public static void SetCustomAttributes(ParameterBuilder pb, IPersistentMap attributes) { for (ISeq s = RT.seq(attributes); s != null; s = pb.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttributeBuilder((IMapEntry)(s.first()))); }
public void EmitAttribute (ParameterBuilder builder) { if (ResolveBuilder ()) builder.SetCustomAttribute (cab); }
void SetParamArrayAttribute(ParameterBuilder builder) { builder.SetCustomAttribute( new CustomAttributeBuilder( ParamArrayAttribute_Constructor, new object[0])); }
public void EmitAttribute (ParameterBuilder builder, TypeSpec type) { if (ResolveTransformationCtor ()) { var cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder ((ConstructorInfo) tctor.GetMetaInfo (), new object[] { GetTransformationFlags (type) }); builder.SetCustomAttribute (cab); } }
public static void CopyParameterAttributes(ParameterInfo from, ParameterBuilder to) { if (from.IsDefined(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false)) { to.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder( typeof(ParamArrayAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), ArrayUtils.EmptyObjects) ); } else if (from.IsDefined(typeof(ParamDictionaryAttribute), false)) { to.SetCustomAttribute(new CustomAttributeBuilder( typeof(ParamDictionaryAttribute).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes), ArrayUtils.EmptyObjects) ); } if ((from.Attributes & ParameterAttributes.HasDefault) != 0) { to.SetConstant(from.DefaultValue); } }
public static void SetCustomAttributes(ParameterBuilder pb, IPersistentMap attributes) { foreach (CustomAttributeBuilder cab in CreateCustomAttributeBuilders(attributes)) pb.SetCustomAttribute(cab); }
private void EmitCustomAttributes(ParameterBuilder paramBuilder, IEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute> attributes) { foreach (var attribute in attributes) { paramBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(CreateCustomAttributeBuilder(attribute)); } }
private void Visit(IParameterDefinition parameterDefinition, ParameterBuilder parameterBuilder) { if (parameterDefinition.HasDefaultValue) { parameterDefinition.DefaultValue.Dispatch(this); parameterBuilder.SetConstant(this.value); } foreach (var customAttribute in parameterDefinition.Attributes) { var customAttributeBuilder = this.GetCustomAttributeBuilder(customAttribute); parameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customAttributeBuilder); } if (parameterDefinition.IsMarshalledExplicitly) parameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(GetMarshalAsAttribute(parameterDefinition.MarshallingInformation)); }
/// <summary> /// Apply the custom attribute to parameters /// </summary> public void ApplyAttributes(ParameterBuilder paramBuilder) { if (m_attribute != null) paramBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(m_attribute); if (m_typeInfo != null) ConvCommon.HandleAlias(m_info, m_typeInfo, m_typeDesc, paramBuilder); }
public static void HandleAlias(ConverterInfo info, TypeInfo typeInfo, TypeDesc typeDesc, ParameterBuilder builder) { string aliasName = GetAliasName(info, typeInfo, typeDesc); if (aliasName != null) builder.SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForComAliasName(aliasName)); }
/// <summary> /// Provide implementation for setting default value /// </summary> private static void SetDefaultValueInternal(IntPtr ipVariant, Type type, ParameterBuilder paramBuilder, FieldBuilder fieldBuilder, short typeVt) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type)); // Use the element type for normalization if the type is a ByRef while (type.IsByRef) type = type.GetElementType(); short defaultValueVt = Marshal.ReadInt16(ipVariant); object defaultValue = GetNormalizedDefaultValueFromVariant(ipVariant, type, defaultValueVt, typeVt); if (type.IsEnum && (defaultValueVt == (short)VarEnum.VT_I4 || defaultValueVt == (short)VarEnum.VT_UI4)) { // 1) I can't dynamically create the enum in a ReflectionOnlyContext // 2) In pre-4.0, SetConstant(1) won't work for enum types. // After talking with team members we decided that this is a minor functionality that // we can live without in pre-4.0 // return; } // Currently ParameterBuilder.SetConstant doesn't emit the custom attributes so certain types of constants // so we need to do that by ourselves CustomAttributeBuilder builder = null; if (type == typeof(Decimal)) { DECIMAL realDecimal; IntPtr pDecimal = IntPtr.Zero; // Unfortunate we cannot directly access the fields in the decimal struct and we need to rely on the fact // that the internal representation of decimal & DECIMAL are the same, which will most likely remain true in the future // because CLR internally does the same thing Debug.Assert(sizeof(decimal) == Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DECIMAL))); try { pDecimal = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(decimal)); // We convert it to unmanaged then back to managed to avoid unsafe code, so that we won't crash immediately in partial trust Marshal.StructureToPtr(defaultValue, pDecimal, false); realDecimal = (DECIMAL)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pDecimal, typeof(DECIMAL)); } finally { if (pDecimal != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pDecimal); } builder = CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForDecimalConstant( realDecimal.scale, realDecimal.sign, realDecimal.hi32, realDecimal.mid32, realDecimal.low32); } else if (type == typeof(DateTime) && defaultValueVt == (short)VarEnum.VT_DATE) { builder = CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForDateTimeConstant(((DateTime)defaultValue).Ticks); } else if (defaultValueVt == (short)VarEnum.VT_UNKNOWN) { // Currently ParameterBuilder.SetConstant doesn't emit the IUnknownConstantAttribute // for IUnknown so we need to do that by ourselves builder = CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForIUnknownConstant(); } else if (defaultValueVt == (short)VarEnum.VT_DISPATCH) { // Currently ParameterBuilder.SetConstant doesn't emit the IDispatchConstantAttribute // for IDispatch so we need to do that by ourselves builder = CustomAttributeHelper.GetBuilderForIDispatchConstant(); } if (builder != null) { if (paramBuilder != null) paramBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(builder); if (fieldBuilder != null) fieldBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(builder); } else { try { if (paramBuilder != null) paramBuilder.SetConstant(defaultValue); if (fieldBuilder != null) fieldBuilder.SetConstant(defaultValue); } catch (Exception) { // Debug.Assert(type.IsEnum, "We should avoid failing for non-Enum default values"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Copies parameter attributes. This is used to copy marshalling attributes and other relevant data. /// </summary> /// <param name="builder"></param> /// <param name="parameter"></param> private static void CopyParameterAttributes(ParameterBuilder builder, ParameterInfo parameter) { foreach (var attrib in parameter.GetCustomAttributesData()) //.CustomAttributes) { if (attrib.NamedArguments == null || attrib.NamedArguments.Count == 0) continue; // The marshaller will prefer to use the MarshalType over MarshalTypeRef. // and will automatically set MarshalType if you specify MarshalTypeRef. // this will make it unable to locate the type (since without assembly specification, it will look in the dynamic assembly) // Therefore we have to remove MarshalType if both MarshalType and MarshalTypeRef is set. var namedArguments = FixMarshalTypeAttributes(attrib.NamedArguments).ToArray(); var attribBuilder = new CustomAttributeBuilder( attrib.Constructor, attrib.ConstructorArguments.Select(a => a.Value).ToArray(), attrib.NamedArguments.Where(a => a.MemberInfo.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field) .Select(s => s.MemberInfo) .OfType<PropertyInfo>() .ToArray(), attrib.NamedArguments.Where(a => a.MemberInfo.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field) .Select(s => s.TypedValue) .Select(s => s.Value) .ToArray(), namedArguments.Where(a => a.MemberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field).Select(s => s.MemberInfo).OfType<FieldInfo>().ToArray(), namedArguments.Where(a => a.MemberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field).Select(s => s.TypedValue).Select(s => s.Value).ToArray()); builder.SetCustomAttribute(attribBuilder); } }