internal override void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { //Draw all the activity designers contained by the activity designer //We know that all the children which are in drawing range will be always //consecutive both for parallel and for sequential containers hence //once we go in the invisible range we bail out of drawing logic for rest of //the children bool bDrawingVisibleChildren = false; foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in ContainedDesigners) { Rectangle designerBounds = activityDesigner.Bounds; if (e.ViewPort.IntersectsWith(designerBounds)) { bDrawingVisibleChildren = true; using (PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs = new PaintEventArgs(e.Graphics, e.ViewPort)) { ((IWorkflowDesignerMessageSink)activityDesigner).OnPaint(paintEventArgs, e.ViewPort); } } else { if (bDrawingVisibleChildren) { break; } } } }
public void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, bool drawSelected, bool drawPrimarySelection) { List <Point> list = new List <Point>(); List <Point> list2 = new List <Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.editPoints.Count; i++) { EditPoint point = this.editPoints[i]; if ((point.Type == EditPoint.EditPointTypes.ConnectionEditPoint) || (point.Type == EditPoint.EditPointTypes.MultiSegmentEditPoint)) { list.Add(point.Location); } else { list2.Add(point.Location); } } if (drawSelected) { this.editedConnector.OnPaintSelected(e, drawPrimarySelection, list2.ToArray()); } if (this.activeEditPoint != null) { this.editedConnector.OnPaintEdited(e, list.ToArray(), list2.ToArray()); } }
public static void PaintDesigner(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner, ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs eventArgs) { if (activityDesigner == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("activityDesigner"); } if (eventArgs == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("eventArgs"); } ActivityDesigner parentDesigner = activityDesigner.ParentDesigner; if (parentDesigner == null) { // This designer is no more on the design surface , dont paint this. return; } if (!IsBranchVisible(activityDesigner)) { return; } // special case designers contained inside activity preview designers ( only one of the contained designers is shown) bool visible = false; if (IsInsidePreviewDesignerBranch(activityDesigner, out visible)) { if (visible) { PaintDesignerInternal(activityDesigner, eventArgs); } } else { PaintDesignerInternal(activityDesigner, eventArgs); } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if ((this.Expanded && (this.ContainedDesigners.Count != 0)) && (this == base.ActiveView.AssociatedDesigner)) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { Rectangle bounds = base.Bounds; Rectangle imageRectangle = this.ImageRectangle; Rectangle empty = Rectangle.Empty; empty.Width = (designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height - (2 * e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height)) + 2; empty.Height = empty.Width; empty.X = (bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2)) - (empty.Width / 2); empty.Y = ((bounds.Top + this.TitleHeight) + ((((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 2) - empty.Height) / 2)) + 1; using (GraphicsPath path = this.GetDiamondPath(empty)) { e.Graphics.FillPath(designerTheme.ForegroundBrush, path); e.Graphics.DrawPath(designerTheme.ForegroundPen, path); } empty.Y = ((bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 2)) + ((((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 2) - empty.Height) / 2)) + 1; using (GraphicsPath path2 = this.GetDiamondPath(empty)) { e.Graphics.FillPath(designerTheme.ForegroundBrush, path2); e.Graphics.DrawPath(designerTheme.ForegroundPen, path2); } } } }
private void DrawParallelConnectors(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { Rectangle bounds = base.Bounds; int num = bounds.Top + this.TitleHeight; ReadOnlyCollection <ActivityDesigner> containedDesigners = this.ContainedDesigners; ReadOnlyCollection <Point> connections = containedDesigners[0].GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); ReadOnlyCollection <Point> onlys3 = containedDesigners[containedDesigners.Count - 1].GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); Point[] points = new Point[2]; points[0].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[0].Y = num; points[1].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[1].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); Point point = connections[0]; points[0].X = point.X; points[0].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); Point point2 = onlys3[0]; points[1].X = point2.X; points[1].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); Point point3 = connections[connections.Count - 1]; points[0].X = point3.X; points[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); Point point4 = onlys3[onlys3.Count - 1]; points[1].X = point4.X; points[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); points[0].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); points[1].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[1].Y = bounds.Bottom; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); foreach (ActivityDesigner designer3 in containedDesigners) { ReadOnlyCollection <Point> onlys4 = designer3.GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); int count = onlys4.Count; Point[] pointArray2 = new Point[2]; Point point5 = onlys4[0]; pointArray2[0].X = point5.X; pointArray2[0].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); Point point6 = onlys4[0]; pointArray2[1].X = point6.X; Point point7 = onlys4[0]; pointArray2[1].Y = point7.Y; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, pointArray2, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); Point point8 = onlys4[count - 1]; pointArray2[0].X = point8.X; Point point9 = onlys4[count - 1]; pointArray2[0].Y = point9.Y; Point point10 = onlys4[count - 1]; pointArray2[1].X = point10.X; pointArray2[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, pointArray2, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } } }
protected internal virtual void OnPaintEdited(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, Point[] segments, Point[] segmentEditPoints) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(e.AmbientTheme.SelectionForegroundPen.Color, e.AmbientTheme.SelectionForegroundPen.Width)) { pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; Size connectorCapSize = new Size(designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 5, designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 5); Size connectorSize = designerTheme.ConnectorSize; ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, pen, segments, connectorCapSize, connectorSize, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } if (this.source != null) { this.source.OnPaint(e, false); } for (int i = 1; i < (segments.Length - 1); i++) { this.PaintEditPoints(e, segments[i], false); } for (int j = 0; j < segmentEditPoints.Length; j++) { this.PaintEditPoints(e, segmentEditPoints[j], true); } if ( != null) {, false); } } }
protected override void OnPaintEdited(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, Point[] segments, Point[] segmentEditPoints) { if (((this.RootStateDesigner == null) || (this.RootStateDesigner.ActiveDesigner == null)) && (e.DesignerTheme is StateMachineTheme)) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.SelectionForeColor, 1f)) { pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, segments); if (base.Source != null) { base.Source.OnPaint(e, false); } for (int i = 1; i < (segments.Length - 1); i++) { this.PaintEditPoints(e, segments[i], false); } for (int j = 0; j < segmentEditPoints.Length; j++) { this.PaintEditPoints(e, segmentEditPoints[j], true); } if (base.Target != null) { base.Target.OnPaint(e, false); } } } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (this.Expanded && (designerTheme != null)) { Rectangle helpTextRectangle = this.HelpTextRectangle; if ((this.CurrentDropTarget == -1) && !helpTextRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) { Rectangle[] connectors = this.GetConnectors(); if (connectors.Length > 0) { Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point(connectors[0].X + (connectors[0].Width / 2), connectors[0].Y + 2), new Point(connectors[0].X + (connectors[0].Width / 2), helpTextRectangle.Top - 2) }; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, LineAnchor.None); Point[] pointArray2 = new Point[] { new Point(connectors[0].X + (connectors[0].Width / 2), helpTextRectangle.Bottom + 2), new Point(connectors[0].X + (connectors[0].Width / 2), connectors[0].Bottom - 2) }; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, pointArray2, LineAnchor.None, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawText(e.Graphics, designerTheme.Font, this.HelpText, helpTextRectangle, StringAlignment.Center, e.AmbientTheme.TextQuality, designerTheme.ForegroundBrush); } else { Rectangle[] rectangleArray2 = this.GetConnectors(); for (int i = 0; i < rectangleArray2.Length; i++) { Pen pen = (i == this.CurrentDropTarget) ? e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen : designerTheme.ForegroundPen; LineAnchor startCap = (((i == 0) && (rectangleArray2.Length > 2)) || (i == (rectangleArray2.Length - 1))) ? LineAnchor.None : designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap; LineAnchor endCap = ((i == 0) || ((i == (rectangleArray2.Length - 1)) && (rectangleArray2.Length > 2))) ? LineAnchor.None : designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap; Point[] pointArray3 = new Point[] { new Point(rectangleArray2[i].Left + (rectangleArray2[i].Width / 2), rectangleArray2[i].Top + 2), new Point(rectangleArray2[i].Left + (rectangleArray2[i].Width / 2), rectangleArray2[i].Bottom - 2) }; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, pen, pointArray3, startCap, endCap); } } } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (!Expanded || ContainedDesigners.Count == 0 || this != ActiveView.AssociatedDesigner) return; CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; Debug.Assert(compositeDesignerTheme != null); if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) return; //Draw the Icon and Text Rectangle bounds = Bounds; Rectangle imageRectangle = ImageRectangle; Rectangle roundRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; roundRectangle.Width = compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height - 2 * e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height - 1; roundRectangle.Height = roundRectangle.Width; roundRectangle.X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2 - roundRectangle.Width / 2; roundRectangle.Y = bounds.Top + TitleHeight + (compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 2 - roundRectangle.Height) / 2; e.Graphics.FillEllipse(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush, roundRectangle); e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, roundRectangle); roundRectangle.Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 2 + (compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 2 - roundRectangle.Height) / 2; e.Graphics.FillEllipse(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush, roundRectangle); e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, roundRectangle); }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) { return; } //Draw the watermark at right bottom Rectangle watermarkRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; if (compositeDesignerTheme.WatermarkImage != null) { Rectangle bounds = Bounds; bounds.Inflate(-e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width, -e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height); watermarkRectangle = ActivityDesignerPaint.GetRectangleFromAlignment(compositeDesignerTheme.WatermarkAlignment, bounds, compositeDesignerTheme.WatermarkImage.Size); } //Here we go, draw header and footer rectangles if (Header != null) { Header.OnPaint(e); } if (Footer != null) { Footer.OnPaint(e); } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (!Expanded || ContainedDesigners.Count == 0 || this != ActiveView.AssociatedDesigner) return; CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; Debug.Assert(compositeDesignerTheme != null); if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) return; //Draw the Icon and Text Rectangle bounds = Bounds; Rectangle imageRectangle = ImageRectangle; Rectangle diamondRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; diamondRectangle.Width = compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height - 2 * e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height + 2; diamondRectangle.Height = diamondRectangle.Width; diamondRectangle.X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2 - diamondRectangle.Width / 2; diamondRectangle.Y = bounds.Top + TitleHeight + (compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 2 - diamondRectangle.Height) / 2 + 1; using (GraphicsPath decisionDiamond = GetDiamondPath(diamondRectangle)) { e.Graphics.FillPath(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush, decisionDiamond); e.Graphics.DrawPath(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, decisionDiamond); } diamondRectangle.Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 2 + (compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 2 - diamondRectangle.Height) / 2 + 1; using (GraphicsPath decisionDiamond = GetDiamondPath(diamondRectangle)) { e.Graphics.FillPath(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush, decisionDiamond); e.Graphics.DrawPath(compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, decisionDiamond); } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { //This is a problem, we need to improve the protocol between the preview window and the designer //The reason for this to be done is that the base's draw draws the preview designer and preview window //also draws the preview designer. The result is draw is called multiple times which slows down the designer. //We have to either bring the functionality of base class's draw here and not call base's draw or change the //designer inheritance hierarchy if (ShowPreview && !this.previewWindow.PreviewMode && PreviewedDesigner != null) { this.removePreviewedDesigner = true; } base.OnPaint(e); if (ShowPreview && !this.previewWindow.PreviewMode && PreviewedDesigner != null) { this.removePreviewedDesigner = false; } if (!Expanded || ActiveDesigner != this) { return; } this.previewStrip.Draw(e.Graphics); //Draw the separator between the strip and canvas //Draw the canvas and the strip if (ShowPreview) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, this.separatorLine[0], this.separatorLine[1]); this.previewWindow.Draw(e.Graphics, e.ViewPort); } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (Expanded && compositeDesignerTheme != null) { //Draw the connectors Rectangle helpTextRectangle = HelpTextRectangle; if (CurrentDropTarget == -1 && !helpTextRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) { Rectangle[] connectors = GetConnectors(); if (connectors.Length > 0) { DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, new Point[] { new Point(connectors[0].X + connectors[0].Width / 2, connectors[0].Y + 2), new Point(connectors[0].X + connectors[0].Width / 2, helpTextRectangle.Top - 2) }, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, LineAnchor.None); DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, new Point[] { new Point(connectors[0].X + connectors[0].Width / 2, helpTextRectangle.Bottom + 2), new Point(connectors[0].X + connectors[0].Width / 2, connectors[0].Bottom - 2) }, LineAnchor.None, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawText(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.Font, this.HelpText, helpTextRectangle, StringAlignment.Center, e.AmbientTheme.TextQuality, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush); } else { Rectangle[] connectors = GetConnectors(); for (int i = 0; i < connectors.Length; i++) { Pen pen = (i == CurrentDropTarget) ? e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen : compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen; LineAnchor startCap = ((i == 0 && connectors.Length > 2) || i == connectors.Length - 1) ? LineAnchor.None : compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorStartCap; LineAnchor endCap = (i == 0 || (i == connectors.Length - 1 && connectors.Length > 2)) ? LineAnchor.None : compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorEndCap; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, pen, new Point[] { new Point(connectors[i].Left + connectors[i].Width / 2, connectors[i].Top + 2), new Point(connectors[i].Left + connectors[i].Width / 2, connectors[i].Bottom - 2) }, startCap, endCap); } } } }
protected internal virtual void OnPaintSelected(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, bool primarySelection, Point[] segmentEditPoints) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.SelectionForeColor, 1f)) { Size connectorCapSize = new Size(designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 5, designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 5); Size connectorSize = designerTheme.ConnectorSize; ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, pen, new List <Point>(this.ConnectorSegments).ToArray(), connectorCapSize, connectorSize, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } if (this.source != null) { this.source.OnPaint(e, false); } ReadOnlyCollection <Point> connectorSegments = this.ConnectorSegments; for (int i = 1; i < (connectorSegments.Count - 1); i++) { this.PaintEditPoints(e, connectorSegments[i], false); } for (int j = 0; j < segmentEditPoints.Length; j++) { this.PaintEditPoints(e, segmentEditPoints[j], true); } if ( != null) {, false); } } }
private void DrawParallelConnectors(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { Rectangle bounds = base.Bounds; int num = bounds.Top + this.TitleHeight; ReadOnlyCollection<ActivityDesigner> containedDesigners = this.ContainedDesigners; ReadOnlyCollection<Point> connections = containedDesigners[0].GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); ReadOnlyCollection<Point> onlys3 = containedDesigners[containedDesigners.Count - 1].GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); Point[] points = new Point[2]; points[0].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[0].Y = num; points[1].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[1].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); Point point = connections[0]; points[0].X = point.X; points[0].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); Point point2 = onlys3[0]; points[1].X = point2.X; points[1].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); Point point3 = connections[connections.Count - 1]; points[0].X = point3.X; points[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); Point point4 = onlys3[onlys3.Count - 1]; points[1].X = point4.X; points[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); points[0].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); points[1].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[1].Y = bounds.Bottom; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); foreach (ActivityDesigner designer3 in containedDesigners) { ReadOnlyCollection<Point> onlys4 = designer3.GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); int count = onlys4.Count; Point[] pointArray2 = new Point[2]; Point point5 = onlys4[0]; pointArray2[0].X = point5.X; pointArray2[0].Y = num + ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); Point point6 = onlys4[0]; pointArray2[1].X = point6.X; Point point7 = onlys4[0]; pointArray2[1].Y = point7.Y; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, pointArray2, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); Point point8 = onlys4[count - 1]; pointArray2[0].X = point8.X; Point point9 = onlys4[count - 1]; pointArray2[0].Y = point9.Y; Point point10 = onlys4[count - 1]; pointArray2[1].X = point10.X; pointArray2[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4); base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, pointArray2, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } } }
internal static void Draw(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds) { bounds.Inflate(-1, -1); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, bounds); e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(e.AmbientTheme.SelectionForegroundPen, bounds); bounds.Inflate(-1, -1); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(e.AmbientTheme.SelectionForegroundBrush, bounds); }
internal void DrawDesignerGlyphs(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, ActivityDesigner designer) { foreach (DesignerGlyph glyph in this.GetDesignerGlyphs(designer)) { glyph.Draw(e.Graphics, designer); } if ((this.activeGlyph != null) && (designer == this.activeDesigner)) { this.activeGlyph.DrawActivated(e.Graphics, this.activeDesigner); } }
protected internal virtual void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { Size connectorCapSize = new Size(designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 5, designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 5); Size connectorSize = designerTheme.ConnectorSize; ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, new List <Point>(this.ConnectorSegments).ToArray(), connectorCapSize, connectorSize, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } }
private void DrawParallelDropTargets(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, int index) { Rectangle[] dropTargets = this.GetDropTargets(Point.Empty); if ((index >= 0) && (index < dropTargets.Length)) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { ReadOnlyCollection <ActivityDesigner> containedDesigners = this.ContainedDesigners; Rectangle rectangle = dropTargets[index]; Rectangle bounds = base.Bounds; int num = bounds.Top + this.TitleHeight; num += (containedDesigners.Count > 0) ? ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4) : 0; int num2 = rectangle.Y - num; num2 += bounds.Bottom - rectangle.Bottom; num2 -= (containedDesigners.Count > 0) ? ((designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3) / 4) : 0; rectangle.Y = num; rectangle.Height += num2; Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point(rectangle.Left + (rectangle.Width / 2), rectangle.Top + 2), new Point(rectangle.Left + (rectangle.Width / 2), rectangle.Bottom - 2) }; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, points, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); if (containedDesigners.Count > 0) { if (index == 0) { ReadOnlyCollection <Point> connections = containedDesigners[0].GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); Point[] pointArray = new Point[2]; pointArray[0].X = rectangle.X + (rectangle.Width / 2); pointArray[0].Y = rectangle.Y; Point point = connections[0]; pointArray[1].X = point.X; pointArray[1].Y = rectangle.Y; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, pointArray, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); pointArray[0].Y = rectangle.Bottom; pointArray[1].Y = rectangle.Bottom; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, pointArray, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); } else if (index == containedDesigners.Count) { ReadOnlyCollection <Point> onlys3 = containedDesigners[containedDesigners.Count - 1].GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Bottom | DesignerEdges.Top); Point[] pointArray2 = new Point[2]; Point point2 = onlys3[0]; pointArray2[0].X = point2.X; pointArray2[0].Y = rectangle.Y; pointArray2[1].X = rectangle.X + (rectangle.Width / 2); pointArray2[1].Y = rectangle.Y; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, pointArray2, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); pointArray2[0].Y = rectangle.Bottom; pointArray2[1].Y = rectangle.Bottom; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, pointArray2, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); } } } } }
protected override void OnPaint(Graphics graphics, bool activated, AmbientTheme ambientTheme, ActivityDesigner designer) { if (((designer.Activity != null) && (designer.Activity.Site != null)) && (this.connectionPoint != null)) { WorkflowView service = designer.Activity.Site.GetService(typeof(WorkflowView)) as WorkflowView; Rectangle viewPort = (service != null) ? service.ViewPortRectangle : Rectangle.Empty; Rectangle clipRectangle = (designer.ParentDesigner != null) ? designer.ParentDesigner.Bounds : designer.Bounds; ConnectionManager manager = designer.Activity.Site.GetService(typeof(ConnectionManager)) as ConnectionManager; ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e = new ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs(graphics, clipRectangle, viewPort, designer.DesignerTheme); bool drawHighlighted = (manager != null) && this.connectionPoint.Equals(manager.SnappedConnectionPoint); this.connectionPoint.OnPaint(e, drawHighlighted); } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if ((this.RootStateDesigner == null) || (this.RootStateDesigner.ActiveDesigner == null)) { StateMachineTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as StateMachineTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { Size connectorCapSize = new Size(designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 5, designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 5); Size connectorSize = designerTheme.ConnectorSize; StateMachineDesignerPaint.DrawConnector(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ConnectorPen, new List<Point>(this.ConnectorSegments).ToArray(), connectorCapSize, connectorSize, designerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, designerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (this.Expanded && (base.ActiveDesigner == this)) { if (this.ContainedDesigners.Count > 0) { this.DrawParallelConnectors(e); } if (this.CurrentDropTarget >= 0) { this.DrawParallelDropTargets(e, this.CurrentDropTarget); } } }
public override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } Rectangle headerBarRectangle = this.HeaderBarRectangle; Color empty = Color.Empty; Color color2 = Color.FromArgb(50, e.DesignerTheme.BorderColor); using (Brush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(headerBarRectangle, empty, color2, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, headerBarRectangle); e.Graphics.DrawLine(e.DesignerTheme.BorderPen, headerBarRectangle.Left, headerBarRectangle.Bottom, headerBarRectangle.Right, headerBarRectangle.Bottom); } base.OnPaint(e); }
/// <summary> /// We override the OnPaint method to draw an arrow that indicates that the execution /// flows back to the beginning of this activity after one iteration is completed. /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { // We begin with drawing the base sequntial activity shape. base.OnPaint(e); // We we draw the looping arrow. if (Expanded) { CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) return; Rectangle bounds = Bounds; Rectangle textRectangle = TextRectangle; Rectangle imageRectangle = ImageRectangle; // First figure out where the upper looping arrow should end. That's the point where the icon // image of the ForEach is inside the Bounds. Point connectionPoint = Point.Empty; if (!imageRectangle.IsEmpty) connectionPoint = new Point(imageRectangle.Left - e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2, imageRectangle.Top + imageRectangle.Height / 2); else if (!textRectangle.IsEmpty) connectionPoint = new Point(textRectangle.Left - e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2, textRectangle.Top + textRectangle.Height / 2); else connectionPoint = new Point((bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2) - e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2, bounds.Top + e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height / 2); // Now contruct the 4 points where we would draw the looping arrow. It starts at the lower-central line, // going to the lower right then up to upper right and finishes at the upper-central point. Point[] points = new Point[4]; points[0].X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2; points[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 3; points[1].X = bounds.Left + compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 3; points[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 3; points[2].X = bounds.Left + compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 3; points[2].Y = connectionPoint.Y; points[3].X = connectionPoint.X; points[3].Y = connectionPoint.Y; // Draw the loop. DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.ArrowAnchor); // Draw the last section of the downward arrow that connections the beginning of // the looping arrow to the bottom of the activity shape. DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, new Point[] { points[0], new Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Bottom) }, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); } }
public virtual void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text) && !this.TextRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) && ((e.DesignerTheme != null) && (e.DesignerTheme.Font != null))) { using (Font font = new Font(e.DesignerTheme.Font.FontFamily, e.DesignerTheme.Font.SizeInPoints + 1f, this.AssociatedDesigner.SmartTagVisible ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular)) { ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawText(e.Graphics, font, this.Text, this.TextRectangle, StringAlignment.Center, TextQuality.AntiAliased, e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush); } } if ((this.Image != null) && !this.ImageRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) { ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawImage(e.Graphics, this.Image, this.ImageRectangle, DesignerContentAlignment.Fill); } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (Expanded && ActiveDesigner == this) { //Draw the connectors if (ContainedDesigners.Count > 0) { DrawParallelConnectors(e); } //Drop targets to add the branches if (CurrentDropTarget >= 0) { DrawParallelDropTargets(e, CurrentDropTarget); } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the Header/Footer associated with workflow root designer. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs holding drawing arguments</param> public virtual void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) && !TextRectangle.Size.IsEmpty && e.DesignerTheme != null && e.DesignerTheme.Font != null) { //use bold or regular font based on mouse over status using (Font font = new Font(e.DesignerTheme.Font.FontFamily, e.DesignerTheme.Font.SizeInPoints + 1.0f, (this.AssociatedDesigner.SmartTagVisible) ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular)) ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawText(e.Graphics, font, Text, TextRectangle, StringAlignment.Center, TextQuality.AntiAliased, e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush); } if (Image != null && !ImageRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) { ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawImage(e.Graphics, Image, ImageRectangle, DesignerContentAlignment.Fill); } }
internal override void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (this.ShowConnectorsInForeground) { base.OnPaintContainedDesigners(e); } FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this); if (((connectorContainer != null) && (base.Activity != null)) && (base.Activity.Site != null)) { Region region = null; Region clip = e.Graphics.Clip; try { if (clip != null) { region = new Region(connectorContainer.Bounds); region.Intersect(e.ViewPort); e.Graphics.Clip = region; } foreach (Connector connector in connectorContainer.Connectors) { if (this == connector.RenderingOwner) { connector.OnPaint(e); } } } finally { if (clip != null) { e.Graphics.Clip = clip; region.Dispose(); } } } if (!this.ShowConnectorsInForeground) { base.OnPaintContainedDesigners(e); } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if ((this.ShowPreview && !this.previewWindow.PreviewMode) && (this.PreviewedDesigner != null)) { this.removePreviewedDesigner = true; } base.OnPaint(e); if ((this.ShowPreview && !this.previewWindow.PreviewMode) && (this.PreviewedDesigner != null)) { this.removePreviewedDesigner = false; } if (this.Expanded && (base.ActiveDesigner == this)) { this.previewStrip.Draw(e.Graphics); if (this.ShowPreview) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, this.separatorLine[0], this.separatorLine[1]); this.previewWindow.Draw(e.Graphics, e.ViewPort); } } }
public override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } Rectangle rectangle = FooterBarRectangle; if (!FooterBarRectangle.IsEmpty) { Color color1 = Color.Empty; Color color2 = Color.FromArgb(50, e.DesignerTheme.BorderColor); using (Brush linearGradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(rectangle, color2, color1, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(linearGradientBrush, rectangle); e.Graphics.DrawLine(e.DesignerTheme.BorderPen, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top); } } base.OnPaint(e); }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { if (designerTheme.WatermarkImage != null) { Rectangle bounds = base.Bounds; bounds.Inflate(-e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width, -e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height); ActivityDesignerPaint.GetRectangleFromAlignment(designerTheme.WatermarkAlignment, bounds, designerTheme.WatermarkImage.Size); } if (this.Header != null) { this.Header.OnPaint(e); } if (this.Footer != null) { this.Footer.OnPaint(e); } } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (this.Expanded) { CompositeDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (designerTheme != null) { Rectangle bounds = base.Bounds; Rectangle textRectangle = this.TextRectangle; Rectangle imageRectangle = this.ImageRectangle; Point empty = Point.Empty; if (!imageRectangle.IsEmpty) { empty = new Point(imageRectangle.Right + (e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2), imageRectangle.Top + (imageRectangle.Height / 2)); } else if (!textRectangle.IsEmpty) { empty = new Point(textRectangle.Right + (e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2), textRectangle.Top + (textRectangle.Height / 2)); } else { empty = new Point((bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2)) + (e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2), bounds.Top + (e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height / 2)); } Point[] points = new Point[4]; points[0].X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2); points[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - (designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 3); points[1].X = bounds.Right - (designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 3); points[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - (designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 3); points[2].X = bounds.Right - (designerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 3); points[2].Y = empty.Y; points[3].X = empty.X; points[3].Y = empty.Y; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.ArrowAnchor); Point[] pointArray2 = new Point[] { points[0], new Point(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2), bounds.Bottom) }; base.DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, designerTheme.ForegroundPen, pointArray2, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); } } }
internal override void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { bool flag = false; foreach (ActivityDesigner designer in this.ContainedDesigners) { Rectangle bounds = designer.Bounds; if (e.ViewPort.IntersectsWith(bounds)) { flag = true; using (PaintEventArgs args = new PaintEventArgs(e.Graphics, e.ViewPort)) { ((IWorkflowDesignerMessageSink)designer).OnPaint(args, e.ViewPort); continue; } } if (flag) { break; } } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (Expanded) { CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; Debug.Assert(compositeDesignerTheme != null); if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) return; Rectangle bounds = Bounds; Rectangle textRectangle = TextRectangle; Rectangle imageRectangle = ImageRectangle; Point connectionPoint = Point.Empty; if (!imageRectangle.IsEmpty) connectionPoint = new Point(imageRectangle.Right + e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2, imageRectangle.Top + imageRectangle.Height / 2); else if (!textRectangle.IsEmpty) connectionPoint = new Point(textRectangle.Right + e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2, textRectangle.Top + textRectangle.Height / 2); else connectionPoint = new Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2 + e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Width / 2, bounds.Top + e.AmbientTheme.Margin.Height / 2); Point[] points = new Point[4]; points[0].X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2; points[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 3; points[1].X = bounds.Right - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 3; points[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height / 3; points[2].X = bounds.Right - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Width / 3; points[2].Y = connectionPoint.Y; points[3].X = connectionPoint.X; points[3].Y = connectionPoint.Y; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, points, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.ArrowAnchor); DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, new Point[] { points[0], new Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Bottom) }, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); } }
private void PaintEditPoints(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, Point point, bool drawMidSegmentEditPoint) { Size size = (this.source != null) ? this.source.Bounds.Size : Size.Empty; if (!size.IsEmpty) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(point.X - (size.Width / 2), point.Y - (size.Height / 2), size.Width, size.Height); if (drawMidSegmentEditPoint) { using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath()) { path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width / 2), rect.Top), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + (rect.Height / 2))); path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + (rect.Height / 2)), new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width / 2), rect.Bottom)); path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width / 2), rect.Bottom), new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top + (rect.Height / 2))); path.AddLine(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top + (rect.Height / 2)), new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width / 2), rect.Top)); e.Graphics.FillPath(Brushes.White, path); e.Graphics.DrawPath(e.AmbientTheme.SelectionForegroundPen, path); return; } } rect.Inflate(-1, -1); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(e.AmbientTheme.SelectionForegroundBrush, rect); } }
private void DrawParallelConnectors(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) { return; } //Get all the information required to calculate the connectors Rectangle bounds = Bounds; int parallelConnectorTop = bounds.Top; parallelConnectorTop += TitleHeight; ReadOnlyCollection <ActivityDesigner> containedDesigners = ContainedDesigners; ActivityDesigner firstDesigner = containedDesigners[0]; ReadOnlyCollection <Point> firstDesignerConnections = firstDesigner.GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Top | DesignerEdges.Bottom); ActivityDesigner lastDesigner = containedDesigners[containedDesigners.Count - 1]; ReadOnlyCollection <Point> lastDesignerConnections = lastDesigner.GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Top | DesignerEdges.Bottom); Point[] parallelLinks = new Point[2]; //Draw small vertical line at the top parallelLinks[0].X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2; parallelLinks[0].Y = parallelConnectorTop; parallelLinks[1].X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2; parallelLinks[1].Y = parallelConnectorTop + compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, parallelLinks, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); //Draw Horizontal line at the top parallelLinks[0].X = firstDesignerConnections[0].X; parallelLinks[0].Y = parallelConnectorTop + compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; parallelLinks[1].X = lastDesignerConnections[0].X; parallelLinks[1].Y = parallelConnectorTop + compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, parallelLinks, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); //Draw Horizontal line at the bottom parallelLinks[0].X = firstDesignerConnections[firstDesignerConnections.Count - 1].X; parallelLinks[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; parallelLinks[1].X = lastDesignerConnections[lastDesignerConnections.Count - 1].X; parallelLinks[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, parallelLinks, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); //Draw small vertical line at the bottom parallelLinks[0].X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2; parallelLinks[0].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; parallelLinks[1].X = bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2; parallelLinks[1].Y = bounds.Bottom; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, parallelLinks, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in containedDesigners) { ReadOnlyCollection <Point> designerConnections = activityDesigner.GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Top | DesignerEdges.Bottom); int connectionCount = designerConnections.Count; Point[] connectingLine = new Point[2]; //Draw connectors for every activityDesigner connectingLine[0].X = designerConnections[0].X; connectingLine[0].Y = parallelConnectorTop + compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; connectingLine[1].X = designerConnections[0].X; connectingLine[1].Y = designerConnections[0].Y; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, connectingLine, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); //Draw connectors for every activityDesigner connectingLine[0].X = designerConnections[connectionCount - 1].X; connectingLine[0].Y = designerConnections[connectionCount - 1].Y; connectingLine[1].X = designerConnections[connectionCount - 1].X; connectingLine[1].Y = bounds.Bottom - compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, connectingLine, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); } }
private void DrawParallelDropTargets(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, int index) { Rectangle[] dropTargets = GetDropTargets(Point.Empty); if (index < 0 || index >= dropTargets.Length) { return; } CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) { return; } ReadOnlyCollection <ActivityDesigner> containedDesigners = ContainedDesigners; Rectangle dropTargetRectangle = dropTargets[index]; Rectangle bounds = Bounds; int parallelConnectorTop = bounds.Top; parallelConnectorTop += TitleHeight; parallelConnectorTop += (containedDesigners.Count > 0) ? compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4 : 0; int heightDelta = dropTargetRectangle.Y - parallelConnectorTop; heightDelta += bounds.Bottom - dropTargetRectangle.Bottom; heightDelta -= (containedDesigners.Count > 0) ? compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorSize.Height * 3 / 4 : 0; dropTargetRectangle.Y = parallelConnectorTop; dropTargetRectangle.Height += heightDelta; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, new Point[] { new Point(dropTargetRectangle.Left + dropTargetRectangle.Width / 2, dropTargetRectangle.Top + 2), new Point(dropTargetRectangle.Left + dropTargetRectangle.Width / 2, dropTargetRectangle.Bottom - 2) }, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorStartCap, compositeDesignerTheme.ConnectorEndCap); if (containedDesigners.Count > 0) { if (index == 0) { ActivityDesigner firstDesigner = containedDesigners[0]; ReadOnlyCollection <Point> firstDesignerConnections = firstDesigner.GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Top | DesignerEdges.Bottom); Point[] connectorPoints = new Point[2]; connectorPoints[0].X = dropTargetRectangle.X + dropTargetRectangle.Width / 2; connectorPoints[0].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Y; connectorPoints[1].X = firstDesignerConnections[0].X; connectorPoints[1].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Y; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, connectorPoints, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); connectorPoints[0].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Bottom; connectorPoints[1].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Bottom; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, connectorPoints, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); } else if (index == containedDesigners.Count) { ActivityDesigner lastDesigner = containedDesigners[containedDesigners.Count - 1]; ReadOnlyCollection <Point> lastDesignerConnections = lastDesigner.GetConnections(DesignerEdges.Top | DesignerEdges.Bottom); Point[] connectorPoints = new Point[2]; connectorPoints[0].X = lastDesignerConnections[0].X; connectorPoints[0].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Y; connectorPoints[1].X = dropTargetRectangle.X + dropTargetRectangle.Width / 2; connectorPoints[1].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Y; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, connectorPoints, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); connectorPoints[0].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Bottom; connectorPoints[1].Y = dropTargetRectangle.Bottom; DrawConnectors(e.Graphics, e.AmbientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, connectorPoints, LineAnchor.None, LineAnchor.None); } } }
/// <summary> /// Call the OnPaint on the contained designers /// </summary> /// <param name="e">EventArgs to be used for painting</param> protected void PaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { OnPaintContainedDesigners(e); }
internal virtual void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in ContainedDesigners) { using (PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs = new PaintEventArgs(e.Graphics, e.ViewPort)) { ((IWorkflowDesignerMessageSink)activityDesigner).OnPaint(paintEventArgs, e.ViewPort); } } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); string targetState = this.TargetState; ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.DesignerTheme.Font, targetState, this.TargetStateRectangle, StringAlignment.Center, e.AmbientTheme.TextQuality, e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush); }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = e.DesignerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) return; //Draw the expand collapse button and the connection if (CanExpandCollapse) { Rectangle expandButtonRectangle = ExpandButtonRectangle; if (!expandButtonRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) { ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawExpandButton(e.Graphics, expandButtonRectangle, !Expanded, compositeDesignerTheme); } } if (Expanded) PaintContainedDesigners(e); }
public void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e, bool drawHighlighted) { Draw(e, this.Bounds); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the Header/Footer associated with workflow root designer. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs holding drawing arguments</param> public virtual void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (e == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) && !TextRectangle.Size.IsEmpty && e.DesignerTheme != null && e.DesignerTheme.Font != null) { //use bold or regular font based on mouse over status using (Font font = new Font(e.DesignerTheme.Font.FontFamily, e.DesignerTheme.Font.SizeInPoints + 1.0f, (this.AssociatedDesigner.SmartTagVisible) ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular)) ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawText(e.Graphics, font, Text, TextRectangle, StringAlignment.Center, TextQuality.AntiAliased, e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush); } if (Image != null && !ImageRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawImage(e.Graphics, Image, ImageRectangle, DesignerContentAlignment.Fill); }
internal override void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (ShowConnectorsInForeground) base.OnPaintContainedDesigners(e); FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this); if (connectorContainer != null && Activity != null && Activity.Site != null) { Region clipRegion = null; Region oldClipRegion = e.Graphics.Clip; try { if (oldClipRegion != null) { clipRegion = new Region(connectorContainer.Bounds); clipRegion.Intersect(e.ViewPort); e.Graphics.Clip = clipRegion; } //Lets draw all the connectors before the designers so that designers always overlap connectors foreach (Connector connector in connectorContainer.Connectors) { if (this == connector.RenderingOwner) connector.OnPaint(e); } } finally { if (oldClipRegion != null) { e.Graphics.Clip = oldClipRegion; clipRegion.Dispose(); } } } if (!ShowConnectorsInForeground) base.OnPaintContainedDesigners(e); }
private static void PaintDesignerInternal(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner, ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs eventArgs) { IWorkflowDesignerMessageSink sink = (IWorkflowDesignerMessageSink)activityDesigner; sink.OnPaint(new PaintEventArgs(eventArgs.Graphics, eventArgs.ClipRectangle), eventArgs.ClipRectangle); }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { //This is a problem, we need to improve the protocol between the preview window and the designer //The reason for this to be done is that the base's draw draws the preview designer and preview window //also draws the preview designer. The result is draw is called multiple times which slows down the designer. //We have to either bring the functionality of base class's draw here and not call base's draw or change the //designer inheritance hierarchy if (ShowPreview && !this.previewWindow.PreviewMode && PreviewedDesigner != null) this.removePreviewedDesigner = true; base.OnPaint(e); if (ShowPreview && !this.previewWindow.PreviewMode && PreviewedDesigner != null) this.removePreviewedDesigner = false; if (!Expanded || ActiveDesigner != this) return; this.previewStrip.Draw(e.Graphics); //Draw the separator between the strip and canvas //Draw the canvas and the strip if (ShowPreview) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundPen, this.separatorLine[0], this.separatorLine[1]); this.previewWindow.Draw(e.Graphics, e.ViewPort); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the visual representation of activity at design time. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs holding drawing arguments</param> protected virtual void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { if (e == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawDesignerBackground(e.Graphics, this); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) && !TextRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) { Font font = (SmartTagVisible) ? e.DesignerTheme.BoldFont : e.DesignerTheme.Font; ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawText(e.Graphics, font, Text, TextRectangle, StringAlignment.Near, e.AmbientTheme.TextQuality, e.DesignerTheme.ForegroundBrush); } if (Image != null && !ImageRectangle.Size.IsEmpty) ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawImage(e.Graphics, Image, ImageRectangle, DesignerContentAlignment.Fill); }
bool IWorkflowDesignerMessageSink.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle viewPort) { try { Rectangle bounds = Bounds; if (IsVisible && viewPort.IntersectsWith(bounds)) { GlyphManager glyphManager = GetService(typeof(IDesignerGlyphProviderService)) as GlyphManager; bounds.Width += 1; bounds.Height += 1; using (GraphicsPath graphicsPath = ActivityDesignerPaint.GetDesignerPath(this, Point.Empty, new Size(DesignerTheme.BorderWidth, DesignerTheme.BorderWidth), DesignerEdges.All, false)) using (Region clipRegion = new Region(graphicsPath)) { Region oldRegion = e.Graphics.Clip; clipRegion.Intersect(oldRegion); clipRegion.Intersect(viewPort); bool restoredClipState = false; try { ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs eventArgs = new ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs(e.Graphics, bounds, viewPort, DesignerTheme); e.Graphics.Clip = clipRegion; OnPaint(eventArgs); e.Graphics.Clip = oldRegion; restoredClipState = true; if (glyphManager != null) glyphManager.DrawDesignerGlyphs(eventArgs, this); DrawingState &= (~DrawingStates.InvalidDraw); } catch { //Eat the exception thrown DrawingState |= DrawingStates.InvalidDraw; } finally { if (!restoredClipState) e.Graphics.Clip = oldRegion; if (DrawingState != DrawingStates.Valid) ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawInvalidDesignerIndicator(e.Graphics, this); } } } } catch { } return true; }
internal override void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { //Draw all the activity designers contained by the activity designer //We know that all the children which are in drawing range will be always //consecutive both for parallel and for sequential containers hence //once we go in the invisible range we bail out of drawing logic for rest of //the children bool bDrawingVisibleChildren = false; foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in ContainedDesigners) { Rectangle designerBounds = activityDesigner.Bounds; if (e.ViewPort.IntersectsWith(designerBounds)) { bDrawingVisibleChildren = true; using (PaintEventArgs paintEventArgs = new PaintEventArgs(e.Graphics, e.ViewPort)) { ((IWorkflowDesignerMessageSink)activityDesigner).OnPaint(paintEventArgs, e.ViewPort); } } else { if (bDrawingVisibleChildren) break; } } }
protected override void OnPaint(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) { Graphics graphics = e.Graphics; ActivityDesignerTheme designerTheme = e.DesignerTheme; AmbientTheme ambientTheme = e.AmbientTheme; #if DEBUG try { #endif this.RootDesignerLayout.OnPaint(graphics, designerTheme, ambientTheme); this.PaintContainedDesigners(e); #if DEBUG } catch (Exception exception) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unhandled exception in {0}.OnPaint: {1}", typeof(StateDesigner), exception)); } #endif }