コード例 #1
ファイル: Animations.cs プロジェクト: OMGEA/XamlFlair
        // This can be called from the three main entry-points (Primary, Secondary, and StartWith)
        private static void InitializeElement(FrameworkElement element)
            if (GetIsInitialized(element))

            // Set IsInitialized to true to only run this code once per element
            SetIsInitialized(element, true);

#if __UWP__
            // The new way of handling translate animations (see Translation property section):
            // https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/06/22/sweet-ui-made-possible-easy-windows-ui-windows-10-creators-update/
            ElementCompositionPreview.SetIsTranslationEnabled(element, true);

                args =>
                // Perform validations on element's attached properties

                var startSettings = element.GetSettings(SettingsTarget.StartWith, getStartWithFunc: GetStartWith);

                // If any StartWith settings were specified, apply them
                if (startSettings != null)
                ex => Logger.ErrorException($"Error on subscription to the {nameof(FrameworkElement.Loaded)} event of {nameof(FrameworkElement)}", ex)

                _ =>
                var isVisible   = element.Visibility == Visibility.Visible;
                var elementGuid = GetElementGuid(element);

                if (isVisible && _actives.GetNextIdleActiveTimeline(elementGuid)?.Timeline is Timeline idle)
                    RunNextAnimation(idle, element);
                ex => Logger.ErrorException($"Error on subscription to the {nameof(FrameworkElement.Visibility)} changes of {nameof(FrameworkElement)}", ex)

#if __UWP__
                args =>
                // If the element child is a SpriteVisual, maintain its size so update any effects applied
                if (args.Sender is FrameworkElement elem &&
                    ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementChildVisual(elem) is SpriteVisual sprite)
                    sprite.Size = new Vector2((float)elem.ActualWidth, (float)elem.ActualHeight);
                ex => Logger.ErrorException($"Error on subscription to the {nameof(FrameworkElement.SizeChanged)} event of {nameof(FrameworkElement)}", ex)