                        var csdlReferentialConstraint = new XElement(xCSDL + "ReferentialConstraint"

                        foreach (var dbfk in dbco.ForeignKeys) {
                            Addfkc(csdlSchema, dbfk, dbfk.ToColumn, dbfk.FromColumn, false, dbfk.FromColumn.IsNullable ? "0..1" : "1"
                                , ssdlAssociationSet, ssdlAssociation, ssdlReferentialConstraint, csdlAssociationSet, csdlAssociation, csdlReferentialConstraint);
                            Addfkc(csdlSchema, dbfk, dbfk.FromColumn, dbfk.ToColumn, true, "*"
                                , ssdlAssociationSet, ssdlAssociation, ssdlReferentialConstraint, csdlAssociationSet, csdlAssociation, csdlReferentialConstraint);


                    if (xSSDL != NS.SSDLv1)
                        foreach (var dbr in Context.Functions.Cast<Routine>().Union(Context.Procedures)) {
                            trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, "{2}: {0}.{1}", dbr.SchemaName, dbr.Name, (dbr is Function) ? "Function" : "Procedure");

                            if (dbr.SchemaName != targetSchema) continue;

                            // http://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/bb738614(v=vs.90).aspx
                            var ssdlFunction = new XElement(xSSDL + "Function"
                                , new XAttribute("Name", dbr.Name)
                                , new XAttribute("StoreFunctionName", nut.SsdlFunction(dbr))
                                , new XAttribute("IsComposable", "false")
                                , new XAttribute("ParameterTypeSemantics", "AllowImplicitConversion")
                                , new XAttribute("Schema", nut.SsdlFunctionSchema(dbr))

                            // http://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/vstudio/cc716710.aspx
                            var csdlFunctionImport = new XElement(xCSDL + "FunctionImport"
                                , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlFunction(dbr))

                            // http://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/vstudio/cc716759.aspx
                            var mslFunctionImportMapping = new XElement(xMSL + "FunctionImportMapping"
                                , new XAttribute("FunctionImportName", nut.CsdlFunction(dbr))
                                , new XAttribute("FunctionName", nut.SsdlFunctionRef(dbr))

                            var dbf = dbr as Function;
                            if (dbf != null) {
                                if (dbf.IsBuiltIn.HasValue) ssdlFunction.SetAttributeValue("BuiltIn", dbf.IsBuiltIn.Value ? "true" : "false");
                                if (dbf.IsNiladic.HasValue) ssdlFunction.SetAttributeValue("NiladicFunction", dbf.IsNiladic.Value ? "true" : "false");
                            var dbsf = dbr as ScalarFunction;
                            if (dbsf != null) {
                                if (dbsf.IsAggregate.HasValue) ssdlFunction.SetAttributeValue("Aggregate", dbsf.IsAggregate.Value ? "true" : "false");
                                //if (dbsf.ReturnType != null) ssdlFunction.SetAttributeValue("ReturnType", nut.SsdlPropType(dbsf.ReturnType));
                                if (dbsf.ReturnType != null) csdlFunctionImport.SetAttributeValue("ReturnType", nut.CsdlPropCollType(dbsf.ReturnType));

                            foreach (var dbfp in dbr.Parameters) {
                                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 101, " Parameter: {0}", dbfp.Name);

                                // ssdl
                                var ssdlParameter = new XElement(xSSDL + "Parameter"
                                    , new XAttribute("Name", nut.SsdlParameterName(dbfp))
                                    , new XAttribute("Mode", nut.SsdlParameterMode(dbfp))
                                    , new XAttribute("Type", nut.SsdlPropType(dbfp.ParameterType))

                                // csdl
                                var csdlParameter = new XElement(xCSDL + "Parameter"
                                    , new XAttribute("Name", nut.CsdlParameterName(dbfp))
                                    , new XAttribute("Mode", nut.CsdlParameterMode(dbfp))
                                    , new XAttribute("Type", nut.CsdlPropType(dbfp.ParameterType))

                                // msl



                    XDocument xAppconfig = new XDocument(
                        new XElement("configuration"
                            , new XElement("connectionStrings"
                                , new XComment("for EF4.x (NET4.0/NET4.5)")
                                , new XElement("add"
                                    , new XAttribute("name", String.Format("{0}Entities", modelName))
                                    , new XAttribute("connectionString", String.Format("metadata={0}.csdl|{0}.ssdl|{0}.msl;provider={1};provider connection string=\"{2}\""
                                        , modelName
                                        , providerName
                                        , connectionString // UUt.UrlEncode("\"" + connectionString + "\"")
                                    , new XAttribute("providerName", "System.Data.EntityClient")

コード例 #7
		public void InsertStatementAfter(
				XElement target, long id, int value, ElementType type) {
			target.AddAfterSelf(CreateStatementNode(target, id, value, type));
コード例 #8
		public string InstallDashboard()
				string dashboardConfig;
				string dashboardConfigPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/config/dashboard.config");
				using (StreamReader streamReader = File.OpenText(dashboardConfigPath))
					dashboardConfig = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dashboardConfig))
					throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: Couldn't read current ~/config/dashboard.config, permissions issue?");
				XDocument dashboardDoc = XDocument.Parse(dashboardConfig, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
				if (dashboardDoc == null)
					throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: Unable to parse current ~/config/dashboard.config file, invalid XML?");
				XElement dashBoardElement = dashboardDoc.Element("dashBoard");
				if (dashBoardElement == null)
					throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: dashBoard element not found in ~/config/dashboard.config file");
				List<XElement> sectionElements = dashBoardElement.Elements("section").ToList();
				if (sectionElements == null || !sectionElements.Any())
					throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: No section elements found in ~/config/dashboard.config file");
				XElement startupDashboardSectionElement = sectionElements.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Attribute("alias") != null && x.Attribute("alias").Value == "StartupDashboardSection");
				if (startupDashboardSectionElement == null)
					throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: StartupDashboardSection not found in ~/config/dashboard.config");

				List<XElement> tabs = startupDashboardSectionElement.Elements("tab").ToList();
				if (!tabs.Any())
					throw new Exception("Unable to add dashboard: No existing tabs found within the StartupDashboardSection");

				List<XElement> urlTrackerTabs = tabs.Where(x => x.Attribute("caption").Value == "Url Tracker").ToList();
				if (urlTrackerTabs.Any())
					foreach (XElement tab in urlTrackerTabs)
						List<XElement> urlTrackerTabControls = tab.Elements("control").ToList();
						if (urlTrackerTabControls.Any(x => x.Value == "/Umbraco/UrlTracker/InfoCaster.Umbraco.UrlTracker.UI.UrlTrackerManagerWrapper.ascx"))
							throw new Exception("Dashboard is already installed.");

				XElement lastTab = tabs.Last();
				XElement urlTrackerTab = new XElement("tab");
				urlTrackerTab.Add(new XAttribute("caption", "Url Tracker"));
				XElement urlTrackerControl = new XElement("control");
				urlTrackerControl.Add(new XAttribute("addPanel", true));
				urlTrackerControl.AddBeforeSelf(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "      "));
				urlTrackerControl.AddAfterSelf(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "    "));
				lastTab.AddAfterSelf(string.Concat(Environment.NewLine, "    "));
				dashboardDoc.Save(dashboardConfigPath, SaveOptions.None);
			catch (Exception ex)
				return HandleException(ex);
			return string.Empty;
コード例 #9
ファイル: EditXML.cs プロジェクト: msachs/TestRepo2
        public static void HandleProjectElements(XDocument doc)
            var applicationXMLVersion = new XElement("applicationXmlVersion");
            applicationXMLVersion.Value = "1.0";


            var platform = new XElement("platform");
            platform.Value = "Android";


            var platformVersion = new XElement("platformVersion");
            platformVersion.Value = doc.Root.Element("androidVersion").Value;


            XElement elementToRemove = null;
            foreach (XElement element in doc.Root.Elements())
                if (element.Name == "androidVersion")
                    elementToRemove = element;
                else if (element.Name == "catroidVersionCode")
                    element.Name = "applicationVersionCode";
                else if (element.Name == "catroidVersionName")
                    element.Name = "applicationVersionName";

            if (elementToRemove != null)
コード例 #10
ファイル: belCriaXmlNFe.cs プロジェクト: dramosti/GeraXml_3.0
        public void GeraLoteXmlEnvio()
                string sNomeArquivo = daoUtil.RetornaNomeArqNFe();
                this.sPathLote = (Acesso.TP_EMIS == 2 ? Pastas.CONTINGENCIA + sNomeArquivo : Pastas.ENVIO + sNomeArquivo);
                List<string> nfes = new List<string>();
                belIde objide;
                int iCount = 0;

                if (File.Exists(sPathLote))
                string sCasasVlUnit = (Acesso.QTDE_CASAS_VL_UNIT == "" ? "000000" : ("").PadLeft(Convert.ToInt32(Acesso.QTDE_CASAS_VL_UNIT), '0'));

                foreach (belInfNFe nota in lNotas)
                    string sUF;
                    XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();

                    #region XML_Cabeçalho
                    XNamespace pf = "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe";
                    XContainer concabec = (new XElement(pf + "NFe", new XAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe")));
                    XContainer coninfnfe = (new XElement(pf + "infNFe", new XAttribute("Id", nota.chaveNFe),
                                                                        new XAttribute("versao", "2.00")));

                    #region Ide
                    XContainer conide;
                        objide = nota.ide;
                        #region XML_ide
                        conide = (new XElement(pf + "ide", new XElement(pf + "cUF", objide.Cuf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "cNF", objide.Cnf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "natOp", objide.Natop.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "indPag", objide.Indpag.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "mod", objide.Mod.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "serie", objide.Serie.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "nNF", objide.Nnf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "dEmi", objide.Demi.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "dSaiEnt", objide.Dsaient.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "hSaiEnt", daoUtil.GetDateServidor().ToString("HH:mm:ss")), // NFe_2.0
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpNF", objide.Tpnf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", objide.Cmunfg.ToString()),
                                                                    (objide.belNFref != null ?
                                                                    (from c in objide.belNFref
                                                                     select new XElement(pf + "NFref",
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.RefNFe) ? new XElement(pf + "refNFe", c.RefNFe) : null),
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.cUF) ? (new XElement(pf + "refNF",
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.cUF) ? new XElement(pf + "cUF", c.cUF) : null),
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.AAMM) ? new XElement(pf + "AAMM", c.AAMM) : null),
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.CNPJ) ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", c.CNPJ) : null),
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.mod) ? new XElement(pf + "mod", c.mod) : null),
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.serie) ? new XElement(pf + "serie", c.serie) : null),
                                                                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.nNF) ? new XElement(pf + "nNF", c.nNF) : null))) : null))) : null),//NFe_2.0_Verificar ID B14 - B20a - B20i - 
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpImp", objide.Tpimp.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpEmis", objide.Tpemis.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "cDV", objide.Cdv.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpAmb", objide.Tpamb.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "finNFe", objide.Finnfe.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "procEmi", objide.Procemi.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "verProc", objide.Verproc.ToString()),

                                                                    ((objide.Tpemis.Equals("2")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("3")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("6")) ? // os_svc
                                                                                          new XElement(pf + "dhCont", daoUtil.GetDateServidor().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")) : null), // NFe_2.0
                                                                    ((objide.Tpemis.Equals("2")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("3")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("6")) ?
                                                                                          new XElement(pf + "xJust", (Acesso.TP_EMIS == 2 ? "FALHA DE CONEXÃO COM INTERNET" : "FALHA COM WEB SERVICE DO ESTADO")) : null)));// NFe_2.0
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_ide - " + x.Message);

                    #region Emit

                    XContainer conemit;
                        belEmit objemit = nota.emit;
                        #region XML_Emit

                        conemit = (new XElement(pf + "emit", (new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objemit.Cnpj.ToString())),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xNome", objemit.Xnome.ToString()),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xFant", objemit.Xfant.ToString()),
                                                          new XElement(pf + "enderEmit",
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xLgr", objemit.Xlgr.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "nro", objemit.Nro.ToString()),
                                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objemit.Xcpl) ? new XElement(pf + "xCpl", objemit.Xcpl.ToString()) : null),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xBairro", objemit.Xbairro.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "cMun", objemit.Cmun.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xMun", objemit.Xmun.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "UF", objemit.Uf.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "CEP", objemit.Cep.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "cPais", objemit.Cpais.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xPais", objemit.Xpais.ToString()),
                                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objemit.Fone) ? new XElement(pf + "fone", objemit.Fone.ToString()) : null)),
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objemit.Ie) ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objemit.Ie.ToString()) : null),
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objemit.Iest) ? new XElement(pf + "IEST", objemit.Iest.ToString()) : null),
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objemit.Im) ? new XElement(pf + "IM", objemit.Im.ToString()) : null),
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objemit.Cnae) ? new XElement(pf + "CNAE", objemit.Cnae.ToString()) : null),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "CRT", objemit.CRT.ToString()))); // NFe_2.0

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Emit - " + x.Message);

                    #region Dest
                    XContainer condest;

                        belDest objdest = nota.dest;
                        sUF = objdest.Uf.ToString();
                        #region XML_Dest
                        objdest.Ie = (objdest.Ie == null ? "" : objdest.Ie);

                        condest = (new XElement(pf + "dest",
                                                  (objdest.Cnpj == "EXTERIOR" ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ") :
                                                     (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objdest.Cnpj) ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objdest.Cnpj) :
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "CPF", objdest.Cpf))),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xNome", (Acesso.TP_EMIS == 2 ? "NF-E EMITIDA EM AMBIENTE DE HOMOLOGACAO - SEM VALOR FISCAL" : objdest.Xnome.ToString().Trim())),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "enderDest",
                                                      new XElement(pf + "xLgr", objdest.Xlgr.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "nro", (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objdest.Nro) ? objdest.Nro.ToString() : "0")),
                                                      (objdest.Xcpl != "" ? new XElement(pf + "xCpl", objdest.Xcpl.ToString()) : null),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "xBairro", objdest.Xbairro.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "cMun", objdest.Cmun.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "xMun", objdest.Xmun.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "UF", objdest.Uf.ToString()),
                                                      (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objdest.Cep) ? new XElement(pf + "CEP", objdest.Cep.ToString()) : null),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "cPais", objdest.Cpais.ToString()),
                                                      (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objdest.Xpais) ? new XElement(pf + "xPais", objdest.Xpais.ToString()) : null),
                                                      (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objdest.Fone) ? new XElement(pf + "fone", objdest.Fone.ToString()) : null)),
                                                      (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objdest.Ie) ? (objdest.Ie != "EXTERIOR" ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objdest.Ie.ToString().Trim()) : new XElement(pf + "IE")) : null),
                                                      (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objdest.Isuf) ? new XElement(pf + "ISUF", objdest.Isuf.ToString()) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Dest - " + x.Message);


                    #region Det
                    List<XElement> lcondet = new List<XElement>();
                        List<belDet> objdet = nota.det;
                        #region XML_Detalhes

                        List<string> lCfopNotTagII = new List<string>();

                        foreach (belDet det in objdet)
                            //det.imposto.belIpi = null;
                            XElement condet = (new XElement(pf + "det", new XAttribute("nItem", det.nitem),
                                               new XElement(pf + "prod",
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Cprod) ? new XElement(pf + "cProd", det.prod.Cprod.ToString().Replace(" ", "")) : null),
                                                   (new XElement(pf + "cEAN", det.prod.Cean.ToString())),
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Xprod) ? new XElement(pf + "xProd", det.prod.Xprod.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Ncm) ? new XElement(pf + "NCM", det.prod.Ncm.ToString()) : new XElement(pf + "NCM", det.prod.Ncm = "00000000")), //Claudinei - o.s. 24200 - 01/03/2010
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Extipi) ? new XElement(pf + "EXTIPI", det.prod.Extipi.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Genero) ? new XElement(pf + "genero", det.prod.Genero.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Cfop) ? new XElement(pf + "CFOP", det.prod.Cfop.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Ucom) ? new XElement(pf + "uCom", det.prod.Ucom.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (new XElement(pf + "qCom", det.prod.Qcom.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", "."))),
                                                   (new XElement(pf + "vUnCom", det.prod.Vuncom.ToString("#0." + sCasasVlUnit).Replace(",", "."))),
                                                   (new XElement(pf + "vProd", det.prod.Vprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))),
                                                   (new XElement(pf + "cEANTrib", det.prod.Ceantrib.ToString())),
                                                   (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.prod.Utrib) ? new XElement(pf + "uTrib", det.prod.Utrib.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (new XElement(pf + "qTrib", det.prod.Qtrib.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", "."))),
                                                   (new XElement(pf + "vUnTrib", det.prod.Vuntrib.ToString("#0." + sCasasVlUnit).Replace(",", "."))),
                                                   (det.prod.Vfrete != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vFrete", det.prod.Vfrete.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (det.prod.Vseg != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vSeg", det.prod.Vseg.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (det.prod.Vdesc > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vDesc", det.prod.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (det.prod.VOutro != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vOutro", det.prod.VOutro.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //NFe_2.0 
                                                   (det.prod.IndTot != null ? new XElement(pf + "indTot", det.prod.IndTot.ToString()) : null), //NFe_2.0                                                   
                                                   ((det.prod.belDI != null) ? from DI in det.prod.belDI
                                                                               where DI.nDI != null
                                                                                     && DI.xLocDesemb != null
                                                                                     && DI.UFDesemb != null
                                                                                     && DI.cExportador != null
                                                                               select new XElement(pf + "DI",
                                                                                  (DI.nDI != "" ? new XElement(pf + "nDI", DI.nDI) : null),
                                                                                   new XElement(pf + "dDI", DI.DDI.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                                  (DI.xLocDesemb != "" ? new XElement(pf + "xLocDesemb", DI.xLocDesemb) : null),
                                                                                  (DI.UFDesemb != "" ? new XElement(pf + "UFDesemb", DI.UFDesemb) : null),
                                                                                   new XElement(pf + "dDesemb", DI.dDesemb.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                                  (DI.cExportador != "" ? new XElement(pf + "cExportador", DI.cExportador) : null),
                                                                                   from adic in DI.adi
                                                                                   where adic.cFabricante != null
                                                                                   select new XElement(pf + "adi",
                                                                                       new XElement(pf + "nAdicao", adic.nAdicao),
                                                                                       new XElement(pf + "nSeqAdic", adic.nSeqAdic),
                                                                                      (adic.cFabricante != "" ? new XElement(pf + "cFabricante", adic.cFabricante) : null),
                                                                                       new XElement(pf + "vDescDI", adic.vDescDI))) : null),
                                                 ((det.prod.XPed != "") ? new XElement(pf + "xPed", det.prod.XPed) : null),
                                                 ((det.prod.NItemPed != "") ? new XElement(pf + "nItemPed", det.prod.NItemPed) : null),
                                                 (det.prod.nFCI != "" ? new XElement(pf + "nFCI", det.prod.nFCI.ToString()) : null), //29280

                                                 (det.prod.belMed != null ?
                                                            from med in det.prod.belMed
                                                            select new XElement(pf + "med",
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "nLote", med.Nlote),
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "qLote", Convert.ToDecimal(med.Qlote).ToString("#0.000").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "dFab", med.DFab.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "dVal", med.Dval.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "vPMC", med.Vpmc)) : null),

                                                 (det.prod.belcomb != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "comb",
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "cProdANP", det.prod.belcomb.cProdANP),
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "UFCons", det.prod.belcomb.UFCons)) : null)),

                                                                                          new XElement(pf + "imposto",
                                new XElement(pf + "vTotTrib", det.prod.vTotTrib.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),


                                                   new XElement(pf + "ICMS",


                                                       (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00 != null ?
                                                       new XElement(pf + "ICMS00",
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS10",
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 11/03/2010
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS20",
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Predbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Predbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS30",
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 12/03/2010
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Picmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Picmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms40 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS40",
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Cst.ToString()) : null),
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                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS41",
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Vicms > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),//NFe_2.0
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms41.motDesICMS > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms41.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


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                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS50",
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                                (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Vicms > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),//NFe_2.0
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms50.motDesICMS > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms50.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


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                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS51",
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms60 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS60",//Danner - o.s. sem - 12/03/2010
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Vbcstret != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCSTRet", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Vbcstret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),//NFe_2.0 - Mudança de nome de Tag
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Vicmsstret != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSSTRet", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Vicmsstret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0 Mudança de nome de Tag


                                                        (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS70",
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Predbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Predbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')) : null), //Danner - o.s. 24091 - 06/02/2010
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 12/03/2010
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                        (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS90",
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbc != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')) : null), //Danner - o.s. 24091 - 06/02/2010 //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 24/02/2010
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. 24076 - 01/02/2010
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbcst != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. 24076 - 01/02/2010
                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                            (det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.imposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),

                                                       (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN101 != null ?
                                                            new XElement(pf + "ICMSSN101",
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                                                               new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN101.CSOSN.ToString()),
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                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN101.vCredICMSSN != null ? new XElement(pf + "vCredICMSSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN101.vCredICMSSN.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),

                                                       (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN102 != null ?
                                                            new XElement(pf + "ICMSSN102",
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                                                               new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN102.CSOSN.ToString())) : null),

                                                       (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201 != null ?
                                                            new XElement(pf + (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.CSOSN.Equals("201") ? "ICMSSN201" : "ICMSSN202"),
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                                                               new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.CSOSN.ToString()),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.modBCST != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.modBCST.ToString()) : null),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pMVAST != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pMVAST.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pRedBCST.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pRedBCST.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vBCST != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vBCST.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pICMSST != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pICMSST.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vICMSST != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vICMSST.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                               ((det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pCredSN != null && det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.CSOSN.Equals("201")) ? new XElement(pf + "pCredSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pCredSN.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                               ((det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vCredICMSSN != null && det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.CSOSN.Equals("201")) ? new XElement(pf + "vCredICMSSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vCredICMSSN.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),

                                                       (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN500 != null ?
                                                            new XElement(pf + "ICMSSN500",
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                                                               new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN500.CSOSN.ToString()),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN500.vBCSTRet != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCSTRet", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN500.vBCSTRet.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                               (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN500.vICMSSTRet != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSSTRet", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN500.vICMSSTRet.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),

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                                //     new XElement(pf + "ICMSSN900",
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                                //        new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.CSOSN.ToString())) : null)),
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                                //(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMSSTRet != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSSTRet", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMSSTRet.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900 != null ?
                                                            new XElement(pf + "ICMSSN900",
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                                                               new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.CSOSN.ToString()),
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                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vBC != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vBC).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pRedBC > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pRedBC).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pICMS != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pICMS).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMS != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMS).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.modBCST != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.modBCST).ToString()) : null),
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                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pRedBCST > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pRedBCST).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vBCST != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vBCST).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pICMSST != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pICMSST).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMSST != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMSST).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    //(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vBCSTRet != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCSTRet", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vBCSTRet).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    //(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMSSTRet != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSSTRet", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vICMSSTRet).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pCredSN != null ? new XElement(pf + "pCredSN", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.pCredSN).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                                    (det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vCredICMSSN != null ? new XElement(pf + "vCredICMSSN", Convert.ToDecimal(det.imposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.vCredICMSSN).ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null)),

                                            (det.imposto.belIpi != null ?
                                            new XElement(pf + "IPI",
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                                                    new XElement(pf + "clEnq", det.imposto.belIpi.Clenq.ToString()) : null),
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                                                    new XElement(pf + "CNPJProd", det.imposto.belIpi.Cnpjprod.ToString()) : null),
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                                                    new XElement(pf + "cSelo", det.imposto.belIpi.Cselo.ToString()) : null),
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                                                    new XElement(pf + "qSelo", det.imposto.belIpi.Qselo.ToString()) : null),
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                                                    new XElement(pf + "cEnq", det.imposto.belIpi.Cenq.ToString()) : null),


                                                (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib != null ?
                                                new XElement(pf + "IPITrib",
                                                    (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                    (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                    (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Qunid > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "qUnid", det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Qunid.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                    (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Vunid > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vUnid", det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Vunid.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                    (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Pipi != null ? new XElement(pf + "pIPI", det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Pipi.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                    (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Vipi != null ? new XElement(pf + "vIPI", det.imposto.belIpi.belIpitrib.Vipi.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpint != null ?
                                                new XElement(pf + "IPINT",
                                                    (det.imposto.belIpi.belIpint != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belIpi.belIpint.Cst.ToString()) : null)) : null)) : null),

                                       ((!lCfopNotTagII.Contains(det.prod.Cfop)) ?
                                       new XElement(pf + "II",
                                           (det.imposto.belIi.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIi.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')) : null),
                                           (det.imposto.belIi.Vdespadu != null ? new XElement(pf + "vDespAdu", det.imposto.belIi.Vdespadu.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')) : null),
                                           (det.imposto.belIi.Vii != null ? new XElement(pf + "vII", det.imposto.belIi.Vii.ToString("0.00").Replace(',', '.')) : null),
                                           (det.imposto.belIi.Viof != null ? new XElement(pf + "vIOF", det.imposto.belIi.Viof.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')) : null)) : null),


                                 (det.imposto.belPis != null ?
                                 new XElement(pf + "PIS",


                                     (det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "PISAliq",
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Ppis != null ? new XElement(pf + "pPIS", det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Ppis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Vpis != null ? new XElement(pf + "vPIS", det.imposto.belPis.belPisaliq.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),

                                     (det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "PISQtde",
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Qbcprod != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "qBCProd", det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Qbcprod.ToString()) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Valiqprod != null ? new XElement(pf + "vAliqProd", det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Valiqprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Vpis != null ? new XElement(pf + "vPIS", det.imposto.belPis.belPisqtde.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                     (det.imposto.belPis.belPisnt != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "PISNT",
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisnt.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belPis.belPisnt.Cst.ToString()) : null)) : null),


                                     (det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "PISOutr",
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Ppis != null ? new XElement(pf + "pPIS", det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Ppis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Qbcprod != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "qBCProd", det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Qbcprod.ToString()) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Valiqprod != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vAliqProd", det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Valiqprod.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                         (det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Vpis != null ? new XElement(pf + "vPIS", det.imposto.belPis.belPisoutr.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null)) : null),

                                 (det.imposto.belCofins != null ?
                                 new XElement(pf + "COFINS",


                                     (det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsaliq != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "COFINSAliq",
                                         new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsaliq.Cst.ToString()),
                                         new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsaliq.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                         new XElement(pf + "pCOFINS", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsaliq.Pcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                         new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsaliq.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null),


                                     (det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "COFINSQtde",
                                         new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Cst.ToString()),
                                         new XElement(pf + "pBCProd", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Qbcprod.ToString()),
                                         new XElement(pf + "vAliqProd", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Valiqprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                         new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null),


                                     (det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsnt != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "COFINSNT",
                                         (det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsnt.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsnt.Cst.ToString()) : null)) : null),


                                     (det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr != null ?
                                     new XElement(pf + "COFINSOutr",
                                         new XElement(pf + "CST", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Cst.ToString()),
                                         new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                         new XElement(pf + "pCOFINS", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Pcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                         new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", det.imposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null)) : null),


                                 (det.imposto.belIss != null ?
                                 new XElement(pf + "ISSQN",
                                     (det.imposto.belIss.Vbc != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.imposto.belIss.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                     (det.imposto.belIss.Valiq != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vAliq", det.imposto.belIss.Valiq.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                     (det.imposto.belIss.Vissqn != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vISSQN", det.imposto.belIss.Vissqn.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                     (det.imposto.belIss.Cmunfg != null ? new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", det.imposto.belIss.Cmunfg.ToString()) : null),
                                     (det.imposto.belIss.Clistserv != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "cListServ", det.imposto.belIss.Clistserv.ToString()) : null),
                                     (det.imposto.belIss.cSitTrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "cSitTrib", det.imposto.belIss.cSitTrib.ToString()) : null)) : null)), // NFe_2.0 Tratar item


                                 (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(det.infAdProd.Infadprid) ?
                                     (new XElement(pf + "infAdProd", det.infAdProd.Infadprid.ToString())) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Detalhes - " + x.Message);

                    XContainer contotal;

                        belTotal objtotal = nota.total;
                        #region XML_Total

                        contotal = (new XElement(pf + "total",
                                                (objtotal.belIcmstot != null ? new XElement(pf + "ICMSTot",
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vBC", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),//Danner - o.s. 24271 - 15/03/2010
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vICMS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vBCST", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vST", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vProd", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vFrete", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vfrete.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vSeg", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vseg.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vDesc", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vII", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vii.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vIPI", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vipi.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vPIS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vOutro", objtotal.belIcmstot.Voutro.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vNF", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vnf.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))
                            , new XElement(pf + "vTotTrib", objtotal.belIcmstot.vTotTrib.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))
                                                      ) : null),

                                                (objtotal.belIssqntot.Vserv > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "ISSQNtot",
                                                    new XElement(pf + "vServ", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vserv.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                    new XElement(pf + "vBC", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                    new XElement(pf + "vISS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Viss.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                    (objtotal.belIssqntot.Vpis != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vPIS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                    (objtotal.belIssqntot.Vcofins != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)

                                                    ) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Total - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Total

                    XContainer contransp = null;
                    belTransp objtransp;
                        objtransp = nota.transp;
                        #region XML_Transporte
                        contransp = (new XElement(pf + "transp",
                                                   new XElement(pf + "modFrete", objtransp.Modfrete.ToString()),
                                                  (objtransp.Modfrete != "9" ? new XElement(pf + "transporta",
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belTransportadora.Cnpj) ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objtransp.belTransportadora.Cnpj.ToString()) :
                                                                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Cpf != null ? new XElement(pf + "CPF", objtransp.belTransportadora.Cpf.ToString()) : null)),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belTransportadora.Xnome) ? new XElement(pf + "xNome", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xnome.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belTransportadora.Ie) ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objtransp.belTransportadora.Ie.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belTransportadora.Xender) ? new XElement(pf + "xEnder", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xender.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belTransportadora.Xmun) ? new XElement(pf + "xMun", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xmun.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belTransportadora.Uf) ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belTransportadora.Uf.ToString()) : null)) : null),
                (objtransp.belRetTransp.Cfop != null && objtransp.Modfrete != "9" ? (new XElement(pf + "retTransp",
                                                       new XElement(pf + "vServ", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vserv.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "vBCRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vbvret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "pICMSRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Picmsret.ToString()),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "vICMSRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vicmsret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belRetTransp.Cfop) ? new XElement(pf + "CFOP", objtransp.belRetTransp.Cfop.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belRetTransp.Cmunfg) ? new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", objtransp.belRetTransp.Cmunfg.ToString()) : null))) : null),
                (objtransp.belVeicTransp.Placa != null && objtransp.Modfrete != "9" ? (new XElement(pf + "veicTransp",
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belVeicTransp.Placa) ? new XElement(pf + "placa", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Placa.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belVeicTransp.Uf) ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Uf.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belVeicTransp.Rntc) ? new XElement(pf + "RNTC", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Rntc.ToString()) : null))) : null),
                   (objtransp.belReboque.Placa != null && objtransp.Modfrete != "9" ? new XElement(pf + "reboque",
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belReboque.Placa) ? new XElement(pf + "placa", objtransp.belReboque.Placa.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belReboque.Uf) ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belReboque.Uf.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belReboque.Rntc) ? new XElement(pf + "RNTC", objtransp.belReboque.Rntc.ToString()) : null)) : null),
                       (objtransp.belVol != null && objtransp.Modfrete != "9" ? new XElement(pf + "vol",
                                                       (objtransp.belVol.Qvol > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "qVol", Convert.ToInt32(objtransp.belVol.Qvol).ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belVol.Esp) ? new XElement(pf + "esp", objtransp.belVol.Esp.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belVol.Marca) ? new XElement(pf + "marca", objtransp.belVol.Marca.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objtransp.belVol.Nvol) ? new XElement(pf + "nVol", objtransp.belVol.Nvol.ToString()) : null),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "pesoL", objtransp.belVol.PesoL.ToString("#0.000").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "pesoB", objtransp.belVol.PesoB.ToString("#0.000").Replace(",", "."))) : null),
                   (objtransp.belLacres.Nlacre != null && objtransp.Modfrete != "9" ? new XElement(pf + "lacres",
                                                       new XElement(pf + "nLacre", "")) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + " - Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Transporte - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Frete

                    XContainer concobr = null;
                    belCobr objcob;
                        objcob = nota.cobr;
                        #region XML_Cobrança
                        if (Acesso.NM_EMPRESA != "LORENZON")
                            if (objcob.Fat != null)
                                concobr = (new XElement(pf + "cobr",
                                                          new XElement(pf + "fat",
                                                              new XElement(pf + "nFat", objcob.Fat.Nfat.ToString()),
                                                              (objcob.Fat.Vorig != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vOrig", objcob.Fat.Vorig.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                              (objcob.Fat.Vdesc != null && objcob.Fat.Vdesc != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vDesc", objcob.Fat.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                              (objcob.Fat.Vliq != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vLiq", objcob.Fat.Vliq.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)),
                                                              (objcob.Fat.belDup != null ? from dup in objcob.Fat.belDup
                                                                                           select new XElement(pf + "dup", new XElement(pf + "nDup", dup.Ndup.ToString()),
                                                                                                  new XElement(pf + "dVenc", dup.Dvenc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                                                  (Acesso.NM_EMPRESA != "LORENZON" ? new XElement(pf + "vDup", dup.Vdup.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na geração do XML, Region XML_Cobrança - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Duplicata

                    XContainer conobs;
                    belInfAdic objobs;
                        objobs = nota.infAdic;
                        #region XML_Obs

                        if (sUF.Equals("EX") && objobs.Infcpl == null)
                            objobs.Infcpl = "SEM OBSERVACAO";

                        conobs = new XElement(pf + "infAdic",
                                                    (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objobs.Infcpl) ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "infCpl", objobs.Infcpl.ToString()) : null));
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na geração do XML,Regiao XML_Obs - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Obs


                    #region Exporta
                    XContainer conExporta = null;

                    belExporta objExporta = nota.exporta;

                    if ((objExporta.Ufembarq != "") && (objExporta.Xlocembarq != ""))
                        conExporta = new XElement(pf + "exporta",
                                                    new XElement(pf + "UFEmbarq", objExporta.Ufembarq),
                                                    new XElement(pf + "xLocEmbarq", objExporta.Xlocembarq));


                    //Uniao dos Containers


                        if (concobr != null)
                            if (objobs.Infcpl != null)
                            if (objobs.Infcpl != null)
                        if (conExporta != null)

                        foreach (XElement x in lcondet)
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro na montagem do XML, União dos Containers - " + x.Message);
                        belAssinaXml Assinatura = new belAssinaXml();
                        string nfe = Assinatura.ConfigurarArquivo(concabec.ToString(), "infNFe", Acesso.cert_NFe);
                        XElement xnfe = XElement.Parse(nfe);
                        XDocument xdocsalvanfesemlot = new XDocument(xnfe);

                        DirectoryInfo dPastaData = new DirectoryInfo(Pastas.ENVIO + "\\" + nota.chaveNFe.Substring(5, 4));
                        if (!dPastaData.Exists) { dPastaData.Create(); }
                        if (Acesso.TP_EMIS == 2)
                            xdocsalvanfesemlot.Save(Pastas.CONTINGENCIA + "\\" + nota.chaveNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml");
                            xdocsalvanfesemlot.Save(Pastas.ENVIO + "\\" + nota.chaveNFe.Substring(5, 4) + "\\" + nota.chaveNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml");
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + nota.ide.Cnf + "Erro ao assinar a nfe de sequencia " + nota.ide.Cnf + x.Message);


                string sXmlComp = "";
                foreach (var i in nfes)
                    sXmlComp = sXmlComp + i;
                //Estou inserindo o enviNFe pois se eu transformar o arquivo xml assinado em xml e depois em texto usando um toString,
                //a assinatura se torna invalida. Então depois de assinado do trabalho em forma de texto como xml ateh envia-lo pra fazenda.                        
                string sXmlfull = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><enviNFe xmlns=\"http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe\" versao=\"2.00\"><idLote>" +
                             sNomeArquivo.Substring(7, 15) + "</idLote>" + sXmlComp + "</enviNFe>";

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(sPathLote);

                belValidaXml.ValidarXml("http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe", Pastas.SCHEMA_NFE + "\\enviNFe_v2.00.xsd", sPathLote);

                for (int i = 0; i < lNotas.Count; i++)


            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ex.Message.Contains("'vTotTrib'"))
                    throw ex;

コード例 #11
ファイル: GeraXMLExp.cs プロジェクト: dramosti/GeraXml_2.0
        /// <summary>
        /// Gera a Estrutura do XML da NF-e
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sNF"></param>
        /// <param name="cert"></param>
        /// <param name="sEmp"></param>
        /// <param name="sNomeArq"></param>
        /// <param name="iStatusAtualSistema"</param>
        public void geraArquivoNFE(List<string> sNF, X509Certificate2 cert, string sEmp, string sNomeArq)
            string sPath = "";
            sPath = (sFormaEmiNFe.Equals("2") ? belStaticPastas.CONTINGENCIA + @sNomeArq : belStaticPastas.ENVIO + @sNomeArq);
            Globais glob = new Globais();
            int iCount = 0;

            if (File.Exists(sPath))
            string sCasasVlUnit = glob.LeRegConfig("QtdeCasasVlUnit");
            sCasasVlUnit = (sCasasVlUnit == "" ? "000000" : ("").PadLeft(Convert.ToInt32(sCasasVlUnit), '0'));

            foreach (var i in lTotNota)
                string sUF;
                string sNota = sNF[iCount];
                string sNFe = "NFe" + GeraChave(sEmp, sNota);
                XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();

                #region XML_Principal
                XNamespace pf = "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe";
                //XContainer conenv = new XElement(pf + "enviNFe", new XAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe"),
                //                                           new XAttribute("versao", "2.00"),
                //                                           new XElement(pf + "idLote", sNomeArq.Substring(7, 15)));

                #region XML_Cabeçalho
                //new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"),

                XContainer concabec = (new XElement(pf + "NFe", new XAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe")));
                XContainer coninfnfe = (new XElement(pf + "infNFe", new XAttribute("Id", sNFe),
                                                                    new XAttribute("versao", "2.00")));


                #region Ide
                XContainer conide;
                    belIde objide = i[0] as belIde;
                    #region XML_ide
                    conide = (new XElement(pf + "ide", new XElement(pf + "cUF", objide.Cuf.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "cNF", objide.Cnf.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "natOp", objide.Natop.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "indPag", objide.Indpag.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "mod", objide.Mod.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "serie", objide.Serie.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "nNF", objide.Nnf.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "dEmi", objide.Demi.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "dSaiEnt", objide.Dsaient.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "hSaiEnt", objide.HSaiEnt.ToString("HH:mm:ss")), // NFe_2.0
                                                                new XElement(pf + "tpNF", objide.Tpnf.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", objide.Cmunfg.ToString()),
                                                                (objide.belNFref != null ?
                                                                (from c in objide.belNFref
                                                                 select new XElement(pf + "NFref",
                                                                            (c.RefNFe != null ? new XElement(pf + "refNFe", c.RefNFe) : null),
                                                                           (c.cUF != null ? (new XElement(pf + "refNF",
                                                                            (c.cUF != null ? new XElement(pf + "cUF", c.cUF) : null),
                                                                             (c.AAMM != null ? new XElement(pf + "AAMM", c.AAMM) : null),
                                                                             (c.CNPJ != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", c.CNPJ) : null),
                                                                             (c.mod != null ? new XElement(pf + "mod", c.mod) : null),
                                                                             (c.serie != null ? new XElement(pf + "serie", c.serie) : null),
                                                                             (c.nNF != null ? new XElement(pf + "nNF", c.nNF) : null))) : null))) : null),//NFe_2.0_Verificar ID B14 - B20a - B20i - 
                                                                new XElement(pf + "tpImp", objide.Tpimp.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "tpEmis", objide.Tpemis.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "cDV", objide.Cdv.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "tpAmb", objide.Tpamb.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "finNFe", objide.Finnfe.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "procEmi", objide.Procemi.ToString()),
                                                                new XElement(pf + "verProc", objide.Verproc.ToString()),

                                                                ((objide.Tpemis.Equals("2")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("3")) ?
                                                                                      new XElement(pf + "dhCont", HLP.Util.Util.GetDateServidor().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")) : null), // NFe_2.0
                                                                ((objide.Tpemis.Equals("2")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("3")) ?
                                                                                      new XElement(pf + "xJust", (iStatusAtualSistema == 2 ? "FALHA DE CONEXÃO COM INTERNET" : "FALHA COM WEB SERVICE DO ESTADO")) : null)));// NFe_2.0
                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_ide - " + x.Message);

                #region Emit

                XContainer conemit;
                    belEmit objemit = i[1] as belEmit;
                    #region XML_Emit

                    conemit = (new XElement(pf + "emit", (new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objemit.Cnpj.ToString())),
                                              new XElement(pf + "xNome", objemit.Xnome.ToString()),
                                              new XElement(pf + "xFant", objemit.Xfant.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "enderEmit",
                                                              new XElement(pf + "xLgr", objemit.Xlgr.ToString()),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "nro", objemit.Nro.ToString()),
                                                              (objemit.Xcpl != null ? new XElement(pf + "xCpl", objemit.Xcpl.ToString()) : null),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "xBairro", objemit.Xbairro.ToString()),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "cMun", objemit.Cmun.ToString()),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "xMun", objemit.Xmun.ToString()),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "UF", objemit.Uf.ToString()),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "CEP", objemit.Cep.ToString()),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "cPais", objemit.Cpais.ToString()),
                                                              new XElement(pf + "xPais", objemit.Xpais.ToString()),
                                                              (objemit.Fone != null ? new XElement(pf + "fone", objemit.Fone.ToString()) : null)),
                                              (objemit.Ie != null ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objemit.Ie.ToString()) : null),
                                              (objemit.Iest != null ? new XElement(pf + "IEST", objemit.Iest.ToString()) : null),
                                              (objemit.Im != null ? new XElement(pf + "IM", objemit.Im.ToString()) : null),
                                              (objemit.Cnae != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNAE", objemit.Cnae.ToString()) : null),
                                              new XElement(pf + "CRT", objemit.CRT.ToString()))); // NFe_2.0

                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Emit - " + x.Message);

                #region Dest
                XContainer condest;

                    belDest objdest = i[2] as belDest;
                    sUF = objdest.Uf.ToString();
                    #region XML_Dest
                    objdest.Ie = (objdest.Ie == null ? "" : objdest.Ie);

                    condest = (new XElement(pf + "dest",
                                              (objdest.Cnpj == "EXTERIOR" ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ") :
                                                 (objdest.Cnpj != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objdest.Cnpj) :
                                                                        new XElement(pf + "CPF", objdest.Cpf))),
                                              new XElement(pf + "xNome", (belStatic.TpAmb == 2 ? "NF-E EMITIDA EM AMBIENTE DE HOMOLOGACAO - SEM VALOR FISCAL" : objdest.Xnome.ToString().Trim())),
                                              new XElement(pf + "enderDest",
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xLgr", objdest.Xlgr.ToString()),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "nro", (objdest.Nro != null ? objdest.Nro.ToString() : "0")),
                                                  (objdest.Xcpl != "" ? new XElement(pf + "xCpl", objdest.Xcpl.ToString()) : null),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xBairro", objdest.Xbairro.ToString()),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "cMun", objdest.Cmun.ToString()),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xMun", objdest.Xmun.ToString()),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "UF", objdest.Uf.ToString()),
                                                  (objdest.Cep != null ? new XElement(pf + "CEP", objdest.Cep.ToString()) : null),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "cPais", objdest.Cpais.ToString()),
                                                  (objdest.Xpais != null ? new XElement(pf + "xPais", objdest.Xpais.ToString()) : null),
                                                 (objdest.Fone != null ? new XElement(pf + "fone", objdest.Fone.ToString()) : null)),
                                              ((objdest.Ie != null) ? (objdest.Ie != "EXTERIOR" ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objdest.Ie.ToString().Trim()) : new XElement(pf + "IE")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 11/02/2010
                                              (objdest.Isuf != null ? new XElement(pf + "ISUF", objdest.Isuf.ToString()) : null)));

                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Dest - " + x.Message);


                #region Det
                List<XElement> lcondet = new List<XElement>();
                    List<belDet> objdet = new List<belDet>();
                    objdet = i[4] as List<belDet>;
                    #region XML_Detalhes

                    foreach (var det in objdet)
                        XElement condet = (new XElement(pf + "det", new XAttribute("nItem", det.Nitem),
                                           new XElement(pf + "prod",
                                               (det.belProd.Cprod != null ? new XElement(pf + "cProd", det.belProd.Cprod.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Cean != null ? new XElement(pf + "cEAN", det.belProd.Cean.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Xprod != null ? new XElement(pf + "xProd", det.belProd.Xprod.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Ncm != null ? new XElement(pf + "NCM", det.belProd.Ncm.ToString()) : new XElement(pf + "NCM", det.belProd.Ncm = "00000000")), //Claudinei - o.s. 24200 - 01/03/2010
                                               (det.belProd.Extipi != null ? new XElement(pf + "EXTIPI", det.belProd.Extipi.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Genero != null ? new XElement(pf + "genero", det.belProd.Genero.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Cfop != null ? new XElement(pf + "CFOP", det.belProd.Cfop.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Ucom != null ? new XElement(pf + "uCom", det.belProd.Ucom.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Qcom != null ? new XElement(pf + "qCom", det.belProd.Qcom.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Vuncom != null ? new XElement(pf + "vUnCom", det.belProd.Vuncom.ToString("#0." + sCasasVlUnit).Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Vprod != null ? new XElement(pf + "vProd", det.belProd.Vprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Ceantrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "cEANTrib", det.belProd.Ceantrib.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Utrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "uTrib", det.belProd.Utrib.ToString()) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Qtrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "qTrib", det.belProd.Qtrib.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               (det.belProd.Vuntrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "vUnTrib", det.belProd.Vuntrib.ToString("#0." + sCasasVlUnit).Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               ((det.belProd.Vfrete != null) && (det.belProd.Vfrete != 0) ? new XElement(pf + "vFrete", det.belProd.Vfrete.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               ((det.belProd.Vseg != null) && (det.belProd.Vseg != 0) ? new XElement(pf + "vSeg", det.belProd.Vseg.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               (((det.belProd.Vdesc != null) && (det.belProd.Vdesc != 0)) ? new XElement(pf + "vDesc", det.belProd.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                               ((det.belProd.VOutro != null) && (det.belProd.VOutro != 0) ? new XElement(pf + "vOutro", det.belProd.VOutro.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //NFe_2.0 
                                               (det.belProd.IndTot != null ? new XElement(pf + "indTot", det.belProd.IndTot.ToString()) : null), //NFe_2.0
                                               ((det.belProd.belDI != null) ? from DI in det.belProd.belDI
                                                                              where DI.nDI != null
                                                                                    && DI.xLocDesemb != null
                                                                                    && DI.UFDesemb != null
                                                                                    && DI.cExportador != null
                                                                              select new XElement(pf + "DI",
                                                                                 (DI.nDI != "" ? new XElement(pf + "nDI", DI.nDI) : null),
                                                                                  new XElement(pf + "dDI", DI.DDI.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                                 (DI.xLocDesemb != "" ? new XElement(pf + "xLocDesemb", DI.xLocDesemb) : null),
                                                                                 (DI.UFDesemb != "" ? new XElement(pf + "UFDesemb", DI.UFDesemb) : null),
                                                                                  new XElement(pf + "dDesemb", DI.dDesemb.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                                 (DI.cExportador != "" ? new XElement(pf + "cExportador", DI.cExportador) : null),
                                                                                  from adic in DI.adi
                                                                                  where adic.cFabricante != null
                                                                                  select new XElement(pf + "adi",
                                                                                      new XElement(pf + "nAdicao", adic.nAdicao),
                                                                                      new XElement(pf + "nSeqAdic", adic.nSeqAdic),
                                                                                     (adic.cFabricante != "" ? new XElement(pf + "cFabricante", adic.cFabricante) : null),
                                                                                      new XElement(pf + "vDescDI", adic.vDescDI))) : null),
                                             ((det.belProd.XPed != "") ? new XElement(pf + "xPed", det.belProd.XPed) : null),
                                             ((det.belProd.NItemPed != "") ? new XElement(pf + "nItemPed", det.belProd.NItemPed) : null)),
                                                                                      new XElement(pf + "imposto",


                                               new XElement(pf + "ICMS",


                                                   (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00 != null ?
                                                   new XElement(pf + "ICMS00",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                    (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10 != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS10",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 11/03/2010
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                    (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20 != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS20",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Predbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Predbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                    (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30 != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS30",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 12/03/2010
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Picmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Picmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                    (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40 != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS40",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Vicms > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Vicms.ToString()) : null), //NFe_2.0
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Vicms > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


                                                    (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41 != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS41",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Vicms > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Vicms.ToString()) : null),//NFe_2.0
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.motDesICMS > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


                                                    (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50 != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS50",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Vicms > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Vicms.ToString()) : null),//NFe_2.0
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.motDesICMS > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


                                                    (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51 != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS51",
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Predbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Predbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSSTRet", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0 Mudança de nome de Tag


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                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
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                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms70.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                    new XElement(pf + "ICMS90",
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                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
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                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. 24076 - 01/02/2010
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. 24076 - 01/02/2010
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Picmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Picmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                           new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN101.CSOSN.ToString()),
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                                                           (det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN101.vCredICMSSN != null ? new XElement(pf + "vCredICMSSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN101.vCredICMSSN.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),

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                                                           new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN102.CSOSN.ToString())) : null),

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                                                           new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.CSOSN.ToString()),
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                                                           (det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vBCST != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.vBCST.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                           (det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pICMSST != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN201.pICMSST.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                           new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN500.CSOSN.ToString()),
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                                                           new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.CSOSN.ToString())) : null)),
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                                                new XElement(pf + "CNPJProd", det.belImposto.belIpi.Cnpjprod.ToString()) : null),
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                                 new XElement(pf + "COFINSQtde",
                                     new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Cst.ToString()),
                                     new XElement(pf + "pBCProd", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Qbcprod.ToString()),
                                     new XElement(pf + "vAliqProd", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Valiqprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                     new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsqtde.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null),


                                 (det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsnt != null ?
                                 new XElement(pf + "COFINSNT",
                                     (det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsnt.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsnt.Cst.ToString()) : null)) : null),


                                 (det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr != null ?
                                 new XElement(pf + "COFINSOutr",
                                     new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Cst.ToString()),
                                     new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                     new XElement(pf + "pCOFINS", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Pcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                     new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null)) : null),


                             (det.belImposto.belIss != null ?
                             new XElement(pf + "ISSQN",
                                 (det.belImposto.belIss.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIss.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                 (det.belImposto.belIss.Valiq != null ? new XElement(pf + "vAliq", det.belImposto.belIss.Valiq.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                 (det.belImposto.belIss.Vissqn != null ? new XElement(pf + "vISSQN", det.belImposto.belIss.Vissqn.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                 (det.belImposto.belIss.Cmunfg != null ? new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", det.belImposto.belIss.Cmunfg.ToString()) : null),
                                 (det.belImposto.belIss.Clistserv != null ? new XElement(pf + "cListServ", det.belImposto.belIss.Clistserv.ToString()) : null),
                                 (det.belImposto.belIss.cSitTrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "cSitTrib", det.belImposto.belIss.cSitTrib.ToString()) : null)) : null)), // NFe_2.0 Tratar item


                             (det.belInfadprod != null ?
                             (det.belInfadprod.Infadprid != null ? new XElement(pf + "infAdProd", det.belInfadprod.Infadprid.ToString()) : null) : null))); //Danner - o.s. sem -21/12/2009

                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Detalhes - " + x.Message);

                XContainer contotal;

                    belTotal objtotal = i[5] as belTotal;
                    #region XML_Total

                    contotal = (new XElement(pf + "total",
                                            (objtotal.belIcmstot != null ? new XElement(pf + "ICMSTot",
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vBC", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),//Danner - o.s. 24271 - 15/03/2010
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vICMS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vBCST", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vST", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vProd", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vFrete", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vfrete.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vSeg", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vseg.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vDesc", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vII", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vii.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vIPI", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vipi.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vPIS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vOutro", objtotal.belIcmstot.Voutro.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "vNF", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vnf.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null),

                                            (objtotal.belIssqntot != null ? new XElement(pf + "ISSQNtot",
                                                new XElement(pf + "vServ", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vserv.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                new XElement(pf + "vBC", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                new XElement(pf + "vISS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Viss.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                (objtotal.belIssqntot.Vpis != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vPIS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                (objtotal.belIssqntot.Vcofins != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null)));
                    //(objtotal.belRetTrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "retTrib",
                    //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetPIS", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                    //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetCOFINS", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                    //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetCSLL", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretcsll.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                    //                                   new XElement(pf + "vBCIRRF", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vbcirrf.ToString("#0.00"),
                    //                                   new XElement(pf + "vIRRF", objtotal.belRetTrib.Virrf.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                    //                                   new XElement(pf + "vBCRetPrev", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vbcretprev.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                    //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetPrev", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretprev.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null)));

                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Total - " + x.Message);
                //Fim - Total

                XContainer contransp;
                belTransp objtransp;
                    objtransp = i[6] as belTransp;
                    #region XML_Transporte

                    contransp = (new XElement(pf + "transp",
                                               new XElement(pf + "modFrete", objtransp.Modfrete.ToString()),
                                               new XElement(pf + "transporta",
                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Cnpj != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objtransp.belTransportadora.Cnpj.ToString()) :
                                                                                               (objtransp.belTransportadora.Cpf != null ? new XElement(pf + "CPF", objtransp.belTransportadora.Cpf.ToString()) : null)),
                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Xnome != null ? new XElement(pf + "xNome", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xnome.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Ie != null ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objtransp.belTransportadora.Ie.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Xender != null ? new XElement(pf + "xEnder", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xender.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Xmun != null ? new XElement(pf + "xMun", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xmun.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Uf != null ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belTransportadora.Uf.ToString()) : null)),
            (objtransp.belRetTransp != null ? (new XElement(pf + "retTransp",
                                                   new XElement(pf + "vServ", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vserv.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "vBCRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vbvret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "pICMSRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Picmsret.ToString()),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "vICMSRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vicmsret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "CFOP", objtransp.belRetTransp.Cfop.ToString()),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", objtransp.belRetTransp.Cmunfg.ToString()))) : null),
            (objtransp.belVeicTransp != null ? (new XElement(pf + "veicTransp",
                                                   (objtransp.belVeicTransp.Placa != null ? new XElement(pf + "placa", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Placa.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belVeicTransp.Uf != null ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Uf.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belVeicTransp.Rntc != null ? new XElement(pf + "RNTC", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Rntc.ToString()) : null))) : null),
               (objtransp.belReboque != null ? new XElement(pf + "reboque",
                                                   (objtransp.belReboque.Placa != null ? new XElement(pf + "placa", objtransp.belReboque.Placa.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belReboque.Uf != null ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belReboque.Uf.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belReboque.Rntc != null ? new XElement(pf + "RNTC", objtransp.belReboque.Rntc.ToString()) : null)) : null),
                   (objtransp.belVol != null ? new XElement(pf + "vol",
                                                   (objtransp.belVol.Qvol > 0 ? new XElement(pf + "qVol", objtransp.belVol.Qvol.ToString("#")) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belVol.Esp != "" ? new XElement(pf + "esp", objtransp.belVol.Esp.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belVol.Marca != "" ? new XElement(pf + "marca", objtransp.belVol.Marca.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (objtransp.belVol.Nvol != null ? new XElement(pf + "nVol", objtransp.belVol.Nvol.ToString()) : null),//Danner - o.s. 24385 - 26/04/2010
                                                   new XElement(pf + "pesoL", objtransp.belVol.PesoL.ToString("#0.000").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "pesoB", objtransp.belVol.PesoB.ToString("#0.000").Replace(",", "."))) : null),
               (objtransp.belLacres != null ? new XElement(pf + "lacres",
                                                   new XElement(pf + "nLacre", "")) : null)));

                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Transporte - " + x.Message);
                //Fim - Frete

                XContainer concobr = null;
                belCobr objcob;
                    if (belStatic.sNomeEmpresa != "LORENZON")
                        objcob = i[7] as belCobr;
                        #region XML_Cobrança
                        concobr = (new XElement(pf + "cobr",
                                                  new XElement(pf + "fat",
                                                      new XElement(pf + "nFat", objcob.belFat.Nfat.ToString()),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.Vorig != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vOrig", objcob.belFat.Vorig.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.Vdesc != null && objcob.belFat.Vdesc != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vDesc", objcob.belFat.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.Vliq != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vLiq", objcob.belFat.Vliq.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.belDup != null ? from dup in objcob.belFat.belDup
                                                                                      select new XElement(pf + "dup", new XElement(pf + "nDup", dup.Ndup.ToString()),
                                                                                             new XElement(pf + "dVenc", dup.Dvenc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                                             (belStatic.sNomeEmpresa != "LORENZON" ? new XElement(pf + "vDup", dup.Vdup.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null)));

                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Region XML_Cobrança - " + x.Message);

                //Fim - Duplicata

                XContainer conobs;
                belInfAdic objobs;
                    objobs = i[8] as belInfAdic;
                    #region XML_Obs

                    if (sUF.Equals("EX") && objobs.Infcpl == null)
                        objobs.Infcpl = "SEM OBSERVACAO";

                    conobs = new XElement(pf + "infAdic",
                                                (objobs.Infcpl != null ?
                                                new XElement(pf + "infCpl", objobs.Infcpl.ToString()) : null));
                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML,Regiao XML_Obs - " + x.Message);
                //Fim - Obs


                #region Exporta
                XContainer conExporta = null;

                belExporta objExporta = i[9] as belExporta;

                if ((objExporta.Ufembarq != "") && (objExporta.Xlocembarq != ""))
                    conExporta = new XElement(pf + "exporta",
                                                new XElement(pf + "UFEmbarq", objExporta.Ufembarq),
                                                new XElement(pf + "xLocEmbarq", objExporta.Xlocembarq));


                //Uniao dos Containers


                    if (concobr != null)
                        if (objobs.Infcpl != null)
                        if (objobs.Infcpl != null)
                    if (conExporta != null)

                    foreach (XElement x in lcondet)
                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na montagem do XML, União dos Containers - " + x.Message);
                    AssinaNFeXml Assinatura = new AssinaNFeXml();
                    string nfe = Assinatura.ConfigurarArquivo(concabec.ToString(), "infNFe", cert);
                    XElement xnfe = XElement.Parse(nfe);
                    XDocument xdocsalvanfesemlot = new XDocument(xnfe);

                    DirectoryInfo dPastaData = new DirectoryInfo(belStaticPastas.ENVIO + "\\" + sNFe.Substring(5, 4));
                    if (!dPastaData.Exists) { dPastaData.Create(); }
                    if (sFormaEmiNFe.Equals("2"))
                        xdocsalvanfesemlot.Save(belStaticPastas.CONTINGENCIA + "\\" + sNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml");
                        xdocsalvanfesemlot.Save(belStaticPastas.ENVIO + "\\" + sNFe.Substring(5, 4) + "\\" + sNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml"); // OS_25024
                    //StreamWriter swnfe = new StreamWriter(glob.LeRegWin("PastaXmlEnvio").ToString() + "\\" + sNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml");
                catch (Exception x)
                    throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro ao assinar a nfe de sequencia " + sNota + x.Message);


            //Concatenando as NFes.
            string sXmlComp = "";
            //Junta todos os XML's em texto 
            foreach (var i in nfes)
                sXmlComp = sXmlComp + i;
            //Estou inserindo o enviNFe pois se eu transformar o arquivo xml assinado em xml e depois em texto usando um toString,
            //a assinatura se torna invalida. Então depois de assinado do trabalho em forma de texto como xml ateh envia-lo pra fazenda.                        
            sXmlfull = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><enviNFe xmlns=\"http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe\" versao=\"2.00\"><idLote>" +
                        sNomeArq.Substring(7, 15) + "</idLote>" + sXmlComp + "</enviNFe>";

            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(sPath);

            #region Valida_Xml

            Globais getschema = new Globais();

            //string sXml = File.OpenText(sPath).ReadToEnd();

            XmlSchemaCollection myschema = new XmlSchemaCollection();

            XmlValidatingReader reader;

            //Danner - o.s. 23732 - 06/11/2009

                XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, null, "", XmlSpace.None);

                reader = new XmlValidatingReader(sXmlfull, XmlNodeType.Element, context);

                myschema.Add("http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe", belStaticPastas.SCHEMA_NFE + "\\enviNFe_v2.00.xsd");

                reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;


                while (reader.Read())


            catch (XmlException x)
                throw new Exception(x.Message);
            catch (XmlSchemaException x)
                throw new Exception(x.Message);

            //Fim - Danner - o.s. 23732 - 06/11/2009


コード例 #12
        private XElement ProcessStaticCells(XElement currentElement, XElement previous)
            var staticCells =
                              .Where(element => element.IsBefore(previous))
            if (staticCells.Any())
                if (previous == null)
                    var parentRow = staticCells.First().Parent;
                    previous = staticCells.Last();
                    previous = staticCells.Last();

            return previous;
コード例 #13
        private XElement ProcessCell(TableElement tableElement, XElement previous, string text)
            var isInnerCell = tableElement.HasCell();
            var currentCell = this.CurrentCell(tableElement);
            previous = this.ProcessStaticCells(tableElement, previous);

            var parent = isInnerCell ? currentCell: tableElement.StartTag.Parent;
            var result = DocxHelper.CreateTextElement(
            if (!isInnerCell)
                if (currentCell.Elements(WordMl.ParagraphName).Any())

            if (previous != null && !previous.Equals(currentCell))
            else if (previous == null)
                var parentRow = isInnerCell ? tableElement.StartTag.Parent : currentCell.Parent;
            return currentCell;
コード例 #14
        private XElement ProcessItemIfElement(TableElement itemIfElement, DataReader dataReader, int index, XElement previous)
            bool condition;
                condition = bool.Parse(dataReader.ReadText(itemIfElement.Expression));
            catch (FormatException)
                condition = false;
            catch (System.Xml.XPath.XPathException)
                condition = false;
            var currentCell = itemIfElement.StartTag.Ancestors().First(element => element.Name == WordMl.TableCellName); 
            if (condition)
                this.ProcessElements(itemIfElement.TagElements, dataReader, index, previous, false);

                if (previous != null && !previous.Equals(currentCell))
                this.CleanUp(itemIfElement.StartTag, itemIfElement.EndTag);
                if (!currentCell.Elements(WordMl.ParagraphName).Any())
                    currentCell.Add(new XElement(WordMl.ParagraphName));
                if (previous != null && !previous.Equals(currentCell))
                else if (previous == null)
                    var parentRow = currentCell.Parent;
            return currentCell;