public void GetCountWithFilter () { object[] list = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); cv.Filter = item => (int)item % 2 == 0; Assert.AreEqual (4, cv.Count, "A1"); }
public ChatViewModel(IChatService chatService) { this.contacts = new ObservableCollection<Contact>(); this.contactsView = new CollectionView(this.contacts); this.sendMessageRequest = new InteractionRequest<SendMessageViewModel>(); this.showReceivedMessageRequest = new InteractionRequest<ReceivedMessage>(); this.showDetailsCommand = new DelegateCommand<bool?>(this.ExecuteShowDetails, this.CanExecuteShowDetails); this.contactsView.CurrentChanged += this.OnCurrentContactChanged; this.chatService = chatService; this.chatService.Connected = true; this.chatService.ConnectionStatusChanged += (s, e) => this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.ConnectionStatus); this.chatService.MessageReceived += this.OnMessageReceived; this.chatService.GetContacts( result => { if (result.Error == null) { foreach (var item in result.Result) { this.contacts.Add(item); } } }); }
public ChatViewModel(IChatService chatService) { _contacts = new ObservableCollection<Contact>(); _contactsView = new CollectionView(_contacts); _sendMessageRequest = new InteractionRequest<SendMessageViewModel>(); _showReceivedMessageRequest = new InteractionRequest<ReceivedMessage>(); _showDetailsCommand = new ShowDetailsCommandImplementation(this); _contactsView.CurrentChanged += OnCurrentContactChanged; _chatService = chatService; _chatService.Connected = true; _chatService.ConnectionStatusChanged += (s, e) => RaisePropertyChanged(() => CurrentConnectionState); _chatService.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceived; _chatService.GetContacts( result => { if (result.Error != null) return; foreach (var item in result.Result) { _contacts.Add(item); } }); RaisePropertyChanged(() => CurrentConnectionState); }
public SelectProjectViewModel(IView view) { this.view = view; this.projects = new CollectionView(ProjectService.GetAllProjects()); this.selectCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.SelectCommandHandler); this.cancelCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.CancelCommandHandler); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { var chartsOfAccounts = GetChartOfAccounts(); ChartsOfAccountsView = new CollectionView(chartsOfAccounts); DeleteAccountCommand = new DelegateCommand(DeleteAccount, CanDeleteAccount); }
public InboxViewModel(IEmailService emailService, IRegionManager regionManager) { synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current ?? new SynchronizationContext(); _composeMessageCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(ComposeMessage); _replyMessageCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(ReplyMessage, CanReplyMessage); _openMessageCommand = new DelegateCommand<EmailDocument>(OpenMessage); messagesCollection = new ObservableCollection<EmailDocument>(); Messages = new CollectionView(this.messagesCollection); Messages.CurrentChanged += (s, e) => _replyMessageCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); _emailService = emailService; _regionManager = regionManager; if (_emailService != null) { _emailService.BeginGetEmailDocuments( r => { var messages = _emailService.EndGetEmailDocuments(r); synchronizationContext.Post( s => { foreach (var message in messages) { messagesCollection.Add(message); } }, null); }, null); } }
private void searchTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (AnnotationsBox.ItemsSource != null) { System.Windows.Data.CollectionView view = (System.Windows.Data.CollectionView)System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(AnnotationsBox.ItemsSource); view.Filter = UserFilter; System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(AnnotationsBox.ItemsSource).Refresh(); } }
public EnterTransactionDetailsViewModel() { IList<TransactionStatus> statusList = new List<TransactionStatus>(); statusList.Add(new TransactionStatus("LR_AUTO")); statusList.Add(new TransactionStatus("LR_PASS")); statusList.Add(new TransactionStatus("LR_FAIL")); statusList.Add(new TransactionStatus("LR_STOP")); transactionStatuses = new CollectionView(statusList); }
public DelayRealizedCollection() { _collection = new CollectionView(_list); _initializer = new Thread(x => { Thread.Sleep(100); _list[0] = new object(); }); }
public RealizingWrapper(CollectionView collection, TimeSpan timeout) { if (collection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("collection"); } _collection = collection; _timeout = timeout; }
private static void FilterChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { ItemsControl control = d as ItemsControl; if (control.ItemsSource != null) { System.Windows.Data.CollectionView view = (System.Windows.Data.CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(control.ItemsSource); view.Filter = (a) => a.GetType().GetProperties().Where(_ => _.PropertyType == e.NewValue.GetType()).Select(_ => _.GetValue(a)).Any(_ => ((string)_).Contains((string)e.NewValue)); } }
public ViewModel() { Model = new Model(); viewModelCurrentCamera = new ViewModelCurrentCamera(); cameraListView = new CollectionView(Model.CameraList.CameraList); CameraListView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(setCurrentlyCamera); if (ViewModelCurrentCamera != null) { Model.CameraList.onCameraPropertyChangedEvent += ViewModelCurrentCamera.updateCurrentlyCamera; } }
public void Sort(object columnHeader, System.Windows.Data.CollectionView list) { string column = SetAdorner(columnHeader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(column)) { return; } list.SortDescriptions.Clear(); list.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription(column, direction)); }
public Vm() { _persons = new List<Person> { new Person("Johan"), new Person("Sean") }; PersonsGenericView = new CollectionView<Person>(this, () => Persons); //PropertyChangedEventManager.AddListener(this, PersonsGenericView, "Persons"); PersonsView = new CollectionView(Persons); }
public UndoManagerVm(string name, UndoManager manager) { Name = name; Manager = manager; UndoStack = new CollectionView(Manager.History.UndoStack); RedoStack = new CollectionView(Manager.History.RedoStack); manager.History.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => { UndoStack.Refresh(); RedoStack.Refresh(); }; }
public UndoManagerVm(string name) { Name = name; Manager = UndoRedo.UndoManager.GetByName(name); UndoStack = new CollectionView(Manager.History.UndoStack); RedoStack = new CollectionView(Manager.History.RedoStack); UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetByName(Name); undoManager.OnClear += (sender, args) => Update(); undoManager.OnRedo += (sender, args) => Update(); undoManager.OnUndo += (sender, args) => Update(); undoManager.Changed += (sender, args) => Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AddNewProductViewModel"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="patternManager">The pattern manager.</param> /// <param name="userMessageService">The user message service.</param> public AddNewProductViewModel(IPatternManager patternManager, IUserMessageService userMessageService) { Guard.NotNull(() => patternManager, patternManager); Guard.NotNull(() => userMessageService, userMessageService); this.allToolkits = new ObservableCollection<InstalledToolkitInfo>(patternManager.InstalledToolkits.Select(it => new InstalledToolkitInfo(it))); this.toolkitsView = new ListCollectionView(this.allToolkits); this.patternManager = patternManager; this.userMessageService = userMessageService; this.CurrentToolkit = this.allToolkits.FirstOrDefault(); this.SortingItems = GetSortingItems(); this.SortingItem = this.SortingItems.FirstOrDefault(); this.InitializeCommands(); this.ArrangeToolkits(); }
void Refresh(object param) { cards = ((App)App.Current).all_data.get_cards(); //cv = new System.Windows.Data.CollectionView(cards); //cv.GroupDescriptions.Add(new System.Windows.Data.PropertyGroupDescription("Type_card")); cv = new ListCollectionView(cards); cv.GroupDescriptions.Clear(); cv.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("Year")); RaisePropertyChanged("cv"); persons = ((App)App.Current).all_data.get_person(); units = ((App)App.Current).all_data.get_unit(); _unit_filter = ((App)App.Current).all_data.get_unit(); }
public TaskDetailsViewModel(Task task, MainWindowViewModel mainWindow) { using (ProjectRepository projectRepository = new ProjectRepository()) { _projects = new CollectionView(projectRepository.GetAllProjects()); } using (PriorityRepository priorityRepository = new PriorityRepository()) { _priorities = new CollectionView(priorityRepository.GetAllPriorities()); } _task = task; _mainWindow = mainWindow; SetTabTitle(); }
internal NewProjectViewModel(ICollection<ExecutionEnvironment> availableExecutionEngines, ref ExecutionInstance executionInstance, FMTesterConfiguration configuration, StackPanel controlContainer) { executionEnvironments = new CollectionView(availableExecutionEngines); executionInstance = new ExecutionInstance(); this.simulationSettingsControl = null; this.executionInstance = executionInstance; this.appConfiguration = configuration; SelectedEnvironment = availableExecutionEngines.First(); this.controlContainer = controlContainer; this.currentView = new NewProjectControl(); this.currentView.DataContext = this; controlContainer.Children.Add(currentView); IsDone = false; }
public ProjectInformationViewModel(IView view) : base(view) { this.currentProject = UserSession.CurrentProject; this.newProjectNumber = string.Empty; this.newProjectName = string.Empty; this.projectAddress = new MutableAddress { Street = this.currentProject.Address.Street, City = this.currentProject.Address.City, State = this.currentProject.Address.State, PostalCode = this.currentProject.Address.PostalCode }; this.projectOwnerHeadquartersAddress = new MutableAddress { Street = this.currentProject.Owner.HeadquartersAddress.Street, City = this.currentProject.Owner.HeadquartersAddress.City, State = this.currentProject.Owner.HeadquartersAddress.State, PostalCode = this.currentProject.Owner.HeadquartersAddress.PostalCode }; this.CurrentObjectState = (this.currentProject != null ? ObjectState.Existing : ObjectState.New); this.owners = new CollectionView(CompanyService.GetOwners()); this.marketSegments = new CollectionView(ProjectService.GetMarketSegments()); this.constructionAdministrators = new CollectionView( EmployeeService.GetConstructionAdministrators()); this.principals = new CollectionView(EmployeeService.GetPrincipals()); this.saveCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.SaveCommandHandler); this.newCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.NewCommandHandler); }
public void GetCount () { object[] list = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); Assert.AreEqual (7, cv.Count, "A1"); }
public void GetComparer () { var cv = new CollectionView (new object[] { }); Assert.IsNull (cv.Comparer); }
public void CanSort () { var cv = new CollectionView (new object[] { }); Assert.IsFalse (cv.CanSort, "A1"); }
public void CanFilter () { var cv = new CollectionView (new object[] { }); Assert.IsTrue (cv.CanFilter, "A1"); }
public void IndexOf () { object[] list = { 1, 7, 3, 3, 5, 6 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); Assert.AreEqual (2, cv.IndexOf (3), "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, cv.IndexOf (99), "A2"); }
public void GetItemAt () { object[] list = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); Assert.AreEqual (4, cv.GetItemAt (3), "A1"); Assert.IsNull (cv.GetItemAt (99), "A2"); }
public void GetItemAtLessThan0 () { var cv = new CollectionView (new object[] { }); cv.GetItemAt (-1); }
public void Contains () { object[] list = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); cv.Filter = item => (int)item % 2 == 0; Assert.IsTrue (cv.Contains (4), "A1"); Assert.IsFalse (cv.Contains (3), "A2"); Assert.IsFalse (cv.Contains (98), "A3"); Assert.IsFalse (cv.Contains (99), "A4"); }
public void PassesFilterWithFilterSet () { object[] list = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); cv.Filter = item => (int)item % 2 == 0; Assert.IsTrue (cv.PassesFilter (4), "A1"); Assert.IsFalse (cv.PassesFilter (3), "A2"); Assert.IsTrue (cv.PassesFilter (98), "A3"); Assert.IsFalse (cv.PassesFilter (99), "A4"); }
public void PassesFilter () { var cv = new CollectionView (new object[] { }); Assert.IsTrue (cv.PassesFilter (new object ()), "A1"); }
public void InsertIntoSortDescriptions () { var cv = new CollectionView (new object[] { }); cv.SortDescriptions.Insert (0, new SortDescription ()); }
public void EnumerateItems () { object[] list = { 0, 99, 22, 7, 11, 4, 3 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent (list, cv, "A1"); }
public void EnumerateItemsWithFilter () { object[] list = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; object[] filteredList = { 0, 2, 4, 6 }; var cv = new CollectionView (list); cv.Filter = item => (int)item % 2 == 0; CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent (filteredList, cv, "A1"); }
internal CollectionViewRegisteringEventArgs(CollectionView view) { _view = view; }