public CommandBarMenu AddMenu(string text, EventHandler dropDownHandler) { CommandBarMenu menu = this.AddMenu(text); menu.DropDown += dropDownHandler; return(menu); }
public CommandBarMenu AddMenu(Image image, string text) { CommandBarMenu menu = this.AddMenu(text); menu.Image = image; return(menu); }
public CommandBarMenu AddMenu(string text) { CommandBarMenu menu = new CommandBarMenu(text); this.Add(menu); return(menu); }
// TODO internal CommandBarItem[] this[Keys shortcut] { get { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (CommandBarItem item in items) { CommandBarButtonBase buttonBase = item as CommandBarButtonBase; if (buttonBase != null) { if ((buttonBase.Shortcut == shortcut) && (buttonBase.Enabled) && (buttonBase.Visible)) { list.Add(buttonBase); } } } foreach (CommandBarItem item in items) { CommandBarMenu menu = item as CommandBarMenu; if (menu != null) { list.AddRange(menu.Items[shortcut]); } } CommandBarItem[] array = new CommandBarItem[list.Count]; list.CopyTo(array, 0); return(array); } }
protected override void OnPopup(EventArgs e) { CommandBarMenu menu = this.item as CommandBarMenu; if (menu != null) { menu.PerformDropDown(EventArgs.Empty); } base.OnPopup(e); this.UpdateItems(); }
/** * Gets a menu by name */ public CommandBarMenu GetCommandBarMenu(string name) { int count = this.xmlBuilder.Menus.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CommandBarMenu menu = (CommandBarMenu)this.xmlBuilder.Menus[i]; if (menu.Name == name) { return(menu); } } return(null); }
private void UpdateItems() { this.OwnerDraw = true; CommandBarSeparator separator = this.item as CommandBarSeparator; if (separator != null) { this.Text = "-"; } else { if (this.item.Text != null) { this.Text = (this.mnemonics) ? this.item.Text : this.item.Text.Replace("&", ""); } else { this.Text = ""; } } CommandBarMenu menu = this.item as CommandBarMenu; if (menu != null) { this.MenuItems.Clear(); Size imageSize = GetImageSize(menu.Items); int visibleItemCount = 0; foreach (CommandBarItem item in menu.Items) { this.MenuItems.Add(new MenuBarItem(item, imageSize, font, mnemonics)); visibleItemCount += (item.IsVisible) ? 1 : 0; } this.Enabled = (visibleItemCount == 0) ? false : this.item.IsEnabled; } else { this.Enabled = this.item.IsEnabled; } this.Visible = this.item.IsVisible; }
public ProjectContextMenu(FDMenus menus) { this.menus = menus; AddNewClass = CreateButton("New &Class..",Icons.ActionScript.Img); AddNewXml = CreateButton("New &Xml File..",Icons.XmlFile.Img); AddNewFile = CreateButton("New &File..",Icons.AddFile.Img); AddNewFolder = CreateButton("New F&older",Icons.Folder.Img); AddLibraryAsset = CreateButton("Library &Asset..",Icons.ImageResource.Img); AddExistingFile = CreateButton("&Existing File..",Icons.HiddenFile.Img); Open = CreateButton("&Open",Icons.OpenFile.Img); Insert = CreateButton("&Insert Into Document",Icons.EditFile.Img); Execute = CreateButton("&Execute"); Cut = CreateButton("Cu&t",Icons.Cut.Img); Copy = CreateButton("Cop&y"); Paste = CreateButton("&Paste",Icons.Paste.Img); Delete = CreateButton("&Delete",Icons.Delete.Img); Rename = CreateButton("Rena&me"); AlwaysCompile = new CommandBarCheckBox("Always &Compile"); AddLibrary = new CommandBarCheckBox("Add to &Library"); LibraryOptions = CreateButton("&Options...",Icons.Options.Img); Hide = new CommandBarCheckBox("&Hide File"); ShowHidden = new CommandBarCheckBox(Icons.HiddenFile.Img,"&Show Hidden Items"); NothingToDo = new CommandBarButton("Not a valid group"); NothingToDo.IsEnabled = false; NoProjectOutput = new CommandBarButton("(Project output not built)"); NoProjectOutput.IsEnabled = false; AddMenu = new CommandBarMenu("&Add"); AddMenu.Items.Add(AddNewClass); AddMenu.Items.Add(AddNewXml); AddMenu.Items.Add(AddNewFile); AddMenu.Items.Add(AddNewFolder); AddMenu.Items.AddSeparator(); AddMenu.Items.Add(AddLibraryAsset); AddMenu.Items.Add(AddExistingFile); }
/** * Creates a menu from the specified xml node */ public CommandBarMenu GetMenu(XmlNode node) { CommandBarMenu menu = new CommandBarMenu(); if (this.HasAttribute(node, "label")) { menu.Text = this.GetAttribute(node, "label"); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "image")) { string image = this.GetAttribute(node, "image"); menu.Image = this.Images.GetImage(Convert.ToInt32(image)); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "name")) { string name = this.GetAttribute(node, "name"); menu.Name = name; } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "enabled")) { string enabled = this.GetAttribute(node, "enabled"); menu.IsEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(enabled); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "visible")) { string visible = this.GetAttribute(node, "visible"); menu.IsVisible = Convert.ToBoolean(visible); } if(this.HasAttribute(node, "dropdown")) { string dropDown = this.GetAttribute(node, "dropdown"); menu.DropDown += this.ToClickHandler(dropDown); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "propertychanged")) { string propertyChanged = this.GetAttribute(node, "propertychanged"); menu.PropertyChanged += this.ToChangedHandler(propertyChanged); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "tag")) { string tag = this.GetAttribute(node, "tag"); menu.Tag = tag; } int count = node.ChildNodes.Count; for (int i = 0; i<count; i++) { if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "menu") { ArrayList menuItem = new ArrayList(); menuItem.Add(this.GetMenu(node.ChildNodes[i])); menu.Items.AddRange(menuItem); } if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "button") { menu.Items.Add(this.GetButton(node.ChildNodes[i])); } if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "checkbox") { menu.Items.Add(this.GetCheckBox(node.ChildNodes[i])); } if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "separator") { menu.Items.AddSeparator(); } } this.Items.Add(menu); this.Menus.Add(menu); return menu; }
private NativeMethods.TBBUTTONINFO GetButtonInfo(int index) { CommandBarItem item = items[index]; NativeMethods.TBBUTTONINFO buttonInfo = new NativeMethods.TBBUTTONINFO(); buttonInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.TBBUTTONINFO)); buttonInfo.dwMask = NativeMethods.TBIF_IMAGE | NativeMethods.TBIF_STATE | NativeMethods.TBIF_STYLE | NativeMethods.TBIF_COMMAND; buttonInfo.idCommand = index; buttonInfo.iImage = NativeMethods.I_IMAGECALLBACK; buttonInfo.fsStyle = NativeMethods.BTNS_BUTTON | NativeMethods.BTNS_AUTOSIZE; buttonInfo.fsState = 0; = 0; buttonInfo.lParam = IntPtr.Zero; buttonInfo.pszText = IntPtr.Zero; buttonInfo.cchText = 0; if (!item.Visible) { buttonInfo.fsState |= NativeMethods.TBSTATE_HIDDEN; } CommandBarComboBox comboBox = item as CommandBarComboBox; if (comboBox != null) { = (short)(comboBox.Width + 4); buttonInfo.dwMask = NativeMethods.TBIF_SIZE; } if (item is CommandBarSeparator) { buttonInfo.fsStyle |= NativeMethods.BTNS_SEP; } else { if (item.Enabled) { buttonInfo.fsState |= NativeMethods.TBSTATE_ENABLED; } CommandBarMenu menu = item as CommandBarMenu; if ((menu != null) && (menu.Items.Count > 0)) { buttonInfo.fsStyle |= NativeMethods.BTNS_DROPDOWN; } if (style == CommandBarStyle.ToolBar) { if (item is CommandBarMenu) { buttonInfo.fsStyle |= NativeMethods.BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN; } } CommandBarCheckBox checkBox = item as CommandBarCheckBox; if ((checkBox != null) && (checkBox.IsChecked)) { buttonInfo.fsState |= NativeMethods.TBSTATE_CHECKED; } } if (item is CommandBarSeparator) { buttonInfo.iImage = NativeMethods.I_IMAGENONE; } else if (item.Image != null) { buttonInfo.iImage = index; } if ((this.Style == CommandBarStyle.Menu) && (item.Text != null) && (item.Text.Length != 0)) { buttonInfo.dwMask |= NativeMethods.TBIF_TEXT; buttonInfo.pszText = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(item.Text + "\0"); buttonInfo.cchText = item.Text.Length; } return(buttonInfo); }
private void TrackDropDown(int index) { while (index >= 0) { this.trackNextItem = -1; this.BeginUpdate(); CommandBarMenu menu = this.items[index] as CommandBarMenu; if (menu != null) { menu.PerformDropDown(EventArgs.Empty); this.contextMenu.Items.Clear(); this.contextMenu.Items.AddRange(menu.Items); // = menu.Items; this.contextMenu.Mnemonics = true; } else { this.contextMenu.Items.Clear(); // .Items = new CommandBarItemCollection(); this.contextMenu.Mnemonics = true; } // Item state NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.Handle, NativeMethods.TB_PRESSBUTTON, index, -1); // Trick to get the first menu item selected NativeMethods.PostMessage(this.Handle, NativeMethods.WM_KEYDOWN, (int)Keys.Down, 1); NativeMethods.PostMessage(this.Handle, NativeMethods.WM_KEYUP, (int)Keys.Down, 1); this.SetState(State.HotTracking, index); // Hook NativeMethods.HookProc hookProc = new NativeMethods.HookProc(DropDownHook); GCHandle hookProcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(hookProc); this.hookHandle = NativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(NativeMethods.WH_MSGFILTER, hookProc, IntPtr.Zero, NativeMethods.GetCurrentThreadId()); if (this.hookHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new SecurityException(); } // Ask for position NativeMethods.RECT rect = new NativeMethods.RECT(); NativeMethods.SendMessage(Handle, NativeMethods.TB_GETRECT, index, ref rect); Point position = new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom); this.EndUpdate(); this.Update(); this.contextMenu.Show(this, position); // Unhook NativeMethods.UnhookWindowsHookEx(hookHandle); hookProcHandle.Free(); this.hookHandle = IntPtr.Zero; // Item state NativeMethods.SendMessage(Handle, NativeMethods.TB_PRESSBUTTON, index, 0); this.SetState(trackEscapePressed ? State.Hot : State.None, index); index = trackNextItem; } }
public CommandBarMenu AddMenu(string text) { CommandBarMenu menu = new CommandBarMenu(text); this.Add(menu); return menu; }
/** * Creates a menu from the specified xml node */ public CommandBarMenu GetMenu(XmlNode node) { CommandBarMenu menu = new CommandBarMenu(); if (this.HasAttribute(node, "label")) { menu.Text = this.GetAttribute(node, "label"); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "image")) { string image = this.GetAttribute(node, "image"); menu.Image = this.Images.GetImage(Convert.ToInt32(image)); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "name")) { string name = this.GetAttribute(node, "name"); menu.Name = name; } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "enabled")) { string enabled = this.GetAttribute(node, "enabled"); menu.IsEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(enabled); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "visible")) { string visible = this.GetAttribute(node, "visible"); menu.IsVisible = Convert.ToBoolean(visible); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "dropdown")) { string dropDown = this.GetAttribute(node, "dropdown"); menu.DropDown += this.ToClickHandler(dropDown); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "propertychanged")) { string propertyChanged = this.GetAttribute(node, "propertychanged"); menu.PropertyChanged += this.ToChangedHandler(propertyChanged); } if (this.HasAttribute(node, "tag")) { string tag = this.GetAttribute(node, "tag"); menu.Tag = tag; } int count = node.ChildNodes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "menu") { ArrayList menuItem = new ArrayList(); menuItem.Add(this.GetMenu(node.ChildNodes[i])); menu.Items.AddRange(menuItem); } if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "button") { menu.Items.Add(this.GetButton(node.ChildNodes[i])); } if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "checkbox") { menu.Items.Add(this.GetCheckBox(node.ChildNodes[i])); } if (node.ChildNodes[i].Name == "separator") { menu.Items.AddSeparator(); } } this.Items.Add(menu); this.Menus.Add(menu); return(menu); }