public void SetMax(int max) { if (pb.InvokeRequired) { pb.Invoke(new hurf(SetMax), max); } else { pb.Maximum = max; } }
public void StartDownload(ProgressBar pb, String url, String name) { Thread t = new Thread(() => { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0"; webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs args) { double percentage = (double.Parse(args.BytesReceived.ToString()) /double.Parse(args.TotalBytesToReceive.ToString())) * 100; Debug.Print(percentage.ToString()); pb.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { pb.Value = (int)Math.Truncate(percentage); }); }; webClient.DownloadFile(new Uri(url), Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BetterDiscord\\temp\\" + name); }); t.Start(); }
public static void UpdatePbar(System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar name, int step) { if (name.InvokeRequired) { object[] params_list = new object[] { name, step }; name.Invoke(new UpdateProgressBar(UpdatePbar), params_list); } else { name.Increment(step); } }
public static Bitmap bmp_create(Bitmap BMP, int num_filtr, ProgressBar progressBar1, ProgressThread pr) { BMPFilters flr = new BMPFilters(); byte[, ,] rs; rs = MatrixPixelReader.matrix(BMP); Bitmap BMP1 = new Bitmap(BMP.Width, BMP.Height); Color colorBMP1;//переменная, которая будет задавать цвет double red1 = 0, blue1 = 0, green1 = 0; byte red = 0, blue = 0, green = 0; flr.choose_filtr(num_filtr); if ( { for (int j = 0; j < BMP.Width; j++) BMP1.SetPixel(j, 0, Color.Black); } else { for (int j = 0; j < BMP.Width; j++) BMP1.SetPixel(j, 0, BMP.GetPixel(j, 0)); } for (int i = 1; i < BMP.Height - 1; i++) { progressBar1.Invoke(pr.MyDelegate); if ( BMP1.SetPixel(0, i, Color.Black); for (int j = 1; j < BMP.Width - 1; j++) { for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) for (int p1 = 0; p1 < 3; p1++) { red1 += flr.filtr.fl[p, p1] * rs[0, i + p - 1, j + p1 - 1]; green1 += flr.filtr.fl[p, p1] * rs[1, i + p - 1, j + p1 - 1]; blue1 += flr.filtr.fl[p, p1] * rs[2, i + p - 1, j + p1 - 1]; } blue = (byte)( ? (blue1 / flr.filtr.div) > 255 ? 255 : (blue1 / flr.filtr.div) < 0 ? 0 : (blue1 / flr.filtr.div) : blue1); red = (byte)( ? (red1 / flr.filtr.div) > 255 ? 255 : (red1 / flr.filtr.div) < 0 ? 0 : (red1 / flr.filtr.div) : red1); green = (byte)( ? (green1 / flr.filtr.div) > 255 ? 255 : (green1 / flr.filtr.div) < 0 ? 0 : (green1 / flr.filtr.div) : green1); colorBMP1 = Color.FromArgb((int)red, (int)green, (int)blue); BMP1.SetPixel(j, i, colorBMP1); red1 = blue1 = green1 = 0; } if ( BMP1.SetPixel(BMP.Width - 1, i, Color.Black); } if ( { for (int j = 0; j < BMP.Width; j++) BMP1.SetPixel(j, BMP.Height - 1, Color.Black); } else { for (int j = 0; j < BMP.Width; j++) BMP1.SetPixel(j, BMP.Height - 1, Color.White); } return BMP1; }
private void webclient_UploadProgressChanged(object sender, long maxsize, long Downloaded, ProgressBar progress) { if(progress.InvokeRequired) { progress.Invoke(cssv, new object[] { sender, maxsize, Downloaded, progress }); } else { float per = ((float)Downloaded / maxsize) * 100; progress.Value = (int)per; progress.Controls[0].Text = string.Format("{0}%", (int)per); } }
private void webclient_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, ProgressBar progress) { if(progress.InvokeRequired) { progress.Invoke(cscp, new object[] { sender, progress }); } else { MessageBox.Show("다운 완료"); int index = downflowPanel.Controls.IndexOf(progress); downflowPanel.Controls.RemoveAt(index); down.Stop(); } }
public static void SetMaxTS(this ProgressBar x, Int32 s) { if (x.InvokeRequired) { x.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate(object o, EventArgs a) { x.SetMaxTS(s); })); } else { x.Maximum = s; } }
public static void PerformStep(ProgressBar progressBar) { MethodInvoker miPerformStep = delegate { progressBar.PerformStep(); }; if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Invoke(miPerformStep); } else { miPerformStep(); } }
public static void SetForeColor(ProgressBar progressBar, Color color) { MethodInvoker miSetForeColor = delegate { progressBar.ForeColor = color; }; if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Invoke(miSetForeColor); } else { miSetForeColor(); } }
public static void SetMinimum(ProgressBar progressBar, int minimum) { MethodInvoker miSetMinimum = delegate { progressBar.Maximum = minimum; }; if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Invoke(miSetMinimum); } else { miSetMinimum(); } }
public static void SetStep(ProgressBar progressBar, int step) { MethodInvoker miSetStep = delegate { progressBar.Step = step; }; if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Invoke(miSetStep); } else { miSetStep(); } }
public static Int32 GetValueTS(this ProgressBar x) { if (x.InvokeRequired) { Int32 m_ret = 0; x.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate(object o, EventArgs a) { m_ret = x.GetValueTS(); })); return(m_ret); } else { return(x.Value); } }
public static void UpdateProgressBar(System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar ProgressBarControl, int PBvalue) { if (ProgressBarControl == null) { return; } if (ProgressBarControl.InvokeRequired) { UpdateProgressBarCallback d = UpdateProgressBar; ProgressBarControl.Invoke(d, new object[] { ProgressBarControl, PBvalue }); } else { ProgressBarControl.Value = PBvalue; } }
private static void UpdateProgressIndicators(long TotalFileBytesTransferred, long FileSize) { int i = (int)(TotalFileBytesTransferred * 100 / FileSize); if (pbCopyProgress != null) { if (pbCopyProgress.Minimum <= i && i <= pbCopyProgress.Maximum) { pbCopyProgress.Invoke(new Action(() => pbCopyProgress.Value = i)); } else { String s = "Error in reporting progress" + System.Environment.NewLine; s += "TotalFileBytesTransferred:" + TotalFileBytesTransferred + System.Environment.NewLine; s += "FileSize:" + FileSize; throw new System.Exception(s); } } int iTotal = (int)((TotalBytesCopied + TotalFileBytesTransferred) * 100 / TotalBytesToCopy); if (pbTotalCopyProgress != null) { if (pbTotalCopyProgress.Minimum <= iTotal && iTotal <= pbTotalCopyProgress.Maximum) { pbTotalCopyProgress.Invoke(new Action(() => pbTotalCopyProgress.Value = iTotal)); } else { String s = "Error in reporting total progress" + System.Environment.NewLine; s += "TotalBytesCopied:" + TotalBytesCopied + System.Environment.NewLine; s += "TotalFileBytesTransferred:" + TotalFileBytesTransferred + System.Environment.NewLine; s += "TotalBytesToCopy:" + TotalBytesToCopy; throw new System.Exception(s); } } double TimeElapsedSec = (DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond - StartTimeCopy) / 1000.0; if (TimeElapsedSec > 0.1 && lblMegaBytesPerSecond != null && TotalFileBytesTransferred > 0) { int iMbPerSec = (int)(TotalFileBytesTransferred / 1024 / 1024 / TimeElapsedSec); lblMegaBytesPerSecond.Invoke(new Action(() => lblMegaBytesPerSecond.Text = iMbPerSec + " MiB/s")); } }
private void BulkOrderUpload(object state) { int ctr = 0; int totalRecords = 10500; //Read bulk order import file and initialize the values //such as total number of orders to import //start iterating individual order while (ctr < totalRecords) { //update progress bar control value //this needs to be done on UI thread uploadProgressBar.Invoke(new SetProgressBar(UpdateProgressBar), new object[] { ctr }); ctr++; } }
public static void UpdateProgressBar(ProgressBar prg, int value) { try { if (prg.InvokeRequired) { UpdateProgressBarCallback d = UpdateProgressBar; prg.Invoke(d, prg, value); return; } prg.Value = value; } catch { // This catch is simply here to avoid the OCCASIONAL crash of the application when closing it by pressing the stop button in visual studio while it is running tasks } }
private void SetFullProgressLevel(ProgressBar progressBar, Label progressLabel, int current, int max, int min) { if (!progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Maximum = max; progressBar.Minimum = min; if (current > max) current = max; progressBar.Value = current; progressLabel.Text = !((current == min) || (current == 0)) ? string.Format("{0:%}", (current)/(max - min)) : "0%"; } else { if ((progressBar.IsDisposed || progressLabel.IsDisposed)) return; var d = new SetFullProgressLevelCallback(SetFullProgressLevel); progressBar.Invoke(d, new object[] { progressBar, progressLabel, current, max, min }); } }
public static void DecodeImages(String path, ProgressBar progressBar) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(path); IEnumerable<FileInfo> files; IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> dirs; files = dir.EnumerateFiles().Where(f => extensions.Contains(f.Extension)); dirs = dir.EnumerateDirectories(); foreach (FileInfo f in files) { //JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder(); //FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"" + f.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write); //encoder.Save(stream); //throw NotSupportedException progressBar.Invoke(new Action<double>(i => { progressBar.Value += Convert.ToInt32(step); }), step); } foreach (DirectoryInfo d in dirs) { DecodeImages(d.FullName, progressBar); } }
public static void UpdateProgressBar(ProgressBar progressBar, int max, int value) { if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { updateProgressBarDelegate del = new updateProgressBarDelegate(UpdateProgressBar); progressBar.Invoke(del, new object[] { progressBar, max, value }); } else { if ((max == 0) && (value == 0)) { progressBar.Visible = false; } else { if (max != 0) progressBar.Maximum = max; progressBar.Value = value; } } }
private void setpbar(ProgressBar k, int count) { if (k.InvokeRequired) { k.Invoke (new setbard (setpbar), k, count); } else { k.Value = count; } }
public static String Memberships(ref enterprise ep, ProgressBar progressbar = null) { try { var all = new StringBuilder("MSSourcedID,MSourcedid,MIDType,MRoleStatus,MRoleRoleType,MRoleTimeFrameBegin,MRoleTimeFrameEnd\r\n"); if (progressbar != null) { int count = - 1; progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Maximum = count)); progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Value = 0)); } foreach (membership membership in ep.membership) { if (progressbar != null) if (progressbar.Maximum > progressbar.Value) progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Value++)); all.Append(Membership(membership)); } return all.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
private static void SetStatus(int val, string text, ProgressBar pb, ToolStripItem status, Control statusStrip) { pb.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { pb.Value = val; //status.Text = text; }); statusStrip.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { //pb.Value = val; status.Text = text; }); }
private void setProgressBar(ProgressBar control,int maxValue,int value) { if (control.InvokeRequired) { control.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { control.Maximum = maxValue; control.Value = value; })); } else { control.Maximum = maxValue; control.Value = value; } }
private void SetValue4Prg(ProgressBar Prg, int _Value) { try { if (Prg.InvokeRequired) { Prg.Invoke(new SetPrgValue(SetValue4Prg), new object[] {Prg, _Value}); } else { if (Prg.Value + _Value <= Prg.Maximum) Prg.Value += _Value; Prg.Refresh(); } } catch { } }
public void Run() { conn.Send("init"); locker.WaitOne(); owner = false; Gcurrent1 = 0; bool drawblocks = false; //var inca = 0; //if (frames.Count == 1) inca = 0; //else inca = 1; List <string[]> diff = null; //restart: //for (int i = inca; i < frames.Count; i++) //{ start = DateTime.Now; firstFrame = frames[0].Diff(remoteFrame); ModifyProgressBarColor.SetState(pb, 1); TaskbarProgress.SetState(afHandle, TaskbarProgress.TaskbarStates.Normal); var dt = System.DateTime.UtcNow; if (pb.InvokeRequired) { pb.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { pb.Maximum = firstFrame.Count; }); } else { pb.Maximum = firstFrame.Count; } epochStartTime = dt; stopit: if (frames.Count == 1) { diff = frames[0].Diff(remoteFrame); } else { //diff = frames[i].Diff(remoteFrame); } if (MainForm.userdata.drawMixed) { Shuffle(diff); } if (!MainForm.userdata.drawMixed && MainForm.userdata.reverse) { diff.Reverse(); } if (!MainForm.userdata.drawMixed && MainForm.userdata.random) { diff.Sort((a, b) => (a.ToString()[0].CompareTo(b.ToString()[0]))); } Gtotal = diff.Count; Gcurrent = 0; maxBlocks = 0; int total = diff.Count; //OnStatusChanged("Uploading blocks to level. (Total: " + Gcurrent1 + "/" + Gtotal + ")", dt, false, Gtotal, Gcurrent); TaskbarProgress.SetValue(afHandle, Gcurrent, Gtotal); //Set TaskbarProgress.cs' values Queue <string[]> queue = new Queue <string[]>(diff); List <string[]> blocks1 = new List <string[]>(diff); List <object[]> blocks = new List <object[]>(); //Set AnimateForm.cs' progressbar max value while (queue.Count > 0) { string[] cur = queue.Dequeue(); int x; int y; if (cur[0] != null) { x = Convert.ToInt32(cur[0]); y = Convert.ToInt32(cur[1]); if (MainForm.OpenWorld && !MainForm.OpenWorldCode) { if (y > 4) { drawblocks = true; } else { drawblocks = false; } } else { drawblocks = true; } if (drawblocks) { OnStatusChanged("", epochStartTime, false, firstFrame.Count, Gcurrent1); int type = Convert.ToInt32(cur[2]); int at = Convert.ToInt32(cur[3]); uploaded += 1; //Console.WriteLine(lastY + " " + y); if (at == 0) { if (remoteFrame.Foreground[y, x] != type) { if (bdata.morphable.Contains(type)) { b = true; } else if (bdata.goal.Contains(type) && type != 83 && type != 77 && type != 1520) { if (cur.Length == 5) { b = true; } } else if (bdata.rotate.Contains(type) && type != 385 && type != 374) { if (cur.Length == 5) { b = true; } } else if (type == 385) { if (cur.Length == 6) { b = true; } } else if (type == 374) { if (cur.Length == 5) { b = true; } } else if (type == 83 || type == 77 || type == 1520) { if (cur.Length == 5) { b = true; } } else if (bdata.portals.Contains(type)) { if (cur.Length == 7) { b = true; } } else { b = true; } } else if (remoteFrame.Foreground[y, x] == type) { if (bdata.morphable.Contains(type)) { if (cur.Length == 5) { if (remoteFrame.BlockData[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[4])) { b = true; } } } else if (bdata.goal.Contains(type) && type != 83 && type != 77 && type != 1520) { if (cur.Length == 5) { if (remoteFrame.BlockData[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[4])) { b = true; } } } else if (bdata.rotate.Contains(type) && type != 385 && type != 374) { if (cur.Length == 5) { if (remoteFrame.BlockData[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[4])) { b = true; } } } else if (type == 385) { if (cur.Length == 6) { if (remoteFrame.BlockData3[y, x] != cur[5] || remoteFrame.BlockData[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[4])) { b = true; } } } else if (type == 374) { if (cur.Length == 5) { if (remoteFrame.BlockData3[y, x] != cur[5]) { b = true; } } } else if (type == 83 || type == 77 || type == 1520) { if (cur.Length == 5) { if (remoteFrame.BlockData[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[4])) { b = true; } } } else if (bdata.portals.Contains(type)) { if (cur.Length == 7) { if (remoteFrame.BlockData[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[4]) || remoteFrame.BlockData1[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[5]) || remoteFrame.BlockData2[y, x] != Convert.ToInt32(cur[6])) { b = true; } } } } } if (at == 1) { if (remoteFrame.Background[y, x] != type) { b = true; } } if (b) { if (bdata.morphable.Contains(type) && type != 385) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type, Convert.ToInt32(cur[4]) }; } else if (bdata.goal.Contains(type)) { if (cur.Length == 5) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type, Convert.ToInt32(cur[4]) }; } } else if (bdata.rotate.Contains(type) && type != 385 && type != 374) { if (cur.Length == 5) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type, Convert.ToInt32(cur[4]) }; } } else if (type == 385) { if (cur.Length == 6) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type, cur[5], Convert.ToInt32(cur[4]) }; } } else if (type == 374) { if (cur.Length == 5) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type, cur[4] }; } } else if (type == 77 || type == 83 || type == 1520) { if (cur.Length == 5) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type, int.Parse(cur[4]) }; } } else if (bdata.portals.Contains(type)) { if (cur.Length == 7) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type, Convert.ToInt32(cur[4]), Convert.ToInt32(cur[5]), Convert.ToInt32(cur[6]) }; } } else { if (MainForm.userdata.level.StartsWith("OW") && MainForm.userdata.levelPass.Length > 0) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type }; } else if (MainForm.userdata.level.StartsWith("OW") && MainForm.userdata.levelPass.Length == 0) { if (y > 4) { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type }; } } else { param = new object[] { at, x, y, type }; } } if (conn == null) { OnStatusChanged("Lost connection!", DateTime.MinValue, true, Gtotal, Gcurrent); return; } maxBlocks += 1; Max1000 += 1; if (MainForm.userdata.saveWorldCrew) { if (AnimateForm.saveRights) { if (Max1000 == 1000 && Max1000 < Gtotal) { conn.Send("save"); Max1000 = 0; } } } int progress = (int)Math.Round((double)(100 * Gcurrent) / Gtotal); if (progress == 50) { goto stopit; } else if (progress == 90) { goto stopit; } if (restart) { restart = false; goto stopit; } if (param != null) { conn.Send("b", param); } Thread.Sleep(MainForm.userdata.uploadDelay); if (Gcurrent1 >= firstFrame.Count) { break; } else { queue.Enqueue(cur); //if (bdata.morphable.Contains(type) || bdata.rotate.Contains(type)) Gcurrent++; } //queue.Enqueue(cur); } else { if (Gcurrent1 >= firstFrame.Count) { break; } else { queue.Enqueue(cur); } OnStatusChanged("Uploading blocks to level. (Total: " + firstFrame.Count + "/" + Gcurrent + ")", epochStartTime, false, Gtotal, Gcurrent); if (pb.InvokeRequired) { pb.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { pb.Maximum = firstFrame.Count; }); } TaskbarProgress.SetValue(afHandle, Gcurrent, firstFrame.Count); blocks.Clear(); break; } } } } //} //if (frames.Count > 1) goto restart; OnStatusChanged("Level upload complete!", DateTime.MinValue, true, firstFrame.Count, Gcurrent1); Gcurrent1 = 0; TaskbarProgress.SetValue(afHandle, Gcurrent1, firstFrame.Count); if (MainForm.userdata.saveWorldCrew) { if (AnimateForm.saveRights) { conn.Send("save"); } } blocks.Clear(); }
void up_StreamProgressCallback(object sender, long maxsize, long Downloaded, ProgressBar progress) { if(progress.InvokeRequired) { progress.Invoke(ussv, new object[] { sender, maxsize, Downloaded, progress }); } else { float per = ((float)Downloaded / maxsize) * 100; progress.Value = (int)per; progress.Controls[0].Text = string.Format("{0}%", (int)per); } }
void down_StreamCompleteCallback(object sender, ProgressBar progress) { if (progress.InvokeRequired) progress.Invoke(SDC, new object[] { sender, progress }); else { MessageBox.Show("다운 완료"); int index = downflowPanel.Controls.IndexOf(progress); downflowPanel.Controls.RemoveAt(index); down.Stop(); } }
/// <summary> /// Reset progress bar. /// </summary> /// <param name="control"></param> public static void ResetProgressBar(ProgressBar control) { if (control.InvokeRequired) { control.Invoke((System.Action)(() => { control.PerformStep(); })); } else { control.PerformStep(); } }
void up_StreamCompleteCallback(object sender, ProgressBar progress) { if(progress.InvokeRequired) { progress.Invoke(uscp, new object[] { sender, progress }); } else { MessageBox.Show("업로드 완료"); int index = uploadflowpanel.Controls.IndexOf(progress); uploadflowpanel.Controls.RemoveAt(index); up.Stop(); } }
public void EncryptFile(string[] files, byte[] passwordBytes, string[] destinations, ProgressBar pb, int bytesToAllocate) { DateTime dt = new DateTime(); var before = DateTime.Now; var totalSize = 0.0; int bytesRead = 0; foreach (var file in files) { FileInfo fd = new FileInfo(file); totalSize += fd.Length; } passwordBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(passwordBytes); int percentage = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { using (Stream source = File.OpenRead(files[i])) using (Stream dest = File.Create(destinations[i])) { byte[] buffer = new byte[bytesToAllocate]; int bytes; while ((bytes = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { dest.Write(encoded(buffer, passwordBytes), 0, bytes); bytesRead += bytes; percentage = Convert.ToInt32((double)bytesRead / (double)totalSize * (double)100); // runs on UI thread pb.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { pb.Value = percentage; }); } } LogData(files[i], before, true); } }
public static unsafe int Patch(string hPatchs, string hSources, string hDests,ProgressBar pBar,Label lab,int FileID) { try { if (pBar.InvokeRequired == true) { SetValue PSetValue = new SetValue(DoSetValue); SetText LSetText = new SetText(DoSetText); pBar.Invoke(PSetValue, new Object[] { pBar, 0 }); lab.Invoke(LSetText, new Object[] { lab, "0%" }); } UInt32 BLOCKSIZE = 16384; UInt32 temp = 0; UInt32 read; byte[] source_md5 = new byte[16]; byte[] patch_dest_md5 = new byte[16]; byte[] block = new byte[BLOCKSIZE]; int MD5Mode = 0; UInt32 patches = 0; int already_uptodate = 0,j=1; double blocks; FILETIME targetModifiedTime; DateTime dte = new DateTime() ; //write回调方法 FileStream Patchs = new FileStream(hPatchs, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); FileStream Sources = new FileStream(hSources, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); FileStream Dests = new FileStream(hDests, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); Hashtable Data = Program.filehash; // special 'addition' for the dll: since the patch file is now // in a seperate file, the VPAT header might be right at the start // of the file, and a pointer at the end of the file is probably missing // (because all patch generator versions don't append it, the linker/gui // does this). Patchs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); temp = Patchs.ReadValueU32(); read = 4; // it's not at the start of file -> there must be a pointer at the end of // file then if (temp != 0x54415056) { Patchs.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.End); temp = Patchs.ReadValueU32(); read = 4; Patchs.Seek(temp, SeekOrigin.Begin); temp = Patchs.ReadValueU32(); read = 4; if (temp != 0x54415056) return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } // target file date is by default the current system time GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&targetModifiedTime); // read the number of patches in the file patches = Patchs.ReadValueU32(); read = 4; if (Convert.ToBoolean(patches & 0x80000000)) MD5Mode = 1; // MSB is now reserved for future extensions, anyone wanting more than // 16 million patches in a single file is nuts anyway patches = patches & 0x00FFFFFF; if (!Convert.ToBoolean(MD5Mode)) { return result.PATCH_UNSUPPORTED; } else { source_md5 = checksum.FileMD5(Sources, Data, FileID,Program.AdvMOD); if (source_md5 == null) return result.PATCH_ERROR; } //pBar.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32(patches); while (Convert.ToBoolean(patches--)) { int patch_blocks = 0, patch_size = 0; // flag which needs to be set by one of the checksum checks int currentPatchMatchesChecksum = 0; // read the number of blocks this patch has patch_blocks = Convert.ToInt32(Patchs.ReadValueU32()); blocks = patch_blocks; read = 4; if (!Convert.ToBoolean(patch_blocks)) { return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } if (pBar.InvokeRequired == true) { SetValue PSetValue = new SetValue(DoSetMax); pBar.Invoke(PSetValue, new Object[] { pBar, Convert.ToInt32(patch_blocks) }); } // read checksums if (!Convert.ToBoolean(MD5Mode)) { return result.PATCH_UNSUPPORTED; } else { int md5index; byte[] patch_source_md5 = new byte[16]; patch_source_md5 = Patchs.ReadBytes(16); read = 16; if (patch_source_md5 == null) { return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } patch_dest_md5 = Patchs.ReadBytes(16); read = 16; if (patch_dest_md5 == null) { return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } // check to see if it's already up-to-date for some patch for (md5index = 0; md5index < 16; md5index++) { if (source_md5[md5index] != patch_dest_md5[md5index]) break; if (md5index == 15) already_uptodate = 1; } for (md5index = 0; md5index < 16; md5index++) { if (source_md5[md5index] != patch_source_md5[md5index]) break; if (md5index == 15) currentPatchMatchesChecksum = 1; } } // read the size of the patch, we can use this to skip over it patch_size = Convert.ToInt32(Patchs.ReadValueU32()); read = 4; if (patch_size == null) { return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(currentPatchMatchesChecksum)) { while (Convert.ToBoolean(patch_blocks--)) { if (pBar.InvokeRequired == true) { SetValue PSetValue = new SetValue(DoSetValue); SetText LSetText = new SetText(DoSetText); pBar.Invoke(PSetValue, new Object[] { pBar, Convert.ToInt32(j++) }); var per = Convert.ToDouble(j-1)/Convert.ToDouble(blocks); lab.Invoke(LSetText, new Object[] { lab, Convert.ToString(Math.Ceiling(per*100)) + "%" }); Application.DoEvents(); } Byte blocktype = 0; UInt32 blocksize = 0; blocktype = Convert.ToByte(Patchs.ReadByte()); read = 1; if (blocktype==null) { return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } switch (blocktype) { case 1: case 2: case 3: if (blocktype == 1) { Byte x; x = Convert.ToByte(Patchs.ReadByte()); read = 1; blocksize = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(x) ? x : 0); } else if (blocktype == 2) { UInt16 x; x = Patchs.ReadValueU16(); read = 2; blocksize = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(x) ? x : 0); } else { UInt32 x; x = Patchs.ReadValueU32(); read = 4; blocksize = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(x) ? x : 0); } temp = Patchs.ReadValueU32(); read = 4; if (!Convert.ToBoolean(blocksize) || temp == null || read != 4) return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; Sources.Seek(temp, SeekOrigin.Begin); //SetFilePointer(hSource, temp, 0, EMoveMethod.Begin); do { Sources.Read(block, 0, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Min(BLOCKSIZE, blocksize))); read = Math.Min(BLOCKSIZE, blocksize); if (block == null) { return result.PATCH_ERROR; } //IAsyncResult writeResult = Dests.BeginWrite(block,0,Convert.ToInt32(read),writeCallBack,"Write Target File"); //Dests.EndWrite(writeResult); Dests.Write(block, 0, Convert.ToInt32(read)); temp = read; //WriteFile(hDest, block, read, &temp, NULL); if (temp != Math.Min(BLOCKSIZE, blocksize)) return result.PATCH_ERROR; blocksize -= temp; } while (Convert.ToBoolean(temp)); break; case 5: case 6: case 7: if (blocktype == 5) { Byte x; x = Convert.ToByte(Patchs.ReadByte()); read = 1; blocksize = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(x) ? x : 0); } else if (blocktype == 6) { UInt16 x; x = Patchs.ReadValueU16(); read = 2; blocksize = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(x) ? x : 0); } else { UInt32 x; x = Patchs.ReadValueU32(); read = 4; blocksize = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(x) ? x : 0); } if (!Convert.ToBoolean(blocksize)) return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; do { Patchs.Read(block, 0, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Min(BLOCKSIZE, blocksize))); read = Math.Min(BLOCKSIZE, blocksize); if (block == null) { return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } //IAsyncResult writeResult = Dests.BeginWrite(block, 0, Convert.ToInt32(read), writeCallBack, "Write Target File"); //Dests.EndWrite(writeResult); Dests.Write(block, 0, Convert.ToInt32(read)); temp = read; //WriteFile(hDest, block, read, &temp, NULL); if (temp != Math.Min(BLOCKSIZE, blocksize)) return result.PATCH_ERROR; blocksize -= temp; } while (Convert.ToBoolean(temp)); break; case 255: // read the file modified time from the patch targetModifiedTime.dwLowDateTime = (int)Patchs.ReadValueU32(); targetModifiedTime.dwHighDateTime = (int)Patchs.ReadValueU32(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //from System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME to System.DateTime ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// long _Value = (long) targetModifiedTime.dwHighDateTime << 32 | (long)(uint)targetModifiedTime.dwLowDateTime; dte = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(_Value); read = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(targetModifiedTime)); //if(targetModifiedTime) { //return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; //} break; default: return result.PATCH_CORRUPT; } } if (!Convert.ToBoolean(MD5Mode)) { return result.PATCH_UNSUPPORTED; } else { //int md5index; byte[] dest_md5 = new byte[16]; Dests.Close(); Patchs.Close(); Sources.Close(); File.Delete(hPatchs); File.Delete(hSources); File.Move(hDests, hSources); File.SetLastWriteTime(hSources, dte); //FileStream Dest = new FileStream(hSources, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); //dest_md5 = checksum.FileMD5(Dest, Data, -1); //Dest.Close(); //if (dest_md5 == null) //{ // return result.PATCH_ERROR; // } //for (md5index = 0; md5index < 16; md5index++) //{ // if (dest_md5[md5index] != patch_dest_md5[md5index]) return result.PATCH_ERROR; //} } // set file time //SetFileTime(hDest, NULL, NULL, &targetModifiedTime); return result.PATCH_SUCCESS; } else { Patchs.Seek(patch_size, SeekOrigin.Current); //SetFilePointer(hPatch, patch_size, NULL, EMoveMethod.Current); } } // if already up to date, it doesn't matter that we didn't match if (Convert.ToBoolean(already_uptodate)) { return result.PATCH_UPTODATE; } else { return result.PATCH_NOMATCH; } } catch (Exception Err) { MessageBox.Show("出现错误:" + Err.Message, "信息提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return result.PATCH_ERROR; } }
public static String Persons(ref enterprise ep, ProgressBar progressbar = null) { try { var all = new StringBuilder("SourcedID,userID1,userID2,FullName,NameGiven,NameFamily,Email,Tel1,Tel2,Tel3,PostCode,Street,Locailty,Birthday,Gender,InstitutionRoleType,SystemRoleType"); all.Append( ",AltAdrExtAdd,AltAdrLocality,AltAdrPcode,AltAdrStreet,emailwork,employmentend,employmentstart"); all.Append( ",municipalitycode,municipalityname,nativelanguage,populationcityadmin,populationcityarea"); all.Append( ",populationkeycode,privacy,programcode,schoolunitcode,signature,timestamp"); all.Append("\r\n"); if (progressbar != null) { int count = - 1; progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Maximum = count)); progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Value = 0)); } foreach (person person in ep.person) { if (progressbar != null) if (progressbar.Maximum > progressbar.Value) progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Value++)); all.Append(Person(person)); } return all.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public static string AnyscMD5(string filepath, ProgressBar pBar, Label lab) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); int bufferSize = 1048576; // 缓冲区大小,1MB byte[] buff = new byte[bufferSize]; double blockcount = Math.Ceiling(fs.Length / Convert.ToDouble(bufferSize)); if (pBar.InvokeRequired == true) { SetText LSetText = new SetText(DoSetText); SetValue PSetValue = new SetValue(DoSetMax); pBar.Invoke(PSetValue, new Object[] { pBar, Convert.ToInt32(blockcount) }); lab.Invoke(LSetText, new Object[] { lab, Convert.ToString(0) + "%" }); } int i = 1; MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); md5.Initialize(); long offset = 0; while (offset < fs.Length) { long readSize = bufferSize; if (offset + readSize > fs.Length) { readSize = fs.Length - offset; } fs.Read(buff, 0, Convert.ToInt32(readSize)); // 读取一段数据到缓冲区 if (offset + readSize < fs.Length) // 不是最后一块 { md5.TransformBlock(buff, 0, Convert.ToInt32(readSize), buff, 0); } else // 最后一块 { md5.TransformFinalBlock(buff, 0, Convert.ToInt32(readSize)); } offset += bufferSize; if (pBar.InvokeRequired == true) { SetValue PSetValue = new SetValue(DoSetValue); SetText LSetText = new SetText(DoSetText); pBar.Invoke(PSetValue, new Object[] { pBar, Convert.ToInt32(i) }); lab.Invoke(LSetText, new Object[] { lab, Convert.ToString(Math.Ceiling((double)(i / blockcount) * 100)) + "%" }); i++; Application.DoEvents(); } } fs.Close(); byte[] result = md5.Hash; md5.Clear(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); for (int j = 0; j < result.Length; j++) { sb.Append(result[j].ToString("x2")); } return sb.ToString(); }
public void SetProgressBarValue(ProgressBar bar, int value) { if (value > bar.Maximum) value = bar.Maximum % value; if (!this.Disposing) { if (bar.InvokeRequired) { SetProgressBarValueMethod call = delegate(ProgressBar bard, int valued) { bard.Value = valued; }; bar.Invoke(call, new object[] { bar, value }); } else { bar.Value = value; } } }
public static void SetValue(ProgressBar progressBar, int value) { MethodInvoker miSetValue = delegate { progressBar.Value = value; }; if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { progressBar.Invoke(miSetValue); } else { miSetValue(); } }
public static void UpdateProgress(ProgressBar progressBar, int percentage) { // If the current thread is not the UI thread, InvokeRequired will be true if (progressBar.InvokeRequired) { // If so, call Invoke, passing it a lambda expression which calls // UpdateText with the same label and text, but on the UI thread instead. progressBar.Invoke((Action)(() => UpdateProgress(progressBar, percentage))); return; } // If we're running on the UI thread, we'll get here, and can safely update // the label's text. progressBar.Value = percentage; }
/* private static group findExtensionGroup(List<group> groups) { foreach(group group in groups) { if (group.extension != null) if (group.extension.Any != null) if (group.extension.Any.Length != 0) return group; } return null; } */ public static String Groups(ref enterprise ep, ProgressBar progressbar = null) { try { var all = new StringBuilder("SourcedID,DescriptionShort,DescriptionLong,GroupType,TimeFrameBegin,TimeFrameEnd,CourseCode,Points,SubjectCode,code,point,hours,grade,governedby,municipality_code,municipality_name,phone,code,street,locality,web,area_name,area_code,manager_area"); all.Append("\r\n"); if (progressbar != null) { int count = - 1; progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Maximum = count)); progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Value = 0)); } foreach (group group in { if (progressbar != null) if (progressbar.Maximum > progressbar.Value) progressbar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressbar.Value++)); all.Append(Group(group)); } return all.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public ProgressStream(Stream fs, ProgressBar progressBar) { this.fs=fs; // this.readnotifycount=readnotifycount; this.progressBar=progressBar; this.fileLength=fs.Length; this.readnotifycount=fileLength/fileLengthDivider/numNotifications; progressBar.Invoke(new EventHandler(SetMaximumPosition)); }