コード例 #1
        public void TestButtonClientSideProvider()
            // Create the provider
            ClientSideProviderDescription provider = new ClientSideProviderDescription(
                new ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback(SampleButtonProvider.ButtonFactory), "Shell_TrayWnd");
            ClientSideProviderDescription[] providers = new ClientSideProviderDescription[1] { provider };

                // Register it

                // Get the overridden element
                AutomationElement startButton = AutomationElement.FromHandle(this.startButtonHwnd);

                // Validate that it is ours
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleButtonProvider.ButtonName, startButton.Current.Name);

                // Unregister it
                ClientSettings.RegisterClientSideProviders(new ClientSideProviderDescription[0]);

                // Get the overridden element
                startButton = AutomationElement.FromHandle(this.startButtonHwnd);

                // Validate that it is not ours
                Assert.AreNotEqual(SampleButtonProvider.ButtonName, startButton.Current.Name);
                // Restore the status quo ante
                ClientSettings.RegisterClientSideProviders(new ClientSideProviderDescription[0]);
コード例 #2
        public void TestImageMatch()
            // Create the provider
            ClientSideProviderDescription provider = new ClientSideProviderDescription(
                new ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback(
            ClientSideProviderDescription[] providers = new ClientSideProviderDescription[1] { provider };

                // Register it

                // Get the overridden element
                AutomationElement startButton = AutomationElement.FromHandle(this.startButtonHwnd);

                // Validate that it is ours
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleButtonProvider.ButtonName, startButton.Current.Name);
                // Restore the status quo ante
                ClientSettings.RegisterClientSideProviders(new ClientSideProviderDescription[0]);
コード例 #3
        public void TestPartialMatchNotPermitted()
            // Create the provider
            ClientSideProviderDescription provider = new ClientSideProviderDescription(
                new ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback(
                    null /* image name */,
            ClientSideProviderDescription[] providers = new ClientSideProviderDescription[1] { provider };

                // Register it

                // Get the overridden element
                AutomationElement startButton = AutomationElement.FromHandle(this.startButtonHwnd);

                // Validate that it is not ours
                Assert.AreNotEqual(SampleButtonProvider.ButtonName, startButton.Current.Name);
                // Restore the status quo ante
                ClientSettings.RegisterClientSideProviders(new ClientSideProviderDescription[0]);
コード例 #4
        private static void AddToProxyDescriptionTable(ClientSideProviderDescription[] proxyInfo)
            ClientSideProviderDescription pi;

            // the array that is passed in may have the same className occuring more than once in the table.
            // The way this works it the first occurence in the array is giver the first chance to return a valid
            // proxy.  In order to make that work we go through the array backwards so the the entries first
            // in the table get inserted in front of the ones that came later.  This also works if 
            // RegisterWindowHandlers is called more than once.
            for( int i = proxyInfo.Length - 1;  i >= 0; i-- )
                pi = proxyInfo[i];

                // Check for pseudo-proxy names...
                if( pi.ClassName != null && pi.ClassName.Length > 0 && pi.ClassName[ 0 ] == '#' )
                    for( int j = 0 ; j < _pseudoProxyClassNames.Length ; j++ )
                        if( pi.ClassName.Equals( _pseudoProxyClassNames[ j ] ) )
                            if( pi.ImageName != null || pi.Flags != 0 )
                                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NonclientClassnameCannotBeUsedWithFlagsOrImagename));

                            _pseudoProxies[j] = pi.ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback;
                    // fall through to add to table as usual, that ensures that it appears in a 'get' operation.

                if( pi.ClassName == null && pi.ImageName == null )
                    _fallbackHandlers.Insert(0, pi.ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback);
                else if ( pi.ClassName == null )
                    AddToHashTable(_imageOnlyHandlers, pi.ImageName, pi.ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback);
                else if ((pi.Flags & ClientSideProviderMatchIndicator.AllowSubstringMatch) != 0)
                    _partialClassHandlers.Insert( 0, pi );
                    AddToHashTable( _classHandlers, pi.ClassName, pi );
コード例 #5
 // register specified proxies
 internal static void RegisterWindowHandlers(ClientSideProviderDescription[] proxyInfo)
     // If a client registers a proxy before the defaults proxies are loaded because of use, 
     // we should load the defaults first.
     lock (_lockObj)
         AddToProxyDescriptionTable( proxyInfo );
コード例 #6
        // set proxy table to specified array, clearing any previously registered proxies
        internal static void SetProxyDescriptionTable(ClientSideProviderDescription[] proxyInfo)
            lock (_lockObj)
                // This method replaces the entire table.  So clear all the collections
                for( int i = 0 ; i < _pseudoProxies.Length ; i++ )
                    _pseudoProxies[ i ] = null;


                AddToProxyDescriptionTable( proxyInfo );

                // if someone calls this method before the default proxies are 
                // loaded assume they don't want us to add the defaults on top 
                // of the ones they just put into affect here
                _defaultProxiesNeeded = false;
コード例 #7
        // return an array representing the currently registered proxies
        internal static ClientSideProviderDescription[] GetProxyDescriptionTable()
            // the ClientSideProviderDescription table is split into four different collections.  Bundle them all back 
            // together to let them be manipulated

            // If a client gets the table before the defaults proxies  are loaded because of use, it should return the default proxies
            lock (_lockObj)
                int count = 0;
                IEnumerable [ ] sourceProxyDescription = {_classHandlers, _partialClassHandlers, _imageOnlyHandlers, _fallbackHandlers};

                // figure out how many there are
                foreach ( IEnumerable e in sourceProxyDescription )
                    foreach ( Object item in e )
                        Object o = item;
                        if( o is DictionaryEntry )
                            o = ((DictionaryEntry)o).Value;

                        if (o is ClientSideProviderDescription)
                        else if (o is ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback)
                            count += ((ArrayList)o).Count;

                ClientSideProviderDescription[] proxyDescriptions = new ClientSideProviderDescription[count];
                count = 0;
                // Because the four collections have a simular stucture in common we can treat like they are the same 
                // and build the array in the correct order from each one.
                foreach ( IEnumerable e in sourceProxyDescription )
                    foreach ( Object item in e )
                        Object o = item;
                        if( o is DictionaryEntry )
                            o = ((DictionaryEntry)o).Value;

                        if (o is ClientSideProviderDescription)
                            proxyDescriptions[count++] = (ClientSideProviderDescription)o;
                        else if (o is ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback)
                            ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback pfc = (ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback)o;
                            proxyDescriptions[count++] = new ClientSideProviderDescription(pfc, null);

                            foreach( Object o1 in (ArrayList) o )
                                proxyDescriptions[count++] = (ClientSideProviderDescription)o1;
                return proxyDescriptions;
コード例 #8
 internal AdapterProxyFactory(ClientSideProviderDescription proxyDescription)
     this._proxyDescription = proxyDescription;
コード例 #9
        public void MyTestInitialize()
            // Find the taskbar, which will be our target
            AutomationElement taskBar = AutomationElementTest.GetTaskbar();
            this.targetHwnd = (IntPtr)taskBar.Current.NativeWindowHandle;

            // Register a client side provider
            ClientSideProviderDescription provider = new ClientSideProviderDescription(
                new ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback(MockPatternProvider.MockPatternFactory), "Shell_TrayWnd");
            ClientSideProviderDescription[] providers = new ClientSideProviderDescription[1] { provider };

            // Get the overridden element
            this.mockObject = AutomationElement.FromHandle(this.targetHwnd);
コード例 #10
        public static void RegisterClientSideProviders(ClientSideProviderDescription[] clientSideProviderDescription)
            Utility.ValidateArgumentNonNull(clientSideProviderDescription, "clientSideProviderDescription ");

            // Convert providers to native code representation
            List<UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationProxyFactoryEntry> entriesList = 
                new List<UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationProxyFactoryEntry>();           
            foreach (ClientSideProviderDescription provider in clientSideProviderDescription)
                // Construct a wrapper for the proxy factory callback
                Utility.ValidateArgumentNonNull(provider.ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback, "provider.ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback");
                ProxyFactoryCallbackWrapper wrapper = new ProxyFactoryCallbackWrapper(provider.ClientSideProviderFactoryCallback);
                // Construct a factory entry
                UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationProxyFactoryEntry factoryEntry =
                factoryEntry.AllowSubstringMatch = ((provider.Flags & ClientSideProviderMatchIndicator.AllowSubstringMatch) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                factoryEntry.CanCheckBaseClass = ((provider.Flags & ClientSideProviderMatchIndicator.DisallowBaseClassNameMatch) != 0) ? 0 : 1;
                factoryEntry.ClassName = provider.ClassName;
                factoryEntry.ImageName = provider.ImageName;

                // Add it to the list

            // Get the proxy map from Automation and restore the default table
            UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationProxyFactoryMapping map = Automation.Factory.ProxyFactoryMapping;

            // Decide where to insert
            // MSDN recommends inserting after non-control and container proxies
            uint insertBefore;
            uint count = (uint)map.count;
            for (insertBefore = 0; insertBefore < count; ++insertBefore)
                string proxyFactoryId = map.GetEntry(insertBefore).ProxyFactory.ProxyFactoryId;
                if (!proxyFactoryId.Contains("Non-Control") && !proxyFactoryId.Contains("Container"))

            // Insert our new entries
            map.InsertEntries(insertBefore, entriesList.ToArray());
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Register client-side providers to use on HWND-based controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientSideProviderDescription">Array of ClientSideProviderDescription structs that specify window class names and factory delegate</param>
        public static void RegisterClientSideProviders(ClientSideProviderDescription[] clientSideProviderDescription)
            Misc.ValidateArgumentNonNull(clientSideProviderDescription, "clientSideProviderDescription ");

コード例 #12
ファイル: ClientSettings.cs プロジェクト: mono/uia2atk
		public static void RegisterClientSideProviders (
			ClientSideProviderDescription [] clientSideProviderDescription)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();