コード例 #1
ファイル: FrmMain.cs プロジェクト: budaLi/c-
        private void FrmMain_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            txtContent.ContextMenu = contextMenu;

            //stbTime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
コード例 #2
ファイル: TreeView.cs プロジェクト: ChrisMoreton/Test3
	    /// <summary>
	    /// </summary>
	    /// <param name="e"></param>
		protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
			if (Focused == false)

			// clear the mouse data holders
			m_oMouseClickPoint.X = e.X;
			m_oMouseClickPoint.Y = e.Y;
			m_oButtonClicked = e.Button;

			// check if have not clicked the right corner when scrollbars are in place
			if (Controls.Contains(m_oHScrollBar) && Controls.Contains(m_oScrollBar))
				if (m_oMouseClickPoint.X > m_oHScrollBar.Right && m_oMouseClickPoint.Y > m_oScrollBar.Bottom)
					// redraw the control


			// check the place, get the object, its popup menu and show it
			Component oComponent = this.GetSubObjectAtPoint(m_oMouseClickPoint);

			if (oComponent is Node)
				InvokeNodeMouseDown(e, oComponent as Node);

			// flag object
			if (this.Flags == true && IsNodeFlag(m_oMouseClickPoint) == true)
				Node oNode = GetNodeByItemFlag(GetNodeFlagRect(m_oMouseClickPoint));
				InvokeNodeFlagMouseDown(e, oNode);

			#region node select

			if (oComponent is Node)
				// get the node
				Node oNode = oComponent as Node;

				// make the node selected
				oNode.Select(m_Control, m_Shift);

				// set the focus node
				m_oFocusNode = oNode;

				// redraw the node


			if (m_oButtonClicked == MouseButtons.Right)
			    if (this.ContextMenuStrip != null)

                    this.ContextMenuStrip.Show(this, m_oMouseClickPoint);
				if (oComponent is Node)
					Node oNode = oComponent as Node;

					ContextMenu oMenu = oNode.GetContextMenu();

					if (oMenu == null && this.ContextMenuArranging == false && this.ContextMenuEditing == false
						&& this.ContextMenuXmlOperations == false)

					if (oMenu == null && (this.ContextMenuArranging == true || this.ContextMenuEditing == true
						|| this.ContextMenuXmlOperations == true))
                        oMenu = new ContextMenu();

                    ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
						m_OnPopupMenu.Invoke(oMenu, new object[] {EventArgs.Empty});


                    // check the associated menu switches, if we have several menu alterations specified, use them to add
					// proper menu items which are associated with menu commands that have predefined handlers

                    contextMenu.Show(this, m_oMouseClickPoint);

				this.SelectedNode = null;

				// context menu associated with the treeview and being called
                ContextMenu oContMenu = this.ContextMenu;

				if (oContMenu == null && (this.ContextMenuArranging == true || this.ContextMenuEditing == true
					|| this.ContextMenuXmlOperations == true))
                    oContMenu = new ContextMenu();

				if (oContMenu != null)
                    ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
						m_OnPopupMenu.Invoke(oContMenu, new object[] {EventArgs.Empty});


                    // check the associated menu switches, if we have several menu alterations specified, use them to add
					// proper menu items which are associated with menu commands that have predefined handlers

                    contextMenu.Show(this, m_oMouseClickPoint);


コード例 #3
ファイル: TreeView.cs プロジェクト: ChrisMoreton/Test3
		/// <summary>
		/// Based on the treeview settings adds new commands of the menu object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="contextMenu"></param>
		private void ContextMenuExtensionTreeView(ContextMenu contextMenu)
			if (this.ContextMenuEditing == true)
                ContextMenu contextMenuEditing = new ContextMenu();

                if ((AllowAdding == true || AllowEditing == true) && contextMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)

				if (AllowAdding == true)
                    contextMenuEditing.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.AddNode, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuEditingAddNode));
				if (AllowEditing == true)
                    contextMenuEditing.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.Paste, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuEditingPaste));


			if (this.ContextMenuArranging == true)
                ContextMenu contextMenuArranging = new ContextMenu();

                if (contextMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)

                contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.Expand, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingExpand));
                contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.Collapse, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingCollapse));


			if (this.ContextMenuXmlOperations == true)
                ContextMenu contextMenuXmlOperations = new ContextMenu();

                if (contextMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)

                contextMenuXmlOperations.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.SaveXml, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuXmlOperationsSave));
                contextMenuXmlOperations.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.LoadXml, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuXmlOperationsLoad));

コード例 #4
ファイル: TreeView.cs プロジェクト: ChrisMoreton/Test3
       	/// <summary>
		/// Based on the treeview settings adds new commands of the menu object
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="contextMenu"></param>
		private void ContextMenuExtension(ContextMenu contextMenu)
			if (this.ContextMenuEditing == true)
				if ((AllowAdding == true || AllowDeleting == true || LabelEdit == true || AllowEditing == true)
					&& contextMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)

				if (AllowAdding == true)
                    contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.AddNode, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuEditingAddNode));
                if (AllowDeleting == true)
                    contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.DeleteNode, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuEditingDeleteNode));
                if (LabelEdit == true)
                    contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.EditNode, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuEditingEditNode));
                if (AllowEditing == true)
                    contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.Copy, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuEditingCopy));
                if (AllowEditing == true)
                    contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.Paste, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuEditingPaste));

			if (this.ContextMenuArranging == true)
				ContextMenu contextMenuArranging = new ContextMenu();

                if (contextMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)

                contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.Expand, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingExpand));
                contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.Collapse, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingCollapse));

				if (AllowArranging == true)
                    contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.MoveTop, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingMoveTop));
                    contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.MoveBottom, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingMoveBottom));
                    contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.MoveUp, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingMoveUp));
                    contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.MoveDown, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingMoveDown));
                    contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.MoveLeft, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingMoveLeft));
                    contextMenuArranging.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.MoveRight, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuArrangingMoveRight));


			if (this.ContextMenuXmlOperations == true)
				ContextMenu contextMenuXmlOperations = new ContextMenu();

                if (contextMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)

                contextMenuXmlOperations.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.SaveXml, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuXmlOperationsSave));
                contextMenuXmlOperations.MenuItems.Add(m_oContextMenuString.LoadXml, new EventHandler(OnContextMenuXmlOperationsLoad));

コード例 #5
ファイル: form1.cs プロジェクト: zhimaqiao51/docs
    public Form1() : base()
        this.mainMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu();
        this.fileItem  = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.newItem   = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.openItem  = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.saveItem  = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

        this.viewItem  = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.toolsItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

        this.optionsMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.toolsItem   = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.viewItem    = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

        this.contextMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu();
        this.cutItem      = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.copyItem     = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.pasteItem    = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

        //Add file menu item and options menu item to the MainMenu.
            new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[]
            { this.fileItem, this.optionsMenu });

        // Initialize the file menu and its contents.
        this.fileItem.Index = 0;
        this.fileItem.Text  = "File";
        this.newItem.Index  = 0;
        this.newItem.Text   = "New";
        this.openItem.Index = 1;
        this.openItem.Text  = "Open";
        this.saveItem.Index = 2;
        this.saveItem.Text  = "Save";

        // Set the merge order of fileItem to 2 so it has a lower priority
        // on the merged menu.
        this.fileItem.MergeOrder = 2;

        //Add the new items to the fileItem menu item collection.
        this.fileItem.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[]
                                         { this.newItem, this.openItem, this.saveItem });

        // Initalize the optionsMenu item and its contents.
        this.optionsMenu.Index = 1;
        this.optionsMenu.Text  = "Options";

        this.viewItem.Index  = 0;
        this.viewItem.Text   = "View";
        this.toolsItem.Index = 1;
        this.toolsItem.Text  = "Tools";

        // Set mergeOrder property to 1, so it has a higher priority than
        // the fileItem on the merged menu.
        this.optionsMenu.MergeOrder = 1;

        //Add view and tool items to the optionsItem menu item.
        this.optionsMenu.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[]
                                            { this.viewItem, this.toolsItem });

        // Initialize the menu items for the shortcut menu.
        this.cutItem.Index        = 0;
        this.cutItem.Text         = "Cut";
        this.cutItem.MergeOrder   = 0;
        this.copyItem.Index       = 1;
        this.copyItem.Text        = "Copy";
        this.copyItem.MergeOrder  = 0;
        this.pasteItem.Index      = 2;
        this.pasteItem.Text       = "Paste";
        this.pasteItem.MergeOrder = 0;

        // Add menu items to the shortcut menu.
        this.contextMenu1.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem[]
                                             { cutItem, copyItem, pasteItem });

        // Add the mainMenu1 items to the shortcut menu as well, by
        // calling the MergeMenu method.

        //Initialize the form.
        this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 266);
        this.Name       = "Form1";
        this.Text       = "Right click on form for merged menu.";

        // Associate the event-handling method with the
        // MouseDown event.
        this.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(Form1_MouseDown);

        // Add mainMenu1 to the form.
        this.Menu = mainMenu1;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MenuItemTest.cs プロジェクト: Profit0004/mono
		public void MenuItemMerge ()
			MenuItem item1 = new MenuItem ("File (0)");		// Position 0
			MenuItem item2 = new MenuItem ("Print the file (1)");	// Position 1
			MenuItem item3 = new MenuItem ("Print Preview (2)");	// Position 2
			MenuItem item4 = new MenuItem ("-");			// Position 3
			MenuItem item5 = new MenuItem ("Recent files (4)");	// Position 4
			MenuItem item6 = new MenuItem ("Exit (5)");		// Position 5

			MenuItem item10 = new MenuItem ("Compare... (6)");	// Replace pos 3
			MenuItem item11 = new MenuItem ("Sort (7)");
			MenuItem item12 = new MenuItem ("Conversions (8)");
			MenuItem item13 = new MenuItem ("Specials Functions (9)");
			MenuItem item14 = new MenuItem ("Another option... (10)");

			MenuItem item20 = new MenuItem ("autors.doc");
			MenuItem item21 = new MenuItem ("testing.html");
			MenuItem item22 = new MenuItem ("proves.txt");

			MenuItem[] first_items = new MenuItem[] {item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6};
			MenuItem[] second_items = new MenuItem[] {item10, item11, item12, item13, item14};
			MenuItem[] third_items = new MenuItem[] {item20, item21, item22};

			item14.MergeType = MenuMerge.Remove;
			item10.MergeOrder = 40;

			item11.MergeType = MenuMerge.Replace;
			item11.MergeOrder = 30;
			item12.MergeOrder = 5;
			item10.MergeType = MenuMerge.MergeItems;

			ContextMenu first_menu = new ContextMenu (first_items);
			ContextMenu second_menu = new ContextMenu (second_items);
			ContextMenu third_menu = new ContextMenu (third_items);

			first_menu.MergeMenu (second_menu);
			first_menu.MergeMenu (third_menu);

			Assert.AreEqual ("File (0)", first_menu.MenuItems[0].Text, "ItemMerge#1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Print the file (1)", first_menu.MenuItems[1].Text, "ItemMerge#2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Print Preview (2)", first_menu.MenuItems[2].Text, "ItemMerge#3");
			Assert.AreEqual ("-", first_menu.MenuItems[3].Text, "ItemMerge#4");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Recent files (4)", first_menu.MenuItems[4].Text, "ItemMerge#5");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Exit (5)", first_menu.MenuItems[5].Text, "ItemMerge#6");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Specials Functions (9)", first_menu.MenuItems[6].Text, "ItemMerge#7");
			Assert.AreEqual ("autors.doc", first_menu.MenuItems[7].Text, "ItemMerge#8");
			Assert.AreEqual ("testing.html", first_menu.MenuItems[8].Text, "ItemMerge#9");
			Assert.AreEqual ("proves.txt", first_menu.MenuItems[9].Text, "ItemMerge#10");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Conversions (8)", first_menu.MenuItems[10].Text, "ItemMerge#11");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Sort (7)", first_menu.MenuItems[11].Text, "ItemMerge#11");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Compare... (6)", first_menu.MenuItems[12].Text, "ItemMerge#11");