Print() private method

private Print ( string msg ) : void
msg string
return void
コード例 #1
        /// <include file='doc\IPAddress.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="IPAddress.Parse"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        /// <para>Converts an IP address string to an <see cref='System.Net.IPAddress'/>
        /// instance.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public static IPAddress Parse(string ipString)
            if (ipString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ipString");

            // IPv6 Changes: Detect probable IPv6 addresses and use separate
            //               parse method.
            if (ipString.IndexOf(':') != -1)
                // If the address string contains the colon character
                // then it can only be an IPv6 address. Use a separate
                // parse method to unpick it all. Note: we don't support
                // port specification at the end of address and so can
                // make this decision.
                // We need to make sure that Socket is initialized for this
                // call !
                bool ipv6 = Socket.SupportsIPv6;

                SocketAddress saddr = new SocketAddress(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, 28);

                int errorCode =
                        ref saddr.m_Size);

                if (errorCode != SocketErrors.Success)
                    GlobalLog.Print("IPAddress::Parse() IPv6 ipString:[" + ValidationHelper.ToString(ipString) + "] errorCode: " + errorCode.ToString());
                    throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.dns_bad_ip_address), new SocketException());
                // We have to set up the address by hand now, to avoid initialization
                // recursion problems that we get if we use IPEndPoint.Create.
                byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
                long   scope = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    bytes[i] = saddr[i + 8];
                // Scope
                scope = (long)((saddr[27] << 24) +
                               (saddr[26] << 16) +
                               (saddr[25] << 8) +

                return(new IPAddress(bytes, scope));;
                // Cannot be an IPv6 address, so use the IPv4 routines to
                // parse the string representation.
                int address = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.inet_addr(ipString);

                GlobalLog.Print("IPAddress::Parse() ipString:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(ipString) + " inet_addr() returned address:" + address.ToString());

                if (address == -1 &&
                    string.Compare(ipString, InaddrNoneString, false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0 &&
                    string.Compare(ipString, InaddrNoneStringHex, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0 &&
                    string.Compare(ipString, InaddrNoneStringOct, false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                    throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.dns_bad_ip_address));

                IPAddress returnValue = new IPAddress(address);

        } // Parse
コード例 #2
        } // Position

        // write a chunk of data to ul

        public override void Write(
            byte[] buffer,
            int offset,
            int count)
            GlobalLog.Print("ListenerResponseStream.WriteCore() offset: " + Convert.ToString(offset) + " count:" + Convert.ToString(count));

            if (m_ContentLength != -1 && m_ContentLength < count)
                // user can't send more data than specified in the ContentLength

                throw new ProtocolViolationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_entitytoobig));

            int DataToWrite = count;

            GCHandle PinnedBuffer       = new GCHandle();
            IntPtr   AddrOfPinnedBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (m_SendChunked)
                string ChunkHeader = "0x" + Convert.ToString(count, 16);

                DataToWrite += ChunkHeader.Length + 4;

                AddrOfPinnedBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(DataToWrite);

                Marshal.Copy(ChunkHeader.ToCharArray(), 0, AddrOfPinnedBuffer, ChunkHeader.Length);
                Marshal.WriteInt16(AddrOfPinnedBuffer, ChunkHeader.Length, 0x0A0D);
                Marshal.Copy((byte[])buffer, offset, IntPtrHelper.Add(AddrOfPinnedBuffer, ChunkHeader.Length + 2), count);
                Marshal.WriteInt16(AddrOfPinnedBuffer, DataToWrite - 2, 0x0A0D);
                // pin the buffer and make an unmanaged call to the driver to
                // write more entity body

                PinnedBuffer       = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                AddrOfPinnedBuffer = PinnedBuffer.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            // set up a UL_DATA_CHUNK structure to pass down to UL with pointers
            // to data to be written

            IntPtr AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(32);

            // AddrOfPinnedBuffer and count go into a pEntityChunks structure

            Marshal.WriteInt64(AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks, 0, 0);
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks, 8, AddrOfPinnedBuffer);
            Marshal.WriteInt32(AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks, 12, DataToWrite);
            Marshal.WriteInt64(AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks, 16, 0);
            Marshal.WriteInt64(AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks, 24, 0);

            GlobalLog.Print("Calling UlSendHttpResponseEntityBody: AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks:" + Convert.ToString(AddrOfPinnedEntityChunks)
                            + " AddrOfPinnedBuffer:" + Convert.ToString(AddrOfPinnedBuffer)
                            + " DataToWrite:" + Convert.ToString(DataToWrite));

            // issue unmanaged blocking call

            int DataWritten = 0;

            int result =
                ComNetOS.IsWinNt ?

                    ref DataWritten,


                    ref DataWritten,

            if (m_SendChunked)
                // data was copied into an unmanaged buffer, free it

                // data wasn't copied unpin the pinned buffer



            GlobalLog.Print("UlSendHttpResponseEntityBody() DataWritten:" + Convert.ToString(DataWritten) + " DataToWrite:" + Convert.ToString(DataToWrite));

            if (result != NativeMethods.ERROR_SUCCESS)   //Win32.ERROR_CANCELLED || Win32.ERROR_BAD_COMMAND || NativeMethods.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
                throw new ProtocolViolationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_connclosed) + Convert.ToString(result));

            // double check the number of bytes written

            if (DataWritten != DataToWrite)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("sync UlSendHttpResponseEntityBody() failed to write all the data" +
                                                    " count:" + Convert.ToString(count) +
                                                    " DataWritten:" + Convert.ToString(DataWritten) +
                                                    " DataToWrite:" + Convert.ToString(DataToWrite) +
                                                    " m_AppPoolHandle:" + Convert.ToString(m_AppPoolHandle) +
                                                    " m_RequestId:" + Convert.ToString(m_RequestId) +
                                                    " err#" + Convert.ToString(result));

            if (result != NativeMethods.ERROR_SUCCESS && result != NativeMethods.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                // Consider: move all Exception string to system.txt for localization
                throw new InvalidOperationException("sync UlSendHttpResponseEntityBody() failed, err#" + Convert.ToString(result));

            if (m_ContentLength != -1)
                // keep track of the data transferred

                m_ContentLength -= count;

                if (m_ContentLength == 0)
                    // I should be able to call Close() at this point

            return; // DataToWrite;
        } // Write()
コード例 #3
 public HttpListenerException() : base(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())
     GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerException::.ctor() " + NativeErrorCode.ToString() + ":" + Message);
コード例 #4
        private void ListenForRegistryHelper(ref SafeRegistryHandle key, ref AutoResetEvent changeEvent, IntPtr baseKey, string subKey)
            uint errorCode = 0;

            // First time through?
            if (key == null || key.IsInvalid)
                if (baseKey == IntPtr.Zero)
                    // Impersonation requires extra effort.
                    GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptEngine#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ListenForRegistry() RegOpenCurrentUser() using hkcu:" + hkcu.DangerousGetHandle().ToString("x"));
                    if (hkcu != null)
                        errorCode = hkcu.RegOpenKeyEx(subKey, 0, UnsafeNclNativeMethods.RegistryHelper.KEY_READ, out key);
                        GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptEngine#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ListenForRegistry() RegOpenKeyEx() returned errorCode:" + errorCode + " key:" + key.DangerousGetHandle().ToString("x"));
                        errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.ErrorCodes.ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
                    errorCode = SafeRegistryHandle.RegOpenKeyEx(baseKey, subKey, 0, UnsafeNclNativeMethods.RegistryHelper.KEY_READ, out key);
                    //GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptEngine#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ListenForRegistry() RegOpenKeyEx() returned errorCode:" + errorCode + " key:" + key.DangerousGetHandle().ToString("x"));
                if (errorCode == 0)
                    changeEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            if (errorCode == 0)
                // accessing Handle is protected by a link demand, OK for System.dll
                errorCode = key.RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(true, UnsafeNclNativeMethods.RegistryHelper.REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, changeEvent.SafeWaitHandle, true);
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptEngine#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ListenForRegistry() RegNotifyChangeKeyValue() returned errorCode:" + errorCode);
            if (errorCode != 0)
                if (key != null && !key.IsInvalid)
                        errorCode = key.RegCloseKey();
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception))
                    GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptEngine#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ListenForRegistry() RegCloseKey() returned errorCode:" + errorCode);
                key = null;
                if (changeEvent != null)
                    changeEvent = null;
コード例 #5
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public override SocketAddress Serialize()
            if (m_Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                // IPv6 Changes: create a new SocketAddress that is large enough for an
                //               IPv6 address and then pack the address into it.
                SocketAddress socketAddress = new SocketAddress(this.AddressFamily, SocketAddress.IPv6AddressSize);
                // populate it
                int port = this.Port;
                socketAddress[2] = (byte)(port >> 8);
                socketAddress[3] = (byte)port;
                // Note: No handling for Flow Information
                socketAddress[4] = (byte)0;
                socketAddress[5] = (byte)0;
                socketAddress[6] = (byte)0;
                socketAddress[7] = (byte)0;
                // Scope serialization
                long scope = this.Address.ScopeId;

                socketAddress[24] = (byte)scope;
                socketAddress[25] = (byte)(scope >> 8);
                socketAddress[26] = (byte)(scope >> 16);
                socketAddress[27] = (byte)(scope >> 24);
                // Address serialization
                byte[] addressBytes = this.Address.GetAddressBytes();

                for (int i = 0; i < addressBytes.Length; i++)
                    socketAddress[8 + i] = addressBytes[i];

                GlobalLog.Print("IPEndPoint::Serialize(IPv6): " + this.ToString());

                // return it
                // create a new SocketAddress
                SocketAddress socketAddress = new SocketAddress(m_Address.AddressFamily, SocketAddress.IPv4AddressSize);
                // populate it
                socketAddress[2] = unchecked ((byte)(this.Port >> 8));
                socketAddress[3] = unchecked ((byte)(this.Port));

                socketAddress[4] = unchecked ((byte)(this.Address.m_Address));
                socketAddress[5] = unchecked ((byte)(this.Address.m_Address >> 8));
                socketAddress[6] = unchecked ((byte)(this.Address.m_Address >> 16));
                socketAddress[7] = unchecked ((byte)(this.Address.m_Address >> 24));

                GlobalLog.Print("IPEndPoint::Serialize: " + this.ToString());

                // return it
コード例 #6
        // FindServicePoint - Query using an Uri for a given server point

        /// <devdoc>
        /// <para>Findes an existing <see cref='System.Net.ServicePoint'/> or creates a new <see cref='System.Net.ServicePoint'/> to manage communications to the specified <see cref='System.Uri'/>
        /// instance.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal static ServicePoint FindServicePoint(string host, int port)
            if (host == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("address");
            GlobalLog.Enter("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() host:" + host.ToString());

            string tempEntry           = null;
            bool   isProxyServicePoint = false;

            // Search for the correct proxy host,
            //  then match its acutal host by using ConnectionGroups
            //  which are located on the actual ServicePoint.
            tempEntry = "ByHost:" + host + ":" + port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            // lookup service point in the table
            ServicePoint servicePoint = null;

            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() locking and looking up tempEntry:[" + tempEntry.ToString() + "]");
            lock (s_ServicePointTable) {
                // once we grab the lock, check if it wasn't already added
                WeakReference servicePointReference = s_ServicePointTable[tempEntry] as WeakReference;
                GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() lookup returned WeakReference#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePointReference));
                if (servicePointReference != null)
                    servicePoint = (ServicePoint)servicePointReference.Target;
                    GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() successfull lookup returned ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePoint));
                if (servicePoint == null)
                    // lookup failure or timeout, we need to create a new ServicePoint
                    if (s_MaxServicePoints <= 0 || s_ServicePointTable.Count < s_MaxServicePoints)
                        // Determine Connection Limit
                        int    connectionLimit = InternalConnectionLimit;
                        bool   userDefined     = s_UserChangedLimit;
                        string schemeHostPort  = host + ":" + port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (ConfigTable.ContainsKey(schemeHostPort))
                            connectionLimit = (int)ConfigTable[schemeHostPort];
                            userDefined     = true;
                        servicePoint = new ServicePoint(host, port, s_ServicePointIdlingQueue, connectionLimit, tempEntry, userDefined, isProxyServicePoint);
                        GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() created ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePoint));
                        servicePointReference          = new WeakReference(servicePoint);
                        s_ServicePointTable[tempEntry] = servicePointReference;
                        GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() adding entry WeakReference#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePointReference) + " key:[" + tempEntry + "]");
                        Exception exception = new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_maxsrvpoints));
                        GlobalLog.LeaveException("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() reached the limit count:" + s_ServicePointTable.Count.ToString() + " limit:" + s_MaxServicePoints.ToString(), exception);
                        throw exception;

            GlobalLog.Leave("ServicePointManager::FindServicePoint() servicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePoint));
コード例 #7
            /// <summary>
            /// <para>Fires the timer if it is still active and has expired.  Returns
            /// true if it can be deleted, or false if it is still timing.</para>
            /// </summary>
            internal bool Fire()
                GlobalLog.Assert(m_TimerState != TimerState.Sentinel, "TimerThread#{0}::Fire()|TimerQueue tried to Fire a Sentinel.", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString());

                if (m_TimerState != TimerState.Ready)

                // Must get the current tick count within this method so it is guaranteed not to be before
                // StartTime, which is set in the constructor.
                int nowMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount;

                if (IsTickBetween(StartTime, Expiration, nowMilliseconds))
                    GlobalLog.Print("TimerThreadTimer#" + StartTime + "::Fire() Not firing (" + StartTime + " <= " + nowMilliseconds + " < " + Expiration + ")");

                bool needCallback = false;

                lock (m_QueueLock)
                    if (m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
                        GlobalLog.Print("TimerThreadTimer#" + StartTime + "::Fire() Firing (" + StartTime + " <= " + nowMilliseconds + " >= " + Expiration + ")");
                        m_TimerState = TimerState.Fired;

                        // Remove it from the list.
                        Next.Prev = Prev;
                        Prev.Next = Next;

                        // Doesn't need to be in the lock but is easier to have here.
                        Next         = null;
                        Prev         = null;
                        needCallback = m_Callback != null;

                if (needCallback)
                    try {
                        Callback callback = m_Callback;
                        object   context  = m_Context;
                        m_Callback = null;
                        m_Context  = null;
                        callback(this, nowMilliseconds, context);
                    catch (Exception exception) {
                        if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception))

                        if (Logging.On)
                            Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, "TimerThreadTimer#" + StartTime.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "::Fire() - " + SR.GetString(SR.net_log_exception_in_callback, exception));
                        GlobalLog.Print("TimerThreadTimer#" + StartTime + "::Fire() exception in callback: " + exception);

                        // This thread is not allowed to go into user code, so we should never get an exception here.
                        // So, in debug, throw it up, killing the AppDomain.  In release, we'll just ignore it.

コード例 #8
 public void GetDocVersionString(out string version)
     GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper.ScriptHost#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetDocVersionString()");
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #9
 public void OnScriptTerminate(object result, EXCEPINFO exceptionInfo)
     GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper.ScriptHost#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::OnScriptTerminate() result:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(result) + " error:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(exceptionInfo.bstrDescription));
コード例 #10
        internal AutoWebProxyState Compile(Uri engineScriptLocation, string scriptBody, byte[] buffer)
            if (closed != 0)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);

            if (jscriptObject != null)

            scriptText    = null;
            scriptBytes   = null;
            jscriptObject = new JScriptEngine();
            jscript       = (IActiveScript)jscriptObject;
            host          = new ScriptHost();

            GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Compile() Binding to ScriptHost#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this));

            jscriptParser = new ActiveScriptParseWrapper(jscriptObject);


            // Inform the script engine that this host implements the IInternetHostSecurityManager interface, which
            // is used to prevent the script code from using any ActiveX objects.
            IObjectSafety objSafety = jscript as IObjectSafety;

            if (objSafety != null)
                Guid guid = Guid.Empty;
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Compile() Setting up IInternetHostSecurityManager");
                objSafety.SetInterfaceSafetyOptions(ref guid, ComConstants.INTERFACE_USES_SECURITY_MANAGER, ComConstants.INTERFACE_USES_SECURITY_MANAGER);
                objSafety = null;

            EXCEPINFO exceptionInfo = new EXCEPINFO();
            object    result        = null;

                jscriptParser.ParseScriptText(scriptBody, null, null, null, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ScriptText.IsPersistent | ScriptText.IsVisible, out result, out exceptionInfo);
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Compile() ParseScriptText() success:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(exceptionInfo.bstrDescription) + " result:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(result));
            catch (Exception exception)
                if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception))
                if (exception is TargetInvocationException)
                    exception = exception.InnerException;
                COMException comException = exception as COMException;
                if (comException == null || comException.ErrorCode != (int)HRESULT.SCRIPT_E_REPORTED)
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Compile() Script load error:[" + host.ExceptionMessage == null ? "" : host.ExceptionMessage + "]");
                throw new COMException(SR.GetString(SR.net_jscript_load, host.ExceptionMessage), comException.ErrorCode);
            catch {
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Compile() Script load error:[Non-CLS Compliant Exception]");

            jscript.AddNamedItem(c_ScriptHelperName, ScriptItem.GlobalMembers | ScriptItem.IsPersistent | ScriptItem.IsVisible);

            // This part can run global code - time it out if necessary.
            jscript.GetCurrentScriptThreadID(out interruptThreadId);
            TimerThread.Timer timer = s_TimerQueue.CreateTimer(s_InterruptCallback, this);
            activeTimer = timer;
                activeTimer = null;

            jscript.GetScriptDispatch(null, out script);
            GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Compile() Got IDispatch:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(dispatch));

            scriptText  = scriptBody;
            scriptBytes = buffer;

コード例 #11
            // IActiveScriptSite

            public void GetLCID(out int lcid)
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper.ScriptHost#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetLCID()");
                lcid = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.LCID;
コード例 #12
ファイル: DNS.cs プロジェクト: kkurni-icloud/corefx-old
        } // GetHostByName

        // Does internal IPAddress reverse and then forward lookups (for Legacy and current public methods).
        internal static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByAddress(IPAddress address, bool includeIPv6)
            if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                GlobalLog.Print("Dns.InternalGetHostByAddress: " + address.ToString());

            // IPv6 Changes: We need to use the new getnameinfo / getaddrinfo functions
            //               for resolution of IPv6 addresses.

            if (SocketProtocolSupportPal.OSSupportsIPv6 || includeIPv6)
                // Try to get the data for the host from it's address
                // We need to call getnameinfo first, because getaddrinfo w/ the ipaddress string
                // will only return that address and not the full list.

                // Do a reverse lookup to get the host name.
                SocketError errorCode;
                int         nativeErrorCode;
                string      name = NameResolutionPal.TryGetNameInfo(address, out errorCode, out nativeErrorCode);
                if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)
                    // Do the forward lookup to get the IPs for that host name
                    IPHostEntry hostEntry;
                    errorCode = NameResolutionPal.TryGetAddrInfo(name, out hostEntry, out nativeErrorCode);
                    if (errorCode == SocketError.Success)

                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                        NetEventSource.Exception(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Socket, "DNS",
                                                 "InternalGetHostByAddress", new InternalSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode));

                    // One of two things happened:
                    // 1. There was a ptr record in dns, but not a corollary A/AAA record.
                    // 2. The IP was a local (non-loopback) IP that resolved to a connection specific dns suffix.
                    //    - Workaround, Check "Use this connection's dns suffix in dns registration" on that network
                    //      adapter's advanced dns settings.

                    // Just return the resolved host name and no IPs.
                throw new InternalSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode);

            // If IPv6 is not enabled (maybe config switch) but we've been
            // given an IPv6 address then we need to bail out now.
                if (address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    // Protocol not supported
                    throw new SocketException((int)SocketError.ProtocolNotSupported);
                // Use gethostbyaddr() to try to resolve the IP address
                // End IPv6 Changes
        } // InternalGetHostByAddress
コード例 #13
ファイル: DNS.cs プロジェクト: kkurni-icloud/corefx-old
        internal static IPHostEntry InternalGetHostByName(string hostName, bool includeIPv6)
            if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                NetEventSource.Enter(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Socket, "DNS", "GetHostByName", hostName);
            IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = null;

            if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                GlobalLog.Print("Dns.GetHostByName: " + hostName);


            if (hostName.Length > MaxHostName || // If 255 chars, the last one must be a dot.
                hostName.Length == MaxHostName && hostName[MaxHostName - 1] != '.')
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("hostName", SR.Format(SR.net_toolong,
                                                                            "hostName", MaxHostName.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo)));

            // IPv6 Changes: IPv6 requires the use of getaddrinfo() rather
            //               than the traditional IPv4 gethostbyaddr() / gethostbyname().
            //               getaddrinfo() is also protocol independant in that it will also
            //               resolve IPv4 names / addresses. As a result, it is the preferred
            //               resolution mechanism on platforms that support it (Windows 5.1+).
            //               If getaddrinfo() is unsupported, IPv6 resolution does not work.
            // Consider    : If IPv6 is disabled, we could detect IPv6 addresses
            //               and throw an unsupported platform exception.
            // Note        : Whilst getaddrinfo is available on WinXP+, we only
            //               use it if IPv6 is enabled (platform is part of that
            //               decision). This is done to minimize the number of
            //               possible tests that are needed.
            if (includeIPv6 || SocketProtocolSupportPal.OSSupportsIPv6)
                // IPv6 enabled: use getaddrinfo() to obtain DNS information.
                int         nativeErrorCode;
                SocketError errorCode = NameResolutionPal.TryGetAddrInfo(hostName, out ipHostEntry, out nativeErrorCode);
                if (errorCode != SocketError.Success)
                    throw new InternalSocketException(errorCode, nativeErrorCode);
                ipHostEntry = NameResolutionPal.GetHostByName(hostName);

            if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                NetEventSource.Exit(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Socket, "DNS", "GetHostByName", ipHostEntry);
        } // GetHostByName
コード例 #14
        private object WaitForCompletion(bool snap)
            ManualResetEvent waitHandle  = null;
            bool             createdByMe = false;
            bool             complete    = snap ? IsCompleted : InternalPeekCompleted;

            if (!complete)
                // Not done yet, so wait:
                waitHandle = (ManualResetEvent)_event;
                if (waitHandle == null)
                    createdByMe = LazilyCreateEvent(out waitHandle);

            if (waitHandle != null)
                    if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                        GlobalLog.Print("LazyAsyncResult#" + LoggingHash.HashString(this) + "::InternalWaitForCompletion() Waiting for completion _event#" + LoggingHash.HashString(waitHandle));

                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    // This can occur if this method is called from two different threads.
                    // This possibility is the trade-off for not locking.
                    // We also want to dispose the event although we can't unless we did wait on it here.
                    if (createdByMe && !_userEvent)
                        // Does _userEvent need to be volatile (or _event set via Interlocked) in order
                        // to avoid giving a user a disposed event?
                        ManualResetEvent oldEvent = (ManualResetEvent)_event;
                        _event = null;
                        if (!_userEvent)

            // A race condition exists because InvokeCallback sets _intCompleted before _result (so that _result
            // can benefit from the synchronization of _intCompleted).  That means you can get here before _result got
            // set (although rarely - once every eight hours of stress).  Handle that case with a spin-lock.

            SpinWait sw = new SpinWait();

            while (_result == DBNull.Value)

            if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled)
                GlobalLog.Print("LazyAsyncResult#" + LoggingHash.HashString(this) + "::InternalWaitForCompletion() done: " +
                                (_result is Exception ? ((Exception)_result).Message : _result == null ? "<null>" : _result.ToString()));

コード例 #15
ファイル: _ConnectionGroup.cs プロジェクト: yangfan111/Mscore
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Used by the ServicePoint to find a free or new Connection
        ///       for use in making Requests, this is done with the cavet,
        ///       that once a Connection is "locked" it can only be used
        ///       by a specific request.
        ///     NOTE: For Whidbey: try to integrate this code into FindConnection()
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        private Connection FindConnectionAuthenticationGroup(HttpWebRequest request, string connName)
            Connection leastBusyConnection = null;

            GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnectionAuthenticationGroup [" + connName + "] for request#" + request.GetHashCode() + ", m_ConnectionList.Count:" + m_ConnectionList.Count.ToString());

            // First try and find a free Connection (i.e. one not busy with Authentication handshake)
            //   or try to find a Request that has already locked a specific Connection,
            //   if a matching Connection is found, then we're done
            lock (m_ConnectionList) {
                Connection matchingConnection;
                matchingConnection = FindMatchingConnection(request, connName, out leastBusyConnection);
                if (matchingConnection != null)
                if (AuthenticationRequestQueue.Count == 0)
                    if (leastBusyConnection != null)
                        if (request.LockConnection)
                            m_NtlmNegGroup = true;
                            m_IISVersion   = leastBusyConnection.IISVersion;
                        if (request.LockConnection || (m_NtlmNegGroup && !request.Pipelined && request.UnsafeOrProxyAuthenticatedConnectionSharing && m_IISVersion >= 6))
                            GlobalLog.Print("Assigning New Locked Request#" + request.GetHashCode().ToString());
                            leastBusyConnection.LockedRequest = request;
                else if (leastBusyConnection != null)

            // If all the Connections are busy, then we queue ourselves and need to wait.   As soon as
            //   one of the Connections are free, we grab the lock, and see if we find ourselves
            //   at the head of the queue.  If not, we loop backaround.
            //   Care is taken to examine the request when we wakeup, in case the request is aborted.
            while (true)
                request.AbortDelegate = m_AbortDelegate;

                if (!request.Aborted)

                GlobalLog.Print("wait up");
                lock (m_ConnectionList) {
                    if (request.Aborted)
                        // Note that request is not on any connection and it will not be submitted

                    FindMatchingConnection(request, connName, out leastBusyConnection);
                    if (AuthenticationRequestQueue.Peek() == request)
                        if (leastBusyConnection != null)
                            if (request.LockConnection)
                                m_NtlmNegGroup = true;
                                m_IISVersion   = leastBusyConnection.IISVersion;
                            if (request.LockConnection || (m_NtlmNegGroup && !request.Pipelined && request.UnsafeOrProxyAuthenticatedConnectionSharing && m_IISVersion >= 6))
                                leastBusyConnection.LockedRequest = request;

                    if (leastBusyConnection == null)
コード例 #16
 public void OnLeaveScript()
     GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper.ScriptHost#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::OnLeaveScript()");
コード例 #17
ファイル: _ConnectionGroup.cs プロジェクト: yangfan111/Mscore
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Used by the ServicePoint to find a free or new Connection
        ///       for use in making Requests.  Under NTLM and Negotiate requests,
        ///       this function deprecates itself and switches the object over to
        ///       using a new code path (see FindConnectionAuthenticationGroup).
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal Connection FindConnection(HttpWebRequest request, string connName, out bool forcedsubmit)
            Connection leastbusyConnection  = null;
            Connection newConnection        = null;
            bool       freeConnectionsAvail = false;
            ArrayList  closedConnections    = new ArrayList();

            forcedsubmit = false;

            if (m_AuthenticationGroup || request.LockConnection)
                m_AuthenticationGroup = true;
                return(FindConnectionAuthenticationGroup(request, connName));

            GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnection [" + connName + "] m_ConnectionList.Count:" + m_ConnectionList.Count.ToString());

            lock (m_ConnectionList) {
                // go through the list of open connections to this service point and pick the connection as follows:
                //  - free connection
                //  - if there is no free connection and if we are under connection limit, create new connection
                //  - pick the least busy connection which does not have non-keep alive request pipelined
                //  - pick the least busy connection which may have non-keep alive request pipelined
                // If we pick the connection with non keep-alive request pipelined on it, we set forcedsubmit to true.
                // This will make sure that we don't start the request immediately and it gets queued on the connection.
                int  minBusyCount        = Int32.MaxValue;
                bool foundLiveConnection = false;
                foreach (Connection currentConnection in m_ConnectionList)
                    GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnection currentConnection.BusyCount:" + currentConnection.BusyCount.ToString());

                    bool useThisConnection = false;

                    if (!currentConnection.IsInitalizing && !currentConnection.NetworkStream.Connected)
                        // This is a closed connection probably due to a previous Abort(). Remove it
                        // from the list of eligible connections.
                        if (foundLiveConnection)
                            useThisConnection = (!currentConnection.NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined && minBusyCount > currentConnection.BusyCount);
                            useThisConnection = (!currentConnection.NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined || minBusyCount > currentConnection.BusyCount);

                    if (useThisConnection)
                        leastbusyConnection = currentConnection;
                        minBusyCount        = currentConnection.BusyCount;

                        if (!foundLiveConnection)
                            foundLiveConnection = !currentConnection.NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined;
                            GlobalLog.Assert(!currentConnection.NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined, "Connection.NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined == false|Non keep-alive request has been pipelined on this connection.");

                        if (foundLiveConnection && minBusyCount == 0)
                            freeConnectionsAvail = true;

                // Remove closed connections.
                GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnection, closed connections to remove: " + closedConnections.Count.ToString());
                foreach (Connection closedConnection in closedConnections)

                // If there is NOT a Connection free, then we allocate a new Connection
                if (!freeConnectionsAvail && CurrentConnections < ConnectionLimit)
                    // If we can create a new connection, then do it,
                    // this may have complications in pipeling because
                    // we may wish to optimize this case by actually
                    // using existing connections, rather than creating new ones
                    // Note: this implicitly results in a this.Associate() being called.

                    GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnection [returning new Connection] freeConnectionsAvail:" + freeConnectionsAvail.ToString() + " CurrentConnections:" + CurrentConnections.ToString() + " ConnectionLimit:" + ConnectionLimit.ToString());
                    newConnection = new Connection(this);
                    forcedsubmit  = false;
                    // All connections are busy, use the least busy one

                    GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnection [returning leastbusyConnection] freeConnectionsAvail:" + freeConnectionsAvail.ToString() + " CurrentConnections:" + CurrentConnections.ToString() + " ConnectionLimit:" + ConnectionLimit.ToString());
                    GlobalLog.Assert(leastbusyConnection != null, "Connect.leastbusyConnection != null|All connections have BusyCount equal to Int32.MaxValue.");

                    newConnection = leastbusyConnection;
                    forcedsubmit  = !foundLiveConnection;


コード例 #18
            // IInternetHostSecurityManager methods.
            // Implementation based on inetcore\wininet\autoconf\cscpsite.cpp
            // The current implementation disallows all ActiveX control activation from script.

            public int GetSecurityId(byte[] pbSecurityId, ref IntPtr pcbSecurityId, IntPtr dwReserved)
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper.ScriptHost#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetSecurityId()");
コード例 #19
        private static ServicePoint FindServicePointHelper(Uri address, bool isProxyServicePoint)
            GlobalLog.Enter("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() address:" + address.ToString());

            if (isProxyServicePoint)
                if (address.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
                    // <

                    Exception exception = new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.net_proxyschemenotsupported, address.Scheme));
                    GlobalLog.LeaveException("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() proxy has unsupported scheme:" + address.Scheme.ToString(), exception);
                    throw exception;

            // Search for the correct proxy host,
            //  then match its acutal host by using ConnectionGroups
            //  which are located on the actual ServicePoint.
            string tempEntry = MakeQueryString(address, isProxyServicePoint);

            // lookup service point in the table
            ServicePoint servicePoint = null;

            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() locking and looking up tempEntry:[" + tempEntry.ToString() + "]");
            lock (s_ServicePointTable) {
                // once we grab the lock, check if it wasn't already added
                WeakReference servicePointReference = s_ServicePointTable[tempEntry] as WeakReference;
                GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() lookup returned WeakReference#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePointReference));
                if (servicePointReference != null)
                    servicePoint = (ServicePoint)servicePointReference.Target;
                    GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() successful lookup returned ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePoint));
                if (servicePoint == null)
                    // lookup failure or timeout, we need to create a new ServicePoint
                    if (s_MaxServicePoints <= 0 || s_ServicePointTable.Count < s_MaxServicePoints)
                        // Determine Connection Limit
                        int    connectionLimit = InternalConnectionLimit;
                        string schemeHostPort  = MakeQueryString(address);
                        bool   userDefined     = s_UserChangedLimit;
                        if (ConfigTable.ContainsKey(schemeHostPort))
                            connectionLimit = (int)ConfigTable[schemeHostPort];
                            userDefined     = true;
                        servicePoint = new ServicePoint(address, s_ServicePointIdlingQueue, connectionLimit, tempEntry, userDefined, isProxyServicePoint);
                        GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() created ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePoint));
                        servicePointReference          = new WeakReference(servicePoint);
                        s_ServicePointTable[tempEntry] = servicePointReference;
                        GlobalLog.Print("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() adding entry WeakReference#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePointReference) + " key:[" + tempEntry + "]");
                        Exception exception = new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_maxsrvpoints));
                        GlobalLog.LeaveException("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() reached the limit count:" + s_ServicePointTable.Count.ToString() + " limit:" + s_MaxServicePoints.ToString(), exception);
                        throw exception;

            GlobalLog.Leave("ServicePointManager::FindServicePointHelper() servicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(servicePoint));
コード例 #20
        internal AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper()
            GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper::.ctor() Creating AppDomain: " + c_appDomainName);

            Exception exception = null;

            if (s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError == null && s_ProxyScriptHelperType == null)
                lock (s_ProxyScriptHelperLock)
                    if (s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError == null && s_ProxyScriptHelperType == null)
                        // Try to load the type late-bound out of Microsoft.JScript.
                            s_ProxyScriptHelperType = Type.GetType("System.Net.VsaWebProxyScript, Microsoft.JScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            exception = ex;

                        if (s_ProxyScriptHelperType == null)
                            s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError = exception == null ? new InternalException() : exception;

            if (s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError != null)
                throw new TypeLoadException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cannot_load_proxy_helper), s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError is InternalException ? null : s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError);


            exception = null;
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper::CreateInstance() Creating Object. type.Assembly.FullName: [" + s_ProxyScriptHelperType.Assembly.FullName + "] type.FullName: [" + s_ProxyScriptHelperType.FullName + "]");
                ObjectHandle handle = Activator.CreateInstance(scriptDomain, s_ProxyScriptHelperType.Assembly.FullName, s_ProxyScriptHelperType.FullName, false,
                                                               BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
                                                               null, null, null, null, null);
                if (handle != null)
                    site = (IWebProxyScript)handle.Unwrap();
                GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper::CreateInstance() Create script site:" + ValidationHelper.HashString(site));
            catch (Exception ex)
                exception = ex;
            if (site == null)
                lock (s_ProxyScriptHelperLock)
                    if (s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError == null)
                        s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError = exception == null ? new InternalException() : exception;
                throw new TypeLoadException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cannot_load_proxy_helper), s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError is InternalException ? null : s_ProxyScriptHelperLoadError);
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Thread for the timer.  Ignores all exceptions except ThreadAbort.  If no activity occurs for a while,
        /// the thread will shut down.</para>
        /// </summary>
        private static void ThreadProc()
            using (GlobalLog.SetThreadKind(ThreadKinds.System | ThreadKinds.Async)) {
            GlobalLog.Print("TimerThread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + "::ThreadProc() Start");

            // t_IsTimerThread = true; -- Not used anywhere.

            // Set this thread as a background thread.  On AppDomain/Process shutdown, the thread will just be killed.
            Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;

            // Keep a permanent lock on s_Queues.  This lets for example Shutdown() know when this thread isn't running.
            lock (s_Queues) {
                // If shutdown was recently called, abort here.
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_ThreadState, (int)TimerThreadState.Running, (int)TimerThreadState.Running) !=

                bool running = true;
                while (running)
                    try {

                        while (true)
                            // Copy all the new queues to the real queues.  Since only this thread modifies the real queues, it doesn't have to lock it.
                            if (s_NewQueues.Count > 0)
                                lock (s_NewQueues) {
                                    for (LinkedListNode <WeakReference> node = s_NewQueues.First; node != null; node = s_NewQueues.First)

                            int  now          = Environment.TickCount;
                            int  nextTick     = 0;
                            bool haveNextTick = false;
                            for (LinkedListNode <WeakReference> node = s_Queues.First; node != null; /* node = node.Next must be done in the body */)
                                TimerQueue queue = (TimerQueue)node.Value.Target;
                                if (queue == null)
                                    LinkedListNode <WeakReference> next = node.Next;
                                    node = next;

                                // Fire() will always return values that should be interpreted as later than 'now' (that is, even if 'now' is
                                // returned, it is 0x100000000 milliseconds in the future).  There's also a chance that Fire() will return a value
                                // intended as > 0x100000000 milliseconds from 'now'.  Either case will just cause an extra scan through the timers.
                                int nextTickInstance;
                                if (queue.Fire(out nextTickInstance) && (!haveNextTick || IsTickBetween(now, nextTick, nextTickInstance)))
                                    nextTick     = nextTickInstance;
                                    haveNextTick = true;

                                node = node.Next;

                            // Figure out how long to wait, taking into account how long the loop took.
                            // Add 15 ms to compensate for poor TickCount resolution (want to guarantee a firing).
                            int newNow       = Environment.TickCount;
                            int waitDuration = haveNextTick ?
                                               (int)(IsTickBetween(now, nextTick, newNow) ?
                                                     Math.Min(unchecked ((uint)(nextTick - newNow)), (uint)(Int32.MaxValue - c_TickCountResolution)) + c_TickCountResolution :
                                                     0) :

                            GlobalLog.Print("TimerThread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + "::ThreadProc() Waiting for " + waitDuration + "ms");
                            int waitResult = WaitHandle.WaitAny(s_ThreadEvents, waitDuration, false);

                            // 0 is s_ThreadShutdownEvent - die.
                            if (waitResult == 0)
                                GlobalLog.Print("TimerThread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + "::ThreadProc() Awoke, cause: Shutdown");
                                running = false;

                            GlobalLog.Print("TimerThread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + "::ThreadProc() Awoke, cause: " + (waitResult == WaitHandle.WaitTimeout ? "Timeout" : "Prod"));

                            // If we timed out with nothing to do, shut down.
                            if (waitResult == WaitHandle.WaitTimeout && !haveNextTick)
                                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_ThreadState, (int)TimerThreadState.Idle, (int)TimerThreadState.Running);
                                // There could have been one more prod between the wait and the exchange.  Check, and abort if necessary.
                                if (s_ThreadReadyEvent.WaitOne(0, false))
                                    if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_ThreadState, (int)TimerThreadState.Running, (int)TimerThreadState.Idle) ==

                                running = false;
                    catch (Exception exception) {
                        if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception))

                        if (Logging.On)
                            Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, "TimerThread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "::ThreadProc() - Exception:" + exception.ToString());
                        GlobalLog.Print("TimerThread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + "::ThreadProc() exception: " + exception);

                        // The only options are to continue processing and likely enter an error-loop,
                        // shut down timers for this AppDomain, or shut down the AppDomain.  Go with shutting
                        // down the AppDomain in debug, and going into a loop in retail, but try to make the
                        // loop somewhat slow.  Note that in retail, this can only be triggered by OutOfMemory or StackOverflow,
                        // or an thrown within TimerThread - the rest are caught in Fire().
#if !DEBUG

            GlobalLog.Print("TimerThread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + "::ThreadProc() Stop");
コード例 #22
 // Forward these to the site.
 internal string FindProxyForURL(string url, string host)
     GlobalLog.Print("AutoWebProxyScriptWrapper::FindProxyForURL() Calling JScript for url:" + url.ToString() + " host:" + host.ToString());
     return(site.Run(url, host));
コード例 #23
        internal CookieCollection CookieCutter(Uri uri, string headerName, string setCookieHeader, bool isThrow)
            GlobalLog.Print("CookieContainer#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CookieCutter() uri:" + uri + " headerName:" + headerName + " setCookieHeader:" + setCookieHeader + " isThrow:" + isThrow);
            CookieCollection cookies = new CookieCollection();
            CookieVariant    variant = CookieVariant.Unknown;

            if (headerName == null)
                variant = CookieVariant.Default;
                for (int i = 0; i < HeaderInfo.Length; ++i)
                    if ((String.Compare(headerName, HeaderInfo[i].Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0))
                        variant = HeaderInfo[i].Variant;
            bool isLocalDomain = IsLocalDomain(uri.Host);

            try {
                CookieParser parser = new CookieParser(setCookieHeader);
                    Cookie cookie = parser.Get();
                    GlobalLog.Print("CookieContainer#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::CookieCutter() CookieParser returned cookie:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(cookie));
                    if (cookie == null)
                        if (parser.EndofHeader())

                    //Parser marks invalid cookies this way
                    if (ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(cookie.Name))
                        if (isThrow)
                            throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_format));
                        //Otherwise, ignore (reject) cookie

                    // this will set the default values from the response URI
                    // AND will check for cookie validity
                    if (!cookie.VerifySetDefaults(variant, uri, isLocalDomain, m_fqdnMyDomain, true, isThrow))
                    // If many same cookies arrive we collapse them into just one, hence setting
                    // parameter isStrict = true below
                    cookies.InternalAdd(cookie, true);
                } while (true);
            catch (Exception e) {
                if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException)

                if (isThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString(SR.net_cookie_parse_header, uri.AbsoluteUri), e);

            foreach (Cookie c in cookies)
                Add(c, isThrow);

コード例 #24
ファイル: servicepoint.cs プロジェクト: SSCLI/sscli_20021101
        // methods

         *  FindConnectionGroup       -
         *  Searches for the a Group object that actually holds the connections
         *    that we want to peak at.
         *  Input:
         *          request                 - Request that's being submitted.
         *          connName                - Connection Name if needed
         *  Returns:
         *          ConnectionGroup
         * --*/

        internal ConnectionGroup FindConnectionGroup(string connName)
            string lookupStr = ConnectionGroup.MakeQueryStr(connName);

            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FindConnectionGroup() lookupStr:[" + ValidationHelper.ToString(connName) + "]");

            ConnectionGroup entry = m_ConnectionGroupList[lookupStr] as ConnectionGroup;

            if (entry == null)
                IPAddressInfo RemoteInfo    = GetCurrentIPAddressInfo();
                IPAddress     RemoteAddress = null;
                int           ConnLimit;

                if (RemoteInfo == null)
                    GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FindConnectionGroup() RemoteAddress:[(null)] m_UserChangedLimit:" + m_UserChangedLimit.ToString() + " m_ConnectionLimit:" + m_ConnectionLimit.ToString());

                    // If we don't have any information about the remote IP address,
                    // limit ourself to one connection until the address is resolved.
                    ConnLimit = 1; // ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit;
                    // if this is a user given number, then
                    // make sure to propagte this value
                    if (m_UserChangedLimit)
                        ConnLimit = m_ConnectionLimit;
                    RemoteAddress = RemoteInfo.Address;

                    if (!RemoteInfo.IsLoopback)
                        ConnLimit = m_ConnectionLimit;
                        ConnLimit = LoopbackConnectionLimit;

                    GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FindConnectionGroup() RemoteAddress:[" + RemoteAddress.ToString() + "] ConnLimit:" + ConnLimit.ToString() + " m_ConnectionLimit:" + m_ConnectionLimit.ToString());

                GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FindConnectionGroup() creating ConnectionGroup ConnLimit:" + ConnLimit.ToString());

                entry = new ConnectionGroup(this,

                GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FindConnectionGroup() adding ConnectionGroup lookupStr:[" + lookupStr + "]");

                m_ConnectionGroupList[lookupStr] = entry;
                GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FindConnectionGroup() using existing ConnectionGroup");

            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::FindConnectionGroup() ConnectionGroup.ConnLimit:" + entry.ConnectionLimit.ToString());

コード例 #25
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public override EndPoint Create(SocketAddress socketAddress)
            // validate SocketAddress
            if (socketAddress.Family != this.AddressFamily)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_InvalidAddressFamily, socketAddress.Family.ToString(), this.GetType().FullName, this.AddressFamily.ToString()), "socketAddress");
            if (socketAddress.Size < 8)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_InvalidSocketAddressSize, socketAddress.GetType().FullName, this.GetType().FullName), "socketAddress");

            if (this.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                // IPv6 Changes: Extract the IPv6 Address information from the socket address
                byte[] addr = new byte[IPAddress.IPv6AddressBytes];
                for (int i = 0; i < addr.Length; i++)
                    addr[i] = socketAddress[i + 8];
                // Port
                int port = (int)((socketAddress[2] << 8 & 0xFF00) | (socketAddress[3]));
                // Scope
                long scope = (long)((socketAddress[27] << 24) +
                                    (socketAddress[26] << 16) +
                                    (socketAddress[25] << 8) +

                IPEndPoint created = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(addr, scope), port);

                GlobalLog.Print("IPEndPoint::Create IPv6: " + this.ToString() + " -> " + created.ToString());

                // strip out of SocketAddress information on the EndPoint
                int port = (int)(
                    (socketAddress[2] << 8 & 0xFF00) |

                long address = (long)(
                    (socketAddress[4] & 0x000000FF) |
                    (socketAddress[5] << 8 & 0x0000FF00) |
                    (socketAddress[6] << 16 & 0x00FF0000) |
                    (socketAddress[7] << 24)
                    ) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;

                IPEndPoint created = new IPEndPoint(address, port);

                GlobalLog.Print("IPEndPoint::Create: " + this.ToString() + " -> " + created.ToString());

                // return it
コード例 #26
ファイル: servicepoint.cs プロジェクト: SSCLI/sscli_20021101
         *  SetAddressList - Set the list of IP addresses for this service point.
         *  This is a method called when the underlying code has resolved the
         *  destination to a list of IP addressess. We actually maintain some
         *  information about the viable IP addresses for this service point,
         *  like whether or not they're loopback, etc. So we walk through the
         *  list and set up an array of structures corresponding to the IP
         *  addresses.
         *  Note that it's possible to have some IP addresses be loopbacked
         *  and some not. This can happen if a server name maps to multiple
         *  physical servers and we're one of those servers.
         *  Input:
         *          addressList     - Array of resolved IP addresses.
         *  Returns: Nothing.
         * --*/
        private IPHostEntryInfo SetAddressList(IPHostEntry ipHostEntry)
            GlobalLog.Print("SetAddressList(" + ipHostEntry.HostName + ")");
            // Create an array of IPAddressInfo of the appropriate size, then
            // get a list of our local addresses. Walk through the input
            // address list. Copy each address in the address list into
            // our array, and if the address is a loopback address, mark it as
            // such.
            IPAddress[]     addressList = ipHostEntry.AddressList;
            IPAddressInfo[] TempInfo    = new IPAddressInfo[addressList.Length];

            // Walk through each member of the input list, copying it into our temp array.
            int         i, k;
            IPHostEntry ipLocalHostEntry = Dns.LocalHost;

            for (i = 0; i < addressList.Length; i++)
                TempInfo[i] = new IPAddressInfo(addressList[i]);

                // First, check to see if the current address is a  loopback
                // address.

                if (IPAddress.IsLoopback(TempInfo[i].Address))
                    TempInfo[i].IsLoopback = true;

                // See if the current IP address is a local address, and if
                // so mark it as such.

                for (k = 0; k < ipLocalHostEntry.AddressList.Length; k++)
                    if (TempInfo[i].Address.Address == ipLocalHostEntry.AddressList[k].Address)
                        TempInfo[i].IsLoopback = true;

            // now look for connection group objects that don't have
            // an IP address associated with them. When it finds one, it updates
            // the IP address and tries to update the connection limit.
            lock (this) {
                // Walk through the connection groups on this service
                // point, and update the ones we need to with an IP
                // address.

                IDictionaryEnumerator CGEnumerator;

                CGEnumerator = m_ConnectionGroupList.GetEnumerator();

                while (CGEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    ConnectionGroup CurrentCG = (ConnectionGroup)CGEnumerator.Value;

                    // If this connection group doesn't have an IP address
                    // assigned to it, give it one.

                    if (CurrentCG.RemoteIPAddress == null)
                        GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint::UpdateConnectionGroupAddresses null CurrentCG.RemoteIPAddress");

                        // Update the address.

                        CurrentCG.RemoteIPAddress = TempInfo[0].Address;

                        // Now update the connection limit based on what we know.

                        CurrentCG.InternalConnectionLimit = TempInfo[0].IsLoopback ? LoopbackConnectionLimit : m_ConnectionLimit;

                        GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint::UpdateConnectionGroupAddresses CurrentCG.InternalConnectionLimit:" + CurrentCG.InternalConnectionLimit.ToString());

                    GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint::UpdateConnectionGroupAddresses CurrentCG.RemoteIPAddress:" + CurrentCG.RemoteIPAddress.ToString());

            IPHostEntryInfo ipAddressInfoList = new IPHostEntryInfo(TempInfo, ipHostEntry.HostName);

コード例 #27
        public override void Close()
            if (m_Closed)
            m_Closed = true;

            // we need to flush ul in order to tell it that we have no more data
            // to send in the entity body, and if we're chunk-encoding we need to
            // send the trailer chunk

            if (m_SendChunked == true)
                // send the trailer

            int DataWritten = 0;

            int result =
                ComNetOS.IsWinNt ?

                    ref DataWritten,


                    ref DataWritten,

            GlobalLog.Print("UlSendHttpResponseEntityBody(0) DataWritten: " + Convert.ToString(DataWritten));

            // ignore return value???

            if (result != NativeMethods.ERROR_SUCCESS && result != NativeMethods.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                GlobalLog.Print("sync UlSendHttpResponseEntityBody(0) failed, err#" + Convert.ToString(result));

                // throw new InvalidOperationException( "UlSendHttpResponseEntityBody() failed, err#" + Convert.ToString( result ) );

        } // Close()
コード例 #28
ファイル: servicepoint.cs プロジェクト: SSCLI/sscli_20021101
        internal WebExceptionStatus ConnectSocket(Socket socket)
            // so, here we are: we have the EndPoint we need to connect to, all we
            // need to do is call into winsock and try to connect to this HTTP server.
            // this is how we do it:
            // we'll keep trying to Connect() until either:
            // (1) Connect() succeeds (on which we increment the number of connections opened) or
            // (2) we can't get any new address for this host.
            // (1) is pretty easy, here's how we do (2):
            // we decide that (2) is happening when, after a brand new DNS query,
            // all IPAddress fail to connect. to do so we keep count of how many
            // connections have been successfull to any of the addresses in the list
            // returned by DNS (if the host is an IPAddress we'll have a single address
            // in the list so if that fails the algorithm will still work).
            // when we're out of addresses we call again (or for the first time) into DNS.
            // on DNS failure, of course, we will error out.
            // otherwise, after getting the list of addresses, as a result of our DNS query,
            // we reset the number of connections opened
            // using the last DNS query to 0. after that we start using all addresses

            // we need this for the call to connect()
            // SECURITY:
            // Since we are doing WebRequest, we don't require SocketPermissions
            // (asserting them)
            new SocketPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();

            IPEndPoint    ipEndPoint;
            IPAddressInfo ipAddressInfo  = GetCurrentIPAddressInfo();
            bool          connectFailure = false;

            for (;;)
                if (ipAddressInfo != null)
                    try {
                        ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddressInfo.Address, m_Address.Port);
                        GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint::ConnectSocket() calling Connect() to:" + ipEndPoint.ToString());
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref m_ConnectionsSinceDns);
                    catch {
                        connectFailure = true;
                // on failure jump to the next available IPAddressInfo. if it's null
                // there has been a DNS failure or all connections failed.
                ipAddressInfo = GetNextIPAddressInfo();
                if (ipAddressInfo == null)
                    if (!connectFailure)

                        return(InternalProxyServicePoint ? WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure : WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure);

コード例 #29
 public HttpListenerException(int errorCode, string message) : base(errorCode, message)
     GlobalLog.Print("HttpListenerException::.ctor(int) " + NativeErrorCode.ToString() + ":" + Message);
コード例 #30
        private static bool Initialize()
            // on Win9x you have no PerfCounters
            // on NT4 PerfCounters are not writable
            if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x || ComNetOS.IsWinNt4)

            // this is an internal class, we need to update performance counters
            // on behalf of the user to log perf data on network activity
            // Consider V.Next: Change to declarative form (10x faster) but
            // PerformanceCounterPermission must be moved out of System.dll
            PerformanceCounterPermission perfCounterPermission = new PerformanceCounterPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);


            bool successStatus = false;

            try {
                // create the counters, this will check for the right permissions (false)
                // means the counter is not readonly (it's read/write) and cache them while
                // we're under the Assert(), which will be reverted in the finally below.
                GlobalConnectionsEstablished = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, ConnectionsEstablishedName, Global, false);

                // if I created the first counter succesfully, then I'll return
                // true. otherwise I'll return false, since none of the counters will
                // be created, hence non of them should be updated.
                successStatus = true;

                GlobalBytesReceived     = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, BytesReceivedName, Global, false);
                GlobalBytesSent         = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, BytesSentName, Global, false);
                GlobalDatagramsReceived = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, DatagramsReceivedName, Global, false);
                GlobalDatagramsSent     = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, DatagramsSentName, Global, false);
                ConnectionsEstablished  = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, ConnectionsEstablishedName, false);
                BytesReceived           = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, BytesReceivedName, false);
                BytesSent         = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, BytesSentName, false);
                DatagramsReceived = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, DatagramsReceivedName, false);
                DatagramsSent     = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, DatagramsSentName, false);
// jruiz: If you need to use this counters, you will have to change the files
// _NetworkingPerfCounters.ini
// _NetworkingPerfCounters.h
                GlobalHttpWebRequestCreated   = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, HttpWebRequestCreatedName, false);
                GlobalHttpWebRequestCollected = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, HttpWebRequestCollectedName, Global, false);
                HttpWebRequestCreated         = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, HttpWebRequestCreatedName, false);
                HttpWebRequestCollected       = new PerformanceCounter(CategoryName, HttpWebRequestCollectedName, Global, false);
            catch (Exception exception) {
                GlobalLog.Print("NetworkingPerfCounters::NetworkingPerfCounters() instantiation failure:" + exception.Message);
            finally {

            // we will return false if none of the counters was created. true
            // if at least the first one was, ignoring subsequent failures.
            // we don't expect the counters to fail individually, if the first
            // one fails we'd expect all of them to fails, if the first one
            // succeeds, wed' expect all of them to succeed.