internal void Initialize () { // Initialize the event handlers Carbon.EventHandler.Driver = this; ApplicationHandler = new Carbon.ApplicationHandler (this); ControlHandler = new Carbon.ControlHandler (this); HIObjectHandler = new Carbon.HIObjectHandler (this); KeyboardHandler = new Carbon.KeyboardHandler (this); MouseHandler = new Carbon.MouseHandler (this); WindowHandler = new Carbon.WindowHandler (this); // Initilize the mouse controls Hover.Interval = 500; Hover.Timer = new Timer (); Hover.Timer.Enabled = false; Hover.Timer.Interval = Hover.Interval; Hover.Timer.Tick += new EventHandler (HoverCallback); Hover.X = -1; Hover.Y = -1; MouseState = MouseButtons.None; mouse_position = Point.Empty; // Initialize the Caret Caret.Timer = new Timer (); Caret.Timer.Interval = 500; Caret.Timer.Tick += new EventHandler (CaretCallback); // Initialize the D&D Dnd = new Carbon.Dnd (); // Initialize the Carbon Specific stuff WindowMapping = new Hashtable (); HandleMapping = new Hashtable (); UtilityWindows = new ArrayList (); // Initialize the FosterParent Carbon.Rect rect = new Carbon.Rect (); SetRect (ref rect, (short)0, (short)0, (short)0, (short)0); Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn = new Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber(); GetCurrentProcess( ref psn ); TransformProcessType (ref psn, 1); SetFrontProcess (ref psn); HIObjectRegisterSubclass (__CFStringMakeConstantString ("com.novell.mwfview"), __CFStringMakeConstantString (""), 0, Carbon.EventHandler.EventHandlerDelegate, (uint)Carbon.EventHandler.HIObjectEvents.Length, Carbon.EventHandler.HIObjectEvents, IntPtr.Zero, ref Subclass); Carbon.EventHandler.InstallApplicationHandler (); CreateNewWindow (Carbon.WindowClass.kDocumentWindowClass, Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCloseBoxAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowFullZoomAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowResizableAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCompositingAttribute, ref rect, ref FosterParent); CreateNewWindow (Carbon.WindowClass.kOverlayWindowClass, Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoUpdatesAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoActivatesAttribute, ref rect, ref ReverseWindow); CreateNewWindow (Carbon.WindowClass.kOverlayWindowClass, Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoUpdatesAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoActivatesAttribute, ref rect, ref CaretWindow); // Get some values about bar heights Carbon.Rect structRect = new Carbon.Rect (); Carbon.Rect contentRect = new Carbon.Rect (); GetWindowBounds (FosterParent, 32, ref structRect); GetWindowBounds (FosterParent, 33, ref contentRect); MenuBarHeight = GetMBarHeight (); // Focus FocusWindow = IntPtr.Zero; // Message loop GetMessageResult = true; ReverseWindowMapped = false; }
public bool ProcessEvent(IntPtr callref, IntPtr eventref, IntPtr handle, uint kind, ref MSG msg) { Hwnd hwnd; bool client; GetEventParameter(eventref, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)), IntPtr.Zero, ref handle); hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle); if (hwnd == null) { return(false); } msg.hwnd = hwnd.Handle; client = (hwnd.ClientWindow == handle ? true : false); switch (kind) { case kEventControlDraw: { IntPtr rgn = IntPtr.Zero; HIRect bounds = new HIRect(); GetEventParameter(eventref, kEventParamRgnHandle, typeQDRgnHandle, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)), IntPtr.Zero, ref rgn); if (rgn != IntPtr.Zero) { Rect rbounds = new Rect(); GetRegionBounds(rgn, ref rbounds); bounds.origin.x = rbounds.left; bounds.origin.y =; bounds.size.width = rbounds.right - rbounds.left; bounds.size.height = rbounds.bottom -; } else { HIViewGetBounds(handle, ref bounds); } if (!hwnd.visible) { if (client) { hwnd.expose_pending = false; } else { hwnd.nc_expose_pending = false; } return(false); } if (!client) { DrawBorders(hwnd); } Driver.AddExpose(hwnd, client, bounds); return(true); } case kEventControlVisibilityChanged: { if (client) { msg.message = Msg.WM_SHOWWINDOW; msg.lParam = (IntPtr)0; msg.wParam = (HIViewIsVisible(handle) ? (IntPtr)1 : (IntPtr)0); return(true); } return(false); } case kEventControlBoundsChanged: { HIRect view_frame = new HIRect(); HIViewGetFrame(handle, ref view_frame); if (!client) { hwnd.X = (int)view_frame.origin.x; hwnd.Y = (int)view_frame.origin.y; hwnd.Width = (int)view_frame.size.width; hwnd.Height = (int)view_frame.size.height; Driver.PerformNCCalc(hwnd); } msg.message = Msg.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED; msg.hwnd = hwnd.Handle; return(true); } case kEventControlGetFocusPart: { short pcode = 0; SetEventParameter(eventref, kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(short)), ref pcode); return(false); } case kEventControlDragEnter: case kEventControlDragWithin: case kEventControlDragLeave: case kEventControlDragReceive: return(Dnd.HandleEvent(callref, eventref, handle, kind, ref msg)); } return(false); }