static String GetDirectoryPath(XmlNode componentNode, XmlNamespaceManager nsm) { XmlNode parent = componentNode.ParentNode; StringBuilder installationPath = new StringBuilder(""); if (parent != null) { XmlAttribute id = parent.Attributes["Id"]; string s_id = (id != null) ? id.Value : ""; // If it is of type wix:Directory get the name or id. if (parent.Name == "Directory") { installationPath.Insert(0, GetNodeDirectory(parent, nsm)); installationPath.Insert(0, GetDirectoryPath(parent, nsm)); } // If the parent is of type wix:DirectoryRef find the wix:Directory node that the // DirectoryRef points to and then get the name or id. else if (parent.Name == "DirectoryRef") { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s_id)) { XmlNode installdir = parent.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("//wix:Directory[@Id='{0}']", s_id), nsm); if (installdir != null) { installationPath.Insert(0, GetNodeDirectory(installdir, nsm)); installationPath.Insert(0, GetDirectoryPath(installdir, nsm)); } } } } return installationPath.ToString(); }
public override ActionResult ApplyActionTo(StringBuilder sb) { int searchStart = FieldToChange.TextRange.StartOffset; int searchEnd = FieldToChange.TextRange.EndOffset; string text = sb.ToString(); if (InsertAtStart) { sb.Insert(searchStart, NewModifier + " "); FieldToChange.Modifiers.Insert(0, NewModifier); return new ActionResult(searchStart, NewModifier.Length + 1, null); } int nameIndex = InsertionHelpers.GetFieldNameIndex(text, FieldToChange, searchStart, searchEnd); // Search Field TextRange for class keyword // The last "word" between the start of the field and the name is the type. var substring = text.Substring(0, nameIndex); string typeName = InsertionHelpers.GetLastWord(substring); if (typeName == null) { log.ErrorFormat("Could not find type of property {0} to change, so can't insert modifier before it.", FieldToChange.Name); return new ActionResult(); } // Find the index of the existing type int typeIndex = substring.LastIndexOf(typeName); //Insert the new modifier just before the class keyword sb.Insert(typeIndex, NewModifier + " "); FieldToChange.Modifiers.Add(NewModifier); return new ActionResult(typeIndex, NewModifier.Length + 1, null); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts spaces where the string contains camel-casing or underscores /// </summary> /// <param name="s">The string to process</param> /// <returns>The string with spaces inserted</returns> public static string InsertSpaces(this string s) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) return s; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { char c = s[i]; if (char.IsUpper(c)) { // For a capital letter, we add a space before sb.Insert(0, new char[] { c }); sb.Insert(0, new char[] { ' ' }); } else if (c == '_') { // replace underscores with a space sb.Insert(0, new char[] { ' ' }); } else { sb.Insert(0, new char[] { c }); } } return sb.ToString().Trim(); }
// This function loop List of camlqueryelments which has our filter criteria // Then generate query in required format. // At end it return string which holds caml query. public static string GenerateQuery(IList<CamlQueryElements> queryElements) { StringBuilder queryJoin = new StringBuilder(); string query = @"<{0}><FieldRef Name='{1}' /><Value {2} Type='{3}'>{4}</Value></{5}>"; if (queryElements.Count > 0) { int itemCount = 0; foreach (CamlQueryElements element in queryElements) { itemCount++; string date = string.Empty; // Display only Date if (String.Compare(element.FieldType, "DateTime", true) == 0) date = "IncludeTimeValue='false'"; queryJoin.AppendFormat (string.Format(query, element.ComparisonOperators, element.FieldName, date, element.FieldType, element.FieldValue, element.ComparisonOperators)); if (itemCount >= 2) { queryJoin.Insert(0, string.Format("<{0}>", element.LogicalJoin)); queryJoin.Append(string.Format("</{0}>", element.LogicalJoin)); } } queryJoin.Insert(0, "<Where>"); queryJoin.Append("</Where>"); } return queryJoin.ToString(); }
public static string FromUpcA(string value) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(value, @"^[01]\d{2}([012]0{4}\d{3}|[3-9]0{4}\d{2}|\d{4}0{4}\d|\d{5}0{4}[5-9])")) throw new ArgumentException("UPC A code cannot be compressed."); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(value); if (result[5] != '0') result.Remove(6, 4); else if (result[4] != '0') { result.Remove(5, 5); result.Insert(6, "4"); } else if (result[3] != '2' && result[3] != '1' && result[3] != '0') { result.Remove(4, 5); result.Insert(6, "3"); } else { result.Insert(11, result[3]); result.Remove(3, 5); } return result.ToString(); }
public override ActionResult ApplyActionTo(StringBuilder sb) { int searchStart = FieldToChange.TextRange.StartOffset; int searchEnd = FieldToChange.TextRange.EndOffset; string text = sb.ToString(); int nameIndex = InsertionHelpers.GetFieldNameIndex(text, FieldToChange, searchStart, searchEnd); int endOfNameIndex = nameIndex + FieldToChange.Name.Length + 1; // Find the old initial value and remove it, if it exists int lengthRemoved = searchEnd - endOfNameIndex; sb.Remove(endOfNameIndex, lengthRemoved); string textToInsert = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NewInitialValue)) { textToInsert = string.Format(" = {0};", NewInitialValue); sb.Insert(endOfNameIndex + 1, textToInsert); } // Add the new modifier only if it is not null if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewInitialValue)) { FieldToChange.InitialValue = ""; return new ActionResult(searchStart, -lengthRemoved, null); } sb.Insert(searchStart, NewInitialValue + " "); FieldToChange.InitialValue = NewInitialValue; return new ActionResult(searchStart, textToInsert.Length + 1 - lengthRemoved, null); }
public static string ConvertToNumberByWordsString(decimal val, bool male) { bool minus = false; if (val < 0) { val = -val; minus = true; } var n = (int)val; var r = new StringBuilder(); if (0 == n) r.Append("ноль "); if (n % 1000 != 0) r.Append(NumToStr(n, male, "", "", "")); else r.Append(""); n /= 1000; r.Insert(0, NumToStr(n, false, "тысяча", "тысячи", "тысяч")); n /= 1000; r.Insert(0, NumToStr(n, true, "миллион", "миллиона", "миллионов")); n /= 1000; r.Insert(0, NumToStr(n, true, "миллиард", "миллиарда", "миллиардов")); n /= 1000; r.Insert(0, NumToStr(n, true, "триллион", "триллиона", "триллионов")); n /= 1000; r.Insert(0, NumToStr(n, true, "триллиард", "триллиарда", "триллиардов")); if (minus) r.Insert(0, "минус "); return r.ToString().Trim(); }
public override string ToString() { var textBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int offset = 0; offset < BitCount; offset++) { int shift = BitCount - offset - 1; bool bitIsSet = (Value & ((ulong) 1 << shift)) != 0; textBuilder.Append(bitIsSet ? '1' : '0'); } // Add leading zeros when not whole nibbles. while (textBuilder.Length % 4 != 0) { textBuilder.Insert(0, '0'); } // Insert dot (.) between nibbles. for (int index = textBuilder.Length - 4; index > 0; index -= 4) { textBuilder.Insert(index, '.'); } return textBuilder.ToString(); }
public static string FindXPath(XmlNode node) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); while (node != null) { switch (node.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: builder.Insert(0, "/@" + node.Name); node = ((XmlAttribute)node).OwnerElement; break; case XmlNodeType.Element: var index = FindElementIndex((XmlElement)node); builder.Insert(0, "/" + node.Name + "[" + index + "]"); node = node.ParentNode; break; case XmlNodeType.Document: return builder.ToString(); default: throw new ArgumentException("Only elements and attributes are supported"); } } return "*"; // throw new ArgumentException("Node was not in a document"); }
private string makeWhere(Uri url) { Stack<string> hostStack = new Stack<string>(url.Host.Split('.')); StringBuilder hostBuilder = new StringBuilder('.' + hostStack.Pop()); string[] pathes = url.Segments; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("WHERE ("); bool needOr = false; while (hostStack.Count != 0) { if (needOr) { sb.Append(" OR"); } if (hostStack.Count != 1) { hostBuilder.Insert(0, '.' + hostStack.Pop()); sb.AppendFormat(" host = \"{0}\"", hostBuilder.ToString()); } else { hostBuilder.Insert(0, '%' + hostStack.Pop()); sb.AppendFormat(" host LIKE \"{0}\"", hostBuilder.ToString()); } needOr = true; } sb.Append(')'); return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string representation of the BitArray object. /// </summary> /// <param name="bits">The BitArray object to convert to string.</param> /// <returns>A string representation of the BitArray object.</returns> public static string ToString(System.Collections.BitArray bits) { System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (bits != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length; i++) { if (bits[i] == true) { if (s.Length > 0) { s.Append(", "); } s.Append(i); } } s.Insert(0, "{"); s.Append("}"); } else { s.Insert(0, "null"); } return(s.ToString()); }
private string GenerateExpression(Expression expression) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var memberReferenceExpression = expression as MemberReferenceExpression; while (memberReferenceExpression != null) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Insert(0, "."); sb.Insert(0, memberReferenceExpression.MemberName); expression = memberReferenceExpression.TargetObject; memberReferenceExpression = expression as MemberReferenceExpression; } var identifierExpression = expression as IdentifierExpression; if(identifierExpression != null && sb.Length != 0) { string path; if (aliasToName.TryGetValue(identifierExpression.Identifier, out path)) { sb.Insert(0, path); } } if (sb.Length == 0) return null; return sb.ToString(); }
public static string formatCurrencyText(string content, string _preFix, char _thousandsSeparator, char _decimalsSeparator) { int _decimalPlaces = 0; int counter = 1; int counter2 = 0; char[] charArray = content.ToCharArray(); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = charArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { str.Insert(0, charArray.GetValue(i)); if (_decimalPlaces == 0 && counter == 3) { counter2 = counter; } if (counter == _decimalPlaces && i > 0) { if (_decimalsSeparator != Char.MinValue) str.Insert(0, _decimalsSeparator); counter2 = counter + 3; } else if (counter == counter2 && i > 0) { if (_thousandsSeparator != Char.MinValue) str.Insert(0, _thousandsSeparator); counter2 = counter + 3; } counter = ++counter; } return (_preFix != "" && str.ToString() != "") ? _preFix + " " + str.ToString() : (str.ToString() != "") ? str.ToString() : ""; }
public static string GetFullMetadataName([NotNull] this INamespaceOrTypeSymbol symbol) { Guard.NotNull(symbol, nameof(symbol)); ISymbol current = symbol; var textBuilder = new StringBuilder(current.MetadataName); ISymbol previous = current; current = current.ContainingSymbol; while (!IsRootNamespace(current)) { if (current is ITypeSymbol && previous is ITypeSymbol) { textBuilder.Insert(0, '+'); } else { textBuilder.Insert(0, '.'); } textBuilder.Insert(0, current.MetadataName); current = current.ContainingSymbol; } return textBuilder.ToString(); }
public string AddBinary(string a, string b) { var carry = 0; var builder = new StringBuilder(); var aLength = a.Length - 1; var bLength = b.Length - 1; int aVal, bVal, val; while (aLength >= 0 || bLength >= 0) { aVal = aLength >= 0 ? a[aLength] - '0' : 0; bVal = bLength >= 0 ? b[bLength] - '0' : 0; val = aVal + bVal + carry; builder.Insert(0, val & 1); carry = val >> 1; aLength--; bLength--; } if (carry >= 1) { builder.Insert(0, carry); } return builder.ToString(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Please enter signed 16bit integer: "); string inputStr = Console.ReadLine(); short number = short.Parse(inputStr); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (number >= 0) { int workingNum = number; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int temp = workingNum % 2; workingNum = workingNum / 2; result.Insert(0, temp); } } else { int workingNum = Math.Abs(number) - 1; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int temp = workingNum % 2; workingNum = workingNum / 2; if (temp == 0) { result.Insert(0, '1'); } else { result.Insert(0, '0'); } } } Console.WriteLine("In Binary {0} equals {1}", inputStr, result.ToString()); }
static string FindXPath(XmlNode node) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (node != null) { switch (node.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: builder.Insert(0, "/@" + node.Name); node = ((XmlAttribute)node).OwnerElement; break; case XmlNodeType.Text: builder.Insert(0, "/text()"); node = node.ParentNode; break; case XmlNodeType.Element: int index = FindElementIndex((XmlElement)node); if (string.Equals(node.Name, "Component")) { builder.Insert(0, "/" + node.Name + "[@Code=\'" + node.Attributes["Code"].Value + "\']"); } else { builder.Insert(0, "/" + node.Name + "[" + index + "]"); } node = node.ParentNode; break; case XmlNodeType.Document: return builder.ToString(); default: throw new ArgumentException("Only elements and attributes are supported"); } } throw new ArgumentException("Node was not in a document"); }
private static string Encode(StringBuilder finalString) { int counterOccurance = 1; char ch = ' '; for (int i = 0; i < finalString.Length - 1; i++) { if (finalString[i] == finalString[i + 1]) { counterOccurance++; ch = finalString[i]; } else if (counterOccurance > 2 && counterOccurance < finalString.Length -1 && finalString[i] != finalString[i + 1]) { finalString.Remove(i - (counterOccurance - 1), counterOccurance); finalString.Insert(i - counterOccurance + 1, counterOccurance); finalString.Insert(i - (counterOccurance - counterOccurance.ToString().Length - 1), ch); } if ((i < finalString.Length - 1) && finalString[i] != finalString[i + 1]) { counterOccurance = 1; } } return finalString.ToString(); }
static void Main() { string chochkosBulshit = Console.ReadLine(); var ragePattern = new Regex(@"(?<rage>[^\d]{1,20})(?<count>\d{1,2})"); var uniqueSymbols = new HashSet<char>(); var resultBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Match m in ragePattern.Matches(chochkosBulshit)) { string rage = m.Groups["rage"].Value.ToUpper(); int repetitions; int.TryParse(m.Groups["count"].Value, out repetitions); if (repetitions != 0) { foreach (char c in rage) { uniqueSymbols.Add(c); } resultBuilder.Insert(resultBuilder.Length, rage, repetitions); } } resultBuilder.Insert(0, string.Format("Unique symbols used: {0}\n", uniqueSymbols.Count)); Console.WriteLine(resultBuilder.ToString()); }
public BackupViewer(Main main) { InitializeComponent(); _Main = main; this.Icon = Me.Amon.Hosts.Properties.Resources.Icon; if (Directory.Exists(Main.BAK_DIR)) { string name; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Main.BAK_DIR, string.Format(Main.HOSTS_FILE, "*"))) { name = Path.GetFileName(file); name = name.Substring(6); if (name.Length != 14) { continue; } text.Append(name); text.Insert(12, ':').Insert(10, ':'); text.Insert(8, ' '); text.Insert(6, '-').Insert(4, '-'); LbBak.Items.Add(new KVItem { K = name, V = text.ToString() }); text.Clear(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Formats the entered text. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string formataTexto(string textoFormatar) { this.WorkingText = textoFormatar.Replace((_thousandsSeparator.ToString() != "") ? _thousandsSeparator.ToString() : " ", String.Empty) .Replace((_decimalsSeparator.ToString() != "") ? _decimalsSeparator.ToString() : " ", String.Empty).Trim(); int counter = 1; int counter2 = 0; char[] charArray = this.WorkingText.ToCharArray(); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = charArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { str.Insert(0, charArray.GetValue(i)); if (_decimalPlaces == 0 && counter == 3) { counter2 = counter; } if (counter == _decimalPlaces && i > 0) { if (_decimalsSeparator != Char.MinValue) str.Insert(0, _decimalsSeparator); counter2 = counter + 3; } else if (counter == counter2 && i > 0) { if (_thousandsSeparator != Char.MinValue) str.Insert(0, _thousandsSeparator); counter2 = counter + 3; } counter = ++counter; } string retorno = (str.ToString() != "") ? str.ToString() : (str.ToString() != "") ? str.ToString() : ""; return retorno; }
public static string ConvertShortcutToString(Shortcut shortcut) { string shortcutString = Convert.ToString(shortcut); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(shortcutString); if (shortcutString.StartsWith("Alt")) { result.Insert(3, " + "); } else if (shortcutString.StartsWith("CtrlShift")) { result.Insert(9, " + "); result.Insert(4, " + "); } else if (shortcutString.StartsWith("Ctrl")) { result.Insert(4, " + "); } else if (shortcutString.StartsWith("Shift")) { result.Insert(5, " + "); } return result.ToString(); }
private string ConvertNumberToString(int number) { int tenPow = 1; StringBuilder retSb = new StringBuilder(); do { int valueRedunt; int valueUnit; tenPow *= 10; valueRedunt = number % tenPow; valueUnit = valueRedunt / (tenPow / 10); retSb.Insert(0, " "); retSb.Insert(0, DecimalPositionalToString((DecimalPositional)tenPow)); retSb.Insert(0, " "); retSb.Insert(0, valueUnit); }while(number/tenPow > 0); retSb.Insert(0, " "); retSb.Insert(0, "có:"); retSb.Insert(0, " "); retSb.Insert(0, number); retSb.Insert(0, " "); retSb.Insert(0, "Số"); return retSb.ToString(); }
public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider) { string uformat = format.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (arg == null || uformat != "HEX") return string.Format(parentProvider, "{0:" + format + "}", arg); if (arg.GetType() != typeof(int) && arg.GetType() != typeof(long)) return string.Format(parentProvider, "{0:" + format + "}", arg); StringBuilder resultStr = new StringBuilder(); long number = Convert.ToInt64(arg); bool minuse = false; if (number < 0) { number = Math.Abs(number); minuse = true; } do { int symbol = (int)(number % 16); resultStr.Insert(0, unitBase[symbol]); number /= 16; } while (number > 0); if (minuse) resultStr.Insert(0, "-"); return "0x" + resultStr; }
private void btnEditPhoneNumber_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string enteredPhone = txtPhoneNumber.Text; StringBuilder phoneNumber = new StringBuilder(enteredPhone, 14); // Phone number currently looks like this: (xxx) xxx-xxxx // Covered on page 271 in book. phoneNumber.Remove(0, 1); // xxx) xxx-xxxx phoneNumber.Remove(3, 2); // xxxxxx-xxxx phoneNumber.Remove(6, 1); // xxxxxxxxxx string onlyNumbersPhone = phoneNumber.ToString(); phoneNumber.Insert(3, "-"); // xxx-xxxxxxx phoneNumber.Insert(7, "-"); // xxx-xxx-xxxx string standardPhone = phoneNumber.ToString(); string msg = "Entered:\t\t" + enteredPhone + "\n" + "Digits Only:\t" + onlyNumbersPhone + "\n" + "Standard Format:\t" + standardPhone; MessageBox.Show(msg, "Edit Phone Number"); }
static void Main() { StringBuilder cages = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "END") { break; } cages.Append(input); } int cagesToTake = int.Parse((cages[0] - '0').ToString()); int cagesToRemove = 1; while (cagesToTake < cages.Length) { cages.Remove(0, cagesToRemove); BigInteger sum = 0; BigInteger product = 1; for (int i = 0; i < cagesToTake; i++) { sum += BigInteger.Parse((cages[i] - '0').ToString()); product *= BigInteger.Parse((cages[i] - '0').ToString()); cages.Insert(0, "*", 1); cages.Remove(0, 1); } string digitsToAppend = AppendTheSumAndProduct(cages, sum, product); cages.Remove(0, cagesToTake); cages.Insert(0, digitsToAppend); if (cagesToRemove >= cages.Length) { break; } cagesToRemove++; int cagesToSum = cagesToRemove; cagesToTake = SumOfDigitsToAppend(digitsToAppend, cagesToRemove); } for (int i = 0; i < cages.Length; i++) { if (i != cages.Length - 1) { Console.Write("{0} ", cages[i]); } else { Console.WriteLine(cages[i]); } } }
/// <summary> /// Encloses each pattern substring in the target string with highlight tag. /// </summary> /// <param name="helper"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="pattern"></param> /// <param name="highlightTag"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static MvcHtmlString HighlightPattern(this HtmlHelper helper, string target, string pattern, string highlightTag) { // This is a dirty code which encloses with tags every pattern match . // And in the same time save the original case of the pattern match. // I know it can be achieved with one regular expression. But I don't know this expression. var openTag = String.Format("<{0}>", highlightTag); var closeTag = String.Format("</{0}>", highlightTag); var builder = new StringBuilder(target); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern)) { var match = Regex.Match(target, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); int count = 0; while (match.Success) { builder.Insert(match.Index + count, openTag); count += openTag.Length; builder.Insert(match.Index + match.Length + count, closeTag); count += closeTag.Length; match = match.NextMatch(); } } return new MvcHtmlString(builder.ToString()); }
public FlattenedSection FlattenSection(Section section) { var words = section.SectionText.Split(' '); FlattenedSection flatSection = new FlattenedSection { SectionId = section.SectionId, DatasheetId = section.DatasheetId, StringSections = new List<StringSection>(words.Length * (words.Length -1)) }; for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); //add all words before to before this string and save for (int j = i; j > -1; j--) //iterate backwards from current word to beginning { builder.Insert(0,words[j]); //add the word at j flatSection.StringSections.Add(FlattenWord(builder.ToString(),section.DatasheetId,flatSection.SectionId)); builder.Insert(0, ' '); } builder.Clear(); //add all words to after this string and save for (int j = i; j < words.Length; j++) { builder.Append(words[j]); flatSection.StringSections.Add(FlattenWord(builder.ToString(),section.DatasheetId,section.SectionId)); builder.Append(' '); } } return flatSection; }
private static string stringify(FbDataReader reader, string parentnodename) { StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder(); int columns = reader.FieldCount; if (parentnodename.Length > 0) { json.AppendFormat("{{\"{0}\":", parentnodename); } while (reader.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { if (i % reader.FieldCount == 0) { json.Append("{"); } json.AppendFormat("\"{0}\":{1},", reader.GetName(i).ToLower(), jsonify(reader.GetValue(i))); if (i % reader.FieldCount == reader.FieldCount - 1) { json.Remove(json.Length - 1, 1); json.Append("},"); } } } // if nothing (or only the parentnodename is appended to the string builder then the reader was empty and we return nothing. reader.HasRows doesn't work if (json.Length == 0 || json.ToString() == string.Format("{{\"{0}\":", parentnodename)) { return ""; } json.Remove(json.Length - 1, 1); if (parentnodename.Length > 0) { json.Append("}"); } // check if the json should contain an array and add array structure if true if (Regex.IsMatch(json.ToString(), "},{")) { json.Insert((parentnodename.Length > 0 ? parentnodename.Length + 4 : 4), "["); json.Insert(json.Length - 1, "]"); } return json.ToString(); }
static string ConvertToOtherNumericSystem(long number, int system) { if (number < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("The given number must be greater than 0!"); } if (system < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The given system is smaller than 0!"); } long remainder = 0; long tempNumber = number; StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder(); while (tempNumber > 0) { int index = 0; remainder = tempNumber % system; if (remainder >= 10 && remainder <= 22) { binary.Insert(index, (char)(remainder + 'a')); } else { binary.Insert(index, (char)(remainder + 'a')); } tempNumber /= system; index++; } return binary.ToString(); }
public string[] flareOut(string[] snowflake) { string[] temp = new string[snowflake.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < snowflake[snowflake.Length - 1].Length; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int a = snowflake.Length - 1; a > i; a--) { sb.Insert(0, snowflake[a][i].ToString()); } if (sb.ToString() == "") temp[i] = snowflake[i]; else { sb.Insert(0, snowflake[i]); temp[i] = sb.ToString(); } } for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int a = temp[i].Length - 1; a >= 0; a--) sb.Append(temp[i][a].ToString()); sb.Append(temp[i]); temp[i] = sb.ToString(); } string[] result = new string[temp.Length * 2]; int x = -1; for (int i = temp.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) result[++x] = temp[i]; for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++) result[++x] = temp[i]; return result; }
public static string IncrementAnyString(string pstrInputNumber, ref string pref_sErrorMessage, bool pbFormatCommas) { // //Added 4/9/2020 thomas downes // // Let's make this very fast. // char charCurrDigit = ' '; //pstrInputNumber = pstrInputNumber.Trim(); // // // //-----var stringBuild = new System.Text.StringBuilder(1 + pstrInputNumber.Length); var stringBuild = new System.Text.StringBuilder(pstrInputNumber.Trim()); string sErrorMessage = ""; char charIncremented = ' '; bool bCarryTheOne_NextOperation = false; int intIndexOfBiggestComma = -1; for (int intCharIndex = -1 + pstrInputNumber.Length; intCharIndex >= 0; intCharIndex--) { charCurrDigit = stringBuild[intCharIndex]; charIncremented = IncrementDigit(charCurrDigit, ref bCarryTheOne_NextOperation, ref sErrorMessage); stringBuild[intCharIndex] = charIncremented; if (pbFormatCommas && charCurrDigit == ',') { intIndexOfBiggestComma = intCharIndex; } if (false == bCarryTheOne_NextOperation) { break; } } // // If we are incrementing a sequence of 9's (e.g. 99 or 999) then we need to put // a single digit of 1 right in front of all the 0s (e.g. 00 or 000). // if (bCarryTheOne_NextOperation) { // Insert a comma, if needed. if (intIndexOfBiggestComma == 3) { stringBuild.Insert(0, ','); } if ("999" == stringBuild.ToString()) { stringBuild.Insert(0, ','); } stringBuild.Insert(0, '1'); } return(stringBuild.ToString()); }
public static string ParseOrcbrewFile(string input) { StringBuilder sFileString = new System.Text.StringBuilder(input); bool removed = false; bool inString = false; for (int i = 0; i < sFileString.Length; i++) { char cChar = sFileString[i]; if (cChar.Equals('\\') && sFileString[i + 1] == 'n') //Removes new lines added by OrcPub { sFileString.Remove(i, 2); } if (cChar.Equals('"')) //Toggles between being in a value field and a key field { inString = !inString; //To avoid editing values } if (cChar.Equals(':') && sFileString[i + 1] != ' ' && !inString) //Removes colon from the start of a key { sFileString[i] = '"'; //Adds starting " to key name removed = true; //Indicates that the colon has been removed, and a " will be required at the end of the word continue; } if (removed && cChar.Equals('}')) //Corner case for adding " to the end of an entry { sFileString.Insert(i, "\""); i = i + 1; removed = false; continue; } if (removed && cChar.Equals(',')) //Corner case for adding " to the end of an entry { sFileString.Insert(i, "\""); i = i + 1; removed = false; continue; } if (removed && Char.IsWhiteSpace(cChar)) //Adds " to the end of the word { sFileString.Insert(i, "\": "); i = i + 2; removed = false; continue; } if (cChar.Equals('}')) //Adds a comma between array values { if (i < sFileString.Length - 2 && sFileString[i + 1] == ' ' && sFileString[i + 2] == '{') { sFileString.Insert(i + 1, ','); i = i + 2; } continue; } } return(sFileString.ToString()); //return string of JSON format }
static public string GetServerlUrl(string path, string serverName, RuntimePlatform platformType) { System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(platformType.ToString(), 100); stringBuilder.Append(@"/"); stringBuilder.Append(@path); stringBuilder.Insert(0, @"/"); stringBuilder.Insert(0, serverName); return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
static public string GetLocalUrl(string path, bool isInApp, RuntimePlatform platformType) { System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(platformType.ToString(), 100); stringBuilder.Append(@"/"); stringBuilder.Append(@path); stringBuilder.Insert(0, @"/"); stringBuilder.Insert(0, isInApp ? Application.streamingAssetsPath : Application.persistentDataPath); return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
public static string GetTransformPath(Transform t, char separator = '/') { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(; Transform current = t; while (current.parent != null) { sb.Insert(0, separator); sb.Insert(0,; current = current.parent; } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string GetHierarchyPath(this Transform transform) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("/{0}",; while (transform.parent != null) { transform = transform.parent; sb.Insert(0,; sb.Insert(0, "/"); } return(sb.ToString()); }
static void Main() { System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("bg-BG"); System.Globalization.CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = culture; int startYear = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int endYear = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int magicWeight = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int counter = 0; for (int k = startYear; k <= endYear; k++) { for (int j = 1; j <= 12; j++) { for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { int number = i * 1000000 + j * 10000 + k; int h = number % 10; int g = number / 10 % 10; int f = number / 100 % 10; int e = number / 1000 % 10; int d = number / 10000 % 10; int c = number / 100000 % 10; int b = number / 1000000 % 10; int a = number / 10000000; int p = a * b + a * c + a * d + a * e + a * f + a * g + a * h + b * c + b * d + b * e + b * f + b * g + b * h + c * d + c * e + c * f + c * g + c * h + d * e + d * f + d * g + d * h + e * f + e * g + e * h + f * g + f * h + g * h; if (p == magicWeight) { string numberToDate = number.ToString(); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(numberToDate); sb.Insert(numberToDate.Length - 4, "-"); sb.Insert(numberToDate.Length - 6, "-"); numberToDate = sb.ToString(); DateTime date; bool isDate = DateTime.TryParse(numberToDate, out date); if (isDate == true) { Console.WriteLine("{0:dd-MM-yyyy}", date); counter++; } } } } } if (counter == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No"); } }
/// <summary> /// Perform mapping for each character of input. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">Result is modified in place.</param> public override void Prepare(System.Text.StringBuilder result) { // From RFC3454, section 3: Mapped characters are not // re-scanned during the mapping step. That is, if // character A at position X is mapped to character B, // character B which is now at position X is not checked // against the mapping table. int pos; string map; int len; for (int i=0; i<result.Length; i++) { pos = Array.BinarySearch(m_table, result[i], m_comp); if (pos < 0) continue; map = m_table[pos]; len = map.Length; if (len == 1) { result.Remove(i, 1); i--; } else { result[i] = map[1]; if (len > 2) { result.Insert(i+1, map.ToCharArray(2, len - 2)); i += len - 2; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Indicates whether the regular expression specified in "pattern" could be found in the "text". /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The string to search for a match</param> /// <param name="pattern">The pattern to find in the "text" string (supports the *, ? and # wildcard characters).</param> /// <param name="ignoreCase">True for a case-insensitive match.</param> /// <returns>Returns true if the regular expression finds a match otherwise returns false.</returns> /// <remarks> /// ? Matches any single character (between A-Z and a-z) /// # Matches any single digit. For example, 7# matches numbers that include 7 followed by another number, such as 71, but not 17. /// * Matches any one or more characters. For example, new* matches any text that includes "new", such as newfile.txt. /// /// This functionality is based on the following article: /// /// /// Thanks to Stefan Schletterer for corrections. /// </remarks> public static bool Like(string text, string pattern, bool ignoreCase) { // Check input parameters if (pattern == null || text == null || pattern.Length == 0 || text.Length == 0 || pattern == "*.*" == true) { // Default return is true return(true); } // Escape all strings System.Text.StringBuilder regPattern = new System.Text.StringBuilder(Regex.Escape(pattern)); // Replace the LIKE patterns with regular expression patterns regPattern = regPattern.Replace(Regex.Escape("*"), ".*"); regPattern = regPattern.Replace(Regex.Escape("?"), @"."); regPattern = regPattern.Replace(Regex.Escape("#"), @"[0-9]"); regPattern = regPattern.Replace(Regex.Escape("[!"), @"[!"); regPattern = regPattern.Replace(Regex.Escape("["), @"["); regPattern = regPattern.Replace(Regex.Escape("]"), @"]"); // Add begin and end blocks (to match on the whole string only) regPattern.Insert(0, "^"); regPattern.Append("$"); if (ignoreCase == false) { return(Regex.IsMatch(text, regPattern.ToString())); } else { return(Regex.IsMatch(text, regPattern.ToString(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); } }
public void UpdateDeadPanel(EnemyType enemyType) { if (gameManager == null) { gameManager = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>(); } characterReader = gameManager.characterReader; skilldata = characterReader.GetEnemySkillUI(enemyType.ToString()); data = characterReader.GetEnemyData(gameManager.enemyManager.getEnemyLevel(enemyType), enemyType.ToString()); txtname.text = enemyType.ToString(); txtdata1.text = gameManager.enemyManager.getEnemyLevel(enemyType) + "\n" + data.HP + "\n" + data.attack + "\n" + data.defense; txtdata2.text = data.dexterity + "\n" + data.magicAttack + "\n" + data.magicDefense + "\n" + data.attackRange; string skilltext = ""; for (int i = 0; i < skilldata.Count; i++) { var strb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(skilldata[i].description); for (int j = 0; skilldata[i].description.Length - letterPerLine * j > letterPerLine; j++) { strb.Insert((7 + letterPerLine) * j + letterPerLine, "\n\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000"); } skilldata[i].description = strb.ToString(); skilltext += skilldata[i].name.PadRight(6, '\u3000') + skilldata[i].description + "\n"; } skill.text = "<size=22>" + skilltext + "</size>"; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder("Hello World!"); /* * builder.Append('-', 10); * builder.AppendLine(); * builder.Append("Header"); * builder.AppendLine(); * builder.Append('-', 10); */ //above is the same as chaining below builder .Append('-', 10) .AppendLine() .Append("Header") .AppendLine() .Append('-', 10); builder.Replace('-', '+'); builder.Remove(0, 10); builder.Insert(0, new string('-', 10)); Console.WriteLine(builder); Console.WriteLine("First char: " + builder[0]); }
private static string ToUnsignedBase32String(long Value) { if (Value < 0) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); long last = Value; while (last > 0) { int i = (int)(last % 32); char c = ToBase32Char(i); builder.Insert(0, c); last = (long)(last / 32); } if (builder.Length == 0) { return("0"); } else { return(builder.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder("Hello World"); builder.Append('-', 10); builder.AppendLine(); builder.Append("Header"); builder.AppendLine(); builder.Append('-', 10); // Or because Append returns type StringBuilder method can be chained together //builder.Append('-', 10) // .AppendLine() // .Append("Header") // .AppendLine() // .Append('-', 10); // The following methods can also be chained together as well. builder.Replace('-', '+'); builder.Remove(0, 10); builder.Insert(0, new string('-', 10)); Console.WriteLine(builder); // Can access StringBuilder just like array or string Console.WriteLine("First Char: " + builder[0]); }
public void OnEnable() { string name = "boss"; if (characterReader == null) { characterReader = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameManager>().GetComponent <GameManager>().characterReader; } skilldata = characterReader.GetMonsterSkillUI(name); description = characterReader.GetCharacterDescription(PawnType.Monster, name); //txtname.text="Andre"; string skilltext = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var strb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(skilldata[i].description); for (int j = 0; skilldata[i].description.Length - 18 * j > 18; j++) { strb.Insert(25 * j + 18, "\n\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000"); } skilldata[i].description = strb.ToString(); skilltext += skilldata[i].name.PadRight(6, '\u3000') + skilldata[i].description + "\n"; } skill.text = "<size=22>" + skilltext + "</size>"; story.text = "<size=22>" + description.story + "</size>"; race.text = description.race; story.text = description.story; desc.text = description.description; index = 0; UpdateImage(); }
private void StrContains_NewLine_null() { using (SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort()) using (SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1)) { Random rndGen = new Random(-55); System.Text.StringBuilder strBldrToWrite = TCSupport.GetRandomStringBuilder(NEWLINE_TESTING_STRING_SIZE, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None); string newLine = "\0"; Debug.WriteLine( "Verifying write method with a NewLine=\\0 string and writing a string that contains the NewLine"); com1.NewLine = newLine; com1.Open(); if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback { com2.Open(); } strBldrToWrite.Insert(rndGen.Next(0, NEWLINE_TESTING_STRING_SIZE), newLine); VerifyWriteLine(com1, com2, strBldrToWrite.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 整理文字。确保首字母不出现标点 /// </summary> /// <param name="_component">text组件</param> /// <param name="_text">需要填入text中的内容</param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerator MClearUpExplainMode(Text _component, string _text) { _component.text = _text; //如果直接执行下边方法的话,那么_component.cachedTextGenerator.lines将会获取的是之前text中的内容,而不是_text的内容,所以需要等待一下 yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.001f)); MExpalinTextLine = _component.cachedTextGenerator.lines; //需要改变的字符序号 int mChangeIndex = -1; MExplainText = new System.Text.StringBuilder(_component.text); for (int i = 1; i < MExpalinTextLine.Count; i++) { //首位是否有标点 bool _b = Regex.IsMatch(_component.text[MExpalinTextLine[i].startCharIdx].ToString(), strRegex); if (_b) { mChangeIndex = MExpalinTextLine[i].startCharIdx - 1; MExplainText.Insert(mChangeIndex, "\n"); } } _component.text = MExplainText.ToString(); //_component.text = _text; }
public bool StrContains_NewLine_null() { SerialPort com1 = TCSupport.InitFirstSerialPort(); SerialPort com2 = TCSupport.InitSecondSerialPort(com1); Random rndGen = new Random(-55); System.Text.StringBuilder strBldrToWrite = TCSupport.GetRandomStringBuilder(NEWLINE_TESTING_STRING_SIZE, TCSupport.CharacterOptions.None); bool retValue = true; string newLine = "\0"; Console.WriteLine("Verifying write method with a NewLine=\\0 string and writing a string that contains the NewLine"); com1.NewLine = newLine; com1.Open(); if (!com2.IsOpen) //This is necessary since com1 and com2 might be the same port if we are using a loopback { com2.Open(); } strBldrToWrite.Insert(rndGen.Next(0, NEWLINE_TESTING_STRING_SIZE), newLine); if (!VerifyWriteLine(com1, com2, strBldrToWrite.ToString())) { Console.Write("Err_011!!! Verifying write method with a NewLine=\\0 string and writing a string that contains the NewLine FAILED"); retValue = false; } return(retValue); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a number to System.String. /// </summary> /// <param name="number"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static System.String ToString(long number) { System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (number == 0) { s.Append("0"); } else { if (number < 0) { s.Append("-"); number = -number; } while (number > 0) { char c = digits[(int)number % 36]; s.Insert(0, c); number = number / 36; } } return(s.ToString()); }
//写一个单元格 public static void Write(string value) { int beginIdx = s_buff.Length; bool isNeedQuotes = false;//需要用引号括起来 for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; ++i) { if (isNeedQuotes == false && (value[i] == ',' || value[i] == '\r' || value[i] == '\n' || value[i] == '"')) { isNeedQuotes = true; } if (value[i] == '"') { s_buff.Append('"'); } s_buff.Append(value[i]); } if (isNeedQuotes) { s_buff.Insert(beginIdx, '"'); s_buff.Append('"'); } }
/// <summary> /// 将cshtml的Web形式路径转换为类名 /// </summary> /// <param name="razorFileWebPath">Web路径形式</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string RazorPathToClassName(string razorFileWebPath) { var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); bool isNumberFirst = false; foreach (byte b in Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(razorFileWebPath)) { if (b >= (byte)'0' && b <= (byte)'9') { if (builder.Length == 0) { isNumberFirst = true; } builder.Append((char)b); } else if (b >= (byte)'a' && b <= (byte)'z') { builder.Append((char)b); } else if (b >= (byte)'A' && b <= (byte)'Z') { builder.Append((char)b); } else { builder.Append("_"); } } if (isNumberFirst) { builder.Insert(0, "_"); } return(builder.ToString()); }
public static void AddTwoCriteria( ref System.Text.StringBuilder Criteria, string SecondCriteria, bool IsAnd) { string strJoin = ""; if (IsAnd) { //AND 连接 strJoin = " AND "; } else { strJoin = " OR "; } if (SecondCriteria.Trim() == string.Empty) { return; } if (Criteria.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty) { Criteria.Append(strJoin); } Criteria.Append("(" + SecondCriteria.Trim() + ")"); Criteria.Insert(0, "("); Criteria.Append(")"); }
public void UpdateAdventurer() { type = adventurerPage.adventurerList[adventurerPage.currentid]; string name = type.ToString(); skilldata = characterReader.GetEnemySkillUI(name); description = characterReader.GetCharacterDescription(PawnType.Enemy, name); txtname.text = name; string skilltext = ""; for (int i = 0; i < skilldata.Count; i++) { var strb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(skilldata[i].description); for (int j = 0; skilldata[i].description.Length - 18 * j > 18; j++) { strb.Insert(25 * j + 18, "\n\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000"); } skilldata[i].description = strb.ToString(); skilltext += skilldata[i].name.PadRight(6, '\u3000') + skilldata[i].description + "\n"; } skill.text = skilltext; story.text = description.story; race.text = description.race; desc.text = description.description; if ((sprite = Resources.Load("Image/character/" + name, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite) != null) { image.sprite = sprite; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string inputString = Console.ReadLine(); string[] command = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').ToArray(); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(inputString); switch (command[0]) { case "Remove": sb.Remove(int.Parse(command[1]), int.Parse(command[2])); break; case "Insert": sb.Insert(int.Parse(command[1]), command[2]); break; case "Replace": sb.Replace(command[1], command[2]); break; case "Append": sb.Append(command[1]); break; } Console.WriteLine(sb); }
string GetPathName(Transform t) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(; while (t != activeGO.transform) { t = t.parent; if (t == null) { break; } sb.Insert(0, ":"); sb.Insert(0,; } return(sb.ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Declare & initializes a StringBuilder object sb, and append a string later System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //Declare & initializes a StringBuilder object sb, and append a string in the same statement System.Text.StringBuilder sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder("Hello World!!"); //Declare & initializes a StringBuilder object sb, and append a string in the same statement, //and define the max capacity which is here is 70 char. System.Text.StringBuilder sb2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder("Hello World!!", 70); Console.WriteLine("_1-------------------------------------------------------------"); //Add or append a string to StringBuilder. sb.Append("Hello"); //Add or append a string to StringBuilder with a newline at the end. sb.AppendLine(" World!!"); sb.AppendLine("This is new line."); Console.WriteLine(sb); Console.WriteLine("_2-------------------------------------------------------------"); //Format input string into specified format and then append it. System.Text.StringBuilder amountMsg = new System.Text.StringBuilder("Your total amount is "); amountMsg.AppendFormat("{0:C} ", 25); Console.WriteLine(amountMsg); Console.WriteLine("_3-------------------------------------------------------------"); //Inserts the string at specified index in StringBuilder. sb1.Insert(5, " C#"); Console.WriteLine(sb1); Console.WriteLine("_4-------------------------------------------------------------"); //Replaces all occurance of a specified string with a specified replacement string. sb1.Replace("C#", "JavaScript "); Console.WriteLine(sb1); Console.WriteLine("_5-------------------------------------------------------------"); //Removes the string at specified index with specified length. sb1.Remove(6, 10); Console.WriteLine(sb1); Console.WriteLine("_6-------------------------------------------------------------"); //Uses indexer to get all the characters of StringBuilder using for loop. for (int i = 0; i < sb1.Length; i++) { Console.Write(sb1[i]); } Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("_7-------------------------------------------------------------"); //Use ToString() method to get string from StringBuilder. string str = sb1.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(str); }
/** * Print out the full path in "Game Object/Child" format */ private static string FullPath(Transform transform) { var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); while (transform != null) { sb.Insert(0,; transform = transform.parent; if (transform != null) { sb.Insert(0, '/'); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 履歴カテゴリ選択テーブル作成 /// </summary> protected void CreateHistoryCategoryDatatable(int intHistoryRow, int intItemRow, string Type, DataTable dt) { BuisinessLogic.BLTroubleList bLogic = new BuisinessLogic.BLTroubleList(); DataTable dtCategoryName = null; String strCategoryName = ""; string[] stArrayData = ((System.Data.DataTable)(ViewState[Def.DefHISTORY])).Rows[intHistoryRow].ItemArray[intItemRow].ToString().Split(','); foreach (String stData in stArrayData) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(stData)) { dtCategoryName = bLogic.GetCategoryName(Type, stData); if (dtCategoryName.Rows.Count > 0) { strCategoryName = dtCategoryName.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); } DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["TableType"] = Type; if (intItemRow == Def.DefSEARCH_PARTS_N) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(stData); //カンマを挿入する sb.Insert(2, ","); sb.Insert(5, ","); string strWork = sb.ToString(); dr["ItemValue1"] = strWork + "," + strCategoryName; } else if (intItemRow == Def.DefSEARCH_PARTS_S) { dr["ItemValue1"] = stData + ",,," + strCategoryName; } else if (intItemRow == Def.DefSEARCH_BUSYO || intItemRow == Def.DefSEARCH_HYOUKA) { dr["ItemValue1"] = stData; } else { dr["ItemValue1"] = stData + "," + strCategoryName; } dt.Rows.Add(dr); //行追加 } } }
public Bag(string s) { Char[] chars = s.ToLower().ToCharArray(); Array.Sort(chars); Char[] letters = Array.FindAll <char>(chars, Char.IsLetter); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Insert(0, letters); guts = sb.ToString(); }
private string RunCommand(string command) { string[] words = command.Trim().Split(' '); if (words[0] == "?") { // show help System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); // @TODO: Fixed width font foreach (string declarer in declarers) { string title = string.Format("\nClass: {0}\n", declarer); sb.Append(title); sb.Insert(sb.Length, "=", title.Length - 1); sb.Append("\n"); foreach (GEConsoleCommand cmd in commands) { if (cmd.declaringClass != declarer) { continue; } string shortForm = ""; if (cmd.names.Length == 2) { shortForm = cmd.names[1]; } string[] helpLines = new string[] { "" }; if ( != null) { helpLines ='\n'); } // offset any remaining help lines past command and short-cut columns sb.Append(string.Format("{0,20} {1,5} {2}\n", cmd.names[0], shortForm, helpLines[0])); if (helpLines.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < helpLines.Length; i++) { sb.Append(string.Format(" {0}\n", helpLines[i])); } } } } return(sb.ToString()); } foreach (GEConsoleCommand cmd in commands) { foreach (string name in cmd.names) { if (name == words[0]) { return(cmd.Run(words)); } } } return(string.Format("Unknown command :{0}:\n ? for help", words[0])); }