internal ComTypeEnumDesc(ComTypes.ITypeInfo typeInfo, ComTypeLibDesc typeLibDesc) : base(typeInfo, ComType.Enum, typeLibDesc) { ComTypes.TYPEATTR typeAttr = ComRuntimeHelpers.GetTypeAttrForTypeInfo(typeInfo); string[] memberNames = new string[typeAttr.cVars]; object[] memberValues = new object[typeAttr.cVars]; IntPtr p = IntPtr.Zero; // For each enum member get name and value. for (int i = 0; i < typeAttr.cVars; i++) { typeInfo.GetVarDesc(i, out p); // Get the enum member value (as object). ComTypes.VARDESC varDesc; try { varDesc = (ComTypes.VARDESC)Marshal.PtrToStructure(p, typeof(ComTypes.VARDESC)); if (varDesc.varkind == ComTypes.VARKIND.VAR_CONST) { memberValues[i] = Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant(varDesc.desc.lpvarValue); } } finally { typeInfo.ReleaseVarDesc(p); } // Get the enum member name memberNames[i] = ComRuntimeHelpers.GetNameOfMethod(typeInfo, varDesc.memid); } _memberNames = memberNames; _memberValues = memberValues; }