public virtual bool IsSubclassOf(Type c) { TypeInfo resolvedC = c.GetTypeInfo(); TypeInfo p = this; if (p.Equals(resolvedC)) { return(false); } while (p != null) { if (p.Equals(resolvedC)) { return(true); } Type b = p.BaseType; if (b == null) { break; } p = b.GetTypeInfo(); } return(false); }
public virtual bool IsAssignableFrom(TypeInfo typeInfo) { if (typeInfo == null) { return(false); } if (this.Equals(typeInfo)) { return(true); } // If c is a subclass of this class, then typeInfo can be cast to this type. if (typeInfo.IsSubclassOf(this.AsType())) { return(true); } if (this.IsInterface) { foreach (Type implementedInterface in typeInfo.ImplementedInterfaces) { TypeInfo resolvedImplementedInterface = implementedInterface.GetTypeInfo(); if (resolvedImplementedInterface.Equals(this)) { return(true); } } return(false); } else if (IsGenericParameter) { Type[] constraints = GetGenericParameterConstraints(); for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++) { if (!constraints[i].GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(typeInfo)) { return(false); } } return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool IsAssignableFrom(TypeInfo toTypeInfo, TypeInfo fromTypeInfo, FoundationTypes foundationTypes) { if (toTypeInfo == null) throw new NullReferenceException(); if (fromTypeInfo == null) return false; // It would be more appropriate to throw ArgumentNullException here, but returning "false" is the desktop-compat behavior. if (fromTypeInfo.Equals(toTypeInfo)) return true; if (toTypeInfo.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { // Asking whether something can cast to a generic type definition is arguably meaningless. The desktop CLR Reflection layer converts all // generic type definitions to generic type instantiations closed over the formal generic type parameters. The .NET Native framework // keeps the two separate. Fortunately, under either interpretation, returning "false" unless the two types are identical is still a // defensible behavior. To avoid having the rest of the code deal with the differing interpretations, we'll short-circuit this now. return false; } if (fromTypeInfo.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { // The desktop CLR Reflection layer converts all generic type definitions to generic type instantiations closed over the formal // generic type parameters. The .NET Native framework keeps the two separate. For the purpose of IsAssignableFrom(), // it makes sense to unify the two for the sake of backward compat. We'll just make the transform here so that the rest of code // doesn't need to know about this quirk. fromTypeInfo = fromTypeInfo.GetGenericTypeDefinition().MakeGenericType(fromTypeInfo.GenericTypeParameters).GetTypeInfo(); } if (fromTypeInfo.CanCastTo(toTypeInfo, foundationTypes)) return true; Type toType = toTypeInfo.AsType(); Type fromType = fromTypeInfo.AsType(); // Desktop compat: IsAssignableFrom() considers T as assignable to Nullable<T> (but does not check if T is a generic parameter.) if (!fromType.IsGenericParameter) { Type nullableUnderlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(toType); if (nullableUnderlyingType != null && nullableUnderlyingType.Equals(fromType)) return true; } return false; }
private static bool AreEquivalent(TypeInfo type, TypeInfo other) { // TODO: Unify NoPIA interfaces // return type.Equals(other); }
// Method to compare two types pointers for type equality // We cannot just compare the pointers as there can be duplicate type instances // for cloned and constructed types. static bool AreTypesEquivalentInternal(TypeInfo pType1, TypeInfo pType2) { if (!pType1.IsInstantiatedTypeInfo() && !pType2.IsInstantiatedTypeInfo()) return pType1.Equals(pType2); if (pType1.IsGenericType && pType2.IsGenericType) { if (!pType1.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(pType2.GetGenericTypeDefinition())) return false; Type[] args1 = pType1.GenericTypeArguments; Type[] args2 = pType2.GenericTypeArguments; Debug.Assert(args1.Length == args2.Length); for (int i = 0; i < args1.Length; i++) { if (!AreTypesEquivalentInternal(args1[i].GetTypeInfo(), args2[i].GetTypeInfo())) return false; } return true; } if (pType1.IsArray && pType2.IsArray) { if (pType1.GetArrayRank() != pType2.GetArrayRank()) return false; return AreTypesEquivalentInternal(pType1.GetElementType().GetTypeInfo(), pType2.GetElementType().GetTypeInfo()); } if (pType1.IsPointer && pType2.IsPointer) { return AreTypesEquivalentInternal(pType1.GetElementType().GetTypeInfo(), pType2.GetElementType().GetTypeInfo()); } return false; }
private int GetTypeId(TypeInfo ti) { if (ti.Equals(typeof(Int32).GetTypeInfo())) { return 0; } if (ti.Equals(typeof(float).GetTypeInfo())) { return 1; } if (ti.Equals(typeof(bool).GetTypeInfo())) { return 2; } if (ti.Equals(typeof(string).GetTypeInfo())) { return 3; } return 0; }