private void FontStylePropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null) { if (value is SW.FontStyle) { SD.FontStyle style; if ((SW.FontStyle)value == SW.FontStyles.Normal) { style = SD.FontStyle.Regular; } else { style = SD.FontStyle.Italic; } if (HostUtils.FontWeightIsBold(Host.FontWeight)) { style |= SD.FontStyle.Bold; } adapter.Font = new SD.Font(CurrentFontFamily, CurrentFontSize, style); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the WindowsFormsHost class. /// </summary> public WindowsFormsHost() : base() { this._hostContainerInternal = new WinFormsAdapter(this); _propertyMap = new WindowsFormsHostPropertyMap(this); }
/// <summary> /// Translator for individual property /// </summary> private void FlowDirectionPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { SWF.Control childControl = GetChildControl(host, FlowDirectionPropertyTranslator, value); WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null && childControl != null) { if (value is SW.FlowDirection) { const BindingFlags memberAccess = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance; //use reflection to see if this control supports the RightToLeftLayout property PropertyInfo propertyInfo = childControl.GetType().GetProperty("RightToLeftLayout", memberAccess); switch ((SW.FlowDirection)value) { case SW.FlowDirection.RightToLeft: adapter.RightToLeft = SWF.RightToLeft.Yes; if (propertyInfo != null) { propertyInfo.SetValue(childControl, true, null); } break; case SW.FlowDirection.LeftToRight: adapter.RightToLeft = SWF.RightToLeft.No; if (propertyInfo != null) { propertyInfo.SetValue(childControl, false, null); } break; } } } }
internal static void SetBackgroundImage(WinFormsAdapter adapter, Control child, SD.Bitmap image) { if (child != null && (child.BackgroundImage == null || child.BackgroundImage == adapter.BackgroundImage)) { child.BackgroundImage = image; } adapter.BackgroundImage = image; }
/// <summary> /// Translator for individual property /// </summary> private void IsEnabledPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null && value is bool) { adapter.Enabled = (bool)value; } }
private void FontSizePropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null && value is double) { double pointSize = Convert.FontSizeToSystemDrawing((double)value); adapter.Font = new SD.Font(CurrentFontFamily, (float)pointSize, CurrentFontStyle); } }
/// <summary> /// Translator for individual property /// </summary> private void PaddingPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { SWF.Control childControl = GetChildControl(host, PaddingPropertyTranslator, value); WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null && childControl != null) { if (value is SW.Thickness) { childControl.Padding = Convert.ToSystemWindowsFormsPadding((SW.Thickness)value); } } }
private void FontWeightPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null && value is SW.FontWeight) { SD.FontStyle style = CurrentFontStyle; if (HostUtils.FontWeightIsBold((SW.FontWeight)value)) { style |= SD.FontStyle.Bold; } adapter.Font = new SD.Font(CurrentFontFamily, CurrentFontSize, style); } }
private void FontFamilyPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null) { SWM.FontFamily family = value as SWM.FontFamily; if (family != null) { string familySource = family.Source; adapter.Font = new SD.Font(familySource, adapter.Font.Size, adapter.Font.Style); } } }
/// <summary> /// Translator for individual property /// </summary> private void ForegroundPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { SWM.Brush brush = value as SWM.Brush; if (brush != null) { bool defined; SD.Color wfColor = WindowsFormsHostPropertyMap.TranslateSolidOrGradientBrush(brush, out defined); if (defined) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null) { adapter.ForeColor = wfColor; } } } }
internal static SD.Bitmap GetBitmapForTransparentWindowsFormsHost(WindowsFormsHost host) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = WindowsFormsHostPropertyMap.GetAdapter(host); if (adapter == null) { return(null); } //We need to find our highest-level ancestor that's a FrameworkElement: //if it's not a FrameworkElement, we don't know how big it is, and can't //properly deal with it. FrameworkElement frameworkElementAncestor = GetFrameworkElementAncestor(host); if (frameworkElementAncestor != null) { RenderTargetBitmap bmp = GetBitmapForFrameworkElement(frameworkElementAncestor); Point hostPoint = new Point(0, 0); Point parentPoint = new Point(0, 0); if (HostUtils.IsRotated(host)) { //Image is upside down. Need the lower right corner of host and the //lower right corner of the parent. hostPoint = HostUtils.TransformToParentPoint(host, frameworkElementAncestor, new Point(host.ActualWidth, host.ActualHeight)); parentPoint = HostUtils.TransformToParentPoint(frameworkElementAncestor, frameworkElementAncestor, new Point(frameworkElementAncestor.ActualWidth, frameworkElementAncestor.ActualHeight)); } else { //Need upper left corner of host and the upper left corner of the parent. hostPoint = HostUtils.TransformToParentPoint(host, frameworkElementAncestor, new Point(0, 0)); parentPoint = HostUtils.TransformToParentPoint(frameworkElementAncestor, frameworkElementAncestor, new Point(0, 0)); } hostPoint.Offset(-parentPoint.X, -parentPoint.Y); return(GetBitmapFromRenderTargetBitmap(adapter, bmp, hostPoint)); } return(null); }
internal static SD.Bitmap GetBitmapForOpaqueWindowsFormsHost(WindowsFormsHost host, Brush brush) { WinFormsAdapter adapter = WindowsFormsHostPropertyMap.GetAdapter(host); if (adapter == null) { return(null); } DrawingVisual drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual(); DrawingContext drawingContext = drawingVisual.RenderOpen(); drawingContext.DrawRectangle(brush, null, new Rect(0, 0, adapter.Width, adapter.Height)); drawingContext.Close(); RenderTargetBitmap bmp = GetRenderTargetBitmapForVisual(adapter.Width, adapter.Height, drawingVisual); return(GetBitmapFromRenderTargetBitmap(adapter, bmp, new Point(0, 0))); }
private void BackgroundPropertyTranslator(object host, string propertyName, object value) { SWM.Brush brush = value as SWM.Brush; if (value == null) { //If they passed null (not to be confused with "passed us a non-null non-Brush"), //we should look up our parent chain. DependencyObject parent = host as WindowsFormsHost; do { brush = (Brush)parent.GetValue(SWC.Control.BackgroundProperty); parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(parent); } while (parent != null && brush == null); } WinFormsAdapter adapter = GetAdapter(host); if (adapter != null && brush != null) { WindowsFormsHost windowsFormsHost = host as WindowsFormsHost; if (windowsFormsHost != null) { SWF.Control child = windowsFormsHost.Child; if (HostUtils.BrushIsSolidOpaque(brush)) { bool ignore; SD.Color wfColor = WindowsFormsHostPropertyMap.TranslateSolidOrGradientBrush(brush, out ignore); adapter.BackColor = wfColor; } else { SD.Bitmap backgroundImage = HostUtils.GetBitmapForWindowsFormsHost(windowsFormsHost, brush); HostUtils.SetBackgroundImage(adapter, child, backgroundImage); } } } }