protected void LinqDataSourceIn_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { ucDateRange.Validated(); RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); e.Result = db.vw_PackTrans.Where(r => PackTransactionBLL.InTypeList.Contains(r.Type) && ucDateRange.FromDate <= r.Date && r.Date <= ucDateRange.ToDate) .ToList() .GroupBy(r => new { r.ProductCode, r.ProductDesc }, (r, sub) => new { r.ProductCode, r.ProductDesc, Total = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.Count), TotalInCollect = sub.Where(r1 => r1.Type == PackTransaction.TypeX.In_Collect) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count), TotalInProduct = sub.Where(r1 => r1.Type == PackTransaction.TypeX.In_Product) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count), TotalInReturn = sub.Where(r1 => r1.Type == PackTransaction.TypeX.In_Return) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count), BloodGroupSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.BloodGroup, (r1, BGSub) => new { BloodGroupDesc = BloodGroupBLL.GetDescription(r1), Total = BGSub.Sum(r3 => r3.Count) }), VolumeSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.Volume, (r1, VolSub) => new { Volume = r1, Total = VolSub.Sum(r3 => r3.Count) }) }) .OrderBy(r => r.ProductDesc); }
protected void LinqDataSourceEnd_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { ucDateRange.Validated(); RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); e.Result = db.vw_PackRemainDailies.Where(r => r.Date == ucDateRange.ToDate) .ToList() .GroupBy(r => new { r.ProductCode, r.ProductDesc }, (r, sub) => new { r.ProductCode, r.ProductDesc, Total = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.Count), BloodGroupSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.BloodGroup, (r1, BGSub) => new { BloodGroupDesc = BloodGroupBLL.GetDescription(r1), Total = BGSub.Sum(r3 => r3.Count) }), VolumeSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.Volume, (r1, VolSub) => new { Volume = r1, Total = VolSub.Sum(r3 => r3.Count) }) }) .OrderBy(r => r.ProductDesc); }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { var cCoupons = drvvv.drvvvSettings.GetDataContextInstance().Coupons.Where(x => x.Active && x.EndDate >= DateTime.Now); IQueryable<Business> cBusinesses = drvvv.drvvvSettings.GetDataContextInstance().Businesses; cBusinesses = cBusinesses.Where(x => x.CategoryID.HasValue && x.Category.ID == _catgoryID); int cityID; if (int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["City"], out cityID)) cBusinesses = cBusinesses.Where(x => x.CityID.HasValue && (x.CityID == cityID || x.City.FromID.Value == cityID));//x.City.Cities.Any(y=> y.ID == cityID) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["SubCategories"])) { string tag = Request.QueryString["SubCategories"]; cBusinesses = cBusinesses.Where(x => x.Tags.Contains(tag));//|| //x.DescriptionEn.Contains(tag) || x.DescriptionDefault.Contains(tag) || //x.TitleDefault.Contains(tag) || x.TitleEn.Contains(tag) || //x.kosherEn.Contains(tag) || x.kosherDefault.Contains(tag) //); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Mehadrin"])) { cBusinesses = cBusinesses.Where(x => x.Tags.Contains("mehadrin") || x.DescriptionEn.Contains("mehadrin") || x.DescriptionDefault.Contains("mehadrin") || x.kosherEn.Contains("mehadrin") || x.kosherDefault.Contains("mehadrin") ); } e.Result = cBusinesses.OrderByDescending(x => x.Priority).ThenBy(x => x.TitleEn); }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); e.Result = db.Packs.Where(r => r.Status == Pack.StatusX.Product && r.ProductCode == ProductCode && (TR == Donation.TestResultStatusX.All || r.Donation.TestResultStatus == TR) ) //.ToList() .Select(r => new { r.DIN, r.Donation.TestResultStatus, r.Donation.BloodGroup, r.Volume, r.ExpirationDate, }) .ToList() .Select(r => new { r.DIN, r.TestResultStatus, BloodGroupDesc = BloodGroupBLL.GetDescription(r.BloodGroup), r.Volume, ExpirationDate = r.ExpirationDate.ToStringVN_Hour(), Expired = r.ExpirationDate.Value.Expired() ? "X" : "", ExpiredInDays = r.ExpirationDate.Value.ExpiredInDays(ExpiredInDays) ? "X" : "" }) .OrderBy(r => r.TestResultStatus).ThenBy(r => r.DIN); }
protected void AutoCompleteBoxHNDataSource_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { var data = GetData(); var result = data.Select(c => new { c.HeatNumber }).Distinct(); e.Result = result; }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { ucDateRange.Validated(); RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); e.Result = db.Campaigns.Where(r => r.Type == Campaign.TypeX.Short_run && ucDateRange.FromDate <= r.Date && r.Date <= ucDateRange.ToDate && r.CoopOrg.GeoID1 == ProvinceID) .ToList() .Select(r => new { CoopOrg = r.CoopOrg.Name, HostOrg = r.HostOrg.Name, r.Date, Total = r.CollectedDonations.Count(), Total450 = r.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume == 450).Count().ToStringRemoveZero(), Total350 = r.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume == 350).Count().ToStringRemoveZero(), Total250 = r.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume == 250).Count().ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalXXX = r.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume != 250 && r2.Pack.Volume != 350 && r2.Pack.Volume != 450).Count().ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalPos = r.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Positive).Count().ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalNeg = r.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Negative).Count().ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalNon = r.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Non).Count().ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalMiss = r.Donations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack == null).Count().ToStringRemoveZero() }) .OrderBy(r => r.Date); }
protected void LinqDataSourceRpt_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { ucDateRange.Validated(); RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); e.Result = db.Campaigns.Where(r => ucDateRange.FromDate <= r.Date && r.Date <= ucDateRange.ToDate) .ToList() .Select(r => new { r.ID, Url = RedBloodSystem.Url4CollectRpt920 + "CampaignID=" + r.ID.ToString(), r.Name, r.Date, Total = r.CollectedDonations.Count(), HostName = r.HostOrg.Name, CoopName = r.CoopOrg.Name, TestResultPos = RedBloodSystem.checkingInfection.Select(r1 => new { r1.Name, Total = r.Donations.Where(r2 => r1.Decode(r2.InfectiousMarkers) == TR.pos.Name).Count() }).Where(r1 => r1.Total > 0), TestResultNA = RedBloodSystem.checkingInfection.Select(r1 => new { r1.Name, Total = r.Donations.Where(r2 => r1.Decode(r2.InfectiousMarkers) == }).Where(r1 => r1.Total > 0), BloodGroupSumary = r.Donations.GroupBy(r1 => r1.BloodGroup, (r2, BGSub) => new { BloodGroupDesc = BloodGroupBLL.GetDescription(r2), Total = BGSub.Count() }) }); }
protected void sourceClient_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { if (!User.IsInRole(RSMTenon.ReportGenerator.ReportGenerator.AdminGroup)) { string where = String.Format(@"UserID = ""{0}""", User.Identity.Name); sourceClient.Where = where; } }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { var cCoupons = drvvv.drvvvSettings.GetDataContextInstance().Coupons.Where(x => x.Active && x.EndDate >= DateTime.Now ); switch (drvvv.drvvvSettings.GetSite()) { case drvvv.Sites.FrancoDeals: cCoupons = cCoupons.Where(x => x.TitleFr != null); break; case drvvv.Sites.ZebraDeals: cCoupons = cCoupons.Where(x => x.TitleDefault != null); break; default: cCoupons = cCoupons.Where(x => x.TitleEn != null); break; } int cityID, categoryID; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Catgory"])) // cCoupons = cCoupons.Where(x => !x.CategoryID.HasValue || x.Category.ID == int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Catgory"])); if (int.TryParse(DropDownListCity.SelectedValue, out cityID)) cCoupons = cCoupons.Where(x => x.CityID.HasValue && (x.CityID == cityID || x.City.FromID.Value == cityID)); if (int.TryParse(DropDownListCategory.SelectedValue, out categoryID)) cCoupons = cCoupons.Where(x => x.CategoryID.HasValue && x.CategoryID == categoryID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["CouponID"])) cCoupons = cCoupons.Where(x => x.ID == int.Parse(Request.QueryString["CouponID"])); e.Result = cCoupons.OrderByDescending(x => x.Priority).OrderByDescending(x => x.ID); }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); e.Result = db.vw_ProductCounts.Where(r => r.Status == Pack.StatusX.Product) .ToList() .GroupBy(r => new { r.ProductCode, r.ProductDesc, r.Status }, (r, sub) => new { r.ProductCode, r.ProductDesc, r.Status, Total = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.Count), TotalExpired = sub.Where(r1 => r1.ExpirationDate.Value.Expired()) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalExpiredInDays = sub.Where(r1 => r1.ExpirationDate.Value.ExpiredInDays(ExpiredInDays)) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalTRNA = sub.Where(r1 => r1.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Non) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalTRNeg = sub.Where(r1 => r1.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Negative) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalTRPos = sub.Where(r1 => r1.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Positive) .Sum(r1 => r1.Count).ToStringRemoveZero(), BloodGroupSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.BloodGroup, (r1, BGSub) => new { BloodGroupDesc = BloodGroupBLL.GetDescription(r1), Total = BGSub.Sum(r3 => r3.Count) }), VolumeSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.Volume, (r1, VolSub) => new { Volume = r1.HasValue ? r1.Value.ToString() : "_", Total = VolSub.Sum(r3 => r3.Count) }) }) .OrderBy(r => r.ProductDesc); }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { var kelAngg = from k in dc.viewKelAnggaranCodeCombineNames //select new { k.KA_CODE, k.KaCodeName }; select k; e.Result = kelAngg; }
protected void autoCompleteBox_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { var data = GetData(); var result = data.Select(c => new { c.bpName }).Distinct(); e.Result = result; }
protected void LinqDataSourcePack_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { if (CampaignDetail1.CampaignID > 0) { e.Result = DonationBLL.GetUnLock(CampaignDetail1.CampaignID) .Select(r => new { r.DIN, r.Status, r.People.Name, CollectedDate = r.CollectedDate.ToStringVN_Hour(), r.BloodGroup, r.BloodGroupDesc, ABOLog = r.DonationTestLogs.Where(r1 => r1.Type == DonationTestLog.TypeX.BloodGroup) .Select(r1 => new { BloodGroupDesc = BloodGroupBLL.GetDescription(r1.Result), Date = r1.Date.ToStringVN_Hour() }) }); } else { e.Cancel = true; } }
protected void AllChangesLinq_Selected(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { DataClasses1DataContext con = new DataClasses1DataContext(); var changes = from chang in con.ChangeLog orderby chang.Expr1 descending select chang; e.Result = changes; }
protected void AllChangesLinq_Selected(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { DataClasses1DataContext con = new DataClasses1DataContext(); var changes = from chang in con.ChangeLog let tableName = chang.TableName let status = chang.TableProperty let allStates = con.OrderStatus let myOrder = con.Order let myOrderItem=con.OrderItem let Ref = (!chang.ReferenceId.HasValue)?Guid.Empty: chang.ReferenceId.Value where chang.TableName == "Order" || chang.TableName == "OrderItem" select new OrderLogging { LogId = chang.Expr1, TableName = tableName, Name = chang.Name, FirstName = chang.FirstName, Login = chang.Login, Type= tableName=="Order" ? "Auftrag":"Auftragsposition", Date = chang.Date, ReferenceId = (!chang.ReferenceId.HasValue)?Guid.Empty: chang.ReferenceId.Value, TranslatedText = TranslatedText(status,chang.Text, allStates), OrderNumber = tableName == "Order" ? myOrder.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == Ref).Ordernumber : myOrderItem.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == Ref).Order.Ordernumber }; changes = changes.OrderByDescending(q=>q.OrderNumber); e.Result = changes; }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { IQueryable<Unit> r = Global.Db.Units.Where(u => u.GameID == GameID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbCode.Text)) r = r.Where(u => u.Code == tbCode.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbName.Text)) r = r.Where(u => u.Name.Contains(tbName.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbDescription.Text)) r = r.Where(u => u.Description.Contains(tbDescription.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbParent.Text)) r = r.Where(u => u.ParentCode == tbParent.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddLicense.SelectedValue)) r = r.Where(u => u.LicenseType == int.Parse(ddLicense.SelectedValue)); r = r.OrderBy(x => x.OverallProgress); e.Result = from x in r select new { x.UnitID, x.Name, x.Code, x.CurrentStatus, x.LicenseType, x.ModelProgress, x.TextureProgress, x.ScriptProgress, x.OverallProgress, LastChanged = x.User.Login, CandidateCount = x.Candidates.Count }; }
protected void LinqDataSourceStart_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { ucDateRange.Validated(); RedBloodDataContext db = new RedBloodDataContext(); e.Result = db.Campaigns.Where(r => r.Type == Campaign.TypeX.Short_run && ucDateRange.FromDate <= r.Date && r.Date <= ucDateRange.ToDate) .ToList() .GroupBy(r => new { r.CoopOrg.Geo1 }, (r, sub) => new { Province = r.Geo1.Fullname, Url = RedBloodSystem.Url4CollectRpt11 + "ProvinceID=" + r.Geo1.ID.ToString() + "&from=" + ucDateRange.FromDate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + "&to=" + ucDateRange.ToDate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString(), Total = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Count()), Total450 = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume == 450).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero(), Total350 = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume == 350).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero(), Total250 = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume == 250).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalXXX = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack.Volume != 250 && r2.Pack.Volume != 350 && r2.Pack.Volume != 450).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalPos = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Positive).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalNeg = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Negative).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalNon = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.CollectedDonations.Where(r2 => r2.TestResultStatus == Donation.TestResultStatusX.Non).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero(), TotalMiss = sub.Sum(r1 => r1.Donations.Where(r2 => r2.Pack == null).Count()).ToStringRemoveZero() }) .OrderBy(r => r.Province); }
/// <summary> /// Populates the grid with all the forms and their properties /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void ldsForm_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { GRASPEntities db = new GRASPEntities(); var forms = from f in db.Form where f.finalised == 1 select new { Name =, CreateDate = f.FormCreateDate, Owner = f.owner, Group = f.permittedGroup_path, Id = //Actions = "<a style=\"color:#0058B1\" href=\"/Admin/Data_Entry/DataEntry.aspx?formID=" + SqlFunctions.StringConvert( + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil-square-o\"></i> New Data</a>" }; e.Result = forms.AsEnumerable().Select(x => new { Name = x.Name, CreateDate = x.CreateDate, Owner = x.Owner, Group = x.Group, Actions = "<a style=\"color:#0058B1\" href=\"DataEntryWebForm.aspx?formID=" + x.Id.ToString() + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil-square-o\"></i> New Data</a>" }); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the grid with all the forms /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void ldsForm_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { GRASPEntities db = new GRASPEntities(); var forms = (from f in db.Form join fr in db.FormResponse on equals fr.parentForm_id into j1 from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty() where f.finalised == 1 group j2 by new {,, f.FormCreateDate, f.owner, f.permittedGroup_path} into g select new { Name =, CreateDate = g.Key.FormCreateDate, Owner = g.Key.owner, Group = g.Key.permittedGroup_path, Count = g.Count(t=> !=null), Id = }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Id); //Order them by newest. e.Result = forms.AsEnumerable().Select(x => new { Name = x.Name, CreateDate = x.CreateDate.Value.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), Owner = x.Owner, Group =x.Group, Responses = x.Count, Id = x.Id //Actions = (x.Count>0) ?"<a style=\"color:#0058B1\" href=\"javascript:ImportForm('" + x.Id.ToString() + "','" + x.Name + "');void(0);\"><i class=\"fa fa-upload fa-2\"></i>Import</a>"+ //" <a style=\"margin-left: 5px;color:#0058B1\" href=\"javascript:ExportSettings('" + x.Id.ToString() + "','" + x.Name + "');void(0);\"><i class=\"fa fa-download fa-2\"></i>Export</a>"+ //" <a style=\"margin-left: 5px;color:#0058B1\" href=\"javascript:ViewForm('" + x.Id.ToString() + "','" + x.Name + "');void(0);\"><i class=\"fa fa-eye fa-2\"></i>View</a>" : "<a style=\"color:#0058B1\" href=\"javascript:ImportForm('" + x.Id.ToString() + "','" + x.Name + "');void(0);\"><i class=\"fa fa-upload fa-2\"></i>Import</a>" }); }
protected void AutoCompleteBoxCRDataSource_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { var data = GetData(); var result = data.Select(c => new { c.customerReference }).Distinct(); e.Result = result; }
protected void LinqDataSourceEnd_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { ucDateRange.Validated(); var packBLL = new PackBLL(); e.Result = packBLL.GetRemainByDate(ucDateRange.ToDate.Value) .Select(r => new { r.ProductCode, r.Donation.BloodGroup, r.Volume }) .ToList() .GroupBy(r => new { r.ProductCode }, (r, sub) => new { r.ProductCode, ProductDesc = ProductBLL.GetDesc(r.ProductCode), Total = sub.Count(), BloodGroupSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.BloodGroup, (r1, BGSub) => new { BloodGroupDesc = BloodGroupBLL.GetDescription(r1), Total = BGSub.Count(), Order = BloodGroupBLL.GetOrder(r1), }).OrderBy(r1 => r1.Order).ThenBy(r1 => r1.BloodGroupDesc), VolumeSumary = sub.GroupBy(r1 => r1.Volume, (r1, VolSub) => new { Volume = r1, Total = VolSub.Count() }) }) .OrderBy(r => r.ProductDesc); }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { e.Result = from u in Global.Db.Units group u by u.Unit1 into g orderby g.Key select new { g.Key }; }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { List<Donation> list = DonationBLL.Get(CampaignDetail1.CampaignID).ToList(); e.Result = list; Summary(list.ToList()); }
protected void AutoCompleteBoxIDataSource_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { var data = GetData(); // var result = data.Select(c => new { ItemCode = c.itemCode + " - " + c.itemDescription }).Distinct(); var result = data.Select(c => new { ItemCode = c.itemCode }).Distinct(); e.Result = result; }
protected void GetAllCustomerDataSource_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { DataClasses1DataContext dbContext = new DataClasses1DataContext(); var query = from cust in dbContext.Customer select cust; e.Result = query; }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { e.Result = (from x in Global.Db.Comments where Equals(x.ModelID, ModelID) && Equals(x.UnitID, UnitID) // note hacked "Equals" needed for SQL null handling select new {Name = x.User.Login, x.Time, Text = Global.Linkify(x.Text)}).ToList(); }
protected void LinqDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { e.Result = from x in Global.Db.Events orderby x.Time descending select new {FullText = String.Format("{0} {1}{2}", x.SummaryLinked,Global.Linkify(x.Text), x.SvnLog != null ? "<br/>" + x.SvnLog : null), x.Time}; }
protected void LinqDataSourceUnCollect_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { if (CampaignDetail1.CampaignID > 0) { e.Result = CampaignBLL.Get(CampaignDetail1.CampaignID).Donations.Where(r => r.OrgPackID == null); } else { e.Cancel = true; } }
// specify the Select query that creates a combined first and last name protected void authorsLinqDataSource_Selecting( object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { e.Result = from author in database.Authors select new { Name = author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName, author.AuthorID }; }
// specify the Select query that gets the specified author's books protected void titlesLinqDataSource_Selecting( object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { e.Result = from book in database.AuthorISBNs where book.AuthorID == Convert.ToInt32( authorsDropDownList.SelectedValue ) select book.Title; }
protected void forumDataSource_Selecting(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { e.Result = from f in db.Forums let lastPostId = f.Topics.Max(t => t.Posts.Where(p => p.Visible).Max(p => p.PostId)) where f.Visible && f.CategoryId == Category.CategoryId select new { f.ForumId, TopicCount = f.Topics.Count, PostCount = (from t in f.Topics from p in t.Posts select p).Count(), LastPost = (from p in db.Posts where p.PostId == lastPostId select new { p.UserId, p.Timestamp }).FirstOrDefault(), f.Title, Date = f.Timestamp }; }
protected override object GetSource(QueryContext context) { LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs selectEventArgs = new LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs( context.Arguments, context.WhereParameters, context.OrderByParameters, context.GroupByParameters, context.OrderGroupsByParameters, context.SelectParameters); OnSelecting(selectEventArgs); if (selectEventArgs.Cancel) { return(null); } _selectResult = selectEventArgs.Result; object table = _selectResult; // Original values should only be stored for valid delete and update scenarios. _storeOriginalValues = StoreOriginalValuesInViewState && (CanDelete || CanUpdate) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupBy) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectNew); if (_selectResult == null) { table = base.GetSource(context); _selectResult = table; } // If the provided select result was not a DLinq table and we need to store // original values then we must get the table and create a new data context // instance so that we can access the column metadata. else if (!(table is ITable) && _storeOriginalValues) { table = base.GetSource(context); } return(table); }
protected void searchSource_Selecting(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e) { FudgeDataContext db = new FudgeDataContext(); var problems = from p in db.Problems where p.Visible let attempts = p.Runs.Count(r => r.Status != RunStatus.InternalError) let solved = (from r in p.Runs where !r.TestRuns.Any() && r.Status == RunStatus.Done select r).Count() let percent = attempts == 0 ? 0 : (solved / (1.0 * attempts)) * 100 orderby p.Timestamp descending select new { Problem = p, Attempts = attempts, Solved = solved, Accuracy = percent }; e.Result = from p in problems where p.Problem.Name.Contains(search.Text) || p.Problem.ProblemTags.Any(t => t.Tag.Keyword.Contains(search.Text)) select p; }