//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <include file='doc\FormsAuthenticationModule.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="FormsAuthenticationModule.OnEnter"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> private void OnEnter(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) { if (_fAuthChecked && !_fAuthRequired) { return; } HttpApplication app; HttpContext context; app = (HttpApplication)source; context = app.Context; AuthenticationConfig settings = (AuthenticationConfig)context.GetConfig("system.web/authentication"); if (!_fAuthChecked) { _fAuthRequired = (settings.Mode == AuthenticationMode.Forms); _fAuthChecked = true; } if (!_fAuthRequired) { return; } if (!_fFormsInit) { Trace("Initializing Forms Auth Manager"); FormsAuthentication.Initialize(); _FormsName = settings.CookieName; if (_FormsName == null) { _FormsName = CONFIG_DEFAULT_COOKIE; } Trace("Forms name is: " + _FormsName); _LoginUrl = settings.LoginUrl; if (_LoginUrl == null) { _LoginUrl = CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOGINURL; } _fFormsInit = true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Step 2: Call OnAuthenticate virtual method to create // an IPrincipal for this request OnAuthenticate(new FormsAuthenticationEventArgs(context)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Skip AuthZ if accessing the login page context.SkipAuthorization = AuthenticationConfig.AccessingLoginPage(context, _LoginUrl); }
public void Init(HttpApplication app) { if (!_fAuthChecked) { _fAuthRequired = AuthenticationConfig.Mode == AuthenticationMode.Forms; _fAuthChecked = true; } if (_fAuthRequired) { FormsAuthentication.Initialize(); app.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(this.OnEnter); app.EndRequest += new EventHandler(this.OnLeave); } }
public void Init(HttpApplication app) { // authentication is an app level setting only // so we can read app config early on in an attempt to try and // skip wiring up event delegates if (!_fAuthChecked) { _fAuthRequired = (AuthenticationConfig.Mode == AuthenticationMode.Forms); _fAuthChecked = true; } if (_fAuthRequired) { // initialize if mode is forms auth FormsAuthentication.Initialize(); app.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(this.OnEnter); app.EndRequest += new EventHandler(this.OnLeave); } }