static void Main() { if (Directory.Exists(GetCheetahFolder()) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(GetCheetahFolder()); WebConfig conf = WebConfig.Default; #if DEBUG conf.LogFile = Application.StartupPath + @"\log.txt"; conf.LogSeverity = ChromiumEngine.Enum.LogSeverity.Verbose; #endif if (Directory.Exists(GetCheetahFolder() + @"\Cache\") == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(GetCheetahFolder() + @"\Cache\"); conf.CachePath = GetCheetahFolder() + @"\Cache\"; WebCore.Initialize(conf); History.initialize(); Bookmarking.initialize(); autocompletedata = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < History.GetItemsCount() - 1; i++) autocompletedata.Add(History.Url(i)); for (int i = 0; i < Bookmarking.GetItemsCount() - 1; i++) autocompletedata.Add(Bookmarking.Url(i)); AuthenticationPasswords.Initialize(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(true); Application.Run(new Form1()); WebCore.ShutDown(); }
public void FillTheCustomerInfo(custVendor.CustVendorManager.custvendorinfo custInfo) { AutoCompleteStringCollection contactSource = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); if (custInfo.contact1.Length!=0) { tbContact.Text = custInfo.contact1; contactSource.Add(custInfo.contact1); } if (custInfo.contact2.Length!=0) { contactSource.Add(custInfo.contact2); } tbContact.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; tbContact.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; tbContact.AutoCompleteCustomSource = contactSource; tbCustomerAccount.Text = custInfo.cvnumber; tbFreightTerm.Text = custInfo.shippingTerm; tbPaymentTerm.Text = custInfo.paymentTerm; tbBillto.Text = custInfo.billTo; List<custVendor.CustVendorManager.custvendorinfoshipto> shipToList = custVendor.CustVendorManager.CustVenInfoManager.GetShipTo(custInfo.cvId); List<string> shipToListString = new List<string>(); foreach (custVendor.CustVendorManager.custvendorinfoshipto shipto in shipToList) { shipToListString.Add(shipto.shipTo); } SetShipToList(shipToListString); }
//Initialization for AutoComplete public void AutoComplete_Init(TextBox tbx, string filename) { filename = path + filename; //Instantiation for AutoComplete AutoCompleteStringCollection auto_scs = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); tbx.AutoCompleteCustomSource = auto_scs; string directory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOCALAPPDATA") + "\\SCV"; //Checking of LOCALAPPDATA <C:\Users\AppData\Local> directory and file if (Directory.Exists(directory) == false) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } if (File.Exists(filename) == false) { FileStream fs = File.Create(filename); fs.Close(); this.file_flg = true; } //Reading file for AutoComplete foreach (string row in File.ReadLines(filename, SJIS)) { if(row.Contains(",")) { string[] data = row.Split(','); auto_scs.Add(data[0]); } else { auto_scs.Add(row); } } //Auto Input from last history //Getting file size System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename); long filesize = fi.Length; //File is not null(or brank) if (filesize != 0) { //Reading all row from file string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename); //Input for history from last data if (tbx.Name == "tbxUser") { string[] data = (lines[lines.Length - 1]).Split(','); tbx.Text = data[0]; } else { string data = lines[lines.Length - 1]; tbx.Text = data; } } }
// Search departmental heads public void searchDepartmentalHeads() { searchDepartmentalHeadStaffIdTextBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; searchDepartmentalHeadStaffIdTextBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; AutoCompleteStringCollection collection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(databaseConnection); try { sqlConnection.Open(); MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM departmental_heads", sqlConnection); MySqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { String name = reader.GetInt64("pfno").ToString(); collection.Add(name); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error has occured while seraching departmental head, : " + exception.Message); } searchDepartmentalHeadStaffIdTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = collection; }
private void AutoCompleteAnimalSerial() { //auto completes Employee name in check out page. textBoxTreatmentSerial.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; textBoxTreatmentSerial.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; AutoCompleteStringCollection collection1 = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); textBoxFoodAnimalSerial.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; textBoxFoodAnimalSerial.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; AutoCompleteStringCollection collection2 = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string commandString = "SELECT aserial FROM animal"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandString, connection); SqlDataReader myReader; try { connection.Open(); myReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { string value = myReader["aserial"].ToString(); collection1.Add(value); collection2.Add(value); } connection.Close(); } catch (SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } textBoxTreatmentSerial.AutoCompleteCustomSource = collection1; textBoxFoodAnimalSerial.AutoCompleteCustomSource = collection2; NameShadeShow(); }
public void Initialize() { SetFormHeader(); AutoCompleteStringCollection cmbstrName = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); AutoCompleteStringCollection cmbstrJer = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); DataRow drTeam = ObjUdtprovider.CurrentDataSet.Tables[2].Select("Name = '" + Team+"'").FirstOrDefault(); if (drTeam != null) { DataRow[] drPlayers = ObjUdtprovider.CurrentDataSet.Tables[3].Select("T24_ID = '" + drTeam["T24_ID"] + "' AND Playing=true"); cmbPlayerJer.Items.Clear(); cmbPlayerName.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow item in drPlayers) { cmbPlayerName.Items.Add(item["First Name"]); cmbstrName.Add(item["First Name"].ToString()); cmbPlayerJer.Items.Add(item["Jersey No"]); cmbstrJer.Add(item["Jersey No"].ToString()); } cmbPlayerName.SelectedIndex = 1; cmbPlayerJer.SelectedIndex = 1; cmbPlayerName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; cmbPlayerName.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; cmbPlayerName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = cmbstrName; cmbPlayerJer.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; cmbPlayerJer.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; cmbPlayerJer.AutoCompleteCustomSource = cmbstrJer; } }
private void addCarnets(AutoCompleteStringCollection DataCollection) { foreach (Alumnos Alumno in Alumnos) { DataCollection.Add(Alumno.carnet + " - " + Alumno.nombres ); } }
public AutoCompleteStringCollection autoComplete() { AutoCompleteStringCollection collection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); try { SqlConnectionObj.Open(); string query = "select * from tbl_room"; SqlCommandObj.CommandText = query; SqlDataReader reader = SqlCommandObj.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { string roomNo = reader["roomNo"].ToString(); collection.Add(roomNo); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { if (SqlConnectionObj != null && SqlConnectionObj.State == ConnectionState.Open) { SqlConnectionObj.Close(); } } return collection; }
private void BuildSearchSuggestions() { var artistStrings = new List<string>(); var titleStrings = new List<string>(); foreach (var item in _libraryManager.GetTablatureItems()) { if (artistStrings.Find(x => x.Equals(item.File.Artist, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) artistStrings.Add(item.File.Artist); var title = TablatureUtilities.RemoveVersionConventionFromTitle(item.File.Title); if (titleStrings.Find(x => x.Equals(title, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) titleStrings.Add(title); } var artistSuggestions = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); var titleSuggestions = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (var str in artistStrings) artistSuggestions.Add(str); foreach (var str in titleStrings) titleSuggestions.Add(str); txtSearchArtist.AutoCompleteCustomSource = artistSuggestions; txtSearchTitle.AutoCompleteCustomSource = titleSuggestions; }
void AutoComplte() { searchTextBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; searchTextBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; AutoCompleteStringCollection coll=new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); string url = @"server=faruk\SQLEXPRESS; database=library; integrated security=true"; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(url); connection.Open(); string query = "select * from book_table"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection); SqlDataReader aReader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (aReader.HasRows) { while (aReader.Read()) { string sname = aReader[1].ToString(); coll.Add(sname); } } searchTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource= coll; connection.Close(); }
//オートコンプリートの初期化 public void AutoComplete_Init(TextBox tbx, string filename) { //オートコンプリート用インスタンス生成 AutoCompleteStringCollection auto_scs = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); tbx.AutoCompleteCustomSource = auto_scs; string directory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOCALAPPDATA") + "\\SCV"; //iniファイル用ディレクトリの確認 if (Directory.Exists(directory) == false) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } //保存用 ini ファイルの読込/作成 if (File.Exists(filename) == false) { FileStream fs = File.Create(filename); fs.Close(); } //読み込んだファイル内容の反映 foreach (string row in File.ReadLines(filename, SJIS)) { auto_scs.Add(row); } }
private void CargarComboClientesTodos(long IdUsuario, string Busqueda) { var timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); //Llena el combo con la lista de Targets CboCliente.ResetText(); IList<clsClienteMaster> ListaClienteMaster = LogicaNegocios.Clientes.clsClientesMaster.ListarClienteMaster(Busqueda, Enums.TipoPersona.Comercial, Enums.Estado.Todos, true); ComboBoxItemCollection coll = CboCliente.Properties.Items; coll.Add(Utils.Utils.ObtenerPrimerItem()); foreach (var list in ListaClienteMaster) { coll.Add(list); } CboCliente.SelectedIndex = 0; AutoCompleteStringCollection textoAutocompletar = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); textoAutocompletar = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); CboCliente.MaskBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; CboCliente.MaskBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; foreach (var list in ListaClienteMaster) { textoAutocompletar.Add(list.NombreCliente); } CboCliente.MaskBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = textoAutocompletar; ClsLogPerformance.Save(new LogPerformance(Base.Usuario.UsuarioConectado.Usuario, timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); }
//オートコンプリートの初期化 public void AutoComplete_Init(TextBox tbx, string filename) { //オートコンプリート用インスタンス生成 AutoCompleteStringCollection auto_scs = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); tbx.AutoCompleteCustomSource = auto_scs; string directory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOCALAPPDATA") + "\\SCV"; //保存用 ini ファイルの読込/作成 if (File.Exists(filename) == false) { FileStream fs = File.Create(filename); fs.Close(); } //読み込んだファイル内容をパスワードを復号化し反映 foreach (string row in File.ReadLines(filename, SJIS)) { auto_scs.Add(Decrypt(row)); } //ファイルのサイズを取得 System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename); long filesize = fi.Length; //ファイルの中身が空ではない場合、テキストボックスに初期値を追記 if (filesize != 0) { //テキストファイルからすべての行を読み込む string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename); //最終行の値を追記 tbx.Text = (Decrypt(lines[lines.Length - 1])); } }
// Search department public void searchJobCategory() { searchJobCategoryName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; searchJobCategoryName.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; AutoCompleteStringCollection collection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(databaseConnection); try { sqlConnection.Open(); MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM job_category", sqlConnection); MySqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { String name = reader.GetString("name"); collection.Add(name); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error has occured while seraching department, : " + exception.Message); } searchJobCategoryName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = collection; }
private void frmDodjelaPrava_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // key/value for combobox source List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> data = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); // autocomplete for user's combobox AutoCompleteStringCollection autocomplete = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); // text inside combobox: Name Surname (username) // value: username foreach (iUser korisnik in piLogin.GetUser()) { data.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string> (korisnik.UserName, korisnik.Name + " " + korisnik.Surname + " (" + korisnik.UserName + ")")); autocomplete.Add(korisnik.Name + " " + korisnik.Surname + " (" + korisnik.UserName + ")"); } // set datasource for user's combobox cmbKorisnik.DataSource = new BindingSource(data, null); cmbKorisnik.DisplayMember = "Value"; cmbKorisnik.ValueMember = "Key"; // set autocomplete source and mode cmbKorisnik.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; cmbKorisnik.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; cmbKorisnik.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autocomplete; // set role items cmbUloga.Items.Add("Odobravanje"); cmbUloga.Items.Add("Likvidatura"); // if user is set, select it from combobox if (this.korisnik != null) { cmbKorisnik.SelectedValue = this.korisnik.UserName; } }
private void Autocomplete() { try { con = new OleDbConnection(cs); con.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT distinct Categoryname FROM Category", con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds, "Category"); AutoCompleteStringCollection col = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { col.Add(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Categoryname"].ToString()); } txtCategoryName.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; txtCategoryName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = col; txtCategoryName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public frmArticulosBorradoMasivo() { InitializeComponent(); System.Drawing.Icon ico = Properties.Resources.icono_app; this.Icon = ico; this.Text = " Borrado de artículos sin stock"; this.ControlBox = true; this.MaximizeBox = false; FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; cmbGenero.Validating += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(BL.Utilitarios.ValidarComboBox); cmbGenero.KeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(BL.Utilitarios.EnterTab); DataTable tblGeneros = BL.GetDataBLL.Generos(); cmbGenero.ValueMember = "IdGeneroGEN"; cmbGenero.DisplayMember = "DescripcionGEN"; cmbGenero.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown; cmbGenero.DataSource = tblGeneros; cmbGenero.SelectedValue = -1; AutoCompleteStringCollection generosColection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in tblGeneros.Rows) { generosColection.Add(Convert.ToString(row["DescripcionGEN"])); } cmbGenero.AutoCompleteCustomSource = generosColection; cmbGenero.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; cmbGenero.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; }
public frmContacts() { InitializeComponent(); Icon = Properties.Resources.logo; DataSet ds = Program.DB.SelectAll("SELECT ID,Name FROM Companies;"); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { AutoCompleteStringCollection asCompanies = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string sName = r["Name"].ToString(); asCompanies.Add(sName); } txtCompanies.AutoCompleteCustomSource = asCompanies; } ds = Program.DB.SelectAll("SELECT ID,NameFirst,NameLast FROM Contacts;"); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { DevComponents.Editors.ComboItem i = new DevComponents.Editors.ComboItem(); i.Tag = r["ID"]; i.Text = r["NameFirst"].ToString() + " " + r["NameLast"].ToString(); cbxContact.Items.Add(i); } } }
void AutocompleteText() { textBox5.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; textBox5.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; AutoCompleteStringCollection coll = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); try { if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); } string sqluery = "SELECT * FROM MED_INFO WHERE MED_MGF='" + comboBox1.Text + "' ORDER BY MED_NAME"; OracleCommand cd = new OracleCommand(sqluery, conn); OracleDataReader r; r = cd.ExecuteReader(); while(r.Read()) { string sn = r.GetString(1); coll.Add(sn); } r.Dispose(); cd.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception exe) { MessageBox.Show(exe.Message); } textBox5.AutoCompleteCustomSource = coll; }
public void CargarAutocomplete(AutoCompleteStringCollection col, string query, string name) { this.EjecutarQuery(query); while (this.getLector().Read()) { col.Add(this.getLector()[name].ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Stolen from /// </summary> /// <param name="enumerable"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static AutoCompleteStringCollection ToAutoCompleteStringCollection( this IEnumerable<string> enumerable) { if (enumerable == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("enumerable"); var autoComplete = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (var item in enumerable) autoComplete.Add(item); return autoComplete; }
public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); RegisterHotKey(); // Load definitions file. try { using (var reader = XmlReader.Create("Definitions.xml")) { definitions = (DefinitionCollection)new XmlSerializer(typeof(DefinitionCollection)).Deserialize(reader); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception occurred loading definitions file: {0}", ex.ToString())); } AutoCompleteStringCollection collection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (Definition d in definitions.Items) { collection.Add(d.Name); } // Add applications from Start Menu. string[] apps = Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonStartMenu), "*.lnk", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string app in apps) { string name = app.Substring(app.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); name = name.Replace(".lnk", ""); if (!definitions.Items.Any(x => x.Name == name)) { collection.Add(name); definitions.Items.Add(new Definition() { Name = name, Command = app }); } else { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Duplicate key attempted to be added: {0}", name)); } } txtQuery.AutoCompleteCustomSource = collection; }
void AutoCompleteText() { AutoCompleteStringCollection col = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < t.ThuocSelectTop5(txtTenThuoc.Text).Rows.Count; i++) { col.Add(t.ThuocSelectTop5(txtTenThuoc.Text).Rows[i]["TenThuoc"].ToString()); } txtTenThuoc.AutoCompleteCustomSource = col; }
public FormTimeline() { InitializeComponent(); AutoCompleteStringCollection autocomplete = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); autocomplete.Add(Messages.MyFriends + "..."); autocomplete.Add(Messages.Everyone + "..."); textFriend.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; textFriend.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; textFriend.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autocomplete; textFriend.Text = Messages.MyFriends + "..."; LastFriend = textFriend.Text; LastStatusId = 1; lblError.Visible = false; }
private void FindSceneTable() { Scenes = new List <ISceneTableEntry>(); if (IsMajora || !HasZ64TablesHack) { int increment = (IsMajora ? 16 : 20); DMATableEntry dma = Files.OrderBy(x => x.VStart).FirstOrDefault(x => x.FileType == DMATableEntry.FileTypes.Scene); for (int i = CodeData.Length - (increment * 2); i > 0; i -= 4) { ISceneTableEntry entry = (!IsMajora ? (ISceneTableEntry) new SceneTableEntryOcarina(this, i, true) : (ISceneTableEntry) new SceneTableEntryMajora(this, i, true)); if (entry.GetSceneStartAddress() == dma.VStart && entry.GetSceneEndAddress() == dma.VEnd) { SceneTableAddress = i; break; } } if (SceneTableAddress != -1) { for (int i = SceneTableAddress, j = 0; i < CodeData.Length - (16 * 16); i += increment) { ISceneTableEntry scn1 = (!IsMajora ? (ISceneTableEntry) new SceneTableEntryOcarina(this, i, true) : (ISceneTableEntry) new SceneTableEntryMajora(this, i, true)); if (!scn1.IsValid() && !scn1.IsAllZero()) { break; } scn1.SetNumber((ushort)j); if (!scn1.IsAllZero()) { Scenes.Add(scn1); } j++; } } } else { SceneTableAddress = Endian.SwapInt32(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, Z64TablesAdrOffset)); int cnt = Endian.SwapInt32(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, Z64TablesAdrOffset + 4)); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Scenes.Add(new SceneTableEntryOcarina(this, SceneTableAddress + (i * 20), false)); } } SceneNameACStrings = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (ISceneTableEntry ste in Scenes) { ste.ReadScene(); SceneNameACStrings.Add(ste.GetName()); } }
private void LoadAccountSuggestion() { List<AccountDB> list = dbController.GetAllAccounts(); AutoCompleteStringCollection col = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach(AccountDB acc in list) { col.Add(acc.Username); } tbox_account.AutoCompleteCustomSource = col; }
public AutoCompleteStringCollection GetAutoCompleteList(string Column, string Table) { AutoCompleteStringCollection AutoCompleteList = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); DataTable td = SelectQuery("Select " + Column + " from " + Table); List<string> Product_List = td.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>(Column)).ToList(); foreach (string item in Product_List) { AutoCompleteList.Add(item); } return AutoCompleteList; }
/// <summary> /// Retorna uma lista de nomes de servidores /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public AutoCompleteStringCollection RetornaNomeServidores(string nomeProvedor) { var servidores = CarregaConexoes(nomeProvedor); var dadosLista = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (var serv in servidores.GroupBy(s => s.Servidor)) { dadosLista.Add(serv.Key); } return dadosLista; }
public static AutoCompleteStringCollection AutoCompletarBuscarMunicipio() { DataTable dt = DatosAutoCompleteMunicipios(); AutoCompleteStringCollection sc = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { sc.Add(Convert.ToString(row["Descripcion"])); } return(sc); }
//metodo para cargar la coleccion de datos para el autocomplete public static AutoCompleteStringCollection AutocompleteClientesCodigo() { DataTable dt = DatosClientes(); AutoCompleteStringCollection coleccion = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); //recorrer y cargar los items para el autocompletado foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { coleccion.Add(Convert.ToString(row["cod_empre"])); } return coleccion; }
public static AutoCompleteStringCollection LoadAutoComplete(DataSet ds, string nombre_columna) { DataTable dt = (DataTable)ds.Tables[0]; AutoCompleteStringCollection stringCol = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { stringCol.Add(Convert.ToString(row[nombre_columna])); } return stringCol; }
public static AutoCompleteStringCollection LoadAutoComplete() { DataTable dt = LoadDataTable(); AutoCompleteStringCollection stringCol = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { stringCol.Add(Convert.ToString(row["idcuenta"])); } return stringCol; }
public void MakeComboBox(System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox MSComBoBox, List <string> DanhSach) { System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection str = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (string mem in DanhSach) { MSComBoBox.Items.Add(mem.Trim()); str.Add(mem.Trim()); } MSComBoBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = str; MSComBoBox.AutoCompleteMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; MSComBoBox.AutoCompleteSource = System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; }
private void LoadData() { CheckURI(); if (File.Exists("Data\\Finance.rc")) { //try //{ FileStream FS = new FileStream("Data\\Finance.rc", FileMode.Open); XmlSerializer XSR = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SFinanceRC)); RC = (SFinanceRC)XSR.Deserialize(FS); FS.Dispose(); //} //catch { MessageBox.Show("Filestream is being silly pleb"); } } else { FinanceRC FRC = new FinanceRC(true); FRC.ShowDialog(); } if (File.Exists("Data\\Transactions.xml")) { FileStream FS = new FileStream("Data\\Transactions.xml", FileMode.Open); XmlSerializer XSR = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CashFlow)); Transactions = (CashFlow)XSR.Deserialize(FS); FS.Dispose(); DisplayTransIn(); DisplayTransOut(); } if (File.Exists("Data\\Companies.xml")) { FileStream FS = new FileStream("Data\\Companies.xml", FileMode.Open); XmlSerializer XSR = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <Company>)); Companies = (List <Company>)XSR.Deserialize(FS); List <string> lACS = new List <string>(); foreach (Company C in Companies) { ACS.Add(C.Name); lACS.Add(C.Name); } sACS = lACS.ToArray(); FS.Dispose(); } }
private void FillFormFromRegistry() { if (!stateLoaded) { if (AppCuKey != null) { // fill the various textboxes SlurpFileHistory(); var s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_XPathExpression); if (s != null) { this.tbXpath.Text = s; } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Prefix); if (s != null) { this.tbPrefix.Text = s; } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Xmlns); if (s != null) { this.tbXmlns.Text = s; } // get the MRU list of XPath expressions _xpathExpressionMruList = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection(); string historyString = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_History, ""); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(historyString)) { string[] items = historyString.Split('¡'); if (items != null && items.Length > 0) { //_xpathExpressionMruList.AddRange(items); foreach (string item in items) { _xpathExpressionMruList.Add(item.XmlUnescapeIexcl()); } // insert the most recent expression into the box? this.tbXpath.Text = _xpathExpressionMruList[_xpathExpressionMruList.Count - 1]; } } // set the geometry of the form s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Geometry); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { int[] p = Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(s.Split(','), new Converter <string, int>((t) => { return(Int32.Parse(t)); })); if (p != null && p.Length == 5) { this.Bounds = ConstrainToScreen(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3])); } } // workitem 3392 - don't need this // set the splitter // s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Splitter); // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) // { // try // { // int x = Int32.Parse(s); // this.splitContainer3.SplitterDistance = x; // } // catch { } // } stateLoaded = true; } } }
private void FindObjectTable() { Objects = new List <ObjectTableEntry>(); ObjectTableAddress = 0; ObjectCount = 0; EntranceTableAddress = 0; if (!HasZ64TablesHack) { int inc = 8; for (int i = (int)ActorTableAddress; i < CodeData.Length - (8 * 8); i += inc) { ObjectCount = Endian.SwapUInt16(BitConverter.ToUInt16(CodeData, i - 2)); if (ObjectCount < 0x100 || ObjectCount > 0x300) { continue; } ObjectTableEntry obj1 = new ObjectTableEntry(this, i, true); ObjectTableEntry obj2 = new ObjectTableEntry(this, i + 8, true); ObjectTableEntry obj3 = new ObjectTableEntry(this, i + 16, true); if (obj1.IsEmpty == true && obj2.IsValid == true && obj3.IsValid == true && Objects.Count == 0) { ObjectTableAddress = i; break; } } if (ObjectTableAddress != 0 && ObjectCount != 0) { int i, j = 0; for (i = ObjectTableAddress; i < (ObjectTableAddress + (ObjectCount * 8)); i += 8) { Objects.Add(new ObjectTableEntry(this, i, true, (ushort)j)); j++; } if (!IsMajora) { EntranceTableAddress = i + (i % 16); } } } else { ObjectTableAddress = Endian.SwapInt32(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, Z64TablesAdrOffset + 8)); ObjectCount = (ushort)Endian.SwapInt32(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, Z64TablesAdrOffset + 12)); for (int i = 0; i < ObjectCount; i++) { Objects.Add(new ObjectTableEntry(this, ObjectTableAddress + i * 8, false, (ushort)i)); } } ObjectNameACStrings = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection(); foreach (ObjectTableEntry obj in Objects) { ObjectNameACStrings.Add(obj.Name); } }
/// This app uses the windows registry to store config data for itself. /// - creates a key for this DotNetZip Winforms app, if one does not exist /// - stores and retrieves the most recent settings. /// - this is done on a per user basis. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) private void FillFormFromRegistry() { if (!stateLoaded) { if (AppCuKey != null) { var s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_DirectoryToZip); if (s != null) { this.tbDirectoryToZip.Text = s; this.tbDirectoryInArchive.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(this.tbDirectoryToZip.Text); } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_SelectionToZip); if (s != null) { this.tbSelectionToZip.Text = s; } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_SelectionToExtract); if (s != null) { this.tbSelectionToExtract.Text = s; } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ZipTarget); if (s != null) { this.tbZipToCreate.Text = s; } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ZipToOpen); if (s != null) { this.tbZipToOpen.Text = s; } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ExtractLoc); if (s != null) { this.tbExtractDir.Text = s; } else { this.tbExtractDir.Text = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Encoding); if (s != null) { SelectNamedEncoding(s); } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Compression); if (s != null) { SelectNamedCompressionLevel(s); } else { SelectNamedCompressionLevel("Default"); } s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Encryption); if (s != null) { SelectNamedEncryption(s); this.tbPassword.Text = ""; } int x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ZipFlavor, 0); if (x >= 0 && x <= 2) { this.comboFlavor.SelectedIndex = x; } x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Zip64Option, 0); if (x >= 0 && x <= 2) { this.comboZip64.SelectedIndex = x; } x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ExtractExistingFileAction, 0); if (x >= 0 && x <= comboExistingFileAction.Items.Count) { this.comboExistingFileAction.SelectedIndex = x; } x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_FormTab, 1); if (x == 0 || x == 1) { this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = x; } x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_HidePassword, 1); this.chkHidePassword.Checked = (x != 0); x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_OpenExplorer, 1); this.chkOpenExplorer.Checked = (x != 0); x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_TraverseJunctions, 1); this.chkTraverseJunctions.Checked = (x != 0); x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_RecurseDirs, 1); this.chkRecurse.Checked = (x != 0); x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_RemoveFiles, 1); this.chkRemoveFiles.Checked = (x != 0); // get the MRU list of selection expressions _selectionCompletions = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection(); string history = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_SelectionCompletions, ""); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(history)) { string[] items = history.Split('¡'); if (items != null && items.Length > 0) { foreach (string item in items) { _selectionCompletions.Add(item.XmlUnescapeIexcl()); } } } // set the geometry of the form s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Geometry); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { int[] p = Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(s.Split(','), new Converter <string, int>((t) => { return(Int32.Parse(t)); })); if (p != null && p.Length == 5) { this.Bounds = ConstrainToScreen(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3])); // Starting a window minimized is confusing... //this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)p[4]; } } AppCuKey.Close(); AppCuKey = null; tbPassword_TextChanged(null, null); stateLoaded = true; } } }