コード例 #1
ファイル: Taskbar.cs プロジェクト: jeason0813/iTuner
        public Point GetTangentPosition(Forms.NotifyIcon icon)
            #region Verbose
#if Verbose
            var wa = icon.GetScreen().WorkingArea;
            Logger.Debug($"GetTangent trayIcon.ScreenOf x={wa.X} y={wa.Y} left={wa.Left} " +
                         $"top={wa.Top} width={wa.Width} height={wa.Height} (Win32 unscaled)");

            var location = icon.GetRectangle();
            if (location.Equals(Rect.Empty))
                location = SystemTray.GetRectangle();

                // we need to estimate full geometry of icon based on taskbar orientation
                // presume standard icon size of 16x16
                if ((Edge == ScreenEdge.Bottom) || (Edge == ScreenEdge.Top))
                    location = new Rect(new Point(location.X, location.Y), new Size(16, location.Y));
                else                 // left|right
                    location = new Rect(new Point(location.X, location.Y), new Size(location.X, 16));

                #region Verbose
#if Verbose
                Logger.Debug("GetTangent fallback to tray location " +
                             $"x={location.X}, y={location.Y} w={location.Width} h={location.Height}");
            #region Verbose
#if Verbose
                // we should have full geometry of icon rectange regardless of taskbar Edge
                Logger.Debug("GetTangent notify icon location " +
                             $"x={location.X}, y={location.Y} w={location.Width} h={location.Height}" +
                             " (Win32 unscaled)");

            var xa = SystemParameters.WorkArea;
            Logger.Debug($"...WPF workarea x={xa.X} y={xa.Y} left={xa.Left} top={xa.Top} " +
                         $"width={xa.Width} height={xa.Height}");

            var fa = Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea;
            Logger.Debug($"...FRM workarea x={fa.X} y={fa.Y} left={fa.Left} top={fa.Top} " +
                         $"width={fa.Width} height={fa.Height}");

            // calculate scaling factors
            // TODO: this is limited to the primary monitor so we must assume this is where our
            // notify icon resides; otherwise, this may not be correct in a multi-DPI desktop

            var xscale = Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width;
            var yscale = Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height / SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height;

            location = new Rect(
                new Point(location.X / xscale, location.Y / yscale),
                new Size(location.Width / xscale, location.Height / yscale));

            #region Verbose
#if Verbose
            Logger.Debug("GetTangent scale-adjusted location " +
                         $"x={location.X}, y={location.Y} w={location.Width} h={location.Height}");

            var x = 0.0;
            var y = 0.0;

            switch (Edge)
            case ScreenEdge.Bottom:
            case ScreenEdge.Right:
                // return upper-left corner of icon
                x = location.Left;                         // + (int)(location.Width / 2);
                y = location.Top;

            case ScreenEdge.Top:
                // return lower-left corner of tray
                x = location.Left;
                y = location.Bottom;

            case ScreenEdge.Left:
                // return upper-right corner of tray
                x = location.Top;
                y = location.Right;

            #region Verbose
#if Verbose
            Logger.Debug($"GetTangent X={x}, Y={y}");

            return(new Point {
                X = x, Y = y