private void OnConnectPeer() { Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Peer @ {0}:{1}", PeerHost, PeerPort); ConnectedToPeer = false; for (var i = 0; i < MAX_Connect_Attempts && !ConnectedToPeer; i++) { Console.Write("C"); Peer = new TcpClient(); Task ar = Peer.ConnectAsync(PeerHost, PeerPort); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ((IAsyncResult)ar).AsyncWaitHandle; bool signaled = wh.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1200)); if (!signaled || !Peer.Connected) { Console.Write("x"); } else { ConnectedToPeer = true; } } if (ConnectedToPeer) { Console.WriteLine("\nConnected to {0}:{1}, start sending ping...", PeerHost, PeerPort); stateMachine.FireAsync(Trigger.ConnectedToPeer); } else { Console.WriteLine(" - couldn't reach to peer"); stateMachine.FireAsync(Trigger.FailedToPeer); } }
protected override void DoProcess(ProcessItemHandler handler) { if (!this.UsePipes) { this.ProcessExtract(handler); } else { WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] { this.FinishedEvent, this.BeforeExtractItem }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(this.ProcessExtract)); AsyncProcessWcxItemEventArgs e = new AsyncProcessWcxItemEventArgs(this); while (true) { if (WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles) == 0) { break; } this.ExtractNeeded = false; handler(e); if (e.Cancel) { this.TerminateEvent.Set(); } else if (!this.ExtractNeeded) { this.ConfirmExtractItem.Set(); } } } if (this.ProcessResult != 0) { WcxErrors.ThrowExceptionForError(this.ProcessResult); } }
private bool IsConnected(string ipAddress) { bool connected = false; using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient()) { IAsyncResult ar = client.BeginConnect(ipAddress, 9100, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), false)) { client.Close(); connected = false; throw new TimeoutException(); } client.EndConnect(ar); connected = true; } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } finally { wh.Close(); } client.Close(); } return(connected); }
public static WaitReturn WaitForComplete(double mill, WaitHandle wh) { TimeSpan goal = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mill).Ticks); MSG msg = new MSG(); HandleRef h = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); do { if(PeekMessage(out msg, h, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(ref msg); DispatchMessage(ref msg); } if(wh.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(1), false)) { return WaitReturn.Complete; } if(goal.CompareTo(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0) { return WaitReturn.Timeout; } } while(true); }
public static void Synchronize(params object[] threadResults) { WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[threadResults.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < threadResults.Length; i++) { waitHandles[i] = ((IThreadedResult)threadResults[i]).WaitHandle; } ApartmentState apartmentState = Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState(); if (apartmentState == ApartmentState.MTA) { WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles); return; } if (apartmentState == ApartmentState.STA) { foreach (WaitHandle myWaitHandle in waitHandles) { WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { myWaitHandle }); } return; } throw new UnhandledThreadApartmentState(apartmentState); }
public void TestQueryWithContainsInParallel() { var ids = new List<Guid> { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), }; const int threadsToRun = 32; var events = new WaitHandle[threadsToRun]; var exceptions = new List<Exception>(); for (var i = 0; i < threadsToRun; i++) { var @event = new ManualResetEvent(false); events[i] = @event; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s => { try { Run(ids); } catch (Exception ex) { exceptions.Add(ex); } finally { @event.Set(); } }); } WaitHandle.WaitAll(events); Assert.IsEmpty(exceptions); }
public void TestThreading() { try { var srids = new[] {4326, 31467, 3857, 27700}; var precisionModels = new[] { new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModels.Floating), new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModels.FloatingSingle), new PrecisionModel(1), new PrecisionModel(10), new PrecisionModel(100), }; const int numWorkItems = 30; var waitHandles = new WaitHandle[numWorkItems]; for (var i = 0; i < numWorkItems; i++) { waitHandles[i] = new AutoResetEvent(false); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(TestFacories, new object[] {srids, precisionModels, waitHandles[i], i+1, false}); } WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles); Console.WriteLine("\nDone!"); Assert.LessOrEqual(srids.Length * precisionModels.Length, ((NtsGeometryServices)GeometryServiceProvider.Instance).NumFactories, "Too many factories created!"); Assert.IsTrue(true); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } }
public static IEnumerable<object[]> SignalAndWait_MemberData() { var toSignal = new WaitHandle[] { new ManualResetEvent(false), new Mutex(), new Semaphore(1, 1) }; var toWaitOn = new AutoResetEvent(false); var callSignalAndWait = new Func<WaitHandle, WaitHandle, bool>[] { (s, w) => WaitHandle.SignalAndWait(s, w), (s, w) => WaitHandle.SignalAndWait(s, w, 0, false), (s, w) => WaitHandle.SignalAndWait(s, w, TimeSpan.Zero, false), }; for (int signalIndex = 0; signalIndex < toSignal.Length; ++signalIndex) { for (int callIndex = 0; callIndex < callSignalAndWait.Length; ++callIndex) { var skipInfiniteWaitTests = callIndex == 0; yield return new object[] { toSignal[signalIndex], toWaitOn, callSignalAndWait[callIndex], skipInfiniteWaitTests }; } } }
private void WorkerThreadLoop() { WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[2] { _stopEvent, _workerParseEvent }; while (true) { int wait = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles); if (wait == 0) return; //Drain the work queue while (true) { ParseJob job = null; lock (_lock) { if (_work.Count > 0) { job = _work.First(); _work.RemoveAt(0); } else { break; } } Parse(job); } } }
/// <summary> /// Waits until one of the tasks represented by <see cref="taskHandles"/> is finished, all remaining task will be aborted. /// </summary> /// <param name="taskHandles">The task handles to wait on.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static int WaitAny(params ITaskHandle[] taskHandles) { //FIXME: The is broken, we should return if a scheduled task is finished not ignore it. // create wait handle array int maxLength = taskHandles.Length; var scheduledTasks = new IScheduledTask[maxLength]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { var scheduledTask = taskHandles[i] as IScheduledTask; if(scheduledTask != null) { if(!scheduledTask.IsFinished) { scheduledTasks[index] = scheduledTask; index++; } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Couldn't convert task handle \"{0}\" to a IScheduledTask.", taskHandles[i])); } } int length = index; var waitHandles = new WaitHandle[index]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { waitHandles[i] = scheduledTasks[i].FinishedHandle; } int releasedIndex = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles); // release resources for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { scheduledTasks[i].Close(); } return releasedIndex; }
private const int TIMEOUT = 1; // seconds public Server() { tcpClient = new TcpClient(); try { IAsyncResult ar = tcpClient.BeginConnect("localhost", 8100, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMEOUT), false)) { tcpClient.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(); } tcpClient.EndConnect(ar); } finally { wh.Close(); } // spin off listener to new thread Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandleClientComm)); clientThread.Start(tcpClient); Send("Hello from XNA!"); SubscribeToGameEvents(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to TCP server!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Server" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="core"> /// 進入點物件 /// </param> /// <param name="port"> /// 監聽的埠 /// </param> public Server(ICore core, int port) { _ThreadCoreHandler = new ThreadCoreHandler(core); _ThreadSocketHandler = new ThreadSocketHandler(port, _ThreadCoreHandler); _WaitSocket = new AutoResetEvent(false); }
public static bool SignalAndWait(WaitHandle toSignal, WaitHandle toWaitOn, int millisecondsTimeout, bool exitContext) { if ((Environment.OSInfo & Environment.OSName.Win9x) != Environment.OSName.Invalid) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_Win9x")); } if (toSignal == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("toSignal"); } if (toWaitOn == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("toWaitOn"); } if (-1 > millisecondsTimeout) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("millisecondsTimeout", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegOrNegative1")); } int num = SignalAndWaitOne(toSignal.safeWaitHandle, toWaitOn.safeWaitHandle, millisecondsTimeout, toWaitOn.hasThreadAffinity, exitContext); if ((0x7fffffff != num) && toSignal.hasThreadAffinity) { Thread.EndCriticalRegion(); Thread.EndThreadAffinity(); } if (0x80 == num) { throw new AbandonedMutexException(); } if (0x12a == num) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Threading.WaitHandleTooManyPosts")); } return (num == 0); }
// Validate the contents of a "waitHandles" array and // return a new array of low-level handles. private static IntPtr[] ValidateHandles(WaitHandle[] waitHandles) { int posn, posn2; WaitHandle handle; IntPtr[] lowLevel; if(waitHandles == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("waitHandles"); } if(waitHandles.Length > 64) { throw new NotSupportedException (_("NotSupp_MaxWaitHandles")); } lowLevel = new IntPtr [waitHandles.Length]; for(posn = waitHandles.Length - 1; posn >= 0; --posn) { if((handle = waitHandles[posn]) == null || handle.privateData == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ArgumentNullException ("waitHandles[" + posn + "]"); } for(posn2 = posn - 1; posn2 >= 0; --posn2) { if(handle == waitHandles[posn2]) { throw new DuplicateWaitObjectException(); } } lowLevel[posn] = handle.privateData; } return lowLevel; }
protected bool WaitAny(int millisecondsTimeout, params System.Threading.WaitHandle[] handles) { // We are basically just calling System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny on the handle(s) provided, // but we also include the example's _stopHandle in the list of handles; this is an event that // gets fired when the user clicks the "Stop" button, allowing us to have a more responsive GUI. // In a command-line version of the same example, you would leave that part out. System.Threading.WaitHandle[] ar = new System.Threading.WaitHandle[handles.Length + 1]; ar[0] = _stopEvent; for (int i = 0; i < handles.Length; i++) { ar[i + 1] = handles[i]; } int n = System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(ar, millisecondsTimeout); if (n == System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitTimeout) { WriteLine("TIMED OUT WAITING FOR A RESPONSE"); return(false); } if (n == 0) { WriteLine("CANCELLED BY USER"); return(false); } return(true); }
public int Start(out string strError) { strError = ""; Debug.Assert(_thread == null, ""); _thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod)); _thread.Start(); // 等待,直到完全启动 WaitHandle[] events = new WaitHandle[2]; events[0] = _eventClosed; events[1] = _eventStarted; int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(events, -1, false); #if NO if (index == WaitHandle.WaitTimeout) return; if (index == 0) return; #endif if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ErrorInfo) == false) { strError = this.ErrorInfo; return -1; } return 0; }
public CCanAppli() { // Initialisation du CAN. UInt32 bitRate = (UInt32)((8 - 1) << 20) | (UInt32)((15 - 1) << 16) | (UInt32)((12 - 1) << 0); //Channel1 m_busCan = new CAN(CAN.Channel.Channel_1, bitRate, 100); // m_tabWaitDONE = new WaitHandle[] { new AutoResetEvent(false), new AutoResetEvent(false), new AutoResetEvent(false) }; m_waitACK = new AutoResetEvent(false); // Tableau de data reçu. m_dataRecus[0] = new CAN.Message(); // Initialisation de l'evenement permetant de detecter une erreur CAN. m_busCan.ErrorReceivedEvent += new CANErrorReceivedEventHandler(m_busCan_ErrorReceivedEvent); // Initialisation de l'evenement permetant de detecter une reponse. m_busCan.DataReceivedEvent += new CANDataReceivedEventHandler(m_busCan_DataReceivedEvent); mutex = new Object(); }
static void Main() { const int taskCount = 4; var mEvents = new ManualResetEventSlim[taskCount]; var waitHandles = new WaitHandle[taskCount]; var calcs = new Calculator[taskCount]; for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) { int i1 = i; mEvents[i] = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); waitHandles[i] = mEvents[i].WaitHandle; calcs[i] = new Calculator(mEvents[i]); Task.Run(() => calcs[i1].Calculation(i1 + 1, i1 + 3)); } for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) { // int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(mEvents.Select(e => e.WaitHandle).ToArray()); int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles); if (index == WaitHandle.WaitTimeout) { WriteLine("Timeout!!"); } else { mEvents[index].Reset(); WriteLine($"finished task for {index}, result: {calcs[index].Result}"); } } }
public DialogResult ShowDialog(MobileRemoteUI parentForm, WaitHandle waitResult, AddressSelector.BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothHidWriter hidWriter) { _statusLabel.Text = "Connecting..."; _hidWriter = hidWriter; _waitResult = waitResult; if (device.Address > 0) { _existingMachine.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _existingMachine.Visible = true; _newMachineLabel.Visible = false; } else { _newMachineLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _newMachineLabel.Visible = true; _existingMachine.Visible = false; } timer1.Enabled = true; if (waitResult.WaitOne(1000, false)) { //return DialogResult.OK; } try { return base.ShowDialog(parentForm); } finally { timer1.Enabled = false; } }
private static void Ждать(WaitHandle[] waitHandle) { if (waitHandle.Length == 0) { return; } else if (waitHandle.Length <= 64) { WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandle); return; } var waitHandles = new WaitHandle[64]; for (var sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < waitHandle.Length; sourceIndex += 64) { if (waitHandle.Length - sourceIndex < 64) { Array.Resize(ref waitHandles, waitHandle.Length - sourceIndex); Array.Copy(waitHandle, sourceIndex, waitHandles, 0, waitHandle.Length - sourceIndex); } else { Array.Copy(waitHandle, sourceIndex, waitHandles, 0, 64); } WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles); } }
static void CheckArray (WaitHandle [] handles, bool waitAll) { if (handles == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("waitHandles"); int length = handles.Length; if (length > 64) throw new NotSupportedException ("Too many handles"); #if false // // Although we should thrown an exception if this is an STA thread, // Mono does not know anything about STA threads, and just makes // things like Paint.NET not even possible to work. // // See bug #78455 for the bug this is supposed to fix. // if (waitAll && length > 1 && IsSTAThread) throw new NotSupportedException ("WaitAll for multiple handles is not allowed on an STA thread."); #endif foreach (WaitHandle w in handles) { if (w == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("waitHandles", "null handle"); #if NET_2_0 if (w.safe_wait_handle == null) throw new ArgumentException ("null element found", "waitHandle"); #else if (w.os_handle == InvalidHandle) throw new ArgumentException ("null element found", "waitHandle"); #endif } }
public void Start() { _cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); _cancellationToken = _cancellation.Token; _cancel = _cancellationToken.WaitHandle; Task.Factory.StartNew(StartListener, _cancellationToken); }
private static void DoTest() { _application = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook book = _application.Workbooks.Add(); WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[3]; Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Thread1Method)); Thread thread2 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Thread2Method)); Thread thread3 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Thread3Method)); ManualResetEvent mre1 = new ManualResetEvent(false); ManualResetEvent mre2 = new ManualResetEvent(false); ManualResetEvent mre3 = new ManualResetEvent(false); waitHandles[0] = mre1; waitHandles[1] = mre2; waitHandles[2] = mre3; thread1.Start(mre1); thread2.Start(mre2); thread3.Start(mre3); WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles); _application.Quit(); _application.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Enumerates all top level windows on desktop. WARNING: The method returns null if operation timeout is reached. /// </summary> /// <param name="milliSecondsTimeout">a timeout for the operation. when a desktop is busy or non responding these method freeze. you can handle this with the operation timeout</param> /// <returns>Result Array or null</returns> public IntPtr[] EnumerateWindows(int milliSecondsTimeout) { try { lock (_lockInstance) { Result.Clear(); _currentInstance = this; Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(EnumerateWindowsAsync)); WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[1]; ManualResetEvent mre1 = new ManualResetEvent(false); waitHandles[0] = mre1; thread1.Start(mre1); bool result = WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles, milliSecondsTimeout); if (!result) { thread1.Abort(); Result.Clear(); _currentInstance = null; return null; } else { _currentInstance = null; } } return Result.ToArray(); } catch (Exception exception) { DebugConsole.Default.WriteException(exception); throw; } }
internal RegisteredWaitHandle (WaitHandle waitObject, WaitOrTimerCallback callback, object cbState, int timeout, bool executeOnlyOnce) { this.waitObject = waitObject; this.callback = callback; this.cbState = cbState; this.timeout = timeout; this.executeOnlyOnce = executeOnlyOnce; StWaitable waitable; if ((waitable = waitObject.waitable) == null) { /* * Either we're dealing with a disposed wait handle * or with some other derived class. */ UnparkCallback (StParkStatus.Inflated); return; } cbparker = new CbParker (UnparkCallback, false, true); int ignored = 0; waitBlock = waitable._WaitAnyPrologue (cbparker, StParkStatus.Success, ref hint, ref ignored); state = ACTIVE; int ws = cbparker.EnableCallback (timeout); if (ws != StParkStatus.Pending) { UnparkCallback (ws); } }
/// <summary> /// Functionally the same as WaitOne(), but pumps com messa /// </summary> /// <param name="handle"></param> public static void HackyComWaitOne(WaitHandle handle) { uint nativeResult; // result of the native wait API (WaitForMultipleObjects or MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx) int managedResult; // result to return from WaitHelper IntPtr[] waitHandles = new IntPtr[]{ handle.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle() }; uint count = 1; uint QS_MASK = NativeMethods.QS_ALLINPUT; // message queue status QS_MASK = 0; //bizhawk edit?? did we need any messages here?? apparently not??? // the core loop var msg = new NativeMethods.MSG(); while (true) { // MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx with MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE returns, // even if there's a message already seen but not removed in the message queue nativeResult = NativeMethods.MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( count, waitHandles, (uint)0xFFFFFFFF, QS_MASK, NativeMethods.MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE); if (IsNativeWaitSuccessful(count, nativeResult, out managedResult) || WaitHandle.WaitTimeout == managedResult) break; // there is a message, pump and dispatch it if (NativeMethods.PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, NativeMethods.PM_REMOVE)) { NativeMethods.TranslateMessage(ref msg); NativeMethods.DispatchMessage(ref msg); } } //m64pFrameComplete.WaitOne(); }
public void trySocket(string ip, int port, int timeout) { //Create socket connection try { //TcpClient client = new TcpClient(ip, port); using (TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient()) { IAsyncResult ar = tcp.BeginConnect(ip, port, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout, false)) { tcp.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(); } tcp.EndConnect(ar); } finally { wh.Close(); } } Console.Out.WriteLine(ip + "\t" + port + "\tS"); } catch (Exception e) { if (!openonly) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ip + "\t" + port + "\tF\t" + e.Message); } } }
public static bool WaitAll(WaitHandle[] waitHandles, int timeOutMs) { // throws an exception if there are no wait handles if (waitHandles == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(waitHandles)); if (waitHandles.Length == 0) return true; #if NETSTANDARD1_3 return WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles, timeOutMs); #else if (Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.STA) { // WaitAll for multiple handles on an STA thread is not supported. // CurrentThread is ApartmentState.STA when run under unit tests var successfullyComplete = true; foreach (var waitHandle in waitHandles) { successfullyComplete = successfullyComplete && waitHandle.WaitOne(timeOutMs, false); } return successfullyComplete; } return WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles, timeOutMs, false); #endif }
public bool PingHost(string IP, int Port) { try { IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(IP), Port); TcpClient server = new TcpClient(); IAsyncResult ar = server.BeginConnect(IP, Port, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false)) { server.Close(); return(false); } server.EndConnect(ar); return(true); } finally { wh.Close(); } } catch (SocketException) { return(false); } }
public void MultiThreadTest() { var ai = new TwitterApiInfo { ConsumerKey = "hYd5c8gYxhy3T2Nvj8wLA", ConsumerSecret = "KZGPvAN6kgioWlf0zrGYOzKevLatexuuuJlIhJQg" }; var provider = new TwitterDataProvider(ai); var messages = provider.GetUserTweets(40648902, null, 10); //List<Message> messages = provider.GetUserHomeTimeLine(10); Action dlgFirstThread = StartFirstThread; Action dlgSecondThread = StartSecondThread; var arFirstThread = dlgFirstThread.BeginInvoke(null, null); var arSecondThread = dlgSecondThread.BeginInvoke(null, null); var waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] { arFirstThread.AsyncWaitHandle, arSecondThread.AsyncWaitHandle }; //WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] { arFirstThread.AsyncWaitHandle }; WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles); Console.WriteLine("Operation complete. Press any key to close window..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public StreamAsyncResult(SocketAsyncEventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, System.Threading.WaitHandle waitHandle) { SocketAsyncEventArgs = e; e.UserToken = this; Callback = callback; AsyncWaitHandle = waitHandle; }
protected override void EndProcessing() { WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[pendingResults.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < waitHandles.Length; i++) { waitHandles[i] = pendingResults[i].AsyncWaitHandle; } WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles); for (int i = 0; i < pendingResults.Count; i++) { try { WriteObject(Dns.EndGetHostEntry(pendingResults[i])); } catch (PipelineStoppedException) { throw; } catch (Exception exc) { ErrorHandler.WriteGetHostEntryError(pendingResults[i].AsyncState.ToString(), exc); } } base.EndProcessing(); }
internal void Wait (object state) { bool release = false; try { _waitObject.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousAddRef (ref release); try { WaitHandle[] waits = new WaitHandle[] {_waitObject, _cancelEvent}; do { int signal = WaitHandle.WaitAny (waits, _timeout, false); if (!_unregistered) { lock (this) { _callsInProcess++; } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (new WaitCallback (DoCallBack), (signal == WaitHandle.WaitTimeout)); } } while (!_unregistered && !_executeOnlyOnce); } catch { } lock (this) { _unregistered = true; if (_callsInProcess == 0 && _finalEvent != null) NativeEventCalls.SetEvent (_finalEvent.SafeWaitHandle); } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // Can happen if we called Unregister before we had time to execute Wait if (release) throw; } finally { if (release) _waitObject.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousRelease (); } }
public bool ClientConnect() { try { // 建立 Client tcpClient = new TcpClient(); // 測試連線是否存在 TimeOut 2 Second IAsyncResult result = tcpClient.BeginConnect(serverIP, serverPort, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle handler = result.AsyncWaitHandle; if (!result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), false)) { tcpClient.Close(); tcpClient.EndConnect(result); handler.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(); } // 連線至 Server tcpClient.Connect(serverIP, serverPort); clientSocket = tcpClient.Client; Debug.Log("連線成功"); return(true); } catch { Debug.Log("連線失敗"); return(false); } }
static WaitHandle StartOnMySignal(WaitHandle signalWhenReadyToStart, Action callback) { var exitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { signalWhenReadyToStart.WaitOne(); try { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (watch.Elapsed < maxExecutionTime) { callback(); } } catch (Exception ex) { exceptions.Add(ex); } finally { exitHandle.Set(); } }); return exitHandle; }
/// <summary> /// Runs the bundle with the provided command-line. /// </summary> /// <param name="commandLine">Optional command-line to pass to the bundle.</param> /// <returns>Exit code from the bundle.</returns> public int Run(string commandLine = null) { WaitHandle[] waits = new WaitHandle[] { new ManualResetEvent(false), new ManualResetEvent(false) }; int returnCode = 0; int pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; string pipeName = String.Concat("bpe_", pid); string pipeSecret = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); using (NamedPipeServerStream pipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(pipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, 1)) { using (Process bundleProcess = new Process()) { bundleProcess.StartInfo.FileName = this.Path; bundleProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format("{0} -burn.embedded {1} {2} {3}", commandLine ?? String.Empty, pipeName, pipeSecret, pid); bundleProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; bundleProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; bundleProcess.Start(); Connect(pipe, pipeSecret, pid, bundleProcess.Id); PumpMessages(pipe); bundleProcess.WaitForExit(); returnCode = bundleProcess.ExitCode; } } return returnCode; }
protected bool WaitAny(int millisecondsTimeout, params System.Threading.WaitHandle[] handles) { // We are basically just calling System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny on the handle(s) provided, // but we also include the example's _stopHandle in the list of handles; this is an event that // gets fired when the user clicks the "Stop" button, allowing us to have a more responsive GUI. // In a command-line version of the same example, you would leave that part out. System.Threading.WaitHandle[] ar = new System.Threading.WaitHandle[handles.Length + 1]; ar[0] = _stopEvent; for (int i = 0; i < handles.Length; i++) ar[i + 1] = handles[i]; int n = System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(ar, millisecondsTimeout); if (n == System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitTimeout) { WriteLine("TIMED OUT WAITING FOR A RESPONSE"); return false; } if (n == 0) { WriteLine("CANCELLED BY USER"); return false; } return true; }
public void Setup(object asyncState, WaitHandle waitHandle,AsyncCallback callback) { _asyncState = asyncState; _waitHandle = waitHandle; _callBack = callback; _aborted = false; }
private void checkNoBytesTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkNoBytes.Checked == true) { RasConnection r = RasConnection.GetActiveConnectionByName(detectedList.Items[detectedList.SelectedIndex].ToString(), RasPhoneBook.GetPhoneBookPath(RasPhoneBookType.User)); if (r != null) { using (TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient()) { IAsyncResult ar = tcp.BeginConnect("", 80, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false)) { tcp.Close(); appendLog("No Bytes. Disconnecting..."); r.HangUp(); } } finally { wh.Close(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Waits for the number of elements in the buffer to reach a certain size, or until the timeout is reached or the other wait handle is signaled /// </summary> /// <param name="nSizeInBuffer"></param> /// <param name="nTimeout"></param> /// <param name="otherhandletowaiton"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool WaitForSize(int nSizeInBuffer, int nTimeout, System.Threading.WaitHandle otherhandletowaiton) { lock (BufferLock) { if (m_nSize >= nSizeInBuffer) { return(true); } SizeEvent.Reset(); } TimeSpan tsElapsed; DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[] { SizeEvent, otherhandletowaiton }; if (otherhandletowaiton == null) { handles = new WaitHandle[] { SizeEvent } } ; do { int nWait = WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles, nTimeout); if (nWait == 1) { return(false); } else if (nWait == 0) { lock (BufferLock) { SizeEvent.Reset(); if (m_nSize >= nSizeInBuffer) { return(true); } } } else { return(false); } tsElapsed = DateTime.Now - dtStart; if (nTimeout != Timeout.Infinite) { nTimeout = (int)tsElapsed.TotalMilliseconds; if (nTimeout <= 0) { break; } } }while (true); return(false); } AutoResetEvent SizeEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); object BufferLock = new object();
public bool ConnectToTCPServerTestMessage(string ip, int port) { //this is test code bool b = false; using (TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient()) { IAsyncResult ar = tcp.BeginConnect("", 80, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false)) { tcp.Close(); b = false; } else { b = true; tcp.EndConnect(ar); } } finally { wh.Close(); } } return(b); try { System.Console.WriteLine("testing network"); //find a port that works 6000-61000 //"", 80 tc = new TcpClient(ip, port); ns = tc.GetStream(); sw = new StreamWriter(ns); //sr = new StreamReader(); //send data to pc sw.WriteLine("hello\r\n"); sw.Flush(); //sr.Close(); sw.Close(); ns.Close(); tc.Close(); } catch (Exception ee) { System.Console.WriteLine("Exception testing network:" + ee.Message); return(false); } System.Console.WriteLine("testing network completed"); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// send data to remote host dequeueing send_queue /// send event_Socket_Data_Send_Completed /// </summary> private void my_send() { try { byte[] buffer; System.Threading.WaitHandle[] wait_handles = new System.Threading.WaitHandle[2]; wait_handles[0] = this.evt_close; wait_handles[1] = this.evt_more_data_to_send; int res_wait; for (;;) { res_wait = System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(wait_handles, TIMEOUT_SEND, true); switch (res_wait) { case 0: case System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitTimeout: this.b_start_send_thread = true; // exit thread return; } this.evt_more_data_to_send.Reset(); while (send_queue.Count > 0) // while there's data to send { // dequeue data of send_queue this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.WaitOne(); buffer = (byte[])send_queue.Dequeue(); this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.Set(); this.data_socket.SendTo(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.DontRoute, remote_ep); if (this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Completed != null) { this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Completed(this, new EventArgs()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (this.event_Socket_Data_Error != null) { this.event_Socket_Data_Error(this, new EventArgs_Exception(e)); } // clear send queue this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.WaitOne(); this.send_queue.Clear(); this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.Set(); // restart thread to send data ThreadStart myThreadStart = new ThreadStart(this.my_send); Thread myThread = new Thread(myThreadStart); myThread.Start(); } }
async Task <bool> WaitOnHandle(System.Threading.WaitHandle waitHandle) { var threadID = m_IThreading.GetCurrentThreadID().ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(threadID + "WaitOnHandle"); bool bRecieved = waitHandleForDownloadToEnd.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30000)); threadID = m_IThreading.GetCurrentThreadID().ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(threadID + "WaitOnHandle Finished"); return(bRecieved); }
/// <summary> /// send data to remote host dequeueing send_queue /// send event_Socket_Data_Send_Completed /// </summary> private void my_send() { udp_send_object obj_send = null; try { byte[] buffer; System.Threading.WaitHandle[] wait_handles = new System.Threading.WaitHandle[2]; wait_handles[0] = this.evt_close; wait_handles[1] = this.evt_more_data_to_send; int res_wait; for (;;) { res_wait = System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(wait_handles); if (res_wait == 0) { // exit thread return; } this.evt_more_data_to_send.Reset(); while (send_queue.Count > 0) // while there's data to send { // dequeue data of send_queue this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.WaitOne(); obj_send = (udp_send_object)send_queue.Dequeue(); this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.Set(); buffer = obj_send.buffer; this.srvsocket.SendTo(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, obj_send.remote_endpoint); if (this.event_Socket_Server_Send_Completed != null) { this.event_Socket_Server_Send_Completed(this, new EventArgs_EndPoint(obj_send.remote_endpoint)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (event_Socket_Server_Error != null) { event_Socket_Server_Error(this, new EventArgs_Exception(e)); } // clear send queue this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.WaitOne(); this.send_queue.Clear(); this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.Set(); // restart thread to send data ThreadStart myThreadStart = new ThreadStart(this.my_send); Thread myThread = new Thread(myThreadStart); myThread.Start(); } }
}//ConnectToServer() // // // // // // **** Try Connect To Client() **** // private bool TryConnectToClient(IPEndPoint ip, out TcpClient client) { client = null; bool isSuccess = false; TcpClient tcpClient = null; System.Threading.WaitHandle waitHandle = null; try { tcpClient = new TcpClient(); IAsyncResult async = tcpClient.BeginConnect(ip.Address, ip.Port, null, null); waitHandle = async.AsyncWaitHandle; if (!async.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(m_ConnectTimeout), false)) { tcpClient.Close(); isSuccess = false; } else { tcpClient.EndConnect(async); client = tcpClient; isSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (tcpClient != null) { tcpClient.Close(); } OnInternalMessage(string.Format("TryConnectToClient exception: {0}.", ex.Message)); isSuccess = false; } finally { if (waitHandle != null) { waitHandle.Close(); } } // Exit. return(isSuccess); } //TryConnectToClient()
private void ThreadProc() { System.Threading.WaitHandle[] handles = new System.Threading.WaitHandle[] { m_ExitEvent, m_TriggerEvent }; int handleIndex; try { while (true) { handleIndex = System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles); if (handleIndex == 0) { return; //Exit() was called } try { while (m_queue.Count > 0) { object[] objs = (object[])m_queue.Dequeue(); if (m_func(objs) == false) { Exit(); } } } catch (Exception e) //never allow an m_func() exception terminate this thread. { //synchronous Log uses Async class so we can't use it here DBG.WriteLine("Thread: {0}\r\n{1}", (m_Thread.Name == null?"<unknown>":m_Thread.Name), e); } } } finally { if (m_ExitEvent != null) { m_ExitEvent.Close(); m_ExitEvent = null; } if (m_TriggerEvent != null) { m_TriggerEvent.Close(); m_TriggerEvent = null; } m_queue.Clear(); m_queue = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Connect with timeout /// </summary> /// <param name="connectTimeout">connect timeout. In millisecond</param> public void Connect(int connectTimeout) { if (connectTimeout > 30000) { Connect(); return; } if (_Client == null) { _Client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient(); } IPEndPoint serverEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(RemoteAddress, Port); IAsyncResult ar = _Client.BeginConnect(serverEndPoint.Address, serverEndPoint.Port, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(connectTimeout, false)) { _Client.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Try to connect {0} timeout", serverEndPoint)); } _Client.EndConnect(ar); } finally { wh.Close(); } _ClientStream = _Client.GetStream(); if (_Async) { _Thread = new Thread(AsyncMessageRecv); _Thread.IsBackground = true; _Thread.Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// Connects to a given IPEndPoint /// Doesn't allow failed connections /// </summary> /// <param name="ipEndPoint"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static bool ConnectToServerAsync(System.Net.IPEndPoint ipEndPoint) { m_client = new TcpClient(); bool connectionSuceeded = false; //sets up an asyncronos connection IAsyncResult ar = m_client.BeginConnect(ipEndPoint.Address, ipEndPoint.Port, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { //blocks the current thread until either timeout is reached or connection is successful if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), false)) { m_client.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The server is not running"); return(connectionSuceeded = false); } m_client.EndConnect(ar); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } finally { wh.Close(); } connectionSuceeded = true; // create a thread to handle data received from Server Thread HandleDataFromServerThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandleDataFromServer)); HandleDataFromServerThread.Name = "Handle Data From Server Thread"; HandleDataFromServerThread.IsBackground = true; HandleDataFromServerThread.Start(m_client); return(connectionSuceeded); }
private bool SendToPrinter(string printerIPAddress, string message) { // log.Info("SendToPrinter IP {0} Message {1}",printerIPAddress,message); bool sendOK = false; try { using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient()) { // log.Info("SendToPrinter BeginConnect IP {0}",printerIPAddress); IAsyncResult ar = client.BeginConnect(printerIPAddress, 9100, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false)) { // log.Error("SendToPrinter BeginConnect Timeout IP {0}",printerIPAddress); client.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(); } // log.Info("SendToPrinter BeginConnect Successful IP {0}",printerIPAddress); client.EndConnect(ar); using (NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream()) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ns)) { sw.WriteLine(message); sw.Close(); sw.Dispose(); } } sendOK = true; // log.Info("SendToPrinter Successful IP {0}",printerIPAddress); client.Close(); } Thread.Sleep(100); } catch { sendOK = false; } return(sendOK); }
void wait_for_completion() { again: MainLoop loop = main_loop_stack.Peek(); Report.Debug(DebugFlags.CLI, "{0} waiting for completion", loop); ST.WaitHandle[] wait = new ST.WaitHandle[] { loop.CompletedEvent, interrupt_event, nested_break_state_event }; int ret = ST.WaitHandle.WaitAny(wait); Report.Debug(DebugFlags.CLI, "{0} waiting for completion done: {1}", loop, ret); if (loop.Completed) { main_loop_stack.Pop(); goto again; } }
/// <summary> /// Executes a parallel for loop using ThreadPool. /// </summary> /// <param name="i0">The start index (inclusive).</param> /// <param name="i1">The end index (exclusive).</param> /// <param name="action">The action that is invoked once per iteration.</param> private static void ParallelFor(int i0, int i1, Alt.Action <int> action) { // Environment.ProcessorCount is not available here. Use 4 processors. int p = 4; // Initialize wait handles var doneEvents = new System.Threading.WaitHandle[p]; for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { doneEvents[i] = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false); } // Invoke the action of a partition of the range Alt.Action <int, int, int> invokePartition = (k, j0, j1) => { for (int i = j0; i < j1; i++) { action(i); } ((System.Threading.ManualResetEvent)doneEvents[k]).Set(); }; // Start p background threads int n = (i1 - i0 + p - 1) / p; for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) { int k = i; int j0 = i0 + (i * n); var j1 = Math.Min(j0 + n, i1); System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => invokePartition(k, j0, j1)); } // Wait for the threads to finish foreach (var wh in doneEvents) { wh.WaitOne(); } }
/// <summary> /// Check server port for open /// </summary> /// <param name="address"></param> /// <param name="port"></param> /// <param name="timeout"> </param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsPortOpened(string address, int port, int timeout = 3) { var ip = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(address)[0]; AutoResetEvent connectDone = new AutoResetEvent(false); TcpClient client = new TcpClient(); // connect with timeout // try { using (TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient()) { IAsyncResult ar = tcp.BeginConnect(ip, port, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout), false)) { tcp.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(); } tcp.EndConnect(ar); } finally { wh.Close(); } } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void connect2Server() { // tries to connect for 2 seconds and then throws an error if it cannot connect // taken adapted from client = new TcpClient(); IAsyncResult ar = client.BeginConnect(ipAddress, port, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), false)) { client.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(); } client.EndConnect(ar); } finally { wh.Close(); } print("SOCKET READY"); }
public bool ConnectToHost(System.Net.IPAddress address, int port) { #region TCPClientConnection tcpClient = new TcpClient(); log.Info("Connecting....."); IAsyncResult ar = tcpClient.BeginConnect(address, port, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false)) { tcpClient.Close(); connected = false; log.Error("TCP Connection to " + address + "port " + port.ToString() + " timeout"); throw new TimeoutException(); } tcpClient.EndConnect(ar); connected = true; log.Error("TCP Connection to " + address + "port " + port.ToString() + " completed"); ipaddresstohost = address; } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } finally { wh.Close(); } return(true); #endregion }//connect to Telnet server
private void setaHandle(ref System.Threading.WaitHandle waitHandleAssincrono) { m_WaitHandleAssincrono = waitHandleAssincrono; }
private void Run() { TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient(); IAsyncResult ar = tcp.BeginConnect("", 11000, null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false)) { tcp.Close(); throw new TimeoutException("Authentication thread timed out."); } tcp.EndConnect(ar); MaybeWait(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); NetworkStream stream = tcp.GetStream(); byte[] buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(390458); stream.Write(buffer, 0, 4); MaybeWait(); stream.Read(buffer, 0, 4); long value = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0); MaybeWait(); buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(player.Name); stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(buffer.Length), 0, 4); MaybeWait(); stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); MaybeWait(); buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(player.Password); //Will always be 128 characters long stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); while (!done) { float x = player.Position.x + (float)(rand.NextDouble() * 4.0 - 2.0); if (x > 800.0f) { x = 800.0f; } else if (x < 0.0f) { x = 0.0f; } float y = player.Position.y + (float)(rand.NextDouble() * 4.0 - 2.0); if (y > 600.0f) { y = 600.0f; } else if (y < 0.0f) { y = 0.0f; } player.Position = new Position(x, y); stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(player.Position.x), 0, 4); MaybeWait(); stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(player.Position.y), 0, 4); MaybeWait(); buffer = new byte[4]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, 4); int numNearbyPlayers = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0); int numBytes = numNearbyPlayers * 8; MaybeWait(); buffer = new byte[numBytes]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, numBytes); MaybeWait(); //float a = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0); //float b = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 4); } }
public void dataStream(object client_obj) { //Gecko Connection try { client = new TcpClient(); client.NoDelay = true; IAsyncResult ar = client.BeginConnect((string)client_obj, 7335, null, null); //Auto Splitter Input Display uses 7335 System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; try { if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), false)) { client.Close(); MessageBox.Show("WiiU: Connection Timeout!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (ControllerDisconnected != null) { _context.Post((SendOrPostCallback)(_ => ControllerDisconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty)), null); } return; } client.EndConnect(ar); } finally { wh.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("WiiU: Connection Error. Check IP Address!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (ControllerDisconnected != null) { _context.Post((SendOrPostCallback)(_ => ControllerDisconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty)), null); } return; } //Handle Connection stream = client.GetStream(); EndianBinaryReader reader = new EndianBinaryReader(stream); try { float StickX, StickCX, StickY, StickCY = 0.0f; byte Buttons1, Buttons2, Buttons3 = 0; while (true) { byte cmd_byte = reader.ReadByte(); switch (cmd_byte) { case 0x01: //Input Data { //1 = 0 bit, 2 = 1 bit, 4 = 2 bit, 8 = 3 bit, 16 = 4 bit, 32 = 5 bit, 64 = 6 bit, 128 = 7 bit //Apply Inputs var outState = new ControllerStateBuilder(); StickX = reader.ReadSingle(); StickY = reader.ReadSingle(); if (StickX <= 1.0f && StickY <= 1.0f && StickX >= -1.0f && StickY >= -1.0f) { outState.SetAnalog("lstick_x", StickX); outState.SetAnalog("lstick_y", StickY); } StickCX = reader.ReadSingle(); StickCY = reader.ReadSingle(); if (StickCX <= 1.0f && StickCY <= 1.0f && StickCX >= -1.0f && StickCY >= -1.0f) { outState.SetAnalog("cstick_x", StickCX); outState.SetAnalog("cstick_y", StickCY); } Buttons1 = reader.ReadByte(); Buttons2 = reader.ReadByte(); Buttons3 = reader.ReadByte(); outState.SetButton("a", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 7)); outState.SetButton("b", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 6)); outState.SetButton("x", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 5)); outState.SetButton("y", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 4)); outState.SetButton("left", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 3)); outState.SetButton("right", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 2)); outState.SetButton("up", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 1)); outState.SetButton("down", IsBitSet(Buttons1, 0)); outState.SetButton("zl", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 7)); outState.SetButton("zr", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 6)); outState.SetButton("l", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 5)); outState.SetButton("r", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 4)); outState.SetButton("plus", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 3)); outState.SetButton("minus", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 2)); outState.SetButton("l3", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 1)); outState.SetButton("r3", IsBitSet(Buttons2, 0)); outState.SetButton("home", IsBitSet(Buttons3, 1)); outState.SetButton("touch", IsBitSet(Buttons3, 2)); if (ControllerStateChanged != null) { _context.Post((SendOrPostCallback)(_ => ControllerStateChanged(this, outState.Build())), null); } break; } default: throw new Exception("Invalid data"); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception) { if (ControllerDisconnected != null) { _context.Post((SendOrPostCallback)(_ => ControllerDisconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty)), null); } } }
/// <summary> /// send data to remote host dequeueing send_queue /// send event_Socket_Data_Send_Progress /// send event_Socket_Data_Send_Completed /// </summary> private void my_send() { try { byte[] local_buffer; int bufsize; int nbbytesent; int nbbyteremaining; int data_send_size; int cpt; bool b_send_sent_completed = true; System.Threading.WaitHandle[] wait_handles = new System.Threading.WaitHandle[2]; wait_handles[0] = this.evt_close; wait_handles[1] = this.evt_more_data_to_send; int res_wait; for (;;) { res_wait = System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(wait_handles); if (res_wait == 0) { // exit thread return; } this.evt_more_data_to_send.Reset(); while (this.send_queue.Count > 0) // while there's data to send { // dequeue data of send_queue this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.WaitOne(); local_buffer = (byte[])this.send_queue.Dequeue(); this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.Set(); bufsize = local_buffer.Length; nbbytesent = 0; nbbyteremaining = bufsize; data_send_size = 0; cpt = 0; //data_send_size=datasocket.Send(local_buffer); // changed to control the amount of data sent while (nbbyteremaining > buffer_size) { if (this.b_cancel_send) { this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.WaitOne(); this.send_queue.Clear(); this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.Set(); this.b_cancel_send = false; nbbyteremaining = 0; b_send_sent_completed = false; break; } if (this.locally_closed) { return; } if (!this.datasocket.Connected) { return; } // send a buffer with length=buffer_size data_send_size = datasocket.Send(local_buffer, cpt * buffer_size, buffer_size, SocketFlags.None); nbbytesent += data_send_size; nbbyteremaining -= data_send_size; cpt++; //event send progress if (this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Progress != null) { this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Progress(this, new EventArgs_Send_Progress_Socket_Data(nbbytesent, nbbyteremaining, bufsize)); } } if (nbbyteremaining > 0)//nbbyteremaining < buffer_size we should send a buffer with length=nbbyteremaining { // send the end of the data if (!this.datasocket.Connected) { return; } data_send_size = datasocket.Send(local_buffer, cpt * buffer_size, nbbyteremaining, SocketFlags.None); nbbytesent += data_send_size; nbbyteremaining -= data_send_size; //event send progress if (this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Progress != null) { this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Progress(this, new EventArgs_Send_Progress_Socket_Data(nbbytesent, nbbyteremaining, bufsize)); } } if (b_send_sent_completed) { //event send completed if (this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Completed != null) { this.event_Socket_Data_Send_Completed(this, new EventArgs()); } } } b_send_sent_completed = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // remove all data to be send this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.WaitOne(); this.send_queue.Clear(); this.evt_unlocked_send_queue.Set(); // restart thread to send data ThreadStart myThreadStart = new ThreadStart(this.my_send); this.SendThread = new Thread(myThreadStart); this.SendThread.Start(); if (this.locally_closed) { return; } if (e is SocketException) { SocketException se = (SocketException)e; if (se.ErrorCode == 10004) // close methode as been called { return; } this.close(); if (se.ErrorCode == 10053) // socket closed by remote side { this.Threaded_event_Socket_Data_Closed_by_Remote_Side(); return; } } this.Threaded_event_Socket_Data_Error(e); } }
internal ImageComparisonResult(int index, WaitHandle waitHandle) { _index = index; _waitHandle = waitHandle; }
protected int GetResponse(ModbusDataStruct Response) { int RecLength = 0; int Timer = 0; bool RecSomeData = false; bool NoMoreData = false; m_Input.Initialize(); try { if (IsConnected()) { //m_Input = m_Client.Receive(ref m_RemoteIpEndPoint); //would block on disconnect! IAsyncResult ar = m_Client.BeginReceive(null, null); System.Threading.WaitHandle wh = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; //because its not possible to set TO, we work async and terminate after some seconds /*while (!ar.IsCompleted) * { * Thread.Sleep(10); * Timer += 10; * if (Timer > RequestTO) * { * m_Client.Close(); * throw new TimeoutException(); * } * }*/ if (!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(RequestTO), false)) { m_Client.Close(); throw new TimeoutException(); } m_Input = m_Client.EndReceive(ar, ref m_RemoteIpEndPoint); RecLength = m_Input.Length; Response.SetAsBytes(m_Input, RecLength); /*while (Timer < RequestTO && !NoMoreData) * { * System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); * Timer = Timer + (10); * if (m_Stream.DataAvailable) * { * RecLength = RecLength + m_Stream.Read(m_Input, RecLength, m_Input.Length); * RecSomeData = true; * } * else * { * NoMoreData = RecSomeData; //quit Timeout if some Data was received and no more is following * } * };*/ } ; } catch (TimeoutException exception) { OnMBusException(ModBusException.ModBusExceptionCodeEnum.NoNetworkConnection); } catch (SocketException exception) { if (exception.ErrorCode == 10061 | exception.ErrorCode == 10060) {//10061 "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" OnMBusException(ModBusException.ModBusExceptionCodeEnum.NoNetworkConnection); } else { OnMBusException(ModBusException.ModBusExceptionCodeEnum.NetworkError); Console.WriteLine(exception.ToString() + " " + exception.ErrorCode.ToString()); //?? } } finally { // wh.Close(); } return(RecLength); }