コード例 #1
ファイル: TripletCas.cs プロジェクト: nobled/mono
		public void Ctor0_Deny_Unrestricted ()
			Triplet t = new Triplet ();
			Assert.IsNull (t.First, "First");
			Assert.IsNull (t.Second, "Second");
			Assert.IsNull (t.Third, "Third");
コード例 #2
ファイル: TripletCas.cs プロジェクト: nobled/mono
		public void Ctor3_Deny_Unrestricted ()
			Triplet t = new Triplet (String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty);
			Assert.IsNotNull (t.First, "First");
			Assert.IsNotNull (t.Second, "Second");
			Assert.IsNotNull (t.Third, "Third");
コード例 #3
		protected override object SaveViewState ()
			if (tabData != null) {
				Triplet t = new Triplet (tabData, localValues, titles);
				return new Pair (base.SaveViewState (), t);
			return null;
コード例 #4
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     To be supplied.
        /// </devdoc>
        public override void Save()
            bool   requiresControlStateInSession = false;
            object clientData = null;

            Triplet vsTrip = ViewState as Triplet;

            // no session view state to store.
            if ((ControlState != null) ||
                ((vsTrip == null || vsTrip.Second != null || vsTrip.Third != null) && ViewState != null))
                HttpSessionState session = Page.Session;

                string sessionViewStateID = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 16);

                object state = null;
                requiresControlStateInSession = Page.Request.Browser.RequiresControlStateInSession;
                if (requiresControlStateInSession)
                    // ClientState will just be sessionID
                    state      = new Pair(ViewState, ControlState);
                    clientData = sessionViewStateID;
                    // ClientState will be a <sessionID, ControlState>
                    state      = ViewState;
                    clientData = new Pair(sessionViewStateID, ControlState);

                string sessionKey = _viewStateSessionKey + sessionViewStateID;
                session[sessionKey] = state;

                Queue queue = session[_viewStateQueueKey] as Queue;

                if (queue == null)
                    queue = new Queue();
                    session[_viewStateQueueKey] = queue;

                SessionPageStateSection cfg = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(Page.Request.Context).SessionPageState;
                int queueCount = queue.Count;

                if (cfg != null && queueCount > cfg.HistorySize ||
                    cfg == null && queueCount > SessionPageStateSection.DefaultHistorySize)
                    string oldSessionKey = (string)queue.Dequeue();

            if (clientData != null)
                Page.ClientState = Util.SerializeWithAssert(StateFormatter2, new Pair(requiresControlStateInSession, clientData), Purpose.WebForms_SessionPageStatePersister_ClientState);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ObjectStateFormatter.cs プロジェクト: mdae/MonoRT
            protected override object Read(byte token, BinaryReader r, ReaderContext ctx)
                Triplet t = new Triplet();

                t.First  = ReadObject(r, ctx);
                t.Second = ReadObject(r, ctx);
                t.Third  = ReadObject(r, ctx);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ObjectStateFormatter.cs プロジェクト: mdae/MonoRT
            protected override void Write(BinaryWriter w, object o, WriterContext ctx)
                Triplet t = (Triplet)o;

                WriteObject(w, t.First, ctx);
                WriteObject(w, t.Second, ctx);
                WriteObject(w, t.Third, ctx);
コード例 #7
        public virtual string Serialize(AntiForgeryData token) {
            if (token == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("token");

            Triplet objToSerialize = new Triplet() {
                First = token.Salt,
                Second = token.Value,
                Third = token.CreationDate

            string serializedValue = Formatter.Serialize(objToSerialize);
            return serializedValue;
コード例 #8
        public override void Save()
            bool    x         = false;
            object  y         = null;
            Triplet viewState = base.ViewState as Triplet;

            if ((base.ControlState != null) || ((((viewState == null) || (viewState.Second != null)) || (viewState.Third != null)) && (base.ViewState != null)))
                HttpSessionState session = base.Page.Session;
                string           str     = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 0x10);
                object           obj3    = null;
                x = base.Page.Request.Browser.RequiresControlStateInSession;
                if (x)
                    obj3 = new Pair(base.ViewState, base.ControlState);
                    y    = str;
                    obj3 = base.ViewState;
                    y    = new Pair(str, base.ControlState);
                string str2 = "__SESSIONVIEWSTATE" + str;
                session[str2] = obj3;
                Queue queue = session["__VIEWSTATEQUEUE"] as Queue;
                if (queue == null)
                    queue = new Queue();
                    session["__VIEWSTATEQUEUE"] = queue;
                SessionPageStateSection sessionPageState = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(base.Page.Request.Context).SessionPageState;
                int count = queue.Count;
                if (((sessionPageState != null) && (count > sessionPageState.HistorySize)) || ((sessionPageState == null) && (count > 9)))
                    string name = (string)queue.Dequeue();
            if (y != null)
                base.Page.ClientState = Util.SerializeWithAssert(base.StateFormatter, new Pair(x, y));
コード例 #9
ファイル: LOSFormatter.cs プロジェクト: dox0/DotNet471RS3
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Recursively serializes value into the writer.
        /// </devdoc>
        private void SerializeValue(TextWriter output, object value)
            if (value == null)

            // First determine the type... either typeless (string), array,
            // typed array, hashtable, pair, triplet, knowntype, typetable reference, or
            // type...

            // serialize string...
            if (value is string)
                WriteEscapedString(output, (string)value);

            // serialize Int32...
            else if (value is Int32)
            else if (value is Boolean)
                output.Write(((bool)value) ? 't' : 'f');

            // serialize arraylist...
            else if (value is ArrayList)

                ArrayList ar = (ArrayList)value;
                int       c  = ar.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                    SerializeValue(output, ar[i]);

            // serialize hashtable...
            else if (value is Hashtable)

                Hashtable table = (Hashtable)value;

                IDictionaryEnumerator e = table.GetEnumerator();
                while (e.MoveNext())
                    SerializeValue(output, e.Key);

                    SerializeValue(output, e.Value);

                // we'll need the Type object for the last two possibilities
                Type valueType = value.GetType();
                Type strtype   = typeof(string);

                // serialize Pair
                if (valueType == typeof(Pair))
                    Pair p = (Pair)value;

                    SerializeValue(output, p.First);
                    SerializeValue(output, p.Second);

                // serialize Triplet
                else if (valueType == typeof(Triplet))
                    Triplet t = (Triplet)value;

                    SerializeValue(output, t.First);
                    SerializeValue(output, t.Second);
                    SerializeValue(output, t.Third);

                // serialize array...
                else if (valueType.IsArray)
                    Type underlyingValueType;
                    underlyingValueType = valueType.GetElementType();


                    if (underlyingValueType != strtype)
                        // write type of array before elements
                        int typeId = GetTypeId(underlyingValueType);
                        WriteTypeId(output, typeId, underlyingValueType);

                        Array ar = (Array)value;
                        for (int i = 0; i < ar.Length; i++)
                            SerializeValue(output, ar.GetValue(i));
                        // optimization: since we know the underlying values are strings,
                        // we can skip the recursive call to SerializeValue
                        string[] ar = (string[])value;
                        for (int i = 0; i < ar.Length; i++)
                            WriteEscapedString(output, ar[i]);

                // serialize other value...
                    int typeId = GetTypeId(valueType);

                    // get the type converter
                    TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(valueType);

                    bool toString;
                    bool fromString;
                    if (tc == null || tc is ReferenceConverter)
                        toString   = false;
                        fromString = false;
                        toString   = tc.CanConvertTo(strtype);
                        fromString = tc.CanConvertFrom(strtype);

                    if (toString && fromString)
                        //we can convert to and from a string
                        WriteTypeId(output, typeId, valueType);

                        WriteEscapedString(output, tc.ConvertToInvariantString(null, value));
                        // the typeconverter failed us, so we are resorting to binary serialization
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                        System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                        try {
                            formatter.Serialize(ms, value);
                        catch (SerializationException) {
                            throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.NonSerializableType, value.GetType().FullName));


                        // Since base64 doesn't have any chars that we escape, we can
                        // skip WriteEscapedString
                        output.Write(Convert.ToBase64String(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms.Length));
コード例 #10
ファイル: LOSFormatter.cs プロジェクト: dox0/DotNet471RS3
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Deserializes a value from tokens, starting at current. When this
        ///     function returns, current will be left at the next token.
        ///     This function is recursive.
        /// </devdoc>
        private object DeserializeValueInternal()
            // Determine the data type... possible combinations are:
            //   @<...>     == array of strings
            //   @T<...>    == array of (typeref T)
            //   b<...>     == base64 encoded value
            //   h<...>     == hashtable
            //   l<...>     == arraylist
            //   p<...>     == pair
            //   t<...>     == triplet
            //   i<...>     == int
            //   o<t/f>     == boolean true/false
            //   T<...>     == (typeref T)
            //   ...        == string

            object value = null;

            string token = ConsumeOneToken();

            if (_current >= _deserializationData.Length || _deserializationData[_current] != leftAngleBracketChar)
                // just a string - next token is not a left angle bracket
                // we can shortcut here and just return the string
                //_current++; //consume right angle bracket or delimiter

            _current++; // consume left angle bracket

            // otherwise, we have typeref followed by value
            if (token.Length == 1)
                // simple type we recognize
                char ch = token[0];
                if (ch == 'p')
                    Pair p = new Pair();

                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar)
                        p.First = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    _current++; // consume delimeter
                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar)
                        p.Second = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    value = p;
                else if (ch == 't')
                    Triplet t = new Triplet();

                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar)
                        t.First = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    _current++; // consume delimeter
                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar)
                        t.Second = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    _current++; // consume delimeter
                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar)
                        t.Third = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    value = t;

                // Parse int32...
                else if (ch == 'i')
                    value = Int32.Parse(ConsumeOneToken(), NumberFormat);

                else if (ch == 'o')
                    value = _deserializationData[_current] == 't';
                    _current++;  // consume t or f

                // Parse arrayList...
                else if (ch == 'l')
                    ArrayList data = new ArrayList();

                    while (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar)
                        object itemValue = null;
                        if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar)
                            itemValue = DeserializeValueInternal();
                        _current++; //consume the delimiter

                    value = data;
                else if (ch == '@')
                    // if we're here, length == 1 so this is a string array
                    value = ConsumeStringArray();

                // Parse hashtable...
                else if (ch == 'h')
                    Hashtable data = new Hashtable();

                    while (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar)
                        object key;
                        key = DeserializeValueInternal(); // hashtable key cannot be null

                        _current++;                       // consume delimiter
                        if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar)
                            data[key] = DeserializeValueInternal();
                            data[key] = null;

                        _current++; // consume delimiter

                    value = data;

                // base64 encoded...
                else if (ch == 'b')
                    string text = ConsumeOneToken();
                    byte[] serializedData;
                    serializedData = Convert.FromBase64String(text);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serializedData))
                        System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                        value = formatter.Deserialize(new MemoryStream(serializedData));

                // Parse typeconverter value ...
                    // we have a typeref which is only one character long
                    value = ConsumeTypeConverterValue(token);
                // length > 1

                // Parse array...
                if (token[0] == '@')
                    // if we're here, length > 1 so we must have a type ref after the @
                    Type creatableType = TypeFromTypeRef(token.Substring(1));
                    value = ConsumeArray(creatableType);

                // Parse typeconverter value ...
                    // we have a typeref which is more than one character long
                    value = ConsumeTypeConverterValue(token);

            _current++; //consume right angle bracket
コード例 #11
ファイル: Url.cs プロジェクト: ClustinDEV/.NET-Suite-Uploader
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nsAccount"></param>
        /// <param name="nsEmail"></param>
        /// <param name="nsPassword"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Triplet getDataCenterUrls(String nsAccount, String nsEmail, String nsPassword)
                // Preset Values
                string sysURL = "https://rest.netsuite.com/rest/roles";
                Triplet urls = new Triplet();

                HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(sysURL);

                // 'nlauth_account' should NOT be specified for this type of request otherwise an error is returned.
                // Issue 238527
                                           "NLAuth nlauth_email=" + nsEmail + "," +
                                           "nlauth_signature=" + nsPassword);

                // set content type
                httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";

                // execute http GET
                WebResponse webResponse = httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
                Stream httpBody = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

                string jsonContent = "";
                int i = 0;

                StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(httpBody);

                while (jsonContent != null)
                    jsonContent = streamReader.ReadLine();
                    Stream mainContent = streamReader.BaseStream;

                    if (jsonContent != null)

                        // convert json content to bytes
                        byte[] bytesJsonContent = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(jsonContent);

                        // convert the json to an xml format so that xpath can be used to locate specific
                        // nodes & attributes
                        XmlDictionaryReader xmlReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(bytesJsonContent, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas());

                        // this returns the top-level element of the xml document;
                        // all of the following xpath statements are executed off of this element
                        XElement root = XElement.Load(xmlReader);

                        //Linq Query
                        IEnumerable<XElement> restDomains =
                        from c in root.Elements("item")
                        where (string)c.Element("account").Element("internalId").Value == nsAccount
                        select c;

                        // Outputs Data Center URLs for the specified account
                        if (restDomains != null)
                            foreach (XElement elementFromLinq in restDomains)
                                string accountIntId = elementFromLinq.Element("account").Element("internalId").Value;
                                string accountName = elementFromLinq.Element("account").Element("name").Value;
                                //Console.WriteLine("Data Center URLs for " + accountIntId + " " + accountName);
                                //Console.WriteLine("Role: " + elementFromLinq.Element("role").Element("name").Value);
                                //Console.WriteLine("Rest Domain: " + elementFromLinq.Element("dataCenterURLs").Element("restDomain").Value);
                                //Console.WriteLine("System Domain: " + elementFromLinq.Element("dataCenterURLs").Element("systemDomain").Value);
                                //Console.WriteLine("Web Services Domain: " + elementFromLinq.Element("dataCenterURLs").Element("webservicesDomain").Value);
                                //Console.WriteLine(" ");
                                urls.First = elementFromLinq.Element("dataCenterURLs").Element("webservicesDomain").Value;   //webservicesDomain
                                urls.Second = elementFromLinq.Element("dataCenterURLs").Element("systemDomain").Value;  //systemDomain
                                urls.Third = elementFromLinq.Element("dataCenterURLs").Element("restDomain").Value;  //restDomain

                        //Console.Write("Number of Roles for this Account: " + restDomains.Count());
                        //if (restDomains != null)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Roles");
                        //    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------");
                        //    foreach (XElement elementFromLinq in restDomains)
                        //    {
                        //        Console.WriteLine(elementFromLinq.Element("role").Element("name").Value);
                        //    }
                return urls;
            catch(Exception ex)
                return null;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ViewState.cs プロジェクト: Afshinbg/ViewStateViewer
        protected static object buildObjectElement(XmlElement xmlElement)
            String type = xmlElement.Name;
            if (type == "System.Web.UI.Pair")
                Pair pair = new Pair();
                pair.First = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(0));
                pair.Second = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(1));
                return pair;
            else if (type == "System.Web.UI.Triplet")
                Triplet triplet = new Triplet();
                triplet.First = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(0));
                triplet.Second = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(1));
                triplet.Third = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(2));
                return triplet;
            else if (type == "System.Collections.ArrayList")
                ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                foreach (XmlElement innerXmlElement in xmlElement)
                return arrayList;
            else if (type == "System.Array")
                object[] array = new object[xmlElement.ChildNodes.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < xmlElement.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                    array[i] = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(i));
                return array;
            else if (type == "System.Collections.Hashtable")
                Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable();
                return hashTable; // this needs to be fixed...I don't know what the child elements are

            else if (type == "System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary")
                HybridDictionary hybridDictionary = new HybridDictionary();
                foreach (XmlElement innerXmlElement in xmlElement)
                    DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry = (DictionaryEntry)buildObjectElement((XmlElement)innerXmlElement);
                    hybridDictionary.Add(dictionaryEntry.Key, dictionaryEntry.Value);
                return hybridDictionary;
            /*else if (type == "System.Collections.IDictionary")
                IDictionary iDictionary = new IDictionary();
                return iDictionary; // hmmm...not quite sure if we will ever see an IDicionary itself since it is an interface

            else if (type == "System.Collections.DictionaryEntry")
                DictionaryEntry dictionaryEnry = new DictionaryEntry();
                dictionaryEnry.Key = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(0));
                dictionaryEnry.Value = buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(1));
                return dictionaryEnry;
            else if (type == "System.String")
                return xmlElement.InnerText;
            else if (type == "System.Web.UI.IndexedString")
                return new IndexedString(xmlElement.InnerText);
            else if (type == "System.Int32")
                return Int32.Parse(xmlElement.InnerText);
            else if (type == "System.Int16")
                return Int16.Parse(xmlElement.InnerText);
            else if (type == "System.Boolean")
                if (xmlElement.InnerText == "True")
                    return true;
                    return false;
            else if (type == "System.Drawing.Color")
                int a = (Int32)buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(0));
                int r = (Int32)buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(1));
                int g = (Int32)buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(2));
                int b = (Int32)buildObjectElement((XmlElement)xmlElement.ChildNodes.Item(3));
                Color color = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
                return color;
            else if (type == "Null" && xmlElement.InnerText == "True")
                return null;
                //there are likely other objects we might see in practice, but I haven't seen how they are serialized...this section will have to be update as new types are identified.
                return null;
コード例 #13
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Deserializes a value from tokens, starting at current. When this
        ///     function returns, current will be left at the next token.
        ///     This function is recursive.
        /// </devdoc>
        private object DeserializeValueInternal() {
            // Determine the data type... possible combinations are:
            //   @<...>     == array of strings
            //   @T<...>    == array of (typeref T)
            //   b<...>     == base64 encoded value
            //   h<...>     == hashtable
            //   l<...>     == arraylist
            //   p<...>     == pair
            //   t<...>     == triplet
            //   i<...>     == int
            //   o<t/f>     == boolean true/false
            //   T<...>     == (typeref T)
            //   ...        == string 

            object value = null;

            string token = ConsumeOneToken();

            if (_current >= _deserializationData.Length || _deserializationData[_current] != leftAngleBracketChar) {
                // just a string - next token is not a left angle bracket
                // we can shortcut here and just return the string
                //_current++; //consume right angle bracket or delimiter
                return token;

            _current++; // consume left angle bracket

            // otherwise, we have typeref followed by value
            if (token.Length == 1) {
                // simple type we recognize
                char ch = token[0];
                if (ch == 'p') {
                    Pair p = new Pair();

                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar) {
                        p.First = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    _current++; // consume delimeter
                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar) {
                        p.Second = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    value = p;
                else if (ch == 't') {
                    Triplet t = new Triplet();

                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar) {
                        t.First = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    _current++; // consume delimeter
                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar) {
                        t.Second = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    _current++; // consume delimeter
                    if (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar) {
                        t.Third = DeserializeValueInternal();
                    value = t;
                // Parse int32...
                else if (ch == 'i') {
                    value = Int32.Parse(ConsumeOneToken(), NumberFormat);

                else if (ch == 'o') {
                    value = _deserializationData[_current] == 't'; 
                    _current++;  // consume t or f

                // Parse arrayList...
                else if (ch == 'l') {
                    ArrayList data = new ArrayList();

                    while (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar) {
                        object itemValue = null;
                        if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar) {
                            itemValue = DeserializeValueInternal();
                        _current++; //consume the delimiter

                    value = data;
                else if (ch == '@') {
                    // if we're here, length == 1 so this is a string array
                    value = ConsumeStringArray();

                // Parse hashtable...
                else if (ch == 'h') {
                    Hashtable data = new Hashtable();

                    while (_deserializationData[_current] != rightAngleBracketChar) {
                        object key;
                        key = DeserializeValueInternal();   // hashtable key cannot be null

                        _current++; // consume delimiter
                        if (_deserializationData[_current] != valueDelimiterChar) {
                            data[key] = DeserializeValueInternal();
                        else {
                            data[key] = null;

                        _current++; // consume delimiter

                    value = data;

                // base64 encoded...
                else if (ch == 'b') {
                    string text = ConsumeOneToken();
                    byte[] serializedData;
                    serializedData = Convert.FromBase64String(text);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serializedData)) {
                        System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                        value = formatter.Deserialize(new MemoryStream(serializedData));

                // Parse typeconverter value ...
                else {
                    // we have a typeref which is only one character long
                    value = ConsumeTypeConverterValue(token);

            else {
                // length > 1

                // Parse array...
                if (token[0] == '@') {
                    // if we're here, length > 1 so we must have a type ref after the @
                    Type creatableType = TypeFromTypeRef(token.Substring(1));
                    value = ConsumeArray(creatableType);

                // Parse typeconverter value ...
                else {
                    // we have a typeref which is more than one character long
                    value = ConsumeTypeConverterValue(token);

            _current++; //consume right angle bracket
            return value;
コード例 #14
		object IStateManager.SaveViewState ()
			object[] state = null;
			bool hasData = false;
			Type[] knownTypes = GetKnownTypes ();
			if (saveEverything) {
				state = new object [items.Count + 1];
				state [0] = true;
				for (int n=0; n<items.Count; n++)
					IStateManager item = (IStateManager) items [n];
					int oi = Array.IndexOf (originalItems, item);
					object ns = item.SaveViewState ();
					if (ns != null) hasData = true;
					if (oi == -1) {
						Type t = item.GetType ();
						int idx = knownTypes == null ? -1 : Array.IndexOf (knownTypes, t);
						if (idx != -1)
							state [n + 1] = new Triplet (oi, ns, idx);
							state [n + 1] = new Triplet (oi, ns, t);
						state [n + 1] = new Pair (oi, ns);
			} else {
				ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
				for (int n=0; n<items.Count; n++) {
					IStateManager item = (IStateManager) items [n];
					object ns = item.SaveViewState ();
					if (ns != null) {
						hasData = true;
						list.Add (new Pair (n, ns));
				if (hasData) {
					list.Insert (0, false);
					state = list.ToArray ();
			if (hasData)
				return state;
				return null;
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the current view state of the <see cref="ImageLayer" /> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="saveAll"><c>true</c> if all values should be saved regardless
 /// of whether they are dirty; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>An object that represents the saved state. The default is <c>null</c>.</returns>
 protected override object SaveViewState(bool saveAll)
     Triplet triplet = new Triplet();
     triplet.First = base.SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_source != null)
         triplet.Second = ((IStateManagedObject)_source).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_camera != null)
         triplet.Third = ((IStateManagedObject)_camera).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     return (triplet.First == null && triplet.Second == null && triplet.Third == null) ? null : triplet;
        void IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            Stream manifestResourceStream = null;
                string str = context.Request.QueryString["d"];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                    throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest"));
                string str2 = Page.DecryptString(str);
                int index = str2.IndexOf('|');
                string str3 = str2.Substring(0, index);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3))
                    throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_AssemblyNotFound", new object[] { str3 }));
                string webResource = str2.Substring(index + 1);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(webResource))
                    throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_ResourceNotFound", new object[] { webResource }));
                char ch = str3[0];
                str3 = str3.Substring(1);
                Assembly assembly = null;
                switch (ch)
                    case 's':
                        assembly = typeof(AssemblyResourceLoader).Assembly;

                    case 'p':
                        assembly = Assembly.Load(str3);

                    case 'f':
                        string[] strArray = str3.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        if (strArray.Length != 4)
                            throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest"));
                        AssemblyName assemblyRef = new AssemblyName {
                            Name = strArray[0],
                            Version = new Version(strArray[1])
                        string name = strArray[2];
                        if (name.Length > 0)
                            assemblyRef.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(name);
                            assemblyRef.CultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                        string str6 = strArray[3];
                        byte[] publicKeyToken = new byte[str6.Length / 2];
                        for (int i = 0; i < publicKeyToken.Length; i++)
                            publicKeyToken[i] = byte.Parse(str6.Substring(i * 2, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyRef);
                        throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest"));
                if (assembly == null)
                    throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest"));
                bool third = false;
                bool first = false;
                string second = string.Empty;
                int num3 = HashCodeCombiner.CombineHashCodes(assembly.GetHashCode(), webResource.GetHashCode());
                Triplet triplet = (Triplet) _webResourceCache[num3];
                if (triplet != null)
                    first = (bool) triplet.First;
                    second = (string) triplet.Second;
                    third = (bool) triplet.Third;
                    WebResourceAttribute attribute = FindWebResourceAttribute(assembly, webResource);
                    if (attribute != null)
                        webResource = attribute.WebResource;
                        first = true;
                        second = attribute.ContentType;
                        third = attribute.PerformSubstitution;
                        if (first)
                            first = false;
                            manifestResourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(webResource);
                            first = manifestResourceStream != null;
                        Triplet triplet2 = new Triplet {
                            First = first,
                            Second = second,
                            Third = third
                        _webResourceCache[num3] = triplet2;
                if (first)
                    HttpCachePolicy cache = context.Response.Cache;
                    cache.VaryByParams["d"] = true;
                    cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(365.0));
                    Pair assemblyInfo = GetAssemblyInfo(assembly);
                    cache.SetLastModified(new DateTime((long) assemblyInfo.Second));
                    StreamReader reader = null;
                        if (manifestResourceStream == null)
                            manifestResourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(webResource);
                        if (manifestResourceStream != null)
                            context.Response.ContentType = second;
                            if (third)
                                reader = new StreamReader(manifestResourceStream, true);
                                string input = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                MatchCollection matchs = webResourceRegex.Matches(input);
                                int startIndex = 0;
                                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                                foreach (Match match in matchs)
                                    builder.Append(input.Substring(startIndex, match.Index - startIndex));
                                    Group group = match.Groups["resourceName"];
                                    if (group != null)
                                        string a = group.ToString();
                                        if (a.Length > 0)
                                            if (string.Equals(a, webResource, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                                throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_NoCircularReferences", new object[] { webResource }));
                                            builder.Append(GetWebResourceUrlInternal(assembly, a, false, true, null));
                                    startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
                                builder.Append(input.Substring(startIndex, input.Length - startIndex));
                                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream, reader.CurrentEncoding);
                                byte[] buffer = new byte[0x400];
                                Stream outputStream = context.Response.OutputStream;
                                int count = 1;
                                while (count > 0)
                                    count = manifestResourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, 0x400);
                                    outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, count);
                        if (reader != null)
                        if (manifestResourceStream != null)
                manifestResourceStream = null;
            if (manifestResourceStream == null)
                throw new HttpException(0x194, System.Web.SR.GetString("AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest"));
コード例 #17
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Saves the view state for the control.
        /// </devdoc>
        protected override object SaveViewState() {
            object baseState = base.SaveViewState();
            object inputState = null;
            object labelState = null;
            object myState = null;

            if (_inputAttributesState != null) {
                inputState = _inputAttributesState.SaveViewState();
            if (_labelAttributesState != null) {
                labelState = _labelAttributesState.SaveViewState();
            if (baseState != null || inputState != null || labelState != null) {
                myState = new Triplet(baseState, inputState, labelState);
            return myState;
コード例 #18
 public static void Serialize(SerializationWriter writer, Triplet triplet)
コード例 #19
        private void SerializeValue(SerializerBinaryWriter writer, object value)
                Stack stack = new Stack();
                value = stack.Pop();
                if (value == null)
                else if (value is string)
                    string str = (string)value;
                    if (str.Length == 0)
                else if (value is int)
                    int num = (int)value;
                    if (num == 0)
                else if (value is Pair)
                    Pair pair = (Pair)value;
                else if (value is Triplet)
                    Triplet triplet = (Triplet)value;
                else if (value is IndexedString)
                    this.SerializeIndexedString(writer, ((IndexedString)value).Value);
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ArrayList))
                    ArrayList list = (ArrayList)value;
                    for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                else if (value is bool)
                    if ((bool)value)
                else if (value is byte)
                else if (value is char)
                else if (value is DateTime)
                else if (value is double)
                else if (value is short)
                else if (value is float)
                    if (value is IDictionary)
                        bool flag = false;
                        if (value.GetType() == typeof(Hashtable))
                            flag = true;
                        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(HybridDictionary))
                            flag = true;
                        if (flag)
                            IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)value;
                            if (dictionary.Count != 0)
                                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary)
                            goto Label_06C3;
                    if (value is Type)
                        this.SerializeType(writer, (Type)value);
                        Type enumType = value.GetType();
                        if (value is Array)
                            if (((Array)value).Rank <= 1)
                                Type elementType = enumType.GetElementType();
                                if (elementType == typeof(string))
                                    string[] strArray = (string[])value;
                                    bool     flag2    = false;
                                    for (int k = 0; k < strArray.Length; k++)
                                        if (strArray[k] == null)
                                            flag2 = true;
                                    if (!flag2)
                                        for (int m = 0; m < strArray.Length; m++)
                                        goto Label_06C3;
                                Array array = (Array)value;
                                if (array.Length > 3)
                                    int        capacity = (array.Length / 4) + 1;
                                    int        num6     = 0;
                                    List <int> list2    = new List <int>(capacity);
                                    for (int n = 0; n < array.Length; n++)
                                        if (array.GetValue(n) != null)
                                            if (num6 >= capacity)
                                    if (num6 < capacity)
                                        this.SerializeType(writer, elementType);
                                        foreach (int num8 in list2)
                                            this.SerializeValue(writer, array.GetValue(num8));
                                        goto Label_06C3;
                                this.SerializeType(writer, elementType);
                                for (int j = array.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        else if (enumType.IsEnum && (Enum.GetUnderlyingType(enumType) == typeof(int)))
                            this.SerializeType(writer, enumType);
                        else if (enumType == typeof(Color))
                            Color color = (Color)value;
                            if (color.IsEmpty)
                            else if (!color.IsNamedColor)
                        else if (value is Unit)
                            Unit unit = (Unit)value;
                            if (unit.IsEmpty)
                            TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(enumType);
                            if (Util.CanConvertToFrom(converter, typeof(string)))
                                this.SerializeType(writer, enumType);
                                writer.Write(converter.ConvertToInvariantString(null, value));
                                IFormatter   formatter           = new BinaryFormatter();
                                MemoryStream serializationStream = new MemoryStream(0x100);
                                formatter.Serialize(serializationStream, value);
                                byte[] buffer = serializationStream.GetBuffer();
                                int    length = (int)serializationStream.Length;
                                if (buffer.Length != 0)
                                    writer.Write(buffer, 0, length);
                if (stack.Count > 0)
                    goto Label_000D;
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new ArgumentException(System.Web.SR.GetString("ErrorSerializingValue", new object[] { value.ToString(), value.GetType().FullName }), exception);
コード例 #20
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Loads only changed items from view state.
        /// </devdoc>
        private void LoadChangedItemsFromViewState(object savedState)
            Debug.Assert(savedState != null);
            Debug.Assert(savedState is Triplet);

            Triplet t = (Triplet)savedState;

            if (t.Third is Pair)
                // save some mode; some new objects are typed
                Pair p = (Pair)t.Third;

                ArrayList indices              = (ArrayList)t.First;
                ArrayList states               = (ArrayList)t.Second;
                ArrayList typeIndices          = (ArrayList)p.First;
                ArrayList typedObjectTypeNames = (ArrayList)p.Second;

                for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
                    int index = (int)indices[i];

                    if (index < Count)
                        object o;

                        // If there is only one known type, we don't need type indices
                        if (typeIndices == null)
                            // Create known type
                            o = CreateKnownType(0);
                            int typeIndex = (int)typeIndices[i];

                            if (typeIndex < GetKnownTypeCount())
                                // Create known type
                                o = CreateKnownType(typeIndex);
                                string typeName = (string)typedObjectTypeNames[typeIndex - GetKnownTypeCount()];
                                Type   type     = Type.GetType(typeName);

                                o = Activator.CreateInstance(type);


                // save some mode; all new objects are instances of known types
                ArrayList indices     = (ArrayList)t.First;
                ArrayList states      = (ArrayList)t.Second;
                ArrayList typeIndices = (ArrayList)t.Third;

                for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
                    int index = (int)indices[i];

                    if (index < Count)
                        // Create known type
                        int typeIndex = 0;
                        if (typeIndices != null)
                            typeIndex = (int)typeIndices[i];
                        object o = CreateKnownType(typeIndex);


コード例 #21
ファイル: Layer.cs プロジェクト: dbre2/dynamic-image
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the current view state of the <see cref="Layer" /> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="saveAll"><c>true</c> if all values should be saved regardless
 /// of whether they are dirty; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>An object that represents the saved state. The default is <c>null</c>.</returns>
 protected override object SaveViewState(bool saveAll)
     Triplet triplet = new Triplet();
     triplet.First = base.SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_padding != null)
         triplet.Second = ((IStateManagedObject) _padding).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_filters != null)
         triplet.Third = ((IStateManagedObject) _filters).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     return (triplet.First == null && triplet.Second == null && triplet.Third == null) ? null : triplet;
コード例 #22
        private void LoadChangedItemsFromViewState(object savedState)
            Triplet triplet = (Triplet)savedState;

            if (triplet.Third is Pair)
                Pair      third  = (Pair)triplet.Third;
                ArrayList first  = (ArrayList)triplet.First;
                ArrayList second = (ArrayList)triplet.Second;
                ArrayList list3  = (ArrayList)third.First;
                ArrayList list4  = (ArrayList)third.Second;
                for (int i = 0; i < first.Count; i++)
                    int num2 = (int)first[i];
                    if (num2 < this.Count)
                        object obj2;
                        if (list3 == null)
                            obj2 = this.CreateKnownType(0);
                            int index = (int)list3[i];
                            if (index < this.GetKnownTypeCount())
                                obj2 = this.CreateKnownType(index);
                                string typeName = (string)list4[index - this.GetKnownTypeCount()];
                                obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(typeName));
                ArrayList list5 = (ArrayList)triplet.First;
                ArrayList list6 = (ArrayList)triplet.Second;
                ArrayList list7 = (ArrayList)triplet.Third;
                for (int j = 0; j < list5.Count; j++)
                    int num5 = (int)list5[j];
                    if (num5 < this.Count)
                        int num6 = 0;
                        if (list7 != null)
                            num6 = (int)list7[j];
                        object obj3 = this.CreateKnownType(num6);
コード例 #23
ファイル: DialogWindow.cs プロジェクト: bnantz/NCS-V1-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="Control.SaveViewState"/>
        /// </summary>
        protected override object SaveViewState()
            Triplet vstate = new Triplet();
            vstate.First = base.SaveViewState();
            if ( this.dialogArguments == null || this.dialogArguments.Count == 0 ) {
                vstate.Second = null;
                vstate.Third = null;
            } else {
                String[] keys = this.dialogArguments.AllKeys;
                vstate.Second = keys;

                String[] values = new String[keys.Length];
                for(Int32 i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++ ) {
                    values[i] = this.dialogArguments[i];
                vstate.Third = values;
            return vstate;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Page.cs プロジェクト: jjenki11/blaze-chem-rendering
	internal void SavePageViewState ()
		if (!handleViewState)

#if NET_2_0
		object controlState = SavePageControlState ();

		object viewState = SaveViewStateRecursive ();
		object reqPostback = (_requiresPostBack != null && _requiresPostBack.Count > 0) ? _requiresPostBack : null;

#if NET_2_0
		Triplet triplet = new Triplet ();
		triplet.First = viewState;
		triplet.Second = reqPostback;
		triplet.Third = controlState;

		if (triplet.First == null && triplet.Second == null && triplet.Third == null)
			triplet = null;
		SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (triplet);
		Pair pair = new Pair ();
		pair.First = viewState;
		pair.Second = reqPostback;

		if (pair.First == null && pair.Second == null)
			pair = null;
		SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (pair);
 protected override void PopulateBrowserElements(IDictionary dictionary)
     dictionary["Default"] = new Triplet(null, string.Empty, 0);
     dictionary["BlackBerry"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["Opera"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["Opera8to9"] = new Triplet("Opera", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Opera10"] = new Triplet("Opera", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["GenericDownlevel"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["Mozilla"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["IE"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["IE6to9"] = new Triplet("Ie", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["IE7"] = new Triplet("Ie6to9", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["IE8"] = new Triplet("Ie6to9", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Chrome"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Firefox"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Firefox3"] = new Triplet("Firefox", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Firefox35"] = new Triplet("Firefox3", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["IEMobile"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Safari"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Safari3to4"] = new Triplet("Safari", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Safari4"] = new Triplet("Safari3to4", string.Empty, 4);
コード例 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the current view state of the <see cref="ImageLayer" /> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="saveAll"><c>true</c> if all values should be saved regardless
 /// of whether they are dirty; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>An object that represents the saved state. The default is <c>null</c>.</returns>
 protected override object SaveViewState(bool saveAll)
     Triplet triplet = new Triplet();
     triplet.First = base.SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_positions != null || _normals != null)
         triplet.Second = new Pair();
     if (_positions != null)
         ((Pair) triplet.Second).First = ((IStateManagedObject)_positions).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_normals != null)
         ((Pair)triplet.Second).Second = ((IStateManagedObject)_normals).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_indices != null || _material != null || _textureCoordinates != null)
         triplet.Third = new Triplet();
     if (_indices != null)
         ((Triplet)triplet.Third).First = ((IStateManagedObject)_indices).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_material != null)
         ((Triplet)triplet.Third).Second = ((IStateManagedObject)_material).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_textureCoordinates != null)
         ((Triplet)triplet.Third).Third = ((IStateManagedObject)_textureCoordinates).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     return (triplet.First == null && triplet.Second == null && triplet.Third == null) ? null : triplet;
コード例 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// A protected method. Saves any state that has been modified after the 
 /// <see cref="TrackViewState()" /> method was invoked.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="saveAll"><c>true</c> if all values should be saved regardless
 /// of whether they are dirty; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>An object that represents the saved state. The default is <c>null</c>.</returns>
 protected virtual object SaveViewState(bool saveAll)
     if (_viewState != null)
         if (saveAll)
             Triplet triplet = new Triplet();
             triplet.First = "Type";
             triplet.Second = this.GetType().FullName;
             triplet.Third = _viewState.SaveAllViewState();
             return triplet;
             return ((IStateManager) _viewState).SaveViewState();
     return null;
コード例 #28
ファイル: ObjectStateFormatter.cs プロジェクト: nlhepler/mono
			protected override object Read (byte token, BinaryReader r, ReaderContext ctx)
				Triplet t = new Triplet ();
				t.First = ReadObject (r, ctx);
				t.Second = ReadObject (r, ctx);
				t.Third = ReadObject (r, ctx);
				return t;
コード例 #29
 private object cc(object tipo)
     if (tipo == null)
     if (esConocido(tipo))
     else if (tipo is System.Web.UI.Triplet)
         System.Web.UI.Triplet triple = (System.Web.UI.Triplet)tipo;
         return(new seriable3(cc(triple.First), cc(triple.Second), cc(triple.Third)));
     else if (tipo is System.Web.UI.Pair)
         System.Web.UI.Pair par = (System.Web.UI.Pair)tipo;
         return(new seriable2(cc(par.First), cc(par.Second)));
     else if (tipo is ArrayList)
         ArrayList trans  = (ArrayList)tipo;
         ArrayList salida = new ArrayList(trans.Count);
         foreach (object x in trans)
     else if (tipo is Array)
         Array trans  = (Array)tipo;
         Array salida = Array.CreateInstance(tipo.GetType().GetElementType(), trans.Length);
         for (int x = 0; x < trans.Length; x++)
             salida.SetValue(cc(trans.GetValue(x)), x);
     else if (tipo is Hashtable)
         IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = ((Hashtable)tipo).GetEnumerator();
         Hashtable             salida     = new Hashtable();
         while (enumerator.MoveNext())
             salida.Add(cc(enumerator.Key), cc(enumerator.Value));
         Type valueType       = tipo.GetType();
         Type destinationType = typeof(string);
         bool flag;
         bool flag2;
         System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter converter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(valueType);
         if (((converter == null) || converter is System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter))
             flag  = false;
             flag2 = false;
             flag  = converter.CanConvertTo(destinationType);
             flag2 = converter.CanConvertFrom(destinationType);
         if ((flag && flag2))
             return(new generalCnv(valueType, converter.ConvertToInvariantString(tipo)));
             //Salida General
コード例 #30
        /// <internalonly/>
        void IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
            // Make sure we don't get any extra content in this handler (like Application.BeginRequest stuff);

            Stream resourceStream = null;
            string decryptedData = null;
            bool resourceIdentifierPresent = false;

            Exception exception = null;
            try {
                NameValueCollection queryString = context.Request.QueryString;

                string encryptedData = queryString["d"];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(encryptedData)) {
                    throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest));
                resourceIdentifierPresent = true;

                decryptedData = Page.DecryptString(encryptedData, Purpose.AssemblyResourceLoader_WebResourceUrl);

                int separatorIndex = decryptedData.IndexOf('|');
                Debug.Assert(separatorIndex != -1, "The decrypted data must contain a separator.");

                string assemblyName = decryptedData.Substring(0, separatorIndex);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName)) {
                    throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_AssemblyNotFound, assemblyName));

                string resourceName = decryptedData.Substring(separatorIndex + 1);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName)) {
                    throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_ResourceNotFound, resourceName));

                char nameType = assemblyName[0];
                assemblyName = assemblyName.Substring(1);

                Assembly assembly = null;

                // If it was a full name, create an AssemblyName and load from that
                if (nameType == 'f') {
                    string[] parts = assemblyName.Split(',');

                    if (parts.Length != 4) {
                        throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest));

                    AssemblyName realName = new AssemblyName();
                    realName.Name = parts[0];
                    realName.Version = new Version(parts[1]);
                    string cultureString = parts[2];

                    // Try to determine the culture, using the invariant culture if there wasn't one (doesn't work without it)
                    if (cultureString.Length > 0) {
                        realName.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo(cultureString);
                    else {
                        realName.CultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

                    // Parse up the public key token which is represented as hex bytes in a string
                    string token = parts[3];
                    byte[] tokenBytes = new byte[token.Length / 2];
                    for (int i = 0; i < tokenBytes.Length; i++) {
                        tokenBytes[i] = Byte.Parse(token.Substring(i * 2, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    assembly = Assembly.Load(realName);
                // System.Web special case
                else if (nameType == 's') {
                    assembly = typeof(AssemblyResourceLoader).Assembly;
                // If was a partial name, just try to load it
                else if (nameType == 'p') {
                    assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                else {
                    throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest));

                // Dev10 Bugs 602949: Throw 404 if resource not found rather than do nothing.
                // This is done before creating the cache entry, since it could be that the assembly is loaded
                // later on without the app restarting.
                if (assembly == null) {
                    throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest));

                bool performSubstitution = false;
                bool validResource = false;
                string contentType = String.Empty;

                // Check the validation cache to see if the resource has already been validated
                int cacheKey = HashCodeCombiner.CombineHashCodes(assembly.GetHashCode(), resourceName.GetHashCode());
                Triplet resourceTriplet = (Triplet)_webResourceCache[cacheKey];
                if (resourceTriplet != null) {
                    validResource = (bool)resourceTriplet.First;
                    contentType = (string)resourceTriplet.Second;
                    performSubstitution = (bool)resourceTriplet.Third;
                else {
                    // Validation cache is empty, find out if it's valid and add it to the cache
                    WebResourceAttribute wra = FindWebResourceAttribute(assembly, resourceName);
                    if (wra != null) {
                        resourceName = wra.WebResource;
                        validResource = true;
                        contentType = wra.ContentType;
                        performSubstitution = wra.PerformSubstitution;

                    // Cache the result so we don't have to do this again
                    try {
                        if (validResource) {
                            // a WebResourceAttribute was found, but does the resource really exist?
                            validResource = false;
                            resourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
                            validResource = (resourceStream != null);
                    finally {
                        // Cache the results, even if there was an exception getting the stream,
                        // so we don't have to do this again
                        Triplet triplet = new Triplet();
                        triplet.First = validResource;
                        triplet.Second = contentType;
                        triplet.Third = performSubstitution;
                        _webResourceCache[cacheKey] = triplet;

                if (validResource) {
                    // Cache the resource so we don't keep processing the same requests
                    HttpCachePolicy cachePolicy = context.Response.Cache;
                    cachePolicy.VaryByParams["d"] = true;
                    cachePolicy.SetExpires(DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(365));
                    Pair assemblyInfo = GetAssemblyInfo(assembly);
                    cachePolicy.SetLastModified(new DateTime((long)assemblyInfo.Second));

                    StreamReader reader = null;
                    try {
                        if (resourceStream == null) {
                            // null in the case that _webResourceCache had the item
                            resourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
                        if (resourceStream != null) {
                            context.Response.ContentType = contentType;

                            if (performSubstitution) {
                                reader = new StreamReader(resourceStream, true);
                                string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                                // Looking for something of the form: WebResource("resourcename")
                                MatchCollection matches = webResourceRegex.Matches(content);
                                int startIndex = 0;
                                StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder();
                                foreach (Match match in matches) {
                                    newContent.Append(content.Substring(startIndex, match.Index - startIndex));
                                    Group group = match.Groups["resourceName"];
                                    if (group != null) {
                                        string embeddedResourceName = group.ToString();
                                        if (embeddedResourceName.Length > 0) {
                                            if (String.Equals(embeddedResourceName, resourceName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                                                throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_NoCircularReferences, resourceName));
                                            newContent.Append(GetWebResourceUrlInternal(assembly, embeddedResourceName, htmlEncoded: false, forSubstitution: true, scriptManager: null));
                                    startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;

                                newContent.Append(content.Substring(startIndex, content.Length - startIndex));
                                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream, reader.CurrentEncoding);
                            else {
                                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                                Stream outputStream = context.Response.OutputStream;
                                int count = 1;
                                while (count > 0) {
                                    count = resourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, 1024);
                                    outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, count);
                    finally {
                        if (reader != null)
                        if (resourceStream != null)
            catch(Exception e) {
                exception = e;
                // MSRC 10405: ---- all errors in the event of failure. In particular, we don't want to
                // bubble the inner exceptions up in the YSOD, as they might contain sensitive cryptographic
                // information. Setting 'resourceStream' to null will cause an appropriate exception to
                // be thrown.
                resourceStream = null;

            // Dev10 Bugs 602949: 404 if the assembly is not found or if the resource does not exist
            if (resourceStream == null) {
                if (resourceIdentifierPresent) {
                    LogWebResourceFailure(decryptedData, exception);
                throw new HttpException(404, SR.GetString(SR.AssemblyResourceLoader_InvalidRequest));

コード例 #31
ファイル: Composition.cs プロジェクト: dbre2/dynamic-image
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the current view state of the <see cref="Composition" /> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="saveAll"><c>true</c> if all values should be saved regardless
 /// of whether they are dirty; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>An object that represents the saved state. The default is <c>null</c>.</returns>
 protected override object SaveViewState(bool saveAll)
     Triplet triplet = new Triplet();
     triplet.First = base.SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_layers != null)
         triplet.Second = ((IStateManagedObject) _layers).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_fill != null || _filters != null)
         triplet.Third = new Pair();
     if (_fill != null)
         ((Pair) triplet.Third).First = ((IStateManagedObject)_fill).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     if (_filters != null)
         ((Pair)triplet.Third).Second = ((IStateManagedObject)_filters).SaveViewState(saveAll);
     return (triplet.First == null && triplet.Second == null && triplet.Third == null) ? null : triplet;
コード例 #32
        void IStateManager.LoadViewState(object savedState)
            if (savedState == null)
                foreach (IStateManager i in items)

            Triplet state = savedState as Triplet;

            if (state == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error.");

            List <int>    indices = state.First as List <int>;
            List <object> states  = state.Second as List <object>;
            List <object> types   = state.Third as List <object>;
            IList         list    = this as IList;
            IStateManager item;
            object        t;

            saveEverything = indices == null;
            if (saveEverything)

                for (int i = 0; i < states.Count; i++)
                    t = types [i];
                    if (t is Type)
                        item = (IStateManager)Activator.CreateInstance((Type)t);
                    else if (t is int)
                        item = (IStateManager)CreateKnownType((int)t);

                    item.LoadViewState(states [i]);

            int idx;

            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
                idx = indices [i];

                if (idx < Count)
                    item = list [idx] as IStateManager;
                    item.LoadViewState(states [i]);

                t = types [i];

                if (t is Type)
                    item = (IStateManager)Activator.CreateInstance((Type)t);
                else if (t is int)
                    item = (IStateManager)CreateKnownType((int)t);

                item.LoadViewState(states [i]);
 protected override void PopulateBrowserElements(IDictionary dictionary)
     dictionary["Default"] = new Triplet(null, string.Empty, 0);
     dictionary["Mozilla"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["IE"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["IE5to9"] = new Triplet("Ie", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["IE6to9"] = new Triplet("Ie5to9", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Treo600"] = new Triplet("Ie6to9", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["IE5"] = new Triplet("Ie5to9", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["IE50"] = new Triplet("Ie5", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["IE55"] = new Triplet("Ie5", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["IE5to9Mac"] = new Triplet("Ie5to9", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["IE4"] = new Triplet("Ie", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["IE3"] = new Triplet("Ie", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["IE3win16"] = new Triplet("Ie3", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["IE3win16a"] = new Triplet("Ie3win16", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["IE3Mac"] = new Triplet("Ie3", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["IE2"] = new Triplet("Ie", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["WebTV"] = new Triplet("Ie2", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["WebTV2"] = new Triplet("Webtv", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["IE1minor5"] = new Triplet("Ie", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["PowerBrowser"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Gecko"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MozillaRV"] = new Triplet("Gecko", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["MozillaFirebird"] = new Triplet("Mozillarv", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MozillaFirefox"] = new Triplet("Mozillarv", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Safari"] = new Triplet("Gecko", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Safari60"] = new Triplet("Safari", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Safari85"] = new Triplet("Safari", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Safari1Plus"] = new Triplet("Safari", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Netscape5"] = new Triplet("Gecko", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Netscape6to9"] = new Triplet("Netscape5", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Netscape6to9Beta"] = new Triplet("Netscape6to9", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["NetscapeBeta"] = new Triplet("Netscape5", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["AvantGo"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["TMobileSidekick"] = new Triplet("Avantgo", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["GoAmerica"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["GoAmericaWinCE"] = new Triplet("Goamerica", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["GoAmericaPalm"] = new Triplet("Goamerica", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM"] = new Triplet("Goamerica", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM950"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM850"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM957"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM957major6minor2"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim957", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM857"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM857major6"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim857", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["GoAmericaRIM857major6minor2to9"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim857major6", string.Empty, 6);
     dictionary["GoAmerica7to9"] = new Triplet("Goamericarim857", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["Netscape3"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Netscape4"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Casiopeia"] = new Triplet("Netscape4", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["PalmWebPro"] = new Triplet("Netscape4", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["PalmWebPro3"] = new Triplet("Palmwebpro", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["NetFront"] = new Triplet("Netscape4", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["SLB500"] = new Triplet("Netfront", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["VRNA"] = new Triplet("Netfront", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Mypalm"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MyPalm1"] = new Triplet("Mypalm", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Eudoraweb"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["PdQbrowser"] = new Triplet("Eudoraweb", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Eudoraweb21Plus"] = new Triplet("Eudoraweb", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["WinCE"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["PIE"] = new Triplet("Wince", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["PIEPPC"] = new Triplet("Pie", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["PIEnoDeviceID"] = new Triplet("Pie", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["PIESmartphone"] = new Triplet("Pie", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["PIE4"] = new Triplet("Wince", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["PIE4PPC"] = new Triplet("Pie4", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["PIE5Plus"] = new Triplet("Wince", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["sigmarion3"] = new Triplet("Pie5plus", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MSPIE"] = new Triplet("Mozilla", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MSPIE2"] = new Triplet("Mspie", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Docomo"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["DocomoSH251i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSH251iS"] = new Triplet("Docomosh251i", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["DocomoN251i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN251iS"] = new Triplet("Docomon251i", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["DocomoP211i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF212i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD501i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF501i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN501i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP501i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD502i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF502i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN502i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP502i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoNm502i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSo502i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF502it"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN502it"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSo502iwm"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF504i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN504i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP504i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN821i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP821i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD209i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoEr209i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF209i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoKo209i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN209i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP209i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP209is"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoR209i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoR691i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF503i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF503is"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD503i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD503is"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD210i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF210i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN210i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN2001"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD211i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN211i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP210i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoKo210i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP2101v"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP2102v"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF211i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoF671i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN503is"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN503i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSo503i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP503is"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP503i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSo210i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSo503is"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSh821i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN2002"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoSo505i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoP505i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoN505i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoD505i"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["DocomoISIM60"] = new Triplet("Docomo", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonR380"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["Ericsson"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["EricssonR320"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonT20"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonT65"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonT68"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Ericsson301A"] = new Triplet("Ericssont68", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["EricssonT68R1A"] = new Triplet("Ericssont68", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["EricssonT68R101"] = new Triplet("Ericssont68", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["EricssonT68R201A"] = new Triplet("Ericssont68", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["EricssonT300"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonP800"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonP800R101"] = new Triplet("Ericssonp800", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["EricssonT61"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonT31"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonR520"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonA2628"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EricssonT39"] = new Triplet("Ericsson", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["EzWAP"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["GenericDownlevel"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["Jataayu"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["JataayuPPC"] = new Triplet("Jataayu", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Jphone"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["JphoneMitsubishi"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneDenso"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneKenwood"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneNec"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneNecN51"] = new Triplet("Jphonenec", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphonePanasonic"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphonePioneer"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneSanyo"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneSA51"] = new Triplet("Jphonesanyo", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneSharp"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneSharpSh53"] = new Triplet("Jphonesharp", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneSharpSh07"] = new Triplet("Jphonesharp", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneSharpSh08"] = new Triplet("Jphonesharp", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneSharpSh51"] = new Triplet("Jphonesharp", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneSharpSh52"] = new Triplet("Jphonesharp", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneToshiba"] = new Triplet("Jphone", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["JphoneToshibaT06a"] = new Triplet("Jphonetoshiba", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneToshibaT08"] = new Triplet("Jphonetoshiba", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["JphoneToshibaT51"] = new Triplet("Jphonetoshiba", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Legend"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["LGG5200"] = new Triplet("Legend", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MME"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["MMEF20"] = new Triplet("Mme", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MMECellphone"] = new Triplet("Mmef20", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["MMEBenefonQ"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMESonyCMDZ5"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMESonyCMDZ5Pj020e"] = new Triplet("Mmesonycmdz5", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["MMESonyCMDJ5"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMESonyCMDJ7"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMEGenericSmall"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMEGenericLarge"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMEGenericFlip"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMEGeneric3D"] = new Triplet("Mmecellphone", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["MMEMobileExplorer"] = new Triplet("Mme", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["NokiaBlueprint"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["NokiaWapSimulator"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["NokiaMobileBrowser"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia7110"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia6220"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia6250"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia6310"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia6510"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia8310"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia9110i"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia9110"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia3330"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia9210"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia9210HTML"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia3590"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia3590V1"] = new Triplet("Nokia3590", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Nokia3595"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia3560"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia3650"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia3650P12Plus"] = new Triplet("Nokia3650", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Nokia5100"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia6200"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia6590"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia6800"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nokia7650"] = new Triplet("Nokia", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["NokiaMobileBrowserRainbow"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["NokiaEpoc32wtl"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["NokiaEpoc32wtl20"] = new Triplet("Nokiaepoc32wtl", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Up"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["AuMic"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["AuMicV2"] = new Triplet("Aumic", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["a500"] = new Triplet("Aumic", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["n400"] = new Triplet("Aumic", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["AlcatelBe4"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["AlcatelBe5"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["AlcatelBe5v2"] = new Triplet("Alcatelbe5", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["AlcatelBe3"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["AlcatelBf3"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["AlcatelBf4"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotCb"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotF5"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotD8"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotCf"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotF6"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotBc"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotDc"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotPanC"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotC4"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mcca"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mot2000"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotP2kC"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotAf"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotAf418"] = new Triplet("Motaf", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["MotC2"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Xenium"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sagem959"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SghA300"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SghN100"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["C304sa"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sy11"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["St12"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sy14"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SieS40"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SieSl45"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SieS35"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SieMe45"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SieS45"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Gm832"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Gm910i"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mot32"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mot28"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["D2"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["PPat"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Alaz"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Cdm9100"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Cdm135"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Cdm9000"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["C311ca"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["C409ca"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["C402de"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Tp120"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Ds10"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["R280"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["S71"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["C302h"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["C309h"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["C407h"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["C451h"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["R201"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["P21"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Kyocera703g"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["KyoceraC307k"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Tk02"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tk03"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tk04"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tk05"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["D303k"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["D304k"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Qcp2035"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Qcp3035"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["D512"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Dm110"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tm510"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Lg13"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["P100"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Lgc875f"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Lgp680f"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Lgp7800f"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Lgc840f"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Lgi2100"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Lgp7300f"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sd500"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tp1100"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tp3000"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["T250"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Mo02"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Mccc"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mcc9"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nk00"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mai12"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Ma112"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Ma13"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mac1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Mat1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Sc03"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sc02"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sc04"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sg08"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sc13"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sc11"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sec01"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sc10"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["St11"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Sy01"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Sy02"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sy03"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Si01"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sni1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Sn12"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sn134"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sn156"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Snc1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tsc1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tsi1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Ts12"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Ts13"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Tst2"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Tst3"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Ig02"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Ig03"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Qc12"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Qc32"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sp01"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sh"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Upg1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Opwv1"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Alav"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Im1k"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Nt95"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Mot76"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Scp6000"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotD5"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotF0"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SghA400"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sec03"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SieC3i"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sn17"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Scp4700"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sec02"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Sy15"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Db520"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["L430V03J02"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["OPWVSDK"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["OPWVSDK6Plus"] = new Triplet("Opwvsdk", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["KDDICA21"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["KDDITS21"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["KDDISA21"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["KM100"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["LGELX5350"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["HitachiP300"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SIES46"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotorolaV60G"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotorolaV708"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotorolaV708A"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["MotorolaE360"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SonyericssonA1101S"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["PhilipsFisio820"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["CasioA5302"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["TCLL668"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["KDDITS24"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SIES55"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SHARPGx10"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["BenQAthena"] = new Triplet("Up", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["Opera"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
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     dictionary["Opera4"] = new Triplet("Opera", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["Opera6to9"] = new Triplet("Opera5to9", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["Opera7to9"] = new Triplet("Opera6to9", string.Empty, 4);
     dictionary["Opera8to9"] = new Triplet("Opera7to9", string.Empty, 5);
     dictionary["OperaPsion"] = new Triplet("Opera", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["PalmscapeVersion"] = new Triplet("Palmscape", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["AusPalm"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["SharpPda"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
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     dictionary["ZaurusMiE25"] = new Triplet("Sharppda", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["PanasonicGAD87"] = new Triplet("Panasonic", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["PanasonicGAD87A39"] = new Triplet("Panasonicgad87", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["PanasonicGAD87A38"] = new Triplet("Panasonicgad87", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["MSPIE06"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
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     dictionary["PSE200"] = new Triplet("Sktdeviceshyundai", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["SKTDevicesHanhwa"] = new Triplet("Sktdevices", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["SKTDevicesLG"] = new Triplet("Sktdevices", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["SKTDevicesNokia"] = new Triplet("Sktdevices", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["SKTDevicesSKTT"] = new Triplet("Sktdevices", string.Empty, 2);
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     dictionary["SCHE150"] = new Triplet("Sktdevicessamsung", string.Empty, 3);
     dictionary["SKTDevicesEricsson"] = new Triplet("Sktdevices", string.Empty, 2);
     dictionary["WinWap"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["Xiino"] = new Triplet("Default", string.Empty, 1);
     dictionary["XiinoV2"] = new Triplet("Xiino", string.Empty, 2);