public override void Draw( IList<Point> points, double thickness, int miterLimit, ILogicalToScreenMapper logicalToScreenMapper) { // First define the geometric shape var streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var gc = streamGeometry.Open()) { gc.BeginFigure(points[0], _fillAndClose, _fillAndClose); points.RemoveAt(0); gc.PolyLineTo(points, true, true); } using (var dc = RenderOpen()) dc.DrawGeometry( _fillAndClose ? Brushes.White : null, new Pen( Brushes.White, thickness == 1 ? 0.25 : thickness) { MiterLimit = miterLimit }, streamGeometry); }
/// <summary> /// Does a one off calculation of the geometry to be rendered /// </summary> private void CalculateGeometry() { if(_recalcGeometry) { Func<bool, int, StreamGeometry> buildGeometry = (bool isFilled, int pointIndex) => { StreamGeometry childGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using(StreamGeometryContext ctx = childGeometry.Open()) { // Break up into groups of 4 ctx.BeginFigure(Points[pointIndex], isFilled, isFilled); for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { ctx.LineTo(Points[pointIndex + j], !isFilled, true); } if(!isFilled) { ctx.LineTo(Points[pointIndex], !isFilled, true); } } return childGeometry; }; _filledGeometry = _filledGeometry ?? new GeometryGroup(); _unfilledGeometry = _unfilledGeometry ?? new GeometryGroup(); _filledGeometry.Children.Clear(); _unfilledGeometry.Children.Clear(); if(Points.Count > 0) { for(int pointIndex = 0, colorIndex = 0; pointIndex < (Points.Count - 3); pointIndex += 4, colorIndex += 1) { _unfilledGeometry.Children.Add(buildGeometry(false, pointIndex)); _filledGeometry.Children.Add(buildGeometry(true, pointIndex)); } } _recalcGeometry = false; } }
//Redraw the streamgeometry public void createGeometry() { // Create a StreamGeometry to use to specify myPath. geometry = new StreamGeometry(); // Open a StreamGeometryContext that can be used to describe this StreamGeometry // object's contents. using (StreamGeometryContext geo = geometry.Open()) { double xmax = window.anchorOut; //views xmax double xmin = window.anchorIn; //views xmin int xres = (int)Math.Ceiling((xmax-xmin) / window.plot.Width); geo.BeginFigure(new Point(0, 0), false, false); for (int i = (int)xmin; i < xmax; i+=1) //always 600 steps { double value; if (i < (values.Count() - 1)) { value = values[i]; } else { break; } geo.LineTo(new Point(i, value), true, false); i++; } } geometry.Freeze(); //Freeze to free resources line.Data = geometry; }
public void Draw(TextView textView, DrawingContext drawingContext) { foreach (TextSegment current in this.SearchHitsSegments) { foreach (Rect current2 in BackgroundGeometryBuilder.GetRectsForSegment(textView, current)) { Point bottomLeft = current2.BottomLeft; Point bottomRight = current2.BottomRight; Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.OrangeRed), 1); pen.Freeze(); double num = 2.5; int count = System.Math.Max((int)((bottomRight.X - bottomLeft.X) / num) + 1, 4); StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext streamGeometryContext = streamGeometry.Open()) { streamGeometryContext.BeginFigure(bottomLeft, true, true); streamGeometryContext.LineTo(current2.TopLeft, true, false); streamGeometryContext.LineTo(current2.TopRight, true, false); streamGeometryContext.LineTo(current2.BottomRight, true, false); } streamGeometry.Freeze(); drawingContext.DrawGeometry(Brushes.Transparent, pen, streamGeometry); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create an Arc geometry drawing of an ellipse or circle /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">Box to hold the whole ellipse described by the arc</param> /// <param name="startDegrees">Start angle of the arc degrees within the ellipse. 0 degrees is a line to the right.</param> /// <param name="sweepDegrees">Sweep angle, -ve = Counterclockwise, +ve = Clockwise</param> /// <returns>GeometryDrawing object</returns> private static GeometryDrawing CreateArcDrawing(Rect rect, double startDegrees, double sweepDegrees) { // degrees to radians conversion double startRadians = startDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0; double sweepRadians = sweepDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0; // x and y radius double dx = rect.Width / 2; double dy = rect.Height / 2; // determine the start point double xs = rect.X + dx + (Math.Cos(startRadians) * dx); double ys = rect.Y + dy + (Math.Sin(startRadians) * dy); // determine the end point double xe = rect.X + dx + (Math.Cos(startRadians + sweepRadians) * dx); double ye = rect.Y + dy + (Math.Sin(startRadians + sweepRadians) * dy); // draw the arc into a stream geometry StreamGeometry streamGeom = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext ctx = streamGeom.Open()) { bool isLargeArc = Math.Abs(sweepDegrees) > 180; SweepDirection sweepDirection = sweepDegrees < 0 ? SweepDirection.Counterclockwise : SweepDirection.Clockwise; ctx.BeginFigure(new Point(xs, ys), false, false); ctx.ArcTo(new Point(xe, ye), new Size(dx, dy), 0, isLargeArc, sweepDirection, true, false); } // create the drawing GeometryDrawing drawing = new GeometryDrawing(); drawing.Geometry = streamGeom; return drawing; }
public TextBoxUpDownAdorner(TextBox adornedTextBox) : base(adornedTextBox) { this.triangle = new StreamGeometry(); this.triangle.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero; using (StreamGeometryContext geometryContext = this.triangle.Open()) { geometryContext.BeginFigure(new Point(-6, 0), true /* filled */, true /* closed */); geometryContext.LineTo(new Point(6, 0), true, false); geometryContext.LineTo(new Point(0, 8), true, false); } this.triangle.Freeze(); this.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (this.Button_Clicked != null) { bool up = e.GetPosition(this.AdornedElement).Y < (top + bottom) / 2; this.Button_Clicked((TextBox)this.AdornedElement, up ? 1 : -1); } }; adornedTextBox.LostFocus += this.FocusLostOrSelectionChanged; adornedTextBox.SelectionChanged += this.FocusLostOrSelectionChanged; }
private void CalculateShape() { //Vorberechnen für bessere Performance float angle = Angle * (float)(Math.PI / 180); float sinAngle = (float)Math.Sin(angle); float cosAngle = (float)Math.Cos(angle); //P_L startPoint = new Point(Size - cosAngle * Size, Size + sinAngle * Size); //P_O circleIntersectionPoint = new Point(2 * Size, Size); //P_R circleEndPoint = new Point(Size * 3 + cosAngle * Size, Size + sinAngle * Size); //P_U Vector angledVector = new Vector(-sinAngle, cosAngle); double lineLength = (2 * Size - (Size * 3 + cosAngle * Size)) / angledVector.X; trianglePoint = Point.Add(circleEndPoint, Vector.Multiply(angledVector, lineLength)); //Form aus Punkten erstellen heart = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext ctx = heart.Open()) { ctx.BeginFigure(startPoint, true, true); ctx.ArcTo(circleIntersectionPoint, new Size(Size, Size), Math.PI + angle, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, false); ctx.ArcTo(circleEndPoint, new Size(Size, Size), Math.PI + angle, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, false); ctx.LineTo(trianglePoint, true, false); } heart.Freeze(); }
public PathOutlineVisual(IPathOutline outline) { var brush = new SolidColorBrush(outline.LineColor); var pen = new Pen(brush, 1); var geometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var gc = geometry.Open()) { gc.BeginFigure(outline.BottomLeft, false, false); gc.LineTo(outline.TopLeft, true, true); gc.ArcTo(outline.TopRight, new Size(outline.Radius + (outline.Width / 2), outline.Radius + (outline.Width / 2)), 1, false, outline.Direction == PathType.Convex ? SweepDirection.Clockwise : SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, true, true); gc.LineTo(outline.BottomRight, true, true); gc.ArcTo(outline.BottomLeft, new Size(outline.Radius - (outline.Width / 2), outline.Radius - (outline.Width / 2)), 1, false, outline.Direction == PathType.Convex ? SweepDirection.Counterclockwise : SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, true); } using (var context = RenderOpen()) { context.DrawGeometry(brush, pen, geometry); } }
public PathOutlineVisualOld(IPathOld path, Color color) { var brush = new SolidColorBrush(color); var pen = new Pen(brush, 1); var geometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var gc = geometry.Open()) { gc.BeginFigure(path.StartBottomEdge, false, false); gc.LineTo(path.StartTopEdge, true, true); gc.ArcTo(path.EndTopEdge, new Size(path.Radius+(path.Width/2), path.Radius+(path.Width/2)), 1, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, true); gc.LineTo(path.EndBottomEdge, true, true); gc.ArcTo(path.StartBottomEdge, new Size(path.Radius-(path.Width/2), path.Radius-(path.Width/2)), 1, false, SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, true, true); } using (var context = RenderOpen()) { context.DrawGeometry(brush, pen, geometry); var points = CalculateSteps(path); foreach (var point in points) { DrawPoint(point, Brushes.Blue, context); } } }
public void Draw( EdgeLayout layoutState ) { var styleState = myPresentation.GetPropertySetFor<EdgeStyle>().Get( Owner.Id ); var stream = new StreamGeometry(); var context = stream.Open(); context.BeginFigure( layoutState.Points.First(), false, false ); context.PolyBezierTo( layoutState.Points.Skip( 1 ).ToList(), true, false ); // draw arrow head var start = layoutState.Points.Last(); var v = start - layoutState.Points.ElementAt( layoutState.Points.Count() - 2 ); v.Normalize(); start = start - v * 0.15; context.BeginFigure( start + v * 0.28, true, true ); double t = v.X; v.X = v.Y; v.Y = -t; // Rotate 90° context.LineTo( start + v * 0.08, true, true ); context.LineTo( start + v * -0.08, true, true ); context.Close(); var pen = new Pen( styleState.Color, 0.016 ); // Visual = new DrawingVisual(); var dc = Visual.RenderOpen(); dc.DrawGeometry( pen.Brush, pen, stream ); dc.Close(); Visual.SetValue( GraphItemProperty, Owner ); }
internal void MakeGeometry() { if (Edge.Points.Count > 0) { var points = Edge.Points; StreamGeometry g = new StreamGeometry(); StreamGeometryContext c = g.Open(); c.BeginFigure(points[0], false, false); var r = Edge.Points.Where(p => p != Edge.Points[0]); c.PolyBezierTo(r.ToList(), true, false); if (Edge.EndPoint.HasValue) { Point from = Edge.Points.Last(); Point to = Edge.EndPoint.Value; DrawArrow(c, from, to, 4); } if (Edge.StartPoint.HasValue) { Point from = Edge.Points.First(); Point to = Edge.StartPoint.Value; DrawArrow(c, from, to, 4); } c.Close(); g.Freeze(); EdgeGeometry = g; } }
public AreaSeries2D() { // 初始化保存数据点的变量 _points = new SeriesPointCollection(); _points.CollectionChanged += _points_CollectionChanged; // 初始化绘制曲线的画板 gStream_Line = new StreamGeometry(); gStream_Area = new StreamGeometry(); gDrawing_Line = new GeometryDrawing(); gDrawing_Line.Brush = null; gDrawing_Line.Pen = new Pen() { Thickness = 1, Brush = Brushes.Black }; gDrawing_Line.Geometry = gStream_Line; /* 初始化绘制填充色的画板 */ gDrawing_Area = new GeometryDrawing(); gDrawing_Area.Brush = Brushes.Red; gDrawing_Area.Pen = new Pen() { Thickness = 0, Brush = null }; gDrawing_Area.Geometry = gStream_Area; /* 生成绘画组 */ drawingGroup = new DrawingGroup(); drawingGroup.Children.Add(gDrawing_Line); drawingGroup.Children.Add(gDrawing_Area); }
public void Draw(DrawingContext context, DrawingArgs args) { context.PushClip(new RectangleGeometry(args.RenderBounds)); if (m_IsDirty || args.RequiresFullRedraw) { m_LonePoints.Clear(); System.Windows.Media.StreamGeometry geo = new StreamGeometry(); using (var c = geo.Open()) { Point? figureStart = null; int pointCount = 0; //point in the figure if (Values.Count() == 1 && Values.First().HasValue) { m_LonePoints.Add(Values.First().Value); } else { foreach (var p in Values) { if (p.HasValue) { if (!figureStart.HasValue) { figureStart = p.Value; c.BeginFigure(figureStart.Value, false, false); pointCount = 1; } else { c.LineTo(p.Value, true, true); pointCount++; } } else { //detect lone points and draw a cross if (pointCount == 1) { m_LonePoints.Add(figureStart.Value); } figureStart = null; } } } } m_Geo = geo; m_IsDirty = false; } m_Geo.Transform = args.Transform; context.DrawGeometry(null, Pen, m_Geo); var radius = Pen.Thickness; foreach (var p in m_LonePoints) { context.DrawEllipse(m_Pen.Brush, null, args.Transform.Transform(p), radius, radius); } }
public static Pen CreateErrorPen(Color color) { var geometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var context = geometry.Open()) { context.BeginFigure(new Point(-1, 0), false, false); context.PolyLineTo(new[] { new Point(-0.5, 0.4), new Point(0, 0), new Point(0.5, -0.4), new Point(1, 0), }, true, true); } var brushPattern = new GeometryDrawing { Pen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(color), 0.4), Geometry = geometry }; var brush = new DrawingBrush(brushPattern) { TileMode = TileMode.Tile, Viewport = new Rect(-1, -1, 2, 2), ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute, Viewbox = new Rect(-1, -1, 2, 2), ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute, }; var pen = new Pen(brush, 3.0); pen.Freeze(); return pen; }
public void Render(DrawingContext context, IElement element) { var pathElement = element as CurvedPathElement; if (pathElement != null) { var pen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(pathElement.LineColor), pathElement.LineWidth); var brush = new SolidColorBrush(pathElement.FillColor); var topCurveRadius = pathElement.Radius +(pathElement.PathWidth/2); var bottomCurveRadius = pathElement.Radius -(pathElement.PathWidth/2); var geometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var gc = geometry.Open()) { gc.BeginFigure(pathElement.BottomLeft, false, true); gc.LineTo(pathElement.TopLeft, true, true); gc.ArcTo(pathElement.TopRight, new Size(topCurveRadius, topCurveRadius), 1, false, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true, true); gc.LineTo(pathElement.BottomRight, true, true); gc.ArcTo(pathElement.BottomLeft, new Size(bottomCurveRadius, bottomCurveRadius), 1, false, SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, true, true); } context.DrawGeometry(brush, pen, geometry); //var topPen = new Pen(Brushes.Red, 1); //var bottomPen = new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 1); //context.DrawEllipse(brush, topPen, pathElement.Origin, topCurveRadius, topCurveRadius); //context.DrawEllipse(brush, bottomPen, pathElement.Origin, bottomCurveRadius, bottomCurveRadius); //context.DrawEllipse(brush, pen, pathElement.Origin, pathElement.Radius, pathElement.Radius); } }
public static StreamGeometry StreamGeometryFromCurve(Curve curve, MatrixTransform graphToCanvas) { double[] tempX; double[] tempY; if (graphToCanvas != null) { tempX = curve.xTransformed.MultiplyBy(graphToCanvas.Matrix.M11).SumWith(graphToCanvas.Matrix.OffsetX); tempY = curve.yTransformed.MultiplyBy(graphToCanvas.Matrix.M22).SumWith(graphToCanvas.Matrix.OffsetY); } else { tempX = curve.xTransformed; tempY = curve.yTransformed; } StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); StreamGeometryContext context = streamGeometry.Open(); int lines = 0; for (int i = 0; i < curve.x.Count(); ++i) { if (i == 0) { context.BeginFigure(new Point(tempX[i], tempY[i]), false, false); } else { if (curve.includeLinePoint[i]) { context.LineTo(new Point(tempX[i], tempY[i]), true, false); lines++; } } } context.Close(); return streamGeometry; }
private void AddArrow(Panel rootCanvas, Point arrowPoint) { var size = 10.0; var relationshipPath = new Path { Stroke = Brushes.Black, StrokeThickness = 2, Visibility = Visibility.Visible, Fill = Brushes.Black }; var geometry = new StreamGeometry { FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd }; using (var ctx = geometry.Open()) { ctx.BeginFigure(new Point(arrowPoint.X, arrowPoint.Y), true, true); ctx.LineTo(new Point(arrowPoint.X - size / 2, arrowPoint.Y - size), true, true); ctx.LineTo(new Point(arrowPoint.X + size / 2, arrowPoint.Y - size), true, true); } geometry.Freeze(); relationshipPath.Data = geometry; rootCanvas.Children.Add(relationshipPath); }
public static Geometry ToWpfGeometry(this SqlGeometry sqlGeometry, double pointSize) { StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext streamGeometryContext = streamGeometry.Open()) { if (sqlGeometry != null && !sqlGeometry.IsNull) { for (int geometryIndex = 0; geometryIndex < (int)sqlGeometry.STNumGeometries(); geometryIndex++) { SqlGeometry subGeometry = sqlGeometry.STGeometryN(geometryIndex + 1); if (subGeometry.STGeometryType() == "Polygon" || subGeometry.STGeometryType() == "MultiPolygon") { Point[] points = GetPointsFromSqlGeometry(subGeometry.STExteriorRing()); AddSegmentToGeometry(streamGeometryContext, points, true); for (int interiorRingIndex = 0; interiorRingIndex < subGeometry.STNumInteriorRing(); interiorRingIndex++) { points = GetPointsFromSqlGeometry(subGeometry.STInteriorRingN(interiorRingIndex + 1)); AddSegmentToGeometry(streamGeometryContext, points, true); } } else if (subGeometry.STGeometryType() == "MultiPoint" || subGeometry.STGeometryType() == "Point") { Point[] points = GetPointsFromSqlGeometry(subGeometry); AddCircleToGeometry(streamGeometryContext, points, pointSize); } else if (subGeometry.STGeometryType() == "LineString" || subGeometry.STGeometryType() == "MultiLineString") { Point[] points = GetPointsFromSqlGeometry(subGeometry); AddSegmentToGeometry(streamGeometryContext, points, false); } } } } return streamGeometry; }
private Geometry GetArcGeoMetry() { Point startPoint = PointAtAngle(Math.Min(StartAngle, EndAngle)); Point endPoint = PointAtAngle(Math.Max(StartAngle, EndAngle)); Size arcSize = new Size(Math.Max(0, (RenderSize.Width - StrokeThickness) / 2), Math.Max(0, (RenderSize.Height - StrokeThickness) / 2)); bool isLargeArc = Math.Abs(EndAngle - StartAngle) > 180; var sw = SweepDirection.Clockwise; if (EndAngle - StartAngle < 0) { sw = SweepDirection.Counterclockwise; isLargeArc = false; } StreamGeometry geom = new StreamGeometry(); if (EndAngle - StartAngle >= 360) { using (StreamGeometryContext context = geom.Open()) { context.BeginFigure(PointAtAngle(0), false, true); context.ArcTo(PointAtAngle(359.99), arcSize, 0, isLargeArc, sw, true, false); } } else { using (StreamGeometryContext context = geom.Open()) { context.BeginFigure(startPoint, false, false); context.ArcTo(endPoint, arcSize, 0, isLargeArc, sw, true, false); } } geom.Transform = new TranslateTransform(StrokeThickness / 2, StrokeThickness / 2); return geom; }
//public double GetTheta(double x, double y) //{ // return //} public StreamGeometry DrawArrowGeometry(StreamGeometry geometry, double centreX, double centreY, double circleWidth, double circleHeight, double innerWidth, double startAngle, double stopAngle) { //This code is based on var context = geometry.Open(); // Setup the Center Point & Radius Point c = new Point(centreX, centreY); double rOutterX = circleWidth/ 2; double rOutterY = circleHeight / 2; double rInnerX = rOutterX - innerWidth; double rInnerY = rOutterY - innerWidth; double theta = 0; bool hasBegun = false; double x; double y; Point currentPoint; // Draw the Outside Edge for (theta = startAngle; theta <= stopAngle; theta++) { x = c.X + rOutterX * Math.Cos(GetRadian(theta)); y = c.Y + rOutterY * Math.Sin(GetRadian(theta)); currentPoint = new Point(x, y); if (!hasBegun) { context.BeginFigure(currentPoint, true, true); hasBegun = true; } context.LineTo(currentPoint, true, true); } // Connect the Outside Edge to the Inner Edge x = c.X + rInnerX * Math.Cos(GetRadian(stopAngle)); y = c.Y + rInnerY * Math.Sin(GetRadian(stopAngle)); currentPoint = new Point(x, y); context.LineTo(currentPoint, true, true); // Draw the Inner Edge for (theta = stopAngle; theta >= startAngle; theta--) { x = c.X + rInnerX * Math.Cos(GetRadian(theta)); y = c.Y + rInnerY * Math.Sin(GetRadian(theta)); currentPoint = new Point(x, y); context.LineTo(currentPoint, true, true); } // Connect the Inner Edge to the Outside Edge x = c.X + rOutterX * Math.Cos(GetRadian(startAngle)); y = c.Y + rOutterY * Math.Sin(GetRadian(startAngle)); currentPoint = new Point(x, y); context.LineTo(currentPoint, true, true); context.Close(); return geometry; }
public GridLines(Axis2D axis) { this.axis = axis; gridLinesGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); this.Stroke = Brushes.LightGray; this.StrokeThickness = 1; this.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Miter; }
public GridLineController(DesignerCanvas canvas) { IsVisible = true; _canvas = canvas; _geometry = new StreamGeometry(); GridLines = new ObservableCollection<GridLine>(); GridLines.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => Invalidate(); Invalidate(); }
private void Draw(DrawingContext dc) { StreamGeometry sg = new StreamGeometry(); StreamGeometryContext sgc = sg.Open(); sgc.BeginFigure(points[0], false, false); sgc.PolyLineTo(points, true, true); sgc.Close(); dc.DrawGeometry(null, pen, sg); }
protected override Geometry GetOrCreateBoxGeometry(Size renderSize) { var rect = new Rect(new Point(0, 0), renderSize); this.SetCurrentValue(RectProperty, rect); if (rect.Width <= 0 || rect.Height <= 0) { return Geometry.Empty; } if (this.CornerRadius.IsAllEqual()) { // using TopLeft here as we have already checked that they are equal if (this.BoxGeometry is RectangleGeometry) { return this.BoxGeometry; } var geometry = new RectangleGeometry(); geometry.Bind(RectangleGeometry.RectProperty) .OneWayTo(this, RectProperty); geometry.Bind(RectangleGeometry.RadiusXProperty) .OneWayTo(this, CornerRadiusProperty, CornerRadiusTopLeftConverter.Default); geometry.Bind(RectangleGeometry.RadiusYProperty) .OneWayTo(this, CornerRadiusProperty, CornerRadiusTopLeftConverter.Default); return geometry; } else { var geometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var context = geometry.Open()) { var cr = this.AdjustedCornerRadius(); var p = cr.TopLeft > 0 ? new Point(cr.TopLeft + this.StrokeThickness / 2, this.StrokeThickness / 2) : new Point(this.StrokeThickness / 2, this.StrokeThickness / 2); context.BeginFigure(p, true, true); p = p.WithOffset(rect.Width - cr.TopLeft - cr.TopRight, 0); context.LineTo(p, true, true); p = context.DrawCorner(p, cr.TopRight, cr.TopRight); p = p.WithOffset(0, rect.Height - cr.TopRight - cr.BottomRight); context.LineTo(p, true, true); p = context.DrawCorner(p, -cr.BottomRight, cr.BottomRight); p = p.WithOffset(-rect.Width + cr.BottomRight + cr.BottomLeft, 0); context.LineTo(p, true, true); p = context.DrawCorner(p, -cr.BottomLeft, -cr.BottomLeft); p = p.WithOffset(0, -rect.Height + cr.TopLeft + cr.BottomLeft); context.LineTo(p, true, true); context.DrawCorner(p, cr.TopLeft, -cr.TopLeft); } geometry.Freeze(); return geometry; } }
internal static Geometry DefiningTargetArrowHead(EdgeGeometry edgeGeometry, double thickness) { if (edgeGeometry.TargetArrowhead == null || edgeGeometry.Curve==null) return null; var streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext context = streamGeometry.Open()) { AddArrow(context, edgeGeometry.Curve.End, edgeGeometry.TargetArrowhead.TipPosition, thickness); return streamGeometry; } }
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) { if (Plotter2D == null) return; if (DataSource == null) return; if (Collection == null) return; if (Collection.Lines.Count == 0) { IsolineBuilder.DataSource = DataSource; } var dc = drawingContext; var dataSource = DataSource; var localMinMax = dataSource.GetMinMax(); var globalMinMax = dataSource.Range.Value; double lengthsRatio = globalMinMax.GetLength() / localMinMax.GetLength(); if (lengthsRatio > 16) { double log = Math.Round(Math.Log(lengthsRatio, 2)); double number = 2 * Math.Pow(2, log); double delta = globalMinMax.GetLength() / number; double start = Math.Floor((localMinMax.Min - globalMinMax.Min) / delta) * delta + globalMinMax.Min; double end = localMinMax.Max; var transform = Plotter2D.Transform; var strokeThickness = StrokeThickness; double x = start; while (x < end) { var collection = IsolineBuilder.BuildIsoline(x); foreach (LevelLine line in collection) { StreamGeometry lineGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (var context = lineGeometry.Open()) { context.BeginFigure(line.StartPoint.ViewportToScreen(transform), false, false); context.PolyLineTo(line.OtherPoints.ViewportToScreen(transform).ToArray(), true, true); } lineGeometry.Freeze(); var paletteRatio = (line.RealValue - globalMinMax.Min) / globalMinMax.GetLength(); Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Palette.GetColor(paletteRatio)), strokeThickness); dc.DrawGeometry(null, pen, lineGeometry); } x += delta; } } //dc.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Green.MakeTransparent(0.3), null, new Rect(RenderSize)); }
public void FindLines(StreamGeometry geometry, bool stroke, bool fill, Matrix trans) { Debug.Assert(stroke || fill, "should not be a nop"); _transform = trans; _fill = fill; _stroke = stroke; PathGeometry.ParsePathGeometryData(geometry.GetPathGeometryData(), this); CheckCloseFigure(); }
internal static object DeserializeStreamGeometry( BinaryReader reader ) { StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext context = geometry.Open()) { ParserStreamGeometryContext.Deserialize( reader, context, geometry ); } geometry.Freeze(); return geometry; }
/// <summary/> protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc) { base.OnRender(dc); var hasFill = (Fill != null); var hasStroke = (Stroke != null && StrokeThickness > 0); if (!hasFill && !hasStroke) return; double cx, cy, r0, r1; if (!ComputeBoundingCircles(out cx, out cy, out r0, out r1)) return; var a0 = StartAngle; var a1 = EndAngle; Gauge.NormalizeAngularRange(ref a0, ref a1); if (a0.AlmostEquals(a1)) return; var isLargeArc = (a1 - a0).CertainlyGreater(180); var isCircular = (a1 - a0).AlmostEquals(360); a0 = (a0 - 90).ToRadians(); a1 = (a1 - 90).ToRadians(); var geometry = new StreamGeometry(); if (isCircular) { using (var gc = geometry.Open()) { var p0 = new Point(cx, cy - r1); // first point on the outer circle var p1 = new Point(cx, cy + r1); // second point on the outer circle var p2 = new Point(cx, cy - r0); // first point on the inner circle var p3 = new Point(cx, cy + r0); // second point on the inner circle gc.BeginFigure(p0, hasFill, true); gc.ArcTo(p1, new Size(r1, r1), 0, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, hasStroke, false); gc.ArcTo(p0, new Size(r1, r1), 0, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, hasStroke, false); if (r0.IsPositive()) { gc.BeginFigure(p2, hasFill, true); gc.ArcTo(p3, new Size(r0, r0), 0, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, hasStroke, false); gc.ArcTo(p2, new Size(r0, r0), 0, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, hasStroke, false); geometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd; // this will subtract the inner circle from the outer circle, forming a ring } } } else { using (var gc = geometry.Open()) { var p0 = new Point(cx + r0 * Math.Cos(a0), cy + r0 * Math.Sin(a0)); // start point of the inner arc var p1 = new Point(cx + r1 * Math.Cos(a0), cy + r1 * Math.Sin(a0)); // start point of the outer arc var p2 = new Point(cx + r1 * Math.Cos(a1), cy + r1 * Math.Sin(a1)); // end point of the outer arc var p3 = new Point(cx + r0 * Math.Cos(a1), cy + r0 * Math.Sin(a1)); // end point of the inner arc gc.BeginFigure(p0, hasFill, true); gc.LineTo(p1, hasStroke, false); gc.ArcTo(p2, new Size(r1, r1), 0, isLargeArc, SweepDirection.Clockwise, hasStroke, false); gc.LineTo(p3, hasStroke, false); gc.ArcTo(p0, new Size(r0, r0), 0, isLargeArc, SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, hasStroke, false); } } geometry.Freeze(); dc.DrawGeometry(Fill, GetStrokePen(), geometry); }
protected Geometry DrawLine(List<Point> listp) { StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry(); geometry.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd; using (StreamGeometryContext context = geometry.Open()) { InternalDrawGeometrys(context, listp); } return geometry; }
public static swm.Geometry CreateArcDrawing(sw.Rect rect, double startDegrees, double sweepDegrees, bool closed) { // degrees to radians conversion double startRadians = startDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0; double sweepRadians = sweepDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0; // x and y radius double dx = rect.Width / 2; double dy = rect.Height / 2; // determine the start point double xs = rect.X + dx + (Math.Cos(startRadians) * dx); double ys = rect.Y + dy + (Math.Sin(startRadians) * dy); // determine the end point double xe = rect.X + dx + (Math.Cos(startRadians + sweepRadians) * dx); double ye = rect.Y + dy + (Math.Sin(startRadians + sweepRadians) * dy); var centerPoint = new sw.Point(rect.X + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2); // draw the arc into a stream geometry var streamGeom = new swm.StreamGeometry(); using (var ctx = streamGeom.Open()) { bool isLargeArc = Math.Abs(sweepDegrees) > 180; var sweepDirection = sweepDegrees < 0 ? swm.SweepDirection.Counterclockwise : swm.SweepDirection.Clockwise; if (closed) { ctx.BeginFigure(centerPoint, true, true); ctx.LineTo(new sw.Point(xs, ys), true, true); } else { ctx.BeginFigure(new sw.Point(xs, ys), true, false); } ctx.ArcTo(new sw.Point(xe, ye), new sw.Size(dx, dy), 0, isLargeArc, sweepDirection, true, false); if (closed) { ctx.LineTo(centerPoint, true, true); } } return(streamGeom); }
///<summary> /// Creates a new polygon shape. ///</summary> /// <param name="shellVertices">The vertices of the shell</param> /// <param name="holeVerticesCollection">A collection of Coordinate[] for each hole</param> public PolygonWpfStreamGeometry(Coordinate[] shellVertices, IEnumerable <Coordinate[]> holeVerticesCollection) { var path = new WpfStreamGeometry(); using (var sgc = path.Open()) { AddRing(sgc, shellVertices, true); if (holeVerticesCollection != null) { foreach (var hole in holeVerticesCollection) { AddRing(sgc, hole, false); } } } Path = path; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string ToSource(WM.StreamGeometry sg) { return(sg.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="xpg"></param> /// <param name="dx"></param> /// <param name="dy"></param> /// <returns></returns> public WM.StreamGeometry ToStreamGeometry(IPathGeometry xpg, double dx, double dy) { var sg = new WM.StreamGeometry(); using (var sgc = sg.Open()) { foreach (var xpf in xpg.Figures) { sgc.BeginFigure( new W.Point(xpf.StartPoint.X, xpf.StartPoint.Y), xpf.IsFilled, xpf.IsClosed); foreach (var segment in xpf.Segments) { if (segment is IArcSegment arcSegment) { sgc.ArcTo( new W.Point(arcSegment.Point.X + dx, arcSegment.Point.Y + dy), new W.Size(arcSegment.Size.Width, arcSegment.Size.Height), arcSegment.RotationAngle, arcSegment.IsLargeArc, arcSegment.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? WM.SweepDirection.Clockwise : WM.SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, arcSegment.IsStroked, arcSegment.IsSmoothJoin); } else if (segment is ICubicBezierSegment cubicBezierSegment) { sgc.BezierTo( new W.Point(cubicBezierSegment.Point1.X + dx, cubicBezierSegment.Point1.Y + dy), new W.Point(cubicBezierSegment.Point2.X + dx, cubicBezierSegment.Point2.Y + dy), new W.Point(cubicBezierSegment.Point3.X + dx, cubicBezierSegment.Point3.Y + dy), cubicBezierSegment.IsStroked, cubicBezierSegment.IsSmoothJoin); } else if (segment is ILineSegment lineSegment) { sgc.LineTo( new W.Point(lineSegment.Point.X + dx, lineSegment.Point.Y + dy), lineSegment.IsStroked, lineSegment.IsSmoothJoin); } else if (segment is IPolyCubicBezierSegment polyCubicBezierSegment) { sgc.PolyBezierTo( ToPoints(polyCubicBezierSegment.Points, dx, dy), polyCubicBezierSegment.IsStroked, polyCubicBezierSegment.IsSmoothJoin); } else if (segment is IPolyLineSegment polyLineSegment) { sgc.PolyLineTo( ToPoints(polyLineSegment.Points, dx, dy), polyLineSegment.IsStroked, polyLineSegment.IsSmoothJoin); } else if (segment is IPolyQuadraticBezierSegment polyQuadraticSegment) { sgc.PolyQuadraticBezierTo( ToPoints(polyQuadraticSegment.Points, dx, dy), polyQuadraticSegment.IsStroked, polyQuadraticSegment.IsSmoothJoin); } else if (segment is IQuadraticBezierSegment quadraticBezierSegment) { sgc.QuadraticBezierTo( new W.Point(quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.X + dx, quadraticBezierSegment.Point1.Y + dy), new W.Point(quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.X + dx, quadraticBezierSegment.Point2.Y + dy), quadraticBezierSegment.IsStroked, quadraticBezierSegment.IsSmoothJoin); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported segment type: " + segment.GetType()); } } } } sg.FillRule = xpg.FillRule == FillRule.Nonzero ? WM.FillRule.Nonzero : WM.FillRule.EvenOdd; sg.Freeze(); return(sg); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a geometry stream context which is associated with a given owner /// </summary> internal StreamGeometryCallbackContext(StreamGeometry owner) { _owner = owner; }
public void Return(System.Windows.Media.StreamGeometry geometry) { _Pool.Enqueue(geometry); }