コード例 #1
        internal void UpdateState(RawStylusInputReport report)
            Debug.Assert(report.TabletDeviceId == _tabletDevice.Id);
            Debug.Assert((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.None) == 0);

            _eventStylusPoints =
                new StylusPointCollection(  report.StylusPointDescription,

            PresentationSource inputSource = DetermineValidSource(report.InputSource, _eventStylusPoints, report.PenContext.Contexts);
            // See if we need to remap the stylus data X and Y values to different presentation source.
            if (inputSource != null && inputSource != report.InputSource)
                Point newWindowLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(new Point(0, 0), inputSource);
                newWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(newWindowLocation);
                Point oldWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(report.PenContext.Contexts.DestroyedLocation);
                // Create translate matrix transform to shift coords to map points to new window location.
                MatrixTransform additionalTransform = new MatrixTransform(new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,
                                                            oldWindowLocation.X - newWindowLocation.X,
                                                            oldWindowLocation.Y - newWindowLocation.Y));
                _eventStylusPoints = _eventStylusPoints.Reformat(report.StylusPointDescription, additionalTransform);

            _rawPosition = _eventStylusPoints[_eventStylusPoints.Count - 1];

            _inputSource = new SecurityCriticalDataClass<PresentationSource>(inputSource);

            if (inputSource != null)
                // Update our screen position from this move.
                Point pt = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits((Point)_rawPosition);
                _lastScreenLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(pt, inputSource);
            // If we are not blocked from updating the location we want to use for the 
            // promoted mouse location then update it.  We set this flag in the post process phase
            // of Stylus events (after they have fired).
            if (!_fBlockMouseMoveChanges)
                _lastMouseScreenLocation = _lastScreenLocation;

            if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Down) != 0 ||
                 (report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Move) != 0)
                _fInAir = false;

                // Keep the stylus down location for turning system gestures into mouse event
                if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Down) != 0)
                    _needToSendMouseDown = true;
                    // reset the gesture flag.  This is used to determine if we will need to fabricate a systemgesture tap on the 
                    // corresponding up event.
                    _fGestureWasFired = false;
                    _fDetectedDrag = false;
                    _seenHoldEnterGesture = false;

                    // Make sure our drag and move deltas are up to date.
                    TabletDevice.UpdateSizeDeltas(report.StylusPointDescription, _stylusLogic);
                // See if we need to do our own Drag detection (on Stylus Move event)
                else if (inputSource != null && _fBlockMouseMoveChanges && _seenDoubleTapGesture && !_fGestureWasFired && !_fDetectedDrag)
                    Size delta = TabletDevice.CancelSize;

                    // We use the first point of the packet data for Drag detection to try and
                    // filter out cases where the stylus skips when going down.
                    Point dragPosition =(Point)_eventStylusPoints[0];
                    dragPosition = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(dragPosition);
                    dragPosition = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(dragPosition, inputSource);

                    // See if we need to detect a Drag gesture.  If so do the calculation.
                    if ((Math.Abs(_lastMouseScreenLocation.X - dragPosition.X) > delta.Width) ||
                        (Math.Abs(_lastMouseScreenLocation.Y - dragPosition.Y) > delta.Height))
                        _fDetectedDrag = true;

            UpdateEventStylusPoints(report, false);

            if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Up)        != 0 ||
                (report.Actions & RawStylusActions.InAirMove) != 0)
                _fInAir = true;
                if ((report.Actions & RawStylusActions.Up) != 0)
                    _sawMouseButton1Down = false; // reset this on Stylus Up.
コード例 #2
 internal void UpdateEventStylusPoints(RawStylusInputReport report, bool resetIfNoOverride)
     if (report.RawStylusInput != null && report.RawStylusInput.StylusPointsModified)
         GeneralTransform transformToElement = report.RawStylusInput.Target.ViewToElement.Inverse;                
         //note that RawStylusInput.Target (of type StylusPluginCollection)
         //guarantees that ViewToElement is invertible
         Debug.Assert(transformToElement != null);
         _eventStylusPoints = report.RawStylusInput.GetStylusPoints(transformToElement);
     else if (resetIfNoOverride)
         _eventStylusPoints =
             new StylusPointCollection(report.StylusPointDescription,