コード例 #1
        private void OnPreviewKey(KeyEventArgs e)
            // As KeyDown and KeyUp bubble, it appears they're being handled before they get a chance to
            // trigger the appropriate WM_ messages handled by our SourceHook, so we have to handle these extra keys here.
            // Hooking the Tab key like this makes the tab focusing in essence work like
            // KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation="Cycle"; you will never be able to Tab out of the web browser control.
            // We also add the condition to allow ctrl+a to work when the web browser control is put inside listbox.
            if (e.Key == Key.Tab || e.Key == Key.Home || e.Key == Key.End || e.Key == Key.Up
                                 || e.Key == Key.Down || e.Key == Key.Left || e.Key == Key.Right
                                 || (e.Key == Key.A && Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control))
                var modifiers = e.GetModifiers();
                var message = (int)(e.IsDown ? WM.KEYDOWN : WM.KEYUP);
                var virtualKey = KeyInterop.VirtualKeyFromKey(e.Key);

                e.Handled = managedCefBrowserAdapter.SendKeyEvent(message, virtualKey, (int)modifiers);