public static void HandleException(this ExceptionContext filterContext) { var ex = filterContext.Exception; var contextResponse = filterContext.HttpContext.Response; LogException(ex); HttpException httpException = new HttpException(null, ex); int httpExceptionCode = httpException.GetHttpCode(); string controllerName = (string)filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"]; string actionName = (string)filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"]; HandleErrorInfo model = new HandleErrorInfo(ex, controllerName ?? "Unknown", actionName ?? "Unknown"); ViewResult result = new ViewResult { ViewName = "Error", MasterName = "_Layout", ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary<HandleErrorInfo>(model), TempData = filterContext.Controller.TempData }; filterContext.Result = result; filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true; contextResponse.Clear(); contextResponse.StatusCode = httpExceptionCode; contextResponse.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; }
// GET: Error public ActionResult Index() { //If a 404 is thrown, the system redirects here but without a HandleErrorInfo object, so we make our own. HttpException err = new HttpException(404, string.Format("404 - Unrecognized Url - ({0})", Request.Params["aspxerrorpath"])); HandleErrorInfo model = new HandleErrorInfo(err, "Error", "Index"); return View("Error", model); }
public static void LogException(HttpException exception) { if (exception != null) { Debug.Print(exception.ToString()); Logger.Error(exception.ToString()); try { var error = new VLogServerSideError(exception); VLogErrorCode weberrorcode = VLog.GetWebErrorCodeOrDefault(error.ErrorCode, VLogErrorTypes.ServerSideIIS); if (weberrorcode != null && !weberrorcode.ExcludeFromLogging) { if (VLog.OnCommitExceptionToServerRepository != null) { VLog.OnCommitExceptionToServerRepository(error); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // IMPORTANT! We swallow any exception raised during the // logging and send them out to the trace . The idea // here is that logging of exceptions by itself should not // be critical to the overall operation of the application. // The bad thing is that we catch ANY kind of exception, // even system ones and potentially let them slip by. Logger.Error(ex.ToString()); Debug.Print(ex.Message); } } }
private void ShowCustomErrorPage(Exception exception) { HttpException httpException = exception as HttpException; if (httpException == null) httpException = new HttpException(500, "Internal Server Error", exception); Response.Clear(); RouteData routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values.Add("controller", "Error"); switch (httpException.GetHttpCode()) { case 404: routeData.Values.Add("action", "Http404"); break; default: routeData.Values.Add("action", "Http404"); break; } Server.ClearError(); var contentService = (IWebContent)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(IWebContent)); var domainService = (IDomain)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(IDomain)); var userService = (IUser)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(IUser)); var ecommerceService = (IECommerce)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(IECommerce)); //var stripeService = (IStripe) DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof (IStripe)); IController controller = new ErrorController(domainService, contentService, ecommerceService, userService); controller.Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(Context), routeData)); }
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) { if (WebApiEnabledAttribute.IsDefined(controllerContext.Controller)) { if (!controllerContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey(bindingContext.ModelName) && controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.HasBody()) { ContentType requestFormat = controllerContext.RequestContext.GetRequestFormat(); object model; if (TryBindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, requestFormat, out model)) { bindingContext.ModelMetadata.Model = model; MyDefaultModelBinder dmb = new MyDefaultModelBinder(); dmb.CallOnModelUpdated(controllerContext, bindingContext); if (!MyDefaultModelBinder.IsModelValid(bindingContext)) { List<ModelError> details = new List<ModelError>(); foreach (ModelState ms in bindingContext.ModelState.Values) { foreach (ModelError me in ms.Errors) { details.Add(me); } } HttpException failure = new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed, "Invalid Model"); failure.Data["details"] = details; throw failure; } return model; } throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MvcResources.Resources_UnsupportedMediaType, (requestFormat == null ? String.Empty : requestFormat.MediaType))); } } return this._inner.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Log the exception and notify system operators ex = new HttpException("defaultRedirect"); ExceptionUtility.LogException(ex, "Caught in DefaultRedirectErrorPage"); ExceptionUtility.NotifySystemOps(ex, "Caught in DefaultRedirectErrorPage"); }
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception exception = Server.GetLastError(); if (exception == null) { exception = new HttpException(500, "Internal Server Error", exception); } if (exception is HttpException) { HttpException httpException = exception as HttpException; Server.ClearError(); Response.Clear(); switch (httpException.GetHttpCode()) { case 404: Response.Redirect("~/Error/PageNotFound"); break; case 500: Response.Redirect("~/Error/InternalServerError"); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Error event of the Application control. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpapplication">The http application.</param> /// <param name="httpexception">The http exception.</param> private static void ApplicationOnErrorFilter(HttpApplication httpapplication, HttpException httpexception) { // Modify if need try { if (httpexception != null) { switch ((HttpStatusCode)httpexception.GetHttpCode()) { case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError: // Error caused by Search engine caching of ASP.NET assembly WebResource.axd file(s) // 'WebResource.axd' Or 'ScriptResource.axd' string url = httpapplication.Context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath; if (url.EndsWith(".axd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { httpapplication.Context.Server.ClearError(); } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // CRITICAL: Error Log must not throw unhandled errors Logger.InfoException(ex.Message, ex); } }
public ActionResult Http403(HttpException exception) { return RedirectToAction( actionName: "SignIn", controllerName: "User" ); }
public ActionResult Checkout() { if (new CartBusiness { UserKey = Session.GetUserKey() }.GetCurrentCartCount() <= 0) { var ex = new HttpException(400, ""); ex.Data["ErrType"] = Globals.ERRTYPES.CART_CARTEMPTY; throw ex; } var orderBusiness = new OrderBusiness(); var currentOrder = orderBusiness.GetIncompleteOrder(Session.GetUserKey()); if (currentOrder == null) { var ex = new HttpException(404, ""); ex.Data["ErrType"] = Globals.ERRTYPES.ORDER_NOTFOUND; throw ex; } decimal ItemsTotal; decimal ShippingPrice; decimal OrderTotal; orderBusiness.CalculateOrderSummary(out ItemsTotal, out ShippingPrice, out OrderTotal, currentOrder); return View(new CheckoutViewModel { Order = currentOrder, ItemsTotal = ItemsTotal, ShippingPrice = ShippingPrice, OrderTotal = OrderTotal }); }
public ActionResult Checkout(Payment Payment) { if (new CartBusiness { UserKey = Session.GetUserKey() }.GetCurrentCartCount() <= 0) { var ex = new HttpException(400, ""); ex.Data["ErrType"] = Globals.ERRTYPES.CART_CARTEMPTY; throw ex; } var orderBusiness = new OrderBusiness(); var currentOrder = orderBusiness.GetIncompleteOrder(Session.GetUserKey()); if (currentOrder == null) { var ex = new HttpException(404, ""); ex.Data["ErrType"] = Globals.ERRTYPES.ORDER_NOTFOUND; throw ex; } decimal ItemsTotal; decimal ShippingPrice; decimal OrderTotal; orderBusiness.CalculateOrderSummary(out ItemsTotal, out ShippingPrice, out OrderTotal, currentOrder); if (OrderTotal != Payment.AmountPaid) { var ex = new HttpException(400, ""); ex.Data["ErrType"] = Globals.ERRTYPES.CHECKOUT_PAYMENTERROR; throw ex; } orderBusiness.Checkout(Payment, currentOrder); // order completed, SEND E-MAIL return RedirectToAction("CheckoutComplete", currentOrder); }
protected void Application_Error() { if (HttpContext.Current == null) { // errors in Application_Start will end up here return; } if (HttpContext.Current.IsCustomErrorEnabled) { return; } var exception = Server.GetLastError(); var httpException = new HttpException(null, exception); if (httpException.GetHttpCode() == 404 && WebHelper.IsStaticResource(this.Request)) { return; } //TODO: 记录Log(忽略404,403) var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values.Add("controller", "Error"); routeData.Values.Add("action", "Index"); routeData.Values.Add("httpException", httpException); Server.ClearError(); // Call target Controller and pass the routeData. //Ref nop&nblog IController errorController = SDFEngine.Container.Resolve<ErrorController>(); errorController.Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(Context), routeData)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create safe error messages. string generalErrorMsg = "A problem has occurred on this web site. Please try again. " + "If this error continues, please contact support."; string httpErrorMsg = "An HTTP error occurred. Page Not found. Please try again."; string unhandledErrorMsg = "The error was unhandled by application code."; // Display safe error message. FriendlyErrorMsg.Text = generalErrorMsg; // Determine where error was handled. string errorHandler = Request.QueryString["handler"]; if (errorHandler == null) { errorHandler = "Error Page"; } // Get the last error from the server. Exception ex = Server.GetLastError(); // Get the error number passed as a querystring value. string errorMsg = Request.QueryString["msg"]; if (errorMsg == "404") { ex = new HttpException(404, httpErrorMsg, ex); FriendlyErrorMsg.Text = ex.Message; } // If the exception no longer exists, create a generic exception. if (ex == null) { ex = new Exception(unhandledErrorMsg); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Log the exception and notify system operators ex = new HttpException("HTTP 404"); ExceptionUtility.LogException(ex, "Caught in Http404ErrorPage"); ExceptionUtility.NotifySystemOps(ex); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VLogServerSideError"/> class. /// from a given <see cref="HttpException"/> instance and /// <see cref="HttpContext"/> instance representing the HTTP /// context during the exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpexception">The occurred server side exception</param> public VLogServerSideError(HttpException httpexception) : this() { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; if (httpexception != null && context != null) { this.ErrorMessage = httpexception.GetErrorMessage(); this.ErrorDetails = httpexception.GetErrorErrorDetails(); // Sets an object of a uniform resource identifier properties this.SetAdditionalHttpContextInfo(context); this.SetAdditionalExceptionInfo(httpexception); // If this is an HTTP exception, then get the status code // and detailed HTML message provided by the host. this.ErrorCode = httpexception.GetHttpCode(); VLogErrorCode errorcoderule; if (VLog.WebErrorCodes.TryGetValue(this.ErrorCode, out errorcoderule) && !errorcoderule.ExcludeFromLogging) { this.AddHttpExceptionData(errorcoderule, context, httpexception, errorcoderule); } } }
protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { var exception = Server.GetLastError(); WebServiceException webEx = exception as WebServiceException; if (webEx != null) { log.ErrorFormat("Api Error => {0}", webEx.ErrorMessage); } var httpException = new HttpException(null, exception); log.Error("Application Error", exception); if (!HttpContext.Current.IsCustomErrorEnabled) return; var routeData = new RouteData(); routeData.Values.Add("controller", "Error"); routeData.Values.Add("action", "Index"); routeData.Values.Add("httpException", httpException); Server.ClearError(); var errorController = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory().CreateController( new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(Context), routeData), "Error"); errorController.Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(Context), routeData)); }
public WebErrorHandler HandleException() { var exception = HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError(); if (null != exception) { // by default 500 var statusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; if (exception is HttpException) { statusCode = new HttpException(null, exception).GetHttpCode(); } else if (exception is UnauthorizedAccessException) { // to prevent login prompt in IIS // which will appear when returning 401. statusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; } if ((LogHttpNotFound && statusCode == 404) || statusCode != 404) { if (null != _loggerFunc) { LoggerFunc(string.Format("ASP.NET Error Captured, Request URL: {0}, Exception:", HttpContext.Current.Request.Url), exception); } } ExceptionInfo = exception.Message; _statusCode = statusCode; } return this; }
public void GetErrorInfoFromException_GivenHttpExceptionWithNoInnerExceptionReturnsExceptionMessageAsTitle() { var ex = new HttpException("Test exception message"); var errorInfo = service.GetErrorInfoFromException(ex, "testpage.htm", "Tester", "TestApp"); Assert.IsNotNull(errorInfo); Assert.IsTrue(errorInfo.ErrorTitle == "Test exception message"); }
protected void Application_Error() { // Log ASP.NET errors (404, 500) HttpException exception = new HttpException(null, HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError()); Log.Error("An ASP.NET based error occurred - ({0}) - {1}", exception.GetHttpCode(), exception.ToString()); }
public void Increment_With404HttpException_DoesntAddReadingData() { var sensor = new ExceptionSensor(); var exception = new HttpException(404, "Page not found"); sensor.AddError(exception); Assert.That(ReadingPublisher.Readings.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); }
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Index(string catchAll, System.Web.HttpException exception) { var callInfo = new T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.Index); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "catchAll", catchAll); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "exception", exception); IndexOverride(callInfo, catchAll, exception); return(callInfo); }
public void HandleUnknownStatusCodeFromHttpException() { HttpException exception = new HttpException(1, "?"); _builder.SetExceptionDetails(exception); RaygunMessage message = _builder.Build(); Assert.IsNotNull(message.Details.Response); Assert.AreEqual(1, message.Details.Response.StatusCode); Assert.IsNull(message.Details.Response.StatusDescription); }
public void GetStatusCodeFromHttpException() { HttpException exception = new HttpException(404, "the file is gone"); _builder.SetExceptionDetails(exception); RaygunMessage message = _builder.Build(); Assert.IsNotNull(message.Details.Response); Assert.AreEqual(404, message.Details.Response.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual("NotFound", message.Details.Response.StatusDescription); }
private RouteData GetErrorRouteData(HttpException httpException, CustomErrorsSection config) { var statusCode = httpException.GetHttpCode().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var routeData = RouteInfo.GetRouteDataByUrl(config.Errors[statusCode] != null ? config.Errors[statusCode].Redirect : config.DefaultRedirect); return routeData; }
public void LogHttpException(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, HttpException httpException) { if (httpException == null) return; if (httpRequest == null) { LogException(httpException); return; } _log.ErrorFormat(HttpErrorFormat, httpException.Message, httpRequest.UserAgent, httpRequest.Url, httpException.StackTrace); }
public ExceptionContext MockThrowing404Exception() { HttpException exception = new HttpException(NotFound, "error"); ExceptionContext context = new ExceptionContext(ControllerContext, exception); OnException(context); return context; }
public void MediumTrustThrowsSecurityExceptionWhenCopyingBetweenTypesFromDifferentModules() { Exception e1 = new Exception("my name is e1"); HttpException e2 = new HttpException("my name is e2"); // I know, I am a bit paranoid about that basic assumption Assert.AreNotEqual( e1.GetType().Assembly, e2.GetType().Assembly ); SecurityTemplate.MediumTrustInvoke(new ThreadStart(new CopyCommand(e2, e1).Execute)); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Message, e2.Message); }
public HttpResponseException General(HttpException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(GetType().FullName + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); string strHtmlError = ex.GetBaseException().ToString(); @ViewBag.strError = strHtmlError; //return View("Error"); return new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); }
public ActionResult Http404(HttpException exception) { var path = "/angular/#" + Request.Path; if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) { path += "?" + Request.QueryString; } return Redirect(path); }
public void http_exception_404_should_not_send() { var client = new FakeAirbrakeClient(); var exception = new HttpException(404, "not found"); exception.SendToAirbrake(client: client); Assert.AreEqual(0, client.SentExceptions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, client.SentNotices.Count); }
public void ProcessException(Exception ex, HttpContext ctx) { if(ex == null) return; Type exType = ex.GetType(); if (typeof(RequestedResourceNotFoundException).IsAssignableFrom(exType)) ex = new HttpException(404, ex.Message, ex); ErrorLog.GetDefault(ctx).Log(new Error(ex, ctx)); }
private void Application_OnError(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { System.Web.HttpApplication httpApplication = (System.Web.HttpApplication)sender; System.Web.HttpContext context = httpApplication.Context; System.Exception ex = context.Server.GetLastError(); if (ex is System.Web.HttpException) { System.Web.HttpException ex2 = ex as System.Web.HttpException; if (ex2.GetHttpCode() == 404) { string arg_41_0 = httpApplication.Request.PhysicalPath; TextLogger.Write(string.Format("文件不存在:{0}", httpApplication.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri)); return; } } if (ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; } System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder().AppendFormat("访问路径:{0}", GameRequest.GetRawUrl()).AppendLine().AppendFormat("{0} thrown {1}", ex.Source, ex.GetType().ToString()).AppendLine().Append(ex.Message).Append(ex.StackTrace); TextLogger.Write(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
partial void IndexOverride(T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult callInfo, string catchAll, System.Web.HttpException exception);
public static void SendErrorResponse(HttpResponseBase response, System.Web.HttpException he, string moduleVersion) { int httpStatusCode = he.GetHttpCode(); string msgType = StatusCodeMessage(httpStatusCode); string errorDoc = null; try { errorDoc = Utilities.GetXmlStringFromFile(Settings.Get(("ErrorTemplate"))); } catch (Exception ex) { // use default template if we can't find the requested one if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorDoc)) { errorDoc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-/W3C/DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/EN\" \"\"><html xmlns = \"http:/\"><head><title>Application Error - {0} {1}</title></head><body style=\"font-family:Arial; font-size:10pt; color:#330000\"><h1>{0} {1}</h1><div class=\"error_message\">{2}</div><b><span class=\"error_location\">{4}.{3}</span></b><!--\n{5}\n--><br/><br/>In addition, the error page could not be loaded, so this default page was used instead.\n<!--THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTION OCCURRED WHILE LOADING THE ERROR TEMPLATE:\n" + ex.Message + "\n--><hr/><i>RestNet Application {6}</i></body></html>"; } } var url = (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Request != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.Url != null) ? string.Format(" ({0})", HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["X-REWRITE-URL"] ?? HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery) : string.Empty; System.Reflection.MethodBase targetSite = he.GetBaseException().TargetSite; string msg = string.Format(errorDoc, httpStatusCode, msgType, he.Message + url, targetSite == null ? string.Empty : targetSite.Name, targetSite == null ? string.Empty : targetSite.ReflectedType.FullName, System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(he.GetBaseException().StackTrace), moduleVersion); // Set logging level differently for client vs. server errors. // 100, 200, 300 series should never really appear, but just in case I've included them here // also, don't bother including full exceptions for < 500, as they're likely to just duplicate the message switch ((int)(httpStatusCode / 100)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: Logging.Debug(he.Message + url); break; case 3: Logging.InfoFormat("{0} - {1}", httpStatusCode, he.Message + url); break; case 4: if (httpStatusCode == 401) { // 401 challenge isn't really worthy of a warning Logging.DebugFormat("{0} - {1}", httpStatusCode, he.Message + url); } else { Logging.WarnFormat("{0} - {1}", httpStatusCode, he.Message + url); } break; default: Logging.Error(string.Format("{0} - {1}", httpStatusCode, he.Message + url), he); break; } ReturnError(response, httpStatusCode, msg); }
public static void SendErrorResponse(HttpResponse response, System.Web.HttpException he, string moduleVersion) { SendErrorResponse(new HttpResponseWrapper(response), he, moduleVersion); }
public static void SendErrorResponse(HttpResponseBase response, System.Web.HttpException he) { SendErrorResponse(response, he, string.Empty); }
public static void SendErrorResponse(HttpResponse response, System.Web.HttpException he) { SendErrorResponse(new HttpResponseWrapper(response), he); }