public WpfPresentationSource(UIElement rootElement, IWpfValueConverter converter) { this.RootElement = rootElement; this.converter = converter; RootElement.IsRootElement = true; MouseDevice = new MouseDevice(this); KeyboardDevice = new KeyboardDevice(this); container = new wpf::System.Windows.Controls.Canvas { Background = wpf::System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Transparent }; container.PreviewMouseMove += OnContainerMouseMove; container.PreviewMouseDown += OnContainerMouseDown; container.PreviewMouseUp += OnContainerMouseUp; container.PreviewMouseWheel += (sender, e) => e.Handled = MouseDevice.ProcessRawEvent(new RawMouseWheelEventArgs(e.Delta, converter.ConvertBack(e.GetPosition(container)), GetTimestamp())); MouseDevice.CursorChanged += (sender, e) => container.Cursor = converter.Convert(MouseDevice.Cursor); container.Cursor = converter.Convert(MouseDevice.Cursor); window = new wpf::System.Windows.Window { UseLayoutRounding = true, Content = container }; window.Activated += (sender, e) => MouseDevice.Activate(); window.Deactivated += (sender, e) => MouseDevice.Deactivate(); window.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => SetRootElementSize(); window.PreviewKeyDown += (sender, e) => e.Handled = KeyboardDevice.ProcessRawEvent(new RawKeyboardEventArgs(converter.ConvertBack(e.Key), converter.ConvertBack(e.KeyStates), e.IsRepeat, GetTimestamp())); window.PreviewKeyUp += (sender, e) => e.Handled = KeyboardDevice.ProcessRawEvent(new RawKeyboardEventArgs(converter.ConvertBack(e.Key), converter.ConvertBack(e.KeyStates), e.IsRepeat, GetTimestamp())); window.Show(); container.Children.Add(((IWpfRenderElement)rootElement.GetRenderElement(WpfRenderElementFactory.Default)).WpfElement); SetRootElementSize(); MouseDevice.Activate(); KeyboardDevice.Activate(); }
public KeyEventArgs (KeyboardDevice keyboard, PresentationSource inputSource, int timestamp, Key key) : base (keyboard, timestamp) { this.inputSource = inputSource; this.key = key; }
private void DG1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice kd = e.KeyboardDevice; if ((kd.GetKeyStates(Key.LeftCtrl) & kd.GetKeyStates(Key.V)) > 0 || (kd.GetKeyStates(Key.LeftCtrl) & kd.GetKeyStates(Key.V)) > 0) { DataGirdViewCellPaste(); } }
/// <summary> /// キー入力内容をキーイベントから抜き出す /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static EnableKeys ToEnableKeys(System.Windows.Input.Key key, System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice keyboard) { EnableKeys keyConbination = ToEnableKeysConbination(key, keyboard); if (keyConbination != EnableKeys.Else) { return(keyConbination); } return(ToEnableKeysOneKey(key)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an instance of the KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs class. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyboard"> /// The logical keyboard device associated with this event. /// </param> /// <param name="timestamp"> /// The time when the input occured. /// </param> /// <param name="oldFocus"> /// The element that previously had focus. /// </param> /// <param name="newFocus"> /// The element that now has focus. /// </param> public KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, IInputElement oldFocus, IInputElement newFocus) : base(keyboard, timestamp) { if (oldFocus != null && !InputElement.IsValid(oldFocus)) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Invalid_IInputElement, oldFocus.GetType())); if (newFocus != null && !InputElement.IsValid(newFocus)) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.Invalid_IInputElement, newFocus.GetType())); _oldFocus = oldFocus; _newFocus = newFocus; }
public static bool IsKeysDown(this System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice, params Key[] keys) { bool isdown = false; if (keys.All(key => (keyboardDevice.GetKeyStates(key) & System.Windows.Input.KeyStates.Down) > 0)) { isdown = true; } return(isdown); }
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice kd = e.KeyboardDevice; if ((kd.GetKeyStates(Key.LeftAlt) & System.Windows.Input.KeyStates.Down) > 0 || (kd.GetKeyStates(Key.RightAlt) & System.Windows.Input.KeyStates.Down) > 0) { if ((kd.GetKeyStates(Key.F4) & System.Windows.Input.KeyStates.Down) > 0) { this.capFra.StopAndDispose(); } } }
public static bool IsKeysDown(this System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice, params Key[] keys) { bool isShift = false; if ((keyboardDevice.GetKeyStates(Key.B) & System.Windows.Input.KeyStates.Down) > 0 && (keyboardDevice.GetKeyStates(Key.C) & System.Windows.Input.KeyStates.Down) > 0) { isShift = true; } if (isShift) { isShift = false; } return(isShift); }
public KeyEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, PresentationSource inputSource, int timestamp, Key key) : base(keyboard, timestamp) { if (inputSource == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("inputSource"); if (!Keyboard.IsValidKey(key)) throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException("key", (int)key, typeof(Key)); _inputSource = inputSource; _realKey = key; _isRepeat = false; // Start out assuming that this is just a normal key. MarkNormal(); }
private bool IsModDown(KeyboardDevice keyboard) { bool down = true; down &= (Mods & ModifierKeys.Alt) == ModifierKeys.Alt == (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftAlt) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightAlt)); down &= (Mods & ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Control == (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightCtrl)); down &= (Mods & ModifierKeys.Shift) == ModifierKeys.Shift == (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightShift)); down &= (Mods & ModifierKeys.Windows) == ModifierKeys.Windows == (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LWin) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RWin)); return down; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an instance of the KeyEventArgs class. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyboard"> /// The logical keyboard device associated with this event. /// </param> /// <param name="inputSource"> /// The input source that provided this input. /// </param> /// <param name="timestamp"> /// The time when the input occured. /// </param> /// <param name="key"> /// The key referenced by the event. /// </param> public KeyEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, PresentationSource inputSource, int timestamp, Key key) : base(keyboard, timestamp) { if (inputSource == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inputSource"); } if (!Keyboard.IsValidKey(key)) { throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException("key", (int)key, typeof(Key)); } _inputSource = inputSource; _realKey = key; _isRepeat = false; // Start out assuming that this is just a normal key. MarkNormal(); }
public KeyboardState(KeyboardDevice device) { CurrentKeyStates = new Dictionary<Key, KeyStates>(); foreach (Key k in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Key))) { if (CurrentKeyStates.ContainsKey(k)) { continue; } CurrentKeyStates.Add(k, KeyStates.None); } PrevKeyStates = new Dictionary<Key, KeyStates>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Key, KeyStates> kvp in CurrentKeyStates) { PrevKeyStates.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } Update(device); }
public PresentationSource(UIElement rootElement, IHtmlValueConverter converter) { this.RootElement = rootElement; this.converter = converter; RootElement.IsRootElement = true; MouseDevice = new MouseDevice(this); KeyboardDevice = new KeyboardDevice(this); window = System.Html.Window.Instance; MouseDevice.CursorChanged += (sender, e) => System.Html.Window.Document.Body.Style.Cursor = converter.ToCursorString(MouseDevice.Cursor); System.Html.Window.Document.Body.Style.Cursor = converter.ToCursorString(MouseDevice.Cursor); System.Html.Window.OnKeydown = OnKeyDown; System.Html.Window.OnKeyup = OnKeyUp; System.Html.Window.OnKeypress = PreventKeyboardHandled; System.Html.Window.OnMousemove = OnMouseMove; System.Html.Window.OnMousedown = OnMouseDown; System.Html.Window.OnMouseup = OnMouseUp; System.Html.Window.OnScroll = OnMouseWheel; System.Html.Window.OnFocus = e => MouseDevice.Activate(); System.Html.Window.OnBlur = e => MouseDevice.Deactivate(); System.Html.Window.OnResize = e => SetRootElementSize(); System.Html.Window.OnClick = PreventMouseHandled; System.Html.Window.OnDblclick = PreventMouseHandled; System.Html.Window.OnContextmenu = PreventMouseHandled; System.Html.Window.AddEventListener("wheel", OnMouseWheel); SetRootElementSize(); System.Html.Window.Document.Body.Style.Overflow = "hidden"; System.Html.Window.Document.Body.AppendChild(((HtmlRenderElement)RootElement.GetRenderElement(HtmlRenderElementFactory.Default)).HtmlElement); MouseDevice.Activate(); KeyboardDevice.Activate(); }
public KeyboardEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp) : base(default(InputDevice), default(int)) { }
public KeyEventArgs(RoutedEvent routedEvent, object originalSource, KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice, int timestamp, Key key, KeyStates keyStates, bool isRepeat) : base(routedEvent, originalSource, keyboardDevice, timestamp) { this.Key = key; this.KeyStates = keyStates; this.IsRepeat = isRepeat; }
public KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, bool focusAcquired) : base (default(KeyboardDevice), default(int)) { }
public KeyboardEventArgs(RoutedEvent routedEvent, object originalSource, KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice, int timestamp) : base(routedEvent, originalSource, keyboardDevice, timestamp) { this.KeyboardDevice = keyboardDevice; }
public static IDisposable Focus(IInputElement element) { KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice = ApplicationHost.Current.GetKeyboardDeviceFromElement((FrameworkElement)element); return(keyboardDevice != null?keyboardDevice.Focus(element) : null); }
public void KeyboardDeviceBasicTest() { FrameworkElement element = new FrameworkElement(); int eventIndex = 0; int previewKeyDownIndex = 0; int previewKeyUpIndex = 0; int previewGotKeyboardFocusIndex = 0; int previewLostKeyboardFocusIndex = 0; int keyDownIndex = 0; int keyUpIndex = 0; int gotKeyboardFocusIndex = 0; int lostKeyboardFocusIndex = 0; element.PreviewKeyDown += (sender, e) => previewKeyDownIndex = ++eventIndex; element.PreviewKeyUp += (sender, e) => previewKeyUpIndex = ++eventIndex; element.PreviewGotKeyboardFocus += (sender, e) => previewGotKeyboardFocusIndex = ++eventIndex; element.PreviewLostKeyboardFocus += (sender, e) => previewLostKeyboardFocusIndex = ++eventIndex; element.KeyDown += (sender, e) => keyDownIndex = ++eventIndex; element.KeyUp += (sender, e) => keyUpIndex = ++eventIndex; element.GotKeyboardFocus += (sender, e) => gotKeyboardFocusIndex = ++eventIndex; element.LostKeyboardFocus += (sender, e) => lostKeyboardFocusIndex = ++eventIndex; TestPresentationSource presentationSource = new TestPresentationSource(); KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice = new KeyboardDevice(presentationSource); keyboardDevice.Activate(); IDisposable focus = keyboardDevice.Focus(element); Assert.AreEqual(1, previewGotKeyboardFocusIndex); Assert.AreEqual(2, gotKeyboardFocusIndex); Assert.IsTrue(element.IsKeyboardFocused); keyboardDevice.ProcessRawEvent(new RawKeyboardEventArgs(Key.Enter, KeyStates.Down, false, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(KeyStates.Down, keyboardDevice.GetKeyStates(Key.Enter)); Assert.AreEqual(3, previewKeyDownIndex); Assert.AreEqual(4, keyDownIndex); keyboardDevice.ProcessRawEvent(new RawKeyboardEventArgs(Key.Enter, KeyStates.None, false, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(KeyStates.None, keyboardDevice.GetKeyStates(Key.Enter)); Assert.AreEqual(5, previewKeyUpIndex); Assert.AreEqual(6, keyUpIndex); focus.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(7, previewLostKeyboardFocusIndex); Assert.AreEqual(8, lostKeyboardFocusIndex); Assert.IsFalse(element.IsKeyboardFocused); focus = keyboardDevice.Focus(element); keyboardDevice.ProcessRawEvent(new RawKeyboardEventArgs(Key.Enter, KeyStates.Down, false, 0)); focus.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(13, previewKeyUpIndex); Assert.AreEqual(14, keyUpIndex); Assert.AreEqual(15, previewLostKeyboardFocusIndex); Assert.AreEqual(16, lostKeyboardFocusIndex); keyboardDevice.Focus(element); keyboardDevice.ProcessRawEvent(new RawKeyboardEventArgs(Key.Enter, KeyStates.Down, false, 0)); keyboardDevice.Deactivate(); Assert.AreEqual(23, previewKeyUpIndex); Assert.AreEqual(24, keyUpIndex); }
private static DependencyObject PredictNextElement( FrameworkElement source, KeyboardDevice device ) { foreach( var direction in NavigationHelper.GetFocusNavigationDirections( source, device ) ) { var target = source.PredictFocus( direction ); if( target != null ) return target; } return null; }
public KeyEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, System.Windows.PresentationSource inputSource, int timestamp, Key key) : base (default(KeyboardDevice), default(int)) { }
internal static bool HandleTabKey( DataGridControl dataGridControl, DataGridContext dataGridContext, FrameworkElement source, KeyboardDevice device ) { if( ( dataGridControl == null ) || !dataGridControl.IsKeyboardFocusWithin ) return false; Debug.Assert( dataGridControl.CurrentContext == dataGridContext ); if( !dataGridControl.IsBeingEdited ) { Debug.Assert( dataGridContext != null ); return false; } if( NavigationHelper.ValidateTabKeyHandleIsWithin( dataGridControl, source, device ) ) return false; var columns = dataGridContext.VisibleColumns; if( columns.Count <= 0 ) return false; bool handled; if( dataGridContext.CurrentColumn == null ) { handled = NavigationHelper.MoveFocusToFirstVisibleColumn( dataGridContext ); } else { if( ( device.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift ) == ModifierKeys.Shift ) { handled = NavigationHelper.MoveFocusToPreviousVisibleColumn( dataGridContext ); } else { handled = NavigationHelper.MoveFocusToNextVisibleColumn( dataGridContext ); } } if( !handled ) throw new DataGridException( "Trying to edit while no cell is focusable.", dataGridControl ); return true; }
private static bool ValidateTabKeyHandleIsWithin( DataGridControl dataGridControl, FrameworkElement source, KeyboardDevice device ) { if( ( dataGridControl == null ) || ( source == null ) ) return false; var nextControl = NavigationHelper.PredictNextElement( source, device ); if( nextControl == null ) return false; //If the original source is not a control (e.g. the cells panel instead of a cell), columns will be used to move focus. var cell = Cell.FindFromChild( nextControl ); if( ( cell == null ) || ( cell.ParentColumn != dataGridControl.CurrentColumn ) ) return false; return object.Equals( cell.ParentRow.DataContext, dataGridControl.CurrentItemInEdition ); }
public KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, System.Windows.IInputElement oldFocus, System.Windows.IInputElement newFocus) : base (default(KeyboardDevice), default(int)) { }
void SetPrimaryKeyboardDevice(KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice) { this.keyboardDevice = keyboardDevice; }
public KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, System.Windows.IInputElement oldFocus, System.Windows.IInputElement newFocus) : base(default(KeyboardDevice), default(int)) { }
public KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(RoutedEvent routedEvent, object originalSource, KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice, int timestamp, IInputElement oldFocus, IInputElement newFocus) : base(routedEvent, originalSource, keyboardDevice, timestamp) { this.OldFocus = oldFocus; this.NewFocus = newFocus; }
private static IEnumerable<FocusNavigationDirection> GetFocusNavigationDirections( FrameworkElement source, KeyboardDevice device ) { if( source == null ) yield break; //In the case of a ListBox set with Cycle or Contained navigation mode, we must move in the other direction if on the first or last item, //since PredictFocus will throw is we use FocusNavigationDirection.First/Last. if( ( device.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift ) == ModifierKeys.Shift ) { yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Left; yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Up; var navigationMode = ( KeyboardNavigationMode )source.GetValue( KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty ); if( navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle || navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained ) { yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Right; yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Down; } } else { yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Right; yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Down; var navigationMode = ( KeyboardNavigationMode )source.GetValue( KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty ); if( navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle || navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained ) { yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Left; yield return FocusNavigationDirection.Up; } } }
public void Update(KeyboardDevice device) { foreach (KeyValuePair<Key, KeyStates> kvp in CurrentKeyStates) { PrevKeyStates[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } foreach (Key k in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Key))) { if (k == Key.None) { continue; } CurrentKeyStates[k] = device.GetKeyStates(k); } }
private void autoCities_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { bool isRightCtrl = false; System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice kd = e.KeyboardDevice; if ((kd.GetKeyStates(Key.RightCtrl) & System.Windows.Input.KeyStates.Down) > 0) { isRightCtrl = true;//激活打开文件位置功能 } if (e.Key == Key.Enter && this.autoCities.Text != string.Empty) { switch (this.autoCities.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) { case "HELP": break; case "SET": this.autoCities.Text = string.Empty; WinProInf wd = new WinProInf(); wd.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; wd.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner; wd.ShowInTaskbar = false; wd.Closed += wd_Closed; wd.Topmost = true; wd.ShowDialog(); break; case "EXIT": this.Close(); break; case "RELOAD": loadXML(); break; case "UPDATE": Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = ""; proc.Start(); break; default: break; } if (autoCities.Items.Count > 0) { if (autoCities.SelectedIndex == -1) { autoCities.SelectedIndex = 0; } Program city = (Program)(autoCities.SelectedItem); WinHidden(); try { if (isRightCtrl) { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(city.Link); Process.Start(f.Directory.ToString()); } else { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(city.Link); this.autoCities.Text = string.Empty; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("用户已取消操作")) { MessageBox.Show("文件已失效"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } } else if (e.Key == Key.Escape) { WinHidden(); } else { } }
private static EnableKeys ToEnableKeysConbination(System.Windows.Input.Key key, System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice keyboard) { // Ctrl + Shift + 何か if (keyboard.Modifiers == (ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift)) { if (key == Key.OemPlus) { return(EnableKeys.RotatePlusWithCtrl); } else if (key == Key.OemMinus) { return(EnableKeys.RotateMinusWithCtrl); } } // Ctrl + 何か if (keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) { if (key == Key.Z) { return(EnableKeys.Cancel); } else if (key == Key.Y) { return(EnableKeys.Redo); } else if (key == Key.OemMinus) { return(EnableKeys.RotateMinusWithCtrl); } else if (key == Key.O) { return(EnableKeys.FileOpen); } else if (key == Key.S) { return(EnableKeys.FileSave); } else if (key == Key.P) { return(EnableKeys.PreviewWindowOpen); } } // Shift + 何か if (keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Shift) { if (key == Key.OemPlus) { return(EnableKeys.RotatePlus); } } return(EnableKeys.Else); }
void SetPrimaryKeyboardDevice (KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice) { this.keyboardDevice = keyboardDevice; }
internal bool ValidateTabKeyHandleIsWithin( FrameworkElement originalSource, KeyboardDevice keyboardDevice ) { DependencyObject predictedNextVisual = null; //If the original source is not a control (e.g. the cells panel instead of a cell), columns will be used to move focus. //In the case of a ListBox set with Cycle or Contained navigation mode, we must move in the other direction if on the first or last item, //since PedictFocus will throw is we use FocusNavigationDirection.First/Last. if( originalSource != null ) { if( ( keyboardDevice.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift ) == ModifierKeys.Shift ) { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Left ); if( predictedNextVisual == null ) { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Up ); if( predictedNextVisual == null ) { KeyboardNavigationMode navigationMode = ( KeyboardNavigationMode )originalSource.GetValue( KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty ); if( navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle || navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained ) { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Right ); if( predictedNextVisual == null ) { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Down ); } } } } } else { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Right ); if( predictedNextVisual == null ) { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Down ); if( predictedNextVisual == null ) { KeyboardNavigationMode navigationMode = ( KeyboardNavigationMode )originalSource.GetValue( KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty ); if( navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle || navigationMode == KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained ) { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Left ); if( predictedNextVisual == null ) { predictedNextVisual = originalSource.PredictFocus( FocusNavigationDirection.Up ); } } } } } } if( predictedNextVisual != null ) { Cell ownerCell = Cell.FindFromChild( predictedNextVisual ); if( ( ownerCell != null ) && ( ownerCell.ParentColumn == this.ParentDataGridControl.CurrentColumn ) ) { if( object.Equals( ownerCell.ParentRow.DataContext, this.ParentDataGridControl.CurrentItemInEdition ) ) return true; } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an instance of the KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEventArgs class. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyboard"> /// The logical keyboard device associated with this event. /// </param> /// <param name="timestamp"> /// The time when the input occured. /// </param> /// <param name="focusAcquired"> /// Whether or not interop focus was acquired. /// </param> public KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, bool focusAcquired) : base(keyboard, timestamp) { _focusAcquired = focusAcquired; }
public KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, bool focusAcquired) : base(default(KeyboardDevice), default(int)) { }
public KeyEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, System.Windows.PresentationSource inputSource, int timestamp, Key key) : base(default(KeyboardDevice), default(int)) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the KeyboardEventArgs class. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyboard"> /// The logical keyboard device associated with this event. /// </param> /// <param name="timestamp"> /// The time when the input occured. /// </param> public KeyboardEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp) : base(keyboard, timestamp) { }
public KeyboardEventArgs (KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp) : base (keyboard, timestamp) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs (KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, IInputElement oldFocus, IInputElement newFocus) : base (keyboard, timestamp) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public KeyboardEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp) : base (default(InputDevice), default(int)) { }
private bool IsScrollLockToggled(KeyboardDevice keyboard) { return keyboard.IsKeyToggled(Key.Scroll); }
private bool ProcessKeyState(KeyboardDevice device, Key curKey, Key retKey, params Key[] addlKeys) { if (curKey == Key.LeftCtrl || curKey == Key.RightCtrl) return false; if (!(addlKeys.Any(aKey => device.IsKeyDown(aKey)) || device.IsKeyDown(retKey))) return true; var msgs = _mDict.ProcessKey(retKey); msgs.Do(msg => msg.Invoke(this)); return true; }
public KeyboardEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp) : base(keyboard, timestamp) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(KeyboardDevice keyboard, int timestamp, IInputElement oldFocus, IInputElement newFocus) : base(keyboard, timestamp) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }