private void ListarTaxas() { List<Contrato.Taxa> lstTaxas = new List<Contrato.Taxa>(); Contrato.EntradaTaxa entTaxa = new Contrato.EntradaTaxa(); entTaxa.UsuarioLogado = Comum.Util.UsuarioLogado.Login; entTaxa.EmpresaLogada = Comum.Parametros.EmpresaProduto; entTaxa.Chave = Comum.Util.Chave; entTaxa.Taxa = new Contrato.Taxa() { Ativo = true, Produto = true }; Servico.BrasilDidaticosClient servBrasilDidaticos = new Servico.BrasilDidaticosClient(Comum.Util.RecuperarNomeEndPoint()); Contrato.RetornoTaxa retTaxa = servBrasilDidaticos.TaxaListar(entTaxa); servBrasilDidaticos.Close(); // Se encontrou taxas if (retTaxa.Taxas != null) // Adiciona as taxas do Produto lstTaxas.AddRange(retTaxa.Taxas); if (cmbFornecedor.ValorSelecionado != null) { // Recupera as taxas do fornecedor List<Contrato.Taxa> taxas = (from f in _lstFornecedores where f.Id == ((Contrato.Fornecedor)cmbFornecedor.ValorSelecionado).Id select f).First().Taxas; // Se encontrou as taxas do fornecedor if (taxas != null) { // Para cada taxa dentro da listagem de taxa do fornecedor foreach (Contrato.Taxa tx in taxas) { if (tx != null) { Contrato.Taxa objTaxa = lstTaxas.Where(t => t.Nome == tx.Nome).FirstOrDefault(); if (objTaxa != null) { if (lstTaxas.RemoveAll(t => t.Nome == tx.Nome && (objTaxa.Valor != t.Valor || t.Valor == 0)) > 0) lstTaxas.Add(tx); } else lstTaxas.Add(tx); } } } } if (lstTaxas != null) { List<Objeto.Taxa> objTaxas = null; if (_produto != null && _produto.Taxas != null) { objTaxas = new List<Objeto.Taxa>(); // Para cada taxa existente foreach (Contrato.Taxa taxa in lstTaxas) { // Verifica se a taxa não está vazia if (taxa != null) { // Adiciona a taxa no objeto que popula o grid objTaxas.Add(new Objeto.Taxa { Selecionado = false, Id = taxa.Id, Nome = taxa.Nome, Prioridade = taxa.Prioridade, Ativo = taxa.Ativo }); // Recupera a mesma taxa na lista de taxas do produto Contrato.Taxa objTaxa = (from ft in _produto.Taxas where ft.Nome == taxa.Nome select ft).FirstOrDefault(); // Se a taxa existe para o produto if (objTaxa != null) { // Atualiza a taxa com os valores do produto objTaxas.Last().Selecionado = true; objTaxas.Last().Valor = objTaxa.Valor; objTaxas.Last().Prioridade = objTaxa.Prioridade; } } } } else objTaxas = (from t in lstTaxas select new Objeto.Taxa { Selecionado = false, Id = t.Id, Nome = t.Nome, Valor = t.Valor, Prioridade = t.Prioridade, Ativo = t.Ativo }).ToList(); dgTaxas.ItemsSource = objTaxas; } }
private void DeleteItem() { List<PID> PIDLIST = new List<PID>(); PIDLIST = XML_W_R.XMLRead(FileName); PIDLIST.RemoveAll(FindItem); XML_W_R.XMLWrite(PIDLIST, FileName); PIDLIST.Clear(); }
internal static void DoCut(List<ModelItem> modelItemsToCut, EditingContext context) { if (modelItemsToCut == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new ArgumentNullException("modelItemsToCut")); } if (context == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new ArgumentNullException("context")); } modelItemsToCut.RemoveAll((modelItem) => { return modelItem == null; }); if (modelItemsToCut.Count > 0) { using (EditingScope es = (EditingScope)modelItemsToCut[0].BeginEdit(SR.CutOperationEditingScopeDescription)) { try { CutCopyOperation(modelItemsToCut, context, true); } catch (ExternalException e) { es.Revert(); ErrorReporting.ShowErrorMessage(e.Message); return; } DesignerView view = context.Services.GetService<DesignerView>(); //Setting the selection to Breadcrumb root. Fx.Assert(view != null, "DesignerView Cannot be null during cut"); WorkflowViewElement rootView = view.RootDesigner as WorkflowViewElement; if (rootView != null) { Selection.SelectOnly(context, rootView.ModelItem); } es.Complete(); } } }
private static void DoCopy(List<ModelItem> modelItemsToCopy, EditingContext context) { if (modelItemsToCopy == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new ArgumentNullException("modelItemsToCopy")); } if (context == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new ArgumentNullException("context")); } // copy only works if we have DesignerView up and running so check and throw here if (context.Services.GetService<DesignerView>() == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.CutCopyRequiresDesignerView)); } modelItemsToCopy.RemoveAll((modelItem) => { return modelItem == null; }); try { CutCopyOperation(modelItemsToCopy, context, false); } catch (ExternalException e) { ErrorReporting.ShowErrorMessage(e.Message); } }
private void Button32_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var retstr = ""; var plist = new List<string>(); var dlist = 用户管理.查询用户<单位用户>(0, 0); foreach (var d in dlist) { if (d.联系方式.手机!=null) plist.Add(d.联系方式.手机); } plist.RemoveAll(o => o.Length < 10 || o.Contains("88888")); plist = plist.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var p in plist) { retstr += p + "\r\n"; } textBox1.Text = retstr; }
internal void ExpandChildren(TaxonViewModel taxon, List<Taxon> remaining = null) { if (remaining == null) { remaining = Service.GetExpandFullTree(taxon.TaxaID.Value); } if (!taxon.IsExpanded) { // BringModelToView(tvwAllTaxa, taxon); taxon.BulkAddChildren(remaining.FindAll((elem) => { return elem.TaxaParentID == taxon.TaxaID; }), GenerateTaxonDisplayLabel); remaining.RemoveAll((elem) => { return elem.TaxaParentID == taxon.TaxaID; }); taxon.IsExpanded = true; } foreach (HierarchicalViewModelBase child in taxon.Children) { ExpandChildren(child as TaxonViewModel, remaining); } }
private void RefreshBinds() { _binds = BindManager.CurrentKeybinds.ToList(); ListKeybinds.Items.Clear(); var shoulders = new List<GamepadButton> { GamepadButton.ShoulderLeft, GamepadButton.ShoulderRight, GamepadButton.TriggerLeft, GamepadButton.TriggerRight, }; switch (Properties.Settings.Default.ModifierStyle) { case 0: shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.ShoulderRight); shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.TriggerRight); break; case 1: shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.ShoulderLeft); shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.ShoulderRight); break; case 2: shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.ShoulderLeft); shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.TriggerLeft); break; case 3: shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.TriggerLeft); shoulders.Remove(GamepadButton.TriggerRight); break; } _binds.RemoveAll(bind => shoulders.Contains(bind.BindType)); foreach (var bind in _binds) { var buttonBind = new TextBlock { Text = bind.Key.ToString(), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; var buttonText = new TextBlock { Text = ControllerManager.GetButtonName(bind.BindType), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Width = 100, }; var buttonIcon = new Image { Source = ControllerManager.GetButtonIcon(bind.BindType), Width = 32, Height = 32, Stretch = Stretch.Uniform }; var buttonPanel = new DockPanel {Children = {buttonIcon, buttonText, buttonBind}}; var buttonItem = new ListViewItem {Content = buttonPanel}; ListKeybinds.Items.Add(buttonItem); } }
void m_sourcePathBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { string check_url = m_sourcePathBox.Text; /* Try to grab XML document from URL */ XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); try { xd.Load(check_url); } catch(Exception) // TODO: Make sure this is working properly { m_recordCombo.IsEnabled = false; return; } m_recordCombo.IsEnabled = true; XmlNode inXmlNode = xd.DocumentElement; /* BOBEX: Here is the example of tree traversal, in fact, since it already finds all the nodes everytime you change the URL, you just have to remove the * non-relevant ones. The bigger problem will be appending a drop down box to a DataTable */ traverseNodes(xd.ChildNodes, ""); pos_xml_paths = pos_xml_paths.Distinct().ToList(); pos_xml_paths.RemoveAll(ContainsHash); pos_xml_paths.Sort(); m_recordCombo.ItemsSource = pos_xml_paths; }
/// <summary> /// Validates, then starts grabbing. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.Input.ExecutedRoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void StartGrabbing(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var scheduledGrab = e.Parameter as ScheduledGrab; List<string> paths = new List<string>(); foreach (var item in cboFileName.Items) { string path = Convert.ToString(item); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) && !paths.Contains(path)) { paths.Add(path); } } paths.RemoveAll(p => p == cboFileName.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cboFileName.Text)) { paths.Insert(0, cboFileName.Text); cboFileName.Items.Insert(0, cboFileName.Text); }; Settings.Default.LogToDatabase = chkLogDatabase.IsChecked == true; Settings.Default.LogToFile = chkLogFile.IsChecked == true; Settings.Default.TrimExtraWhitespace = chkTrimWhitespace.IsChecked == true; Settings.Default.LogDbPath = cboDbPath.Text; Settings.Default.FilePath = CsvGrabber.Core.Utils.SerializeList(paths); Settings.Default.Save(); _config = WPFConfiguration.GetConfig(); _grabber = new Grabber(); _grabber.Logger = new CompositeLogger(new ConsoleLogger(), new RichTextBoxLogger(rtbLog)); _grabber.GrabComplete += new EventHandler<GrabCompleteEventArgs>(grabber_GrabComplete); _grabber.GrabFailed += new EventHandler(grabber_GrabFailed); if (scheduledGrab == null) { _grabber.Start(); } else { _grabber.GrabSingle(scheduledGrab); } }
private void Startup(String title, List<CategoryItem> categories) { ExitCode = 0; Title = title; Owner = Controller.MainWindow; Categories = categories; Categories.RemoveAll(c => (c.Name == "All") || (c.Name == "Favorite")); InitializeComponent(); ViewFields(); }
// При смене утилиты определяется её версия, // очищается список доступных параметров и загружается новый список, // а также выводится описание выбранной утилиты private void ComboBox_UtilitiesNames_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { // Получаем имя выбранной утилиты (т.к. выбирается только один объект, // то в массиве AddedItems он будет всегда находиться под индексом 0) string name = e.AddedItems[0].ToString(); // Получаем запускаем процесс с параметром --version, // чтобы получить версию выбранной утилиты m_ProcessForVersion.StartInfo.FileName = Properties.Settings.Default.UtilitiesDirectory + name; m_ProcessForVersion.Start(); m_ProcessForVersion.BeginOutputReadLine(); m_ProcessForVersion.WaitForExit(); m_ProcessForVersion.CancelOutputRead(); m_ProcessForVersion.Close(); TextBox_UtilityVersion.Text = m_UtilityVersion.ToString(); StackPanel_AdditionalParameters.Children.Clear(); // Получаем параметры для данной утилиты, // проверяем их совместимость с выбранной версией утилиты и // выводим список в ListBox m_UtilityParameters = DataBaseControl.GetUtilityParameters(name); m_UtilityParameters.RemoveAll(x => new Version(x.GetDataRow["Version"].ToString()) > m_UtilityVersion); //ListBox_AvailableParameters.ItemsSource = m_UtilityParameters; // Добавляем только те параметры, которые должны выводиться // в списке доступных параметров (отсекает src_dataset и dst_dataset) ListBox_AvailableParameters.ItemsSource = m_UtilityParameters.Where(x => (bool)x.GetDataRow["MustBeInAvailableParametersList"] == true); // Выводим описание выбранной утилиты в соответствии с // выбранным в настройках языком m_UtilityInfo = DataBaseControl.GetUtilityInfo(e.AddedItems[0].ToString()); TextBlock_UtilityDescription.Text = m_UtilityInfo["Description"+Properties.Settings.Default.DescriptionsLanguage].ToString(); // Если утилита не поддерживает вход/выход, то отключаем соответствующие // GroupBox, в которых выбираются входные/выходные данные GroupBox_InputPaths.IsEnabled = (bool) m_UtilityInfo["IsThereInput"]; GroupBox_OutputPaths.IsEnabled = (bool)m_UtilityInfo["IsThereOutput"]; }