public static string ConvertToHtml(string text) { var finalResult = text; try { var patterns = new[ ] { @"(?: +)?<card>(?:[\\ ]+)?([a-z0-9""][&\-=\p{Lu}\p{Ll}!.:""',#/・ 0-9]*\s*)(?:[!\\""'/_@#$%^&*()]+)?</card>(?: +)?", @"\[policy-ygo\]", @"\WPOLICY-KDE\W", @"\WPOLICY-PENALTY\W" }; var replacements = new[ ] { @"<font color='blue'><u><a href='$1' target='_blank'>$1</a></u></font>", $"{YUGIOH_POLICY}", $"{KDE_POLICY}", $"{PENALTY_POLICY}" }; for ( var i = 0 ; i <= patterns.GetUpperBound(0) ; i++ ) { var regex = new Regex(patterns[ i ], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!regex.IsMatch(finalResult)) { continue; } finalResult = regex.Replace(finalResult, replacements[ i ]); } } catch ( Exception e ) { Console.WriteLine(e); finalResult = "An error occurred. PM Anti with the text that should be here."; } var replaceDict = Matches(finalResult, @"'_blank'>(.+?)</a></u></font>"). Cast< Match >(). ToDictionary (match => match.Groups[ 1 ].ToString(), match => match.Groups[ 1 ].ToString().Replace(" ", "+")); return replaceDict.Aggregate (finalResult, (current, cardNameReplace) => Replace(current, $"CardName={cardNameReplace.Key}", $"CardName={cardNameReplace.Value}")).Trim(); }