コード例 #1
        // TODO:
        //    Handle other web responses (multi-output?)
        object [] ReceiveResponse(WebResponse response, SoapClientMessage message, SoapExtension[] extensions)
            SoapMethodStubInfo msi           = message.MethodStubInfo;
            HttpWebResponse    http_response = response as HttpWebResponse;

            if (http_response != null)
                HttpStatusCode code = http_response.StatusCode;

                if (!(code == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || code == HttpStatusCode.OK || code == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError))
                    string msg = "The request failed with HTTP status {0}: {1}";
                    msg = String.Format(msg, (int)code, code);
                    throw new WebException(msg, null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, http_response);
                if (message.OneWay && response.ContentLength <= 0 && (code == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || code == HttpStatusCode.OK))
                    return(new object[0]);

            // Remove optional encoding
            string   ctype;
            Encoding encoding = WebServiceHelper.GetContentEncoding(response.ContentType, out ctype);

            ctype = ctype.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if ((!message.IsSoap12 || ctype != "application/soap+xml") && ctype != "text/xml")
                    String.Format("Not supported Content-Type in the response: '{0}'", response.ContentType),
                    response, encoding);

            message.ContentType     = ctype;
            message.ContentEncoding = encoding.WebName;

            Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();

            if (extensions != null)
                stream = SoapExtension.ExecuteChainStream(extensions, stream);
                SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(extensions, message, stream, false);

            // Deserialize the response

            SoapHeaderCollection headers;
            object content;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, encoding, false)) {
                XmlTextReader xml_reader = new XmlTextReader(reader);

                WebServiceHelper.ReadSoapMessage(xml_reader, msi, SoapHeaderDirection.Out, message.IsSoap12, out content, out headers);

            if (content is Soap12Fault)
                SoapException ex = WebServiceHelper.Soap12FaultToSoapException((Soap12Fault)content);
            if (content is Fault)
                Fault         fault = (Fault)content;
                SoapException ex    = new SoapException(fault.faultstring, fault.faultcode, fault.faultactor, fault.detail);
                message.OutParameters = (object[])content;

            message.UpdateHeaderValues(this, message.MethodStubInfo.Headers);

            if (extensions != null)
                SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(extensions, message, stream, false);

            if (message.Exception == null)
                throw message.Exception;
コード例 #2
        SoapServerMessage DeserializeRequest(HttpContext context)
            HttpRequest request = context.Request;
            Stream      stream  = request.InputStream;

            //using (stream)
            string   soapAction = null;
            string   ctype;
            Encoding encoding = WebServiceHelper.GetContentEncoding(request.ContentType, out ctype);

            if (ctype != "text/xml" && ctype != "application/soap+xml")
                throw new WebException("Content is not XML: " + ctype);

            object server = CreateServerInstance();

            SoapServerMessage message = new SoapServerMessage(request, server, stream);

            message.ContentType = ctype;
            object soapVer = context.Items ["WebServiceSoapVersion"];

            if (soapVer != null)

            // If the routing style is SoapAction, then we can get the method information now
            // and set it to the SoapMessage

            if (_typeStubInfo.RoutingStyle == SoapServiceRoutingStyle.SoapAction)
                string headerName = message.IsSoap12 ? "action" : "SOAPAction";
                soapAction = message.IsSoap12 ? WebServiceHelper.GetContextAction(request.ContentType) : request.Headers [headerName];
                if (soapAction == null)
                    if (!message.IsSoap12)
                        throw new SoapException("Missing SOAPAction header", WebServiceHelper.ClientFaultCode(message.IsSoap12));
                    methodInfo = _typeStubInfo.GetMethodForSoapAction(soapAction);
                    if (methodInfo == null)
                        throw new SoapException("Server did not recognize the value of HTTP header " + headerName + ": " + soapAction, WebServiceHelper.ClientFaultCode(message.IsSoap12));
                    message.MethodStubInfo = methodInfo;

            // Execute the high priority global extensions. Do not try to execute the medium and
            // low priority extensions because if the routing style is RequestElement we still
            // don't have method information

            _extensionChainHighPrio = SoapExtension.CreateExtensionChain(_typeStubInfo.SoapExtensions[0]);
            stream = SoapExtension.ExecuteChainStream(_extensionChainHighPrio, stream);
            SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(_extensionChainHighPrio, message, stream, false);

            // If the routing style is RequestElement, try to get the method name from the
            // stream processed by the high priority extensions

            if (_typeStubInfo.RoutingStyle == SoapServiceRoutingStyle.RequestElement || (message.IsSoap12 && soapAction == null))
                MemoryStream mstream;
                byte[]       buffer = null;

                if (stream.CanSeek)
                    buffer = new byte [stream.Length];
                    for (int n = 0; n < stream.Length;)
                        n += stream.Read(buffer, n, (int)stream.Length - n);
                    mstream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
                    buffer  = new byte [500];
                    mstream = new MemoryStream();

                    int len;
                    while ((len = stream.Read(buffer, 0, 500)) > 0)
                        mstream.Write(buffer, 0, len);
                    mstream.Position = 0;
                    buffer           = mstream.ToArray();

                soapAction = ReadActionFromRequestElement(new MemoryStream(buffer), encoding, message.IsSoap12);

                stream                 = mstream;
                methodInfo             = (SoapMethodStubInfo)_typeStubInfo.GetMethod(soapAction);
                message.MethodStubInfo = methodInfo;

            // Whatever routing style we used, we should now have the method information.
            // We can now notify the remaining extensions

            if (methodInfo == null)
                throw new SoapException("Method '" + soapAction + "' not defined in the web service '" + _typeStubInfo.LogicalType.WebServiceName + "'", WebServiceHelper.ClientFaultCode(message.IsSoap12));

            _extensionChainMedPrio = SoapExtension.CreateExtensionChain(methodInfo.SoapExtensions);
            _extensionChainLowPrio = SoapExtension.CreateExtensionChain(_typeStubInfo.SoapExtensions[1]);

            stream = SoapExtension.ExecuteChainStream(_extensionChainMedPrio, stream);
            stream = SoapExtension.ExecuteChainStream(_extensionChainLowPrio, stream);
            SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(_extensionChainMedPrio, message, stream, false);
            SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(_extensionChainLowPrio, message, stream, false);

            // Deserialize the request

            StreamReader  reader    = new StreamReader(stream, encoding, false);
            XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(reader);

                object content;
                SoapHeaderCollection headers;
                WebServiceHelper.ReadSoapMessage(xmlReader, methodInfo, SoapHeaderDirection.In, message.IsSoap12, out content, out headers);
                message.InParameters = (object [])content;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new SoapException("Could not deserialize Soap message", WebServiceHelper.ClientFaultCode(message.IsSoap12), ex);

            // Notify the extensions after deserialization

            SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(_extensionChainHighPrio, message, stream, false);
            SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(_extensionChainMedPrio, message, stream, false);
            SoapExtension.ExecuteProcessMessage(_extensionChainLowPrio, message, stream, false);
